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Bibliothèque de l’OTAN Division de la Diplomatie Publique Bureau Nb123 1110 Bruxelles Belgique

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ARMED FORCES--NETHERLANDS--PUBLIC OPINION Society and the Armed Forces. - The Hague : Advisory Council on International Affairs, 2006. 29 p.; 30 cm. ID number: 80020879 Type: M Library Location: 32.019 /00088

ARMED FORCES--WOMEN Gender and the Military : Women in the Armed Forces of Western Democracies / by Helena Carreiras. - Abingdon, UK : Routledge, 2006. xviii, 262 p. : ill.; 24 cm. (Cass Military Studies) ID number: 80020901 Type: M Library Location: 355.2 /00299 ISBN: 0415383587 Author(s): 1. Carreiras, Helena Bibliography: p. 218-248. Includes index. 'Women in the military and their relationship with war are subjects that often provoke controversial reactions that reveal entrenched stereotypes and cultural values central to many societies. This is the first comparative, cross-national study of the participation of women in the armed forces of NATO countries. Besides an analysis of this key topic stands a critique of existing theoretical models and the proposal for a revised analytical framework. This new study employs mixed-methodological research design. Unlike previous works, it focuses on the interplay of various analytical levels (general societal trends, organizational features, and individual orientations) and combines quantitative and qualitative data : a large N-analysis based on general policies and statistical information concerning every country in the sample with more in-depth case studies. The book includes original empirical data regarding the presence of women in the armed forces of NATO countries. It proposes an index of 'gender inclusiveness' and assesses the factors (social, economic, political, and military) that affect women's military roles. It also presents two new key case studies - Portugal and the Netherlands - based on both documentary sources and in-depth interviews of both men and women officers in the two countries.'

ASIA, CENTRAL--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT EU Stakes in Central Asia / by Anna Matveeva. - Paris : European Union Institute for Security Studies, 2006. 125 p.; 24 cm. (Chaillot Papers ; 91) ID number: 80020918 Type: M Library Location: 441 /00156 ISBN: 9291980943 Author(s): 1. Matveeva, Anna 'For much of the 1990s, Central Asia was not on the EU radar screen, as the Union was preoccupied with more urgent priorities, such as the Balkans. Lately, however, it has started to matter for the EU. The ongoing European military commitment in Afghanistan, the events in

Page 7 Andijan in Uzbekistan, the violent change of power in Kyrgyzstan - all of these highlight a highly volatile region. This paper seeks to help the EU understand the region better, to define EU priorities and interests and explore how and where the EU should act. The key threats that the European Security Strategy outlines - terrorism, regional conflicts, state failure and organised crime - are all relevant to Central Asia. The EU now aspires to make its engagement in Central Asia more strategic, and in this context its appointment of a new Special Representative (EUSR) for the region is significant. In support of a rising EU profile, this paper explores how and in which areas the Union may become more active in the region.'

CRISIS MANAGEMENT Le management des situations de crise : anticiper les risques et gerer les crises / by Laurent Combalbert. - Issy-les-Moulineaux : ESF Editeur, 2005. 207 p.; 24 cm. ID number: 80020873 Type: M Library Location: 65.012 /00158 ISBN: 2710116960 Author(s): 1. Combalbert, Laurent Bibliography: p. 201-202. Includes index. 'Dans un environnement toujours plus instable, l'auteur propose une methodologie simple a tous ceux qui souhaitent se preparer ou preparer leur entreprise a traverser avec succes des situations degradees. Veritable guide pratique operationnel, cet ouvrage detaille pas a pas les processus de gestion de crise a mettre en oeuvre : Comment cartographier les menaces et identifier les signaux precurseurs ? Quelle organisation mettre en place pour gerer les situations d'instabilite et conduire les crises ? Comment gerer le stress et securiser la prise de decision ? Comment debriefer les situations vecues et capitaliser pour l'avenir ? En s'appuyant sur son experience du terrain, l'auteur illustre chaque etape d'exemples de situations vecues et analyse les fonctionnements et dysfonctionnements psychologiques constates lors de situations difficiles. Enfin, il met l'accent sur la phase indispensable de debriefings et de retours d'experience, en decrivant les interets et les methodes d'un apprentissage efficace pour preparer l'avenir.'

CTBT CTBT : Passing the Test = Le TICE : essais transformes ?. - Geneva : UNIDIR, 2006. 59 + 63 p.; 30 cm. (Disarmament Forum ; 2/06 = Forum du Desarmement ; 2/06) ID number: 80020881 Type: M Library Location: 327.3 /00654 'This issue takes stock of the history and tribulations of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test Ban Treaty, and discusses its relevance today as well as practical options for making progress. It starts with an analysis of the original intentions for the CTBT in the broader scheme of disarmament measures, and goes on to discuss how relevant an operative CTBT would be in the current context of nuclear doctrines and developments. The issue also looks at the negative side of the issue in terms of what could go seriously wrong if the treaty does not come into force, for example in terms of decisions to test, whether by existing or aspiring nuclear powers, and the consequences thereof. Three contributions present arguments for different approaches to the current situation : maintaining the moratorium as a de facto CTBT, provisional entry into force, or treaty amendment. The final article addresses CTBT verification and its clear feasibility.'

Page 8 DISASTER MEDICINE Katastrophenmedizin : Leitfaden fur die arztliche Versorgung im Katastrophenfall. - 4. Aufl. - Berlin : Bundesministerium des Innern, 2006. 404 p. : ill.; 21 cm. ID number: 80018707 Type: M Library Location: 361 /00010 ISBN: 3939347019 Includes index.

EU--ESDP Old Europe, New Security : Evolution for a Complex World. - Aldershot, UK : Ashgate, 2006. xxi, 175 p.; 24 cm. (Ethics and Global Politics) ID number: 80020899 Type: M Library Location: 448 /00055 ISBN: 0754646440 Includes index. 'Many of the US criticisms of Western European reluctance to engage in the 2004 war in Iraq stem from a perception that these governments are 'weak on defense', or unwilling to 'pull their own weight', in the international system. Secretary Rumsfeld pejoratively designated traditional Atlantic Alliance allies as 'Old Europe', to distinguish them from the freshly minted, cooperative states of 'New Europe'. In doing so, Rumsfeld accused 'Old Europe' of yet again relying on the United States to solve shared security problems. This volume critically evaluates the validity of this view of Western Europe choices and policies. It proposes that Western European governments, rather than shirking on defense, instead are expanding the set of tools they have to apply to the post-Cold War array of security and defense problems. Rather than a primary reliance on military force as first line defense, they are developing instruments that rely on economics, diplomacy, even engagement by negotiation for a special relationship or for membership. This volume examines the emergent European security approach from multiple perspectives, in multiple institutions and identities, and in different geographic contexts.'

FRANCE--ARMY--LEGION ETRANGERE Des hommes irreguliers / by Etienne de, 1965- Montety. - Paris : Perrin, 2006. 219 p.; 23 cm. ID number: 80020871 Type: M Library Location: 355.3 /00111 ISBN: 2262024235 Author(s): 1. Montety, Etienne de, 1965- 'Au travers de rencontres avec treize anciens legionnaires aux destins hors du commun, l'auteur raconte l'experience de la rupture totale et du rebond. Cette enquete offre une plongee dans le monde de la Legion etrangere d'hier et aujourd'hui. Une institution ou se presentent des milliers de jeunes venus du monde entier, seduits par sa legende et sa reputation militaire, et desireux de servir sous le celebre kepi blanc. Pour eux, la Legion a ete parfois un refuge, toujours une ecole et finalement une chance. Elle leur a permis de canaliser une energie pour la mettre au service de leur accomplissement professionel et humain. A une epoque qui parle d''ascenseur social en panne', d''integration difficile', autrement dit de fatalite, le destin de ces hommes, souvent venus d'ailleurs, montre que les jeux ne sont jamais faits.'

Page 9 GERMANY--FOREIGN RELATIONS--RUSSIA (FEDERATION) Russian-German Special Relations in the Twentieth Century : A Closed Chapter ?. - Oxford, UK : Berg, 2006. xi, 222 p. : ill.; 23 cm. (German Historical Perspectives Series ; xix) ID number: 80020896 Type: M Library Location: 327 /01325 ISBN: 1845201779 Includes index. 'Twentieth-century Europe, especially Central Eastern Europe, has been largely defined by Russia and Germany. In this century, cultural and economic exchanges between the two countries were as active as the fires of hatred intense. The smaller states in between, with their unstable borders and internal minorities, suffered from the powers' alliances and their antagonisms. This volume of new research in political and cultural history examines the two powers' turbulent relationship, including the pre-1914 era of exchange and cooperation; the projects of modernity in post-revolutionary Russia and Weimar Germany; the struggle for dominance over Central Europe in World War II; and mutual views of Germans and Russians after 1945. In the wake of the crucial events of 1989 and the transformation of German-Russian relations, it asks whether the configuration of Russian-German relations that once dominated twentieth-century Europe has now dissolved, leaving us to find new ways of cooperation between 'New Russia' and 'New Europe'.'

GREAT BRITAIN--FOREIGN RELATIONS--USA Kennedy, Johnson and NATO : Britain, America and the Dynamics of Alliance, 1962-68 / by Andrew Priest. - Abingdon, UK : Routledge, 2006. xiv, 222 p.; 24 cm. (Contemporary Security Studies) ID number: 80020900 Type: M Library Location: 327 /01327 ISBN: 0415385342 Author(s): 1. Priest, Andrew Bibliography: p. 205-215. Includes index. 'This is an incisive reassessment of Anglo-American defence relations, which form a crucial part of international security. The author closely examines this key relationship by focusing on the so-called Nassau agreement of December 1962. He clearly places Nassau in its context and shows how multi-level collaboration continued between the US and UK in NATO despite growing tensions over American involvement in Southeast Asia and Britain's global role. First, he shows how agreements made between Presidents and Prime Ministers shape alliances by encouraging interaction between politicians, government officials and military personnel at various levels of formality. Second, by focusing on the NATO area, he assesses US-UK attitudes to European and North Atlantic defence. This study demonstrates the 'dynamics of alliance' through a nuanced approach at high-political, official and 'working' levels, across different administrations in the US and UK.'

Page 10 HIZBALLAH (LEBANON) In the Path of Hizbullah / by Ahmad Nizar Hamzeh. - Syracuse, NY : Syracuse University Press, 2004. x, 196 p.; 24 cm. (Modern Intellectual and Political History of the Middle East) ID number: 80020911 Type: M Library Location: 329 /00338 ISBN: 0815630530 Author(s): 1. Hamzeh, Ahmad Nizar Bibliography: p. 177-184. Includes index. 'This is the first comprehensive study of Hizbullah that addresses the historical dynamics of its emergence, its ideology, leadership, organizational structure, and operational policies toward Israel and within the Lebanese political system. The very few articles and monographic studies that exist focus on the externalities and militant actions of Hizbullah. This book, on the other hand, explores Hizbullah 'from the inside out', providing readers with a rare glimpse into the inner workings of Hizbullah's multifaceted organs and activities as well as the causes of its phenomenal success as a fighting organization, as a political party, and as a philanthropic agency.'

Hezbollah : The Changing Face of Terrorism / by Judith Palmer Harik. - London : Tauris, 2005. x, 241 p. : ill.; 24 cm. ID number: 80020910 Type: M Library Location: 329 /00337 ISBN: 1845110242 Author(s): 1. Harik, Judith Palmer Bibliography: p. 221-233. Includes index. 'The author explains here what the Hezbollah actually believes in, what its real relationship with other regional players is, and in what direction it is heading. She draws on her considerable first-hand experience of the movement to tell the story of how a clandestine, radical militia transformed itself into a seemingly moderate and mainstream player in the Lebanese political arena. She looks at key questions : why do so many non-Shi'ites support them ? Who controls the movement - the Mullahs, or the grassroots ?'

IRAQ WAR, 2003- Iraqi Perspectives Project : A View of Operation Iraqi Freedom from Saddam's Senior Leadership / by Kevin M. Woods. - Norfolk, VA : US Joint Forces Command, 2006 ?. xi, 210 p. : ill.; 30 cm. ID number: 80020880 Type: M Library Location: 355.4 /01491 ISBN: 0976255014 Author(s): 1. Woods, Kevin M. Bibliography: p. 193-205. 'Operation Iraqi Freedom overthrew Saddam's regime and opened up one of the world's most secretive governments to outside analysis, presenting a once-in-a-generation opportunity for military leaders and historians to delve deep into the decision-making process of a former adversary. For the first time since a similar project at the end of World War II, we have an opportunity to evaluate military events from not only our own vantage point but also from the perspective of the opposing political and military leadership. This book presents a comprehensive historical analysis of the forces and motivations that drove the Iraqis' decisions through dozens of interviews with senior Iraqi military and political leaders and by making extensive use of thousands of official Iraqi documents.'

Page 11 JUST WAR DOCTRINE Just and Unjust Wars : A Moral Argument with Historical Illustrations / by Michael Walzer. - 4th ed. - New York : Basic Books, 2006. xxviii, 361 p.; 21 cm. ID number: 80020914 Type: M Library Location: 341.3 /00145 ISBN: 0465037070 Author(s): 1. Walzer, Michael Includes index. 'This classic work of political ethics radically reconfigured the way that we think about war. From the Athenian attack of Melos to the My Lai massacre, from the wars in the Balkans through the first war in Iraq, the author examines the moral issues surrounding military theory, war crimes, and the spoils of war. He studies a variety of conflicts over the course of history, as well as the testimony of those who have been most directly involved - participants, decision makers, and victims. In his new introduction, he specifically addresses the moral issues surrounding the war in and occupation of Iraq.'

