V , / BA T^A T, MATM, 1942 / ' S •• Keep Ltheriyy L,igM BurrnngBr^it!¥0r^ War Bonds! ..I, ....I I ,1 ■ ■' — „ ■ / .. - /' s ' XsaabeiB of M. JaaMs Bolp Name aodetjr will receive Ooar> Leam s iT o w n manioo la a bodjr a t the 7 o*elocl|. Main'Street 4 .. Avurage Dally tomorrow morning. Ahd oi| Soma o f Manchester's Side Streets, Too I^ ath on I ^ W e a ith e r tld n ta « r» sttO a ra lla l^ Mr. and Mrs. EOMrortb^lt! Per­ Fences* sf D. a . Wsa ) MoUmt «ad DMWh^ Bui^ kins and their daugh|^ and Mr. _ j h M imdar t t e v o o to r* and Mrs. David M. M urteck have Residanta In ane^north ,end die-4>iag among Manehastar Demoerata »«r tiM Ladta^ Aid aad D oc«m moved from the Whitehall Apart­ trict got a Ug Uck' out of the worse thaiv if was avsr thought Mrs. Al£red ^ibiande Is I oC t t e nBaandi lAtttanuD ments to their new homes ^ on patroUng of' tho dlatiidt by <mo «f possible. Already some veiy active Green road. In Robert J. Smnh’a Notified Qct Son It Re­ m X. •t tb* T. H. C A, next the wardens, during the am raid Democrats are eeeerting that they Mdnehester^A City of Vittage Chsam Bight »t 6:S0. Thoae Seymoui Green Ridge development. Both test a.efeek ago last night. This wilt support Uu Republican who ported as Mifigiiig, tlek«ta ahcMld coat«ct ater men are employed at the A ircraft putlcular warden petroled bis is nominated to run against Kop- ra. Mbm plant in East Hartford. plemann no matter who the Re­ WM^t oC Flower Uuraon. area on k bicycle. Ha evid^ly ^Thom as CoUlna, son of M m Al­ Jk jIA V Y v o ik X 2 L. n o . 195 . / « MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAT^mT 18, 1942 (FOURTEEN PAGES) liBwit i l 68 or Kra. xnMtt ateak;dupper at 6:SO\ahould — mistook^ the flret warning whistle publican la. We know of cne regie- PRICE THREE 1 o f M rrU t street, phone made to Noble Grand If^ ' Arcella [roup N a 8 of the Memorial tered Democrat who has placed in fred Potanude of B«7 Mala street, .1 .ill HolQlital auxilis ']^ Mrs. D. M. for the air raid alam itself and the hands of Judge Hyde, Repub­ boa been reported killed in the tor­ Bnadajr sight. The sole of Crawford or Mrs. |Cmma Bbwd at CaldwNL leader, will meet Mon­ he rode around .taiUng people to pedoing of bla ship in Urn Gulf of rwm posltl'sdr dose at that <aioa \ lican chairman, a check for cloee. Saturday, May ^16 ■ day aftmoon-at two o’clock at go Indoors. Espahially was he tcrAlOO to be used in a campaign Mexico by a Naxl eubmarine^ He warning youngsters off the atreeta. Unloading^Gold from Sub td Peail Bbubor A Mother’s dajr progbm wUI be the hospit^ Members of Group 1 against Koppiemknn. This man la was 43 years old and has spent AT 8:18 P.M. 28GABIESt are invited to^meet With tbepi. "Tou are auf^Msed to go inside much of his-Iffe ln the Army and (20) $8.00 GAMES! (8) 810.00 GAMB8! looal teweh o< the Biittth presented in PiUasW h w tomor*'' "all out” againat the prbsent con- row afternoon a ' three o’dock by out of danger^ he told tte youngs greaeman from this <Uatrict.Md ha Navy before going into the Mer­ aanar soeM p, Hh. m . wui The MancbesteXExchange Club aters be saw either on the aide- chant Marine about five months (1) $20U)0GAME! (1) $80.00 GAMfi! ' • apodal BMwtlng tomorrow tlM Polish Women's AlU an^So^ la usittg jils influence amo^ the V A LL F ( « 81.00! clety, No. BIA A supper wiU be wHl dispatch its ann;^ "Sunshine walks or playing in their yaiyla Demoerata in town to wprk fo beat ago. , t tfoloak In the worfc head^uoT- served after the entertainment . Sp ^ ial" 10 o n e a r^ recreation But dh the handle bare of the Kopplemann. \ Shortly after the parade loat^ Aai|iiB ParUuK la R w o f ( ^ ^ \ T o BreaJ^ Up R at 7S lU|de street AU offi- spot 0*1 August 5, it Npras Sn- bicycle^ he was riding around as Another angle we heard just tbd. night, his brother, Leonard OoUiria, BBHBheia of eomaittteea and Miss Betty True of 30 Cam« nounced today. This trlpHs made he warned ■ others was hla own other day waa that Ed Murphy, member of the marching unit of of the aodety' are urged bridge street attended the senior each year and the paesengefn, are youngster. well known local druggist, Toll Cedore, was notified 4 f his by Bombs; I a s impdctaat tmalneM ^ linder-privtleged children former repreaentatlvb from a death. Le<mord OoUlns I bo aaBuiBlI An B. W. It S. dance of the graduating class of Uie University of Connecticut who Cnjoy ^ ia