
Daily Observer , January 2, 2007. Pages 1 & 3.

dies in 11orida BY I{EI!RY MCC.AT'n' when the date or the show neared OlN•rwr staiT r<•port.er Ellington said, t.Oo, that Hyatt luJS made an lnvalweblc contrtbution to local theatre and U'l'STANUING Jnmaicru1 ac·tor, taught many young necessary skills. nud broadcastc1 Hyatt s and his co-star Leonie Forbe~· O Cbarlb Hyatt died yesterday In performance In Trevor Rhone's Old Story Florida. us.\ a ncr suffering briclly Time Ellington said. were iruaniCtlve. from liver canrer. II~ was 75 vears old. "They demonstt-ated what curving out a But e1·en as 1he nation mourned his charncter and going for detaU was," she said. pas$illg. Hyatt's colleagues In the Forbes, who said she first saw Hyatt perform perrorming arts community praised when she was 19 years old, told the Ob>et'\ er 1>1.~ work .on stage and rum. his keen thal \\hllc she recognl~ hlS r.ontlibution and ense of prof~ slonallsm and hi.~ the possible void lelt by his dcath. she would humanity. simply miss her frlend. Charles was ror me the best acting "lie· was my daughter's god rather, he was talent I ever saw In Jamaica," said my good, good, good frtend. Right now, I can playwright Louis Marriot~. while only register him as ml triend," she sald. colleague actor 1t11d bi'Oadcaster Fae She recalled that durtng Old Story Time's ::llington latt