LAW--BELGIUM Les Codes Larcier. Tome I : Droit civil et judiciaire : 2006. - Bruxelles : Larcier, 2006. xxviii, 1412 p.; 31 cm. ID number: 80020861 Type: M Library Location: 34 /00002 ISBN: 2804422879

Les Codes Larcier. Tome VII : Droit de l'environnement : 2006. - Bruxelles : Larcier, 2006. xvi, 635 p.; 31 cm. ID number: 80020869 Type: M Library Location: 34 /00002 ISBN: 2804422933

Les Codes Larcier. Tome II : Droit penal : 2006. - Bruxelles : Larcier, 2006. xxvii, 1156 p.; 31 cm. ID number: 80020862 Type: M Library Location: 34 /00002 ISBN: 2804422887

Les Codes Larcier. Tables generales : 2006. - Bruxelles : Larcier, 2006. x, 558 p.; 30 cm. ID number: 80020870 Type: M Library Location: 34 /00002 ISBN: 280442281X

Les Codes Larcier. Tome III : Droit commercial, economique et financier : 2006. - Bruxelles : Larcier, 2006. xxxiv, 1728 p.; 31 cm. ID number: 80020863 Type: M Library Location: 34 /00002 ISBN: 2804422895

Les Codes Larcier. Tome IV : Droit social. A : Dispositions communes. B : Droit du travail : 2006. - Bruxelles : Larcier, 2006. xlii, 854 p.; 31 cm. ID number: 80020864 Type: M Library Location: 34 /00002 ISBN: 2804422909

Page 12 Les Codes Larcier. Tome IV : Droit social. C : Droit de la securite sociale : 2006. - Bruxelles : Larcier, 2006. xlii, 1050 p.; 31 cm. ID number: 80020865 Type: M Library Location: 34 /00002 ISBN: 2804422909

Les Codes Larcier. Tome V : Droit fiscal : 2006. - Bruxelles : Larcier, 2006. xx, 826 p.; 31 cm. ID number: 80020866 Type: M Library Location: 34 /00002 ISBN: 2804422917

Les Codes Larcier. Tome VI : Droit public et administratif. A : Droit public : 2006. - Bruxelles : Larcier, 2006. xxxiv, 776 p.; 31 cm. ID number: 80020867 Type: M Library Location: 34 /00002 ISBN: 2804422925

Les Codes Larcier. Tome VI : Droit public et administratif. B : Droit administratif : 2006. - Bruxelles : Larcier, 2006. xxxiv, 1098 p.; 31 cm. ID number: 80020868 Type: M Library Location: 34 /00002 ISBN: 2804422925

LEVESQUE, RENE, 1922-1987 Derriere les portes closes : Rene Levesque et l'exercice du pouvoir (1976-1985) / by Martine, 1948- Tremblay. - Montreal : Quebec Amerique, 2006. 710 p. : ill.; 23 cm. ID number: 80020872 Type: M Library Location: 92 LEVE/00001 ISBN: 2764404530 Author(s): 1. Tremblay, Martine, 1948- Bibliography: p. 681-693. Includes index. 'Devenu une figure presque mythique de l'histoire du Quebec contemporain, Rene Levesque incarne pour plusieurs un modele a suivre. Politicien atypique et exigeant, fuyant les etiquettes et independant de pensee, il aura, jusqu'a la fin de sa vie, place au-dessus de tout la volonte du peuple, quitte a sacrifier des alliances et des amities. Cet ouvrage est le recit d'un temoin de l'interieur qui a cotoye Rene Levesque pendant quinze ans, y compris ses annees au pouvoir. Quel genre de premier ministre etait-il ? Comment travaillait-il, au quotidien, avec ses ministres et ses conseillers du 'bunker' ? Quels etaient ses rapports avec les hommes et les femmes ? Pourquoi entretenait-il un lien d'amour-haine avec son parti ? Ce livre, c'est aussi une vue inedite sur le monde fascinant et souvent ingrat de la politique : ses obligations, ses jeux de coulisses et ses noeuds gordiens. Voila donc l'occasion de revivre plusieurs grands moments de l'histoire du Quebec (election du PQ, referendum de 1980, 'la nuit des longs couteaux', etc.), en compagnie de ceux et celles qui etaient veritablement au coeur de l'action et de celui qui en fut souvent a l'origine. L'ouvrage est, finalement, le fruit d'une demarche historique rigoureuse qui non seulement s'appuie sur les temoignages des acteurs de l'epoque, mais qui puise aussi abondamment dans les sources ecrites, en incluant celles que nous a leguees Rene Levesque.'

Page 13 MERCENARY TROOPS War Dog : Fighting Other People's Wars / by Al J. Venter. - Havertown, PA : Casemate, 2006. xxii, 609 p. : ill.; 24 cm. ID number: 80020912 Type: M Library Location: 355.2 /00300 ISBN: 1932033092 Author(s): 1. Venter, Al J. Includes index. 'This book deals with mercenary action in a score of wars : , , El Salvador, the Congo Republic, Ethiopia, Lebanon and others. One of a handful of correspondents that saw action with the South African 'guns for hire' group Executive Outcomes, the author's revelations about this organisation are remarkable. So are the photos in this volume.'

MUSLIM BROTHERS (EGYPT) Les freres musulmans (1928-1982). - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2001. 235 p. : ill.; 22 cm. ID number: 80020874 Type: M Library Location: 323 /00976 ISBN: 2747516466 Bibliography: p. 233-235.

NATO--MOLDOVA Neighboring NATO and EU : Policy Implications for Moldova's Security and European Aspirations. - Chisinau : Pro Marshall Center of the Republic of Moldova, 2005. 98 p.; 21 cm. ID number: 80020919 Type: M Library Location: 495.3 /00131 ISBN: 9789975994606 International Conference Proceedings, Chisinau, 14-15 November 2005.

NETWORK CENTRIC WARFARE La guerre en reseau au XXIe siecle : Internet sur les champs de bataille / by Jean-Pierre Maulny. - Paris : Editions du Felin, 2006. 119 p. : ill.; 19 cm. ID number: 80020875 Type: M Library Location: 623 /01020 ISBN: 2866456203 Author(s): 1. Maulny, Jean-Pierre Bibliography: p. 117-118. Includes index. 'La guerre en reseau n'est plus de la science-fiction, c'est deja une realite ! L'attaque de vingt et un jours conduite par les Etats-Unis contre l'Irak en 2003 a ete la demonstration de la superiorite technologique americaine, et un cas d'application pratique du concept de 'guerre reseau-centre' ou Network Centric Warfare (NCW). Le NCW est la capacite de relier entre elles les differentes armees (terre, air, marine) ainsi que les armees de pays allies, de recuperer des informations grace a des drones, des satellites, de les diffuser en temps reel aux unites afin de frapper plus vite et plus precisement. Au coeur de la 'revolution dans les affaires militaires' aux Etats-Unis, la guerre en reseau semble offrir un avantage decisif sur tout ennemi en temps de guerre. Face a ce defi, comment des pays tels que la France ou le Royaume-Uni repensent-ils leurs armees ? L'Union europeenne a-t-elle les moyens de creer une Europe de la defense high tech et doit-elle copier le modele americain ? Ces performances technologiques sont-elles efficaces dans la lutte contre le terrorisme ou les guerillas urbaines ? Quelles sont les entreprises concernees,

Page 14 les enjeux financiers et industriels ? Comment utiliser le NCW dans la gestion de catastrophes naturelles ?'

NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS Non State Actors : nouveaux acteurs de pouvoirs dans le cadre de la globalisation / by Michel Coomans. - Bruxelles : Institut Royal Superieur de Defense, 2006. 46 p. : ill.; 30 cm. (Securite et Strategie ; 93) ID number: 80020877 Type: M Library Location: 4 /00110 Author(s): 1. Coomans, Michel Bibliography. 'La reference du pouvoir en Relations Internationales est l'Etat ou 'State Actor' (SA). Avec la globalisation sont apparus de nouveaux acteurs appeles par opposition 'Non State Actors' (NSA). Le premier chapitre de ce livre distingue les NSA des SA par une approche theorique, il les situe dans la globalisation et dans la theorie des RI, et precise leurs attributs de pouvoir. Le second chapitre propose une typologie des NSA. Il en decrit les differents types, discute leur legitimite et leur pouvoir, et en dresse un tableau descriptif synthetique. Le troisieme chapitre traite de la rencontre des NSA et des combattants reguliers sur le terrain a travers le droit international et le droit des conflits armes. Il dedie une section aux principes de ceux-ci appliques aux differents acteurs de terrain, completant ainsi leur statut legal et repondant a la question de leurs droits. Ensuite, il discute leurs attitudes et aborde la rencontre des militaires combattants en cas de conflit arme et en presence de NSA violents et non violents pour en deduire les consequences pour les militaires et repondre a la derniere. Ce chapitre se cloture par quelques conseils aux decideurs, notamment en termes de preparation et formation a la cooperation entre militaires et ONG.'

NUCLEAR WEAPONS--INDIA India's Nuclear Bomb and National Security / by Karsten Frey. - Abingdon, UK : Routledge, 2006. xiv, 232 p. : ill.; 24 cm. (Routledge Advances in South Asian Studies) ID number: 80020898 Type: M Library Location: 623 /01021 ISBN: 0415401321 Author(s): 1. Frey, Karsten Bibliography: p. 221-226. Includes index. 'This book gives an analytical account of the dynamics of India's nuclear build-up. In contrast to conventional studies on the issue, the author puts forward a new model, which goes beyond the classic strategic concept of accepting security-related motives of arming behaviour. According to this, the structural conditions of India's regional security environment were permissive to India's nuclear development but not sufficient to make India's nuclearization imperative for maintaining its national security. At the core of the argument lies the question about India's security considerations and their impact on India's nuclear policy development. The author explores this analytic model by including explanatory variables on the unit-level, where interests are generally related to symbolic, less strategic, values attributed to nuclear weapons. These play a significant role within India's domestic political party competition and among certain pressure groups. They have also influenced India's relationship with other countries on non-proliferation matters. This book identifies the role of the strategic elite in determining India's nuclear course. Furthermore, it argues that one of the pivotal driving

Page 15 forces behind India's quest for the nuclear bomb is India's struggle for international recognition and the strong, often obsessive sensitivities of India's elite regarding perceived 'acts of discrimination' or 'ignorance' by the West towards India.'

NUCLEAR WEAPONS--USA U.S. Nuclear Weapons : Changes in Policy and Force Structure / by Amy F. Woolf. - New York : Novinka Books, 2005. viii, 65 p.; 22 cm. ID number: 80020897 Type: M Library Location: 623 /01022 ISBN: 1594542341 Author(s): 1. Woolf, Amy F. Includes index. 'This book provides a general overview of the past, present, and possible future of US nuclear policy. It begins with a review of the international security environment, highlighting the threats that the United States has sought to deter or respond to with its nuclear forces. It then reviews the strategy and doctrine guiding the US nuclear force posture, targeting and employment policy, the numbers and types of weapons in the nuclear force structure, and the infrastructure that has supported design, development and testing of US nuclear weapons. The book concludes with a discussion of several issues and questions that analysts have raised after reviewing the Bush Administration's Nuclear Posture Review.'

ROMANIA--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Modern Romania : The End of Communism, the Failure of Democratic Reform, and the Theft of a Nation / by Tom Gallagher. - New York : New York University Press, 2005. xxiii, 428 p. : ill.; 23 cm. ID number: 80020902 Type: M Library Location: 321 /00724 ISBN: 0814731724 Author(s): 1. Gallagher, Tom, 1954- Bibliography: p. 403-415. Includes index. 'Since the 1989 fall of communism in Eastern Europe, Romania, arguably the most regimented of states of the Soviet bloc, has struggled with the transition from totalitarian state to democratic nation. The author provides here an overview of Romania's unique political and social history, focusing on both its national identity as well as the legacy of Soviet rule. He provides an in-depth look at Romania since 1989, focusing on the government's attempts at economic reform, engagement with democracy, problems with corruption among the ruling elites, as well as the weakness of civil society and the resilience of implacable expressions of nationalism. Ultimately, the author argues that thus far democracy has essentially failed in Romania. In fact, he warns that Romania is on its way to becoming one of the most unequal states in Europe and quite possibly a future trouble-spot unless efforts to resume much-needed reforms are undertaken.'

Page 16 RUSSIA (FEDERATION)--FOREIGN RELATIONS--BELARUS Russian-Belarusian Integration : Playing Games Behind the Kremlin Walls / by Alex Danilovich. - Aldershot, UK : Ashgate, 2006. xi, 234 p.; 24 cm. (Post-Soviet Politics) ID number: 80020904 Type: M Library Location: 327 /01326 ISBN: 0754646300 Author(s): 1. Danilovich, Alex, 1953- Bibliography: p. 170-179. Includes index. 'Russian domestic politics has long been both labyrinthine and pragmatic, at once both inordinately complex and breathtakingly dynamic. So has been Russia's foreign policy, in particular in relations with former Soviet republics. Any study of Russian foreign policy comes back to the intriguing question of why Russia, long perceived as an inveterate imperial power, would refuse to take back a handsome portion of its former empire - a portion that offers a bridge to Europe and an advantageous geostrategic position. Despite formal declarations Russia has made little progress in achieving union with its ex-Soviet neighbor, Belarus. By linking Russia's foreign policy to its domestic politics, the book clarifies this paradox and explains why specific attempts to reunify Russia and Belarus failed, contrary to the desires of significant forces on both sides and to certain theory-based expectations.'

SECURITY, INTERNATIONAL New Answers to New Threats ? Our Western Society Facing New Security Challenges. - Bruxelles : Institut Royal Superieur de Defense, 2005. ii, 106 p. : ill. 30 cm. ID number: 80020878 Type: M Library Location: 355.4 /01490 Symposium, 30-XI-2005

SOCIAL HISTORY World-systems Analysis : An Introduction / by Immanuel Maurice Wallerstein. - Durham, NC : Duke University Press, 2004. xii, 109 p.; 24 cm. ID number: 80020905 Type: M Library Location: 308 /00152 ISBN: 0822334429 Author(s): 1. Wallerstein, Immanuel Maurice, 1930- Bibliography: p. 101-104. Includes index. 'The author provides here a concise and accessible introduction to the comprehensive approach that he pioneered thirty years ago to understanding the history and development of the modern world. Since Wallerstein first developed world-systems analysis, it has become a widely utilized methodology within the historical social sciences and a common point of reference in discussions of globalization. Now, for the first time in one volume, Wallerstein offers a succinct summary of world-systems analysis and a clear outline of the modern world-system, describing the structures of knowledge upon which it is based, its mechanisms, and its future. He explains the defining characteristics of world-systems analysis : its emphasis on world-systems rather than nation-states, on the need to consider historical processes as they unfold over long periods of time, and on combining within a single analytical framework bodies of knowledge usually viewed as distinct from one another - such as history, political science, economics, and sociology.'

Page 17 SPACE WEAPONS Weapons in Space : Strategic and Policy Implications / by Wilson Wong. - Winnipeg, CAN : University of Manitoba, 2006. vii, 95 p.; 22 cm. (Silver Dart Canadian Aerospace Studies ; 3) ID number: 80020883 Type: M Library Location: 629 /00215 ISBN: 0978086805 Author(s): 1. Wong, Wilson

STRATEGY Strategic Survey : 2006. - Abingdon, UK : Routledge, 2006. 392 p. : ill.; 24 cm. ID number: 80020860 Type: REF Library Location: 355.4 /00015 REF ISBN: 1857434005

TURKEY--FOREIGN RELATIONS Turkey's Foreign Policy in Turbulent Times / by Kemal, 1954- Kirisci. - Paris : European Union Institute for Security Studies, 2006. 108 p.; 24 cm. (Chaillot Papers ; 92) ID number: 80020917 Type: M Library Location: 327 /01329 ISBN: 9291980951 Author(s): 1. Kirisci, Kemal, 1954- 'Today, Turkey is caught between two sets of challenges. The first set includes the typical conventional challenges that relate to national security, territorial integrity and political stability. The second set of challenges has to do with maintaining the pace of political reform, gaining access to markets, ensuring economic stability and growth in the region, as well as securing energy supplies. Above all, but closely related to these challenges, is of course the ultimate challenge for Turkey : EU membership. How will Turkey respond to these challenges ? What are Turkey's immediate foreign policy concerns and options ? What are the new patterns of Turkish foreign policy making and behaviour ? Can Turkey indeed play the role of a model for the region's transformation towards democratisation and engineer an 'intercivilisational dialogue' ? This paper deals with these questions and presents a number of options for Turkey's foreign policy in turbulent times.'

