109 bus time schedule & line map

109 Humbie - Haddington View In Website Mode

The 109 bus line (Humbie - Haddington) has 4 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Elphinstone: 5:00 PM (2) Elphinstone: 10:03 AM - 1:03 PM (3) Haddington: 9:00 AM - 1:32 PM (4) Humbie: 8:23 AM - 4:08 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 109 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 109 bus arriving.

Direction: Elphinstone 109 bus Time Schedule 24 stops Elphinstone Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 5:00 PM Kippithill, Humbie Kippithill, Tuesday 5:00 PM

Post Oce, Humbie Wednesday 5:00 PM

War Memorial, Humbie Thursday 5:00 PM B6368, Scotland Friday 5:00 PM

Humbie House, Humbie Saturday Not Operational

Bughtknowe Re, Gilchriston B6368, Scotland

Humbie Station Cottages, Gilchriston 109 bus Info Direction: Elphinstone Ford Cottages, Gilchriston Stops: 24 Trip Duration: 22 min Petersmuir Re, Gilchriston Line Summary: Kippithill, Humbie, Post Oce, Humbie, War Memorial, Humbie, Humbie House, Byre Court, East Saltoun Humbie, Bughtknowe Re, Gilchriston, Humbie Station Cottages, Gilchriston, Ford Cottages, Gilchriston, Fletcher Hall, East Saltoun Petersmuir Re, Gilchriston, Byre Court, East Saltoun, Fletcher Hall, East Saltoun, Pencaitland Park, Pencaitland, Limekilns, Pencaitland, Vineelds, Pencaitland Park, Pencaitland Pencaitland, Pencaitland Crossroads, Pencaitland, Boggs Holdings Road End, Pencaitland, Wintonhill Limekilns, Pencaitland Road End, New Winton, Winton Lodge, New Winton, Smithy Cottage, New Winton, Winton Terrace, New Vineelds, Pencaitland Winton, Puddle Burn, New Winton, Buxley Farm Road End, , Research Centre, Elphinstone, North Pencaitland Crossroads, Pencaitland Elphinstone, Elphinstone, Durie's Park, Elphinstone

Boggs Holdings Road End, Pencaitland

Wintonhill Road End, New Winton

Winton Lodge, New Winton B6355, Scotland Smithy Cottage, New Winton

Winton Terrace, New Winton Winton Terrace, Scotland

Puddle Burn, New Winton

Buxley Farm Road End, Tranent B6371, Scotland

Research Centre, Elphinstone

North Elphinstone, Elphinstone

Durie's Park, Elphinstone B6414, Scotland Direction: Elphinstone 109 bus Time Schedule 33 stops Elphinstone Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 10:03 AM - 1:03 PM High Street, Haddington High Street, Haddington Tuesday 10:03 AM - 1:03 PM

Police Station, Haddington Wednesday 10:03 AM - 1:03 PM Weston Gardens, Haddington Thursday 10:03 AM - 1:03 PM Angle Park, Haddington Friday 10:03 AM - 1:03 PM Station Road, Haddington Saturday Not Operational Caponat Crescent, Haddington

Roodlands Hospital, Haddington

Letham Mains Rd End, Haddington 109 bus Info Direction: Elphinstone Coates Road, Gladsmuir Stops: 33 Trip Duration: 27 min Liberty Hall, Gladsmuir Line Summary: High Street, Haddington, Police Station, Haddington, Angle Park, Haddington, Gladsmuir Farmhouse, Gladsmuir Caponat Crescent, Haddington, Roodlands Hospital, Haddington, Letham Mains Rd End, Roundabout, Gladsmuir Haddington, Coates Road, Gladsmuir, Liberty Hall, Gladsmuir, Gladsmuir Farmhouse, Gladsmuir, A199, Scotland Roundabout, Gladsmuir, Elvingston Road End, Elvingston Road End, Gladsmuir Gladsmuir, Village, Longniddry, Cunningham Court, Longniddry, Dean Road, Longniddry Village, Longniddry Longniddry, St Germains, Longniddry, Seton East, Port Seton, Meadowmill Roundabout, Port Seton, , , A1 Roundabout, Tranent, Cunningham Court, Longniddry Fowler Street, Tranent, Fire Station, Tranent, Fa'Side Lodge, Tranent, Police Station, Tranent, Health Dean Road, Longniddry Centre, Tranent, Harkness Crescent, Tranent, King's Road, Tranent, Swan Road, Tranent, Fleets Road, St Germains, Longniddry Tranent, West Windygoul, Tranent, Castle Road, Tranent, Fa'Side View, Tranent, Research Centre Re, Seton East, Port Seton Tranent, Durie's Park, Elphinstone