day of recreation One of the prominent members towm< wants to learn why Ives in Glastonbury and is a t ta are viged to return com* at the expense the club. greaeman Kopplemann cbCee to a house on Oi I worti aa aooa as possible. held last night at the Norwich of the local \ Defense Council Is Inn. takliig quite k. lot of ribbing over recommend H. OUn.Graiit over straet a Ull for some 818 or |I9 he Saya him. Seems that it waa the general ThomoaXpoIIine was known to Governrhent Restricts H nri Flying Wedgofl of Otbbons Assembly, Catholic Lad* Books Rebf^ived belief that the stamflng of the many local residents as his afether 2S Methods^ Cost Planesj he is going to aak the town to pay 29 ' >' ^^^ank8 and Trailer-Car* a Of Columbus, wlU seat its new to him. It seems that when the candidatea after tfib second ex- waa formertyto charge ef the for­ X officers Wednesday evening. May At Whitbn library wardens cliseea were started here amlnatlon waa ifi this order: mer Cheney tontbers Fouraerto ifed Troibpa into T ^ s> 20, following a dinner at 4:1S at Crocker, Brown, Qulsh, Muifdiy boarding bouto mi Cooper attest Can Badto and *!Gpoeial^ To Produce this particular, deffnsa council Germans Declare Aerial the Hotel Sheridan, with MlSs memter took it'iwon bimaelf to and G rant and latar Mm Patnauda waa ta pcii^te Attempt; Fail British Fliers Louise Sweetland of Bhwt Hart­ New books at the Wbhra U- There ia oke thing about the charge of the fo m ^ Edgewood 30 Vi^ssels ford, past stale president. aa the brary recently received IhclwW the get notebooks foK^^ wardens. whole mix-up tbat is gratifying Ico DaUvoflM — To Chedt Impetus of Unity Lac^' Formation Attacking Prinz Engen in Rna*| He bought them in Marthird and House on Center streeL also op­ a BS-pleOe dinner iwitalHng officer. Mia- Mary following: V. R. Bretherton, Rock and that la no matter who gets erated at that time by Cheney A Chrinonuaeat order has boen' iamied by the 081c« r \ Heavy Crniser and & - ndly wUl be toaStmisfrees. the Wind; L.. L. Foreman, The paid a pretty gbod priM for them. tha appdlntmant finally tha town Thrust . by Ri ning Fight; First Ra*] Brothem of DofABSo Trkiwportation (ODT), cffectivo May 15: Leave Ways legsde; Philip Gibbs, Long The notebooks wars usad'a)! r ^ t. will ^ v e a good poatoaater. All Mr. Patnaode waa for Honest Propaganda ts cort .Vesselfl Beaten Alert; Jackson Gregory, Border but It dsvelops now that no a^ tr of those In the running ark able ports bdicate Ac yeara employed In Cheney ✓ (1) Only one ddhrory to any automer in any one Moecowi May Line; Isabella Holt,. Aunt Jeasle; Ing of the council had autbori|M meU—fully qualified to do a good ers service department. With the Red ATm ^oeiiig in Means of Building Mo^ Off; Aflgert 5 2 Brit* Next Friday Torpedo Hits Semedi- Brigld Knight, Westward the Sun; the purchase of them and It lookh JUb. ____ day...no call badt even for adffitlonal ice, nnleso the Masonic T^stnjple Manuel Komroff, In the Taan of at the present writing as though cnstoaier requires, daily, more than your track wid tarry steadily upon Viw Kharkov, rtae arid Combatting iBh^^Plaline8 DoNned in On Warship Evidenfiy our Lord; Clark McMeekla. Wel- tha defense council member would A woman went lata a local soda at one load. battlefront d isi^ h ei report­ Activities of Enemy, AU Altackfl on Mili­ Soldlar; O. R. StaWart, be out the money he paid for the ■bop the other day and ordkred a To Get Degr^ ed today dut/the Gernums Great Mass launching Tr]ring to/ Get from i Storm; Tlan Chun, Villaga In Au­ notebooks. (2) No medal deliverielB wifl be perm itted...all tary i^d Naval Forces. ■mall glaaa of coke adding “with ; or etyled ice ahoold be deUveied at oae time, one were hqrling^nying wedgM o*f Will Inaugurate New Refuge t^ Nazi Port. gust; A. T . Wright, Tirieada.- lamoa." WsU. stnea tha augar ra- At Connecticut U« tonka \and trafler-carrUxi Boston, May 18 — (P) r-Flfth la Noa-nctioB: Ruth Brladae, Ws heard in our stroOs along the tkmlag stkrtod moat soda cauatkra L ..^..jdaily, and then by regalar deUvery eqnipment on Oolmnniste have 85 techaiquea for Two . Ships • a • Day- troo^ in ^ death traps in the Berlin (^m Germaii Stretching Tour Dollar In War- main atam tha other day that a re­ charging asvan canls for coca- that m te, uni sea the endomer osee a t r ^ load.
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