Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1946-08-11
GOOD MORNING, IOWA CITY! Perfect for picnic plans. Weatherman asserts today OWGJIl will be fair and. a little wormer. r.ta~, ,. 1868 Vol 78; No. 276-AP New. and· Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa, Sunday, August 11 , 1946-Five Cenla • Ita ian ssal• s· 'Har I . Peace ])ES MOINES (Af)-A.sserting vice of the ISEA report~ only that Iowa was "face to face with l-3f cahdidales available for .p In educational crisis," Charle!l F. Poln~nt to teaching jobs IS of * Mlrtin, executive secretary of the Aug. 6. B,. JOSEPH DrNA.N JOWl state Education aSSOciation. Jonson's survey Indicated that PARIS (AP)-Italy's Premier upon the Allied control council ..Id yaterday that supepn~~n- 11.5'11 vacaneles existed In rural struclc out at the proposed Italian operatin,ln Berlin. Thest bureaUi denls of 80 counties had ~portell schools and 735 in town and city peace treaty yesterday as "punl- would coordinate transportation, a teacher shortage of 1,5111 per- scooo1s. 'I'he latter was composed live" and beyond his country's communication, bank:s, Industry, &0lIl. • of 2117 elementary vacanclea and capacity to fuWl, and ur,ed the a,r!culture, lore!,n trade, ~nd . '''J'hls crisis must receive 'Pe t3, Illfh ' school vaclncles. .• peace conference to postpone lor prices in all lour zones . serious consideration of fbe" pub:' • •• Rouslnl Wares n year settlement of the Trieste The United Sta~s and Qrltaln and other frontier problems. now are completln. plans tOI' an Ue at large and of the Iowa le;ls- School superintendents replyinl I.tol'll they move into the 52n4 to Jonspn's survey, made by maU, The decision to Internationalize economic fusIon o~ their two .s Trieste, Premier Alcide de Gasperl zones, follow!", the American of pnetal assembly'," Mar~in sal4 I~dic.t~d the chief reasons for In releasing the teacher 'survey the ~orta,e were the housing said, was "a bite into our very fer to merge with any or all ~~~~~ condu~ted by Kenneth Jonson, dir- sl100age and the wage rates.
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