Zecharia Sitchin | 464 pages | 15 Mar 2007 | HarperCollins Publishers Inc | 9780061379130 | English | , NY, United States Twelfth Planet PDF Book

Read it to expand your picture of our tiny existence. Lean over his neck and feel his body rippling under you. All in all this was a fun book to read, but if Sitchin was correct, it would only mean that the , and all the world mythologies and gods and goddesses, were not really divinely inspired after all, nor were these beings ever well intended in regards to our well being. The product of thirty years of intensive research, The 12th Planet is the first book in 's prophetic Earth Chronicles series--a revolutionary body of work that offers indisputable documentary proof of humanity's extraterrestrial forefathers. So, if you are a religious person, you will definitely dismiss this book because it runs against the Biblical teaching that we were created in the image and likeness of God via Adam and Eve as mentioned in the first book of the Holy Bible, Genesis. Quite honestly, I appreciate Sitchin's attention to fine detail and even though it does feel repetitive at times, I appreciate how he shows all connections to the Sumerian tablets. Leroy This created Homo-Sapeins the perfect worker. It was after this that the Anunaki chose to teach the rudiments of civilization. Alford admits he initially became "infatuated" with Sitchin's hypotheses but later became a critic of Sitchin's interpretations of myth. Within twelve orbits the object would be either ejected or converted to a short period object. Lovecraft and extraterrestrial pop culture. Why did I do this to myself. Open your mind to the possibility that what we've been taught may not actually be "the truth. That it was artificial in origin did not make it any less deadly. As the planet struggles to adapt to the new existence Corey has forced on it, the children from Frazier's compound have grown up and been scattered to the corners of the world. Now, I know better. His hypothesis is that men were created from the image and likeness of alien visitors some , years ago from the planet called Nibiru that is near Neptune and revolves our orbit in a strange slit-like fashion so astronomers have been missing it. Sitchin has discovered it. View all 3 comments. All in all this was a fun book to read, but if Sitchin was correct, it would only mean that the bible, and all the world mythologies and gods and goddesses, were not really divinely inspired after all, nor were these beings ever well intended in regards to The world mythology aspects to this book were great, and in itself make this worth reading. The first book of the revolutionary Earth Chronicles series offers indisputable documentary evidence of the existence of the mysterious planet of N Over the years, startling evidence has been uncovered, challenging established notions of the origins of life on Earth - evidence that suggests the evidence of an advanced group of extraterrestrials who once inhabited our world. As you grab hold of his mane he starts to move slowly, then breaks into a lope, heading out to catch up with the herd. For a better shopping experience, please upgrade now. When translated, seal VA reads "You're his Servant" which is now thought to be a message from a nobleman to a servant. Showing Details if other :. However, the mass produced perfect mankind was sterile and without the reproductive genes. I struggled to get through this boring and conflicting pack of stories and would have to be paid a heckuva lot of money to consider reading any more in the series. This fact is not up for debate. Preview — The 12th Planet by Zecharia Sitchin. Twelfth Planet Writer

