Saara Koikkalainen Making it abroad Experiences of highly skilled Finns in the European Union labour markets Acta Electronica Universitatis Lapponiensis 134 University of Lapland Faculty of Social Sciences © Saara Koikkalainen Layout: Paula Kassinen Sales: Lapland University Press PO Box 8123 FI-96101 Rovaniemi phone +358 40 821 4242
[email protected] University of Lapland Printing Centre, Rovaniemi 2013 Paperback Acta Universitatis Lapponiensis 267 ISBN 978-952-484-682-0 ISSN 0788-7604 PDF Acta Electronica Universitatis Lapponiensis 134 ISBN 978-952-484-683-7 ISSN 1796-6310 Abstract The geographical context of the study lies in Europe, where over the past 60 years a progressive lessening of restrictions on labour mobility between certain countries has taken place. It is possible for the majority of Europeans to study, work, or retire in any of the 28 European Union (EU) member states, as well as in Switzerland, Iceland, Norway, and Liechtenstein. Europe is thus a unique area, where sovereign states have given parts of their legislative power to supranational institutions and have given up one of the fundamental rights that define a nation state – that of deciding who can cross its borders. Increased mobility to other EU member states after Finland joined the European Economic Area (EEA) in 1994 and the EU in 1995 testifies to the fact that also Finns are taking advantage of the free movement regime. This sociological study examines the labour market experiences of one intra- European migrant group: highly skilled Finns who have moved to other EU15 countries. Based on two consecutive Working in Europe online surveys (2008, 2010) and 18 migrant interviews, this study addresses three empirical questions: “Why do highly skilled Finns move abroad?”, “How do highly skilled Finns find work in the EU15 countries?”, and “What kinds of skills and qualifications ease or impede labour market access and what kinds of jobs do these Finns work in?” The recognition of skills, educational qualifications and work experience, i.e.