St. Fagans Community Council

Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Monday 7th November 2016 at 7.00pm in the Village Hall

Present: Councillors C. Price (Chairman) S. Chedzoy, B. Critcher, J. Hughes, F. Lewis, T. Pallier (7.37pm) & M. Parry.

In Attendance: County Councillor G. Thomas Police PCSO H. Arkontopoulos Resident Mr. R. Williams Clerk D. Barnard

Apologies: Councillor J. Griffiths

The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed everyone present.

306.11.01 – Declaration of Interests

No interests were declared.

306.11.02 – Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 3rd October 2016

Members approved the Minutes and the Chairman signed them accordingly.

306.11.03 – Matters arising from the Minutes

Minute No. 305.10.06 a) In response to a question from Cllr. Hughes, the Clerk confirmed that a list of projects had been included in the Council’s response to ’s CIL Draft Charging Schedule.

306.11.04 – Police Reports & Neighbourhood Watch a) General

PCSO Arkontopoulos reported that there had been just three reported thefts and one report of anti-social behaviour during the past month. He then referred to the requested speed watch in the Village and advised on the proposed dates. Members discussed suitable timings for the exercise.

Cllr. Lewis referred to Operation Red Mana and asked if more leaflets could be supplied.

The Chairman referred to a successful meeting with new Inspector Eve Davis and Sgt. Jay Davies. Cllr. Parry commented that they were uncertain as to the status of community councils. The Chairman said that the meeting ended on a positive note and it is the intention to meet quarterly. Cllr. Critcher mentioned that the police had intended to submit an article on the success of addressing the off-road bike problem but nothing had yet been received.

Cllr. Parry questioned whether the Council should do anything in relation to the PACT meetings. Cllr. Hughes commented on the meetings held south of the railway in Michaelston College. County Cllr. Thomas said that the PACT in Creigiau was falling apart. 1

b) Off-road bike nuisance

The Clerk had circulated emails from Chris Hyde (Cooke & Arkwright) advising on his continuing attempts to get Persimmon Homes to act to block the access points on Michaelston Road. Cooke & Arkwright are also acting to remove several burnt-out vehicles on the Plymouth Woods land.

No other matters were raised. The Chairman thanked PCSO Arkontopoulos for his attendance at which point he left the meeting.

306.11.05 – Community projects

Cllr. Chedzoy said that she had been contacted by a lot of residents of Parc Rhydlafar and other suggestions made included mini-football nets and a basketball hoop. It was agreed that these can be considered in the future. The roundabout at the entrance to the estate is an issue that residents would like to see addressed. The Clerk reported that he had spoken to an officer at the Victoria Park depot which is responsible for it and he had confirmed that, due to a lack of funds, they only carry out minimal maintenance three or four times a year. Any request to take over responsibility for maintaining the roundabout would need to be submitted in writing. Quite a long discussion ensued. Members considered it to be quite a big job with a lot of labour involved. It was agreed that the Clerk should write to those residents who had contacted the Council to get some feed-back as to how they would feel about helping. County Cllr. Thomas mentioned the possibility of sponsorship by a private company and Cllr. Hughes referred to the possibility of S.106 monies from the Goitre Fach Farm development.

Members commented on the various projects:  Village Hall doors – work on this has begun.  Village Hall – internal fire door. Cllr. Lewis said that the need for a new door has been questioned - could the existing doors be automated?  Parc Rhydlafar – proposed plaque. No progress yet on the draft artwork.  Parc Rhydlafar – replacement swing. This has been completed.  Christmas trees. The Clerk had obtained another quotation to supply and install two trees but it was rejected as too expensive. The Clerk advised that he had still not had a definitive answer in relation to connections to the electricity supply. He was asked to refer to the hook-up used for the polling station at Parc Rhydlafar. County Cllr. Thomas offered to make enquiries. The Chairman expressed the view that a tree in the Village was unlikely to be arranged this year.  Land at the railway – extra chippings. The chippings had been delivered and spread around the site by Members. The Clerk advised that the sum of. £1,032 was due for payment.  Land at the railway – fencing. Cllr. Hughes submitted one quotation. A second quote is awaited.  Speed awareness cameras. Awaiting police speed check as discussed above.  Flag pole. The Clerk reported that has now advised that if the flag-pole is to be used only for national flags, etc. and not for advertising, no planning permission is required. Members agreed that the Clerk should order an 8-metre flag pole and a Commonwealth flag.  Lighting in Greenwood Lane. No progress reported. The Clerk was asked to draft a suitable ‘flyer’ for Westfield Park residents for the next community news.