USA--FOREIGN RELATIONS After the Neocons : America at the Crossroads / by Francis Fukuyama. - London : Profile Books, 2006. xii, 226 p.; 21 cm. ID number: 80020915 Type: M Library Location: 327 /01328 ISBN: 1861979223 Author(s): 1. Fukuyama, Francis Includes index. 'Attacking the right-wing policymakers who were previously his colleagues, the author argues that the Bush administration is applying the principles of neoconservatism wrongly. Certain interpretations of this ideology helped America during the Cold War, but during the 1990s the principles were used to justify a foreign policy that led to the war in Iraq. Setting out the legacy of the neocons, the author shows how American political leaders underestimated the foreign hostility that the war in Iraq would cause and the difficulties of

Page 18 reconstruction. And, with his usual sharpness in analysing international politics, he connects the problems in Iraq to wider trends, including recent revolutions in Eastern Europe. So what should America do next ? As no established theory can guide the country's current foreign policy, the author outlines a new approach. This emphasises the importance of tackling development and creating overlapping international institutions, and would also avoid 'preventive war'. It is a new and a potentially popular way for the United States to relate to the rest of the world.'

USE OF FORCE (INTERNATIONAL LAW)Error! Bookmark not defined. The Security Council and the Use of Force : Theory and Reality - A Need for Change ?. - Leiden : Nijhoff, 2005. xx, 308 p.; 25 cm. (Legal Aspects of International Organization ; 44) ID number: 80020916 Type: M Library Location: 341.3 /00144 ISBN: 9004146423 Includes index. 'This book addresses the authority of the UN Security Council to regulate the use of force. In particular, it examines the question of whether the present composition, functions, and powers of the Security Council are adequate to meet recent demands, such as the need perceived by states to use force in cases of humanitarian emergency and pre-emptive action in response to international terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Is the Security Council still well positioned today to deal with these demands and challenges ? In seeking a response, the book analyzes both Charter law and Security Council practice. It addresses not only the hotly debated recent crises concerning Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Iraq, but also resolutions dealing with the use of force by peacekeeping operations. A number of issues relating to the right of self-defence are analyzed, as are the emerging new roles of NATO and the African Union. Separate chapters of the book are devoted to the current discussion concerning the reform of the Security Council. A particular feature of the book is the interaction between academics and practitioners as well as between theory and reality.'

WORLD POLITICS The Statesman's Yearbook : The Politics, Cultures and Economies of the World : 2007. - 143rd ed. - Houndmills, UK : Palgrave MacMillan, 2006. xxxi, 1564 p. : ill.; 26 cm. ID number: 80020903 Type: REF Library Location: 321 /00065 REF ISBN: 1403992762 Includes index.



AFGHAN WAR, 2001- Afghanistan : Settlement Stages and Aftermath of the Post-Conflict Situation / by Shoislam Akmalov., 2006. (CENTRAL ASIA AND THE CAUCASUS, no. 3, 2006, p. 63-71.) ID Number: JA022777 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Akmalov, Shoislam

ARAB-ISRAELI CONFLICT--1993---PEACE--EU Les Europeens face au conflit israelo-palestinien : un front uni paradoxal / by Dorothee Schmid., 2006. (DEFENSE NATIONALE ET SECURITE COLLECTIVE, 62e annee, no. 8 - 9, aout - septembre 2006, p. 119-132.) ID Number: JA022806 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Schmid, Dorothee Depuis les annees 70, les Europeens ont elabore une position commune tres structuree sur la question israelo-palestinienne. Attachee au respect du droit international, l'UE s'est surtout imposee apres Oslo comme le premier soutien economique des institutions palestiniennes naissantes. Les sanctions decidees au printemps 2006 contre le gouvernment palestinien issu du Hamas revelent les paradoxes du front commun europeen, qui repose sur la conciliation de traditions diplomatiques differentes. Pour repondre a une demande croissante d'Europe sur le terrain, l'UE doit faire prevaloir en action l'equilibre des principes defendus jusqu'a present.

ASIA, CENTRAL--ECONOMIC CONDITIONS Turning the Corner : The Economic Revival of Central Asia / by Malcolm Dowling, Ganeshan Wignaraja., 2006. (CENTRAL ASIA AND THE CAUCASUS, no. 6, 2005, p. 104-114.) ID Number: JA022781 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Dowling, Malcolm 2. Wignaraja, Ganeshan

Central Asia : Portrait Against the Background of the World Economy / by Georgy Khachiev., 2006. (CENTRAL ASIA AND THE CAUCASUS, no. 2, 2006, p. 117-125.) ID Number: JA022769 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Khachiev, Georgy

Page 20 ASIA, CENTRAL--FOREIGN RELATIONS--RUSSIA (FEDERATION) Influence of the World Centers of Power in Central Asia and Tajikistan : Dynamics and Outlook / by Parviz Mullojanov., 2006. (CENTRAL ASIA AND THE CAUCASUS, no. 3, 2006, p. 54-62.) ID Number: JA022778 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Mullojanov, Parviz

ASIA, CENTRAL--FOREIGN RELATIONS--USA Central Asian Countries and the United States : Ups and Downs in their Relationships / by Rashid Abdullo., 2005. (CENTRAL ASIA AND THE CAUCASUS, no. 6, 2005, p. 43-50.) ID Number: JA022784 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Abdullo, Rashid

ASYLUM, RIGHT OF--EU Gemeenschappelijk Europees asielrecht : een tussenbalans / by Maarten den Heijer., 2006. (INTERNATIONALE SPECTATOR, jg. 60, nr. 9, september 2006, p. 454-459.) ID Number: JA022860 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Heijer, Maarten den The author evaluates the merits of the Common European Asylum System, which has come into being as part of the new Area of Freedom, Security and Justice as introduced into European law under the Treaty of Amsterdam. Whereas asylum law essentially implies an intricate balancing act between the duty to protect asylum seekers and the legitimate State interest to control the influx of foreigners, it can be questioned whether the present EU asylum acquis reflects a proper balance. Notions of control and security seem to have been prioritised by policy makers, resulting in regulations and directives guaranteeing only a minimal standard of rights for asylum seekers and sometimes encroaching upon fundamental rights as guaranteed by the Geneva Refugee Convention and the European Convention on Human Rights.

BULGARIA--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Reading Bulgaria Right / by Georgi Ganev, Ivan Krastev., 2005. (ANALYST, vol. 1, no. 3, December 2005, p. 61-70.) ID Number: JA022813 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Ganev, Georgi 2. Krastev, Ivan

CEE--ARMED FORCES On the Transformation of CEE Military Forces / by Peter Talas., 2005. (ANALYST, vol. 1, no. 1, June 2005, p. 29-40.) ID Number: JA022890 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Talas, Peter

Page 21 CEE--FOREIGN RELATIONS--USA Central Eastern Europe : American Interests / by Janusz Bugajski., 2005. (ANALYST, vol. 1, no. 3, December 2005, p. 5-22.) ID Number: JA022815 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Bugajski, Janusz

CHINA--ARMED FORCES Rumsfeld's Take on the Chinese Military : A Dissenting View / by Dennis J. Blasko., 2006. (CURRENT HISTORY, vol. 105, no. 692, September 2006, p. 263-269.) ID Number: JA022856 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Blasko, Dennis J. The 2006 US assessment of Chinese forces purports to be objective and comprehensive. It is neither.

CHINA--FOREIGN RELATIONS China Makes 'Great Leaps Outward' in Regional Diplomacy / by Wenran Jiang., 2006. (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, vol. 61, no. 2, Spring 2006, p. 329-340.) ID Number: JA022788 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Jiang, Wenran The author focuses here on China's regional diplomacy and examines the foreign policy preferences and performances of China's new leadership in the past three-four years. In the process, he argues that first, China is joining the world, changing it, and being changed by its contacts with the outside, all at the same time; second, China's interaction with the world is based on an ongoing assessment of its own position in the international system through a complex mixture of different strategies; third, China's engagement with the world, its emerging global status, and its leadership potential all begin with its neighbouring countries, so a closer look at China's regional role is critical in understanding China's overall international behaviour; and finally, although it it difficult to make a certain correlation between China's domestic regional policies (in such places as Xinjiang, Tibet, Inner Mongolia, Hong Kong, and Taiwan) and its foreign policy toward other countries, some linkages can be established between Beijing's domestic and foreign policy concerns.

China's Relations with Its Neighbours : Some Observations Regarding Its Strategy and Tactics / by Ross H. Munro., 2006. (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, vol. 61, no. 2, Spring 2006, p. 320-328.) ID Number: JA022787 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Munro, Ross H. This article doesn't attempt to examine China's relations with all of its neighbours. Instead, if offers some preliminary observations about patterns and trends in its regional strategy and tactics, with an emphasis on those areas where the author differs with the conventional wisdom on these subjects. Citing Chinese actions and statements, too often ignored, this article argues that we must assess Chinese regional strategy and tactics with much more wariness and skepticism. Indeed, given a Chinese strategic culture that emphasizes secrecy, deception, and surprise, there is really no alternative.

Page 22 CHINA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--ASIA, SOUTHEASTERN China's Charm Offensive in Southeast Asia / by Joshua Kurlantzick., 2006. (CURRENT HISTORY, vol. 105, no. 692, September 2006, p. 270-276.) ID Number: JA022857 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Kurlantzick, Joshua Winning friends and influencing people, Beijing embraces the role of benign power in the region.

CHINA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--TAIWAN China's Anti-Secession Law and the Risk of War in the Taiwan Strait / by You Ji., 2006. (CONTEMPORARY SECURITY POLICY, vol. 27, no. 2, August 2006, p. 237-257.) ID Number: JA022742 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Ji, You The product of a ten-year debate, China's Anti-Secession Law assures Taiwan and the world that peaceful independence is a myth. The law explains that China is building military superiority to prevent Taiwan's de jure independence. This threat is matched by peace inducements, mainly economic integration, to increase the cost of independence. The ASL channels hard and soft approaches into one legal framework. Yet to the author, the ASL is fundamentally not a piece of law but a statement of Hu Jintao's new thinking. It enriches China's Taiwan policy of maintaining peace through the threat of war, the final line of defence against de jure Taiwanese independence. This article explains how the status quo is used against independence and how deliberate ambiguity has enlarged Beijing's space of manoeuvring with both Taipei and Washington. Beijing does not want war, but it must insist on its likelihood. The absence of a reunification timetable in the ASL shows that Beijing is not in a hurry to resolve the Taiwan issue. Beijing also has encouraged Washington to play a more active role in coordinating the cross-Strait interaction. The likelihood of war can best be reduced by building ambiguity into the cross-Strait relationship to avoid pressure for drastic action.

CHINA--MILITARY POLICY Jiang Zemin's Military Thought and Legacy / by Ta-chen Cheng., 2006. (INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OF THE ASIA-PACIFIC, vol. 6, no. 2, 2006, p. 227-247.) ID Number: JA022760 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Cheng, Ta-chen Nearly for 15 years as the Chairman of China's Central Military Commission, Jiang Zemin, albeit his lack of real military experience, has gradually developed his military theories and principles in the process of consolidating his military authority. Unquestionably, Jiang is not only the core of the third generation leadership in China, but also the most powerful man in China's military until now. That makes researchers interested in exploring the military thought of this man controlling the largest armies in the world. In this paper, Jiang's basic military framework, 'Five Sentences', including 'Politically Qualified', 'Militarily Tough', 'Attitudinally Excellent', 'Strictly Disciplined' and 'Materially Guaranteed' are separately discussed. With interpretation of 'Five Sentences', the author thereafter provides personal comments and analysis.

Page 23 CHINA--NAVY China's Maturing Navy / by Eric A. MacVadon., 2006. (NAVAL WAR COLLEGE REVIEW, vol. 59, no. 2, Spring 2006, p. 90-107.) ID Number: JA022829 Type: ART Author(s): 1. MacVadon, Eric A. A new and much more capable Chinese navy, especially its submarine force, is being acquired and deployed. It is not yet mature, but its rapid and impressive modernization is making it a navy that is arguably the only one that the US Navy must deter or be able to defeat - unless, under other circumstances, it becomes a high-seas partner.

CIS La galaxie CEI 1991-2006 / by Margot Light., 2006. (COURRIER DES PAYS DE L'EST, no. 1055, mai - juin 2006, p. 14-25. ) ID Number: JA022762 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Light, Margot Si la Communaute des Etats independants, creee en 1991 et qui reunit douze Etats issus de l'eclatement de l'URSS est aussi peu connue en dehors de l'espace post-sovietique, c'est qu'elle a failli a la tache fixee a l'origine : constituer une sorte de contrepoids aux institutions euro-atlantiques (UE et OTAN). Cet article, tres informatif sur le parcours de cette Communaute et sur le regard que portent sur elle les pays membres, analyse tout d'abord les causes de cette situation, qui resulte a la fois du poids et de l'influence de la Russie dans l'ensemble et de la reticence de certains pays a s'y soumettre.

COMMAND AND CONTROL SYSTEMS--USA Survival of the Fittest : The Evolution of US Military Command and Control Structures During and After the Cold War / by Jason D. Wood., 2006. (COMPARATIVE STRATEGY, vol. 25, no. 2, 2006, p. 121-131.) ID Number: JA022749 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Wood, Jason D. Military command-and-control structures must adapt to the security environment in which they operate. Following World War II, US command and control evolved to meet the conditions of the postwar era, with mixed results. Sixty years later, the international system has again changed significantly. Military command-and-control structures must evolve accordingly, placing particular emphasis on establishing a less centralized, task-oriented approach to operational leadership and decision making.

CONFLICT MANAGEMENT Coordination in Conflict Prevention, Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding : Perspectives from Scholars and Practitioners involved with the Alliance for Peacebuilding., 2006. (INTERNATIONAL NEGOTIATION, vol. 11, no. 1, 2006, Special Issue.) ID Number: JA022746 Type: ART This issue focuses on coordination in conflict resolution. It includes nine articles that discuss theoretical concerns and practical insights about coordination among organizations involved in various aspects of conflict prevention, conflict resolution and peacebuilding, highlighting the utility of applying negotiation theory to the

Page 24 analysis of their relationships, interactions, and cooperative processes.

