Metacercaria of Clinostomum Complanatum (Rudolphi, 1814) (Trematoda: Digenea) in a Texas Salamander, Eurycea Neotenes (Amphibia: Caudata), with Comments on C

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Metacercaria of Clinostomum Complanatum (Rudolphi, 1814) (Trematoda: Digenea) in a Texas Salamander, Eurycea Neotenes (Amphibia: Caudata), with Comments on C J. Helminthol. Soc. Wash. 57(1), 1990, pp. 69-71 Research Note Metacercaria of Clinostomum complanatum (Rudolphi, 1814) (Trematoda: Digenea) in a Texas Salamander, Eurycea neotenes (Amphibia: Caudata), with Comments on C. marginatum (Rudolphi, 1819) CHRIS T. MCALLISTER Renal-Metabolic Laboratory (151-G), Veterans Administration Medical Center, 4500 S. Lancaster Road, Dallas, Texas 75216 and Department of Biological Sciences, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas 76203 ABSTRACT: Clinostomum complanatum (Rudolphi, juvenile and adult (wet mass range, 0.2-0.9 g) 1814) (Digenea: Clinostomoidea) metacercariae were Texas salamanders, Eurycea neotenes Bishop and recovered from 1/86 (1.2%) Texas salamanders, Eu- rycea neotenes, in south-central Texas. Three encysted Wright, 1937, were collected with dipnets from flukes were found to be developing in host connective permanent springs located at 29°45'N, 99°33'W tissue and muscle adjacent to heart and liver. This and 29°51'N, 99°40'W in Bandera and Real finding represents the first report of C. complanatum counties of south-central Texas. Following met- from a plethodontid salamander and the fourth time abolic experiments (see McAllister and Fitzpat- the genus has been reported from a caudate amphibian. Based on comparative morphological data and opin- rick, 1989), salamanders were anesthetized with ions proposed by earlier workers, the synonymy of 0.1% TMS-222 (tricaine methanesulfonate), ex- Clinostomum marginatum (Rudolphi, 1819) with Cli- amined with a dissecting microscope for meta- nostomum complanatum (Rudolphi, 1814) is provi- cercarial cysts, and later preserved in 10% for- sionally supported, and Clinostomum attenuatum Cort, 1913, is recognized as a distinct species. malin. When cysts were observed, metacercariae KEY WORDS: Clinostomidae, Clinostomum attenu- were gently teased from membranes and killed atum, C. complanatum, C. marginatum, Eurycea neo- in hot distilled water. For permanent slides, tenes, metacercariae, prevalence, synonymy, Texas sal- worms were flattened slightly under a cover glass, amander, Trematoda. fixed in AFA (alcohol-formalin-acetic acid), stained with Mayer's hematoxylin and eosin Trematodes of the genus Clinostomum Leidy, counterstain, and mounted in Permount®. Rep- 1856, as adults, are normally endoparasites of resentative specimens have been deposited in the the oral cavity and anterior esophagus of piscivo- USNM Helminthological Collection, USDA, rous birds, including those within the orders Beltsville, Maryland 20705, as USNM Helm. Charadriiformes (alcids, gulls, and shorebirds) Coll. No. 80631. Voucher specimens of sala- and Ciconiiformes (herons, ibises, and storks). manders have been deposited in the Arkansas Occasional human cases of Clinostomum infec- State University Museum of Zoology (ASUMZ tion have been reported following ingestion of 8421-8426). raw fishes (Hirai et al., 1987). Snails serve as first Only 1 (1.4%) of the 70 E. neotenes from the intermediate hosts (Yamaguti, 1971), and meta- Real County site (off E. Frio River) was found cercariae have been reported previously to infect to be harboring metacercariae; all of the 16 sal- second intermediate hosts such as fishes (Hoff- amanders from the Bandera County site (Mill man, 1967), ranid frogs (Osborn, 1911; Cort, Creek) were negative. Three ovoid to spherical 1913; Fortner, 1923; Manter, 1938), a siren yellow metacercarial cysts (2.3-2.5 mm in di- (Manter, 1938), a 3-toed amphiuma (Bennett and ameter) were visible to the unaided eye through Humes, 1938), a spotted salamander (Fowler, the venter of the infected host and situated in 1947), and a plains garter snake (Hopkins, 1933). connective