RESEARCHING THE WORLD’S BEADS: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY Compiled by Karlis Karklins Society of Bead Researchers Revised and Updated 1 July 2021 EUROPE AND MEDITERRANEAN The countries covered in this section include: Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Crimea, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic (Czechia), Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Greenland, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia (west of the Urals), San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Udmurtia, Ukraine, and United Kingdom. Classical archaeological sites in North African countries bordering on the Mediterranean are also included here. See also the two specialized theme bibliographies and the General and Miscellaneous bibliography as they also contain reports dealing with these countries. Abadía, Oscar Moro and April Nowell 2015 Palaeolithic Personal Ornaments: Historical Development and Epistemological Challenges. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 22:952-979; Explores the history and epistemology of the concept of “ornament” in the field of Paleolithic archaeology, particularly the factors underlying why the same kinds of objects have been historically described in very diverse ways. Abdulova, Svetlana Ilfatovna 2001 Áóñû ìîãèëüíèêà Îãóðäèíî [Beads from the Ogurdino Burial Ground]. Bulletin of the Museum of Archeology and Ethnography of the Perm Urals 1-2:73-77; Discusses the glass and stone beads recovered from a site in the Upper Prikamye region of Russia. They date to the10th-11th centuries. 2003 Áóñû Ðîæäåñòâåíñêîãî àðõåîëîãè÷åñêîãî êîìïëåêñà [Beads of the Rozhdestvenskoye Archaeological Complex].
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