§ 455.11 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–12 Edition)

chemical products and be considered a this subpart are applicable to dis- ‘‘stand-alone’’ PFPR facility. charges resulting from the manufac- ture of the following organic active in- [43 FR 17776, Apr. 25, 1978, as amended at 50 FR 40701, Oct. 4, 1985; 51 FR 44911, Dec. 15, gredients: , BHC, Captan, 1986; 58 FR 50689, Sept. 28, 1993; 61 FR 57548, , DDD, DDE, DDT, Dichloran, Nov. 6, 1996] , , , Hepta- chlor, , , , Subpart A—Organic Pesticide PCNB, , Trifluralin, Chemicals Manufacturing Azinphos Methyl, -O, Demeton-S, , , Mal- Subcategory athion, Methyl, Parathion Ethyl, , , SOURCE: 43 FR 44846, Sept. 29, 1978, unless , Mexacarbate, , otherwise noted. Barban, Chlorpropham, Diuron, Fenuron, Fenuron-TCA, Linuron, § 455.11 Compliance date for pretreatment standards for existing Monuron, Monuron-TCA, Neubron, sources (PSES). Propham, Swep, 2,4-D, Dicamba, Silvex, 2,4,5-T, Siduron, Perthane, and All discharges subject to . pretreatment standards for existing (c) The intermediates used to manu- sources (PSES) in subparts A and B of facture the active ingredients and ac- this part must comply with the stand- tive ingredients used solely in experi- ards no later than September 28, 1993. mental pesticides are excluded from [61 FR 57549, Nov. 6, 1996] coverage in this subpart. Insecticidal pathogenic organisms such as Bacillus § 455.20 Applicability; description of thuringiensis, growth hormones, the organic pesticide chemicals plant extracts such as ; sex manufacturing subcategory. attractants and botanicals such as Ro- (a) For the purpose of calculating and tenone are also excluded from BPT applying effluent limitations for COD, coverage in this subpart. BOD5, and TSS, and applying pH limits (d) A plant that manufactures a pes- under BPT (§ 455.22), BCT (§ 455.23), and ticide active ingredient listed in Table NSPS (§ 455.25), the provisions of this 1 of this part must comply with the subpart are applicable to discharges re- BAT effluent limitations and new sulting from the manufacture of or- source performance and pretreatment ganic pesticide active ingredients and standards for that pesticide active in- organo-tin pesticide active ingredients, gredient listed in table 2 (BAT and excluding the following: Allethrin; PSES) or Table 3 of this part (NSPS Benzyl Benzoate; Bisethylxanthogen; and PSNS). A plant that manufactures Chlorophacinone; Coumafuryl; Di- a pesticide active ingredient listed in methyl Phthalate; Diphacinone; Table 1 of this part must also comply Endothall Acid; EXD (Herbisan); with the BAT effluent limitations and Gibberellic Acid; Glyphosate; Naph- new source performance and thalene Acetic Acid; Propargite; 1,8 pretreatment standards for priority Naphthalic Anhydride; pollutants listed in Tables 4, 5 and 6 of Quinmethionate; Rotenone; Sulfoxide; this part. The limitations in Table 4 of Triazine compounds (both symmetrical this part (BAT and NSPS) are applica- and asymmetrical); and Warfarin and ble to existing and new direct dis- similar anticoagulants. Provided, how- charge point sources that use End-of- ever, that the effluent limitations of Pipe biological treatment. The limita- this subpart for BOD5 and TSS, but not tions in Table 5 of this part (BAT and COD, apply to manufacturers of NSPS) are applicable to existing and Ametryn, Prometon, Prometryn, new direct discharge point sources that Terbutryn, Cyanazine, Atrazine, do not use end-of-pipe biological treat- Propazine, Simazine, Terbuthylazine, ment. The limitations in Table 6 of this Hexazinone, and Glyphosate. part (PSES and PSNS) are applicable (b) For the purpose of calculating to existing and new sources that dis- BPT effluent limitations for organic charge to Publicly Owned Treatment Pesticide chemicals, the provisions of Works.


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