studies on female patronage in the 17th and 18th centuries Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie Prace Monograficzne 890 studies on female patronage in the 17th and 18th centuries TRANSLATION Mariola Dyl-Wąsik, Paulina Mierzwa, Radosław Rozumowski EDITED BY Bożena Popiołek Urszula Kicińska Anna Penkała-Jastrzębska Agnieszka Słabyby 2019 © Copyright by Authors Kraków 2019 ISSN 0239-6025 ISBN 978-83-8084-271-7 e-ISBN 978-83-8084-272-4 DOI 10.24917/9788380842717 Reviewers: prof. dr hab. Marian Chachaj prof. dr hab. Filip Wolański Proofreading: Libron Layout and cover design: Libron On the cover: Portrait of Marianna Denhoff, née Bielińska by Antoine Pense, fot. Piotr Ceraficki (Łazienki Królewskie Museum in Warsaw) and graphics from: Project funded by the National Science Center as part of the program no. UMO 2015/19/B/HS3/01797 “Benefactresses and clients. The specificity of women’s patronage and clients relations in the Saxon era” Wydawnictwo Naukowe UP 30-084 Kraków, ul. Podchorążych 2 tel./fax 12 662-63-83, tel. 12 662–67–56 e-mail:
[email protected] Table of contents 7 Introduction Natalia Starchenko 17 Patronage System as a Formal Power Mechanism in the Early Modern Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Natalia Biłous 37 Clientele of Tomasz Zamoyski in the Kyiv palatinate (in the light of correspondence 1619–1637) Rita Regina Trimoniene 59 An international noble family in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the second half of the 16th and early 17th century Piotr Oczko 79 Some remarks from a completely different world. Could (female) patronage take place in the Dutch Republic? Karolina Kwaśna 91 And when he died, his widow continued the business… Widows from New England Dorota Żołądź-Strzelczyk 107 Influence of women on education in the modern age – family and social contexts Anna Szylar 119 “Let them diligently see the humors and fantasies of the founders so that they will not bring any turmoil to the monastery…” Women – founders of women’s monasteries in the 17th and 18th centuries.