INDEX. ABBOTT, 'BENJAMIN, house and bequest, Il~ Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company: Abbott Hall, 116- founders, 10; armory, s8 j charter-member, Abington, Mass., chaise-hire, 330. 68; drummer, 100; Major Bray, 153. Abrahams, Benjamin, house, 287. Ancient Tunnel (,. fl.), 265-267. Abrams, William, a centenarian. '25. Ancient Weathercock (,. fl.): paper, 332-338; Adams, President John: bust, s8; adherents, Croswell's poem, 332, 333; material and eyes, 70. 333; repairs, 333, 334; liberality, 335; verses Adams, John, house, 117. from the Latin, 335-338. (See Vants.) Adams, John Quincy, portrait, 57. Anderson, John F., aid, x. Adams, Philip, hoU»e, 109. Andirons, brass, 207. Adams Residence, 107-110. (See We/Is.) Andover, Mass., political meeting, 99. Adams, Samuel: stirring speeches, 12; governor- Andrew, John Albion, portrait, 57. ship, 13; portrait, 57; interview with Revere, Andros, Lady, grave, 370. 98, 99; club, 27 2 ; request, 325; grave, 370; Andros, Sir Edmund: governorship, 10; trou­ heading committee, 393. bles, 255; interest in Chapel, J6s; demand, Adams, Thonla5, estate, 124. 392• Adan Estate, 349. Anne, Queen: birthday, 96; reign, ]66. Adan, John R., positions, J48. Ann Street: a mission, 307; vane, 333; draw- African Joe, violin, 68- bridge, 349; inn and mail, 350. Agassiz, Louis: fossils reconstructed, 344; lit- Ann-Streeters, fight, 257. erary resort, ,386. Antiquarian Authority, 268. Air-furnace, Revere's, 324­ Apothecary's Corner, 384. Aldermen, London, 204. Appleton, Lydia, marriage, 109­ Ale, sold in English fashion, 358. Appleton, Miss G., aid, x. Alger, Rev. William R., pastorate, 299­ Appleton, Mrs., gift of vane, 377. AJlen & Ticknor, bookstore, 385. Appleton's Journal, article in, 71. Allyne Ilouse, architecture, 87. Appleton Tablet, 368. Alnwick Castle, 401. Apprentices, call to, 99- Amblard, the tailor, 69. Apthorp, the rich merchant, 368• American Army, organized. 12. Archzological Institute, honorary membership, American Authors, aided, 385- 99· American Cities, characteristics, 383­ Archbald, the apothecary, 240. America, the hymn, 157. Arch, by the waterside, 265-267. Amherst College, Beecher, 260. Architecture: old specimens in Boston, vii, 87 ; Amory, Jonathan, residence, 296­ wooden, 81; on Prince Street, 115; churches, Amory, Thomas C., aid, x. 166; contrasts, 293; model, 311; Dutch, 320. Indo:. Argus, the brig, 187. (See SII;/JI.) Baker the Pilot, 282. Armstrong, Samuel, house. 300. Bakeries: Kettell's, 110; Prince Street, 12), 124; Artillery Company, Atwood, 285. Snelling's, 1SSe Artillery, new regiment, 324. Baldwin, Mrs. Dr., charity, 125. Aspinwall House, architecture, 87. Baldwin, Rev. Thomas, pastorate, 188. Aspinwall, Samuel: house, 157; Foster Street, Ballad of French Fleet, 392. 258. Ballard, Daniel, house. 