CRISIS MANAGEMENT--EU The EU as a Civil-Military Crisis Manager : Coping with Internal Security Governance / by Hans-Georg Ehrhart., 2006. (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, vol. 61, no. 2, Spring 2006, p. 433-450.) ID Number: JA022792 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Ehrhart, Hans-Georg This article examines the question of how the Union functions as a crisis manager. In the foreground are not the activities in the crisis areas or the connected foreign policy interests and missions, but rather the internal management of EU security governance, i.e. the complexity of the internal decision-making process and the nature of civil-military coordination. If the EU is to become an effective civil-military crisis manager, the various actors, means, and capabilities for comprehensive crisis management need a significant degree of coordination within a coherent security governance structure. The central challenge is for the relevant actors to effectively put to use the necessary civil and military means in a coordinated manner, adjusted, throughout the entire process of conflict management, to the current situation.

CYPRUS--HISTORY--CYPRUS CRISIS, 1974- Security Questions and the Search for a Cyprus Settlement / by Hubert Faustmann., 2006. (INTERNATIONAL SPECTATOR, vol. 41, no. 2, April - June 2006, p. 7-18.) ID Number: JA022751 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Faustmann, Hubert This article focuses on the role that security aspects played in the rejection of the Annan Plan by 76 percent of the Greek Cypriots and its acceptance by 65 percent of the electorate in the north. It argues that while all essential security demands of the Turkish side were met, a number of key Greek Cypriot security concerns were insufficiently addressed.

DARFUR (SUDAN)--HISTORY The Failure of Deadline Diplomacy for Darfur / by Laurie Nathan., 2006. (RUSI JOURNAL, vol. 151, no. 4, August 2006, p. 74-78.) ID Number: JA022854 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Nathan, Laurie This article focuses on the Abuja process and argues that it had three primary dynamics : the negotiating parties were unwilling to engage in negotiations and failed dismally to forge agreements; the international partners pursued a counterproductive strategy of 'deadline diplomacy' that inhibited rather than stimulated progress; and the mediators were consequently unable to undertake effective mediation. As a result of these dynamics, the Darfur Peace Agreement cannot be said to be a negotiated settlement.

Page 25 DECENTRALIZATION IN GOVERNMENT Decentralization : Fueling the Fire or Dampening the Flames of Ethnic Conflict and Secessionism ? / by Dawn Brancati., 2006. (INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION, vol. 60, no. 3, Summer 2006, p. 651-685.) ID Number: JA022748 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Brancati, Dawn Political decentralization is widely believed to reduce ethnic conflict and secessionism in the world today. Yet decentralization is more successful in reducing conflict and secessionism in some countries than in others. The author explores why this difference occurs. He demonstrates using a statistical analysis of thirty democracies from 1985 to 2000 that decentralization may decrease ethnic conflict and secessionism directly by bringing the government closer to the people and increasing opportunities to participate in government, but that decentralization increases ethnic conflict and secessionism indirectly by encouraging the growth of regional parties. Regional parties increase ethnic conflict and secessionism by reinforcing ethnic and regional identities, producing legislation that favors certain groups over others, and mobilizing groups to engage in ethnic conflict and secessionism.

DEFENSE TRANSFORMATION--USA US Defence Transformation and Japan's Defence Policy / by Noboru Yamaguchi., 2006. (RUSI JOURNAL, vol. 151, no. 4, August 2006, p. 62-67.) ID Number: JA022853 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Yamaguchi, Noboru Japan has to transform its own defence while simultaneously catching up with the changes initiated by its most important ally. This paper discusses : the technological aspect of defence transformation, focusing on the Information Technology (IT)-based RMA; the operational aspect focused on joint operations capabilities; and the geopolitical aspect focused on the Global War on Terror.

DEMOCRATIZATION--ASIA, CENTRAL Paradoxes of Democracy and Democratization Trends in Central Asia and the Southern Caucasus / by Arthur Atanesian., 2005. (CENTRAL ASIA AND THE CAUCASUS, no. 6, 2005, p. 13-21.) ID Number: JA022786 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Atanesian, Arthur

DEMOCRATIZATION--BALKAN PENINSULA Democratization without Decommunization in the Balkans / by Alina Mungiu-Pippidi., 2006. (ORBIS, vol. 50, no. 4, Fall 2006, p. 641-655.) ID Number: JA022840 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Mungiu-Pippidi, Alina Since recent US-led democratization projects having led in some cases to the election of Islamist movements, the old democratic theory that structural preconditions are key determinants of successful democratization has apparently been bolstered. This article examines the democratization experience in postcommunist Europe to assess which matters more, a society's 'givens' favoring democracy or the institutional imports that a democracy-minded elite can borrow. In

Page 26 particular, it compares the experience of the Southeast Europe countries, which presented poor prerequisites for successful democratization and yet in at least two cases (Romania and Bulgaria) are far along on the path to democratization to the experience of Central Europe and the former Soviet Union as a whole.

DEMOCRATIZATION--CEE Global Patterns and Postcommunist Dynamics / by Valerie Bunce., 2006. (ORBIS, vol. 50, no. 4, Fall 2006, p. 601-620.) ID Number: JA022837 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Bunce, Valerie Many of the new democracies that have been formed since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 lack what had long been understood as preconditions for the democratic project : an earlier history of democratic politics, high personal incomes, a large middle class, and/or settled borders. The most distinctive aspects of this wave of democratic transitions are rapid regime change and the rise of democracies that exhibit a mixture of both authoritarian and democratic elements. This article explores what these new democracies can teach us about the factors that seem to encourage a transition from dictatorship to democracy, and what factors seem to contribute to its sustainability and institutionalization.

DEMOCRATIZATION--CHINA Is Chinese Democracy Sustainable ? / by Li Fan., 2006. (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, vol. 61, no. 2, Spring 2006, p. 359-370.) ID Number: JA022790 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Fan, Li Chinese democracy is making progress but is also facing a difficult time. From a macro point of view, development has been in a state of reversal recently, especially in the rural areas. But two aspects of progress suggest that efforts at democratic development will continue. The best description for the development of Chinese democracy might be 'two steps forward and one step back', understanding that we are now seeing the one step backward. We can believe that there will be further steps forward in view of strong demands made by both the local levels of government and by society generally for more democratic reforms. We can also find some characteristics that support the sustainability of Chinese democracy in recent developments.

Elite-Led Democratization in China : Prospects, Perils, and Policy Implications / by Bruce Gilley., 2006. (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, vol. 61, no. 2, Spring 2006, p. 341-358.) ID Number: JA022789 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Gilley, Bruce A wide consensus among scholars of China holds that if democratization comes about, it will be through an elite-led process of change. In this scenario, popular pressures from below are a spur to action at the top but by no means take its place. The evidence in support of this scenario in China is found in both the organizational capacity of the ruling Chinese Communist party (CCP) and in the relative weakness of civil society and class pressures in present-day China. Such a transition would have profound implications for the style of democracy that follows, and thus implies the need for a distinctive form of forward-planning by states and other international actors. In this article, the author sets out the empirical case for elite-led democratization in China and shows why it may also have normative

Page 27 appeal. Following a look at the background conditions that make democracy likely, he outlines the notion of an elite-led transition and considers the likely timing and sequencing of such a transition. Finally, he considers the implications of such a transition and the policy advice that follows.

DEMOCRATIZATION--GEORGIA (REPUBLIC) Democracy in Georgia since the Rose Revolution / by Lincoln A. Mitchell., 2006. (ORBIS, vol. 50, no. 4, Fall 2006, p. 669-676.) ID Number: JA022842 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Mitchell, Lincoln A. Success for Georgia's nascent democracy would be a major success for the democracy-promotion efforts of the United States, which has hailed the democratization there since the Rose Revolution as a success even as concerns have been voiced by some observers regarding the pace and direction of this effort. The US policy of unconditional support for Georgia's government and its disinterest in drawing attention to the new government's democratization shortcomings call into question how serious the United States is about democracy-promotion, particularly in countries that have a semi-democratic but pro-American government. A US approach to Georgia that recognizes the challenges there and seeks to help it solve these problems will demonstrate that America is sincere in its desire to promote democracy, not just to support friendly governments.

DEMOCRATIZATION--HUNGARY Building a Democratic Market Society in Hungary / by Bela Greskovits., 2006. (ORBIS, vol. 50, no. 4, Fall 2006, p. 621-627.) ID Number: JA022838 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Greskovits, Bela Hungary's ability to become an internationally integrated democratic market society by 2000 was facilitated by its point of departure on this path : politically liberalized reform-socialism. But other factors were crucial as well, such as the lack of violence, the economic and political behavior of transformation's winners and losers, and EU policies. The high fiscal cost of Hungary's foreign-led modernization inevitably creates tensions, but unlike under communism, Hungarians now have a mechanism to express their concerns, by electing a new government. A trial-and-error pattern of political success has thus been established that is likely to remain an inherent feature of its politics.

DRUG TRAFFIC--AFGHANISTAN Afghanistan : Drug Trafficking and Regional Security / by Irina Komissina., 2006. (CENTRAL ASIA AND THE CAUCASUS, no. 6, 2005, p. 83-93.) ID Number: JA022782 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Komissina, Irina

Page 28 ECONOMIC SANCTIONS Making Sanctions Humane and Effective / by Uli Cremer., 2006. (INTERNATIONALE POLITIK, vol. 7, no. 3, Summer 2006, p. 37-43.) ID Number: JA022798 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Cremer, Uli With the failure of economic sanctions against Iraq and Yugoslavia in the 1990s and the prospect of new sanctions against Iran looming, the United Nations Security Council should alter the way it thinks about sanctions. The UN Sanctions Compensation Fund could make the difference now - and in the future.

EGYPT--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Egypt's Unwavering Path to Democratic Reform / by Nabil Fahmy., 2006. (MEDITERRANEAN QUARTERLY, vol. 17, no. 3, Summer 2006, p. 1-11.) ID Number: JA022847 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Fahmy, Nabil

ELECTIONS--SLOVAKIA Catastrophic Scenario in Bratislava / by Miroslav Kusy., 2006. (ANALYST, vol. 2, no. 2, June 2006, p. 27-40.) ID Number: JA022811 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Kusy, Miroslav

ELECTIONS--TURKMENISTAN Elections in the Turkmenistan Power System / by Azhdar Kurtov., 2006. (CENTRAL ASIA AND THE CAUCASUS, no. 2, 2006, p. 99-105.) ID Number: JA022768 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Kurtov, Azhdar

ENERGY POLICY--EU Europe's Next Cold War / by Frank Umbach., 2006. (INTERNATIONALE POLITIK, vol. 7, no. 3, Summer 2006, p. 64-71.) ID Number: JA022796 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Umbach, Frank Ensuring Germany's - and Europe's - supply of energy is still viewed largely as an economic issue, not as a matter of foreign and security policy. The gas conflict between Russia and Ukraine has prompted warnings against excessive dependency on Russia. What are the consequences for the security of Germany's energy supply ?

ENERGY POLICY--UKRAINE Ukraine and Europe's Energy / by Sascha Muller-Kraenner., 2006. (INTERNATIONALE POLITIK, vol. 7, no. 3, Summer 2006, p. 72-76.) ID Number: JA022795 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Muller-Kraenner, Sascha Ukraine is knocking at the door of the European Union. But Brussels current offer, participation in the European Neighborhood Policy

Page 29 (ENP), does not meet Ukraine's expectations for rapid economic and political integration into western structures. A EU-Ukraine energy partnership could represent an important step toward full membership. Most notably, Ukraine could join both the EU internal market for energy and the fledgling Common European Energy Policy.

ENERGY POLICY--UZBEKISTAN Addressing the Problem of Uzbekistan's New Energy Policy Formulation / by Murat Kenisarin., 2006. (CENTRAL ASIA AND THE CAUCASUS, no. 3, 2006, p. 135-145.) ID Number: JA022774 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Kenisarin, Murat

EU--BALKAN PENINSULA Semi-Victory in the Balkans / by Elizabeth Pond., 2006. (INTERNATIONALE POLITIK, vol. 7, no. 3, Summer 2006, p. 30-36.) ID Number: JA022801 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Pond, Elizabeth The European Union's promotion of good governance - or at least better governance - in the Balkans has accomplished a great deal. This unprecedented exercise in soft power may not yet have ensured the end of history in southeastern Europe, but it is certainly better and cheaper, in both blood and treasure, than any conceivable alternative.

Balkan Dilemmas / by Istvan Szent-Ivanyi., 2005. (ANALYST, vol. 1, no. 3, December 2005, p. 23-40.) ID Number: JA022814 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Szent-Ivanyi, Istvan

EU--CROATIA Croatia and the European Union / by Jozsef Juhasz., 2005. (ANALYST, vol. 1, no. 1, June 2005, p. 55-66.) ID Number: JA022892 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Juhasz, Jozsef

EU--CYPRUS The European Union : What Role in the Cyprus Conflict ? / by George Christou., 2006. (INTERNATIONAL SPECTATOR, vol. 41, no. 2, April - June 2006, p. 19-31.) ID Number: JA022752 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Christou, George The much-expected 'catalytic' effect of the EU accession process on the Cyprus conflict notoriously failed to materialise in 2004. On the contrary, the EU has is some respects contributed to consolidating the status quo, by failing to induce moderation on the Greek Cypriot side. This has caused much disillusionment and shaken the commitment to reunification in Turkey and northern Cyprus. The EU's failure to keep its promise to lift the isolation of the Turkish Cypriots has also had a major negative impact. Yet, the author argues that the EU has the potential to play a crucially positive role. It can promote incremental change within each party to the conflict, by fostering

Page 30 normalisation, strengthening moderates and supporting their culture of shared governance and reconciliation.

EU--ENLARGEMENT On the Periphery of Europe / by Carl Bildt., 2006. (INTERNATIONALE POLITIK, vol. 7, no. 3, Summer 2006, p. 23-29.) ID Number: JA022802 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Bildt, Carl The magnetism of the European Union has greatly transformed the lives and futures of the more than 100 million people in the 10 nations from Estonia to Bulgaria in little more than a decade. It is undoubtedly one of the great global success stories of our time. Now the task ahead is to use this soft power of Europe to continue to improve the lives and futures of the 100 million people of southeastern Europe - from Croatia to Turkey - in the decades to come.

Europe's New Identity / by Gunter Verheugen., 2006. (INTERNATIONALE POLITIK, vol. 7, no. 3, Summer 2006, p. 14-22.) ID Number: JA022797 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Verheugen, Gunter The final evaluation of the biggest ever enlargement of the European Union will lie with historians. But after just two years, former EU enlargement commissioner Gunter Verheugen argues that enlargement has been a success - including some unanticipated areas. But he also admits to shortcomings and urges the union to learn from its own mistakes.

