Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1945-07-22
II1A1'., rATlI, re. tI.... ,. IU IIt,ntlt Z, an. AI th.... It .... ..... .aoOI liED 'OODS, III .. ,. •t."". Tt Ib,•• , .. Zl ••• AI Ib,.... NI •• lId ..... SUOA •• 10 ••" roe, .tamp Ie •••d '0' '1 •• po.n'. tlo ••• , .. A.,. II. IIDOEII. lied 11. ... al.plane .tamp• • Partly Cloudy I t, e .... , •••• In•• llnltel,. N ..L .Lamp v.lld " ••• I. OAIIOLINI, t'·A ••• p ........ , •••IK '011 ••• eoeb: IOWA: Partly cloudy with 8 a ', 8 .. a, 0·1 aftd 0-' oo.pt •• , ... 'or 'Ive ,all ••• scall.ered thundershower \ I ... h. PUlL OIL. , ••1004 .D. Ib .... b II ••••• p .... THE ,DAILY IOWAN •••• IIo ••• 'b " ••••1: ...1, .... II.. ConUnued warm. e•••• n. al •• es,'" ...... }llfew '.,.,1,erl,•• ••ne ' ...c •• an' p •• , r.r Iowa CI·ty'. Mornlnn~ rblewspap.r .... • J~~' "~ •• are ••~ ••IW~.==z:========~~==== ============================~~~============================~~~====~====~==================================~~~==~====~=~~~ ~=================== ~ FIVE CENTS IOWA em. IOWA SUNDAY, JULy 22 , 1945 VOLUME XXI NUMBER 254 U.S. Fleel Unil HIS LORDSHIP GETS A BAWLING OUT , Unopp~sed Chin,ese Within Eight Mil es In Tokyo Bay • No Enemy Shipping ~und by Force Of Kweilin New Drive Patrolling Entrance Once Fashionable Hotel- AUSSIES GAIN GUAM, un d II Y (AP)- Big 3 Conference I AmeriC81P cruiset'S and dest roy Break'Up Jap' m which bombal'rled the en Ends First Week tranCII to Toky.o bay W dnes Prison for High Nazis day night and early Thursday JIIOroing met n.o enemy resis Counlerattacks Of Meetings M NDORE', Luxernbourg (AP) tanee .of any s.ort--eithCl· air', spection of the cond itions under -One of the great dramas or the which the once-mighty Nazis livc.
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