190. Astor's Fur-trade, 287. Ballard Family, pew, 163. Asylum for Indigent Boys: location, 134, 268; Ballast, bricks, 204- secretary, 273. Ball's Alley, location, 347. Athenzum, Boston, librarian, 298. Baltic Voyages, 207. Atkins, Captain Henry. house and position, 284 Baluster, carved, JOO. Atkins, Gibbs (Gibbes): gifts, 311 , J28; auto- Bangor, Maine: Thoreau family, 117 j stages, graph, 314- 350· Atkins, Martha (Mrs. Gray), 194. Bangs, Captain Niles C., house, JOO. Atkins, Silas, house, 12,S, 194. Bangs, Elisha: houae bought, autograph, 281 ; Atkins, Thomas G., house, 109­ gift, 328. Atlantic Avenue, a short cut to, 25­ Banisters, old, 118. Atwood, Charles, aid, x. Bank-records, 140. Atwood, Deacon John, character, 284, 28S­ Baptismal Basin, gift, 109­ Atwood, John, Jr., home, 285. Baptist Bethel, 208. Atwood's Oyster.house, 33. Baptist Churches: Charlestown, 171; North Aucldey, Samuel, 230. End, JOS. Auctions, bell used, 359. Baptists, secret meetings, loS. Austin, Benjamin, Jr., political influence, 90. Barber, John, tradition, 152. Austin, Charles, killed, 90. Barber, one wanted, 167- Austin, Joseph, bakery, 286- Barbour, John N., assistance from, ix. Austin, Samuel: gift, 128; autograph, 329­ Barnard, Bartholomew: house, 312; land, 31g. Austin's Buckle-shop, 110. (See DIU"klts.) Barnard, Captain Thomas: friend of Newman. Avis Family, house, 231. 151; tradition, 152. Ayer, Dr. Joseph C., house, 287. Barnard, Captain John, career and death, 314­ Ayres, Captain, pilot, 282. Barnard, Captain Josiah, house, 287. Barnard, Deacon John, house, 312. Barnard Family: all\L~ion, 282; house, 314­ BACK BAY, settled, 157. Barnard, Rev. John, sermon, 285. Back Street, original condition, '07. Barnes, Miles, gift, 328. Bacon, Rev. John, pastorate, 391. Barnicoat, William: fire department, 241; vane, Badger, David, busine~s, 116. 333· Badger House, 115-118. Barre, Colonel Isaac, portrait, 56- Badger, Robert, business, 116. Barrett, Deacon John, house, 228. Badger, Thomas: office and estate, 115; crier, Bartholomew, the artist, viii. 116; house, 286. Bartlett, James, house, 110. Bailey, Rev. James, grave, 370. Bassett, Joseph, houses, 229t 242• Baker, Alexander, calker (q.v.), 188. Bates, J. L, assistance from, ix. Baker, John, first dentist, 321. Bates, Martin: residences, 157, 286 j life, 287. Baker, John, privateer property, 166. Bath, Order of the, 357. Baker, Mrs. Walter, property, 313. Baxter, William S., home, 232. inde.;.:. Bayonet, one found, 123. BenoIt, Thomas, 45. Beacon Hill, new State House, 13. Bentley, Rev. William, house, 157. Beams, stout, 269. Berkeley, Bishop, voyage, J66. Bean, Horace, profession and residence, 110. Bernard, Francis: governorship, 12; refusal to Beaufet, superb, 249- (See Bllff~t.) recognize the convention, 55, 56. Bedford Street Church, 331. Bernard, Sir Scrope, scholarship, 347. Bedford Street, name and garden, 399. Berry, Joseph, wife, 228. Bedgood, Widdow, pew, 163. Berry, Thomas, marriage, 29S. Beecher, Rev. Henry Ward: kicked, 2s8; de­ Bethel, Seamen's, location, 314. gree, anecdotes, 259; character, 260. Betton, Ninjan C., house, 190. Beecher, Rev. Edward: house, 189; pastorate, Beteilhe, F., clerk, 166. (See P~/~/.) 219. Bible: gift, 167; size, 174; antique. 227; Byles, Beecher, Rev. Lyman, house, 157. 23 1• Beer, William, estate, 115. Billy Gray's (,. v.) Wharf, game, 259. Belcher, Andrew, merchant, 174. Binney, Amos, land-purchase, 297. Belcher, Jonathan: govenlorship, II, influence, Binney, Matthew: assistance from, ix; house, 167; request, 174 j niece, 231. 