EU--ENP Armenia and the EU's European Neighborhood Policy Program / by Sergey Minasian., 2005. (CENTRAL ASIA AND THE CAUCASUS, no. 6, 2005, p. 83-93.) ID Number: JA022783 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Minasian, Sergey

EU--ESDP Welche Fahigkeiten braucht die europaische Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik ? / by Karl von Wogau., 2006. (EUROPAISCHE SICHERHEIT, 55. Jg., Nr. 9, September 2006, S. 11-15.) ID Number: JA022862 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Wogau, Karl von

EU--ESDP--EUROPEAN SECURITY STRATEGY Europe's Little Blue Book / by Claudia Major, Henning Riecke., 2006. (INTERNATIONALE POLITIK, vol. 7, no. 3, Summer 2006, p. 44-51.) ID Number: JA022799 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Major, Claudia 2. Riecke, Henning With the 2003 adoption of the European Security Strategy (ESS), the European Union published its first strategic document and claimed a role as a key player in international politics. But has the security strategy actually improved the efficiency and capacity of the European

Page 31 Union's external engagement ? Nearly three years down the road it is time to assess the ESS's impact and develop ideas for its further implementation.

EU--GERMANY Regatta Replaces Big Bang : Will German EU Policy Change with Merkel ? / by Joachim Fritz-Vannahme., 2006. (ANALYST, vol. 2, no. 2, June 2006, p. 83-92.) ID Number: JA022809 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Fritz-Vannahme, Joachim

EU--MIDDLE EAST Europe's Role in the Gulf : A Transatlantic Perspective / by Roberto Aliboni., 2006. (INTERNATIONAL SPECTATOR, vol. 41, no. 2, April - June 2006, p. 33-50.) ID Number: JA022753 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Aliboni, Roberto The author argues that a set of developments, ranging from the US Greater Middle East policy, to the Iraqi crisis and the new energy security dilemmas have raised the European imperative to engage with the Gulf. Different forms of engagement entailing different levels of cooperation with the US can be envisaged : weak EU-US strategic convergence; some transatlantic cooperation, modelled on the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative (ICI); or an enhanced independent EU presence in the Gulf. After analysing these three scenarios, the author concludes that Europe has an important, albeit limited, political and security role to play in the Gulf, which could develop even in the absence of a conventional transatlantic setting. An enhanced EU role in the Gulf could also offer the US new policy options with respect to such problems as Iran's nuclear programme.

EU--ROMANIA De Europese Unie en Roemenie : is uitstel zinvol ? / by Rob Boudewijn., 2006. (INTERNATIONALE SPECTATOR, jg. 60, nr. 9, september 2006, p. 460-463.) ID Number: JA022861 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Boudewijn, Rob The author argues that Romania definitively belongs to (continental) Europe, but that EU membership is too early. The first indication that 2007 is too early can be found in that an extra Progress Report of the European Commission, to be published in October, was necessary, while the final decision was already expected in May.

Page 32 EUROPE--FOREIGN RELATIONS--USA Different Speed, Same Direction / by Michael Ruhle., 2006. (INTERNATIONALE POLITIK, vol. 7, no. 3, Summer 2006, p. 77-82.) ID Number: JA022794 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Ruhle, Michael Europe and America are coping with enormous change in their security outlooks. The process of adapting to the new circumstances has neither been smooth nor harmonious. But despite lingering differences, Europe and North America have realized that NATO remains a unique framework for developing a new transatlantic security consensus.

FREEDOM OF THE PRESS Muzzling the Media : How the New Autocrats Threaten Press Freedom / by Joel Simon., 2006. (WORLD POLICY JOURNAL, vol. 23, no. 2, Summer 2006, p. 51-61.) ID Number: JA022868 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Simon, Joel

GEORGIA (REPUBLIC)--ECONOMIC POLICY The Political Economy of Georgia's Rose Revolution / by Vladimir Papava., 2006. (ORBIS, vol. 50, no. 4, Fall 2006, p. 657-667.) ID Number: JA022841 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Papava, Vladimir The Rose Revolution opened a new chapter in the history of modern Georgia. The post-revolution government achieved a number of successes in areas such as dramatically increasing state budget revenues, fighting corruption, and setting up effective cooperative relationships with the international financial institutions. But it made some mistakes, too, in building a democratic state in general and in its economic policy in particular. Its relationship with Russia and its excessive exposure to Russian investments is particularly troubling. The country's policies need to be fine-tuned in order to protect its democracy and promote further economic growth.

The IMF in Georgia : Evaluating the Fund's Unique Vision of Economic Success / by Lasha Tchantouridze., 2005. (CENTRAL ASIA AND THE CAUCASUS, no. 6, 2005, p. 121-129.) ID Number: JA022780 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Tchantouridze, Lasha

GEORGIA (REPUBLIC)--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Power, Revolution, and Business in Post-Revolutionary Georgia (Part Two) / by Valerian Dolidze., 2006. (CENTRAL ASIA AND THE CAUCASUS, no. 3, 2006, p. 85-93.) ID Number: JA022775 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Dolidze, Valerian

Page 33 Power, Revolution, and Business in Post-Revolutionary Georgia (Part One) / by Valerian Dolidze., 2006. (CENTRAL ASIA AND THE CAUCASUS, no. 2, 2006, p. 45-51.) ID Number: JA022772 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Dolidze, Valerian

Transformation of the Political System in Georgia Today / by Avtandil Tukvadze... [et al.]., 2006. (CENTRAL ASIA AND THE CAUCASUS, no. 2, 2006, p. 90-98.) ID Number: JA022767 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Tukvadze, Avtandil 2. Jaoshvili, Georgi 3. Tukvadze, Rati

GERMANY--NAVY Die Neuausrichtung der Deutschen Marine / by Wolfgang E. Nolting., 2006. (EUROPAISCHE SICHERHEIT, 55. Jg., Nr. 9, September 2006, S. 20-28.) ID Number: JA022863 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Nolting, Wolfgang E. International conflict prevention and crisis management are at the very top of the task spectrum of the Bundeswehr. In the future, the Navy is going to orient itself even more keenly to joint, interservice operations and to improve and extend its capabilities to support forces ashore from positions at sea. At the same time, the Navy has a special responsibility in the protection of Germany and its citizens resulting from Germany's maritime dependency as a nation dependent on foreign trade and commodities.

HUMAN RIGHTS--CHINA Incremental Change and Human Rights in China / by Jeremy Paltiel., 2006. (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, vol. 61, no. 2, Spring 2006, p. 371-387.) ID Number: JA022791 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Paltiel, Jeremy

HUNGARY--FOREIGN RELATIONS Hungarian Foreign Policy : From Antall to Gyurcsany / by Endre Gomori., 2006. (ANALYST, vol. 2, no. 2, June 2006, p. 57-82.) ID Number: JA022808 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Gomori, Endre

New Challenges and Responses in Hungarian Foreign Policy / by Ferenc Somogyi., 2005. (ANALYST, vol. 1, no. 1, June 2005, p. 5-20.) ID Number: JA022889 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Somogyi, Ferenc

Page 34 IMPERIALISM Empires with Expiration Dates / by Niall Ferguson., 2006. (FOREIGN POLICY, no. 156, September - October 2006, p. 46-52.) ID Number: JA022834 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Ferguson, Niall Empires drive history. But the empires of the past 100 years were short lived, none surviving to see the dawn of the new century. Today, there are no empires - officially. Will the United States and China embrace their imperial destiny, and if they do, can they avoid the fate of those who came before them ?

INTERVENTION (INTERNATIONAL LAW) Intervention and Democracy / by Bruce Bueno de Mesquita, George W. Downs., 2006. (INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION, vol. 60, no. 3, Summer 2006, p. 627-649.) ID Number: JA022747 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Bueno de Mesquita, Bruce 2. Downs, George W. Recent events have raised questions about the extent to which military intervention promotes democracy and the degree to which this depends on the nature of the intervener. The authors argue that traction on these issues is best obtained by focusing on the policies of the target state that have the greatest implications for the political survival of the intervening state's leader and the kind of governmental institutions in the target state that are most likely to produce them. This perspective generally - although not always - predicts that third-party military intervention in civil wars, other intra- or interstate disputes and wars will lead to little if any improvement, and all too often erosion in the trajectory of democratic development. Three hypotheses on the impact of third-party intervention by democracies, autocracies, and the United Nations are then tested and strongly supported against a counterfactual expectation of what the democratic trajectory would have been in the absence of intervention.

IRAN--FOREIGN RELATIONS--USA With Enemies Like These / by Ali Ansari., 2006. (WORLD TODAY, vol. 62, no. 8 - 9, August - September 2006, p. 20-21.) ID Number: JA022881 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Ansari, Ali Iran's hard-line government has a lot to thank America for. Since 2001 and the declaration of the 'war' on terror and the 'axis of evil', Tehran has been able to use the confrontation, and benefit too from rising oil prices. Confidently holding the upper hand, there seems little urgency to respond to the offer of a way of ending the crisis over its nuclear programme.

Page 35 IRAQ--MILITIA--DEMOBILIZATION Iraq's Militia Problem / by Thomas S. Mowle., 2006. (SURVIVAL, vol. 48, no. 3, Autumn 2006, p. 41-58.) ID Number: JA022804 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Mowle, Thomas S. Militias in Iraq were not effectively demobilised or disarmed because the American occupation forces did not apply lessons from previous experience. The United States did not develop a comprehensive plan for addressing all armed groups, but tried to disarm groups before a full political settlement was reached and accepted, and did not include a neutral arbiter such as the United Nations. Militia disarmament thus failed in Iraq. The failure to apply lessons from the past was compounded by the fact that demobilisation was attempted in a situation where no group fully accepted either the occupation government or the nascent Iraqi state. This failure allowed Iraqi security institutions to be infected by paramilitary groups, heightening the extent of civil conflict.

ISLAM AND POLITICS The Disunited Colors of Jihad / by Christoph Reuter., 2006. (INTERNATIONALE POLITIK, vol. 7, no. 3, Summer 2006, p. 84-89.) ID Number: JA022793 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Reuter, Christoph The radical Islamic movement is divided into two very different camps. Groups such as Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood compete in elections while others, such as Al Qaeda, want to radicalize populations through violence. Those opting for the electoral path end up being transformed through the process. Their choice once in office : compromise or fail.

ISLAM--CAUCASUS, NORTHERN (RUSSIA) The Islamist Movement in the Northern Caucasus : Trends, Possible Developments, and How to Oppose It / by Igor Dobaev., 2006. (CENTRAL ASIA AND THE CAUCASUS, no. 3, 2006, p. 146-152.) ID Number: JA022773 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Dobaev, Igor

ISRAEL--FOREIGN RELATIONS--LEBANON The War in Lebanon and the New Middle East / by Asher Susser., 2006. (RUSI JOURNAL, vol. 151, no. 4, August 2006, p. 32-36.) ID Number: JA022851 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Susser, Asher

ITALY--FOREIGN RELATIONS Berlusconi's Foreign Policy : Inverting Traditional Priorities / by Sergio Romano., 2006. (INTERNATIONAL SPECTATOR, vol. 41, no. 2, April - June 2006, p. 101-107.) ID Number: JA022756 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Romano, Sergio The author argues that for over half a century, Italy's foreign policy was inspired by the triple goals of European integration, close transatlantic ties and a privileged partnership with the Arab Middle

Page 36 East and Mediterranean. Under the Berlusconi government the balance between these three goals was substantially altered. Showing little enthusiasm for the European integration project, Berlusconi systematically gave priority to transatlantic relations, thereby contributing to Europe's internal divides. In the Middle East, Italy's centre-right government provided unprecedented support for Israel and its policies, in part as a means of bolstering relations with Washington and in part as a strategy to gain the support of Jewish communities on either side of the Atlantic. The author concludes that the new course of the Berlusconi government may not have lived up to the hopes and expectations of its leader.

ITALY--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT A Bell Tolls for Italy / by Mark Gilbert., 2006. (WORLD POLICY JOURNAL, vol. 23, no. 2, Summer 2006, p. 45-50.) ID Number: JA022869 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Gilbert, Mark

JAPAN--FOREIGN RELATIONS Japan's Historic Change of Course / by Kenneth B. Pyle., 2006. (CURRENT HISTORY, vol. 105, no. 692, September 2006, p. 277-283.) ID Number: JA022858 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Pyle, Kenneth B. Over the course of its modern history, Japan has demonstrated a considerable capacity to surprise outside observers. No nation's foreign policy has fluctuated more widely than Japan's - from isolation to enthusiastic borrowing of foreign cultures, from emperor worship to democracy, from militarism to pacifism. Pearl Harbor is the most dramatic and memorable of many examples of unexpected Japanese behavior.

JAPAN--MILITARY POLICY Why Japan Could Revise Its Constitution and What It Would Mean for Japanese Security Policy / by Christopher W. Hughes., 2006. (ORBIS, vol. 50, no. 4, Fall 2006, p. 725-744.) ID Number: JA022846 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Hughes, Christopher W. This article seeks to make sense of the policy debate on constitutional revision underway in Japan, to consider what international and domestic factors are driving the debate forward, to assess the range of proposals currently on the table, and to gauge the likelihood of actual constitutional change. Additionally, it considers how various forms of constitutional revision, if actually implemented, might affect Japan's military doctrines and capabilities; the extent of its alliance cooperation with the United States; its devotion of military capabilities to UN operations; and the repercussions for Japan's regional relations in East Asia.

Page 37 KAZAKHSTAN--FOREIGN RELATIONS--RUSSIA (FEDERATION) Influence of the World Centers of Power on Kazakhstan and New Geopolitical Trends in Central Asia / by Andrei Grozin., 2006. (CENTRAL ASIA AND THE CAUCASUS, no. 3, 2006, p. 39-49.) ID Number: JA022779 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Grozin, Andrei

KOSOVO (SERBIA)--INTERNATIONAL STATUS 'Independence' for Kosovo or a Domino Effect ? / by Vladimir Petrov., 2006. (INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (Minneapolis), vol. 52, no. 3, 2006, p. 76-84.) ID Number: JA022766 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Petrov, Vladimir

KYRGYZSTAN--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Kyrgyzstan after the Revolution : Political Development and Choice of Form of Government / by Zaynidin Kurmanov., 2006. (CENTRAL ASIA AND THE CAUCASUS, no. 2, 2006, p. 52-61.) ID Number: JA022771 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Kurmanov, Zaynidin

LEBANON--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Post-Syria Lebanon : Internal and External Determinants of a Crisis / by Karam Karam., 2006. (INTERNATIONAL SPECTATOR, vol. 41, no. 2, April - June 2006, p. 51-68.) ID Number: JA022754 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Karam, Karam The author analyses domestic developments in Lebanon since the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri in February 2005 and their implications on Lebanon's external relations. The withdrawal of Syrian troops and parliamentary elections in May/June 2005 represented a major turning point, which has not, however, engendered a genuine renewal of the political system. To find a way out of the impasse, a national dialogue was launched in March 2006 aimed at finding answers to a myriad of domestic and international challenges. The author analyses, in particular, three major exigencies : effective national leadership; reform of the political system in view of its 'deconfessionalisation'; and establishment of viable foreign relations with, principally, Syria and Israel.

