ABBOTT, 'BENJAMIN, house and bequest, Il~ Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company: Abbott Hall, 116- founders, 10; armory, s8 j charter-member, Abington, Mass., chaise-hire, 330. 68; drummer, 100; Major Bray, 153. Abrahams, Benjamin, house, 287. Ancient Tunnel (,. fl.), 265-267. Abrams, William, a centenarian. '25. Ancient Weathercock (,. fl.): paper, 332-338; Adams, President John: bust, s8; adherents, Croswell's poem, 332, 333; material and eyes, 70. 333; repairs, 333, 334; liberality, 335; verses Adams, John, house, 117. from the Latin, 335-338. (See Vants.) Adams, John Quincy, portrait, 57. Anderson, John F., aid, x. Adams, Philip, hoU»e, 109. Andirons, brass, 207. Adams Residence, 107-110. (See We/Is.) Andover, Mass., political meeting, 99. Adams, Samuel: stirring speeches, 12; governor- Andrew, John Albion, portrait, 57. ship, 13; portrait, 57; interview with Revere, Andros, Lady, grave, 370. 98, 99; club, 27 2 ; request, 325; grave, 370; Andros, Sir Edmund: governorship, 10; trou­ heading committee, 393. bles, 255; interest in Chapel, J6s; demand, Adams, Thonla5, estate, 124. 392• Adan Estate, 349. Anne, Queen: birthday, 96; reign, ]66. Adan, John R., positions, J48. Ann Street: a mission, 307; vane, 333; draw- African Joe, violin, 68- bridge, 349; inn and mail, 350. Agassiz, Louis: fossils reconstructed, 344; lit- Ann-Streeters, fight, 257. erary resort, ,386. Antiquarian Authority, 268. Air-furnace, Revere's, 324­ Apothecary's Corner, 384. Aldermen, London, 204. Appleton, Lydia, marriage, 109­ Ale, sold in English fashion, 358. Appleton, Miss G., aid, x. Alger, Rev. William R., pastorate, 299­ Appleton, Mrs., gift of vane, 377. AJlen & Ticknor, bookstore, 385. Appleton's Journal, article in, 71. Allyne Ilouse, architecture, 87. Appleton Tablet, 368. Alnwick Castle, 401. Apprentices, call to, 99- Amblard, the tailor, 69. Apthorp, the rich merchant, 368• American Army, organized. 12. Archzological Institute, honorary membership, American Authors, aided, 385- 99· American Cities, characteristics, 383­ Archbald, the apothecary, 240. America, the hymn, 157. Arch, by the waterside, 265-267. Amherst College, Beecher, 260. Architecture: old specimens in , vii, 87 ; Amory, Jonathan, residence, 296­ wooden, 81; on Prince Street, 115; churches, Amory, Thomas C., aid, x. 166; contrasts, 293; model, 311; Dutch, 320. Indo:.

Argus, the brig, 187. (See SII;/JI.) Baker the Pilot, 282. Armstrong, Samuel, house. 300. Bakeries: Kettell's, 110; Prince Street, 12), 124; Artillery Company, Atwood, 285. Snelling's, 1SSe Artillery, new regiment, 324. Baldwin, Mrs. Dr., charity, 125. Aspinwall House, architecture, 87. Baldwin, Rev. Thomas, pastorate, 188. Aspinwall, Samuel: house, 157; Foster Street, Ballad of French Fleet, 392. 258. Ballard, Daniel, house. 190. Astor's Fur-trade, 287. Ballard Family, pew, 163. Asylum for Indigent Boys: location, 134, 268; Ballast, bricks, 204- secretary, 273. Ball's Alley, location, 347. Athenzum, Boston, librarian, 298. Baltic Voyages, 207. Atkins, Captain Henry. house and position, 284 Baluster, carved, JOO. Atkins, Gibbs (Gibbes): gifts, 311 , J28; auto- Bangor, : Thoreau family, 117 j stages, graph, 314- 350· Atkins, Martha (Mrs. Gray), 194. Bangs, Captain Niles C., house, JOO. Atkins, Silas, house, 12,S, 194. Bangs, Elisha: houae bought, autograph, 281 ; Atkins, Thomas G., house, 109­ gift, 328. Atlantic Avenue, a short cut to, 25­ Banisters, old, 118. Atwood, Charles, aid, x. Bank-records, 140. Atwood, Deacon John, character, 284, 28S­ Baptismal Basin, gift, 109­ Atwood, John, Jr., home, 285. Baptist Bethel, 208. Atwood's, 33. Baptist Churches: Charlestown, 171; North Aucldey, Samuel, 230. End, JOS. Auctions, bell used, 359. Baptists, secret meetings, loS. Austin, Benjamin, Jr., political influence, 90. Barber, John, tradition, 152. Austin, Charles, killed, 90. Barber, one wanted, 167- Austin, Joseph, bakery, 286- Barbour, John N., assistance from, ix. Austin, Samuel: gift, 128; autograph, 329­ Barnard, Bartholomew: house, 312; land, 31g. Austin's Buckle-shop, 110. (See DIU"klts.) Barnard, Captain Thomas: friend of Newman. Avis Family, house, 231. 151; tradition, 152. Ayer, Dr. Joseph C., house, 287. Barnard, Captain John, career and death, 314­ Ayres, Captain, pilot, 282. Barnard, Captain Josiah, house, 287. Barnard, Deacon John, house, 312. Barnard Family: all\L~ion, 282; house, 314­ BACK BAY, settled, 157. Barnard, Rev. John, sermon, 285. Back Street, original condition, '07. Barnes, Miles, gift, 328. Bacon, Rev. John, pastorate, 391. Barnicoat, William: fire department, 241; vane, Badger, David, busine~s, 116. 333· Badger House, 115-118. Barre, Colonel Isaac, portrait, 56- Badger, Robert, business, 116. Barrett, Deacon John, house, 228. Badger, Thomas: office and estate, 115; crier, Bartholomew, the artist, viii. 116; house, 286. Bartlett, James, house, 110. Bailey, Rev. James, grave, 370. Bassett, Joseph, houses, 229t 242• Baker, Alexander, calker (q.v.), 188. Bates, J. L, assistance from, ix. Baker, John, first dentist, 321. Bates, Martin: residences, 157, 286 j life, 287. Baker, John, privateer property, 166. Bath, Order of the, 357. Baker, Mrs. Walter, property, 313. Baxter, William S., home, 232. inde.;.:.

Bayonet, one found, 123. BenoIt, Thomas, 45. Beacon Hill, new State House, 13. Bentley, Rev. William, house, 157. Beams, stout, 269. Berkeley, Bishop, voyage, J66. Bean, Horace, profession and residence, 110. Bernard, Francis: governorship, 12; refusal to Beaufet, superb, 249- (See Bllff~t.) recognize the convention, 55, 56. Bedford Street Church, 331. Bernard, Sir Scrope, scholarship, 347. Bedford Street, name and garden, 399. Berry, Joseph, wife, 228. Bedgood, Widdow, pew, 163. Berry, Thomas, marriage, 29S. Beecher, Rev. Henry Ward: kicked, 2s8; de­ Bethel, Seamen's, location, 314. gree, anecdotes, 259; character, 260. Betton, Ninjan C., house, 190. Beecher, Rev. Edward: house, 189; pastorate, Beteilhe, F., clerk, 166. (See P~/~/.) 219. Bible: gift, 167; size, 174; antique. 227; Byles, Beecher, Rev. Lyman, house, 157. 23 1• Beer, William, estate, 115. Billy Gray's (,. v.) Wharf, game, 259. Belcher, Andrew, merchant, 174. Binney, Amos, land-purchase, 297. Belcher, Jonathan: govenlorship, II, influence, Binney, Matthew: assistance from, ix; house, 167; request, 174 j niece, 231. 110. Belfry, North, 172. Bissell, Joseph: founder of Christ Church, 109 ; Belknap Family, portraits, 214. pew. 163. Belknap, Rev. Jeremy, grave, 370. Bite Tavern (f. v.), 82. Belknap Street, residents, 229, 2JOo Black, David, house, ISo. Bell Alley, name, 331. Black Horse Lane, 117. Bell, Deacon William, 311. Blackstone Bank, building, 100. Bell, Shubael, gift, 168. Blackstone Street: intersection, 31 ; how made, Bell, William, gift, 328. 116 j bridge, 346. Bell-f"')undry, 241. Blagden, Rev. George W.: house, 157; pastor- Bellingham, Richard: governorship, 10; grave, ate, 219. 391. .370. Blair, Rev. Samuel, pastorate, 391 • Bell in Hand: paper, 357-360; date, 357. Blake, John H., aid, x. Bellomont, Earl of: governorship, 10; adminis­ Blight Family, ancestors, 31Jo tration, 376. Blockade of Boston, a farce, 56. Bellows, old, 23'. Block Island, encounter at, ISo. Bells: cast by Revere, 256; in North Square, Blood-stains, on 600r, 296, 297. J09; Second Church, 327-331 ; history, 327, Blount, Anthony: pew, 163; autograph, 169. 328, 330; cost, 328, 330 j signatures, 329 j lo­ Blown-up Tower, 241. cations, 330, 331 j first, 331. (See Chi",~s.) Blue Ball, sign, 351. Belts, in architecture, 313. Bluffs, at the North End and Harbor, 192. Bennet Avenue, narrow, 117. Boarding-house, American, 320. Bennet, Peter, '99. Boardman, Darius, house, 110. Bennet, Richard, land, '99, 216. Boltwood, Mrs. Fanny Haskins, aid, ix. Bennet's Pasture, 226- Bonner's Map, 225_ Bennet Street: school. 140, 142, 231 ; buildings, Book of Possessions, '99. 205; corner, 210, 219; pathway, 230; Bates Bordman & Son, gift, 328. house, 287. (See NortA.) Bordman. William, signature, 329­ Bennet Street Engine Company, 243. Boston, a frigate, 187. (See Ships.) Rennett, Joshua, estate, 238. Boston Alleys, objection to, 272. Bennit Family, pew, 16J. Boston Antiquaries, Pemberton, 349- 408 I,Jez.

Boston Bank, teDer, 273- Boston Siege, 56, 80, 81, 12]- Boston Bell' (,_ ~_); participation in history, Boston Signs (,. fl.): 60, 68, 72 ; old, 343; very 330; first, 331• interesting, 357. Boston Benefactors, Mr. Paddy, 347. Boston Stables (,.fl.), first brick, 286­ Boston Cemeteries, 191, J69, 370. (See C"!1's, Boston Stone, history, J9, 40- Gratia"" Ki"g's.) Boston Stores, old, JSJ. Boston Characteristics, chief, JSJ. Boston Streets, 239. Boston Collector, Sheaffe, 400. Boston Town and City: dramas, 156; firewood. Boston, colonial estate 10 named, 2)8. 296; conspicuous object, 332 ; treasure, 343; BOlton Common, not to be hired, 57. heart of business, J57; Revolutionary changes. Boston Encampment of Knights Templara, com· 367; Washington's visit, 384; rebellious meet­ mander, 273. ings, 392; triumphal entry, 393t 394; riotous, Boston, England, Child family, 399­ 400- Boston Engraving, 170. Boston Vote, reported, 323. Boston Evacuation, I), s6, 98, 123­ Boston Youth, hearts fired, 322­ Boston Harbor: edge, 180; bluffs, 192. Bowditch, on Judge Sewall, 179- Boston Heraldry, rare, 45. Bowdoin, James: governorship, 13; grave, 370. Boston Hills, 190. Boylston Professorship, 297, 298. Boston History: a pictorial, 10; an unwritten Boys, in church, 169- (See Cltiltlrm.) chapter, 257. Brackett, Hannah, housekeeper, 242- Boston Houses: overhanging stories, 249; old­ Bradford, Colonel, scholarship, 347. est, 273; primitive, :z88; Shea1l'e's, 402. Bradlee, David, estate, 81. Boston Huguenots <,. fl.), 48, 53· Bradstreet. Simon, governorship, 10- Bostonians: fondness for the Old State House, Braintree, Mass., quarries, 367. 14; interest in signs, 357. Brasson (?) Family, pew, 163- Bostonian Society: dedication, v ; trust confided Brass-works, Revere's, 256. to,13; Arms, 47; vane, 58; cane, 143; coffee­ Brass-work, vane, utensils, 333- olill and lock, 227; Mercury, 351. Brattle Square Church: organ, ]66; lost, 368. Boston Landmarks, lost, 294­ Brattle Street Church, pastor, 97. Boston Life, earlier, J65­ Brattle, Thomas: organ, 366; grave, J69. Boston Light, 208. Bray, Major John: position, 153; habits, 154; Boston Massacre: oration, 274; occurrence, 322; allusion, 28:z. anniversary, 322, 323; graves of victims, 370; Bray's Wharf, location, 153. meetings, 393. Brazer, William, hotel, 70­ Boston Men, largest, 295. Bremen, Maine, 283. Boston Merchants, homes, 256. Brewer's Hill, name, 255. Boston Ministers, graves, 36<), 370. Brewery, 46. Boston Museum: waxworks, 142; bust of Tile- Brick: English <,. 'lJ.), 81, 82, 120; in tavern, 96; ston, 143. wall, 1'7; house, 124; Sheafe Street, 149; Boston Passage-ways, old, 3t. tenement, 153; sheathing outside, 156; filling. Boston People, noteworthy, 109. ISo; English bond, 171, 265; building, 216; Boston Physicians: female, 282; dentistry, 321. imported, 225; stable, 286; North End, J8J. Boston Pilot-boat (q. v.), 282. Bridge, Ebenezer, house, 108. Boston Regiment: training-day, 96; major, 2¢­ Bridge, Rev. Christopher, pastorate, 368. Boston Settlers, of 1632, 343. Bridge, Rev. Thomas, grave, J69. Boston Ships C,. v ), best, 320. Bridge, William S., house, 190­ Boston Shipwrights, 187, 19(). Brigantine, a no~el, 71.

