the courage to serve

SPRING 2018 In this ISSUE SPRING 2018

FOURTEEN TAFT STUDENTS AND FACULTY TRAVELED TO JINOTEGA, NICARAGUA, during spring break for an annual service learning trip to offer tutoring and other educational services to underserved children. Led by faculty members Jeremy Clifford and Laura Monti ’89, the group worked with host organization Outreach 360. Academic Dean Clifford and Taft students are pictured 34 34 here during a lesson. To Serve PETER FREW '75 How three young alums are living out Non ut sibi in their daily lives in the military. By Bonnie Blackburn-Penhollow ’84

DEPARTMENTS 3 On Main Hall 4 Alumni Spotlight 48 14 Around the Pond A Groundbreaking Approach 28 Sports to Cancer Treatment 54 Tales of a Taftie: Dr. Will Polkinghorn ’95 is Composer William Mayer ’44 empowering patients to gain 56 Alumni Notes access to the best treatments. 95 Milestones By Neil Vigdor ’95 Photography by Gary Fong/Genesis Photos 28 48

Taft Bulletin / SPRING 2018 1 On Main Hall A WORD FROM HEADMASTER WILLY MACMULLEN ’78 SPRING 2018 Volume 88, Number 3 RETURNING AND SERVING EDITOR Linda Hedman Beyus Taft has a long history of visitors coming to school to give talks and meet with students, and it’s really special when

DIRECTOR OF MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS the visitor is a Taft graduate. This is a great tradition—one many great schools and colleges have—and I have a ON THE COVER Kaitlin Thomas Orfitelli briefcase filled with memories of graduates speaking in Bingham, taking part in class discussions, meeting with An F/A-18F Super Hornet aboard the aircraft groups of students, or performing in front of an audience. We shouldn’t think of these visits as ancillary or addi- carrier USS Enterprise. Read this issue’s ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS tional or supplemental. They are not. In fact, they are an essential part of a student’s educational experience, a vital feature about three recent Taft graduates Debra Meyers if often surprising broadening and deepening of the curriculum, and sometimes they become touchstone moments, now serving in the military. JASON AND BONNIE GROWER/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM PHOTOGRAPHY an experience a student never forgets and even returns to often in his or her days here, and perhaps even long after. Robert Falcetti And this was the case in a recent visit to Taft by federal judge Karen Stevenson, Class of 1975. I might start with the way I introduced her to the students in Bingham. Judge Stevenson, a former mem- ALUMNI NOTES EDITOR ber of the board of trustees, is all we could hope a Taft graduate might become. A cursory review of her bio is Hillary Dooley inspiring and humbling in equal measure: Stevenson was a cum laude student, athlete, and leader who attended DESIGN the University of North Carolina as a Morehead Scholar; was selected as the first African-American woman Good Design, LLC | www.gooddesignusa.com Rhodes Scholar and received her master in history at Oxford; she then received her J.D. with distinction from m Judge Karen Stevenson Stanford Law School and practiced commercial litigation for many years in Los Angeles; and in 2015 she was SEND ALUMNI TO ’75 responds to Taft Bulletin | Alumni Office appointed federal magistrate judge for the Central District of California. Her resume alone is breathtaking. students’ questions The Taft School And then there’s the simple amazing fact that someone this busy and with the heaviest responsibilities was during her visit to Taft 110 Woodbury Road, Watertown, CT 06795-2100 willing to fly cross-country to spend two days on campus—simply because she cared deeply about Taft. in March. [email protected] Stevenson’s schedule was packed, and at every turn she challenged and inspired. She met over dinner and breakfast with students of color, supporting and mentoring in a singular way. She gave an address in Bingham, DEADLINES FOR ALUMNI NOTES Summer–May 15 | Fall–August 30 | Winter–November 15 | Spring–February 15 sharing her journey to Taft, her work as a judge, and asking students to recognize that each of them no doubt found Taft and adolescence painful and lonely at times—and that they each needed to show compassion and “There’s the SEND ADDRESS CORRECTIONS TO caring for each other. When she finished, there was a standing ovation. She spent an hour in the faculty room, | Cathy Mancini Alumni Records listening and responding to questions from some 80 students and faculty. She attended several classes and led simple amazing The Taft School 110 Woodbury Road, Watertown, CT 06795-2100 discussions in AP Government, AP U.S. History, and lower mid Approaches to History: on the federal versus fact that [email protected] state jurisdictions, the judiciary, separation of powers, the role of the Supreme Court. She met with the school monitors after sit-down dinner, responding to questions about the ethical dilemmas and emotional loneliness someone this | 860-945-7777 WWW.TAFTALUMNI.COM of leadership and challenging them to think of ways they could leave a legacy that made Taft an even stronger, busy and with COMMENTS? TELL US! more inclusive place. She pushed and inspired students, faculty, and me. We’d love to hear what you think about the stories in this Bulletin. Think of what happened in Judge Stevenson’s visit. We were able to introduce an alumna of extraordinary the heaviest We may edit your letters for length, clarity, and content, but please write. accomplishment who reminded students of what they, too, might become. She offered a message that a great school responsibilities Linda Hedman Beyus, editor was one where every student could live out his or her full potential and one which aspired always to improvement. ONLINE Taft Bulletin Taft She mentored students, offered to provide future advice, and extended herself as part of the Taft network. She was willing Find a friend or past Bulletin: 110 Woodbury Road worked with students—in affinity groups, classes, and individually—to challenge them to think of what compas- taftalumni.com Watertown, CT 06795-2100 to fly cross- [email protected] sionate citizenship and ethical leadership looked like. She lived out our school motto by serving the school. Visit us on your phone: taftschool.org The Taft education of the whole student has a lot to do with the classroom. It always has and always will. country to What happened at today’s game? The Taft Bulletin (ISSN 0148-0855) is published quarterly, in February, May, August, and November, But that education also occurs in so many other ways, and visiting speakers—alumni and other—can deepen taftsports.com by The Taft School, 110 Woodbury Road, Watertown, CT 06795-2100, spend two days and is distributed free of charge to alumni, parents, grandparents, and friends of the school. and intensify learning. These moments are not extras, add-ons. They are carefully crafted and intentionally Shop online: taftstore.com All rights reserved. integrated into the broader educational goals of the school. For a lot of students, the first days after March on campus— facebook.com/thetaftschool break they will remember because a graduate who cared deeply about the school returned to campus and chal- simply because lenged and invigorated and inspired them. I like thinking that one day years from now, a graduate might be back twitter.com/taftschool on campus, and standing on the stage in Bingham about to give an address, say, “I’m here because in March of she cared deeply instagram.com/taftschool 2018, we had an amazing graduate visit the school. I’ve not forgotten that day.” j about Taft.” bit.ly/taftlinkedin

vimeo.com/taftschool Please recycle this Bulletin or share with a friend. Willy MacMullen ’78

2 Taft Bulletin / SPRING 2018 Taft Bulletin / SPRING 2018 3 Alumni SPOTLIGHT

books and they can’t get the job done. simplifying government. In addition goals. Their three-page statute would not They’re just complying with all these to releasing a second book, he founded only introduce a more productive process, rules that may or may not make sense.” Common Good, an organization focused but it could also create a million new jobs. This idea hadn’t received much atten- on building support for governmen- Through books, speeches, and exten- tion or been explored on a national level tal overhaul by educating the public. sive advising and advocacy work, Howard at the time, so when Howard drafted “The challenge is persuading the public is fighting to reestablish the American Alumni SPOTLIGHT a book proposal, was that you can’t fix this system. It’s not a people’s freedom. He explains why this eager to publish it. The book, The management problem, it’s a philosophy is so important in his 2010 TED Talk, Death of Common Sense (1995), became problem. You have to put humans in “Four Ways to Fix a Broken Legal System,” one of the bestsellers of the year. charge again,” explains Howard. Today, which has more than 625,000 views: “AMERICA NEEDS TO RADICALLY “Phil is a terrific recipient of the Common Good’s advisory board is “If teachers don’t have authority to simplify its operating system and give HDT Alumni Medal. His initial book comprised of some of the country’s well- run the classroom and maintain order, people—officials and citizens alike—the was one of the best non-fiction works known leaders, including John Danforth, everybody’s learning suffers,” says freedom to be practical,” writes author, I have ever read. His ideas have gained former U.S. senator and ambassador Howard in his talk. “If the judge doesn’t lawyer, and philanthropist Philip Howard in popularity of late on all sides of to the United Nations; Bill Bradley and have the authority to toss out unreason- ’66. “Rules can’t accomplish our goals. the political spectrum. I hope that Alan Simpson, former U.S. senators; Tom able claims, then all of us go through the Only humans can get things done.” in some small way our award invigo- Kean, former governor of New Jersey; and day looking over our shoulders. If the Getting things done is something rates and furthers his efforts to what I Richard Thornburgh, former U.S. attorney environmental agency can’t decide that Howard knows a lot about. He is the believe would be the great benefit of all general and governor of Pennsylvania. the power lines are good for the envi- founder of Common Good, a nonpartisan Americans,” notes Holcombe T. Green Howard and Common Good are work- ronment, then there’s no way to bring reform coalition that describes itself as III ’87, trustee and chair of the Horace ing on several reforms. Currently, they power from the wind farms to the city.… working to simplify government to put Dutton Taft Alumni Medal Committee. are the leading group advocating for more What the world needs now is to restore humans back in charge, cut mindless After the success of his first book, streamlined infrastructure practices that the authority to make common choices. red tape, and limit the bureaucracy that Howard continued to work toward still honor important environmental It’s the only way to get our freedom prevents progress in America. Howard back, and it’s the only way to release the is senior counsel at the energy and passion needed so that we law firm Covington & Burling. He has can meet the challenges of our time.” appeared on The Daily Show with Jon In addition to his philanthropic work Stewart and written four books as well as with Common Good, Howard is an active the introduction to former Vice President leader in New York City. He chaired the Al Gore’s Common Sense Government. committee that installed the “Tribute in Howard also advises politicians, works Light” memorial for victims of 9/11, and he with the White House, and regularly testi- serves as chair emeritus of the Municipal fies for Congress, which lies at the heart of Art Society, which led the battle to save his mission to create a more efficient and Grand Central Terminal. Throughout his effective government. In May, Howard will life, Howard says that Taft’s motto has be recognized for this impressive body of never been far from his mind. It taught work with The Horace Dutton Taft Alumni him to value service, and he hopes that Medal, Taft’s highest alumni honor. his work inspires others. “I want people Philip Howard ’66 After graduating from Taft, Howard to feel like they have much more owner- attended and the ship over their own choices and that they 2018 Horace Dutton Taft University of Virginia School of Law before can make a difference on many differ- Alumni Medal Honoree getting a job at a Wall Street law firm. ent levels in our society,” says Howard. It was during this time that he began to “Philip Howard has been guided contemplate the complexities of the gov- by Taft’s motto his entire life, and his ernment. “I began to wonder why it was labor, intellect, and vision are needed that my friends in government couldn’t today. His belief—that we all can make do what they thought made sense,” he a difference—is something every Taft says. “Why was government so clunky? I graduate might aspire to,” comments ended up having this epiphany that law Headmaster Willy MacMullen ’78. j can’t be precise. If you make law precise, —Hillary Dooley people spend their whole day in rule

