488 Subpart A—Organic Pesticide Chemicals Manufacturing
§ 455.11 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–12 Edition) chemical products and be considered a this subpart are applicable to dis- ‘‘stand-alone’’ PFPR facility. charges resulting from the manufac- ture of the following organic active in- [43 FR 17776, Apr. 25, 1978, as amended at 50 FR 40701, Oct. 4, 1985; 51 FR 44911, Dec. 15, gredients: Aldrin, BHC, Captan, 1986; 58 FR 50689, Sept. 28, 1993; 61 FR 57548, Chlordane, DDD, DDE, DDT, Dichloran, Nov. 6, 1996] Dieldrin, Endosulfan, Endrin, Hepta- chlor, Lindane, Methoxychlor, Mirex, Subpart A—Organic Pesticide PCNB, Toxaphene, Trifluralin, Chemicals Manufacturing Azinphos Methyl, Demeton-O, Demeton-S, Diazinon, Disulfoton, Mal- Subcategory athion, Parathion Methyl, Parathion Ethyl, Aminocarb, Carbaryl, SOURCE: 43 FR 44846, Sept. 29, 1978, unless Methiocarb, Mexacarbate, Propoxur, otherwise noted. Barban, Chlorpropham, Diuron, Fenuron, Fenuron-TCA, Linuron, § 455.11 Compliance date for pretreatment standards for existing Monuron, Monuron-TCA, Neubron, sources (PSES). Propham, Swep, 2,4-D, Dicamba, Silvex, 2,4,5-T, Siduron, Perthane, and All discharges subject to Dicofol. pretreatment standards for existing (c) The intermediates used to manu- sources (PSES) in subparts A and B of facture the active ingredients and ac- this part must comply with the stand- tive ingredients used solely in experi- ards no later than September 28, 1993. mental pesticides are excluded from [61 FR 57549, Nov. 6, 1996] coverage in this subpart. Insecticidal pathogenic organisms such as Bacillus § 455.20 Applicability; description of thuringiensis, insect growth hormones, the organic pesticide chemicals plant extracts such as pyrethrins; sex manufacturing subcategory. attractants and botanicals such as Ro- (a) For the purpose of calculating and tenone are also excluded from BPT applying effluent limitations for COD, coverage in this subpart.
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