j Brigbam, Peter B., first oysten, 27 S. Bunker Hill Monument, comer-stone, 273. Briggs, James, shipbuilder, 194­ Buttonwood Trees, burned, 393- Brimmer FamilyJ estate, J84, J85· Burgess, the title, 286- Bristol, Maine, 283. Burgoyne, General, his farce, 56­ British Army, Ochterlony, 347. Burlingame, Anson, portrait, S7. British Bullets, marks, 295. (See Eng/is".) Burnet. William, governorship, II. British }(ospitaJ, article on, 12,]-126. Burns, Mrs., charity, 125. British Man of War, dastardly deed, 314. BurrilJ, Rev. John T., rectorate, 169­ ~ritjsh Ministry, oppressive, 322. Burrill, Samuel, house. 156- British Officers, attending church, 366. Burroughs, Rev. Henry, rectorate, 169­ British Throne, shaken, 391. Burrows, Captain William, house, 241. British Troops in Boston: movements, 12, 13; Burt the Pilot, 282. arrival expected, 5S; bones found, 123; dam­ Busts, in Faneuil Hall, sS. (See Was},illglim.) ages, 123, 124; officers quartered in the New­ Busybody, The, a comedy, 56. man house, I SO, I SI; proposals for bread, 158; Butler, Matthew, street, 22S. making a target of gravestones, 182; impu­ Butler, Peter, wareho~, 2&/. dence, 268, 269; McKean, 297; drilling, 310; Buttrick, Alliel, house, IS6. destroying a church, 328; romantic marriage, Buttrick, Cyrus, house, 275. 400. Buxton, Sir Thomas Fowell, 189- Brockwell, Rev. Charles, pastorate, J68. Byles, Josiah, home, 231. Brookline, Mass.: a resident, 81; houses, 87; Byles, Rev. Mather, birthplace and life, 231. travel through, 126; weather-vane, 377; Loring Byles, Rev. ){atber, Jr.: rectorate, 168; dis- family, 401. missed, 172. Brooklyn, N. Y., Cary family, 242. Byles, the Misses, 231. Bronze Tablets, 369, 370. Byron, Lord, quoted, 181. Brown, Benjamin, trade, 115. Brown, Captain Alexander, agent, 351. Brown, Elizabeth, school, 284. CABOT, MISS C. E.: assistance from, ix; pos­ Brown Family, pew, 163. sessing a miniature, 1sSe Brown, Fred., game, 2S8. Cadets, Colonel of, 3'3. Brown, Hannah, school, 284. Calkers, at North End, 124, 188, 217, 239- (See Brown, Samuel, house, 230. CatKus.) Brownstown, Battle of, 1sS. Cambridge Bridge, built, 126. (See Wist Dos/OIl ) Bruce Family, ancestors, 3'3- Cambridge, Mass.: travel, 126; vane, 334; the Bruce the Pilot, 282. president's house, 399. Buck, Dr., house, IS7. [Austin.) Cambridge Street, corner, 90­ Buckles: fashionable, 110; for shoes, 143. (See Campbell, William, landlord, 272. Buffet, picture, 302. (See Beaulct.) Canada: church in, 167; Coffin family. 400. Hulfinch, Charles: architect, 171; grave,36g. Canal House, site, '16. Bulfinch Street Church, union, 299­ Canals: Holland, 87; , 116­ Bullivant, Dr., Episcopalian, 36S- Cane, Major, quoted, 204- Bunch of Grapes, sign, 3SI. Cane, Tileston'5, '43. Bunker Ilill: battle immortal, 12; Pitcairn Caner, Rev. Ilenry: Bight, J6i; pastorate, 368. wounded, 131; Gage's headquarters, 180; seen Cannon: a fragment, 124; how used, 124; Re- from Christ Church, 170; batteries against, vere, 256. 191; seen from Charter Street. 243; hospital, Canton, Mass., Revere works, 256­ 2g6; Warren, 393. Cape Cod, men from, 320. 410 fillies.

Capen Family, home, 33. Chandler, Josepb, house, 240· Capen, Hopestill, 3J. Charity: by cripples, 188, 189 j genuine, 285, 286­ Capen, Thomas, dry-goods, 33. Charles I., England under, )68. Caricatures, Revolutionary, 322• Charles I I.: reyocation of charter, 2.]8; com­ Carleton, Osgood, plan drawn by, 77, 81. missioners, ~ Carnes, Colonel John, estate, 349­ Charles River: causewaY,96; view, 190; ~ Carnes, William R., house, 287. 257· Carpenter, George, bouse, 242• Charlestown Bridge: opening, 126, 168; third Carpenter, George 0.: aid. x j birthplace, 242. bouse from, 134; fish, 275; mail, 350. Carpenter, Richard, in the Revolution, 242­ Charlestown Ferry, 123- 131, 133, 237. Carroll Place. comer, 110- Charlestown, Mass.: travel to, 96; hearing the Carr, Sir Robert, assault, 294. chimes, 168; steeple, 170; seen from Christ Carruth, Nathan, house, 287. Church, 17 2 ; destroyed, 191 ; streets, 205; Carter & Jlendee, bookstore, JSs- view of, 243; footpath, 255; glimpses from Carter, Robert. chirography, 143- Foster Street, 257; independent, 257; canal Carving, beautiful, 300. terminus, 359. Cary & Brown, 242. Charlestown Pigs, name, 257. Cary, Isaac H., 242• Charlestown Square, 205. Cary. Jonathan: business, 200; house, 242. Charnock, Captain John, house, 202. Cary• John, landlord, 96- Charters: of WilJia,n and Mary, 237; concealed, Cary Library, 242. 237· Cary, Maria Hastings, generosity, 24 2• Charter Street: asylum, 1,34; houses, 187, 2JS- Cary, Rev. Samuel, pastorate, 368. 244; neighborhood, 225 ; essay, 233-244; name. Cary, William H., 242. 237 ; Clough house, 249; Foster Street, 255; Caucus, organized, 27 2• east comer, 269; McKean's, 297 j Revere's Causeway. (See Charles Rit~.) house, 320. Cazneau, Elizabeth, marriage, So. Chatham Street, location and name, J 53. Cazneau, Isaac, occupation, So. CheekIer, Anthony: house, 312 ; land, JIg. Cazneau, Paix, father and son, 80­ Checkley. Rev. Samuel, Jr., pastorate, 310. Cazneau, Susannah, marriage, So. Cheever Family, tunnel, 266, 267. Cedar-wood, in building, 391. ChelnlSford, Mass., canal, 359. Cellars: two, 269; arches, 346. Chelsea Ferl'}·: fishing, 275; two boats, 276. Cemeteries, 191. Chelsea, Mass.: mayor, IS7; chimes beard, 168; Centinel. The, newspaper, 69, 241. view, 243. Centre Street: old house, 346; inn, 350. Cherubim, carved, 166­ Centry Hil1, name, 384. Cherubs, carved, 249­ Chadbourn, Humphrey, house, 243. Cheverus, Bishop, 69. Chains, in front of house, 241. Chicago, IlJinois, energy, 383. Chairs, old, 227. Child, Captain Thomas, distiller, 399­ Chaise-house, 399- Child Family, 399, 400· Chamberlain, Master, school, 99. Child, 'rhomas and Katherine: initials, 46; their Champney, Caleb, estate, 115. property, 46, 47. Chancery Lane, London, 31- Child, Thomas, Jr., position, 399, 400. Chandelier, in Christ Church ('o vo), 167. Child, Thomas, painter, 47. Chandler, Alexander So, residence, 2490 Children: many, 21S; in church, 309· (See Bt1J's.) Chandler, Dr. Thomas II.: aid, x; birthplace, Children's Friend Society, building, 125. 249· Chilton, Mary, grave, 369- Index. 4 11

Chimes, 168. (See Btlls, Citrin CAurcA.) Clark-Frankland Estate, 284. Chimneys: antique, 47, 48; one for two houses, Clark, Joseph, gift, 328. 88; huge, loS; four, 117; very large, 123; Clark Street: and North, 294; church, 299; panelled, 1491 21 7; secret staircase, 283. paper, 300. Chimney-sweeps, 301, 302. Clark, William, choice of pew, 327. Chimney-work: excellent specimen, 26; panels, Clarke, John, burial-place, 191. 249,313. Clarke, Jonas: land, 199, 216; estate, 281. Chirography, taught in schools, 139-141. (See Clarke, Captain Thomas, trustee, 319­ Writing.) Clarke, Dr. Samuel, store, 385. Choate, Rufus, portrait, S7 ; anecdote, 357. Clarke, Elizabeth, marriage, 312. Christ Church: sermon, 97; founders, 109; or­ Clarke, Major Thomas, wealth, 312. ganist, 1So; sexton, 1So, 151 ; t he Revere lan­ Clarke, Rev. James Freeman, father, JSs. terns, 150-152; plan of pews, 163; article on, Clarke, Rev. Robert, pastorate, 368­ 165-174 ; age and chimes, 165; changes, 166; Clarke's Square, name, 3'2. bequest, 167; ornaments, closed, 168; rectors, Clarke's Wharf, 321. 168, 16g; autographs, 16<); Sunday-school, Claw Feet, for furniture, 206. 170; steeple, 170, 17 1 ; name, 171, 172; poem, Clock: Faneuil Hall, 58; Christ Church, I&, i 173; plate, 174; neighborhood, 179; erection, new, 171 ; North Square, 309; Second Churcb, ISo; warden, 182 j rear, 229; piratical bene­ 321. (See MiUkr Tiks/tm.) factor, 267; wooden wan, 377. Close, defined, 216. Christening Cap, 203. Closet, secret, 297. (See Bujfd.) Christmas, marriage on, 188. Clothes: a centenarian's, 125; Master Johnny's, Chronicle, The, communications to, 90­ 143- Church-architecture (,. tI.), early, 299. Clothes-brushes, old, 358. Churches: North End, 157; on Bennet Street, Clough, Benjamin, the father: house, 153; es-­ 199. (See Bapnst, Btdftrd, CArist, First, tate and slaves, ISS. KinK's CAajJtl, MttAodid, Nt'UJ, NortA, Old, Clough, Benjamin, the son, inheritance, 155­ sandnnaman,S(~n~) Clough, Ebenezer: selectman, ISo; street, 225; Churchman, Sir 1"bomas, 149. land, 226. Church of England: in Boston, 165; adherents, Clough, Faith, deatb, 155. J65; services, 392• Clough, Thankful, land, 226- Church-records, handwriting, 140­ Clough, William: family, ISS; land, 2.]8; house, Church-seats: Christ, 163; Old Nortb, 299. 249· Church's Oration, 393. Clubs, patriotic, 322. Church-windows <,. v.), oval, 293. Coal, first used, 211. (See Fw/, WotNl) Cincinnatus, example, 283. Coats-of-arms: in cemetery, 192; Hutchinson, City Clerk, first holders of the office, 125. 205. City Government, organized, 12So Cocke, Joseph, family, 343­ City Hall: in Old State House, 13; plans kept Cocke, Nicholas, land, 238. there, 80; land, 384­ Cocke, Susannah, marriage, 343. City Hall Politicians, 357. Cockerel Church, 171. City Point, Simpson's residence, 100. Cockerel Vane: maker, SS; paper, 332-338; Clap, Captain Roger, 369. allusion, 377. (See Ancitnt.) Clarencieux, England, 45. Codfish, caught, 275. Clark & Brazier, vane, 33+ Codman, Colonel John, estate, 349­ Clark, Captain William F., house, 189. Coffee-houses: English, 71; Crown, So. Clark Family, coat-of-arms, 192. Coffee:-mill, old, 227. 412 Intle:r.

Coffin, Admiral Sir Isaac: relative, 202; bis Continental Army, pay, 32. (See A~ scholarship, 347. RtwWitllUW;y War.) Coffin, Charles, daughter of, 140­ Continental Congress. news canieConnecticut: \'v'adsworths, 344; governors, 369­ office and sign, 351. Constitution, a frigate, 187- Corn Market: well known, 67 ; location, 17. Constitution, new, 325. Cornwallis, General, surrender. 170. Constitution Wharf, 188. Corpse Hill, 19o. (See O1/JIJ's.) Index.

Cotton, Rev. John: establishing lecture, 53; Cushing, Lieutenant-Governor Thomas, grave, grave, 369. 37°· Cotton, Rev. J oho, of , 349. Cushing, Samuel N., house, 239. Council Chamber: confided to Bostonian So­ Cushman, Charlotte, home, 109. ciety, v, 13; massacre beneath its windows, Cushman School, site, 109- 12 j Declaration read, 13; sign, 352. (See Custom House: old locations, 72 j officers, 207; City Hal/, Stalt HOlUt.) Red Lion, 344. Council Dinner, 96, 97. Cutler, Rev. Timothy: rectorate, 150, 168 j pew, Council of Massachusetts Bay, 294­ 163; autograph, condition, and family, 16c); Couriers, letters, 3%4- church, 230. Court House, State House so called, II. Cynosure, figurehead of the brig, 62. Court of Common Pleas, j udge o~ 108, 109. Court Square, neighborhood, 357. Court Street, name, 400- DALR.YMPLJ£, COLONEL, British commander, 56. Cradle of Liberty, name, sSe (See Fawllu Ha//.) Dalton, Michael, bouse, 18g. Cradock House, windows, 293. Damon, James, 230. Crafts, a carpenter, 219. Dancing Hall, private, 399- Crafts' New Regiment, 324. Darracott, George, house, 241,242. Craster Family, pew, 163. Davenport, Rev. Addington, pastorate, 368. Creek Lane, short cut, 40. Davenport, Rev. John, grave, J69. Creek Square, 33. Davis, Anthony, estate, 384- Creese, Dr. Thomas, building, 384­ Davis, James, house, 39. Crocker, Captain J obn, ship, 174­ Davis, Nicholas, estate, 384- Crocker Family, ancestry, 313. Davis's Medal, 250. Crocker, Hannah, tunnel, 266­ Dawes, John, order, 309· [369­ Cromwell's Head, 1"avern, 384­ Dawes, Judge Thomas: scholarship, 347 i grave, Crookford Family, pew, 163. Day, James, landlord, So. Cross, church ornament, 335. Deacons' Seats, 299. Croswell, Rev. William: house, 157; rectorate, Dean, Rev. Paul, pastorate, 208­ 169; verses, 33 2, 333. Dearborn, Benjamin, school, 99. Crown: and colonial troubles, 12; tncroach­ Declaration of Independence (f. !1.): proclaimed, ments, 392. 13; allusion, 181; graves of signers, 370. Crown Coffee-house, meetings there, So. Dedham, Mass., the Dwight family, 149. Crown Point, fortress, 321. (See BriJiJII, ENg- Dentists, first, 321. (See Boston PIIJ'skilJlu.) land.) Deshon, Moses, artistic work, 54- Crown Prince, 194- Desk, mahogany, 227. Croft, Captain Jonathan, house, 243. D'Estaing, Count, arrival, 32. Cruft, Edward, house, 243. Devens Family, reminiscences, lSI. Croft, Foster, house, 242. Devonshire, England, happy home, 400­ Cullimer (Collamore), Isaac, house, 312. Diaries, old, 21 S. Cumming, Rev. Alexander, pastorate, 391. Dickens, Charles: on coffee-houses, 71; works Cunningham Family, ancestry, 313. read aloud, 274- Cupola, lantern, 376- Dickinson, Daniel, estate, 312. Cupples, Uphaln, & Co., bookstore, J86. Dickinson Family, allusion, 282. Curtis Family, ancestry, 31J. DiJIaway House, place, 269. Curtis Tablet, 368. Dillaway, Mrs. Susan Bassett: assistance, Ix; Cushing, Benjamin, house, 230. death, 269- Intiez..