4 Taft Bulletin / SPRING 2018 Taft Bulletin / SPRING 2018 5 Alumni SPOTLIGHT Alumni SPOTLIGHT

Coming to Teaching with a Worldview Michael B. Jordan (who starred in Creed) is cast to play the father, and the team was ADAM YONKERS ’89 says that making just finishing the writing process when a huge career change in his early 30s we spoke. “It’s all about the script right freed him from a deadening job to one now,” says Liu. “We’re just trying to make that instead feeds his soul. He went sure it’s great. From there we’ll shoot it.” from corporate communications—mar- When he started the project about four keting and public relations at a big and a half years ago, there were very clear corporate law firm—to teaching U.S. reasons to make the protagonist a woman history and foreign policy to high school- and a person of color, says Liu, who’s ers at Palo Alto Unified in California. been a member of the Directors Guild “I ended up working at a law firm, which of America’s Eastern Diversity Steering was soul-sucking,” he says. “Although Committee since 2009. Their goal is to marketing and public relations for brands Adam Yonkers in improve the employment opportuni- like Odwalla and Clif Bar was often great, the classroom. ties, working conditions, and the skills I was constantly being told I should be a of ethnically diverse guild members. teacher, which I thought would ultimately “I still stay involved,” he says. be more rewarding in the long term. The dual Irish-American citizen says connections with the very people enact- “More than ever, it’s important that “I realized in marketing it was all teaching history and foreign policy courses ing policies, such as Michael McFaul, the images we’re putting in the world dependent on the product,” he says. really connects to his interests in foreign President Obama’s ambassador to can be so powerful. I love Raising Dion “If I didn’t believe in the product… policy and U.S. history. He also lived Russia, who came and spoke with his because it presents a unique superhero it was really hard for me to get behind for four years in Benin in West Africa, students. “I love having guest speak- story from a different point of view. something I really didn’t believe in. So where his father, Charlie ’58, served ers,” Yonkers says. “It’s just amazing.” “I thought I might as well put some- I went into this career exploration.” as the Peace Corps director. These two Pedagogy fascinates him. His les- thing out there I feel good about, and Yonkers, who was coaching local bas- experiences fed his understanding of how son plans are often minimal to allow now the timing sort of struck a chord ketball teams, began applying to graduate America relates to the rest of the world. for student discussions, with only two when I put it out in the universe.” schools to earn a master’s degree in He teaches U.S. foreign policy and or so topics covered in a 90-minute A reporter at The Washington Post education, landing at Stanford’s Teacher history to 10th graders and an elec- period. With a lot of student classroom Director and writer saw the comic book series Liu created Education Program. After graduation, tive course for seniors. Yonkers says he presentations and healthy discussions, Dennis Liu ’02 and wrote something nice. Then someone he was hired by Palo Alto Unified. prefers not to be the “sage on a stage,” Yonkers believes his method helps stu- at Netflix saw it and thought it was “I spent one year teaching in middle where he lectures and students learn by dents understand the nuances of how pretty cool. school, and then I was hired at the rote, instead leading seminars where the the relates to the world. PARENTING IS HARD ENOUGH, A graduate of NYU’s Tisch School The series will likely have several direc- high school, which was the goal,” he says. students discuss themes based on events Yonkers and his wife, Suzanne, but raising a son with magical powers for the Arts, Liu has spent much of the tors, but Liu will direct at least one episode “Education, it’s relationships between affecting the country today, such as have three children: Connor, 7, Sue, would have a unique set of challenges, past 10 years directing commercials and help produce it. For now though, he people, between ideas and history. immigration and the war in Afghanistan. 5, and Jack, 2. He is looking to teach especially for a single mom. That’s and music videos for artists such as enjoys being part of the writers’ room. All these things are fundamentally A bonus of teaching at Palo Alto is in Europe in 2019–20, so that his the premise of an upcoming Netflix Sara Bareilles, Mariah Carey, Justin “This is a pretty big shot I’m getting interesting to me.” that parents of his students often have children have the opportunity to expe- series created by Dennis Liu ’02. Timberlake, Diane Birch, and Sia here,” Liu says, “so I hope it works!” rience life internationally outside Netflix has ordered a 10-episode through the company RadicalMedia. “If it weren’t for my Taft friends and the United States as he once did. series of the sci-fi family drama called “I love directing music videos,” he says. faculty who were in my first movies, “I would like to give my kids Raising Dion, based on Liu’s short film “I’ve met some really cool artists that way, I’d never be where I am today. I can’t an experience that would perhaps and comic book of the same name. but I’ve been trying for many years to get believe how lucky I am. It’s kinda nuts,” change their worldview,” he says. j “I’m excited about it,” says Liu. “The into narrative, to do movies and television. Liu says. “But I also want to use this j cool thing is that the parent, Nicole, has “Honestly, it was such a nice surprise,” project to say something important.” —Bonnie Blackburn-Penhollow ’84 no powers, but her kid does. She’s trying he adds. “I’d tried to take [the series pro- to raise her son under extraordinary cir- posal] around town at the time, before —Julie Reiff cumstance. The usual superhero trope is the whole “Oscars So White” incident, b History/government teacher Adam Yonkers that the parents die. But this is from the but I think of late people are finally View the short written and directed by ’89 (in rolled-up shirt sleeves) with his Palo parent’s POV. For me, she is the protago- seeing there needs to be representa- Dennis Liu, read the comic book, or follow Alto High School foreign affairs class when nist, even though Dion has the power.” tion of women and people of color.” the series’ progress at www.dennis-liu.com. renowned historian Francis Fukuyama of Stanford University visited the class.

6 Taft Bulletin / SPRING 2018 Taft Bulletin / SPRING 2018 7 Alumni SPOTLIGHT Alumni SPOTLIGHT

Fashion into the Future

VANESSA LEFEBVRE ROBINSON ’95 and numbers behind retail and not with fit and price preferences. After that grew up working in her mother’s cloth- just the pretty products,” she says. an AI-powered computer suggests five ing store in Litchfield, Connecticut, “Trends are always changing, customer pieces to a stylist, who then confirms but when she started college at UPenn, behavior is always changing, the economy the choices and processes the shipment. she planned to follow a pre-med track. is always changing, and retail is really the Items start at $28 and go up to around Fast-forward nearly two decades, and intersection between all of those different $600, with designer brands like Rag Robinson is leading the women’s mer- factors, and that’s the part that I really & Bone at the top. A typical men’s box chandising team at Stitch Fix, one of the enjoy,” Robinson says. “I love the idea that might contain two button-down shirts most successful and exciting fashion/ no matter how good your business is, it and a pair each of pants, shoes, and socks. technology companies in the world. could change at a moment’s notice, and Whatever the client doesn’t want, they Robinson’s choice to embark on you really need to always have your eyes simply return in a postage-paid bag. a retail career wasn’t planned. After and ears open to what that change is.” The San Francisco-based, publicly working three jobs at once during her Robinson’s openness to change traded company has revenues of more than college years, she decided to take some prompted her to take a job at TJX, which $1 billion and employs about 5,800 people. time off from the grind—a respite owns TJ Maxx and Marshalls, after 11 Robinson believes it’s the future, and judg-

b Stitch Fix uses stylists and algorithms to find the best five items to send clients; pictured is one such fix.

b Clients receive their clothing selections in a beautiful box.

that would not have been possible if years at Lord & Taylor. After two years ing by its inclusion on LinkedIn’s list of she’d applied to medical schools. A year there, she moved to Daffy’s and then the top start-ups, others seem to agree. off, she told herself, would give her Macy’s before joining Stitch Fix last May. “People are expecting personalization,” some time to decide her next steps. Like TJX, Stitch Fix is “a disruptor she says. “You take for granted that when Robinson ended up in retail—some- in the retail industry,” says Robinson, you open Instagram or Facebook or even thing she thought she’d enjoy for a year who adds that “it’s really impor- Google, it’s customized for you. Stitch Fix and would allow her to earn money. She tant as a retailer to make sure you’re is taking that to the next step and person- never expected she would stay in the always abreast of changing consumer alizing the shopping experience for you.” Vanessa LeFebvre industry, let alone end up in a major role behavior and evolving in your way And while Robinson didn’t end up with Robinson ’95 goes at such a high-profile fashion innovator. of thinking about the customer.” a medical degree, she says her background over a product review After UPenn, Robinson worked as Stitch Fix does that by using arti- in science has been immensely helpful with one of Stitch Fix’s directors, who an assistant buyer at Lord & Taylor, ficial intelligence and data science to in relating to the way Stitch Fix’s data shows product that is which she chose because “it was one recommend clothes to its clientele of scientists approach their role. “I guess all currently popular that of the few companies that still had men, women, and children. When new things happen for a reason,” she says. j the team will rebuy for buying and planning together, so it customers sign up online for the service, future fixes. —Sam Dangremond ’05 would allow me to work with the math they’re prompted to fill out a “Style Quiz”

8 Taft Bulletin / SPRING 2018 Alumni SPOTLIGHT Alumni SPOTLIGHT

j Tom Losee ’84 sets out for a stand-up paddle as part of a training program that combines it with running.