tissue and muscles adjacent to heart The purpose of this note is to report, for the first and liver. The 3 mechanically excysted meta- time, the occurrence of metacercariae of Clino- cercariae had the following characteristics and stomum complanatum (Rudolphi, 1814) in a measurements (mean followed by the range in plethodontid salamander. Also, information is micrometers in parentheses, except where not- provided on the synonym C. marginatum (Ru- ed): body length 3.5 (2.9-4.3) mm; width 1.0 dolphi, 1819). (0.8-1.2) mm; fine cuticular spines protruding Between March 1982 and September 1985, 86 from tegumental surface; oral sucker length and 69 Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington 70 JOURNAL OF THE HELMINTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY width 272 x 218(184-321 x 173-258); ventral 3-toed amphiuma, Amphiuma tridactylum, from sucker length and width 538 x 614 (449-639 x Louisiana (Bennett and Humes, 1938), leopard 534-727); vitellaria not completely formed; im- frogs, Rana pipiens, from New Jersey (Fried and mature ovary between testes, 139 x 188 (119- Foley, 1970), a plains garter snake, Thamnophis 160 x 140-223); immature testes 122 x 227 radix, from an unknown locality in the United (85-261 x 58-242). Based on the descriptions States (Hopkins, 1933), and a plethodontid sal- provided in Osborn (1912), Cort (1913), Ukoli amander from Texas (McAllister, this study). (1966), Kagei et al. (1984), and Feizullaev and I thank Dr. J. E. Ubelaker for examining the Mirzoeva (1986), specimens were identified as metacercariae, members of the H. E. Butt Foun- C. complanatum (Rudolphi, 1814). dation Camp for allowing me access to springs, Larson et al. (1988) recently noted that "out- and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department side of North America, C. marginatum is re- for Scientific Collecting Permit No. SPO44-1. I ferred to as C. complanatum," a view that earlier also thank Dr. J. R. Lichtenfels for helpful com- was also noted by Manter (1938). However, Ukoli ments and curatorial assistance and 2 anony- (1966) revised the genus and following Baer's mous reviewers for critically reviewing the (1933) and Yamaguti's (1933) independent sug- manuscript. gestions, proposed that C. marginatum Rudol- phi, 1819, is 1 of at least 20 synonyms of C. Addendum complanatum. Ukoli (1966) further recognized While this manuscript was in press, I was in- the similar C. attenuatum Cort, 1913, as a dis- formed (R. P. Eckerlin, pers. comm.) of another tinct species occurring primarily in frogs. Other salamander that now can be included as a new investigators have agreed that C. marginatum is host for C. complanatum. The host, an adult a junior synonym of C. complanatum (see Dow- male red-spotted newt, Notophthalmus sett and Lubinsky, 1980; Feizullaev and Mir- cens viridescens (Rafinesque), was collected in zoeva, 1983). Indeed, the slight morphological early 1968 from an unknown locale in Massa- differences between complanatum and margin- chusetts. Five metacercariae were encysted near atum that Braun (1901) regarded as convincing the eyes and forelimbs of the newt. After re- evidence for recognizing distinct species is prob- moval, 4 of the metacercariae were fed to a pi- ably due to individual variability (see Baer, 1933); geon in an unsuccessful attempt to obtain mature thus, the synonymy originally proposed by Baer specimens; 1 was retained as a voucher and later (1933) and reiterated by Ukoli (1966) and Dow- deposited as USNM Helm. Coll. No. 80823. The sett and Lubinsky (1980) is provisionally sup- single C. complanatum metacercaria measured ported. In spite of this revised taxonomic infor- 5.0 long x 1.5 mm wide and possessed fine cu- mation and the difficulty differentiating these 2 ticular spines, immature testes, and ovary. The species (see Baer, 1933), the name marginatum family Salamandridae, to which TV. v. viridescens continues to be perpetuated in the North Amer- belongs, further extends the host range for the ican literature (Fried and Foley, 1970; Fried