Directories, late invention, 46­ Dublin, Ireland, letter, 4QO. Ditson, Oliver, home, 242. Dueti1es, opprobrious epithet, 2OJ. Divinity Row, 157. (See SUaft Strld.) Dudley, Joseph: administration, 10; first gover- Dixwell, JOM, hOlDe, 232- nor in the new building, II • dinner, 96­ Dixwell's Medal, 250- Duggan, John, landlord, 68. Dobell, Mary, school, 284- Duggan. William Brazer, article by, 71. Dock: market near, 46; landmarks, 79; tide, 87. Dumaresq'. Distillery, sold, 267. Dock Square: sketch, viii; old plan, 77, 79t 80; Dummer, William: governorship, II; dinner, Nos. 29 and 30,81; corner, 87; fruit-stand, 154­ 97 ; grave, 370- Doctor Clarke's (f. v.) Wharf, J21. Dunbar, Colonel Peter, house, 229- Doctor, the title, 240- Dunn, Edward H.: aid, X; residence, 230. Dodd, Benjamin, house, 286­ Dupee, Isaac, purchase, 117, 125. Dodd, George, aid from, ix. Dutch Brick, 376- Dodd, Horace, uncle and nephew, aid from. ix. Dutch Fashions, adopted, JSJ. Dodd, Timothy: heirs, 25; traditions, 133; Dutch Houses, 320. (See Ndlurltuuh, RIItIn'r- house, 268. a'mn.) Dolbeare, Joseph, house, 300. Dutton, E. P., & Co., store, 386. Dolliver the Pilot, 282. Duxbury, Mass., settlers, 343. Door-hinges, old, 33. Dwight, Jonathan, innholder, 149­ Door-knocker, 226­ Dwight, President, prayer, 392. Door-panel, 249- Dwight, Seth, heirs, 149- Doorsteps, removed, 15J. Dwight, Timothy, family, J49­ Doorway, Prince Street, 134- Dyer, Barret, gift, 328. Dorchester, Mass.: land-grant, J39; cemetery, 191 ; Everetts, 300; llitchboms, 313­ Dormer Windows, Ship Tavern, 295. E.u. 01' DroNYSTus, 271. Douglas Family, ancestors, 313. Earthquakes: in 1753, S9; in 1&)3, 293; damage, Douglas, John, assistance from, ix. 294 Douglas, Mass., name, 97. East Boston: a view of, 243; old name, 276. Douglass, William, profession and property, CJJ. East Boston Ferry Company, 218. Dover, N. H.: Henderson family, 2SO; stages, Eastern Land Speculation, losses and joumq.-s, 350- 351. (See MaiM.) Downes, Commodore, house, 314­ Eastern Railroad Ferry, street leading to, 281. Downe, William, house, 20- Eastern Stage House, desaiption and history, Dowse, Richard, mortgage, 227, 228. 349-352- Dragoons: injury done by, 204; riding-school, Eaton, Captain Ezra, 208- 393. (See Britis! Tr()()jJs.) Eaton, Rev. Asa : rectorate, I&); SUDd.~y-school, Drake's History, archway, 266. 170; house, 190- Drawbridge: Fore Street, 287 ; Blackstone (f. fl.) Eaton, William, housewright, 240. Street, 31, 346. (See Bridgt, Ca",lJritlg~, Eaves, projecting, 295- CluzrltstO'Um, Wist Boston.) Eckley, Rev. Joseph: ordination, 367 ; pastorate, Drawings, rare, 215- (See Copky.) 391• Drowne, Deacon Shem: artisan, sS, 59; carv­ Eddy, Caleb, house, 190. ings, 61, 62; U blockheads," 62; vanes, 333, Eddy, R. H., assistance, ix. 377· Edes, Captain Samuel B., house, 241. Drowne, Thomas, repairing vane, 59. Edes, Deacon Edward: home, 220; house sold, Dry Docks, new, 218. 270- :Index.

Edes, Henry Herbert: assistance, ix; relics, English Churches: architecture, 166; chimes, 2°3· 168; windows, 293. Edes, Larabee, house, 125. English Coffee-Houses, 71. Edes, Peter, a prisoner, 204- English Emigrants, Wanton. 344. Edict of Nantes, Revere family, 321. (See Hu­ English Families: the Lakes, 349; the Childs, guenots.) 399; the Hutchinsons, 384· Edinburgh, Scotland: a Boston resemblance, 19; English Goods, excluded, 182. letter, 401. English Grammar School, first, 141. Edward~ Rev. Justin: home, 157; pastorate, English High School, medals, 250­ 219. English Influence, in Boston, 172­ Eells, Rev. Nathaniel, family, 226­ English Marketplace, 308. Elbow Alley, place, 349. English Transports, 310- Election Day, vacation, 141. Engraving, rude, 322. Electric Lights, aiding good order, 307. Episcopacy: in Boston, 171; first in New Eng- Eliot Family, street, 225- land. 368. (See Chrisl, Chure", King's.) Eliot, Frederick W., assistance, ix. Epitaphs, 192. (See Cnn~/";ts, Co/p's, Granary.) Eliot, Mayor, 153. Erving, John: office, 81; mortgage. 320. Eliot, Rev. Andrew: marriage by, 140, 203; Escutcheons. in King's Chapel, 366- house, 190, 210; pastorate, 299. Esquire, the title, 286- Eliot, Rev. John: home, 2°5, 210; baptism by, Essequibo Colony, 238. 273; pastorate, 299· Essex County, Whigs in, 99.. Eliot School: procession, 144; location, 199, Essex Street: old house and distillery, 399; 207; name and history, 20S­ Revolution, 401. Eliot's House, intrusion, 258. European Buildings: style, 87; gutters, 274­ Elit's Street, name" and location, 151, 225. European Markets, 53. (See England.) Elizabeth, Queen, incorporation under, 45. European Travels: Dr. Kast, 131; Mr. Fields, Ellis Family, old house, 293- 385. Ellis, Joshua: house, 230; discovery, 283; new Eustis Estate, 190. street, 349- Eustis, Joseph, house, 157. Ellis, Rowland, assistance, ix. Evacuation of Boston (q. fl.): condition of streets, Elwell, Captain, house, 157. 123; return, 226j Revere, 324; allusion, 311 ; Emerson, George B., tablet, 368. the flight, 367; subsequent occurrence!', 393 Emerson, Ralph Waldo: pastorate, 331 ; resort, Evening Post, London, 203. 386. Everett, Edward: portrait, 57; early home, 1 •0 ; Emery, Thomas Knox, trade, 226­ anecdote, 142 ; birthplace, 300. E., Nancy, a kiss, 260. Everett, Rev. Oliver, home, 300. Endicott, John: governorship, 10j grave, 369. Ewing, Mr., remembrances, 134- Endicott Street, name, 116. Exchange Coffee-House: shop and crier, 3,58; Engine House, Bennet Street, 199- tom down, 360. England: Painters' Arms, 46, 47; trading-towns, Exeter, England, Painters' Arms, 4St 46. 89 j body taken to, 170 j a Norfolkshire charity, Exeter, N. H., stages, 350. 189; redress demanded, 255, 256; materials from, 296. English Authors, J8S. FADUE, ISANNAR, musician, 313­ English Bond: in building, 171, 225; period, Falmouth, Maine, 400. 293; Province House, 376. (See Brick.) Faneuil Estate, vane, sS. English Brick, 294. Faneuil Hall Bank, president, 243· 416 Index.

Faneuil Hall: paper, 5J-59; lite, S3; opposition Fish Street, 295; homes, 29S; Reveres, J21. and success, 54; materials and fire, 5S; troops, Fiske, Benjamin, house. 256- meetings, plays, portraits, 56; enlargement, 57; Fiske, John M., birthplace, 256- rooms and busts, s8; vane, SS, 59; tide, 67 ; Fiske's Wharf, owner, 256. shadow, 79; meetings, 81; curiosity, 88; Fitch, Benjamin, house, 81. school festival, 142; proposed portrait of Fitchburg Railroad, president, 229- 1"ileston, 143; age, 383; aize, J94. Flag: carried, 194; mastmakers',200. Faneuil Hall Square: passage, 67; comer, 82­ Fleet, John, trade and marriage, So. Faneuil, Peter: gift, 54; death, S5; 'portraits, Fleet Street, merchants, 182; description, paper, 56, 57; warehouse, 61 ; grave, 370­ 281-288; official name, 281; widened, 281; Farnham, Captain William, house, JOO. and North, 295; stairway, 297; church, Jo8; Farnum, John, house, 312• parade, 311. Farringdon Without, LondoD, 204­ Floors, solid, 19, 2C). Fast Day (1696), 392• Follow my Leader, game, 2~. Favorite Pilot, 282. Folsom, Charles, wife, 29& Faxon, Nathaniel, new street, 349­ Folsom, J oho W .. gift, 328. Fayal Lady, in romance, 62. Foote, Rev. Henry Wilder, pastorate, 368. Feather Store, survival, 79. (See O/d.) Fore Street, 1°7; school, 203; hatter, 287. Federal Constitution, discussed, 98. Forfar, Ochterlony fanlil)", 347. Federal Hall, political gatherings, 70. Forster, Mra. Jacob, aid, ix. Federal Party, early days, 70- Fort-hillers, fighting, 257. Fenders, 207. Fort Snelling, architect of, 1s8. Fernald Family, ancestry, 313. Fosdick Family, ancestry, 31J. Ferrara, Italy, 18t. Foster, John, 255; aiding an escape, 256­ Fiddler's Lane, name, 399. Foster Street. 255-260; foundry, 324. Field, J ostin, house, 153· Fourth·of July: first celebration, 219; bell, J3O.. Field, Rev. George 'V., pastorate, 219- (See Intkpentimc~.) Fields, J. T.: bookstore, 385; influence, 386. Fowle, Ifenry: patriotism, ISO; tradition, J 52 ; Fifth of March: celebration, 330 j orations, 393. house, 229. 286. Figureheads, 206. Fowle, Isaac, apothecary, 240. Fillebrown, Asa. house, 125. Fowle, Joshua Bentley, assistance from, ix. Fire Department, organized, 242. Fowler the Pilot, 282. Fire Insurance Company, first, 325. Fowle's Office, 34- Fireplaces: large, 269; tiles, 274. 2¢- Fowle's School, I~ Fires: (in 1711), 10, II, 384; (in 1676), 20, 293, Fracker, George, house, 300. 319; (in 1680), 87. (See Conjiagrati01l.) France: money from, 32; vessel from, 166 j Fireward, chosen, 2¢- edict, 321. (See Europ.) Firewood, used, 217. Francklyn Family, pew. 163. First Baptist (q. v.) Church, building~, 100. Frankfort-on-the-Main, 229­ First Church: deacon, 31; fire, 216; allusion, Frankland Estate, 284­ 327 ; pastors, 343, 392 ; withdrawal, 391• Frankland, Sir Henry, office, 400. First ~feeting-house,site, 10. Franklin, Benjamin: one of his resorts, 70; real First ?tfcthodist (g. fl.) Church, formed, 156,209­ estate, 227; letters, 228, 229; table, 231 • First Universalist (q. v.) Church, formed, 208. parents, 370; baptism, 392- Fisher, J abez, house, 300• Franklin, Elizabeth, home, 227, 228. Fisher, Nathaniel, house, 300. Franklin, Jane, life and character, 227-229. Fi3hstore, first, 27 S. Franklin, Josiah, and wife, grave, 370.

- Index.

Franklin Medals, first, 200, 2OJ, 273­ Gallop, Benadam, naval exploit, ISo. Franklin Statue, erected, 202. Gallop, Benjamin: house, ISo; death and SOD Freeman, Colonel, scholarship, 347. John, 181. Freeman, Rev. James: scholarship, 347; liturgy, Gallop, Captain John, exploit, ISo. 367; pastorate, J68. Gallop, Mary, marriage, 181. Freemasonry, Newman's connection, ISO. (See Gallop, Richard, name, 181. Masonu.) Gallop's Island, owners, 180. Freemasons' AI11lS, established, 97. Galloupe, C. W., property, 82. Jt"'rench, Abram, grandfather of, J25. Galloupe House: essay, 179-182; name, 181. French & Farrar, 20J. Gambrel Roofs (f. v.), 116, 156, 199, 218, JSJ. French, Doctor, house, 157. Garden Court: handsome houses,284, 285,287; French Invasion, feared, 392­ church, 308; l"aylor, 31~ Frenchmen in Boston, 69. Gardens: North End, 108; Prince Street, 124; FOrench Revolution, exiles, 69­ Snow Hill, 125; Newman, 153; Margaret French Wars, arch, 266. Street, 153; Clough, t 5St I S6; Sheafe Street, Frizell, Dorothy, gift, 286. 156; Snelling, 158; Hull Street, 179, 180,189; Frizell (Friaell), John: house, 28S. 286; charac­ Harris, 202, 206; Ware, 208; Goddard, 229; ter, 286; land, 312; building-committee and Wilkinson, 241 ; Vernon Place, 250; Saluta­ pew, 327. tion Alley, 273 j grass, 274. Frizell Houses, 287. Gardner, Captain Robert, house, ~ Frizell's Lane, houses, 285. Gardner, Doctor, new street, 349. Frizell's Square, name, 312. Gardner, Lemuel, gift, 328. Frothingham Family, house, 32. Garrison-house, portholes, 293. Frothingham's History, '34­ Garter King of Arms, 348. Frothingham, T. G., aid, x. Gasworks, location, 115, 12S, 242. Fruit: llarris's, 202; sold in street, 359. Gateways: picture, 288; iron,2¢­ Fuel: church used for, 17'; houses, 286; pre­ Gazette, where read, 70. cious,393. (See Woodm.) Gee Family, coat-of.arms, 152. Fuller Family, home, 32. Gee, Peter, house, 312. Fuller, Rev. Arthur B.: residence, 157 ; pastor- Gee, Rev. Joshua: land, J 15; estate, 124; pas- ate, 299. torate, 310- Fulton Street, planned, 349­ Gee, Sarah, dower, 124. Funerals, wine, 2¢- General Court, changes ordered by, 205. Furniture: old specimens, 71 ; lost and injured, Genius of America, symbol, 32J. 123; carved, 206. (See Se",I.) Genoa, Italy, streets, 271. Fur Trade, 287. George II.: portrait, 56; gift, 167, 174- George III.: accession, 12; sarcastic allusion to, 204; rebellion, 400. GABLES: in several towns, 87; Dock Square, 88. George, Lake, forts, 321. Gage, General Thomas: last governor, 12; in­ Germaine, Margaret, descendants, 80. terest in Pitcairn, 131, 132; quarters, 180, 181 ; German Motto, 142. seeing Bunker Hill, 170; seizing traitors, 204; Ghetto, in Italy, 229- business, 376. Gibbs Family, pew, 163. Gale: severe, 170,171 ; (of 1804),256; (of 1815), Gibbs, Henry, plasterer, 46. 312• Gilbert, John, X, '09; dramatic efforts, 110. Gallery: in Christ Church, 166; order in, 16g. Girders, where cut, 82. (See Outtitk.) Girls, schooling 0(, 141. Inda.