But “work” is the wrong word to Losee explains of the workout, which describe how Losee spends his days. typically involves a one-mile group run While spearheading RUN/SUP is followed by an interval-style workout indeed his career, the business is a on the stand-up paddleboards, includ- by-product of his passion, created ing bodyweight squats, push-ups, and through his entrepreneurial spirit. core exercises. The entire program Losee, who claims he “caught the entre- is finished in less than an hour.

preneurial bug at a young age,” got Born and bred in Long Island, New m Tom Losee with his daughter, Ella ’20. his start in the paddleboard industry York, Losee grew up loving the water and when he cofounded YOLO (You Only was a natural athlete from a young age. and your board, and you can take the Live Once), a line of paddleboards, in “It was actually at Taft that I first RUN/SUP experience with you. I like 2007 with his friend Jeff Archer. started running,” he recalls. “There was the natural simplicity of it.” Over the past few years, Losee has a legendary Latin teacher named Donald As the program gains popularity, A Workout That stepped away from the day-to-day opera- Oscarson ’47 (known as ‘Oscie’), who RUN/SUP is becoming more than just a tions of YOLO to focus on RUN/SUP. was dean of students for two decades. He workout; it’s evolving into a true fitness Takes You “I started RUN/SUP because I would had a training program called Jumpers, and lifestyle brand. The company has a consistently find myself torn between kind of like Crossfit, that athletes did to small retail store that carries gear and choosing to run or stand-up paddle for stay in shape between seasons, and we activewear, and RUN/SUP now offers Somewhere my workout,” Losee explains. “With this had to run a lot. I like to pay homage to retreats, training certification programs, program, I’ve married my two loves.” that when I think about the role running COMBINE RUNNING AND STAND-UP PADDLEBOARDING kids’ classes, and a variety of race events. Running and stand-up paddleboard- has played in my life and in my work.” AND WHAT DO YOU GET? RUN/SUP®, outdoor sports “The races aren’t anything too crazy, ing are extremely popular in the scenic RUN/SUP’s tagline is simple but entrepreneur Tom Losee’s increasingly popular training but they’re very popular,” Losee says. Panhandle area. In addition to provid- impactful: Let your workout take you program that fuses his two favorite recreational fitness “Typically it’s a mile run followed by ing great exercise, both activities offer somewhere. Part of the beauty of the pro- activities. For more than 10 years, Losee ’84 has worked in a mile paddle. They’re a lot of fun.” breathtaking views of the region’s pris- gram is the idea that it can truly be done the stand-up paddleboard business in South Walton, Florida, What’s next for stand-up paddle- tine coastal dune lakes, lush green acres, anywhere there’s a body of water, and par- a beautiful region on the state’s northwestern Gulf Coast. boarding? Losee, whose daughter, and, of course, majestic blue ocean. ticipants are never in the exact same spot Ella ’20, is a Taft middler, would RUN/SUP is ideal for fitness enthu- twice. RUN/SUP uses and sells its own love to see SUP become an intermu- siasts of all levels, including beginners. line of inflatable paddleboards, which are ral at his alma mater someday. Losee offers RUN/SUP programs at just as durable as non-inflatable boards. “I just want people to get out and the Boathouse Paddle Club at the “The beauty of inflatables is that try SUP and enjoy it,” he says. “At the WaterColor Inn on Western Lake, includ- they come in their own travel bag,” end of the day, that’s my goal.” j ing classes in SUP Yoga and TRX. Losee says. “We went to Patagonia “It’s a great way to cross-train,” recently. All you need are your sneakers —Carola Lovering ’07

10 Taft Bulletin / SPRING 2018 Taft Bulletin / SPRING 2018 11 IN Print

THE AGE OF EISENHOWER: Hitchcock is a professor of history not about the million-dollar arm any- by insecure attachment pave the way analysis of it and Damascus’s other promi- first novel is about that one person AMERICA AND THE WORLD at the University of Virginia and the more. It’s about the million-dollar brain. toward life in a largely lossless society. nent Sephardic mansions Matkab Anbar, who still haunts you—the wrong IN THE 1950S Randolph Compton Professor at the Schonbrun is a journalist who writes Leonhardt holds an M.S. in struc- Bayt Dahdah, Bayt Stambouli, and Bayt one, the one you couldn’t let go Simon & Schuster Miller Center for Public Affairs. He regularly for The New York Times, cover- tural geology and an M.A. in counseling Lisbona. The Hebrew poetic inscriptions of, the one you’ll never forget. William I. Hitchcock ’82 also is the author of The Bitter Road ing sports and business. His work has psychology, and he has worked in the in these residences reveal how the Farhis Lucy Albright is far from her Long to Freedom: The Human Cost of Allied also appeared in ESPN the Magazine, SB petroleum exploration and mental health and other leading Sephardic families per- Island upbringing when she arrives on In a 2017 survey, presidential histori- Victory in World War II Europe, which Nation Longform, VICE, Newsday, The fields. Currently he is executive direc- ceived themselves and how they presented the campus of her small California col- ans ranked Dwight D. Eisenhower fifth was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize. Washington Post, and Yahoo! Sports, tor of his family’s private foundation, themselves to their own and lege, happy to be hundreds of miles on the list of great presidents, behind among other publications and online sites. The Frederick H. Leonhardt Foundation. other Damascenes. A history of the Farhis from her mother, whom she’s never the top four: Abraham Lincoln, George He writes a blog titled Bowlby Less and the Jews of Damascus provides the forgiven for an act of betrayal in her Washington, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and THE PERFORMANCE CORTEX: Traveled (bltblog.fhlfoundation.org). context for these houses, along with the early teen years. Quickly grasping at Theodore Roosevelt. Historian William HOW NEUROSCIENCE IS A QUESTION OF ATTACHMENT: architectural development of the monu- her fresh start, she embraces college Hitchcock shows that this high ranking REDEFINING ATHLETIC GENIUS TOWARD A LOSSLESS SOCIETY mental Damascene courtyard house. life and all it offers—new friends, wild is justified. Eisenhower’s accomplish- Dutton Kindle Direct Publishing BAYT FARHI AND THE SEPHARDIC Lavishly illustrated with extensive parties, stimulating classes. And then ments were enormous. A former general, Zach Schonbrun ’05 Frederick H. Leonhardt ’74 PALACES OF OTTOMAN DAMASCUS color photographs, plans, and recon- she meets Stephen DeMarco. Charming. Ike kept the peace: he ended the Korean IN THE LATE 18TH AND 19TH struction drawings, the book brings to Attractive. Complicated. Devastating. War, avoided a war in Vietnam, adroitly Why do good quarterbacks always seem Pulling from his background in geology, CENTURIES life the home environment of the lost Confident and cocksure, Stephen managed a potential confrontation with to know where their receivers are? Why counseling psychology, and philanthropy, American Schools of Oriental elite Sephardic community of Ottoman sees something in Lucy that no one else China, and soothed relations with the can’t modern robotics come close to rep- Frederick Leonhardt organizes the infor- Research/Manar al-Athar Damascus. It will be an essential resource has, and she’s quickly seduced by this Soviet Union after Stalin’s death. He licating the dexterity of a 5-year-old? mation he presents and the stories he Elizabeth for those studying the architecture, vision of herself. Meanwhile, Stephen guided the Republican Party to embrace In this deeply researched book, sports tells around the singular question he sees Macaulay-Lewis ’98 history, and culture of Syria and the is determined to forget an incident central aspects of the New Deal like Social and business reporter Zach Schonbrun posed by patterns of insecure attachment Ottoman Empire. Copublished with buried in his past that, if exposed, Security. He thwarted the demagoguery explores what drives human move- within U.S. society: How do I bring to One of the largest and most important Manar al-Athar, University of Oxford. could ruin him. And their addicting of McCarthy and advanced the agenda ment and its spectacular potential. The myself a sense of connection, even inti- palatial houses of late 18th- and early Elizabeth Macaulay-Lewis is entanglement will have consequences of civil rights for African-Americans. groundbreaking work of two neurosci- macy, while at the same time distancing 19th-century Damascus belonged to the assistant professor and the acting they never could have imagined. As part of his strategy to wage entists in Major League Baseball is only myself from the pain and heartbreak that Farhi family, who served as financial executive officer of the M.A. Program Alternating between Lucy’s and and win the Cold War, Eisenhower the beginning. Schonbrun traces the connection and intimacy inevitably bring? administrators to successive Ottoman in Liberal Studies at The Graduate Stephen’s voices, Tell Me Lies fol- expanded American military power, fascinating history of motor research He looks at number of social and cul- governors in Damascus and Acre. The con- Center, City University of New York. lows their connection through college built a fearsome nuclear arsenal, and and details how new investigations tural trends that he considers as answers version of Bayt Farhi to a hotel provided and post-college life in New York launched the space race—all in order to into the brain are helping explain the to the question asked by insecure attach- a unique opportunity to make a detailed City. Lovering’s novel chronicles the keep global peace, he said. But he also extraordinary skills of talented per- ment: the march of postmodernism, examination of its architecture, which is TELL ME LIES exhilaration and dilemmas of young admonished citizens to remain alert formers like Stephen Curry, Tom Brady, a desire to turn kids into adults, and a comparable to that of affluent Christians Simon & Schuster adulthood, and the difficulty of letting to the potentially harmful influence Serena Williams, and Lionel Messi, as wish to become machine-based enti- and Muslims and decorated with high- Carola Lovering ’07 go, even when you know you should. of the “military-industrial complex.” well as musical virtuosos, dancers, rock ties (i.e., to become posthuman) chief quality materials in the latest styles. Lovering’s work has appeared in Hitchcock’s book draws exten- climbers, race-car drivers, and more. among them. In contrast, early safe Bayt Farhi’s outstanding architec- A thrilling, sexy, coming-of-age story W Magazine, National Geographic, sively on declassified material from Whether it is timing a 95-mph fastball and secure attachment relationships ture and decoration is documented and exploring toxic love, ruthless ambition, Outside, and Yoga Journal, among the Eisenhower Library, the CIA, and or reaching for a coffee mug, movement establish the foundation upon which presented in this first comprehensive and shocking betrayal, Carola Lovering’s other publications. j the Defense Department, and unpub- requires extraordinary computation that rest robust executive function skills, lished documents. The author shows many take for granted—until now. The such as empathy, appropriately focusing how he shaped modern America and Performance Cortex ushers in a new way attention, perspective taking, and valu- If you would like your work added to the Hulbert Taft Library’s Alumni Authors Collection and why he is rightly regarded as one of the of thinking about the athletic gifts we ing the future. Leonhardt argues that considered for this column, please email the editor ([email protected]) and mail a copy to: best leaders the U.S. has ever had. strain to see in our cavernous arenas. It’s manifold answers to the question asked Taft Bulletin | The Taft School | 110 Woodbury Road | Watertown, CT 06795-2100

12 Taft Bulletin / SPRING 2018 Taft Bulletin / SPRING 2018 13 Around the POND

For more information, visit At the college level, dancers have col- www.taftschool.org/news laborated with practitioners and students enrolled in humanities and social service programs—like women’s history, psychol- ogy, and anthropology—in conducting research and building content. At Taft, dancers collaborated with students in Johanna Valdez’s English department elec- POND tive, Sexual Politics in the 21st Century. AroundBY DEBRA MEYERS the “My senior elective starts from the premise of teaching kids about inter- sectionality,” says Valdez. “We discuss identity, sexuality, and gender within our texts, but also expand to ourselves and our world. Working with Nathan, we asked questions through a lens of inter- rogating the ‘me, myself, and I’ along with

—continued on next page

Nathan Trice is the artistic director and founder of nathantrice/RITUALS, a Nathan Trice and project-by-project theatrical Learn how to his theatrical dance dance company based in use the Layar company staged both Brooklyn, New York. He Scan this interactive Morning Meeting page to watch brought his talent and app on page 2. and Music for a experience to a unique Trice work While Concert Series residency program at Taft. with students and performances. to see one of the culminating works.