110. Belfry, North, 172. Bissell, Joseph: founder of Christ Church, 109 ; Belknap Family, portraits, 214. pew. 163. Belknap, Rev. Jeremy, grave, 370. Bite Tavern (f. v.), 82. Belknap Street, residents, 229, 2JOo Black, David, house, ISo. Bell Alley, name, 331. Black Horse Lane, 117. Bell, Deacon William, 311. Blackstone Bank, building, 100. Bell, Shubael, gift, 168. Blackstone Street: intersection, 31 ; how made, Bell, William, gift, 328. 116 j bridge, 346. Bell-f"')undry, 241. Blagden, Rev. George W.: house, 157; pastor- Bellingham, Richard: governorship, 10; grave, ate, 219. 391. .370. Blair, Rev. Samuel, pastorate, 391 • Bell in Hand: paper, 357-360; date, 357. Blake, John H., aid, x. Bellomont, Earl of: governorship, 10; adminis­ Blight Family, ancestors, 31Jo tration, 376. Blockade of Boston, a farce, 56. Bellows, old, 23'. Block Island, encounter at, ISo. Bells: cast by Revere, 256; in North Square, Blood-stains, on 600r, 296, 297. J09; Second Church, 327-331 ; history, 327, Blount, Anthony: pew, 163; autograph, 169. 328, 330; cost, 328, 330 j signatures, 329 j lo­ Blown-up Tower, 241. cations, 330, 331 j first, 331. (See Chi",~s.) Blue Ball, sign, 351. Belts, in architecture, 313. Bluffs, at the North End and Harbor, 192. Bennet Avenue, narrow, 117. Boarding-house, American, 320. Bennet, Peter, '99. Boardman, Darius, house, 110. Bennet, Richard, land, '99, 216. Boltwood, Mrs. Fanny Haskins, aid, ix. Bennet's Pasture, 226- Bonner's Map, 225_ Bennet Street: school. 140, 142, 231 ; buildings, Book of Possessions, '99. 205; corner, 210, 219; pathway, 230; Bates Bordman & Son, gift, 328. house, 287. (See NortA.) Bordman. William, signature, 329­ Bennet Street Engine Company, 243. Boston, a frigate, 187. (See Ships.) Rennett, Joshua, estate, 238. Boston Alleys, objection to, 272. Bennit Family, pew, 16J. Boston Antiquaries, Pemberton, 349- 408 I,Jez. Boston Bank, teDer, 273- Boston Siege, 56, 80, 81, 12]- Boston Bell' (,_ ~_); participation in history, Boston Signs (,. fl.): 60, 68, 72 ; old, 343; very 330; first, 331• interesting, 357. Boston Benefactors, Mr. Paddy, 347. Boston Stables (,.fl.), first brick, 286­ Boston Cemeteries, 191, J69, 370. (See C"!1's, Boston Stone, history, J9, 40- Gratia"" Ki"g's.) Boston Stores, old, JSJ. Boston Characteristics, chief, JSJ. Boston Streets, 239. Boston Collector, Sheaffe, 400. Boston Town and City: dramas, 156; firewood. Boston, colonial estate 10 named, 2)8. 296; conspicuous object, 332 ; treasure, 343; BOlton Common, not to be hired, 57. heart of business, J57; Revolutionary changes. Boston Encampment of Knights Templara, com· 367; Washington's visit, 384; rebellious meet­ mander, 273. ings, 392; triumphal entry, 393t 394; riotous, Boston, England, Child family, 399­ 400- Boston Engraving, 170. Boston Vote, reported, 323. Boston Evacuation, I), s6, 98, 123­ Boston Youth, hearts fired, 322­ Boston Harbor: edge, 180; bluffs, 192. Bowditch, on Judge Sewall, 179- Boston Heraldry, rare, 45. Bowdoin, James: governorship, 13; grave, 370. Boston Hills, 190. Boylston Professorship, 297, 298. Boston History: a pictorial, 10; an unwritten Boys, in church, 169- (See Cltiltlrm.) chapter, 257. Brackett, Hannah, housekeeper, 242- Boston Houses: overhanging
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