Glances and Glimpses, quoted, 282. Greeley Family, ancestry,313. Glasgow, Scotland: titles, 286; McKeans, 297. Green, Benjamin H., aid, x. Glover, General John, marriage, 313. Green, Captain Franci~ house, IS7. Glover, Mrs. Frances (Hichbom), marriage, Green, Dr. Samuel A., mayor, 191. 31J. Green Dr~on: frequented, 68 j article on, 95­ Glynn, Serjeant, 203. 100; history and removal, 96; dance, w; the Goddard, Elias W.: aid, ix; house, 229- sign, 99; meetings, 32S. (See TtrlJn-1U.) Goddard, John, house, 189· Green Dragon Lane, widened, ¢. Goddard's Wharf, 238. Green Family: house, 39; Boston Stone, 40­ Goldsmith, Oliver, read aloud, %74­ Green, Ira, gift, 328. Goldthwait, Ezekiel, town-clerk, J4S. Green Lane, 237. Goodrich Family, coat-of-artru5, 192 • Green, Thomas, ix; mayor of Chelsea, 157. Goodwin, Captain Nathaniel, 207. Green, William, house, 125. Goodwin, Captain Ozias, house, 2.p. Greenle~ Lydia, inscription, IOC). Goodwin Family, allusion, 282. Greenleaf's Drugstore, 88. Goodwin, Thomas J., house, 286. Greenough, Captain Newman, house, 241. Goold Family, ancestry, 313. Greenough, Captain William, ahipyard, 239­ Gore, Christopher: governorship, effects sold, Greenough, David, lease, 377. 47; grave, 370. Greenough, Elizabeth (?\father), marriage, 231. Gore, Jobo, business, 47· Greenough Family, ancestry, 313. Gore, Samuel, painter, 47. Greenough, Nathaniel, patriotism, ISO. Gould, John, privateer, 166­ Greenough's Lane,239; windows, 249­ Gould, Mrs. Lydia Ann, aid, ix. Greenough's \\Tharf, 239. Gould, Thomas, house, 125. Greenough, William, widow, 231. Government House, name, 376- Greenwood Family, coat-of·arms, 192. Governors: before the Revolution, 10, II; Han­ Greenwood, Horatio, bust of Tileston, 143. cock (g. v.) and his succeSSJrs, 13; at church. Greenwood, Nathaniel, 200; home, 273. 366 ; residence, 376; Old South, 392. (See Greenwood, Rev. Francis W. P., pastorate, their individual names.) 368• Grafton, Duke of, 2°3• Greenwood, William P., house, 2S6. Grammar, William, house, 243. Grenadiers, emblem, 323- Granary Burial Ground: Tileston's funeral, 144; Gridley, Colonel, services, 321. tablets and graves, J69, 370. Grog, origin of the word, 60. Grasshopper Vane, 58, 59, 377· Gruchy Flats, 267. Graves, Doctor, pew, 163. Gruchy (Grushea, Grushia), Captain Thomas Gravestones, Copp's Hill, 191. 192. (See Killg's James: prize, 166; autograph, I6g; arch, 266; Cltap~l.) life, 267, 268 j picture of house, 270. Gray, Captain Robert, 194­ Guernsey Huguenots (,. fl.), 321. Gray Family, ancestry, 313. Guild Brother, title, 286. Gray, Henry D., house. 190. Guild of Painters and Stainers, 4,5, 46. Gray, Rev. Ellis, pastorate, 331. Gunpowder, lesson in making, 32+ Gray's Bay, 194- Gunsmith, 'Vadsworth, 344. Gray, Susanna, home, 109. Gurney, Miss Anna, of England, charity, 189­ Gray's \Vharf, 124; adventure, 259. Gurney, Mrs., charity, 125. Gray, William, ships, 124- Gurney the Pilot, 282. Great Fire (9' v.), 293· Gutters, middle of the street, 274. Greaton, Rev. James, 167, 168. Guy's Hospital, London, 131. Index.

HAGGAI, text from, 392• Ilarris, Rev. Henry, rector, 368. Hale, Mary Po, aid from, x. Harris, Samuel, a mastmaker, 200. Hall of Representatives: demands (or liberty in, Harris, Samuel, Jr., vane, 333. 12; Washington's visit, '3. (See Old Slate Harrison, Peter, planning the Chapel, 366. Houst.) Iiarrison Square, mill, 13~ Hall, wide, 2g6. Ilartford Athenzum, 344. Hamlin Family, ancestry, 31J. Hartt, Aaron, descendants, 188. Hammatt, Charles, house, 256• Hartt, Captain Edmund: house and services, Hammatt Family, house, 156­ 187; life and family, 188; gift, 328; auto­ Hampton, N. H., pastor, 349­ graph, 329- Hancock, Ebenezer, paymaster, 32• llartt, Captain Joseph, house, 157. Hancock Family, block built, 33· Hartt, Edward, life and family, 188. Hancock, Governor John: inaugurated, 13; Hartt Family, scattered, 188. family, 32; portrait, 57 j election, 68; tavern Hartt House, 187-190. sign, 68, 72; death and statue, 69; ship, 80; lIartt, Mrs. Henry H., assistance from, ix. cousin, 152; sloop seized, 182; reception, 194; Hartt, Ralph, house, 187. housekeeper, 242 j nephew, 268; club, 27.1 j tlartt, Samuel, descendants, 188. grave, 370; oration, 393· Hartt's 'Vays, locality, 188. Hancock, John, reminiscences, J2. Hartt, Zephaniah, house, 187. Hancock, Melinda, marriage, 152• llarvard College: chimes heard, 168 j guarded, Hancock Street, comer, go. 335· Hancock's Wharf: location, 2fYl; mansion, 295 ; Harvard Graduates: Kast, 131; Parker, 226; head, 297. Byles, 231; Vernon, 2}8; Chandler, 249; Hanover Avenue, name, 274. Hillard, 2 SO ;H ichborn, 3 13 j Perkins, 347; Hanover Street: intersection, 31 ; buildings, 32, Adan, )48. 39; {No. 153),45; made over,48; thoroughfare, Ilarvard Presidents: Hoar, 319; Wadsworth, 96; comer of Union, 100; connections, old 343; residence, 399- name, 107; gardens, loS; tavern, 117; Dr. Harvard Professors: Winthrop, loS; Webster, Kast, 131; church, 202; comer of Portland, 284; Boylston, 297, 29S; McKean, 298. 207; Mather house, 2oS; corner of Bennet, Harward, Rev. Thomas, assistant rector, J68. 210; ferry, 218; near Tileston, 231; near Hasken, Rev. Samuel: namesake, 152; rector- Charter, 237, 239, 240t 27 1 ; groceries, 275; ate,l6g. and Garden Court, 284; Hutchinson, 287; Hassam, John T., assistance from, ix. Hawkins land, 294; New North, 299; New Hatch, Susannah, marriage, 399. Brick, 311 i widened, 330; changed appear­ Hatters' Square, unchanged, 40. ance,331• Hatton, Rev. George, rector, 368. Hanseatic Merchants, architecture, 87. Hats, old style, 71. Harbor Front, 107. Haverhill, Mass., Atwood family, 285. Harcourt, Mrs. Motley, portrait owned by, 312. Ilawkins, Captain Thomas, estate, 294. Harpsichord, first, 313. Hawkins Street, school, 141. Harrington, Bowen, house, 157. Hawthorne, Nathaniel: Mosses from an Old Harris, Eunice (Greenwood), marriage, 273. Manse, 61, 62; literary resort, J86. Harris Family, allusion, 282. Hayden the Pilot, 282. Ilarris, Frances K., aid from, x. Hayman, Grace, marriage, 295. Hanis, Isaac: residence, 181,200; brewery, 201; Hayman, John, rope-maker, 295. offices, 202, 2°3; garden, 205- Haymarket Square, new land, 96­ Harris, Major William, land, 256. Haywood, Anthony, burial-place, 191. 420 Inda.

Healy, G. P. A., great picture, 57. Honestus, signature, 90­ Heard, Sir Isaac, rank, ~ Hooper & Co., vane, 333- Heidelberg Castle, 241. Hooper, Henry N., house, 157, 256­ Hemmenway, Captain H. C., aid from, x. Hooton, John: pew, 163; scholarship, 347. Hemmenway, Peter, house, 243t 275. Hopkins, Captain, leading the mob, 182. Henchman, NathanieJ, purchase, 349­ Hopkinton, Mass., So. Henchman's Lane, 241, 242. Hornet, pilot-boat, 282. Hender, Captain, pew, 16J. Horsecars, and North Square, J09. Henderson, Deacon B., gifts, Jll, )28. Horsemanship, necessary, 324. Henderson, Major Daniel, house, 2.50. Hospital, British <9. fl.). article on, 12)-126­ Heraldry: in Boston, 45; on gravestones, 192- Hourglass, in church, J66. (See Coa/-o/-A,.",s.) Houses: historic, 216; distinctive features. 272, Hewes, Jabez F., bakery (,. v.), 124­ 27J. (See Dos/OIl.) Hichborn, Benjamin, patriot, 313. Howard, Charles, aid from, x. Hichborn, 1'homas : gift, 328 ; autograph, 329­ Howard .-amiJy, allusion, 282. Hichborn, Samuel: sailmaker, 313; gift. 328. Howard, John Day: houae, 229,275; new street, Hicks, Zachariah : teacher, 140; pupils, 1so­ 349- Ililer, Captain Thomas G., house, 243. Howard, Joseph, gift, 328- Hiler, Deacon Jacob, house, 229- Howard, Robert, house, 312, 320­ Hiler, George, house, 249. IIoward, Samuel, gift, 328. Hill, Alexander, family, 300. Howard, William A., legacy, 167- Hillard, George S.: home, 250; literary resort, Howe, Captain John: house, 1JJ7 j anecdote,~. ,386. Howe Family, home, 39- HilJard, John B., house, 2 SO. Howe, John: family, 218; house, 243. Hinges, old, 166. Howe, Joseph: home, 39; Boston Stone, 40. Hingham, Mass., Lincoln family, 21 7, 219- Howe, SaUy, marriage, 218. llis Majesty's Chapel, 365. (See King's.) Howe, Sir WilJiam: protects Faneuil Hall, 56 j Historical Society, relics of Province House, 376. destruction of a church, 171, 310; befriends (See Bostonian, Massacltus~lU, Nnu Eng/anti.) Leach, 204. Hitchborn, Deborah, marriage, 321. Howe, Susannah Greaves, family, 218­ Hitchborn, Deacon Thomas, family, 313. Howell, Philip, house, ISo. Hitchbom Estate, 3'4- Hudson's Point, 237. Hitchborn, Isannah (Fadree), 313. Hudson, Thomas, house, 241- Hitchborn House, described, 3'3. Huguenots: in Boston, 48. 54, 80; in Oxford, Hitchborn, Nathaniel, boatbuilder, 313. 80; Reveres, 321. (See Frnull.) Hitchbom, Thomas, first ancestor, 313. Hull, IIannah, conveyance, 179. Hoar, Leonard, library, 319. Hull, John, pasture, 179. Hoar, ?\fadam Bridget, gift, 319. Hull Street: gardens, 157, 179, 189; view of Hobbs, ?\frs. John, assistance from, ix. Christ Church, 166: name, 179; little used, llobbs, Nathan, house, 239. 181; houses, 187; Baker estate, 188; school, Hollis Street Church, pastor, 231. 19o; tablet, 191. Ilollis, Thomas, house, 157. Humphrey, Benjamin, new street, 349­ Holmes, Almoran, vane, 333. Hunnewell, Captain, a model, 62. Holmes, Oliver \VendeJI. literary resort, J86. Hunt, a driver, 16c). Holme, Thomas, grant of arms, 45- Hunt, Harriot K., medical practice, 282. Holyoke Family, house. 312. Hunt, Joab (Job), residence, 242, 281, %82. Homer, Dr. Jonathan, scholarship, 347. Hunt, John, prisoner, 204- Index. 421

Hunt, Lewis, bouse, 87. Interior Finish, 206, 239, 296. H unt, Matthew, pilot, 282. Ipswich, Mass.: Wainwright, 46; stages,351. Hunt, Mrs. J oab, educational interest, 284­ Ireland, manufactures and servants, 400. Hunt, Rev. John, pastorate, 391• Islands, bluffs, 192. (See Nodd/t's.) Hunt, the druggist, 240. Ivers, Thomas, warden, I&,. Huntington, Rev. Joseph, pastorate, 391• Hutchinson, Anne, dwelling, 384- Hutchinson, Colonel Thomas, house, JOO. JACKSON FAMILY, ancestry, 313- Hutchinson, Edward: houses on Fleet Street, Jackson, Henry: name on plan, 77; office and 283; man..,ion, 295. family,81. Hutchinson, Elisha, wife, 212. Jackson, Jonathan, land, 230. Hutchinson Family: coat-oi-arms, 192; tavern, Jackson, Joseph, property, 80, 81. 294; founder, 384. Jackson, Rev. Joseph, an executor, 81. Hutchinson, Governor Thomas: adnlinistration, Jail, Leach in, 204· 12; toryism, 2°5; family, 238; uncle, 283; James, Enoch: gift, 328 ; autograph, 329­ garden, 287; refuge, 287, 288; brother, 295; James Estate, 294· troops, 393. James, John W., house, JOOe Hutchinson, Henry, trade, 239. Janes Pew, 77. Hutchinson, Thomas (the father), gift, 205. Jefferson, Thomas: adherents, 70 j their leader Hutchinson, William, land, 384. in Boston, 90; cabinet, 219­ Jeffs, John, mariner, 313. Jennison, John L, house, 300. INCHES FAMILY, estate, 384, J85. Jenkins (Jinkins), Robert: pew, 163; privateer, Independence, birthplace, 14- (See Dtc/aratitm.) 166. Independence Day, celebrations, 218. (See Jepson, \Villiam, house, 242• Four/".) Jersey Adventurer, 2&,. Independence, Fort, militia, 219. Jersey, England, emigrants, 117. India, Ochterlony in, 347. Jockey's Words, 204- Indian Hill, Poore's place, 375. Jones Family, pew, 163. Indians: and Boston Stone, 39 ; Narragansett, Joy, Thomas, house, 312. 180 ; Wadsworth's company, 343; killing J udengasse, in Germany, 229­ Lake, 349. Judges, graves of, 369- Indian Vane: allusion, SS; description, 37St 377· Julius Czsar, head, 274. (See PrtnJinct Htmst.) Industrial Home, site, 219. Industrial School for Girls, established, 284. KAST BUILDINGS, location, 131. Infantry in 1812, ISS. (See War.) Kast, Philip Godfrid, 131. Inflammatory Paper, England, 203. Kast, Thomas: profes-~ion and politics, 13 t ; Ingham, North, pew, 163. life, 13 1, 132; statement, I J4. Ingraham, Captain, pew, 163. Katchel Family, pew, 163. Ingraham, Joseph W., superintendent of Sunday­ Keayne, Captain Robert, will, 10. Ingraham School, site, 156. [school, 170. Kellogg, Clara Louise, ancestry, 239­ Ingraham's Novel, 71. Kellond, Thomas, trustee, 319. Ingraham's Yard, church, 274. Kemp, Father, house, 157. Innholders, 216. Kennebec River, Indians. 349­ Inns: oldest in Boston, 67; King's Head, 28~ Kentucky, a death in, 188. (See TtJWNIs.) Kettell, Deacon, bakery, 110. 422