et genus Clinostomum to include 4 families of sal- al., 1970; Taber, 1972; Hazen and Esch, 1978; amanders. Ingham and Dronen, 1980; Uglem and Larson, I thank Dr. R. P. Eckerlin for bringing this 1987; Larson et al., 1988; and others), and it may information to my attention and allowing the persist as a viable subjective synonym. record to be included in the present report. Lastly, as there are at least 2 valid species of Clinostomum (i.e., attenuatum and complana- Literature Cited tum} found as metacercariae in various North Baer, J. G. 1933. Note sur un nouveau trematode, American fishes, amphibians, and at least 1 rep- Clinostomum lophophallum sp. nov., avec quel- tile, caution should be exercised before arriving ques considerations generates sur la famille des at an identification based solely on the traditional Clinostomidae. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 40:317- 342. view of host specificity. Cort (1913) suggested Bennett, H. J., and A. G. Humes. 1938. Helminth that the metacercarial forms found in frogs rep- parasites of Amphiuma tridactylum and Siren lac- resent C. attenuatum and those in fishes were C. ertina from Louisiana. Proceedings of the Loui- marginatum (=complanatum). However, the lat- siana Academy of Sciences 4:243-245. Braun, M. 1901. Die Arten der Gattung Clinosto- ter species is not restricted to fishes because it mum Leidy. Zoologische Jahrbuecher Abteilung has been reported in a pig frog, Rana grylio, and fuer Systematik Oekologie und Geographic der siren, Siren sp., from Florida (Manter, 1938), a Tiere 14:1-48. Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME 57, NUMBER 1, JANUARY 1990 71 Cort, W. W. 1913. Notes on the trematode genus rus salmoides, in Belton and Livingston Reser- Clinostomum. Transactions of the American Mi- voirs, central Texas. Proceedings of the croscopical Society 32:169-182. Helminthological Society of Washington 47:140- Dowsett, J. A., and G. Lubinsky. 1980. Clinostomum 142. complanatum or Clinostomum marginatum? Kagei, N., Y. Yanohara, R. Uchikawa, and A. Sato. (Trematoda: Clinostomatidae). A problem of 1984. On the yellow grubs, metacercariae of Cli- priority and synonymy. Canadian Journal of Zo- nostomum complanatum (Rudolphi, 1819), found ology 58:680-682. in the cultured loach. Japanese Journal of Parasi- Feizullaev, N. A., and S. S. Mirzoeva. 1983. [Revi- tology 33:59-62. sion of the superfamily Clinostomoidea and anal- Larson, O. R., G.
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    View metadata, citation and similar papers at brought to you by CORE provided by ScholarWorks@UARK Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science Volume 67 Article 31 2013 Distribution of Yellow Grub (Clinostomum marginatum) Metacercariae in Black Bass (Micropterus spp.) from Arkansas Ozark and Ouachita Reservoir Lakes James J. Daly Sr. University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Animal Diseases Commons, and the Zoology Commons Recommended Citation Daly, James J. Sr. (2013) "Distribution of Yellow Grub (Clinostomum marginatum) Metacercariae in Black Bass (Micropterus spp.) from Arkansas Ozark and Ouachita Reservoir Lakes," Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science: Vol. 67 , Article 31. Available at: This article is available for use under the Creative Commons license: Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0). Users are able to read, download, copy, print, distribute, search, link to the full texts of these articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This General Note is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks@UARK. It has been accepted for inclusion in Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science by an authorized editor of ScholarWorks@UARK. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science, Vol. 67 [2013], Art. 31 Distribution of Yellow Grub (Clinostomum marginatum) Metacercariae in Black Bass (Micropterus spp.) from Arkansas Ozark and Ouachita Reservoir Lakes J.J.
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