WHEN DANCER and choreographer companies to Taft for limited residencies, The mission of the project is to “create to bring those stories to the stage.” Nathan Trice established his theatri- including Trice, a highly regarded dancer, artistic/educational work that addresses The “research” process begins with cal dance company in 1998, his vision choreographer, and artistic director. various social, political, cultural contribu- Trice challenging students to think included the creation of a “unique visual, “When Nathan began talking about the tions, as well as emotional, psychological, about themselves within the context of audio, sensory, theatrical movement lan- work he was doing with college students, it and spiritual experiences of women.” It societal expectations, norms, and percep- guage.” For nearly six months, Trice spoke really sparked my interest,” says Surber. “I is designed to shed light and provoke tions. Whiteboards, flip charts, and open that language at Taft, guiding students thought, Wait a minute, our students can thought, and to drive self-discovery. conversation in the dance studio plant though a process of self-exploration that do this kind of work and really enjoy it.” “Overall, the Recognizing Women seeds for ongoing self-reflection through culminated with extraordinarily personal The work done at Taft is a very small Project focuses on creating work that new understandings and perspectives. performances on the Bingham stage. part of a much larger initiative devel- speaks to the unique contributions and “I ask students, ‘What is self- The depth and breadth of Taft’s dance oped by Trice in 2001. The Recognizing experiences of women,” Trice explains. objectification? What does it feel like to program has grown markedly during Women Project bridges the gap between “We do that by having the dancers be objectified? Do you think you have dance teacher Sarah Surber’s six-year art and academia through collaborative research their own lives to develop deeper ever been objectified? What is that like?’” tenure. Surber is a former professional interdisciplinary research initiatives personal understanding and pen very explains Trice. “Students were not only Trice worked with students in Sarah Surber’s dance classes during his residency. The Paley Studio walls were also with dancer with deep roots and connections between the company, high school stu- personal narratives. Each year there are asked to reflect on those topics outside of filled with notes for his Recognizing Women Project, developed in the national arts community. She dents, professional female dancers, and new dancers involved with the project, class, but to interview their friends and through work done by students in Johanna Valdez’s English has used those connections to bring an students enrolled in university social each with their own story. I have a broad classmates to learn about their experi- department elective, Sexual Politics in the 21st Century. eclectic and impressive roster of dance sciences and humanities departments. choreographic framework that I adapt ences, then unpack that for themselves.”

14 Taft Bulletin / SPRING 2018 Taft Bulletin / SPRING 2018 15 Around the POND Around the POND

—continued from previous page Adds Trice, “There is a way to sort of The content developed by and with Advanced Dance class. The piece was the how to connect our movements and our understand how to connect words, feel- listen to the students’ stories and peel Valdez’s students informed the work culmination of months of emotional and feelings around that research, and the ing, and movement for the first time.” ideas about self-objectification. We had them back a bit more. In doing so, I can being done by Surber’s Advanced Dance physical self-exploration and discovery. things we discovered about ourselves.” And in making that connection, Snow’s a thoughtful discussion about identity, begin to see how they intersect—how students in the studio, and punctuated “Early in the school year Nathan Snow and her peers literally wrote dancing was elevated, and forever changed. agency, self, and community. The students maybe your story and my story can points in the overall narrative shaped showed us some base phrases just to get their stories—pen to paper verbal records “My movements have become more started to understand the possibilities, intersect and tell maybe a societal story. during Trice’s residency at Taft. That a feel for his movements and his move- of thoughts, feelings, and discoveries. fluid,” says Snow. “There is more inten- not just the academic achievement, that I wanted students to take a step back, narrative was the heart and soul of a ment language,” explains dancer Haylee Bits of those stories were verbally articu- tion behind each movement and more open up when they integrate the skills look at their own lives and say, Who am I? 10-minute theatrical movement piece per- Snow ’19. “In the months that followed, lated during the dance performances. meaning behind each phrase.” j they learn in class to who they are as a How did I become this person, and where formed at both the Taft Dance Ensemble we had a lot of really important discus- “I have never spoken in a dance To learn more about Nathan Trice, the people. Nathan’s energy and expertise do I want to go from there? It is about Winter Concert and a special Music for sions about how we view our own bodies before,” says Snow. “Dance, to me, Recognizing Women Project, and his to speak with young people and pull taking some control, understanding that a While concert series performance by and how other people view us, about has always been a form a communica- company, nathantrice/RITUALS, A Project- out these often personal and challeng- you have some agency, some autonomy Trice’s dance company. I, The Object In how our identities may change in dif- tion. But it was not until I worked by-Project Dance Theater Company, visit ing parts of themselves was inspiring.” in this, and some responsibility in this.” My Eye, featured six students from the ferent contexts. Over time, we learned with Nathan that I actually came to www.nathantricerituals.com.

for people to donate their hair to make of students willing to shave their heads rely on Medicaid, Jamela among them. wigs for cancer patients, which would or donate their locks. Peter spoke to his “It was and incredible experience,” says make the event completely inclusive with peers during an assembly, sharing a story Peter, “and meeting Jamela and spending opportunities for both boys and girls, that was both personal and powerful. time with her family was quite meaning- thereby allowing us to help more people.” Peter worked as an intern in the govern- ful. I was planning on shaving my head in Rachel researched three different ment relations department of Chicago’s her honor, then she passed away. It was organizations and decided on Pantene Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital only three days before the St. Baldrick’s Beautiful Lengths. last summer. One of his projects involved event at Taft. It made me feel even more “At 8 inches, Pantene Beautiful planning a trip to Washington, D.C., for a strongly that I was doing something good Lengths required the least amount of hair young patient and her family. Peter accom- and important for her and her family.” for each donation,” explains Rachel. “That panied 6-year-old Jamela, her mom, and her Sharing that story, Peter believes,

c Brothers Henry ’20 and Peter ’18 Horne smaller requirement made the opportu- two brothers to the nation’s capital, where inspired more Taft students to get involved. brought their longtime connection to nity available to more girls on campus.” they met with congressmen and women, “Talking about a friend—a 6-year-old the St. Baldrick’s Foundation to the Pantene Beautiful Lengths is senators, and officials with the Children’s child who had cancer—made it more Taft community in February. the largest national movement and Hospital Association. They spent a day tangible and emotional,” says Peter. “I More than a dozen Rhinos shaved their first campaign to create free, real- on Capitol Hill lobbying against cuts to think people began to recognize the heads on one February afternoon, an hair wigs for women with cancer. Medicaid. About 30 million children nation- significance and impact such a simple Event organizers, from left, Peter Horne ’18, Henry Horne ’20, and initiative that raised more then $6,000 “They have a great reputation and ally and 1.5 million children in Illinois act could have on a child’s life.” j Rachel Lau ’19 all gave up their locks to benefit the St. Baldrick’s for the St. Baldrick’s Foundation. seemed the most genuine of all the orga- Foundation and the Pantene Beautiful Lengths initiative. “I wanted to get the Taft community nizations we considered,” adds board Though saintly in its mission, St. Baldrick’s has no ecclesiastical ties. St. Baldrick is a portmanteau, marrying bald, shaven heads with St. Patrick’s Day revelry. The idea was born in as excited about St. Baldrick’s as Peter member Megan Sng ’19. “We really liked 1999 with three New York businessmen looking for a way to share their good fortune. It came to and I have been,” explains Henry. “Mrs. what they do with the donations.” fruition the following year at a St. Patrick’s Day party at a pub in Manhattan. The first-year goal Horne Family Values: Frew suggested getting the Community With Henry leading the charge on of shaving 17 heads and raising $17,000 turned into 19 bald heads and $104,000 donated to fund the research of the Children’s Oncology Group. Since their incorporation as an independent Service Board involved. It was great fundraising (he raised more than half of Shaping Our Community foundation in 2005, St. Baldrick’s has raised more than $234 million for research into curing to work with them—we were able to the total donations himself), Peter—who childhood cancers. Learn more at stbaldricks.org. THE FIRST TIME PETER HORNE ’18 dedicated to funding promising research raise a good deal more money working is co-head mon and a member of the shaved his head was in fifth grade, at into cures for childhood cancers. together than I could have on my own.” Community Service Board—worked to the urging of his humanities teacher. “I just thought it was a cool idea,” Working with the Community build interest and understanding in the “He was involved with the St. says Peter. “Being able to do something Service Board also brought an additional community, while growing the roster Baldrick’s Foundation,” Peter says, “and so small that makes such a big impact component to the service initiative. c Rachel Lau ’19 with her Pantene Beautiful encouraged our class get involved, too.” on so many people seemed very impor- “St. Baldrick’s is such a wonderful Lengths donation, which will be used to Thirty students joined their teacher tant to me, even as a fifth grader.” cause,” says Community Service Board make a wig for a woman battling cancer. in shaving their heads that year, and in Peter shaved his head again in middle member Rachel Lau ’19. “I was excited to c securing sponsorship dollars to do so. All school; brother Henry ’20 soon joined bring the event to Taft, but didn’t think Far right: Spanish teacher and Mid Class Dean Phillip Koshi, known for his uniquely of the proceeds went to St. Baldrick’s, a the cause. This year, Henry introduced a lot of girls would want to shave their stylish coif, agreed to shave his head if volunteer- and donor-powered charity St. Baldrick’s to the Taft community: heads. I had heard about opportunities fundraising reached the $2,000 mark.

16 Taft Bulletin / SPRING 2018 Taft Bulletin / SPRING 2018 17 Around the POND Around the POND

Non ut Sibi: Serving Those Who Serve Website Continues to Wow!

