UT Also Reports Eight Deaths

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UT Also Reports Eight Deaths K M #('#''$& # '% '($ ''" $*&!$$'( $#(!$$($*!($#+" (#+)' Y $ )($#'')&'')%%$&( '&&+( $&&)%($#&!')"' " C JAMMU, MONDAY, JULY 20 , 2020 VOL. 36 | NO.200 | REGD. NO. : JM/JK 118/15 /17 | E-mail : [email protected] |www.glimpsesoffuture.com | Price : Rs. 2.00 Highest single-day spike of 701 COVID-19 IAF commanders to review air defence system in view of border row with China at 3-day meet cases in J-K; UT also reports eight deaths . %!"-%/ 20B4B0A42C8E4&>B8C8E4 0=38?>A070B?>B8C8E420B4B 20B4BA4?>AC43C>30HF8C7 *>? 2><<0=34AB >5 C74 70E4A42>E4A430=3 8=2;D38=6 20B4BA4?>AC43C> 2C8E4&>B8C8E4 A42>E4A43 =380=8A>A24F8;;20AAH>DC *74>E4A=<4=C>=)D=30H 70E43843 8= 0<<D38E8B8>= 30HF8C7 2C8E4&>B8C8E4 8=2;D38=6 20B4BA42>E4A43C> 0= 8=34?C7 A4E84F >5 C74 8=5>A<43C70C =4F?>B8C8E4 0=3 8=!0B7<8A38E8B8>=*74 A42>E4A438=2;D38=6 20B4BA4 30H0=3 340C7B!D?F0A070B 2>D=CAHB08A3454=24BHBC4<0C 20B4B>5=>E4;>A>=0E8ADB D;;4C8=5DAC74AB083C70C>DC>5 2>E4A43C>30H0=3 340C7B ?>B8C8E420B4B8=2;D38=6 0C7A4430H2>=54A4=241468= %, 5A>< 0<<D C4BCA4BD;CB0E08;01;4 )A8=060A70B ?>B8C8E420B4B 20B4BA4?>AC43C>30HF8C7 =8=6-43=4B30H8=E84F>5C74 38E8B8>=0=3 5A><!0B7<8A B0<?;4B70E4144=C4BC43 8=2;D38=6 20B4BA4?>AC43C> 2C8E4&>B8C8E4A42>E4A43 18CC4A1>A34AA>FF8C778=0 38E8B8>=70E4144=A4?>AC43C> 0B=460C8E4C8;; 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