SEE PAGE 5B SEE PAGE 1B SEE PAGE 3A Dental check up Boating season every 6 months... running full Fun day at Really? speed ahead the mud bogs $1.00 Featured Section SUNDAY EDITION INSIDE LIFESTYLES: HEALTHY TEETH, HEALTHY BODY Weekend VOL. 21 NO. XXVIII SUNDAY, JULY 13, 2014 2012 & 2013 NEWSPAPER OF THE YEAR ONLINE COMMENTS The bridge that made Zilwaukee famous Pride is a matter of hon- ‘‘esty, integrity and honor. It has nothing to do with per- sonal sexual choices.” Mark my words, the downtown ‘‘ crosswalks are a lawyer’s dream. Some- one, hopefully not a child, is going to get injured or killed soon.” Was stuck for over 10 minutes at Ellen and ‘‘ LeRoy. Do something. The restaurant is making tons of money and the citizens are paying the price. Where is the logic here?” Landmark bridge gets first major makeover this year By Tim Jagielo TRI-COUNTY TIMES | TIM JAGIELO If you don’t like a cer-
[email protected]; 810-433-6795 With its safety called into ques- tain float, close your eyes Zilwaukee — Towering over North Westervelt tion, the Zilwaukee Bridge was ‘‘when it goes by. It was a finished in 1987, after a three- wonderful parade.” Road is the bridge that made Zilwaukee famous. From underneath it looks like a typical Michigan overpass, year delay. Since then, millions I am so excited by the albeit enormous, transporting thousands of vehicles of travelers have trusted the bridge as they crossed over construction of the Cor- daily over the Saginaw River. ‘‘nerstone building.