UNCOUPLED How our Singles are Reshaping Jewish Engagement STEVEN M. COHEN and ARI Y. KELMAN The Jewish Identity Project of Reboot Andrea and Charles Bronfman Philanthropies UNCOUPLED How our Singles are Reshaping Jewish Engagement STEVEN M. COHEN, Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion and ARI Y. KELMAN, University of California at Davis The Jewish Identity Project of Reboot Andrea and Charles Bronfman Philanthropies www.acbp.net This report is the third in a series of studies. For more information, please visit www.acbp.net/About/publications.php and be in touch with any feedback at
[email protected]. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We gratefully acknowledge friends and colleagues whose insights have contributed to this study. Reports like this one experience several iterations as ideas, information and style evolve; and with each pair of eyes and set of comments, the final project improves. For their generosity, support and critical perspectives, we want to thank Marion Blumenthal, Sharna Goldseker, Joel Perlmann, Rich Polt, Jeffrey Solomon, Dana Ferine, and, in particular, Roger Bennett. All provided detailed and valuable feedback on prior versions of this study. We also thank Marco and Anne Cibola of Nove Studio for their design work. 3 OVERVIEW At first glance, most young adult, non- they are unconnected to organized Jewry – Orthodox Jews in America seem rather and the two phenomena are related. unengaged in Jewish life. This seems espe- As compared with the in-married (Jews cially true of single Jews between the ages married to other Jews), single Jews score of 25 and 39. Few of them join synagogues or sharply lower on measures of communal JCCs, even fewer contribute to Jewish feder- affiliation and ritual observance.