Rambles in Old Boston, New England
INDEX. ABBOTT, 'BENJAMIN, house and bequest, Il~ Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company: Abbott Hall, 116- founders, 10; armory, s8 j charter-member, Abington, Mass., chaise-hire, 330. 68; drummer, 100; Major Bray, 153. Abrahams, Benjamin, house, 287. Ancient Tunnel (,. fl.), 265-267. Abrams, William, a centenarian. '25. Ancient Weathercock (,. fl.): paper, 332-338; Adams, President John: bust, s8; adherents, Croswell's poem, 332, 333; material and eyes, 70. 333; repairs, 333, 334; liberality, 335; verses Adams, John, house, 117. from the Latin, 335-338. (See Vants.) Adams, John Quincy, portrait, 57. Anderson, John F., aid, x. Adams, Philip, hoU»e, 109. Andirons, brass, 207. Adams Residence, 107-110. (See We/Is.) Andover, Mass., political meeting, 99. Adams, Samuel: stirring speeches, 12; governor- Andrew, John Albion, portrait, 57. ship, 13; portrait, 57; interview with Revere, Andros, Lady, grave, 370. 98, 99; club, 27 2 ; request, 325; grave, 370; Andros, Sir Edmund: governorship, 10; trou heading committee, 393. bles, 255; interest in Chapel, J6s; demand, Adams, Thonla5, estate, 124. 392• Adan Estate, 349. Anne, Queen: birthday, 96; reign, ]66. Adan, John R., positions, J48. Ann Street: a mission, 307; vane, 333; draw- African Joe, violin, 68- bridge, 349; inn and mail, 350. Agassiz, Louis: fossils reconstructed, 344; lit- Ann-Streeters, fight, 257. erary resort, ,386. Antiquarian Authority, 268. Air-furnace, Revere's, 324 Apothecary's Corner, 384. Aldermen, London, 204. Appleton, Lydia, marriage, 109 Ale, sold in English fashion, 358. Appleton, Miss G., aid, x. Alger, Rev. William R., pastorate, 299 Appleton, Mrs., gift of vane, 377. AJlen & Ticknor, bookstore, 385. Appleton's Journal, article in, 71.
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