Keystone, in windows, 227. Lash, Robert, Jr.: home, 273; life, 27], 274; Kidder, Joseph, landlord, 97. signature, 2]6. Kimball, Ebenezer, trade, 226- Lathrop, G. P., article by, 71. Kimball, Moses: aid, x; collection, 143. Lathrop, John, portraits owned by. 312- King Family: pew, 163; allusion, 282. Lathrop, Rev. John: ceremony, 218; house, 229; King, Gedney, house, JOO. pastorate, 310, 311 , 331; land, 311; death and King's Arms, tavern,81. portraits, 312 j grave, 370- King's Bench, 204. Latin Poem, on a weathercock, 335. King's Chapel: offshoot, 168; unroofed, 170; Latin School Boys: graduates of 18]6,201 ; Hil­ essay, J65-370 ; origin, J65; furnishings, J66 ; lard, 2 SO ; BeKher, 260; distinguished in rebuilt, 367; memories and clergy, 368; ceme­ 1766, 347; recess, 359; jokes, 3n· tery, 369, 370. Latin School: master, 55; old building sold, King's Farm, milk-trade, 276. 367; usher, 401. King's Head Inn, place, 2S6. Lattice, in old building, 88.. King's (King) Street: site of townhouse, 12, Lawn. Province House, 376­ 55; plan, 322• Lawrence, Samuel, statement, 134­ Kitchen, unchanged, 320. Leach, Captain Samuel, children, 227. Knight of Bath, 347. Leach Family, portraits, 203. Knocker, andent, 100. (See Door.) Leach, John: house, 202 ; school, 203; patriotism, Knox, Captain Andrew, mortgage, 320­ 204; drawings, 204t 205. Knox, General Henry, portrait, 57. Leach's Wharf, 204. Knox the Pilot, 282. Leach, the Misses, aid, x. Krey, John H., assistance from, ix. Lean-to, Mather's, 287. Learned, William: aid, ix; store, 32­ Lechmere Point, execution there, I S+ LADDERS, on a church, 3OCJ. Lee & Shepard, 242- Lafayette Avenue, comer, 123. Lee. Colonel Henry, aid from, ix. Lafayette: death and military rank, 284; Boston Lee Family, ancestry, 31J. friendship, 400. Lee, Thomas: heirs. 286; committee, 327. Lake, Ann, marriage, 349. Lee, Thomas, Jr.: builder, 199; house, 208­ Lake, Captain Thomas: trustee, 319; house, Lee, Thomas, Sr., house, 199. 349; burial-place, 191• Lee, William, house. 242. Lake, Sir Bybie, estate, 349. Leeds. Benjamin I., house, 286. Lakin the Pilot, 282. Leeds, Samuel, house, 110. Lambert, Captain John, house, 273. Legislature: protest, 12; last meeting in Old Lambert, Mehitable, marriage, 188. (,. fl.) State (9. fl.) House, 13; Harris in, 202 • Lancers, commander of the, 229. Washington's visit, 384- Langdon, Deacon Edward, estate, 281; wife, Leigh, Lord, Boston visit, 68. 344· Lemon-stands, I S4- Langdon, John, estate, 281. Letters, carried by drivers, 350. Lantern, antique, 154- Leverett, Sir John: governorship, 10; grave, . Lash Family, allusion, 282. 36c)· Lash, Nicholas, trade and family, 80. Lewin, Mrs. M. A., aid from, ix. Lash, Rebecca and Susan, aid from, ix. Lewis, Daniel Taylor, marriage, 273. Lash, Rebecca Snelling (Greenwood), marriage, Lewis, Elizabeth Greenwood, marriage, 273 273· Lewis, John, medal, 200. lAsh, Robert: medal, 200; shop, 273. Lewis, Rev. Stephen C., rectorate, 168. Index. 42 3

Lewis, SamuelS., new street, 348, 349. London, England (,. fl.) : byways, 31; Painters' Lewis, Thomas: house, 242; gift,2J8. and Stainers' Company, 45 j Gibbs from, 46 ; Lexington, Mass.: author's residence, viii; bat- Royal Exchange, SS; Dr. Kast's study, 131 ; tle, 12, 173; ball and contents, 6g; Cary family, ordination, 167; tower, 202; name from, 281. 242 ; the famous ride, 324, J48. London Merchants, Sergeant, 376. Libby, Jacob G. L, house, 229. London Stone, 40. Liberty Tree, market near, 53. Longevity, in Boston, 201. Lieutenant-Governors, graves, 369. 370. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth: subject for, IJightstalld, old, 227. 2&, ; ancestry, 344; literary resort, J86; bal­ Lillie, Eliot, apples, 259. lad, 392. Lime Alley, 255. Long Wharf: coffee-house, 80; Thoreau'~ busi­ Lincoln, Abraham, portrait, 57. ,ness, 117; merchants, 208; Dodd's appr~n· Lincoln, Beza, assistance, ix. ticeship, 268. Lincoln, Captain Amos, family, 219­ Lord, Captain Jonathan, house, 242• Lincoln, Charles, house, 110. Lord, James, collector, 72. Lincoln, David, family, 217. Loring, B. R., military positions, 401. Lincoln, Elizabeth Fearing, 217. Loring, Helen (Lovell), marriage, 401. Lincoln Family, ancestry, 313. Loring, Henry, wife, 401. Lincoln, Frederic W.: aid, x ; mayor, 219, 351. Loring, H. K., wife, 313. Lincoln, General, collector, 194. Loring, J abn, house, 320. Lincoln House, chimney, 149- Loring, Jonathan, land, 230. Lincoln, Levi, office, 219- Loring, Nathaniel, house, 117. Lincoln, Louis, family, 219. Loring, the Misses, aid, x. Lincoln, Mrs. Noah, death, 219- Lost Children, crier, 3.58. Lincoln, Mrs. R. C., aid, x. Louisburg Expedition, date, II. Lincoln, Noah: house, 205, 211-220; life, 217- Louis Philippe: in Boston, 69; enthroned, 70. 220; estate sold, 218; Unity Street, 229­ Love Family, 230. Lincoln, Noah, the younger, aid, x. Love, John: marriage, 226; house, 230. Lincoln, Stephen, descendants, 217. Love Lane, name and location, 151, 170, 230. Lincoln's Wharf, 217. Love, producing obedience, 46. Linen Shirts, 226. Love, Susannah, home, 226, 230. Lion, ship, 343. Lovell, Helen (Sheaffe), 401. Literature, ornaments to, 386. Lovell, James Smith, usher, 401. Little, Ezekiel, teacher, 143. Lovell, John, oration, 55· Litur:ty: introduced into Boston, 365; royal Lovell, James: prisoner, 204; oration, 393­ gift of prayerbooks, 366; alterations by the Low, Abraham, house, 286- minister, 367. (See CArisl enure}" Epis(o­ Lovell the Pilot, 282. pacy, King's Clut/J~/.) Lowell, James Russell, literary resort, 386­ Livestock, kept by negroes. 229, 230. Lowell, Mary, marriage, 314- Livingston, James R., position, 4000 Lowell Tablet, 368. Livingston Manor, 400. Loya1i8ts, in Boston, 367. Livingston, Margaret (Sheaffe), marriage, 400. Luckis, Benjamin. house. 207. lJoyd, JaInes, grave, 3~ Lynd, Joseph, brewery, 46. Lloyd Medal, 250. Lynn, Mass., Hartt family, 188. Lock, large, 227. Lynn Street ~ foundry, 170; near Foster, 2S6; Lodgings, cheap, 293. tunnel, 265; land, 273. Lombard, Ephraim, assistance from, ix. Lyon's Creek, battle, 1sSe IIUiex.

MACDONALD, EDWARD: aid, ix, 193. Massachusetts General Hospital, ~7. Maffi~s Preaching, 27.. Massachusetts Governors (,. tI.) : appointment Mail-coaches, inn, 350- of eight, 13; graves, 369. 370- Maine: roads to Boston, 126; historic bel1, 331. Massachusetts Grand Lodge, organized, 97­ Mair, l'homas, assistance from, L (See Masl11lic.) Malaga Raisins, in market, 359. Massachusetts Historical Society: early meet­ Malcom, Daniel, patriotic merchant, 181, 182. ings. 58; manuscripts, 349; vane, 377. Manchester-by-the-Sea, carving, 300. Massachusetts Judges, graves, 369. )fanning, Rev. Jacob M., pastorate, 391. Massachusetts Medical Society, the original Mansur, Samuel, house, 250. members, 131. Mantels, carved, 33, lIS. Massachusetts Mutual Company, founded, 325. Marblehead, Mass.: hall, 116; Tucker's retire­ Massachusetts Seal, 377. ment, 283. Massachusetts Spy, where printed, 34- Marble, William: aid, ix; decorator) 181. Massacre, Boston (,. fl.): site, 12; meeting, 56; Margaret Street: houses, 126, 140; Clough discussed, 71 ; events, 322. .. house, 153; comer of Sheafe, 155; name, 156­ rtfatchet, John, his sloop, 182. Marietta, Ohio, settled, 2¢- Mather-Eliot House, 210-220. Marine Barracks, fuel, 286. Mather Family: fruit of preaching, 28S; in­ Marine Railway Company, 218, 242. fluence, 309, 310- Mariner's Church, established, 220. Mather, Rev. Cotton: church. 171 ; burial-place, Mariners' House, location, 296, 312. 191, 192 ; house, 208, 210; pastorate, 310. Markethouses: thr~e, 53; pulled down by a Mather, Rev. Increase: church, 171 ; grave, 191, mob, 53, 54· 192 ; house, 210; daughter, 231; agency and :r.farketplace, of North End. JOB. support, 255; ~scape, z56; fire, 309; pastor­ ~farshal1 House, view, 33. ate, 310; parsonage and library, 319- Marshall's Lane : situation, 31-34; name Mather, Rev. Samuel: burial-place, 191, 192; changed, 32. church, %OS; lean-to, 287; pastorate, 310; Marshall Street, 32. marriage, ceremony, 321. Marshall. Thomas, occupation~, 31. Maxwell, Captain William: house, log; pew, Martin, Michael, highwayman, 154. 163. Martin the Pilot, 282. Maxwell, James, house, 156. Martyn, Captain Edward, house, 312, 347. May, Colonel John, residence, 296. :r.fartyn Family, coat-of-arms, 192, 312. ~fay Estate, sold, 297. Martyn, l\frs. Sarah, widow, 347. ?tfaytlower, passengers' graves, 369. "{artyn, Richard: house, 312 ; land, 319­ May, Henry K., house, 157. ~Iary, a slave, 238. ?tlay, John Joseph, assistance from, x. Mary, the sloop, ISo. !\-fayo, Rev. John, pastorate, 310. Masonic Fraternity, honors, 273. May's Wharf, 25, 238; owner, 2¢­ :r.lason's Hall, name, 97. ?tfaysville, Ohio, name, 296. Masonic Records, 140. (Set' Frt'mtasonry.) May Tablet, 368. "Iasonry, Revere's rank, 325. "IcCleary Family, traditions, 134. Mason Street, school, 141. ~IcCleary, John B., house, 124. Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Associa- .McCleary, Samuel F., Jr.: aid from, ix; resi­ tion: fairs, 57; origin, 99; president, 325. dence, 125, Massachusetts Charitable Society, 144. McCleary, Samuel F., Sr.: house, 125; school, ~Iassachusetts Citizens, on Spanish ~rain, 60. 200, 201. Massachusetts Convention (of 1788), 98. McCleary, Samuel, house, 242. Index.

McDaniel, Hugh, privateer, 166- Mill Bridge, J4. )'lcField the Pilot, 282. Mill Creek: site, 33; allusion, 46; filled, 116­ McKean, Agnes, arrival, 397. Mill Field, location, 190. McKean Family, worship, 298. Miller, Moses, house, 286. McKean, J oho George, education, 2gB. Mill Pond: filled up, 96, IIS; land, 97; border- McKean, Henry S., education, 298. ing streets, 107 j view over, 125. 190. McKean, Rev. Joseph, career, 297, 298. Mills, James L., house, 243. McKean, \Villiam: life, 2CJ7; home, 297, 298. Mills, Samuel, house, 239. McKean, Joseph William, granuson, 298. Milton, Ephraim, house, JOOe Mears, Samuel, landlord, 79. Milton, Mass.: pastor, 297; Wadsworths.343. Mechanics at North End (,. v.), 150, 154, 172. Minstrel Hall, 377. Mecom, Edward, 228. Mint-master, 179. Mecom, Jane (Franklin), home, 228, 229­ Mohawks, at the Tea-party, 320, 393. Medford, Mass., Cradock house, 293. Molesworth, .Captain Ponsonby, wife, 400. }Iedford Turnpike, robbery, 154. Molesworth, Susannah (Sheaffe), marriage, 400. Melcher, Levi, land, 209- Money, depreciated, 150. Melendy, Samuel, house, 229. Moniteur, read in Boston, 69- Merchants' Insurance Company, president, 243. Monitorial School, location, 19~ Merchants: living near water, 256; oldest, 263. Monk Family, pe"., 163. Merchants' Row, vicinity, 61, 67, 72. Montague, Rev. \Villiam, rectorate, 168, 169. Merchant, William, house, 238. Montford, Jonathan, building·committee, 327. Mercury, sign, 35 1, 352. Montgomery Guards, officers, 232. Meres. J., letter, 204. Moon Street: houses near, 281, 285, 287 j stable, Merrie England, social habits, 399. 286; gateway, 288; new church, 308; willows, Merrimac River, freight by, 116. 311 ,312. )Ierritt Family, ancestry, 313. Morse, Rev. Jedediah, church, 170. (See Clulr/~s- Merry, Daniel, gift, 328. tow".) Merry, Jonathan: pasture, 181; rtsidence, 268; Mortar, of shells and clay, 294- estate, 320; gift, 328. Motley, John Lolhrop, daughter, 312. Messina Oranges, in market, 359. Mott, Mrs., encouragement to Hunt, 282. Methodist Alley, church, 274. Mouldings, solid, 166. Methodist Church: preachers, 48; first organ· Mould (MoaJe), Captain, pew, 163- ized in Boston, 156, 209, 239; location, 202; Mountfort Family: coat·of-arms, 192; house, 312. first place, 274. Mountfort's Corner: location, Jo8; parade- Methodist Historical Society, 209. ground, 311; entrance near, 313­ Methodist Meeting Hou."e, loud preaching, 27+ Mount Vernon, name, 60. Methodist Preachers, doctrines and vane, 3J5­ Munroe, Abel B., house, 205. Methodists, church bought, 330. Munroe, Rev. Wm. H., rectorate, 169­ Miantonomoh, invited to Boston, 67. Murdock, George, grocery, 82. Middle Ages, weathercocks, 335. Murray, Rev. John, pastorate, 208. Middlesex Canal: boats, 116; trip, 359, 360. Mutton Alley, location, 331. Middlesex County, England, 20J, 204­ Myles, Rev. Samuel, pastorate, J68. ltliddle Street, name, 1°7,243, 284. Milk Family, gate, 288. Milk Street: fur business, 268 j and Province NAILS, wrought-iron, 32, 166. (See Tntllai/s.) House, 376 j Franklin's birthplace, 392. Nameless Place, 48. Milk, supply of, 27 S. 276. Nannie's Buildings, location, J49. I1Uia.