THE COUNCIL FOR ADVANCEMENT universities, primary and secondary and Support of Education (CASE) rec- independent and international schools, ognized the Taft School website with and nonprofit organizations in more a gold Circle of Excellence Award. The than 82 countries across the globe. site earned top honors in the Marketing The Arts microsite, housed within Communications/Website category in the Taft School website, also took the 2018 District I Circle of Excellence home top design honors, earning gold Awards competition. Awards were pre- in the inspirED School Marketers sented at the CASE Conference in Boston 2017 Brilliance Awards competition. in March. ’s Shipley InspirED is an online professional Prostate Cancer Research Center took development resource and com- silver in the same category, with the munity for PK-12 private school MIT Chemical Engineering Department marketing and communications admin- rounding out the field with bronze. istrators in the U.S. and abroad. j CASE is a professional association serving educational institutions and the advancement professionals who work on their behalf in alumni relations, communications, development, market- ing, and allied areas. Its membership includes more than 3,670 colleges and

DAN CALORE WORKS WITH PERFORMANCE ENGINEERING students in Taft’s new Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) TAFT’S RED RHINO FUND AWARDED arts. Along the way, they gain solid per- that an organization is best evaluated Laboratory. The lab consists of a technologically and ergonomically progressive classroom; a project-based, mechanical-build workspace with four nonprofit organizations grants spectives on both the mechanics and through actual site visits,” says Douglas. advanced safety features; and a technology laboratory with, Calore says, high-tech additive and reductive engineering tools. totaling $7,135 earlier this year, the importance of philanthropic work. “We wanted to be able to observe the culmination of a months-long process “Our group is successful due to the educational impact on the lives of the designed to support groups work- culmination of many students working youth in the Greater Waterbury area.” ing to impact the lives of children in hard and in unison,” Red Rhino Fund In making their awards, the Red the Greater Waterbury community. Board President Hanna Murphy ’18 Rhino Fund board considers things like Percussionists from Bravo Waterbury!, explains. “Serving on the board has the breadth of an organization’s reach an organization that received grant dol- not only given each of us the opportu- and how it plans to spend the grant dol- lars from the Red Rhino Fund last year, nity to experience philanthropic work, lars. They extend their own reach by performed in Bingham Auditorium it has also allowed us to see how our adhering to a policy that prevents any during the awards ceremony. hard work helps other students.” organization from receiving a fund grant Founded in 2007, the Red Rhino In September, the board set a budget in two consecutive years. The 2018 grant Fund is an endowed charitable fund run for the academic year, which included winners are the United Way of Greater this year by an eight-member student grants and marketing costs on one Waterbury, offering a broad range of board with two faculty advisors. At its side, and income generated through philanthropic services across the region; core, the fund’s mission is an exten- events like Denim Day, an annual bad- the St. Vincent DePaul Mission, work- sion of the school motto, Not to be minton tournament, and the Spring ing to make a positive difference in served, but to serve. The board works Fling on the other. Grants Committee the lives of the homeless, hungry, and to create positive change in the Greater Chair Raveeno Douglas ’18 led the ini- mentally ill; Save Girls on F.Y.R.E., Inc., Waterbury community for children, tiative to identify and evaluate grant enhancing the lives of girls and young especially those who are underprivi- recipients, largely through site visits. women who live in underserved com- leged, by awarding monetary grants “Though the work of the majority of munities; and Reach Out And Read, and promoting local organizations in not-for-profit organizations is consis- Inc., working to close achievement gaps support of education, literacy, and the tent with their specific missions, we find through early literacy interventions. j

18 Taft Bulletin / SPRING 2018 Around the POND

HEADMASTER WILLY MACMULLEN ’78 REFERS TO THE ANNUAL LOWER MID MACBETH RECITATION CONTEST as “the best night of the year,” and for Ivy Zhuang ’21, it may have been just that. Ivy placed first in the 2018 competition for her delivery of Lady Macbeth’s Act I, Scene V plea to THE BOLD, the spirits. VIBRANT PAINTINGS OF ALUMNI ARTIST BEST-ON-BEST BARNBURNER? WILLIAM Maybe…but most definitely a great time when HUDDERS ’82 alumni took to the ice in Odden Arena for the (above) set the annual Alumni Hockey Game. j table for the multimedia sensory feast of student art (at left) that brought Potter Gallery to life during the Winter Term.

EVERY SUMMER, TAFT STUDENTS chase their dreams through a broad range of artistic endeavors, some with assistance from the Kilbourne Summer Enrichment Fund. Established by John Kilbourne ’58, in memory of his parents, Samuel W. and Evelyn S. Kilbourne, these summer grants help students attend enriching programs in the arts. The 2017 Kilbourne Scholars shared their adventures with the Taft community during a Morning Meeting in February. They are, from left, Brady Grustas ’19, Cami Long ’19, Lily Turner ’18, John Kilbourne ’58, Gerry Calles ’18, Haylee Snow ’19, and theater teacher Helena Fifer.

20 Taft Bulletin / SPRING 2018 Around the POND

Of Trembling Winter, the Fairest Flowers o’ the Season

Mihir Nayar ’19 SHAKESPEARE RETURNED TO TAFT played by four actors,” notes Performing thought that if I could just take him took to the stage for his annual winter visit, this time Arts Technical Director David Kievit. out to the lobby for a minute or two as both Polonius not only for the traditional recitation “They were always on stage together I could straighten this whole thing and Hamlet. competitions, but also for a uniquely sharing lines, thoughts, and emotions.” out. But with four I never had that imagined staging of The Tragedy of The dynamic, he says, was a “formidable thought,” Kievit says. “Hamlet does a Hamlet, Prince of , in which force,” and one that added clarity to the great deal of introspection, and hav- six students shared the title role. storytelling and to the theatrical experience. ing another Hamlet to talk to—or talk “Many years ago, I saw a production of “When I watched other productions with—at times can be comforting for this play in which the role of Hamlet was with one actor in the role, I sometimes the other characters in the play.” j

b Louise Gagnon ’18 and Will de Melo ’19, here as Queen Gertrude and King Claudius, also shared the role of Hamlet. Tania Tsunik ’20 played both Hamlet and Ophelia.

The Dance Watch a clip Ensemble from Restart, WINTER CONCERT WAS A choreographed by VIBRANT CELEBRATION the performers and directed by OF MOVEMENT, CULTURE, dance teacher POWER, AND EXPRESSION. Sarah Surber.

Milan Moudry ’18 was as comfortable in the role Horatio as in that of Hamlet.

Gerry Calles ’18 inhabited the characters of Hamlet, Laertes, and Guildenstern. Around the POND

Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable….Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals.

—Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Empowering Youth to Wage Peace

“HOW MANY OF YOU READ THE USIP was founded 34 years ago, said Lindborg. “They noted that there were paper and have a sense that there is Lindborg explained, by Congress many military academies, and that there more conflict today than you remem- in an effort to provide a nonparti- needed to be an academy for peace, as well.” ber?” asked Nancy Lindborg, president san, independent federal institute Conceived as a national peace academy of the United States Institute of Peace that was devoted to better prevent- in the 1960s and married in principle (USIP) during her Morning Meeting ing and resolving violent conflict. with grassroots efforts in the ’70s, the visit to Taft in January. “It seems that “There was a group of leaders in legislation that established the institute we are really engulfed in conflict right Congress who had served in World War was signed into law by President Ronald now....This is a time that all of us need II and the Korean War who were seized Reagan in 1984. Its efforts today span to be very mindful of what is happening, by the fact that we needed, as a country, the globe and include identifying, train- and what our role is both as individu- more capacity and greater focus on how to ing, and empowering youth leaders living als and as part of our greater country.” wage peace as well as how we wage war,” in conflict zones around the world. j

Nancy Lindborg’s visit to Taft was made possible by the Rear Admiral Raymond F. DuBois Fellowship in International Affairs, which offers Taft students the opportunity to learn more about international affairs through annual presentations by guest lecturers. Taft’s annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebration began with WorldFest, an evening of cultural immersion; Her talk and most Morning Meeting continued with an international dance, exceptional speakers, workshops, and a unique keynote experience; presentations are available on Taft’s website and concluded with our Cultural Arts Celebration, featuring powerful performances by students and faculty. at www.taftschool.org/multimedia. Pictured is soloist Kaedi Dalley ’18 and the ensemble singing the finale, I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel to Be Free.

24 Taft Bulletin / SPRING 2018 Campus LENS MORGAN HARRIS For more on the winter season, please visit www.taftsports.com

WRAP-UP Winter Sports BY STEVE PALMER Photography by Robert Falcetti

Girls’ Hockey 17–6–0 NEPSAC tournament for the first time All-NEPSAC First Team were Sidney c FOUNDERS LEAGUE since 2004, as the #6 seed. Highlights Molnar and, for the Honorable Mention CHAMPIONS of the season included a post-holiday Team, Claudia Vira. Next year, a solid c NEPSAC QUARTERFINALISTS eight-game winning streak, with five core of returning players will be led shutouts. Taft had tremendous leader- by captain-elect Shannon Bucci ’19. The Taft girls’ hockey team made a signifi- ship from its eight seniors, led by captain cant leap this season, achieving several Natalie Witkowski ’18, who was selected firsts in many years, including making it to receive the Patsy K. Odden Hockey Boys’ Hockey 9–13–1 to the PKO Tournament Championship Award this year. Selected as Founders game (eventual runners-up), earning All-League players were defender Claudia This year’s team will be recognized for the Founders League Championship Vira ’18, forward Lexi Cafiero ’18, and their growth throughout the season both (a 3-way tie), and qualifying for the goalie Sidney Molnar ’18. Selected to on and off the ice. Led by 10 seniors

Shea Courtmanche ’18 wins a faceoff against Salisbury in late November. Lexi Cafiero ’18 hustles for the puck against Hill School.

Taft Bulletin / SPRING 2018 29 Winter SPORTS Winter SPORTS

Wrestling 10–3 Girls’ Basketball 18–6 c NEW ENGLAND With a balanced lineup, the Rhinos QUARTERFINALISTS powered to a 10–3 record in dual meets but missed three critical contests due With an 18–6 regular season finish, wins to the weather. Key victories included in the quarterfinals and semifinals of a 58–21 win over what appeared to the New England 8 Tournament, a 6–1 be a resurgent Hotchkiss team and a Founders League record, and another 54–30 win over the always tough Avon appearance in the Class A New England squad. While injuries and some bad Tournament, the girls’ varsity basketball luck hampered the team’s showing at team enjoyed one of its most successful the league tournament, Taft did crown seasons in years. Four-year varsity play- two league champions for the first time ers and co-captains Lauren Pelosi ’18 and since 2011. Frank Robertshaw ’18 at Juliana Yamin ’18, three-year letter-winner 170 and Alex Jones ’18 at 195 both Omar Veliz ’20 pinned their way through the finals. tangles with a The tri-captains went to New Englands Trinity-Pawling the following weekend, where Drew wrestler in a February match. Dye ’18 at 160 and Robertshaw both won matches and Jones took 3rd place, Taft’s highest finish since 2009.