306.11.06 – Planning a) Cardiff LDP / North West Cardiff Group

Cllr. Lewis referred to the application in respect of land n/s of Road. Stuart Burgess had identified a discrepancy in the application in that approximately 0.67ha of land required for Condition 3 lies outside the boundary of the original application. The Clerk reported that he had seen a new 2

application (16/02016/MJR) that he thought sought to revise the boundary. Cllr. Lewis agreed to look into it. Cllr. Lewis also reported that Kay Powell and others in the NWCG were discussing whether traffic monitoring should take place on the A4119.

Cllr. Hughes referred to the Reg.123 list and asked the Clerk to circulate it to all Members for them to consider any other ideas that could be included. The list should then be sent to Simon Gilbert (CC). Cllr. Hughes had also asked the Clerk to look at what S106 monies are available, for example from the Parc Rhydlafar development.

At the suggestion of Cllr. Lewis, it was agreed that the Clerk should write to both Kay Powell and Stuart Burgess to express the Community Council’s appreciation for all the work they have done both in relation to the LDP and the subsequent planning applications. b) Redrow / Plasdwr proposals

Cllr. Hughes referred to an article in the ‘In Cardiff’ newspaper that quoted Wayne Rees of Redrow as stating ‘that Redrow will continue to consult local communities as each phase of the development proceeds’. The Clerk was asked to try and contact Wayne Rees to enquire as to how, when and where this communication takes place and to ask why the Community Council hasn’t been involved. c) Museum Development

No further information as to progress had been received. d) Other Planning Applications

The Clerk gave details of the following planning applications:

New: 16/02480/MJR () – Land North & South of Llantrisant Road: D of C 3 (Highway improvement works) and 19 (Construction environmental management plan). 16/02016/MJR (Radyr) – Land N/S of Llantrisant Road: Reserved matters application re 14/02157/MJR for 126 dwellings. (revised application including amended description and amended boundary.)

Decided: 16/02265/MJR – Great House Farm D of C 9 (Reptile investigation). Full discharge. 16/02295/MJR – Great House Farm D of C 4 (Bin store), 7 (soil source survey) and 9 (entrance feature sign): Full discharge. 16/02123/MJR – Great House Farm 4 (Parking) 8 (Landscaping) & 16 (refuse storage). Partial discharge. 16/01689/DCH – 10, Ffordd Gwern. Extension & garage conversion. Permission granted.

It was suggested and agreed that the Clerk should draft a brief article for the next News about the various planning applications that are coming through, with contact details for anyone who has any questions in relation thereto.

Cllr. Critcher referred to the notification from Network Rail that the railway crossing will be closed to vehicular traffic from 24th to 27th December. Information about this will be included in the next St Fagans News, though it will be published too late for details of the drop-in session on 15th November.


Cllr. Critcher also referred to the meeting planned by Natural Resources on 24th November about their work on raising awareness of flooding problems in the area and providing advice to residents as to actions they can take. The magazine will again be published too late to advertise this.

306.11.07 – Environmental Matters a) Highways / Lighting / Traffic Concerns

The Clerk confirmed that he had reported the potholes in Crofft-Y-Genau Road but had only received a standard acknowledgement – no indication that any action would be taken.

Cllr. Chedzoy reported on a request for a grit bin on Caer Efail. The Clerk advised that Cardiff Council will only provide one if the Community Council agrees to pay for it. This was agreed and the Clerk was asked to submit a request accordingly.

Cllr. Hughes referred to the road works at the junction of Falconwood Drive. Cardiff Council had again failed to notify this Council and the Clerk had complained to the Monitoring Officer. Cllr. Hughes said he intended to raise the matter at the next Standards & Ethics meeting.

Members referred to the meeting with the residents of Castle Hill flats and discussed their concerns. The Clerk confirmed that he had submitted a request for a yellow box on Castle Hill. Members discussed the parking issue and asked the Clerk to enquire with Chris Hyde about ownership of the access point. Another suggestion is a mirror on the opposite side of the road to assist visibility but it was questioned whether planning permission would be required. A bus shelter was not considered practical because of the limited space; it would overhang on Cooke & Arkwright land. b) Street Cleansing / Litter

No matters were raised. c) Village Walkabout

The Clerk confirmed that he had reported the issue with waste bins, etc. on Crofft-Y-Genau Road where pavements are narrow and was awaiting a response. It was mentioned that one of the bollards in front of the Castle has been knocked over. d) Council’s land at the railway line

The Chairman thanked those Members that had helped to shift the extra stones. e) Other environmental issues

Cllr. Hughes reported that Lisvane CC had been successful in obtaining some S106 monies. The Clerk was asked to contact the Clerk at Lisvane to ask for more details.

Cllr. Pallier reported that there were a number of burnt out cars and bikes on the land next to Westfield Park. Chris Hyde of Cooke & Arkwright is addressing the problem.