Naples, Italy, &treets, 27 1• New Hampshire, tram to Bostoa, 126. (See Narragansett Indians (,. fl.) : sacbem, 67; cap- Ct1IKwt/.) turing a vessel, 180. New Havelly Conn., regicides, 2)2­ Nash the Pilot. 282. Newman, E. Haniet, aid &om, ix. Nash, William, house, 286, 287. Newman, Eliza Hamet, marriage, IS2­ Nassau Street, house, 231. Newman Family, traditions, 152. Naval Office, at Red Lion, J44. Newman, Henry, gift, 174- Navy, Beecher preparing for, 260- Newman Hoose: article on. 14~154; cupol~ Navy Yard, Charlestown, ships outward bound, 152 ; soldiers, 1S3; allusion, 157, 205­ 282. Newman, John: trade, 149; organist, ISO­ Navy Yards: modern, 187; private. 188. (See Newman, Mary, bill against, ISO­ Slti!s.) Newman, Peter, teacher, 149- Neale, Rev.]. M., translation, 335- Newman. Robert: his grandfather, 109; trade, Neck, Boston: a thoroughfare, 126; population, 149; position, ISO; the Revere signal, 151, I S2Y \ 157. (See RoxlNry.) 17 2 ; claim disputed, m;miage, IS%.. '""Negroes: in Boston, 155; seats in church, 169; Newman, Robert, the son, killed. 152. sweeps, 301. (See A/mall, Slafl~s.) - Newman, Samuel Haskell, marriage, 152. Netherlands, architecture, 87. (See Dukll.) Newman, Thomas Church: education, 149; New Brick Church, 171,202; flagon, 286; weak, patriotism, I SO ; letter, 15J. 311; Revere family, 326; bell, 327 j building­ Newman, Thomas: purchase, 149; reverses, committee, 327; clock, 327, 328; stone suc­ I So; watching ships, 153. cessor, 330; gone, pastors, 331; popular name New Meeting Ilouse: wood, 308; appearance, and vane, 332 ; nickname, 333; gale, 334; not 308, J09; burned, 309- the oldest, 334. New North (,. fl.) Church: deacon. 109; records, New Brick Society, vote, 328. 143, 144; organized, 171,310; a founder, lHo; Newburyport, Mass.: stages, 3SO; organ, J66. families, 203; pastors, 205. 210, 216,220; caps, New Cambridge Galley, freight, 174- 206; officers, 232; Deacon Lash, 273j bell, Newcast]e-on-Tyne, a Boston resemblance, 19­ :z86 ; McKeans, 29S; description, 300; ag­ Newell, Ilarriet (Atwood), missionary, 285. grieved brethren, 327; Thacher, 333- Newel-post, carved, 300. New Orleans, execution, 314. New England Bells, first, 331. Newport, R. I., Bishop Berkeley, J66, 367- New England Faith, vitalized, 335- New Prince (f. fl.) Street: name, 331; vane New England Families: Savages, 286; portraits, accident, 334. 322 ; heirlooms, 324. New State House, first occupied, 13. (See O/tI.) New England Glass Company, 333. NewtoD Tablet, 368. New England Guards, drummer, 100. New Washington Street, Dragon block, 95. New England Ilistoric Genealogical Society, New Year's celebration, 218. portraits, 348. New York City: encounter, 258; news of Tea- New England History, Pemberton, 349. party, 323; magnificence, .]83. New England Houses: old, 87; farm, loS; Nichols, Captain Samuel, house, JOO. primitive, 244; stairs, 298; model architec­ Nightdress Story, J4S. ture, 311. Nix's Mate, ISo. New England Liberty, stronghold, 309­ Noah's Ark, sign, 294. New England Life and Character, 21 S­ Noddle's Island, milk, 276. (See East BntOll.) New England Population, 256. Norcross, Otis, birthplace, 287. New England, servants for, 400. North Battery, neighborhood, 293- New England Towns, 206. North Bennet (f. fl.) Street, 195-209; cut, 220. Index.

North Briton, magazine, 203. North Square: fire, 210; name, 286; essay, 307­ North Burying-ground, 192. 3 14. shape, 307; name, J07; changes, 319; North Burying-place, 237. Revere house, 321, 325; crowd and decora­ North Centre Street, name, 347. tions, 323; bell, 330; last house, 346; night North Church: name, 171 ; reference to Revere, before Lexington, J48 (See Old.) 172; deacon, 285; bell, 330. (See New, Old.) North Street: east side, 19; houses, 19. 2S; North Cock, term, 332. passageways, 2.s, 40; tablet, 47; comers, 87, North End: a locality rarely visited, vii, viii ; 89; widened, S9; harbor, 1°7; architecture, backbone, 107; hospital, 123; Gray property, 293; (No. 362),293; tavern, 294; name, 3°7; 124; deed, 133; only school, 141 ; the Revere comer sign, 343; lower, 34S; Ochterlony· signal, 152; stripped, 156 j pride, 165; burials, house, 346-J4S. 191, 192 j Hutchinson name, 2°5; oldest man, Northwest Voyages, 1250 219; benevolent work, 219; strolls, 225; Re­ North Writing School, '40, 141• vere foundry, 256; ruling elder, 266; walks Norton, Madam, gift, 392• and prominent figure, 282; Dr. Hunt's praise, Norwich, England, Newman family, 149­ 282; influence of Mathers, 285; earthquake, Noted Bell, essay, 327-331. (See Nno Britll.) 294; wealth, 297 ; signs, 351, 352• Nottage, Natbaniel, residence, 249- North End Architecture, 88. North End Boys (,_ rJ~) : feud, 257; sports, 258. North End Caucus: origin, 97; calkers, 124­ OAK: frame, 88, 180; planks, 124­ North End Cellars, for wine, 268. Oars, muffled, 348. North End Churches: changes, IS7; a dominat­ Obedience, from Jove, 46- ing steeple, 170; Epi~copacy, 17 1 ; choir, 239; Ober, John P., house, 243. one only, 308; one weathercock, 332, 335. Object-signs (,. fl.), few remaining, 60. (See North End Coffee-House, ~95-297. Mtrcury.) North-Enders: assisting the writer, ix; three Ochterlony-Adan House, essay, 346-348. generations, 268; bakery, 286; genuine, 287; Ochterlony, Alexander, a laird, 347. opinion about a church destroyed, 310. Ochterlony, Captain David, purchase, 347. North End Families: Lash, 80; names in grave­ Ochterlony, Sir Charles-Metcalfe, title, 347. yard, 191; Harris, 200; McKean, 297-299. Ochterlony, Sir David: career, 347; widow and North End Gardens (,. fl.): pride in, 108; Har­ portrait, 348. ris, 202; modern, '229. Odds and End~, essay, 293-302. North End Houses, 1 J 5; ten-footers (9. v.), 270; Oehringen Cathedral, 335. ancient, 365; brick, 383. Ohio Country, May family, 2¢­ North End Landmark, 149. Old Affair, cut, 345. North End Marketplace, 308. Old Age, Franklin on, 228­ North End Mechanics, 150, ',54, 172, 272, 282. Old Baily, letter from, 204- North End Mission, planted, 307. Old Comer Bookstore, essay, 383-386. North End Shipyards, 239- Old Feather (,. fl.) Store: article on, 87-89; North End Stores, fish, 27 S. pride, history, materials, 88; last use, 8g. North End Streets, rank, 199- Old Grog, a nickname, 60. North End Traditions~ 172, 238. Oldham, John, murdered, ISo. North End Traffic, 118. Old North (,. v.) Church: location, 171; demol­ North Grammar School: medals, 200; Lash, ished, 172; Deacon Langdon, 28,. 273; first master, 344. Old North: demolished, 31o; not rebuilt, 311 ; North Meeting House, material, 30~. bell, 328 j union. 331; name, weathercock, 332­ North Square Church, I()(), 171, 172, 208. Old North (,. v.) Meeting House, 172. INiex.

OJd North C,.Ir.) Square, market, SJ. Paine, Joho: deed, 20; daughter, 20. Old Ruin, essay, 25, 26- Paine, Robert Treat: ponrait, 57 ; grave, -go. Old South (,. v.) Church: patriotic meetinp, 56 ; Paine, William, house, 2(). first pastor, 156; resemblance, 165 j fire, 201 ; Painters' aDd Stainers' Company: in LondoD, 45; Warren oration, 274; wonhipping in King's Exeter, 4S. 46• Chapel, J67; essay, 391-394; changes and Painters' Anns: procured, 39; essay, 45-47; clergy, 391; scenes, 392 ; historic faces, 393; description, 45; motto, 45. 46; cabalistic Rebellion, J94. letters, 46. (See Hn-a/dry.) Old South Clock: allusion, 143; jest, 378. Palfrey, Colonel William: marriage, 80; aide to Old South Letters, exciting interest, S9- Washington, 207. Old State (,. v.) House: a trust, V; essay, ~14; Palfrey Family, alJusion, 282. connected with Ma..4\sachusetts affairs,9; sur­ Palfrey, Mrs. William. anecdote, 243. vival, 9; restoration, 9t 10; educational in­ Palfrey, Rev. Cameau :"aid, ix; hom~, 207. fluence, 10; site, 10; bequest and foundation, Palfrey, Rev. John Gorham, parents, 80. 10; administrations, 1

Patten Family, pew, 163- Pirate, hung, ISo. Paul Revere House, essay, 319-326­ Pirate's Tunnel, 265. Peabody, Rev. Ephraim, pastorate, 368. Pitcairn, Major; wounded, 131, 132; son, 133; Peace, proclaimed, 13. place of death, 134; burial, 170­ Pearce, John, house, loS. ' Pitcairn's Chamber, 131. Peeker, James, building committee, 327. Pitcher, Grace (Pulling), house, 238. Peep through Gateway, 288- Pitcher, Richard, house, 2)8. Pell, Captain Edward, building-committee, 327. Pitforthy, Laird of, 347. Pemberton, Rev. Ebenezer: feeble, 311; pas- Pitman Family, site, 205. torate, 331, 391 ; doctrines, 335. Pitman, Joshua H. : aid from, ix; trade, 217. Pemberton, Thomas, antiquary, 349. Pitts, Captain James, house, 312. Penitent Female Refuge Society,241. Pitts Street, view towards, 125. Penobscot Expedition, 324­ Plate: gift, 167, 174; mortgage, 168; contribu­ Peppergrass, 202. tion, 16); presented. 191. (See Cntist CNure".) Pepperrell, Sir William, II; sister, 347. Plymouth, Mass., architecture, 87. Percy, Earl, anecdote, 401. Poetic Quotations: on the street image. 62; the Perkins, Dr. John, house, 347. Tea-party, 97, 9S; Pitcairn, 133; Christ Church, Perry, George, 300. 173; weathercock, 335-338. Petell Family, pew, 163. (See B~tn/,,~.) Politics, liberal, 335. Pews: plan, 163 ; square, 166 ; private doers, 309; Pond Street, name, 116. built and furnished by proprietors, classes, 366. Poore, Ben: Perley, relics owned by, 375­ Philadelphia, Pa.: Franklin in, 228; news car- Poplar-trees, in North Square, 31 I. ried to, 323. Porch: 311 ; Province House, 375, 376. Phillipps, Governor, dinner to, g6, 97. Porringers, silver, 227. Phillips, Gillam: pew, 163; autograph, 169­ Port Act, vote, 323. Phillips, John, burial-place, 191. Porter, Admiral: father, 243; descent, 296. Phillips, Lieutenant·Governor William, grave, Porter, Captain David, landlord, 295, 2¢­ 369- Porter, Captain Lemuel. voyages. 125. Phillips, Mayor John, grave, 370. Porter, Captain, Revolution, 243. Phillips the Pilot, 283. Porter, Charles H., house, 189. Phillips, Thomas, house, 79. Porter, Commodore David, house, 242. Phillips, Wendell, portrait, sSe Porter's Lodge, 376. Phips, Lady. house, 237. Portland, Maine: stages, 350; name, 400. Phips Mansion:- Pitcairn's death, 134; location, Portland Street, corner, 207. J 58; arch, 266; sold, 2&,; occupants, 268; Porto Bello, hero of, 60. opposite, 26g. Potomac River, estate on, 60. Phips, Sir William: governorship, 10; house, Portraits, Miniature, ISS. (See FalUUil Hall, 237, 243· Pklur~s, Ti1~ston.) Phips, Spencer, lieutenant-governor, 70. Portsmouth, N. H.: stages, 350; cost of travel, Pictures, in Faneuil Hall, 56-SS. (See HaNIXIl, 35 1 ; organ, 366; Field famil)", 385. P"i//;jJs, Ti/~slon.) Port Society, house, 296. Pierce, Moses, glazier, 313. Portuguese Church, 209. Pigeon, J., signature, 167. Postriders, 324. Pilasters, carved, 249. Pound, Tom, a criminal, ISo. Pilgrim Houses, 87. Powars, Daniel E., house, 220. Pilots: one noted, 180; best known, 282; types Powder. stored in church, 309­ and homes, ~83. Pow~all. rrbomas, governorship, 12. 43° ItideZ.

Pragg Family, pew, 16]- Quill Pens, 200. Pratt, Eleazer F.: aid, is; hoose and position, Quincy, Josiah: mayor, 153; suppressing boyish 153­ fights, 2ss. Pratt,J~us,house. 23~ Quincy Market, granite, 116­ Pray. John, house, 125- Quincy Patriot, article in the, 71. Preble, Commodore Edward, portrait, 57. Prescott, Jeremiah, aid, x. Presidential Deaths, 331. RAJNSFORD, JONATHAN, house, 312­ Price Lectures, 368. Rainsford'. Comer, 237. Price, Rev. Roger, pastorate, 368. Raising Dinner, 170- Price, William: pew, 163; autograph, 169­ Randolph, Edward: irrepressible, 344; attend- Prince. John T., aid, x. ing church, J65. Prince Library. burned, 393. Ratcliffe, Rev. Robert, rectorate, J68. Prince, Rev. Thomas: pastorate, 391 ; event,.]92. I Rawlins, Richard, bouse, 312. Prince Street: comers, 10<); few changes, 115; Rebellious Meeting, 394. passageway, 116; {No. 57}.II6; (Nos. 51-53} Rebels, misguided, 400- and name, 117; ornaments, 118; (No. ISO) and Record Commissioners, report, 46­ south side, 125; a thoroughfare, 126; Tileston Redding, Charles, purchase, 47. house, 140; Atkins house, 194; Whitman Red Lion Inn, owner, 343, 344­ house, 26); extended, 293; mail, 350- Red Lion Wharf, owner, 3# Prince·Streeters, fighting, 257. Redoubt, on Copp's Hill, 191• Prince Street Ferry, 237. Redwood Library, 366. Prince Street House, essay, 131- 134­ Reed, John, Jr., bookstore, 385.

Privateering: spoils brought for a church, 166; I Regulars, military, 204. (See Britisi, DrtzrtNllU, arch, 266- Soldi"s.) Proctor, Colonel Edward: patriotism, I SO; Renaissance, church-model, 299. house, 199, 200; gift, 328 ; autograph, 329. Republican Party, in the old days, 70. Proctor. John, 216- Republic, Bank of, president, 229. Proctor, John S., house, 157. Restieaux, Robert, house, 157. Province Court, 378. Revenge Church, 333. Province House: vane {f. v.}, 58; outside sheath- Revenue Acts, opposed, 182. ing, 156; brick (,. fl.), 17 1 ; essay, 375-378. Revere Copper Company, 2 s6­ Province Street, 378. Revere Family, ancestry, 313. Provincial Post-oftice, sign, 351• Revere, Paul: mechanics' petition, 98, 99; the Public Schools, 141. (See Eliot, Ti/~stD1l.) famous ride, lSI, 152; engraving, 170; foun­ Pulling Family, traditions, 152• dry, 172 , 256 ; tablet, 173; descendants, 219; Pulling, John: Newman's friend, 151; historic specimens of work, 227; home, 240. 241 ; card, claim, 152; house. 2]8. 256 ; whist, 313; gifts, 313, 328; house, 314; Pulpit, ftfethodist, 209. essay, 319-326; purchase, 320; career, 321 ; Punch, a daily brew, 154. fortune and character, 322; the massacre, 322, Punchbowl. old, 227. 323; other rides, 323, 324; work, 324; public Puritan Doctrines, 335. spirit, 32 5; signature, 326 j bell, 327, J28, 331 ; preparation for the ride, J48; grave, 370- Revere Place, name, 240. QUEEN OF HUNGARY, privateer (,. v.), 166. Revolutionary Army, payment, 32. Queen's Chapel, 366. (See King's.) Revolutionary Changes, 367. Queen Street: heraldry, 47; anecdote, 400- Revolutionary History, secret, 97. Index. 43 1

Revolutionary Memories, Mrs. Snelling's, 268, Robinson, John, house, 189, 19o. 26g. Robinson's Alley, 229, 2JO. Revolutionary Navy, Captain Tucker, 283. Robinson, Simon Wiggin, house, '57.