MASS MEDIA AND WAR US Media Pools and Military Interventions in the 1980s and 1990s / by Shannon E. Martin., 2006. (JOURNAL OF PEACE RESEARCH, vol. 43, no. 5, September 2006, p. 601-616.) ID Number: JA022836 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Martin, Shannon E. Media pools have frequently been deployed by the US military during the past 25 years, and there has been much written about the effects of their use in particular cases. The military actions reviewed in

Page 38 this study are troop deployments to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Grenada, Haiti, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Panama, and , all of which resulted in the loss of American lives. The research examines whether there is a correlation between the characterization of the intervention as it is presented in media pool stories and the shifts in public opinion during this range of US military interventions. The examination shows that (1) when US media are constrained by military pooling, then the military intervention is characterized by the media as facilitating political change, and the public opinion is initially less favorable; and (2) when US media are not constrained by military pooling, then the military intervention is characterized by the media as facilitating humanitarian efforts, and the public opinion is initially less favorable. This evidence also suggests a savvy practice of agenda-framing and second-level agenda-setting among military operations planners who determine the implementation of media pooling. The evidence also suggests the need for additional attention by researchers interested in the variables of second-level message-framing effects during those periods when both media and audiences are vulnerable to message management.

MILITARY INTELLIGENCE The Rise of Intelligence / by David Kahn., 2006. (FOREIGN AFFAIRS, vol. 85, no. 5, September - October 2006, p. 125-134.) ID Number: JA022823 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Kahn, David Modern militaries' obsession with intelligence gathering and evaluation would have bemused Caesar and Napoleon, since such behavior was rarely engaged in until recently. In the war on terrorism, intelligence is playing its greatest role yet, but even today, espionage and intelligence analysis will not be the decisive factors.

MONEY--EU COUNTRIES--EURO Euro Adoption : The Roads Diverge ? / by Miklos Blaho., 2005. (ANALYST, vol. 1, no. 3, December 2005, p. 89-112.) ID Number: JA022812 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Blaho, Miklos

MONTENEGRO--HISTORY--AUTONOMY AND INDEPENDENCE MOVEMENTS Montenegro : New State in the Balkans / by Srdjan Darmanovic., 2006. (ANALYST, vol. 2, no. 2, June 2006, p. 41-56.) ID Number: JA022810 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Darmanovic, Srdjan

MUSLIMS--FRANCE France and Its Muslims / by Stephanie Giry., 2006. (FOREIGN AFFAIRS, vol. 85, no. 5, September - October 2006, p. 87-104.) ID Number: JA022826 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Giry, Stephanie The recent panic over the rise of Islamic extremism in Europe has overlooked a key fact : the majority of European Muslims are trying hard to fit in, not opt out. This is especially clear in France, where the picture is much brighter than often acknowledged. Unfortunately,

Page 39 cynical politicians and the clumsy elite are now making matters much worse.

NATION BUILDING Is It too Late to Learn Lessons for the Future of Iraq ? / by James M. Quirk., 2006. (CONTEMPORARY SECURITY POLICY, vol. 27, no. 2, August 2006, p. 282-307.) ID Number: JA022744 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Quirk, James M. A wide range of efforts has been offered on 'winning the peace' in Iraq. This article examines the judgements of several comparative studies on post-conflict nation-building, and introduces 1990s Russia as an additional source of 'lessons learned'. Beyond the widely recommended attention to the large and small technical tasks in the areas of security, democracy, administrative capacity, and economic reconstruction, this paper points to the importance of dynamics such as a real and lasting commitment by the United States and the coalition, the emergence of widely supported and particularly talented Iraqi leadership, and increased evidence of 'learning' among Iraqi elites and masses and among the coalition and international community.

NATO NATO : An Alliance for Freedom / by Jose Maria Aznar., 2006. (RUSI JOURNAL, vol. 151, no. 4, August 2006, p. 38-40.) ID Number: JA022852 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Aznar, Jose Maria

NATO--ARMED FORCES NATO Stability Teams / by Anne M. Moisan, Jennifer D. P. Moroney., 2006. (JOINT FORCE QUARTERLY, no. 43, 2006, p. 64-67.) ID Number: JA022888 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Moisan, Anne M. 2. Moroney, Jennifer D. P. NATO Stability Teams (NSTs) would be flexible and mobile teams ranging from 20 to 100 personnel organized to leverage the comparative advantages of host countries to address humanitarian/civilian/military capabilities requirements. These teams could respond to crisis management scenarios and natural and humanitarian disasters, as well as act as enablers for transatlantic homeland security missions.

NATO--ARMED FORCES--AFGHANISTAN NATO in Afghanistan : Transformation on the Front Line / by David Richards., 2006. (RUSI JOURNAL, vol. 151, no. 4, August 2006, p. 10-14.) ID Number: JA022849 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Richards, David

Page 40 NATO--ENLARGEMENT Global NATO / by Ivo Daalder, James Goldgeier., 2006. (FOREIGN AFFAIRS, vol. 85, no. 5, September - October 2006, p. 105-113.) ID Number: JA022825 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Daalder, Ivo 2. Goldgeier, James The advent of a new global politics after the Cold War has led NATO to expand its geographic reach and the range of its operations. Now, NATO must extend its membership to any democratic state that can help fulfill its new responsibilities. Only a truly global alliance can address the global challenges of the day.

NATO--HUNGARY Hungary and NATO / by Istvan Gyarmatti., 2005. (ANALYST, vol. 1, no. 2, September 2005, p. 27-38.) ID Number: JA022893 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Gyarmatti, Istvan

NONALIGNMENT Non-Aligned Movement : 116 Nations / by Ednan Agaev, Sergei Krylov., 2006. (INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (Minneapolis), vol. 52, no. 3, 2006, p. 46-59.) ID Number: JA022765 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Agaev, Ednan 2. Krylov, Sergei

NUCLEAR NONPROLIFERATION--INDIA The Case for the US-India Nuclear Agreement / by Sumit Ganguly, Dinshaw Mistry., 2006. (WORLD POLICY JOURNAL, vol. 23, no. 2, Summer 2006, p. 11-19.) ID Number: JA022870 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Ganguly, Sumit 2. Mistry, Dinshaw

NUCLEAR WEAPONS--IRAN How to Keep the Bomb from Iran / by Scott D. Sagan., 2006. (FOREIGN AFFAIRS, vol. 85, no. 5, September - October 2006, p. 45-59.) ID Number: JA022828 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Sagan, Scott D. The debate over how to deal with Iran's nuclear program is clouded by historical amnesia. Nuclear proliferation has been stopped before, and it can and should be stopped in this case as well. Unfortunately, with Tehran - as with some of its predecessors - the price for Washington will be relinquishing the threat of regime change by force.

Page 41 OECD Age Concern / by Richard Woodward., 2006. (WORLD TODAY, vol. 62, no. 8 - 9, August - September 2006, p. 38-39.) ID Number: JA022877 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Woodward, Richard

OSCE The Politico-Military Dimension of the OSCE / by Alyson J. K. Bailes., 2006. (HELSINKI MONITOR, vol. 17, no. 3, 2006, p. 214-225.) ID Number: JA022885 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Bailes, Alyson J. K. This article briefly reviews the relevance, strengths and weaknesses, and further potential of OSCE's politico-military work today, starting by drawing the contrast in more detail between the environment of CSCE's early years and that facing the members of Europe's extended security community in the early 21st century. It questions OSCE's competence and ability to tackle some of the more prominent features of today's special mix of threats and risks, but also points to services that the OSCE is providing and can provide, sometimes merely by virtue of existing (and by the existence of its acquis). The paper ends with some ideas about where OSCE might most usefully focus its security-related efforts in the near to medium term.

OSCE--REFORM Time to Prune the OSCE Tree / by Walter Kemp., 2006. (HELSINKI MONITOR, vol. 17, no. 3, 2006, p. 207-213.) ID Number: JA022884 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Kemp, Walter There has been a lot of talk about reforming the OSCE. As one diplomat quipped, never has so much been said by so many for so little. If the OSCE is going to make progress on strengthening its effectiveness, it needs to show results by the end of 2006. Otherwise it risks becoming more narcissistic than operational. Of course, some may argue that the OSCE is not broke, so the whole reform process should anyway be wrapped up as soon as possible. But that would be a wasted opportunity. What the OSCE needs is some pruning, cutting back the wild growth of the past decade and allowing the main shoots to bear sweeter fruit. This article suggests how and why that should be done.

PALESTINE--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Changing Dynamics in Palestinian Politics / by Yezid Sayigh., 2006. (INTERNATIONAL SPECTATOR, vol. 41, no. 2, April - June 2006, p. 69-86.) ID Number: JA022755 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Sayigh, Yezid The author focuses on domestic developments in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and their impact in the conflict with Israel. He maps the Palestinian domestic political scene, analysing the deep-rooted determinants of secular Fatah's decline, and the parallel rise of Islamist Hamas, which culminated in the latter's stunning victory in the January 2006 Palestinian parliamentary elections.

Page 42 PEACEKEEPING FORCES Characteristics of Troop Contributors to Peace Operations and Implications for Global Capacity / by D. C. F. Daniel, Leigh C. Caraher., 2006. (INTERNATIONAL PEACEKEEPING, vol. 13, no. 3, September 2006, p. 297-315.) ID Number: JA022818 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Daniel, D. C. F. 2. Caraher, Leigh C. This article addresses two basic questions : do most of the countries that have participated in peace operations in 2001-04 exhibit particular characteristics ? If so, what are the implications for increasing the number of sustained and substantial contributors in the near term ? The authors compare contributors and non-contributors along three dimensions : size of active-duty ground forces, regional location, and societal characteristics (governance, per capita income, internal stability and level of development). Among the most significant of their seven findings is that democratic, rich and middle income, stable and highly and lesser developed states constitute the majority profile of the peace operations community. They conclude that existing contributors are a more promising source of new sustained and substantial contributors than are nominal and non-contributors.

PEACEKEEPING FORCES--SCANDINAVIA The Nordic Peacekeeping Model : Rise, Fall, Resurgence ? / by Peter Viggo Jakobsen., 2006. (INTERNATIONAL PEACEKEEPING, vol. 13, no. 3, September 2006, p. 381-395.) ID Number: JA022821 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Jakobsen, Peter Viggo The Nordic peacekeeping model rose as a result of : selection criteria that limited the number of troop contributors to a select group of small and middle-sized states; common as well as national interests that made support for UN peacekeeping the logical policy; and the low-cost/high pay-off nature of troop contributors, a strong reluctance to use force beyond self-defence and the growing involvement of the EU and NATO. A Nordic resurgence would have to be based on civilian contributions, but the will to establish such cooperation is unlikely to be mobilized in the near term.

POSTWAR RECONSTRUCTION Reconstructing Weak and Failed States / by Christopher J. Coyne., 2006. (JOURNAL OF SOCIAL, POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC STUDIES, vol. 31, no. 2, Summer 2006, p. 143-162.) ID Number: JA022740 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Coyne, Christopher J. It is argued that the process of reconstructing weak and failed states along liberal democratic lines is a cultural rather than a merely technical issue. The work of Alexis de Tocqueville provides key insights into the foundations of liberal democracy and the limitations on the ability of foreign countries to export liberal democratic institutions via military occupation and reconstruction. After considering these insights, the implications for reconstruction efforts are considered.

Page 43 POSTWAR RECONSTRUCTION--AFGHANISTAN Afghanistan Again / by Paul Cornish., 2006. (WORLD TODAY, vol. 62, no. 8 - 9, August - September 2006, p. 13-15.) ID Number: JA022882 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Cornish, Paul The riots in Kabul in May prompted a wave of pessimism about the outcome of the international intervention in Afghanistan, with predictions of an 'arc of instability' covering yet more of South Asia and the Middle East. For some, this was also the long-awaited proof that the United States-led response to September 11 2001 had been misguided from the start to its inevitably unpleasant finish. But the situation in Afghanistan is not as bleak as some suggest. Rather than join the interminable debate about the response to the World Trade Center attacks and the decision to intervene in Afghanistan, this article asks a more straightforward question : What can be done to improve security and stability there ?

Retooling the Nationbuilding Strategy in Afghanistan / by Vincent M. Dreyer., 2006. (JOINT FORCE QUARTERLY, no. 43, 2006, p. 34-39.) ID Number: JA022886 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Dreyer, Vincent M.

Calibrating Ink Spots : Filling Afghanistan's Ungoverned Spaces / by Greg Mills., 2006. (RUSI JOURNAL, vol. 151, no. 4, August 2006, p. 16-25.) ID Number: JA022850 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Mills, Greg

POSTWAR RECONSTRUCTION--IRAQ Who Killed Iraq ? / by Rajiv Chandrasekaran., 2006. (FOREIGN POLICY, no. 156, September - October 2006, p. 36-43.) ID Number: JA022833 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Chandrasekaran, Rajiv After the invasion, the United States was supposed to help Iraq become a model democracy. Instead, the arrogance and incompetence of L. Paul Bremer and his team of naive neocons only helped Iraq become the world's most dangerous nation. This is the inside story of how it all went wrong - before it ever had a chance to go right.

PROLIFERATION SECURITY INITIATIVE The Proliferation Security Initiative : Cornerstone of a New International Norm / by Joel A. Doolin., 2006. (NAVAL WAR COLLEGE REVIEW, vol. 59, no. 2, Spring 2006, p. 29-57.) ID Number: JA022831 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Doolin, Joel A. The Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI), launched in 2003, is an international effort to limit the spread of weapons of mass destruction to rogue states and terrorists. With sixteen core member states and some sixty cooperating nations, it enjoys today many advantages of law and organization in coastal waters, but it lacks useful authority to interdict WMD on the high seas. PSI itself,

Page 44 however, represents an opportunity to alter international law and fill that critical gap.

QAIDA (ORGANIZATION) Al-Qaida vijf jaar na '9/11' : vulkaan of veenbrand ? / by Edwin Bakker, Leen Boer., 2006. (INTERNATIONALE SPECTATOR, jg. 60, nr. 9, september 2006, p. 419-425.) ID Number: JA022859 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Bakker, Edwin 2. Boer, Leen The authors investigate what is left of Al-Qaida 'five years after'. What happened to this network that after 'Nine Eleven' was considered the biggest threat of our time ?

REGIONAL CONFLICTS The Next War of the World / by Niall Ferguson., 2006. (FOREIGN AFFAIRS, vol. 85, no. 5, September - October 2006, p. 61-74.) ID Number: JA022827 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Ferguson, Niall The twentieth century was the bloodiest era in history. Despite the comfortable assumption that the twenty-first will be more peaceful, the same ingredients that made the last hundred years so destructive are present today. In particular, a conflict in the Middle East may well spark another global conflagration. The United States could prevent such an outcome - but it may not be willing to.