Cllr. Hughes referred to the winter bin collection arrangements and advised that the dates given by Cardiff Council are wrong.

306.11.08 – Wales National History Museum / St Fagans Castle 4

The Clerk reported that a meeting with Bethan Lewis had not yet been arranged. It was agreed that the Clerk should suggest 3pm on 16th November. Referring again to the Food Festival it was reported that police on motorbikes should have been in attendance but they didn’t show. Cllr. Critcher reported that he had asked to speak to Bethan Ar Lewis about a problem with the magazine but was now due to meet with Mared Maggs. Cllr. Critcher also reported that he understood there are plans to deter people using the road through the Museum as a shortcut by charging them £5 to do so.

306.11.09 – One Voice Wales

Cllr. Hughes reported that he had attended a recent meeting of the Audit Panel. The re-organisation of OVW is on-going and there are plans in place to get the necessary approval of the change to a Company limited by guarantee.

The Clerk had circulated, for information, details of the range of consultancy services available.

306.11.10 – Correspondence and other communications

The Clerk reported on the following:  Cardiff West Neighbourhood Partnership – Weekly updates.  05/10/16 – OVW / WG: Update on Local Government Reform.  06/10/16 – Planning Aid Wales: Training opportunities.  07/10/16 – Cardiff Council: Public consultation on school reorganisation at Radyr.  08/10/16 – Roy Davis: Traffic incident at the railway crossing.  11/10/16 – Planning Aid Wales: Network event – Developments of National significance. (16/11/16)  12/10/16 – Natural Resources: Community flood awareness meeting – 24/11/16 in Village Hall 6.30.  17/10/16 – OVW: Details of Mark Drakeford’s eight proposals for community councils.  17/10/16 – OVW/WG: Proposals for a National Infrastructure Commission for Wales.  17/10/16 – OVW / Community Energy Wales. Autumn newsletter.  17/10/16 – Tim Davies (CC): Cardiff Partnership website.  19/10/16 – OVW / Wales Audit Office: Latest newsletter.  02/10/16 – Tim Davies (CC): Get ready for Winter advice. Members commented that it would be helpful to include this in the next magazine. The Clerk agreed to re-send it to Cllr. Critcher.  21/10/16 – CC: Neighbourhood funding applications outcome.  02/11/16 – Paul Kemble (resident) Plymouth Great Woods – continuing concerns.  03/11/16 – Cardiff Council: Elections 2017 – see letter.  04/11/16 – Planning Aid Wales: Proposals for a Planning Network for C&TCs. Views sought. Cllr. Hughes agreed to complete the survey.

306.11.11 – Finance a) Requests for Financial Assistance.

The Clerk reported on one request from the Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod 2017. No action. b) Monthly Report / Payment Approvals


The Clerk had circulated the monthly finance report (as annexed hereto), which was approved by the Council. He advised that the following items were now due for payment: St Fagans PCC Remembrance Day wreath 18.00 Whitchurch Builders Stone chippings 1,032.00 Cllr. J. Hughes Expenses October 231.78

Members approved these payments and signed the cheques accordingly. c) Statistics

The schedule of Members’ attendance and web site statistics was noted.

306.11.12 – Draft Report of the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales

The Clerk had circulated by e-mail details of the Report and how to access it on the web site. Apart from an increase from £100 to £150 per year in the sum Members can claim towards expenses and costs in carrying out their duties, it is proposed that most other allowances remain the same. The one exception is the proposal to completely remove the provision to pay an attendance allowance to Members attending approved duties outside the area of the council. The reason given for its proposed removal is that not many Members claim the allowance. The Report also states that Members have the option to claim financial loss allowance.

The Clerk expressed his concern at this proposal. Firstly, he considered that the simple fact that few Members claim the allowance is not in itself a reasonable justification for its removal. Secondly, he believed that many Members may not be able to prove financial loss. For example, those who run their own business, are self-employed, work flexible hours, are on zero-hours contracts, or are semi-retired, will often find it difficult to calculate and prove any financial loss incurred. They should not be penalised financially because of that. Cllr. Hughes supported the Clerk’s views. Members agreed that the Clerk should respond to the IRPW on that basis and request that attendance allowances be retained. He was also asked to copy the Council’s response to OVW with a request that this Council’s views be supported.

306.11.12 – Date & Time of Next Meeting

The Clerk advised that the next Meeting of the Council would be held on Monday 5th December. Cllr. Parry gave his apologies as he would be away.


There being no further matters to discuss the Chairman thanked everyone for their attendance and the meeting closed at 8.50 pm.

Confirmed as a correct record…...……………………..Chairman …...………….Date