Revolutionary Officers: homes, 157; highest sur­ RobyJ Joseph, gift, 328. viving, 284. (See individual names.) Rochambeau, General, army, 296. Revolutionary Patriots: resort, 68; Newman Rochelle, France, exiles, So. (f. fl.), IS0; united mechanics, 27 2 ; Lash, Rogers, Captain Thomas, house, 286­ 273; Revere (,. v.), 326- Rogers Family, allusion, 282. Revolutionary Relics, J 24- Rogers, Joseph, house, 229. Revolutionary Sacrifices: costly, 311; by wo­ Roman Catholics, buying church, 299. men, J4S. Roman Catholic School, Moon Street, 287. Revolutionary Song, 97, 9S- Rome: ghetto, 229; churches, 299. Revolutionary War: stirring commencement, Romney: boats of the, 182; removal, 393­ 12; outbreak, 56; Boston estates afterward, Roof: a quaint, 14; hipped, 26; slated, 32; 115; allusions, 167, 17 1 ; houses used for fuel gambrel (,.v.), 116, 156; changed, 117; New­ (,. v.), 286; close, 295; vane, 335; Province man's, I 51; protected, 3[ I. House, 376; town-meetings, 391; Essex Street, Roster, found, 123- 401. (See A",mcan, Bostlm, Bn'tir", War.) Rotterdam, Holland, canals, 87. (See Dillen, Rhoades Brothers, hatters, 240. Nellterla"ds.) Rhoades, Captain Stephen H., house, 157. Rough-cast Houses, 88•. Rhoades, Stephen, house, 275. Rowe', Rev. Stephen, pastorate, 368. : army, 296; Revere letter, 325; Roxbury, Mass.: residents, 46; cemeteries, 191; governors, 344. apples taken, 259; highway to, 3S.. Richards, John, trustee, 319­ Roxbury Neck (,. fl.), travel, 126­ Richardson, a druggist, 240. Royal Arms, picture, 375. Richmond Street : corner, 109; residences, 110; Royal Exchange, London, 58. sign, 343; cartway and cut, 345· Royal Humane Society, origin, 189­ Ridgway, Deacon Samuel: conveyance, 31 r ; Rubble. for underpinning, 156. .signature, 314; gilt, 328. Ruck, John: estate, 109; house sold, 267. Ridgway, Ebenezer, gift, 328. Ruddick, Major John, size, 295. Ridley, Isaac, estate, 218. Ruggles, Samuel, builder, 54. Ridout (Rideout) Family, pew, 163. Rumford, Count, youth, 33- (See BmjtUlli" Rifle Rangers, 157. Thompson. ) Ripley, John, house, 230. Russell, Major Benjamin, editorship, 6c). Ripley, Peter, house, 157. Russell, Mrs. Thomas, aid from, ix. Ritchie, John, house, 243· Rust, Jacob P., house, 125- Rivoire, Apollos, ancestry and life, 321. (See Rev~re.) Roach Family, pew, 163. SAIN"r ANDREW'S LoDGE, purchase, fJ1. (See Robbery, highway, 154­ AlaJonk.) Robb Famn}-, ancestry, 313. Saint Cloud, France, Bostonians at, 70. Robbins, Rev. Chandler: sermon, 2 '9; house, Saint Foy, Huguenots, 321. 287; pastorate, 33 1 ; doctrines, 335. Saint George's Day, 96. Robinson & Smith, regilding vane, 333. Saint Thomas's Hospital, London, 131• Robinson, Colonel James: patriotism, 150; gar­ Salem Church, 219- 220. den, 156. Salem, Mass.: architecture, 89; stages, 351. Robinson, Henry, house, 189- Salem Street Academy, 2SS. 432 I"d~x.

Salem Street: printing-office, 34; east side, 107 ; Sears, Captain Alexander: house, 242; build­ west side, 110; comer of Charter, 134, 242; ing-committee, 327. comer of Sheafe, 149, 151; new brick build­ Second Haptist Church: deacon, 116; promi­ ing, 153; Snelling house, 1.sS ; signal, 17 2, 173 ; nent members, J88. view of, 180; Gray house, 194; houses, 205 ; Second Church: vane, SS; location, 171, 202; celebrations, 218; Love Street, 230 ; old name, to-day, 172; pastorate, 208; membership, 231, 237; game, 2.;8; tunnel, 265; (No. 190), 268; 239; flagon, 286; established, 308; corporate houses, 268, 269; east comer of ebner, 269; name, 311; parsonage, 319; organized, 32 7; child lost, 358. union, pastors, 331; corporate name, 332 ; Salt Lane, 40. tithing-man, 344- Salutation Alley: essay, 271-275; a church Second Story, overhanging, 249. 288, 320­ entrance, 274- Secret Drawer, 227. Salutation Tavern, 272. Sedgwick, Major Robert, land, 384· Sambo, a marked figure, 300. Selectmen: offices removed, 55; day, 141• Samplers, old, 227. Selfridge, Thomas 0., murder by, 90­ Sampson, George R., house, 242. Serapium publication, 335. Sampson, Zephaniah, house, 242. Sergeant, Peter, mansion, 376· Sandemanian Church, 97, 202. Seventeenth of June, celebrations, 330­ San Francisco, Cal., 243. Sewall Family, 21 5. Sandwich Islands, 194- Sewa1J, Judge Samuel: real estate, 179; aid to Sargent, Loring, house, 12S. Byles, 231 ; grave, 370; confession, 392• Sargent, Miss M. J., aid from, ix. Sewall, Rev. Joseph: marriage ceremony, 321 ; Saturday, half-holiday on, 141. dedication text, 392• Saugus, Mass.: Gallop family, ISo; refugees, Sewall's Diary, quoted, 47, 192• 226. Shakespeare's 'Vorks, read aloud, 274­ Saugus River, settlement, 188. Shaw Family, well known, 314- Saunders the Pilot, 282. Shaw, Francis, estate, 314. Savage, Arthur, gift, 167. Shaw, on the tunnel, 26s, 266. Savage Family, founded, 286. Shaw, Robert G., new street, 349- Savage, Major Thomas: estate, 286; grave, 369. Sheafe, Jacob: an early settler, 156 ; grave, J69. Savage, Thomas, office, 82. Sheafe, Margaret, marriage, 156. Savage, 'Villiam, medal, 200. Sheafe Street: comer of Salem, 149; of Mar­ Scarlet's Wharf Lane, 281. garet, 153; essay, 155-157; name, 156 ; pas­ Scarlet's 'Vharf: name, 281 ; neighborhood, 286. ture, 1S6 ; clergy, 157 ; Beecher, 258. Schoolchildren, and hay, 359. Sheaffe Ilouse: essay, 399-402 ; picture, 402. School Street: name, 141, 384; corner, 383; Sheaffe, l\fadam, honored in her son, 4°1, 40 Z. house entrance, 385. Sheaffe, Sir Roger Hale: career, 401, 402; Scituate, ~fass.: drive thither, 169; shipbuilding, autograph, 401• 194; Eells family, 226. Sheaffe, Susannah (Child), letter, 400• Scollay's Building, heraldry, 47. Sheaffe, William, position, 400· Scotch People: Douglas family, 97 j the Sheathing: outside protection, 156 ; wooden, McKeans, 297; kindness, 29'-~. 378. Scots' Charitable Society, early meetings, So, 81, Shell Mortar, 294, 376. 98· Shepard l\lemorial Church, vane, 334­ Scottow's Alley, location, 40. Shepard, William, gentleman, 313. Scottow, Thomas, land, 384. Sherburne, John, landlord, 116- Seamen's Bethel, location, 314- Sherburne, Reuben B.: aid, ix; agency, 116. Index. 433

Sherburne, William: gift, 328; autograph, 329. Smith, Benjamin: port-warden, 110; house, 125. Sherren, Richard, land, 216. Smith, Edmund, house, 287. Sherwin, Richard, house, 117. Smith Family, allusion, 282. Ships: figureheads, 61. 62; house like, 1°7; Smith, Hannah, gift, 167. timber, 124; Newman's, IS3; privateers (,.v.), Smith, Rev. Amos, pastorate, 299. 166; Cambridge galley, 174; capture, 180; a Smith, Rev. Samuel Francis, house, 157. sloop, 182; war, 187; best, 320. (See indi­ Smithett, Rev. William T., rectorate, 169­ vidual names and Navy.) Smuggling, arch for, 266. Ship Street: houses, 19; west aide, 188; north Smyrna Figs, in market, 359. . side, 286; south side, 294. Snelling, Colonel Josiah, Jr., home and career, Ship Tavern, essay, 294, 29S· 158. Shipwrights, 187-190. (See Calms.) Snelling House, lotation, 158. Shipyards: earliest, 239; principal, 281. Snelling, John: house, 110, 157; medal, 2OC). Shirley, William: brilliant govemol'8hip, II; Snelling, Josiah: church interest, 208; house, portrait, 56; corner-stone, 366 ; family, 368 ; 268. grave, 369; consulted, 384- Snelling, Mary Whitlock, anecdote, 268, 269­ Short Street, name, 2OS. Snider, bust of, 323. Shrimpton, Henry, heirs, 384- Snow, Deacon Ephraim, house, 208. Shurtleff, Nathaniel B. : model, 9S; house, 131. Snow Hill, location, 190. Shute, Governor: allusion, II j office, 376. Snow Hill Street: gardens, 124, 125; comer, Sidewalks: a novelty, 124; interfering with 190; neighborhood, 191. steps, 153. Snow, Thomas, house, 157. Siege of Boston (f. v.) : causing a school inter­ Sohier, Edward, house, 384. ",aI, 140; tunnel, 265; officers and places, 287. Soldiers, wounded, 243. (See Brim". NnJo/u- Signs: store, 60; tavern, 61, 6c); sun, 81, 82; tionary.) dragon,99; horse, 117; oldest, 343; ~Iercury, Somerset Street, church, 10)· . &c·,3SI , 352; unique, 357; toby, 3,58. (See South Church, name, 391. (See Old.) Biu, HaNDeR, Oij~et.) South-Enders, fights, 257. Silsbee, Enoch, house, 124. South End: schools, 141; population, 156. Simmons, Valentine, house, 287. South Street, distillery, 399. Simonds, gold medal, 250. Southwark, Captain. gift, 167. Simpkins, Deacon, pew, 298. Spanish Main: service on, 60; prizes, 267. Simpson, Daniel, drummer, 100. Sparmakers,202. (See Mastmahrs, SIlijJ'lurignts.) Simpson's Store, 88, 89. Sprague, Charles-, literary resort, 336. Sinclair, Thomas, house, 126. Sprague Family, house, 287. Singleton, Captain Joho, house, 243. Spy, the pilot-boat, 282. Skilling, Simeon: house and trade, 206, 207; Stable, first brick, 286- carving, 274- Stages, rendezvous, 351. Skinner Family, pew, 163. Staircase: ornamental, 226; secret, 283; outside, Sky Line, 194- 288. Slack, Charles W.: aid from, ix; marriage, 207. Stairways: from room, 298; carved, 300. Slaves, mentioned in will, 155- (See African, Stamp Act: meetings, 55; repealed, 168. NegrHs.) Stanbury, Thomas, tavern, 87. Sleepy Hollow, 225. Stanwood Family, allusion, 282. Sliding Alley, name, 2SS- Staples, Edward, house, 124- Smibert, John: portraits, artist, 54 j arrival, J66. Star Fire Society, secretary, 273. Smith, Alexander, landlord, 95. Starr, William, in prison, 204- 434 Index.

State House: built, 219; completed, 376­ Sullivan Tablet, )68. State Officers, residence, 376. Sullivan tbe Pilot, 282­ State Street: allusion, 55; image, 60, 62; cor­ Sumner, Benjamin, 229- ner, 61; newspaper office, 69; political mur­ Sumner, Charles, literary resort, J86. der, 90; corner-stone, 325. Sumner, Increase: governorship, 13; grave, 370. Steam Fire-engine, 201. Sun Court: comer house, 39; queer house, 288 ; Stearns, Charles H.: aid from, ix; home, 243. architecture, 293; Fleet Street comer, 295; Stearns, Rev. Samuel H., pastorate, 391• Bethel, 314- Steele, John, house, 199- Sunday: firesides, 207; drivers, 351. Steele, Justice, 199. Sunday-school: early, 170 j charities earlier, 188. Steeple: high, 170 ; new, 171; lantems, 172; Sunderland, Captain John, house, 312. not built, 367; distant view, 394. Sun Tavern: in plan, 77; essay, 79'-82 ; changes. Stetson, Lebbeus, new street, 349­ price, So. Stevens Family. ancestry, 313. Supreme Judicial Court, crier, 116. Stevenson Family, ancestry, 3'3. Surgery, in Boston, 131. Stillman, Rev. Samuel, garden, 157. Suter, John F., view from his house, 125­ Stillman Street, church, 100. Swett the Pilot, 282. Stoddard House, location, 133. Swift Estate, 239. Stoddard, John, church interest, 208. Swift, llenry, house, 189. Stoddard, Thomas, boat-builder, 13J. Swift, John J.: house, 229; wife, 31]­ Stokes, Benjamin, bouse, 133. Swift, Mary, house, 348. Stone Chapel, name, 367. (See Killg's.) Swimming, at North End, 345­ Stone, Doctor, new street, 349. Syndicate, for a street, 22s. Stores, old, 384. Stories, projecting, 88. (See Sec()nd.) Stoughton, Governor: administration, 10; real TABLETS: Wadsworth, 47; Union Street, 95; estate, ¢. Revere. 173; Copp's Hill (,. fl.), 190, 191. Stow, Rev. Baron, bouse, 157. (See Granary, Killg'.t CluJpe/.) Streeter, Rev. Sebastian: residences, 157, 190; Tailer, Governor, II ; daughter, 231. pastorate, 208. Talbot, Newton, aid, x. Streets: names unwisely changed, 179; sunny, Talcott Mountain, tower, 344- 237· Talleyrand: in Boston, 69; penknife, 71. Street-venders, at North End, 118. Tapestry, Province House, 376. Strong, Caleb, portrait, 57. Taproom, Williams Court, 357. Stuart Dynasty, devotion to, 344. Tar and Feathers, in Ireland, 400- Stuart, Gilbert Charles: paintings, 57 ; proposed Tarbell, Mrs. J. A., aid from, ix. portrait Cf. fl.) of Tileston, 143; portraits by, Taverns: in Boston, 61, 67-70; Sun, 79-82; 312. Green Dragon, 95-100; Canal, 116; Black Stubbs the Pilot, 282. Horse, 117; Dwight's, 149- (See Bik, filii, Sturgis, Russell: gift, 328; autograph, 329. R~d Li()n, and other individual names.) Sturgis, Samuel: gift, 328; autograph, 329­ Taylor, Rev. Edward, life-work, 314­ Sudbury, Mass., Indians, 343. Tea-caddy, old, 227. Suffolk County, sheriff, 13. Tea Party: meeting about, 56. 393 j song, g8; a Suffolk Deeds, x, 46. participant's account, 124 j Lincoln in, 219; Suffolk Resolves, carried to Congress, 323. May, 296; Revere, 323. Sullivan, Deacon John, kind invitation, 359. Temple, Captain Robert: pew, 163 j autograph, Sullivan, Governor James, grave, 370. 169- Index. 435