Meadowmill Roundabout, Port Seton A198, Scotland

Blindwells, Prestonpans

A1 Roundabout, Tranent B6371, Tranent

Fowler Street, Tranent Fowler Street, Tranent

Fire Station, Tranent

Fa'Side Lodge, Tranent Winton Place, Tranent

Police Station, Tranent 115 High Street, Tranent

Health Centre, Tranent Well Wynd, Tranent

Harkness Crescent, Tranent

King's Road, Tranent

Swan Road, Tranent

Fleets Road, Tranent

West Windygoul, Tranent West Windygoul, Scotland

Castle Road, Tranent West Windygoul Gardens, Scotland

Fa'Side View, Tranent Fa'side View, Scotland

Research Centre Re, Tranent

Durie's Park, Elphinstone B6414, Scotland Direction: Haddington 109 bus Time Schedule 57 stops Haddington Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 9:00 AM - 1:32 PM Kippithill, Humbie Kippithill, Scotland Tuesday 9:00 AM - 1:32 PM

Post Oce, Humbie Wednesday 9:00 AM - 1:32 PM

War Memorial, Humbie Thursday 9:00 AM - 1:32 PM B6368, Scotland Friday 9:00 AM - 1:32 PM

Humbie House, Humbie Saturday Not Operational

Bughtknowe Re, Gilchriston B6368, Scotland

Humbie Station Cottages, Gilchriston 109 bus Info Direction: Haddington Ford Cottages, Gilchriston Stops: 57 Trip Duration: 28 min Petersmuir Re, Gilchriston Line Summary: Kippithill, Humbie, Post Oce, Humbie, War Memorial, Humbie, Humbie House, Byre Court, East Saltoun Humbie, Bughtknowe Re, Gilchriston, Humbie Station Cottages, Gilchriston, Ford Cottages, Gilchriston, Fletcher Hall, East Saltoun Petersmuir Re, Gilchriston, Byre Court, East Saltoun, Fletcher Hall, East Saltoun, Pencaitland Park, Pencaitland Park, Pencaitland Pencaitland, Limekilns, Pencaitland, Vineelds, Pencaitland, Pencaitland Crossroads, Pencaitland, Boggs Holdings Road End, Pencaitland, Wintonhill Limekilns, Pencaitland Road End, New Winton, Winton Lodge, New Winton, Smithy Cottage, New Winton, Winton Terrace, New Vineelds, Pencaitland Winton, Puddle Burn, New Winton, Buxley Farm Road End, Tranent, Research Centre, Elphinstone, North Pencaitland Crossroads, Pencaitland Elphinstone, Elphinstone, Durie's Park, Elphinstone, Research Centre Re, Tranent, Fa'Side View, Tranent, Boggs Holdings Road End, Pencaitland Castle Road, Tranent, West Windygoul, Tranent, Fleets Road, Tranent, Swan Road, Tranent, King's Wintonhill Road End, New Winton Road, Tranent, Harkness Crescent, Tranent, Health Centre, Tranent, Police Station, Tranent, Fa'Side Winton Lodge, New Winton Lodge, Tranent, Fire Station, Tranent, Fowler Street, B6355, Scotland Tranent, A1 Roundabout, Tranent, Blindwells, Prestonpans, Meadowmill Roundabout, Port Seton, Smithy Cottage, New Winton Seton East, Port Seton, St Germains, Longniddry, Dean Road, Longniddry, Cunningham Court, Winton Terrace, New Winton Longniddry, Longniddry Village, Longniddry, Winton Terrace, Scotland Roundabout, Gladsmuir, Gladsmuir Farmhouse, Gladsmuir, Elvingston Road End, Gladsmuir, Puddle Burn, New Winton Lamington Road, Gladsmuir, Liberty Hall, Gladsmuir, Coates Road, Gladsmuir, Letham Mains Rd End, Buxley Farm Road End, Tranent Haddington, Roodlands Hospital, Haddington, Caponat Crescent, Haddington, Angle Park, B6371, Scotland Haddington, Corn Exchange, Haddington, Market Research Centre, Elphinstone Street, Haddington

North Elphinstone, Elphinstone Durie's Park, Elphinstone B6414, Scotland

Research Centre Re, Tranent

Fa'Side View, Tranent Fa'side View, Scotland

Castle Road, Tranent

West Windygoul, Tranent West Windygoul, Scotland

Fleets Road, Tranent Caponhall Road, Tranent

Swan Road, Tranent

King's Road, Tranent

Harkness Crescent, Tranent Hakness Crescent, Tranent

Health Centre, Tranent Loch Square, Tranent

Police Station, Tranent 115 High Street, Tranent

Fa'Side Lodge, Tranent

Fire Station, Tranent Wallace Place, Tranent

Fowler Street, Tranent Fowler Street, Tranent

A1 Roundabout, Tranent B6371, Tranent

Blindwells, Prestonpans

Meadowmill Roundabout, Port Seton A198, Scotland

Seton East, Port Seton

St Germains, Longniddry

Dean Road, Longniddry

Cunningham Court, Longniddry

Longniddry Village, Longniddry

Roundabout, Gladsmuir A199, Scotland

Gladsmuir Farmhouse, Gladsmuir

Elvingston Road End, Gladsmuir Lamington Road, Gladsmuir

Liberty Hall, Gladsmuir

Coates Road, Gladsmuir

Letham Mains Rd End, Haddington

Roodlands Hospital, Haddington

Caponat Crescent, Haddington Hopetoun Drive, Haddington

Angle Park, Haddington Station Road, Haddington

Corn Exchange, Haddington 36 Court Street, Haddington

Market Street, Haddington Direction: Humbie 109 bus Time Schedule 54 stops Humbie Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 8:23 AM - 4:08 PM High Street, Haddington High Street, Haddington Tuesday 8:23 AM - 4:08 PM