and co-captains Jordan Tonelli ’18 and WINTER ATHLETIC Billy Dobensky ’19, the focus of the AWARD WINNERS season was to play a high-paced style Patsy Odden Hockey Award of hockey by committing to a team- Natalie Witkowski ’18 first mentality. The Rhinos started the season well with a 2–1 record at the Coach’s Hockey Award Jordan Tonelli ’18 St. Paul’s jamboree and a 2–2 record at Taft hosted the Western the Lawrenceville tournament, and fin- New England wrestling Angier Hockey Trophy ished with eight 1-goal games against tournament on February 10. Caleb Hannon ’18 some of the top teams in New England. John L. Wynne Wrestling Award Key wins came against strong teams Alex Jones ’18 from Avon (3–2), Kent (4–2), and Loomis (5–2). The second half of the season Harry F. Hitch Wrestling Award Frank Robertshaw ’18 was fueled by Taft’s skill and stability

on the power play and penalty killing 1978 Girls’ Varsity Basketball Cup units. All-Founders League selections Lauren Pelosi ’18 Kayla Robinson ’19 were Jack Feinstein ’18 and Johnny Juliana Yamin ’18 intercepts a pass intended for a Hartfiel ’18. For his overall play and James Paynter Logan Berkshire player. contributions to the team and the spirit Memorial Basketball Trophy of hockey at Taft, Jordan Tonelli earned Shamir Johnson ’18 the Coach’s Hockey Award. Goalie Caleb Girls’ Ski Racing Award Hannon ’18 earned the Angier Hockey Maddie Savage ’18 Kristin Manfreda ’18, and postgradu- victories over Hotchkiss and one each Trophy as the player who did the most ate Amara Chidom ’18 were joined over Choate and Deerfield. Pelosi, who to promote good sportsmanship in the Boys’ Ski Racing Award by upper mid Kayla Robinson ’19 to will play at Amherst College next year, Max Fossland ’19 interest of the team. Taft’s leading scor- comprise an experienced and talented Chidom (headed to Pomona-Pitzer), and ers for the season were Ryan Colwell ’19 1986 Girls’ Squash Award starting five, with newcomer Natalie Robinson were voted All-New England (26 points), followed by Jordan Tonelli Aariya Patel ’19 Hodak ’21 seeing substantial minutes off Class A All Stars by opposing coaches— (23 points) and Christian Jimenez ’20 Boys’ Squash Award the bench. The Rhinos’ defeat of peren- the first time three Taft players were so (15 points). Next year’s team will be Raunak Advani ’19 nial power Northfield Mount Hermon in honored. This was also an exceptionally led by captain-elect Billy Dobensky. December was a highlight, as were three close and mutually supportive squad.

30 Taft Bulletin / SPRING 2018 Taft Bulletin / SPRING 2018 31 Winter SPORTS

Boys’ Varsity Basketball 11–13

For only the third time in the past 11 years the boys’ basketball team finished with a losing record, but the Rhinos did not play a single game this season with their whole roster and were challenged by injuries. Taft was anchored by Shamir Johnson ’18, who was the team’s leading scorer and rebounder, and was second in assists. On the defensive end, Johnson led the team in steals and deflections and was called on to defend the opposing team’s best player. Johnson scored over 1,000 points and was selected to the NEPSAC All-League team. Point guard Adam Drummond ’18 was pivotal in creating offense and dictating the pace of play for teammates, and led the team in assists. A bulk of the scor- Hunter Lord ’19 ing came from Connor Printz ’19 and Kai returns a Kostmayer ’20, who were threats to score shot against from behind the 3-point arch as well as Loomis Chaffee. in transition. The team’s 6-foot 9-inch center, Frank Lumaj ’18, held down the middle with his ability to block, mak- ing it tough for teams to score inside. Skiing Honors in both the giant slalom and wins each, and Brockelman earned three Captain Shamir Season highlights include sweeping both slalom and, with co-captain-elect Abby wins and a 7th-place finish. Taft looks Johnson ’18 rises Ford ’19, will lead the team next year. forward to many players returning next over the defense Hotchkiss and Kent for the second straight The boys’ and girls’ ski teams both in a game year. The 2018–19 team will be captained had solid seasons, getting faster with season, and the team will be captained by against Suffield. by Connor Printz, who has proven him- each race, and by the Carl Williams Aariya Patel and Eliza King Freedman. self as a leader on and off the court. Championship Slalom, the boys placed Girls’ Squash 5–6 3rd and the girls tied for 5th out of 13 schools. The girls were 10–7 in the Led this year by co-captains and returners Boys’ Squash 8–6 regular season and 7–1 against all girls’ Aariya Patel ’19 and Zoe Eberstadt-Beattie Sadie Pollack ’21 teams. They placed 4th of 13 teams in ’18 (unable to play due to injury), the Taft finished with an 8–6 record and gets ready to return a shot the New Englands, narrowly missing the team was comprised of two more return- competed at the Division II High against Nobles. podium, and were 8–1–4 in the Brigham ers, Eliza King Freedman ’19 and Yasmeen School National Tournament and the Ski League Championships. The boys Bae ’18, and five new players, Carolina Class A New England Tournament. posted a record of 12–5 during the regu- Salvatore ’21, Sadie Pollack ’21, Tiffany The Rhinos were led by co-captains lar season and placed 6th of 14 teams in Tam ’20, Nina Brockelman ’19, and Minna #3 Peter Keigher ’19 and #2 Raunak the New Englands and 3rd of 13 in the Holleck ’18. Key wins for the season Advani ’19, and also by three seniors in Brigham Ski League Championships. came against Groton, Exeter, Hopkins, the top 9, #6 Dylan Powell ’18, #8 Isaiah Natalie Waldram ’18, co-captain Maddie and Westminster. The Rhinos competed Jones ’18, and #9 Zander Salnikoff ’18. Savage ’18, and Jake Wasserstein ’18 pro- against top teams in the country in the Highlights of the season included team vided senior leadership for the 16 skiers Division II High School Nationals, drop- wins against Choate, Exeter, Loomis, on the varsity team, and each contributed ping close early-round matches before and Westminster. Next year the team significantly to the team’s success. All finishing with a close final win against will be led by captains-elect Peter three skied in the New Englands, and Harriton-Lower Merion, and finished Keigher and Raunak Advani, as well as Waldram earned All New England hon- tied for 11th at the Division A of the New returners #1 Sanjeev Jeyabalan ’19, #4 ors in the giant slalom. Co-captain Max Englands. At this championship #1 Patel Hunter Lord ’19, #5 Peter Denious ’20, Fossland ’19 skied to All New England and #2 Salvatore fought hard for two big and #7 Teddy Schoenholtz ’21. j

Taft Bulletin / SPRING 2018 33 TO .

SERVEHow three young alums are living out Non ut sibi in their daily lives in the military.

Three recent graduates credit Taft with instilling in them a sense of service to others that has inspired them to serve their country. A Naval meteorology and oceanography officer, a communications and cyber warfare EGD/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM officer, and a Marine Corps test

By Bonnie Blackburn-Penhollow ’84 have taken the school’s motto to heart. “ t’s a call to Lieutenant Ihumility. A desire to place others Junior Grade before myself in Keefe Rafferty ’10 everything that I do.” fter completing his deployment as Roosevelt when he transferred from the a surface warfare officer aboard aircraft carrier. It’s a difficult medal to Athe aircraft carrier USS Theodore earn during a first tour as an officer (two Roosevelt, Keefe Rafferty joined the years after his graduation and commis- Navy Meteorology and Oceanography sioning). “I was humbled and honored to Command this year—METOC is a branch receive it,” he says. “I can absolutely attri- “ aft instilled command of U.S. Navy Information bute the award to the crew I worked with my calling Warfare. He’s stationed at the Stennis onboard, but I also can attribute this to T Space Center with its fleet survey team. Taft, where my call to service all began.” to serve in such Rafferty says the team travels the world’s As Rafferty was growing up as oceans to bottom map nearshore regions a faculty child at Taft—his mom is tremendous ways. for publishing charts and safe naviga- Jennifer Zaccara, former associate ” tion of military platforms and vessels. dean of faculty and English teacher, Rafferty was awarded a Navy and who served from 2001 to 2013)—the Marine Corps Commendation Medal from school’s motto, Non ut sibi ministretur his commanding officer on the Theodore sed ut ministret, Not to be served but

b “During my spare moments in my office while on deployment, my chief and I broke out his ukulele and jammed out some tunes,” Rafferty says. “A good way to relieve a busy schedule.”

36 Taft Bulletin / SPRING 2018 c Rafferty, with his former ship captain and a chief engineer, at a ceremony when Rafferty was promoted from ensign to lieutenant junior grade. The photo was taken next to a portrait of or five hours President Theodore Roosevelt, “ whom the ship is named after. Feach day or night, 5,000 souls were in my hands. A lot of responsibility for someone right out of college, but also to serve, made a huge impression on from a strategic and innovative mindset, serving in any avenue where I can put him. He credits that motto with helping focusing on mental and strength develop- my talents that God gave me to good very fulfilling. spark his desire to join the military. ment and teamwork. I thought at the time use for the greater good. Taft instilled ” “When I entered middle school, I that the military team, or family, would be my calling to serve in such tremendous quickly began to notice how I was dif- the best fit for me for my initial career.” ways. When I look at schools, I always thinking about the past sailors, back ferent than a lot of my peers. Not in a His love of history and the ocean led ask or see what their motto is, and I have when it was all sails. They didn’t have bad way or a better way, but more of a to his decision to enter the U.S. Naval yet to find one as powerful as Taft’s.” GPS or all the instruments,” he says. disciplined way,” he says. “I focused on life Academy, as well as for its education. Rafferty’s previous posting had him “We have technology today, so it’s really “Annapolis gave me that opportunity,” he leading more than 60 sailors. “I was a hard for present-day officers to think says. “I’ve always been a scholar at heart. surface warfare officer (SWO) on the about that. We did learn how to navigate “I chose the Navy because I love aircraft carrier in the engineering depart- by the stars if the GPS goes down. It’s the ocean,” he says. “I pretty much was ment, where I led over 60 sailors in the definitely a little more labor intensive!” always in the water whenever I could management of all electrical systems on And even though he’s only 26, be. I also did not know what particular the ship outside of the nuclear reactor Rafferty feels personal satisfac- branch of the Navy I wanted to serve plant. I’m not an electrician by trade, tion in watching those under his in, whether it be surface, submarines, but SWOs are placed into many differ- leadership rise to the occasion. ucceeding as aviation, special warfare, or the Marine ent departments on the ship to lead and “I have the opportunity to affect other “ Corps, so, I thought entering the Navy manage respectively, to include engineer- people’s lives every day,” he says. “Carpe a team at the through the U.S. Naval Academy gave ing, combat systems, operations, deck, diem! I can help and get to see my sail- S me that best option to prepare and have navigation, and weapons,” he says. ors accomplish their goals and dreams, end is an amazing time to see what I wanted to pursue.” “While out to sea, I also stood officer whether that be promoting to the next Taft’s motto—and the school’s help of the deck, where I was the leading offi- rank, getting college-level degrees, feeling. We grind it when his brother, Bryce ’07, had a near- cer and direct representative of the ship’s obtaining qualifications, or raising a fatal diving accident just days before captain on the bridge. I ensured safety family. I get to have the opportunity to out and complete Rafferty’s senior year at Taft began— of navigation, ship and crew, mission lead fine men and women each day. the missions. It’s a reinforced his desire to serve others. completion, and seamanship innovation My job encompasses being a directive “It’s a call to humility,” he says. “A and training, maintaining situational officer holding sailors accountable one great feeling. desire to place others before myself in awareness at all times of all radars. For second, and the next second I may be ” everything that I do. Hard to do when I five hours each day or night, 5,000 souls giving them recognition for their accom- am a pretty competitive person, notably were in my hands. A lot of responsibility plishments and training them how to be on the athletic pitch, but I approach life as for someone right out of college, but also a team of teams. The Navy is about team- a servant leader and follower as opposed very fulfilling. It never gets old placing work. In our field of work, when we do to a strict manager or egocentric leader the ship into the necessary headwind not operate as a team, sailors’ lives may concerned with one’s own career and and crosswind wind limits to launch and unfortunately be in jeopardy. Succeeding personal gain. Money is not one of my life land our fixed and rotary wing aircraft.” as a team at the end is an amazing pursuits. In my faith, life is about serv- Sailing at night, Rafferty says, was feeling. We grind it out and complete ing—serving God, serving my country, the most difficult. “I was definitely the missions. It’s a great feeling.”

