A Bibliography of the History of Inland Waterways, Railways and Road
A Bibliography of thethe History of Inland Waterways, Railways andand Road Transport inin thethe BritishBritish Isles,Isles, 19921992 This eighth annual bibliographybibliography follows thethe usualusual format.format. 'Ott.xxxx'`Ott.xxxx' indicates a cross-reference toto anan entry in George Ottley, A bibliographybibliography of British railwayrailway historyhistory (1966) or its Supplement (1988). jt indicatesindicates thatthat aa copycopy ofof thethe bookbook has not beenbeen seenseen and, therefore,therefore, thethe bibliographicalbibliographical details may not be accurate. +1 The continuingcontinuing support ofof the regular contributorscontributors (listed in the introduction to the 1991 Bibliography), whowho searchsearch outout the rarer books and comb through somesome 300300 periodical titles, is gratefully acknowledged.acknowledged. ThanksThanks areare again due to the Ian AllanAllan Bookshop atat Waterloo,Waterloo, the World of Transport Bookshop at Twickenham, and the Inland Waterways Association bookshop for their kind indulgence.indulgence. SECTION GG GENERALGENERAL GB TRANSPORTTRANSPORT AT AT PARTICULAR PARTICULAR PERIODS GB1GBl PrehistoryPrehistory and and RomanRoman ANDERSON, JAMES D.D. RomanRoman militarymilitary supplysupply inin north-eastnorth·east England:England: anan analysisanalysis of and an alternativealternative to the PiereebridgcPiercebridge Formula. Oxford: TemposTempus Reparaturn,Reparatum, 1992.1992. pp.v,196. 2222 p1.,65pI. ,65 figs.figs. [B.[B.A.R. A.R. BritishBritish series, series, no.224.]no.224.) Based on Ph.D. thesis, Univ.of Newcastle upon Tyne. Examines transport by road & natural river, rejectingrejecting as 'unlikely''unlikely' thethe improvedimproved riverriver systemsystem suggestedsuggested inin Raymond Selkirk,Selkirk, The PiercebridgePiercebridge Formula (1983).(1983). GC TRANSPORTTRANSPORT IN IN PARTICULAR PARTICULAR REGIONS REGIONS OF THE BRITISH ISLESISLES GCGClb lb England—SouthEngland-South West West region 2 PERKINS, KEITH S.S.
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