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Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-04164-6 - Old Saint Peter’s, Rome Edited by Rosamond Mckitterick, John Osborne, Carol M. Richardson and Joanna Story Index More information Index Aachen, 257, 259 oratory at Saint Peter’s basilica, 154 inscription, 259 alms, 32 Abgar, king of Edessa, 244, 254 altar cloth, 268–9 acheiropoieta, 230–1, 237, 246 Amalarius of Metz, 160 in Saint Peter’s basilica, 237 Ammianus Marcellinus, 21, 24, 27, 138 Lateran, 232 Fig. 12.3, 233, 237, 239, 241 Anacletus II (1130–8), pope, 6, 313 see also icons; Mandylion; Venice, Bibl. Anastasia, Roman matron, 85 Marciana, MS gr. 573 Anastasia, wife of Marinianus, 149 Achilleus, bishop of Spoleto, 148 Anastasius I (399–401), pope, 145 Acta Cyriaci, 186 Anastasius III (911–13), pope, 327 Acts of Pilate, 243 Anastasius Bibliothecarius, 104, 237, 305 Acts of the Apostles, 33 destruction of icon at Saint Peter’s, 237 ad sanctos, burial, 327 Ancona, Ciriaco d’, 368–70 Adelheid, daughter of Charlemagne, 271 Andaloro, Maria, 190, 247, 248 Adriatic Sea, 28 Andrew, saint, brother of Saint Peter, 261, 264 adventus, 28, 30, 33, 185 relic of the head of, 343 Agapetus, saint, 228 rotunda, 262, 264, 283 Agatho (678–81), pope, 159 Anicii, Roman family, 28, 124n. 18, 130, 143 Agaune, martyrs of, 376 annona,27 Agnes, empress, 5 Annunciation of the Lord (Adnuntiatio Agnes, saint, 2, 228 Domini, 25 March), 13 Akathistos hymn, 200, 202–3 mass for feast at Saint Peter’s, 177–8, Alaric the Goth, 96, 146 179–84 Alberti, Leon Battista, 338 anointing/anointment, 378, 379, 380, 382 Albertini, Francesco,
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