Temple of American History, 394­ death, 144; bill,; wife, 203; described, Temple, Sir Thomas, trustee, 319. 225; name, 230-232; wig, 298 j goods sold, Ten-footers, Charter Street, 244, 270­ 359· Tenney, Deacon Samuel, 243. Tileston, Rebecca Fowle, 139- Tewksbury the Pilot, 282. 'fiJeston Street, name and location, 151. Thacher, Isaac, wife, 313. Tileston, Thomas, I J9. Thacher, Rev. Peter: in college, 131; house, Tileston Tide Mil1, location, 139. 216; installation, 220; pastorate, 299 j patriot­ Tileston, Timothy, 139. ism, 322; personal reference, 333. Tippecanoe, battle of, 158. Thacher, Rev. Thomas: marriage, 156; pastor­ Tippin Family, pew, 163. ate, 391. Tirrell, Edward, house, 110. 'fhacher Street: corner, 115; passageway, 116; Toby, the sign, 358. name, 156. Tolman's Sketches, viii, 377. Thackeray's Works, read aloud, 274. TOlnbs, under a church, 170. Thanksgiving Day: dinners, 156; firesides, 207 ; Topliff, Obedience, marriage, 192. celebration, 218. Topography, of Boston, vii. Thaxter, Samuel, business and descendants, 6J. Tories, 98, 17 2 • Thayer, Cotton, house, 229. Tower of London, 202. Thayer, John: druggist, 240; house, 275. Town Crier, 351-359. Thayer, Minot, store, 385. Town Dock, market, 53. Thayer, Samuel M., store, 385- Towne, Rev. Joseph H.: house, 157; pastorate, Third Church, name, 391. 219. Thomas, Edward, merchant, 347. Town Hall: first and second, 10; tablet, 'I; Thomas, Elias, senior and junior, 109­ old description, I I, 12; troops quartered in, Thomas, Isaiah, publisher, 3+ 12; character preserved. 14; old, 55 j illumi­ Thomas, Mary, marriage, 149- nated, g6. (See Old Stale HO/lse.) Thomas, Peter, estate, Jog. Town Meetings: over the market, 54; notable, Thompson, Benjamin, clerk, 33. (See Rumford.) 56; Revolutionary, 391, 392 ; series, 392• Thompson, Captain Erasmus, house, 190. Town Puntp, in North Square, 314- Thompson's Island, institution, 268. Town Records, x. Thompson, Thomas, new street, 349. Townsend, Ebenezer, street, 225­ Thompson, William, house, 241. Townsend, Isaac, gift, 328. Thoreau, Henry D , descent, '17. Townsend, Shippie, 208. Thoreau, John, Jr., birth,. 117. Transom \Vindow (q. v.), 33. Thoreau, Maria, last of the family, 117. Treake, John, trustee, 319­ Thoreau Sisters, Elizabeth, Jane, and Sarah, Tremere Family, '9. 117· Tremere House: descriptive essay, '9, 20; his. Thursday Lecture, instituted, 53. tory. 20; adjoining houses, 25; windows, 226. Thursday: market-day, 53; half-holiday, 141. Tremere the Pilot, 283. Ticknor & Fields, bookstore, 386. Tremont Street: residents, 231 j bookstore, J86. Ticknor, \Villiam D., store, 385. Treenail!', 124. (See Nat1s.) Tiles, Biblical, 274. Trench, John, house, 242. TiJeston, James, building-committee, 327. Trinity Church, founded, 399- Tileston, John, house, 139. Trinity, doctrine excluded, 367- Tileston, Master John: residence, 126: essay, Troutbeck, Rev. John, pastorate, 368. 139-144; accident, 139; writing, 139, 140; Trucks, protection from, 124. exercise, Johnny Crump, 141 j figure, 143; True Blues, military company, 124,. Index.

Truman's Estate, sold, 218. Vernon, Captain Fortesque, 238. Tucker, Commodore Samuel: mansion and life, Vernon, Elizabeth, school, 239­ 283; death, 284; secret stairway, 297. Vernon, Fortesque, 2J8. Tudor, Deacon John: conveyance, 311; auto- Vernon Place: (No. 23). 238, 239; houses, 249. graph, 314. 250; name. 24~ Tudor, John, gift, 328. Vernon's Wharf, 2)8. Tudor, Thomas, gift, 167. Vernon, WiJliam, plantation, 2)8. Tudor, William, in college, 131. ViaJle, Charles A., home, 22~ Turell, Daniel, house, 320. VialIe, Stephen, Jr., home, 229. Turine. Daniel, house, 312. Via)), John, vintner, 294- Turner, Job, block built by, 20S. Vinal & Orcutt, vane. 334. Tuttle, Daniel, house, 109- Vincent the Pilot, 282. Two Palaverers, sign, 272. Vinegar Bible, 167. Tyler, Andrew, goldsmith, 347. Virginia, a teacher there, 149­ Tyler, Edward: house, 109; gift, 328. Voussoirs, 227. Tyler, Miriam (Pepperrell), marriage, 347. Vyall, lohn, inn, Jo8.

UNION STREET: intersection, 31 ; comer, 33, W A DSWOR.TH ATHEN.t£UM, location, 344. 34t 100; tavern block, 95; widened, 96· Wadsworth, Captain Samuel, killed, 343. Union Wharf: passageway, 2S; owner, 238. Wadsworth, Christopher, early settler, 343­ Unitarians: and the weathercock, 335; their Wadsworth, Joseph: positions, 343; descend- first church, 368. ants, 344. United States: custom-house, 72; army, 158 Wadsworth, M. E., aid, x. (see A mn-kan); and Oregon, 174; church· Wadsworth, Peleg, at college, '3'. edifices, 391. \Vadsworth, Recompense, teacher, 205. 344. Unity Street: name and location, 151; residents, Wadsworth, Rev. Benjamin, 343. 218; described, 221-230; picture, 239, 241. Wadsworth's Massacre, 343. Universalism in Boston, 208. \Vadsworth Store, 33. Upshall (UpsaIJ), Nicholas: burial-place, 191; Wadsworth's Tower, 344- land, 238 ; descendants, 343; inn, 344. Wadsworth, Susannah (Cocke), sign, 344­ Wadsworth, Susannah, marriage, 344. Wadsworth Tablet: allusion, 47 ; essay, 343-345­ VACATIONS, school, 141. Wadsworth, Timothy: memorial and career. Valentine, Thomas, house, 80. 343, 344; sign, J44. Vanes: de~crjbed. 58, 59; Indian, 375· (See Wainscoting, Province House, 37S· Coclur~/, Grasshopptr.) Wainwright, John, sale, 46. Vane, Sir Harry, governorship, 67. Waldo, John, house, 133. Vannevar, Alexander, house, 207. Waldron, Rev. William, pastorate, 331. VassalJ Monument, 368. Walker, Captain Richard, trustee, 319­ Yassa)] (Vassell), ?\fajor Leonard: pew, 163; Walker, Edward B., house, 189­ gift, 167; autograph, 169. Walker, Rachel, marriage, 321. Veazie, Joseph, house, 110. Walker, Sarah Wybome, sale, 320. Veazie's Lane, 10ft, 109· Walker, Thomas, house, 320. Veazie, Afrs. Joseph A., aid from. ix. Wallack, f\,loses, armorer, 402. Vernon, Admiral Edward: popularity, 60; image, \Valsh's Lemon-stand, 154. 60-62; tavern, 61. Walter FamjJ~·, reminiscences, 134- Index. 437

Walter, Rev. William: rectorate, 169; house, Wayne, Captain Benjamin, bouse, 286. 268. Weathercock: allusion, 327; essay, 332-338; in Wanton, Edward, inn, J44. Cambridge, 334; in Middle Ages, 335. (See 'Vanton Family, four governors, 344. And~"t.) \Vard, Captain William, house, 230. \Vebb, Barnabas, charity, 144­ Ware, Rev. Henry, Jr.; residence~, 157, 208; Webb, Elisha, teacher, 143. pastorate, 331 ; doctrines, 335. Webb, IIenry, his family, 156. \Var of 1812: resort of officers, ']0; relics, 124; Webb, Margaret, marriage, 156. a soldier, 152; battles, 158; celebration, 230; Webb, Mary, charity and Character, 125, 188 major, 250. 189- Warren, Commodore Sir Peter, e%pedition, I I. Webb, Nathan, teacher, 200. Warren, Dr. John, condition of Boston, 123. Webb, Rev. John: house, 220; pastorate, 299. Warren, Dr. John C., vane, 377. Webb, Sally, marriage, 188. Warren, General Joseph: portrait, 57; free- Webb, Samuel, family, 188. masonry, 97; club, 27 2 ; orations, 274, 393· Webster Avenue, 229, 230. Warwhoop, Revolutionary, 393. Webster, Daniel: great picture, 57; bust, sS; \Varwick, 1.Iass., 167. speech in Andover, 99. \Vashburn, James, house, 243· Webster, Professor John White, 284. Washington City: SnelJing's death, 1SS; sym­ \Vebster, Redford, druggist, 284. metry, 383. Weekes, Samuel : pew, 163; autograph, 169. Washington Elm, guarded, 335. Weeping Willow, North Square, 311. Washington, George: last visit to Boston, 13; Weiss, John, wife, 181. portrait, 57; hat-peg, 70; bust, 166; recep­ Weiss, Rev. John, family, 181. tion, 200; aide, 207; correspondence, 325; Wellington, Alfred A., grocery, 82. death-bell, 331; visit (of 1756 ), 384; entry, Wells-Adams House, essay, 107-110. 393· \VelJs, Benjamin Tuttle, house and family, 109. Washington, Lawrence, estate, 60. Wells, John, house, log. \Vashington Street: Tileston's walk, 143; pas­ W elJs, John B., house, 242. sage to, 357; Province House, 375, 377; (No. \Vells, John T., aid, ix. 329), 378; School Street building, 383; boun­ \Vells, Mayor: house, 157; estates, 2JS, 249· dary,38+ (See Neck, Old Soul".) Wells, Thomas, appointment, 169. Wasp, pilot-boat, 282. Welsh Slate, specimen, 295. Watchhouse, bell, 330. Welsteed, Rev. \VilJiam: pastorate, 331; doc- Watchmen's Cries, J60. trines, 335. Water-llliJJs, 124. Wendell, Oliver, grave, 369· Waters, Ebenezer, house, 155. Wenham, Mass., Kimball family, 226. Waters Family, ISS, West Boston Bridge <,. v.), gale, 170. (See CtU,,· Waters House, location, 126. /wit/gt, CluzrusttnlJn.) Wateraton, Rev. Robert C., pastorate, 299. West-Enders, fights, 257. Water-tables, 207, 227. West End: school, 141; homes, 272. Watertown, Mass., minister, 181. West India Goods, 88. Watson, David, purchase, 270. Wetherbee, Jeremiah, house, 256. Watson, Doctor, the lantern-claim, 152. Wharves: several, 238; principal, 281, 282. Watson Family, estate, 270. Wheaton, Caleb, gift, 328. Watts, Edward: pew, 163; autograph, 169. 'Vbeildon's Pamphlet, '52. Watts Family, coat-of-arms, 192. Whigs: convention, 99; zeal, 295. Way, Lieutenant Richard, trustee, 319- Whipple, Edwin P., literary resort, JS6. Index.

Whispering Gallery, 271. Winchester, Mass-, n~e, 157. Whist, game of, 313. Winchester, Stephen, house, 157. Whitebread Alley, houses, 29S. Windmill Hill, name, 190. Whitefield, Rev. George, voke, 0392. \Vindow-arche8, 227. White, Isaac, gifts, 311, 328. \Vindow-frames, solid, 48, 107, 108, 110. White, John, wealthy baker, 284­ Window-lights: many-paned, 166, 170; diamond- Whitman Family, bouse, 125. shaped, 288. Whitman Iiouse, fireplace, 26}. Window-seats: preserved, 33; mahogany, 2g6. Whitman, Samuel, house, ISo. \Vindow-sills, brick, 346- Whitmore, \V. H., aid from, ix. Windows: Dot rebated, 19; in Marshall's Lane, \VhiUen Family, pew, 163. 33; shut in, 71; sizes varying, 149 j gener­ Whittier, John Greenleaf, literary resort, )86. ous, 156 ; small, 180; narrow, 207 j wide, 225, Wiggin, Charles Edward: aid, iXj house, 157. 226; low, 232; swinging, 249; oval, small, Wiggin, James Simon, residence, 256. 293· Wiggin Street, 205. VVine,at funenUs, ~ Wigglesworth, l.trs. Edward, aid, x. \Vine--ceJlars, Child's, 399- Wild, Elisha, marriage, 273. Winnisimmet Ferry, 202. (See C"~lmJ.) "1'ild, Priscilla (Greenwood), 273. Winship & Janes, in plan, 77. Wilkes, John, letter, 203, 204. \Vinslow, Admiral John A., portrait, 57. Wilkinson, John, house, 256. Winslow, Elisha D., wife, 313. Wilkinson, Simon: land, 209 j house, 24 1• Winslow, John, wife and grave, 369. Willard, Rev. Samuel: grave, 370 j pastorate, Winthrop, Adam: title and house, 108, IOC); 391• another of the name, 109; grave, 369. William and Mary: charter, 237; patronizing VVinthrop, Fitz Jobn, grave, 369- King's Chapel, 366. \Vinthrop, Governor J oho: administration, 61 ; Williams, Alexander, bookstore, 386­ grave, 369 ; land, 384 ; garden, 391 ; old b~ Williams Court: thoroughfare, 357; belJ, 360. 393· Williams Farm, milk, 276. VVinthrop, James, in college, 131. Williams, J. l\t. S., boybood, 208. Wintbrop, John, governor of Connecticut, graft, Williams, Jonathan, estate, 350- 3&). Williams Portraits, 312. \Vinthrop, Professor John: in Harvard, 101; Williams's Comer, 281. grave, 369. Williams, Uncle Jeff, ferry, 276. ,Vinthrop, Thomas lindaU, grave, 369­ Williams, \Villiam: autograph, shop, and niece, 'Vinthrop, 'Vait Still, grave, 369- 61; gift, 328. ,v iscasset, Maine, 188. 'Villis, Charles: sailmaker, 89; father and son, \Visner, Rev. Benjamin B., pastorate, 391. 89· \Vitchcraft Excitement, 392- Willis, Nathaniel Parker, literary resort, ,386- Woart, Rev. John: rectorate, 169; residence, Williston, John, house, 256. 190· \Vilson, Captain John, pilot, 283. \Vood-carving: specimens, 45, 61, 118; Skilling's, \Vilson, Henry, portrait, 57. 206. Wilson, James: toWn-crier, 357, 358; character Wooden Houses: used .for fuel, 124, 171; Hull and methods, 359. Street, 179; forbidden, 216; old, 383. Winchester, Colonel William P., 157. Woodward, Nathaniel: fami)}·, 239; house, 275. Winchester, England, emigrants, 231. \Vorcester County, 97. Winchester Family, house, 110. \Vorcester, Dr. Joseph E., wife, 298. Winchester, Indian boy, 231. Worcester, Mass., newspaper, 34. 439

Wren, Sir Christopher: designs, 166; school of Young, Dr. Thomas, club president, 272. architecture, 368. Young Men, famous resort, 80. Wright, James, house, 230. Young, Rev. Joshua, pastorate, 299- Writing, tAught, 139, 140. (See C";rograp"Y.) Youth, overseen in church, 309- (See BtJ)'s, Writs of Assistance, 400. em/arm.)

YARD, spacious, 2g6. (See Gartlms, N,wIII ZAltA, a drama, S6­ End.) Zermatt, SUDShine, 72•

University Prell: John Wilton and Son, Cam~.