Taft Bulletin / SPRING 2018 39 “ very day I strive to improve Emyself and my sailors, set Ensign standards, and strive to meet goals.” Rhydian Glass ’12

“ y love and pride for our country Mmotivate me, particularly contributing to and serving something greater than myself.”

oming from a military background, that I learned from my studies at Yale Rhydian Glass always felt patriotic. toward my career, and I saw the Navy as CHer grandfather and several other a challenging yet solid place to start.” family members served in the military. Glass earned a bachelor’s degree Glass is currently an ensign and from Yale in environmental studies a communications and cyber war- concentrating on national security and fare officer stationed in Norfolk, policy. She focused primarily on nonpro- Virginia, aboard the USS Leyte Gulf. liferation, electromagnetic pulses, and “I’m from a very patriotic town, nuclear warfare issues. “A lot of what I and ever since I was young, I’ve always studied actually pertained to the Navy highly regarded the military,” she says. and global naval issues,” she says. A star softball player at Taft, Glass went “I just turned 24 years old, and I am to Yale after graduation. The thought of in charge of a division of nearly 20 sail- joining the military was pushed back as she ors. Every day I lead them, from making concentrated on her studies. sure work is properly and efficiently “I never knew becoming an officer executed to providing support and guid- was an option for me until my junior ance on a personal and career level,” she year of college—before then, I thought says. “The travel is also every exciting. m ROTC or the military academies were the I’ve gotten a chance to see some incred- Rhydian Glass ’12, ensign and communications and cyber only routes,” she says. “When I learned ible places around the world, from the warfare officer, above, and that Officer Candidate School was an Middle East to the Arctic Circle.” at right on the bridge of her option for college graduates, I became Glass says she joined her cur- ship, the USS Leyte Gulf, a Ticonderoga-class guided missile very interested in the opportunity. It’s rent ship as it was halfway through cruiser, with the with the USS always been a goal of mine to apply all its deployment last summer. Kearsarge in the background.

40 Taft Bulletin / SPRING 2018 “ flew out of Bahrain, spent some time I in the Arabian Gulf and Red Sea. We encountered plenty of sandstorms out there...and we sailed through a monsoon.”

. Glass received a gift from her parents after her commissioning ceremony in 2017 as she graduated from Officer Candidate School in Newport, Rhode Island.

“I flew out of Bahrain, spent some weekend trips is very difficult,” she time in the Arabian Gulf and Red Sea,” says. “When I’m out at sea, I’m limited she says. “We encountered plenty of sand- on how often I can talk to family and storms out there. Within my first week on friends. The hours are early and late. board, we sailed through a monsoon. The As convenient as uniforms are, I find Suez Canal is quite an interesting experi- that I miss that individualism that I can ence, traveling on a warship with land 50 express through my own personal style.” meters to each side. I’ve been through the Maintaining long-distance relation- Mediterranean and saw , went up ships is also tough, she says, and so is north to Scotland—saw lots of sharks up keeping a sense of one’s nonmilitary self. there—and can proudly say I ‘Bluenosed,’ “I think it’s important to separate your having crossed and spent time over the civilian self from your military self. I don’t Arctic Circle. The water up there is cold. want to bring work home, especially the The fjords of Norway are absolutely frustrations,” she says. “I leave work on surreal, and the views from the top of the ship. Home and off-ship are my escape a warship’s mast are incomparable.” and fresh air. Little things like dressing up Being in the military has changed nice when I can, exercising, and making her, Glass says. “I’m more confident and sure I stay connected to my friends and direct. I’m becoming a much stronger family are critical for mental, emotional, and efficient leader, and am learning and overall physical health and stability.” m Glass in her working how not to put up with silly nonsense. Looking to the future, Glass says she’s uniform, when she earned her I can quickly adjust and adapt to excited for the possibilities. “I’m very “Bluenose” for any situation and circumstance, and fortunate with the position I currently crossing the Arctic I’m definitely more courageous.” hold, as it could potentially lead to some Circle on ship. Those considering a career in the great opportunities in the long run, as military should think hard about their long as I continue to work hard, do my job choice, Glass says. You should “know right, and put forth every effort to be the what you’re getting into. Do the research, best leader and division officer I can be. talk to people, consider the long-term Every day I strive to improve myself and t’s a challenge, but I know in the pros and cons. And understand you my sailors, set standards, and strive to “ can’t just take vacation time or slack meet both short- and long-term goals.” long run it’s worth it and every day off. Every day is mission critical, and no It’s a difficult job, but Glass is proud I matter who you are, you play an impor- of her service. “My love and pride for our I’m making a difference in the overall tant role. Commitment is serious.” country motivate me, particularly contrib- Glass says that civilians might not uting to and serving something greater safety of Americans. understand certain things about those than myself,” she says. “It’s a challenge, ” who serve. “How much we sacrifice but I know in the long run it’s worth it on a daily basis and the overall com- and every day I’m making a difference mitment. Planning vacations or even in the overall safety of Americans.”

42 Taft Bulletin / SPRING 2018 Taft Bulletin / SPRING 2018 43 j “After my last flight as a Marine adversary pilot, I was showing my little girl the cockpit of an F-5N Tiger,” Alspach says. Major John “Jay” “ here is no more Alspach ’03 Tfulfilling experience than executing safe, productive, and effective flight operations over dangerous territories.”

ajor John Alspach is a U.S. Marine F-35A operational test Mfighter pilot on exchange with the U.S. Air Force, flying over the deserts of Nevada, testing out fighter planes. “I recently transitioned to my new job following a three-year tour as an FA-18 Hornet instructor pilot at Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron One, the Marine Corps’ advanced weap- ons school,” he says. “I have deployed three times, to Afghanistan, Syria, PHOTOS PROVIDED BY JAY ALSPACH and the Pacific theater of operations. One of those deployments was off the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier. I have been stationed everywhere from Pensacola, Florida, to Las Vegas, Nevada. However, I have spent the majority of my time living in Coronado, California, and fly- ing out of Miramar, California, with aircraft carrier-based FA-18 squadrons.” “ eing in the military has shown me a side of Blife that I never would have experienced if I had gone a more traditional route.”

Alspach also served as an aggres- purpose, and challenge. I chose the thinking, and decisive decision-making sor pilot in the F-5. “As an instructor Marine Corps because I wanted to have due to the responsibility entrusted to me pilot, I was in charge of the develop- options, from flying jets to jumping and fellow pilots,” he says. “There is no ment, standardization, and instruction out of airplanes, to leading men and more fulfilling experience than execut-

of various systems and tactics in the women, to furthering my education. ing safe, productive, and effective flight c Jay Alspach, left, with FA-18,” he says. “As an aggressor pilot, “After seeing all the services during my operations over dangerous territories. a friend after their I flew against American forces in an time at the Naval Academy, the Marines In a sense, the feeling of accomplish- deployment, next to an FA-18 Hornet. adversary role, training them how to proved themselves to be more disci- ment post-deployed flight operations fight and win against threat nations.” plined, confident, and aggressive than is the most euphoric sensation one can As a boy, Alspach says he watched the other services. I fit in well with that imagine. After my last combat flight, that I was gone flying, instructing, and “The military was not the most popu- movies about military planes and group and wanted to be part of that team, I was relieved, proud, worried, sad, researching for roughly six months lar professional career option coming knew he wanted nothing more than to especially if I were going to combat.” giddy—everything. Leading men and out of the year,” he says. “When I was out of Taft,” he says, “but if a person fly fighter jets off aircraft carriers. The best part of his job, Alspach machines into combat is an awesome in a fleet FA-18 squadron, (one that is looks past the stereotypes of the mili- “I wanted to have a profession that says, has been the opportunity to lead and unreal experience, an experience operationally ready and deployable), I tary, one will realize that the military is was unique, exciting, and purposeful,” he servicemen and aircraft into combat. that is forever etched into my memory.” was gone for 29 out of the 44 months I full of opportunity, incredible people, says. “It was alluring to think of a career “Combat operations require an The down side? Being away from was with the squadron. Leaving my wife and unbelievable experiences. Coming ou really can that involved adventure, adrenaline, immense amount of maturity, clear his family. “My last position mandated and 2½-year-old little girl is something from a place such as Taft, where stu- “ that has only gotten more difficult.” dents are told, ‘Not to be served, but to make an impact Yet Alspach has seen more things serve,’ a young military officer is given Y than he ever expected. “Being in the an immense amount of responsibility on something other j Alspach in mid-air, military has shown me a side of life and can make significant impacts on waiting to get fuel from that I never would have experienced if everything from young enlisted per- than yourself as a a U.S. Air Force tanker I had gone a more traditional route,” sonnel to national strategic policy. over Afghanistan. military officer. You he says. “I have seen the absolute highs “I flew my first combat mission at and lows of society and humanity, and age 26, leading FA-18 Hornets into just have to choose this experience has matured me rapidly. Afghanistan to support coalition forces on I would say, overall, I have become a the ground,” Alspach says. Being respon- what that impact is. very detail-oriented, skeptical, and wise sible for men, machines, weapons, and ” person as a result. Serving has really policy at that age is a priceless experience. opened my eyes to a lot of things.” As clichéd as it sounds, you really can There’s a lot that people don’t realize make an impact on something other than or acknowledge about those who serve, yourself as a military officer. You just Alspach says. have to choose what that impact is.” j

While we have highlighted here only three young alumni now serving in the military, we fully acknowledge and express gratitude for the service of many other Taft graduates through the decades, both those currently enlisted and those who have nobly served in the past. We thank them all for their commitment to serve, a profound manifestation of Non ut sibi. THANK YOU

46 Taft Bulletin / SPRING 2018 Taft Bulletin / SPRING 2018 47 A Ground breaking Approach to Cancer Treatment

Dr. Will Polkinghorn ’95 is empowering patients to gain access to the best treatments