ROMANIA--ECONOMIC CONDITIONS Romania : The Challenge of EU Accession / by Daniel Daianu., 2005. (ANALYST, vol. 1, no. 2, September 2005, p. 107-124.) ID Number: JA022895 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Daianu, Daniel

RUSSIA (FEDERATION)--BOUNDARIES--LITHUANIA The State Border with Lithuania / by Aleksei Obukhov., 2006. (INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (Minneapolis), vol. 52, no. 4, 2006, p. 136-154.) ID Number: JA022876 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Obukhov, Aleksei

Page 45 RUSSIA (FEDERATION)--FOREIGN RELATIONS Projecting Confidence, Not Fear : Russia's Post-Imperial Assertiveness / by Andrei P. Tsygankov., 2006. (ORBIS, vol. 50, no. 4, Fall 2006, p. 677-690.) ID Number: JA022843 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Tsygankov, Andrei P. Contrary to the increasingly popular image of Russia as an aggressive, imperialist state, the primary drivers in Russia's foreign policy are domestic. They include new economic confidence, new soft power, and remaining security vulnerabilities. In response to these conditions, Russia pursues opportunities for economic growth and stability, and it builds strategic alliances in the near and distant abroad in order to address increasing security threats. The often-used comparison of Russia's foreign policy assertiveness to the Soviet Cold War policy is inaccurate. A better parallel is to Russia's 1890s policy led by Finance Minister Sergei Witte : strong internal economic development through state-driven liberalization, while avoiding foreign policy adventures. The United States should follow a policy of pragmatic substantive engagement, rather than neo-containment, toward Russia.

RUSSIA (FEDERATION)--FOREIGN RELATIONS--CHINA Moscow - Beijing : New Vistas of Cooperation / by Konstantin Vnukov., 2006. (INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (Minneapolis), vol. 52, no. 3, 2006, p. 40-45.) ID Number: JA022764 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Vnukov, Konstantin

RUSSIA (FEDERATION)--FOREIGN RELATIONS--FORMER SOVIET REPUBLICS Quelle influence russe dans l'espace post-sovietique ? / by Thomas Gomart., 2006. (COURRIER DES PAYS DE L'EST, no. 1055, mai - juin 2006, p. 4-13.) ID Number: JA022761 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Gomart, Thomas Convient-il d'etudier le role joue par la Russie dans les anciennes republiques sovietiques en fonction d'une approche globale ou en tenant compte de la diversite de ces pays ? Pour eclaircir ce debat, l'auteur examine les modalites et l'intensite de la presence russe dans son 'etranger proche', en se demandant si celle-ci permet d'unifier l'espace ou accentue au contraire sa fragmentation.

RUSSIA (FEDERATION)--FOREIGN RELATIONS--ISLAMIC COUNTRIES Russia and Islam : Political and Economic Aspects of their Dialog / by Asiyat Abzaeva., 2006. (CENTRAL ASIA AND THE CAUCASUS, no. 2, 2006, p. 131-137.) ID Number: JA022770 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Abzaeva, Asiyat

Page 46 RUSSIA (FEDERATION)--FOREIGN RELATIONS--KOREA (NORTH) Putin's Foreign Policy toward North Korea / by Yoshinori Takeda., 2006. (INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OF THE ASIA-PACIFIC, vol. 6, no. 2, 2006, p. 189-207.) ID Number: JA022757 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Takeda, Yoshinori This paper examines how Putin's pragmatic diplomacy was put into effect in Russia's foreign policy toward North Korea and how circumstances on the Korean peninsula have affected Russia-DPRK bilateral relations. An analysis of these factors shows why Russia's role in the ongoing Six-Party process has become insignificant. At the present time, it is certainly plausible that Russia will not activate diplomatic efforts to solve the North Korean nuclear crisis and will be satisfied with merely securing a seat at the multilateral talks in Northeast Asia.

RUSSIA (FEDERATION)--FOREIGN RELATIONS--USA The Non-material Cost of Bandwagoning : The Yugoslav Crisis and the Transformation of Russian Security Policy / by Thomas Ambrosio., 2006. (CONTEMPORARY SECURITY POLICY, vol. 27, no. 2, August 2006, p. 258-281.) ID Number: JA022743 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Ambrosio, Thomas The decision to balance against or bandwagon with the United States is heavily influenced by non-material values, especially the perceived status and prestige of the major powers. As a test case, this essay examines the nexus between the US, Russia, and Yugoslavia during the early 1990s. Russia's initial pro-Western foreign policy gave way to a new grand strategy emphasizing Russia's great power status and the independence of its foreign policy. Heavily influenced by non-material values, especially the perceived status and prestige of major powers, the Kremlin's initial, pro-Western foreign policy was deemed unacceptable by a broad spectrum of Russian foreign policy elites not primarily because of perceived threats to Russian security interests, but rather because its Western alignment was seen as incompatible with Russia's desired status as a great power. The emphasis on balancing against the United States continues to this day, corresponding to discontent with the unipolar international system. Why did Russian grand strategy change ? What were the long-term effects for Russo-American relations ? What, if anything, can the United States do to avoid future balancing behaviour in the other major powers ?

RUSSIA (FEDERATION)--MILITARY RELATIONS--ASIA, CENTRAL Sowjetische Hinterlassenschaft und russische Sicherheitspolitik in Zentralasien / by Markus Brach-von Gumppenberg., 2006. (OSTERREICHISCHE MILITARISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT, 44. Jg., Heft 5, September - Oktober 2006, S. 555-562.) ID Number: JA022867 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Brach-von Gumppenberg, Markus

Page 47 SAUDI ARABIA--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT The Kingdom's Clock / by Rachel Bronson, Isobel Coleman., 2006. (FOREIGN POLICY, no. 156, September - October 2006, p. 54-61.) ID Number: JA022835 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Bronson, Rachel 2. Coleman, Isobel If Saudi Arabia's new king is to stem the Islamist extremism inside and outside his kingdom, he must push through reforms that will outlast his own inevitably short reign. At 82 years old, King Abdullah's time is already running out.

SCO L'Organisation de cooperation de Shanghai : ambitions et interets russes / by Isabelle Facon., 2006. (COURRIER DES PAYS DE L'EST, no. 1055, mai - juin 2006, p. 14-25.) ID Number: JA022763 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Facon, Isabelle

SLOVAKIA--ECONOMIC POLICY 'Reformology' : The Case of Slovakia / by Katarina Mathernova, Juraj Rencko., 2006. (ORBIS, vol. 50, no. 4, Fall 2006, p. 629-640.) ID Number: JA022839 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Mathernova, Katarina 2. Rencko, Juraj Over the eight years beginning with the election of a reformist government in September 1998, Slovakia achieved a remarkable turnaround from reform laggard into one of the leaders among the postcommunist transitions of Central and Eastern Europe. This article examines the lessons learned from this successful transition, which demonstrates that quick and effective implementation of a cogent set of economic reforms can produce positive short-term economic results, with favorable and prompt political benefits. Foreign governments, multinational financial institutions, and nationals with technical training abroad who return home to serve in key positions can make a real difference.

STRATEGY The Uses of Planning and the Decay of Strategy / by Jo Guldi. (CONTEMPORARY SECURITY POLICY, vol. 27, no. 2, August 2006, p. 209-236.) ID Number: JA022741 Author(s): 1. Guldi, Jo The development and decay of Western thought on military planning over three centuries privileged one form of strategic thinking over another, reducing the ability of Western armed forces to deal with contemporary threats. The new military science called, by 1810, 'strategy', promised victory within a framework that privileged long-term institutional and state security. Building on anthropological, historical, and sociological insight, driven by empathy with the enemy, it eventually became possible to conceive of bloodless war. As military and political contexts became increasingly complicated in the nineteenth century, though, theorists of strategy such as Clausewitz struggled to adapt to epistemic change. But unable to adapt to new kinds of knowledge, military institutions suppressed

Page 48 cultural insights required for adaptation. Instead they stressed easier-to-teach tools like mapping, anticipation of enemy movements, and rapid response. In the 21st century the American military remains entrenched in the logic of decaying strategic thinking of the 19th century. In place of strategy, it relies on 'stratagem', emphasizing technology and surprise over long-term planning. Institutional inertia and intensive training amplify the conceptual distance in battle between the First and Third Worlds. Third World combatants are challenged to level the playing field through a return to long-term adaptation. The decay of Western strategy is therefore directly linked to the rise of violent terrorism. Only a return to classical strategy can overcome this trend.

TAJIKISTAN--FOREIGN RELATIONS--ASIA, CENTRAL The Republic of Tajikistan in the Regional Dimension / by Vafo Niiatbekov, Khurshed Dodikhudoev., 2006. (CENTRAL ASIA AND THE CAUCASUS, no. 3, 2006, p. 71-85.) ID Number: JA022776 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Niiatbekov, Vafo 2. Dodikhudoev, Khurshed

TERRORISM Terreurstatistieken : brug tussen perceptie en realiteit / by Rik Coolsaet, Teun van de Voorde., 2006. (VREDE EN VEILIGHEID, jg. 35, nr. 2, 2006, p. 109-117.) ID Number: JA022816 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Coolsaet, Rik 2. Voorde, Teun van de Op basis van Amerikaanse statistische gegevens kan worden geconcludeerd dat het internationaal terrorisme als politiek instrument gedurende de afgelopen tween decennia geleidelijk maar duurzaam aan belang heeft ingeboet. Het aantal aanslagen vertoont een neerwaartse trend. Het aantal aanslagen en dodelijke slachtoffers van binnelandse terrorisme ligt beduidend hoger. De in dit artikel besproken trends in de terrorismestatistieken nopen to twee belangrijke conclusies : ten eerste, het internationaal terrorisme is niet grootschalig en kan eerder een (politieke) uidaging dan een (militaire) bedreiging worden genoemd; en, ten tweede, moslimlanden, niet de Westerse staten, dragen de zwaakste tol van aanslagen gepleegd in naam van de Islam.

The Real Online Terrorist Threat / by Evan F. Kohlmann., 2006. (FOREIGN AFFAIRS, vol. 85, no. 5, September - October 2006, p. 115-134.) ID Number: JA022824 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Kohlmann, Evan F. Fears of a 'digital Pearl Harbor' - a cyberattack against critical infrastructure - have so preoccupied Western governments that they have neglected to recognize that terrorists actually use the Internet as a tool for organizing, recruiting, and fundraising. Their online activities offer a window onto their methods, ideas, and plans.

Page 49 TERRORISM PREVENTION--EU COUNTRIES La securite dans le Bassin mediterraneen : terrorisme et armes de destruction massive / by Loick Benoit., 2006. (DEFENSE NATIONALE ET SECURITE COLLECTIVE, 62e annee, no. 8 - 9, aout - septembre 2006, p. 105-118.) ID Number: JA022805 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Benoit, Loick L'Union europeenne a pris conscience de la gravite de la menace du terrorisme et des armes de destruction massive (ADM) et s'est donnee une strategie pour s'en premunir, en particulier dans le Bassin mediterraneen. L'auteur esquisse un bilan des mesures prises pour lutter contre ces fleaux.

TERRORISM PREVENTION--USA US Counter-terrorism : Change in Approach, Continuity in Policy / by Thomas J. Badey., 2006. (CONTEMPORARY SECURITY POLICY, vol. 27, no. 2, August 2006, p. 308-324.) ID Number: JA022745 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Badey, Thomas J. Although both the Clinton and Bush administrations identified terrorism as a major national security threat, the Clinton administration focused on terrorism primarily as a law enforcement issue while the Bush administration approached terrorism as a military problem. This difference becomes readily apparent when the economic isolation, multilateral cooperation, resource allocation, and retaliation policies of both administrations are compared. Despite significant differences in their respective approaches to these policies, there has been a remarkable consistency in American counter-terrorism policy over the past decade. Fierce, partisan political debate has overshadowed these fundamental policy similarities. The development of American counter-terrorism policy after 9/11 was constrained by time factors as well as also institutional and political factors. Even in this, the most extreme challenge to American national security planning since the rise of the Cold War, bureaucratic institutions have proven themselves remarkably resilient.

TERRORISM--FINANCE De Nederlandse 'oorlog' tegen terrorismefinanciering in mondiaal perspectief / by Marieke de Goede., 2006. (VREDE EN VEILIGHEID, jg. 35, nr. 2, 2006, p. 118-136.) ID Number: JA022817 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Goede, Marieke de Dit artikel biedt een kritische evaluatie van het Nederlandse beleid tegen terrorismefinanciering in mondiaal perspectief. De oorlog tegen terrorismefinanciering is een bijzonder gedepolitiseerd element van de 'war on terror'. Toch betreft het hier een belangrijk beleidsgebied, waar soms vergaande en omstreden beslissingen worden genomen. Twee vragen staan centraal. Ten eerste, wat is de rol van informele geldtransfernetwerken in de financiering van terreur, en zou de aanpak van 'ondergronds bankieren' een speerpunt in het beleid moeten zijn ? Ten tweede, is het uberhaupt mogelijk om onder de miljarden transacties en overboekingen die dagelijks in de wereldwijde, formele en informele, markten plaatsvinden, de transacties met terreur als doel op te sporen en te verhinderen ?

Page 50 TERRORISM--RELIGIOUS ASPECTS--ISLAM Die Langzeitbedrohung durch islamistische Terroristen / by Berndt Georg Thamm., 2006. (EUROPAISCHE SICHERHEIT, 55. Jg., Nr. 9, September 2006, S. 48-53.) ID Number: JA022864 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Thamm, Berndt Georg

UKRAINE--FOREIGN RELATIONS The Ukraine Potential / by Oszkar Fuzes., 2005. (ANALYST, vol. 1, no. 1, June 2005, p. 41-54.) ID Number: JA022891 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Fuzes, Oszkar

UNITED NATIONS Power to the System : The UN High-Level Panel and the Reinvigoration of Collective Security., 2005. (STUDIA DIPLOMATICA, vol. 63, no. 2, 2005, Special Issue.) ID Number: JA022807 Type: ART Conference Proceedings.

UNITED NATIONS--IRAQ Iraq Awaits / by David Malone., 2006. (WORLD TODAY, vol. 62, no. 8 - 9, August - September 2006, p. 32-34.) ID Number: JA022879 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Malone, David For more than a quarter of a century, the UN has been preoccupied by Iraq, for good and ill. Today, the big question at UN headquarters in New York revolves around the selection of Kofi Annan's successor as Secretary-General. Consensus will emerge some time later in the year, with the successful individual chosen from a wide field of declared and undeclared candidates. Iraq is bound to be an issue from day one, just as it has been for the last four people in the job.

UNITED NATIONS--PEACEKEEPING FORCES Security Council Authorization for Regional Peace Operations : A Critical Analysis / by Rosemary Durward., 2006. (INTERNATIONAL PEACEKEEPING, vol. 13, no. 3, September 2006, p. 350-365.) ID Number: JA022820 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Durward, Rosemary In December 2004 the report of the High-level Panel on UN reform recommended that Security Council authorization for all regional peace operations should be mandatory, a detail that was omitted from the Secretary-General's follow-up report 'In Larger Freedom' and from the agenda of the World Summit meeting in September 2005. Opposition to the proposal highlights anxieties about power imbalances in the UN. However, alongside reform of the Security Council, this initiative would enhance regional capacity to regulate the intervention of outside actors. Such a step would address one of the key issues undermining the authority of the UN Security Council.