Police Station, Haddington Wednesday 8:23 AM - 4:08 PM Weston Gardens, Haddington Thursday 8:23 AM - 4:08 PM Angle Park, Haddington Friday 8:23 AM - 4:08 PM Station Road, Haddington Saturday Not Operational Caponat Crescent, Haddington

Roodlands Hospital, Haddington

Letham Mains Rd End, Haddington 109 bus Info Direction: Humbie Coates Road, Gladsmuir Stops: 54 Trip Duration: 49 min Liberty Hall, Gladsmuir Line Summary: High Street, Haddington, Police Station, Haddington, Angle Park, Haddington, Gladsmuir Farmhouse, Gladsmuir Caponat Crescent, Haddington, Roodlands Hospital, Haddington, Letham Mains Rd End, Roundabout, Gladsmuir Haddington, Coates Road, Gladsmuir, Liberty Hall, Gladsmuir, Gladsmuir Farmhouse, Gladsmuir, A199, Scotland Roundabout, Gladsmuir, Elvingston Road End, Elvingston Road End, Gladsmuir Gladsmuir, Longniddry Village, Longniddry, Cunningham Court, Longniddry, Dean Road, Longniddry Village, Longniddry Longniddry, St Germains, Longniddry, Seton East, Port Seton, Meadowmill Roundabout, Port Seton, Blindwells, Prestonpans, A1 Roundabout, Tranent, Cunningham Court, Longniddry Fowler Street, Tranent, Fire Station, Tranent, Fa'Side Lodge, Tranent, Police Station, Tranent, Health Dean Road, Longniddry Centre, Tranent, Harkness Crescent, Tranent, King's Road, Tranent, Swan Road, Tranent, Fleets Road, St Germains, Longniddry Tranent, West Windygoul, Tranent, Castle Road, Tranent, Fa'Side View, Tranent, Research Centre Re, Seton East, Port Seton Tranent, Durie's Park, Elphinstone, North Elphinstone, Elphinstone, Research Centre, Elphinstone, Buxley Meadowmill Roundabout, Port Seton Farm Road End, Tranent, Puddle Burn, New Winton, A198, Scotland Winton Terrace, New Winton, Smithy Cottage, New Winton, Winton Lodge, New Winton, Wintonhill Road Blindwells, Prestonpans End, New Winton, Boggs Holdings Road End, Pencaitland, Pencaitland Crossroads, Pencaitland, A1 Roundabout, Tranent Limekilns, Pencaitland, Fletcher Hall, East Saltoun, B6371, Tranent Byre Court, East Saltoun, Petersmuir Re, Gilchriston, Ford Cottages, Gilchriston, Humbie Station Cottages, Fowler Street, Tranent Gilchriston, Bughtknowe Re, Gilchriston, Humbie Fowler Street, Tranent House, Humbie, War Memorial, Humbie, Post Oce, Humbie, Kippithill, Humbie Fire Station, Tranent

Fa'Side Lodge, Tranent Winton Place, Tranent

Police Station, Tranent 115 High Street, Tranent

Health Centre, Tranent Well Wynd, Tranent

Harkness Crescent, Tranent

King's Road, Tranent

Swan Road, Tranent

Fleets Road, Tranent

West Windygoul, Tranent West Windygoul, Scotland

Castle Road, Tranent West Windygoul Gardens, Scotland

Fa'Side View, Tranent Fa'side View, Scotland

Research Centre Re, Tranent

Durie's Park, Elphinstone B6414, Scotland

North Elphinstone, Elphinstone

Research Centre, Elphinstone

Buxley Farm Road End, Tranent B6371, Scotland

Puddle Burn, New Winton

Winton Terrace, New Winton Winton Terrace, Scotland

Smithy Cottage, New Winton

Winton Lodge, New Winton B6355, Scotland

Wintonhill Road End, New Winton

Boggs Holdings Road End, Pencaitland

Pencaitland Crossroads, Pencaitland

Limekilns, Pencaitland

Fletcher Hall, East Saltoun

Byre Court, East Saltoun

Petersmuir Re, Gilchriston

Ford Cottages, Gilchriston Humbie Station Cottages, Gilchriston

Bughtknowe Re, Gilchriston B6368, Scotland

Humbie House, Humbie

War Memorial, Humbie B6368, Scotland

Post Oce, Humbie

Kippithill, Humbie Kippithill, Scotland 109 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in Scotland. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved