Minister Fails to Respond to USSU

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Minister Fails to Respond to USSU The University of Surrey Students’ Union Newspaper issue 1056 THURSDAY 1 MAY 2003 88p COLOURS BALL: THE INFO The latest infor- mation on the Minister fails to respond to USSU sporting event of the year - the THE MINISTER FOR Lifelong Learning and BY PHILIP HOWARD AND Colours Ball- and Higher Education, Margaret Hodge, was RICHARD WATTS how you can get a criticised by students from local sixth form ticket for the big- colleges and sabbatical officers from the Toni Borneo, the gest event known University of Surrey Students’ Union for Education & Welfare to sports clubs at failing to respond to their questions in a Q & Officer at the University UniS | page 24 A session held at the Students’ Union during of Surrey Students’ the Easter holidays. Union, asked the minister STAG NIGHT CELEBRATIONS The session was arranged to allow how the government’s students to question the minister over the widening participation Ben Supper pre- government’s recent paper concerning aims could possibly pares for his best the future of higher education funding be consistent with the man’s speech in but yielded little in the way of clarity and content of the White the best possible served only to rile sixth-formers and student Paper. Mrs Hodge way by attending representatives looking for answers to replied: “I think you are the groom’s stag common student concerns. doing more damage to night amidst the Jennifer Hepp – an upper sixth student Widening Participation smokey nights from Kings College Guildford – said: than the government of London “She didn’t fully listen to our concerns and is,” following an earlier Town’s finer brushed them aside immediately.” Jonathan response in which the areas | page 7 Williams, also a student at Kings College, minister lambasted the said: “I came hoping to clarify the current NUS and sabbatical IN THIS WEEK’S PAPER situation regarding university fees and the officers for campaigning Above: Margaret Hodge, the government Minister for Lifelong Learning and Higher Education, talking to students at USSU Photo: Paul Wright potential financial situation [I might face]; against fees and thus The federal statement of intent unfortunately, all she did was add to my “putting potential students off.” did not understand the true reality of The Students’ Unions of the Federal Uni- confusion and frustration.” Ms Borneo said: “ All that prospective the situation for current and prospective versity of Surrey signify their intent to help Responding to questions, Mrs Hodge students see is more debt which does nothing students,” a sentiment echoed by Toni with the colloboration News | page 3 outlined some of the reasoning behind the to raise their aspirations. It’s not fair to say Borneo: “Hodge’s PR tour achieved nothing. government’s decision to introduce top- that people like me are putting people off She spouted rehearsed statistics and didn’t What goes on at NUS conference? up fees in the next parliament and also University. I can see the point of studying hear the students’ genuine concern. It just Paul Wright provides a delegates perspec- highlighted the investment that higher but others need convincing. The campaign wasn’t convincing.” tive on what really goes on during those education can be to graduates, who can against top up fees isn’t about putting people • A press release issued by the Students’ four days in Blackpool News | page 5 expect to earn “£400k more than a non- off, it’s about getting them a better deal.” Union caused a bit of a flap amongst graduate over their lifetime.” When Vicky Wilsher, a student of Bishop University officials once it was discovered War at odds with religion questioned about the recent research Reindorp school, also failed to agree with it had been released immediately after the Responding to Graeme Philips’ article on published on stating that female the minister: “Her comment about current minister’s visit. The reason for the concern Iraq before the war, Abdul Saqib offers his graduates can expect never to pay back students discussing finance with potential was later revealed to be a worry that the point of view Opinion | page 8 their student loan, Mrs Hodge said it simply students and putting them off was wrong. critical press release might affect some aid “wasn’t true.” Her response to a similar Older students help us rather than put us that the minister had offered the University The fun and games of events situation concerning the earnings of arts off.” in recouping some funding UniS is yet to The ents planner for the next week and a graduates being less than school-leavers Chris Bailey – a student of Bishop Reindorp receive. The result of her help is not yet sneak preview of what is on at the Union with two A-levels was: “Oh – them.” – said of the minister’s visit: “I felt that she known. barefacts believes: page 6 over the summer semester | page 22 barearts and its Brixton residency With four gig reviews and plenty of time spent at Brixton Academy, barearts wonders UniS alert to Sars epidemic where its home is barearts | page 18 THE UNIVERSITY HAS started to take reason- Surrey Slingers record first win able precautions to ensure that campus The Ultimate frisbee team of UniS win remains free of Sars during what many are their first tournament after just 18 months terming an ‘epidemic.’ Staff and student on the frisbee circuit Sport | page 24 members have expressed concern over the vulnerability of UniS to the syndrome and much information has been produced to try to increase awareness of symptoms of Sars in order to stop any infection. Information concerning symptoms and what to do if you suspect either yourself or a friend has Sars is available at and from the Students’ Union reception. Students wishing to book campus accom- modation to avoid returning home to a Sars-risk area must contact the accom- modation office by the 2nd May deadline. 2 NEWS 1 May 2003 Student nurses left to cope alone UniS big band win national final NHS PATIENTS ARE being put at risk because BY RICHARD WATTS BY MARTYN HUMPHREYS University of Surrey Students’ Union and the student nurses are being left in sole charge School of Performing Arts, and will become of them, a survey suggests. The claim was complained they were given a placement UNIS BIG BAND walked away with the gold a full USSU Society from September. made by the Royal College of Nursing which did not involve any direct contact award at the BASBWE (British Association For any more information, and pictures of (RCN) after 1,000 student nurses were with patients - instead, they might be given of Symphonic Bands and Wind Ensembles)/ the event, please do not hesitate to contact questioned by the market research agency a workbook to complete. Boosey and Hawkes Concert Band Festival me by email, or on (07941) 151811. Mori for a survey published to mark the start RCN president Sylvia Denton said: National Finals in Manchester last Saturday, of the RCN’s annual conference. “Students on clinical placements should beating rivals from other universities, The survey found more than a third had never be left alone in charge of patients - music centres, and adult regional bands. been left in charge of patients in the absence it’s bad for patients and it’s simply wrong The band claimed the top marks possible of registered nurses and doctors and more to expect students to take responsibility in in every category, and received a glowing than a quarter of first year students said they this way. adjudication from the judges. had been left alone in charge of patients. “A serious lack of registered nurses to This accolade tops off a very successful Half of the student nurses questioned said support and guide students is endangering year for the band, who have performed they had considered leaving their course, patient care and short-changing these numerous gigs on and off campus. The with one in 10 doing so on a frequent basis, urgently needed new recruits to nursing. band will be performing for the Mayor of the main reasons for which being given as The government’s target of 80,000 more Guildford after Easter, and in Chancellors pressure and stress from work. Financial nurses by 2008 is ambitious. But we need to on campus on Sunday 25th May. problems were also raised by more than find new ways of supporting student nurses The Band is currently affiliated to both the a quarter of students but the vast majority right now. (89%) said they were still intending to work “Improving student nurses’ experiences of in the NHS when they had qualified. education has to be our top priority. This Students also complained it was often hard means increasing the number of clinical to find the placements they needed as part of placements, ensuring there are enough Recycling project hailed as a success their training, with 12% saying they had had registered nurses to mentor students, and placements cancelled. One in 10 a fairer system of funding for all student BY PETER BAILEY people in the future will not even have to nurses.” think about whether to recycle or not. Think A Department of Health spokeswoman said: THE TRIAL RECYCLING scheme which took of how raw sewage used to be pumped “Students should not be put in circumstances place in eight kitchens in Twyford court into rivers and the sea, and the horror with which compromise their learning or place has now come to an end.
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