By Neil Vigdor ’95 Photography by Gary Fong/Genesis Photos “ What if we built a consumer platform that enabled cancer patients to access treatments…to give the patient access to everything—to empower the patient to be the driver.”

who specialized in prostate cancer. in a very short period of time, in order Peer-reviewed studies have shown to show you the treatment options the that up to 80 percent of cancer patients individual doctor is aware of. In a world want to participate in clinical trials. of Uber and Airbnb, cancer patients just

After presenting his Yet only 3 percent of patients partici- don’t have the access they deserve.” thoughts during a pate in clinical trials, and 60 percent And so Driver was conceived. Now Driver staff meeting, of trials get shut down because there’s came the hard part—raising money. Polkinghorn carefully a shortage of patients participating The startup didn’t want to be listens to ideas and thoughts from others. in them. Today, patients simply don’t obligated to Big Pharma or the insur- know what is available to them. ance industry to help it get off the “The realization was, wow, the ground. Driver’s first investor was model of the existing retail space—the the well-known former Goldman hospital—hasn’t fundamentally changed Sachs executive, George Wellde Jr. in over 150 years,” Polkinghorn says. “We were literally done,” Polkinghorn . Dr. Will Polkinghorn ’95, “In order to access a treatment, a patient says. “I was in Hong Kong fundraising cofounder and CEO of Driver, has to enter a physical space and interact and when I came back to San Francisco, a consumer platform that use them to hail rides and order coffee on the go. connects cancer patients to with a human clerk, the doctor. And that we were going to be out of dough.” We a large and most advanced one doctor processes your information, Driver needed a breakthrough. And They can route us around traffic jams. inventory of treatments. But what if there was an app that could truly save your life?

It’s not hyperbole. The company’s name treatments in the same way that Amazon is Driver. transformed how we buy a book?” Will Polkinghorn ’95 is the cofounder Polkinghorn says. “Give the patient access and CEO of the San Francisco-based to everything. That was the idea—to treatment access platform, which has the empower the patient to be the driver.” technology world buzzing. The Driver app It almost didn’t happen. enables cancer patients to securely upload In 2014, Polkinghorn left his job as a their medical records and tissue sample radiation oncologist at Memorial Sloan information, and most importantly, gain Kettering Cancer Center in New York access to the best treatments across a to embark on the transcendent proj- network of more than 30 cancer centers. ect. Something dawned on the Rhodes A consumer platform that con- Scholar during his tenure at MSKCC, nects cancer patients to the world’s where he spent four days a week in its largest inventory of treatments was research building and one day taking the vision of Polkinghorn and Petros care of patients in the hospital across the Giannikopoulos, who met on their first street. There was a glaring disconnect. day at Harvard Medical School. “It was in crossing that street and “What if we built a consumer platform entering the hospital where I felt as if I that enabled cancer patients to access was going back in time,” said Polkinghorn,

50 Taft Bulletin / SPRING 2018 Taft Bulletin / SPRING 2018 51 “ We are uncovering more and more information about what causes disease. It’s exponential.… But there is now a huge gap between the potential of this science and that which is reaching the patient.”

it would come from Li Ka-shing, one He credits Headmaster Willy of China’s most influential business- MacMullen ’78, his advisor, for helping men. While in Hong Kong, Polkinghorn mold him into a gifted student, as well as emailed Solina Chau, Li’s life part- longtime chemistry teacher David Hostage m A highly interactive ner, and after a short meeting, Chau and retired English teacher Bill Nicholson. staff meeting held decided to invest $10 million. “Taft was the most important year of During the past 10 years, biology two. The why of Driver is pretty simple.” at Driver’s San The infusion of cash enabled my life,” Polkinghorn says. “If it were not and medical science have undergone Polkinghorn is a man in motion, Francisco office. Polkinghorn and Giannikopoulos to begin for Taft, I would never have succeeded in what Polkinghorn characterizes as an bouncing back and forth from San building the world’s first treatment access college the way I did. I never would have exponential explosion of knowledge and Francisco and New York to Europe platform. Today, Driver employs over 100 won a Rhodes Scholarship. I never would discoveries—passing a true tipping point and China. Hopping into an Uber. software engineers, product managers, have gone to Harvard Medical School. I that has been made possible by new tech- Grabbing coffee with investors. Meeting laboratory scientists, and other entrepre- certainly never would have started Driver.” nologies like genomics and gene editing. researchers. Hiring a public relations neurs. Among them is Toni Pryor Leavitt Another major influence was “We are uncovering more and more firm to handle the growing number ’07, an oncology nurse practitioner. Larry Stone, the legendary Taft base- information about what causes disease,” of media inquiries. His laptop is run- Driver has offices in San Francisco, New ball coach who passed away last year. he says. “It’s exponential. It’s literally ning out of juice as we speak. So is York, and Shanghai and Shantou, China. Polkinghorn pitched and played first exponential. But there is now a huge gap his cell phone. He hands them both Polkinghorn now travels the base on the varsity team for Stone. between the potential of this science to a restaurant waiter to charge. globe to forge partnerships with the “At Taft I learned discipline,” and that which is reaching the patient. “Our message is really driven not world’s best cancer centers. But long Polkinghorn says. “I owe everything “When you look at the delta between toward a hot shot Silicon Valley crowd but before he was an internationally to Taft.” what’s happening in the laboratory and instead toward our customer, the cancer respected physician, he came to Taft Polkinghorn and his colleagues what’s happening with the patient, it patient,” Polkinghorn says. “And to serve as a postgraduate from a Jesuit high have gone to painstaking lengths to doesn’t take a domain expert to real- this customer we are building the most school in his native Los Angeles. validate its core treatment, matching ize these are two different movies,” powerful marketplace in the world.” j technology with the National Cancer Polkinghorn says. “And there I was, a Institute, Driver’s flagship partner. physician scientist straddling these two Neil Vigdor ’95 covers politics for The Hartford Courant. Driver has also assembled a powerful universes—struggling to reconcile the board, including both Jennifer Doudna, the coinventor of the groundbreaking genomic editing technology known as CRISPR, and American fashion designer Tory Burch. “ you look at the delta between b When Driver’s team includes over 100 software what’s happening in the laboratory and what’s happening with engineers, product managers, laboratory the patient, it doesn’t take a domain expert to realize these are scientists, and other entrepreneurs. two different movies.”

52 Taft Bulletin / SPRING 2018 Taft Bulletin / SPRING 2018 53 Tales of a TAFTIE


Composer William Mayer, Class of 1944 MUSIC THAT “SINGS OUT WITH REAL BEAUTY”

Reflecting on a career spanning more than create Hello, World!, a work half a century and a body of work that introducing young listen- included symphonies, operas, oratorios, bal- ers to different countries by lets, chamber music, songs, and compositions teaching them to say “hello” for solo instruments, William Mayer ’44 in seven languages. The described his style as “a plaintive lyricism, piece became so popular that motoric drive, humor, and a suggestion of humanitarian and former great distance—whether of time or space.” first lady Eleanor Roosevelt, Born in 1925 in New York City, the son alongside baritone John of John, an amateur violinist, and Dorothy Langstaff, recorded it for the m Composer William Ehrich Mayer, Mayer arrived at Taft when Book of the Month Club. A Mayer ’44, along with he was 15 and did not immediately find a television version of Hello, librettist Susan Otto home within the school’s rigorous academic World! on CBS would go on and child actors, at the RCA Victor recording routine. Instead, he savored stolen moments to earn a Peabody Award.  concerto, Octagon, at Carnegie Hall. Critic Robert William Mayer ’44, session of Hello, World! improvising at the piano. After Taft, he Mayer also used his talents to tackle more from the interview Weinstein hailed the piece as “a shattering, narrated by former enrolled at Yale, but before he could earn serious subjects, though, as he admitted years “Quiet Rebel: Mayer at bold, and strangely beautiful piece of music.” first lady Eleanor Seventy,” by Zeke Hecker his degree was drafted into the Army, serv- later, he “was unprepared for the fact that get- Mayer’s most enduringly popular composi- Roosevelt in 1958. for Institute for Studies MEREDITH NEVINS MAYER ing in Japan during the American occupation ting one’s ‘adult music’ programmed was a lot in American Music. CARL tion, A Death in the Family, an opera based on the after the end of the Second World War. harder.” One such work, Letters Home, was a FISCHER MUSIC/THEODORE Pulitzer Prize–winning novel by James Agee and Mayer returned to Yale in 1947 to com- setting of letters from members of the military PRESSER COMPANY ’s play All the Way Home, first hit the m William Mayer ’44 plete a degree in history, but he felt something serving in Vietnam that had its 1968 premiere stage in 1983. Of a recording of the work a few more than 30 years. He also received a num- (center) and his wife, Meredith, at his Taft missing in his life. “An invisible wall seemed as part of a memorial for the recently assas- years later, commentator Charles Parsons pro- ber of awards and honors, including grants 50th Reunion in 1994. to prevent me from reaching my feelings,” he sinated Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. claimed, “I was surprised to find my eyes welling from the National Endowment for the Arts, recalled, and seeking a remedy to his malaise, Mayer continued to garner great acclaim, up with tears at the ineffable beauty of the wed- the Ford Foundation, and the American Music “what first burst out was music.…I knew then and a number of prominent artists performed ding of text and music.” While John Rockwell of Society; a Guggenheim Fellowship; and a life- that, without slightest doubt, I would devote his works around the United States and abroad. The New York Times wrote of Mayer’s career, “[He time achievement award from the Center for my life to music. I would become a composer.” Throughout his career, he collaborated with is] especially known for his operas and songs... Contemporary Opera, among many others. This renewed purpose led him to study at world-class singers including , his work sings out with real beauty, both in the But above all, the greatest achievement of both Juilliard and Mannes School of Music before Heidi Grant Murphy, and Christine Brewer. In vocal writing and the instrumental settings.” Mayer’s career was the thrill he received from launching his career. He scored his first major 1971, —famous not only for In addition to composing, Mayer lectured at communicating through his music. As he once What successful Taftie, no longer living, would successes penning songs for children, including his time as music director of the Philadelphia some of the country’s most prestigious institu- observed, “The medium of music itself has always you like to see profiled the popular “Bongo and His Baboon Drum,” a Orchestra and New York Philharmonic but tions, from Juilliard and Columbia to Yale and been a natural outlet for imaginative flights….A in this space? Send tune later recorded by Burl Ives. The notoriety also for his role as the conductor in Disney’s Boston University, and he served as a trustee of special joy is transmitting your emotions directly your suggestions to of these compositions ultimately led him to Fantasia—led the premiere of Mayer’s piano the record label Composers Recordings Inc. for to the singer and then to the audience.” j [email protected].

54 Taft Bulletin / SPRING 2018 Taft Bulletin / SPRING 2018 55 Opening doors since 1890

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