Overview It has been predicted and foretold that cataclysmic events will occur in this December. It's a constant source of entertainment when I've got nothing else to do and have to kill some time. It's difficult for me to believe many of the theories laid out in this book as pure fact or non-fiction when the author doesn't site his sources on the ready as I'm reading. Only a select few will survive. The first book of the revolutionary Earth Chronicles series offers indisputable documentary evidence of the existence of the mysterious planet of N Over the years, startling evidence has been uncovered, challenging established notions of the origins of life on Earth - evidence that suggests the evidence of an advanced group of extraterrestrials who once inhabited our world. Certainly more than religious zealots who still believe Earth is only 6, years old which science as proven to be false time and time again are willing to accept. See more by Zecharia Sitchin. Later researchers have argued that the conclusion from the Genome Sequencing Consortium cannot be drawn due to a lack of a comprehensive gene database for comparison. London School of Economics , . Around 4,45, years ago, the highly intelligent Nefilim or race of the 12th planet descended on the earth, counted by them as the 7th planet from the outer-most edge of Solar System- and set up permanent earth stations in . This planet is called Nibiru although was the planet associated with the god in Babylonian . We don't know where God the Father actually came from, right? THey found harsh conditions and the only area they could really settle was the plains of Mesopotamia. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Science As the planet struggles to adapt to the new It is akin to focusing on one small tree, without taking into consideration the forest in which it sits, the region in which the forest hides, or the circumstances that first caused the seeds from a distant forest to be replicated in that region Regressive types of Man roam Earth. Shelves: fantasy , history , sci-fi , non-fiction. establishes sea routes to southern , organizes -mining operations. They will remind you to look for the holiness of the everyday; they will show you the real presence of God in Creation. You are aware of his strength, his sure sense of direction, and his joy in the run. Related Articles. Whcih was done off the Southern Horn of Africa. It is in your core. Thank you for signing up, fellow book lover! Second, although I am unclear as to the technique of releasing the gold into the atmosphere my issue is stems from the purpose. At first I thought maybe the author was a bit off, with his extra planet theroy. Naval Observatory, which Sitchin uses to bolster his thesis, is no support at all. comments on what he calls Sitchin's 'literalism':. The Huffington Post. Now I have at minimum two issues with this theory. Aug 21, Marilyn Hudson rated it really liked it. Over the weekend, the Aurealis Award winners for were announced. Why the outer-most planet is having an orbital plane dramatically different than other planets? Sitchin's linguistics seems at least as amateurish as his anthropology, biology, and astronomy. Let him carry the toil of the gods! Must redeem within 90 days. Marduk King of Earth: Book Four of the. Zachariah Sitchins books are detailed with actual translations of Ancient Cuniform clay tablet writings. Sources say Niburu is now behind the so we cannot see it. Leroy Ellenberger - The Velikovsky Encyclopedia". His trailblazing books have been translated into more than twenty languages; his first one, an oft-quoted classic, celebrates the thirtieth anniversary of its publication. Twelfth Planet Reviews

Hummmm makes a person wonder! It's difficult for me to believe many of the theories laid out in this book as pure fact or non-fiction when the author doesn't site his sources on the ready as I'm reading. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. As the planet struggles to adapt to the new You may also like: Fiction Staff Picks. As soon as this thought forms in your mind, the cloud horse drops down to the ground and becomes a pinto stallion, galloping at the head of a herd of wild mustangs. A challening and provocative book but highly recommended for those wishing to see a "big picture" image of the progress and retrenchment of civilization and to wonder as to the meaning and source of its commonalities. About Zecharia Sitchin. Sitchin does an excellent job of putting forth his theory of where man originated, using the , Ancient Akkadian, Mesopotamian, and Summerian Texts as his initial building blocks. Planet X is the 12th Planet because there are nine planets previously known, plus there is the sun and the . The opening book of the epic Earth Chronicles lays out some serious cosmogony of our solar system, based on Sumerian texts and interesting conjecture. Aug 21, Marilyn Hudson rated it really liked it. Ronald H. This is a difficult book to review, there are those who fully commit to the ancient astronaut theory based solely on Mr. Rating details. Original Title. It is definitely interesting The 12th Planet Book I. The theories in this book are very flawed and scientifically most of it is impossible but it was an interesting read. It's a planet that had come screaming into our system, destroying half of a much larger Earth with one of it's satellites, creating the from Earth, and moving our orbit closer to the sun. Read this as you would The Silmarillion : as a work of cosmological inspiration and nothing more. These astronaughts from Nabiru were called Anunaki or Nephillim the fallen ones ones. The product of more than thirty years of meticulous research, The 12th Planet treats as fact, not myth, the tales of Creation, the Deluge, the , and the Nefilim who married the daughters of man. Our Earth's crust will move, continents will shift. Battle for Earth: Book Two of the Dominion. It has been predicted and foretold that cataclysmic events will occur in this December. To read this book you should be open-minded. I understand It's difficult for me to believe many of the theories laid out in this book as pure fact or non-fiction when the author doesn't site his sources on the ready as I'm reading. There is no telling about his story in the Bible. How advanced they were! We spent January desperately trying to cull possessions we were not very successful , reduce the warehouse inventory of , Azerbaijan SSR. There are few places that you can find such a compilation. I have a hard time how to categorize this book: fiction or non- fiction? Our lives and civilization is not evolved linearly from lesser life forms to monkeys to man as proposed by Darwin: it is the result of a planned scientific experimentation by these Gods. Authorities say that the President or the United States is about to make an announcement of these facts but the announcement has been postponed for fear of spreading panic. When I went to college I minored more or less in religious studies. Leroy The pioneer of such inter-planetary exploration was Enki, or Ea ; son of — the chief deity of the 12th planet. Enjoy your ride. The poles will reverse. Having no firm religious beliefs, it was probably a bit easier for me to look at this with little opposition, so again, I'd recommended reading it with a very open mind. Twelfth Planet Press is looking to publish a series of festive-themed novellas that will bring joy, How could the ancients ever observe and conclude the exceptionally long celestial events , such as the precession cycle, the Great Year of 25, years that is divided into twelve constellations of years each for the twelve Zodiac signs — the process where the very axis of our wobbling planet makes a circular clock-wise rotation around its own axis once in years, , i. According to former assistant turned prolific critic, C. Now that we have proven as much as any such thing can be proven that life did not originate on Earth but on another planet, we come to the question of Planet X or Niburu. Mankinds alphabet, vocabulary, legends and science. Zecharia Sitchin July 11, — October 9, [1] was an author of books proposing an explanation for human origins involving .