Page 51 UNITED NATIONS--PEACEKEEPING FORCES--CYPRUS The UN Force in Cyprus after the 2004 Reunification Referendum / by James Ker-Lindsay., 2006. (INTERNATIONAL PEACEKEEPING, vol. 13, no. 3, September 2006, p. 410-421.) ID Number: JA022822 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Ker-Lindsay, James This article examines the UN Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) following the failed attempt to reunite the island in April 2004. It reviews the post-referendum reduction in the size of the Force and analyses the prospects for further major changes to the mission in the future. Specifically, it argues that while any further significant alterations would appear unlikely in the near term, given the current positions of the main parties in the Security Council, a radical rethinking of the UNFICYP may well be possible, if not necessary, in the light of Turkey's progress towards EU membership.

UNITED NATIONS--PEACEKEEPING FORCES--RWANDA Beyond the Mystery of the Rwanda 'Black Box' : Political Will and Early Warning / by Touko Piiparinen., 2006. (INTERNATIONAL PEACEKEEPING, vol. 13, no. 3, September 2006, p. 334-349.) ID Number: JA022819 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Piiparinen, Touko According to the conventional wisdom of the current debate on peacekeeping, the failures of the UN Security Council in general and in Rwanda in particular can be attributed to an absence, not of early warning systems, but of political will on the part of member states. This article argues against the assertion, advanced in much of the existing literature, that political will outweighed early warning in importance. These two factors were interlinked and cannot therefore be compared as if they existed separately. Instead, a more advanced early warning mechanism would have changed the political context so as to facilitate political will to intervene. At a minimal level, such a positive causal relationship would have enabled non-permanent Council members to acknowledge the genocide prior to UNAMIR's (United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda) withdrawal and thus to create a political atmosphere of urgency to rescue Rwandans instead of withdrawing troops.

UNITED NATIONS. SECRETARY GENERAL Knowing When to Lead / by Sally Morphet., 2006. (WORLD TODAY, vol. 62, no. 8 - 9, August - September 2006, p. 35-37.) ID Number: JA022878 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Morphet, Sally It could be the job description from hell, leading a large international organisation and answerable to its 192 component parts. But there are people eager to become UN Secretary-General and by the end of the year someone will be getting ready to take over.

Page 52 USA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--CHINA US-China Economic Relations : The Next Stage / by John Frisbie, Michael Overmyer., 2006. (CURRENT HISTORY, vol. 105, no. 692, September 2006, p. 243-249.) ID Number: JA022855 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Frisbie, John 2. Overmyer, Michael In the past 30 years - and especially since China's entry into the World Trade Organization in 2001 - trade and investment between the United States and China have dramatically expanded. Nonetheless, longstanding and increasingly pressing issues leave the full potential of the commercial relationship unfulfilled. Resolution of today's and tomorrow's economic disputes, as well as guidance toward a sustained, mutually beneficial commercial relationship, requires a more robust bilateral engagement.

USA--FOREIGN RELATIONS Soft Power and Smart Power / by Joseph S. Nye., 2006. (INTERNATIONALE POLITIK, vol. 7, no. 3, Summer 2006, p. 10-13.) ID Number: JA022803 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Nye, Joseph S. Soft power is about making others want the same things you want. In the past, the United States did this very well. But the Bush administration's policies in the Middle East have opted for hard power over soft power to its own - and most of the world's detriment. If the United States is going to defeat international terrorism, it must align its values with its foreign policy.

The Case for Alliances / by Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall., 2006. (JOINT FORCE QUARTERLY, no. 43, 2006, p. 54-59.) ID Number: JA022887 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Sherwood-Randall, Elizabeth

America's Strategic Surrender / by Kenneth Weisbrode., 2006. (INTERNATIONALE POLITIK, vol. 7, no. 3, Summer 2006, p. 52-56.) ID Number: JA022800 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Weisbrode, Kenneth Neither resigned appeasement nor aggressive intervention is the answer for America as it moves from the post-cold war era into a global one. Considering its influences, the United States can neither isolate nor insulate itself. When it tries to do so, decline and reliance on hard power become self-fulfilling prophecies.

USA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--AFRICA, SUB-SAHARAN Die US-amerikanische Politik gegenuber Sub-Sahara-Afrika / by Martin Pabst., 2006. (OSTERREICHISCHE MILITARISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT, 44. Jg., Heft 4, Juli - August 2006, S. 433-442.) ID Number: JA022873 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Pabst, Martin

Page 53 USA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--CHINA Doubly Dualistic Dilemma : US Strategies towards China and Taiwan / by Philip Yang., 2006. (INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OF THE ASIA-PACIFIC, vol. 6, no. 2, 2006, p. 209-225.) ID Number: JA022759 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Yang, Philip In its relations with Taiwan and China, Washington has begun to implement separate dual strategies in order to simultaneously deter unilateral action while balancing out the rival political and military forces of each side. A simple standard strategy just is not sufficient to maintain the status quo. The way to maintain peace is for Washington to keep its role as a moderator between the two sides while preventing both from taking unilateral steps towards goals that would naturally provoke the other. The US policy has to mirror the duality of the cross-strait arena by implementing dual balancing and deterrent strategies. It is also imperative that policymakers realize the complexity of the situation so as not to unwittingly provoke either side. This paper is an analysis of the emerging US strategy of deterring both sides of the Taiwan Strait from taking unilateral action while maintaining a balance of military and political forces, and gives some suggestions as to the further development of this strategy.

USA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--EUROPE Allies and Other Strangers : European Integration and the American 'Empire by Invitation' / by Ronald J. Granieri., 2006. (ORBIS, vol. 50, no. 4, Fall 2006, p. 691-707.) ID Number: JA022844 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Granieri, Ronald J. Current tensions between the United States and Europe have raised questions about the future of the transatlantic relationship, though historical analysis suggests that the good old days were not perfect either. This article considers the history of US-European relations and concludes that they have always been complex, as neither Americans nor Europeans have been sure how an integrated Europe would fit into an Atlantic partnership. It concludes that the future of the West depends on Europeans' developing on their own a clearer vision of the concrete shape and international role of the EU.

USA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--KOREA (SOUTH) The US Role in Korean Democracy and Security / by Hyug Baeg Im., 2006. (INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OF THE ASIA-PACIFIC, vol. 6, no. 2, 2006, p. 157-187.) ID Number: JA022758 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Im, Hyug Baeg This paper traces the role that the US played in the development of Korean democracy and maintaining peace and security in the Korean peninsula. First, it looks back into the US role in the Korean political transformation from the 1950s through the 1980s. Second, it investigates the role that the US played in the outbreak of the financial crisis in 1987 and in the ensuing comprehensive neoliberal restructuring of the economy by the Kim Dae Jung government after the crisis. Third, it analyzes three events that put US-Korean relations under stress since the inauguration of the Bush administration : anti-americanism, the perception gap on North Korea, and the new military transformation initiative of the US. Finally, the paper draws

Page 54 policy rationales for a stronger Korea-US alliance in the future from the Korean perspective : Korea-US alliance as leverages against China and Japan, means of pursuing an effective engagement policy toward North Korea, a cornerstone to lift South Korea to a hub state in Northeast Asia, and geopolitical balancer and stabilizer in Northeast Asia after the unification of Korea.

USA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--MIDDLE EAST Plain Talk about Iraq / by Robert J. Pranger., 2006. (MEDITERRANEAN QUARTERLY, vol. 17, no. 3, Summer 2006, p. 12-25.) ID Number: JA022848 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Pranger, Robert J. This essay is a discussion of problems confronting a great power without an Arab policy, the United States, which has invaded and occupied a major Arab country and now searches for a way out. It is not a pretty picture.

USA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--RELIGIOUS ASPECTS God's Country ? / by Walter Russell Mead., 2006. (FOREIGN AFFAIRS, vol. 85, no. 5, September - October 2006, p. 24-43.) ID Number: JA022830 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Mead, Walter Russell Religion has always been a major force in US politics, but the recent surge in the number and power of evangelicals is recasting the country's political scene - with dramatic implications for foreign policy. This should not be cause for panic : evangelicals are passionately devoted to justice and improving the world, and eager to reach out across sectarian lines.

USA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--RUSSIA (FEDERATION) Not Enough Optimism / by Aleksandr Iourine., 2006. (INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (Minneapolis), vol. 52, no. 4, 2006, p. 99-104.) ID Number: JA022874 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Iourine, Aleksandr

USA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--SUDAN Evangelists, Oil Companies, and Terrorists : The Bush Administration's Policy towards Sudan / by Asteris Huliaras., 2006. (ORBIS, vol. 50, no. 4, Fall 2006, p. 709-724.) ID Number: JA022845 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Huliaras, Asteris In contrast to the Clinton administration, which tried to isolate Sudan, George W. Bush initiated a dialogue with Khartoum and followed a 'constructive engagement' policy. Three factors explain this radical change in US foreign policy : the influence of American evangelicals, the significance of the war on terror, and economic interests, particularly the oil lobby. However, each of these factors led Washington to opposite directions.

Page 55 USA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--UKRAINE The United States and Ukraine : Scenario of a Revolution / by Maria Huber., 2005. (ANALYST, vol. 1, no. 2, September 2005, p. 51-74.) ID Number: JA022894 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Huber, Maria

USA--MILITARY POLICY Political Warfare : An Essential Instrument of US Grand Strategy Today / by Donovan C. Chau., 2006. (COMPARATIVE STRATEGY, vol. 25, no. 2, 2006, p. 109-120.) ID Number: JA022750 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Chau, Donovan C. Recent policy changes at the Department of State and Defense and the US Agency for International Development have affected US national security. The George W. Bush Administration has begun restructuring the federal government to better use an instrument of grand strategy called political warfare. Ill-defined and often misunderstood, political warfare is a nonviolent instrument comprising tangible, interrelated operations such as targeted economic aid, development projects, as well as the training, arming, and equipping of military and security forces. This article discusses the origins of political warfare, the controversies surrounding its meaning, and its importance to the United States today.

Dissuading China and Fighting the 'Long War' / by Carl Conetta., 2006. (WORLD POLICY JOURNAL, vol. 23, no. 2, Summer 2006, p. 1-10.) ID Number: JA022871 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Conetta, Carl The 2006 QDR review advances two new strategic vectors to guide the armed forces in their development efforts : the so-called long war against Islamic radicalism, and an increased emphasis on shaping the behavior of China by means of military 'dissuasion'. Both are ill-conceived. The practical effect of the first vector is to embed defense planning in an unusually broad and open-ended wartime framework. The second vector imposes an overlapping 'cold war' framework, raising the prospect that what lies at the end of the present 'long war' is more of the same.

UZBEKISTAN--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Transformation in the Political Regime in Uzbekistan : Stages and Outcome / by Nikolai Borisov., 2005. (CENTRAL ASIA AND THE CAUCASUS, no. 6, 2005, p. 22-32.) ID Number: JA022785 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Borisov, Nikolai

Page 56 WAR GAMES The Epistemology of War Gaming / by Robert C. Rubel., 2006. (NAVAL WAR COLLEGE REVIEW, vol. 59, no. 2, Spring 2006, p. 108-128.) ID Number: JA022832 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Rubel, Robert C. War games can produce valid knowledge, useful for planning and decisions, but they can also produce 'valid-looking garbage'. There are principles that can help users and analysts tell the difference and avoid the pitfalls, but if game results are to merit reliably the confidence they are now given, the craft of gaming must become a profession.

WAR ON TERRORISM, 2001- A War that Cannot be Won / by Louise Richardson., 2006. (WORLD TODAY, vol. 62, no. 8 - 9, August - September 2006, p. 9-11.) ID Number: JA022883 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Richardson, Louise The recent death of Abu Musab Al Zarqawi, the leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq and a brutal Jordanian terrorist who specialised in beheading kidnap victims, was hailed as a victory by America. In the words of United States President George Bush : 'The killing of Zarqawi is an important victory in the global war on terror ... the ideology of terror has suffered a severe blow.' But the 'global war on terror' will continue, ultimately without success, because the conflict has been defined in a way that will make 'victory' impossible. Instead the declaration of war has given militant groups just what they want : status, legitimacy and renown.

WAR--TERMINATION War Determination Planning : Wie man Kriege beendet / by Milan Vego., 2006. (OSTERREICHISCHE MILITARISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT, 44. Jg., Heft 4, Juli - August 2006, S. 419-432.) ID Number: JA022872 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Vego, Milan Repeatedly experience has shown that an even decisive victory in the main fighting phase of a military campaign will not guarantee achievement of the political objectives of a war, if the strategic success is not consolidated during the phase following the hostilities. Success or failure of the phase following the hostilities highly depends on the success of war determination, which in turn requires a reasonable plan, prepared by operational command before the campaign and finally implemented expertly.

Page 57 WATER-SUPPLY--EGYPT Water, Water / by Denis Gathanju., 2006. (WORLD TODAY, vol. 62, no. 8 - 9, August - September 2006, p. 30-31.) ID Number: JA022880 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Gathanju, Denis Trouble is brewing between Egypt and East African countries over the Nile waters that have been its lifeline for generations. Kenya and other states in the river basin are threatening to pull out of a 1929 Treaty signed between colonial Britain - which governed most of the area - and Egypt. There has even been talk in Cairo of military retaliation against any country that violates it.

WATER-SUPPLY--STRATEGIC ASPECTS Wasser : als Kriegsgrund ungeeignet / by Wilhelm Sager., 2006. (EUROPAISCHE SICHERHEIT, 55. Jg., Nr. 9, September 2006, S. 34-37.) ID Number: JA022865 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Sager, Wilhelm

WATER-SUPPLY--TURKEY Die Turkei auf dem Weg zu einer 'Wassergrossmacht' : Ressourcen - Projekte - Visionen / by Heinz Brill., 2006. (OSTERREICHISCHE MILITARISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT, 44. Jg., Heft 5, September - Oktober 2006, S. 547-554.) ID Number: JA022866 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Brill, Heinz For millennia water has been a limited good in the Middle East, and the prediction that the next war in the Middle East will not be fought for crude oil but for water is not entirely unrealistic. The focus of these considerations is the 'water policy' of Turkey, which has been looking for a new role in international relationships since the end of the East-West conflict.

YUGOSLAVIA--HISTORY--AUTONOMY AND INDEPENDENCE MOVEMENTS How the Yugoslav Crisis was Internationalized / by Ye Gus'kova., 2006. (INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (Minneapolis), vol. 52, no. 4, 2006, p. 119-128.) ID Number: JA022875 Type: ART Author(s): 1. Gus'kova, Ye.

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