Twelfth Planet Read Online

When I went to college I minored more or less in religious studies. And he must gain yours in return. Therefore, humans lost the ability to directly communication with the "mother" who created Human in the first place? Yes says Dr. Within twelve orbits the object would be either ejected or converted to a short period object. Mostly about how the Bible stories are in fact true, but based on MUCH older stories from an ancient Sumerian civilization. It is astonishing just how much these ancients recorded and how much they knew. And ignorance spreads like fire when profits can be made. As with Immanuel Velikovsky 's earlier Worlds in Collision thesis, Sitchin states that he has found evidence of ancient human knowledge of rogue celestial motions in a variety of mythological accounts. Whether you dub this as ridiculous nonsense mixed in pseudo-science or take it as completely verifiable, this book is worth a read for people and at the very least would make a better summer blockbuster than the garbage I have seen over the years. About the Author Zecharia Sitchin is an internationally acclaimed author and researcher whose books offer evidence that we are not alone in our own solar system. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! In the sixteenth century, Spanish conquerors came to the New World in search of El Huge info dump of translations. Enabling JavaScript in your browser will allow you to experience all the features of our site. The paperback edition of Winter's Tale is now available here, and in all your favourite stores just request it if it's not on the shelves. Original Title. View 2 comments. However, according to those who have had access to new translations of the works of the ancient Sumerians, it will happen at the end of this year, right now. Take a moment to share your experience with him. Anu, legal successor to planet Nibiru King Lahma, signed a treaty And its not "bullshit," there are books that lie in between that spectrum and this is one of them. FYI, book 2 of this series Aug 14, News 0 Comments. A graduate of the University of London and a journalist and editor in for many years, he now lives and writes in New York. Van Flandern , of the U. It's set in the Another criticism I've seen is that there is too much information on each page, but this is not a book you're supposed to breeze through. Retrieved 14 October A text indexed as B. It is akin to focusing on one small tree, without taking into consideration the forest in which it sits, the region in which the forest hides, or the circumstances that first caused the seeds from a distant forest to be replicated in that region According to Mr. If this is going to happen a thousand years from now or even a hundred years from now we need not be much concerned about it. THey found harsh conditions and the only area they could really settle was the plains of Mesopotamia. Home 1 Books 2. A challening and provocative book but highly recommended for those wishing to see a "big picture" image of the progress and retrenchment of civilization and to wonder as to the meaning and source of its commonalities. The author's fascinating claims of ancient astronaut visits to Earth, a twelfth planet in our solar system and the origin of the human species are incredible but supported by ancient texts discovered in Mesopotamia dating to circa BCE. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. This is a difficult book to review, there are those who fully commit to the ancient astronaut theory based solely on Mr. Or you could read 10 pages and toss it in the bin, deciding its "utter rubbish," but you'll be doing yourself a disservice. Just for fun lets take all of our known gold on Earth and somehow either spray it or suspend it in our atmosphere and then lets shoot ourselves out for a visit to Pluto, I'm pretty certain not many of us will survive. Elementary perturbation theory indicates that, under the most favorable circumstances of avoiding close encounters with other planets, no body with such an eccentric orbit would keep the same period for two consecutive passages. I was about to put it down several times but kept with it through the end. It's a planet that had come screaming into our system, destroying half of a much larger Earth with one of it's satellites, creating the asteroid belt from Earth, and moving our orbit closer to the sun. Sitchin's explanation that heat from radioactive decay and a thick atmosphere keep Nibiru warm is absurd and does not address the problem of darkness in deep space. Who were the Sumeria is the father off all our civilization. Our Earth's crust will move, continents will shift. This was terrible. So, if you are a rel I have a hard time how to categorize this book: fiction or non-fiction? Michael S.