01 Annual Message

02 Mission Statement

03 Program Activities Map

05 What We Do

05 Our Philosophy

06 2010 By the Numbers

07 Our Priorities

23 Partnerships for Humanitarian Action

25 Board of Directors

27 Financial Statements

33 Annual Support

49 How You Can Help



Dear Friends of International Medical Corps: In every year since our founding in 1984 we have faced enormous challenges around the world: conflict, natural disaster and disease have been a constant threat. Yet amid an increasingly dangerous world we have been able to respond quickly, effectively and strategically, delivering emergency relief and development programs that focus on training locals so they can once again become self-reliant. This past year was as challenging as ever. It began with unprecedented calamity in Haiti with a massive earthquake that government officials estimate killed 310,000 people and displaced millions of others. We deployed hundreds of volunteers who were able to deliver lifesaving relief while training local health care workers. By the time a deadly epidemic of cholera spread across the island nation nine months later, we had trained thousands of local health workers, 1,100 of whom we were employing and who were able to quickly mobilize, provide treatment and educate communities on the disease. Similarly, when monsoon floods wiped out huge swaths of Pakistan, affecting an astonishing 20 million people, our teams of 700 trained Pakistani health workers responded rapidly throughout the country, addressing dire short- and long-term health needs and helping restore people’s lives with dignity and hope. Meantime, after four decades of civil war, South stood poised to become an independent state, yet continues to struggle with conflict and some of the worst health indicators on the planet – 1 in 4 children will not live to age five, and there are only 180 doctors for 8 million people. International Medical Corps has been working in this troubled region since 1994, and is running ambitious training programs to build South Sudan’s health care workforce. In other places like Darfur, Afghanistan, Iraq, and the Democratic Republic of Congo, we carried out our emergency response operations while continuing our training programs – providing maternal/child health care, mental health services, and clean water, sanitation and hygiene. Our ability to respond whenever and wherever we are needed most is the hallmark of our work. We are able to be flexible, innovative and effective because of the individuals, corporations, foundations, government agencies, and other partners who play a vital role in our program activities. We hope that you take great pride in what we have achieved together. We are deeply grateful for the confidence and trust that you place in us and look forward to your continued support. Sincerely,

Robert R. Simon, MD Nancy A. Aossey Founding Chairman President & CEO




International Medical Corps is a global, humanitarian, nonprofit organization dedicated to saving lives and relieving suffering through health care training and relief and development programs.

Established in 1984 by volunteer doctors and nurses, International Medical Corps is a private, voluntary, nonpolitical, nonsectarian organization.

Our mission is to improve the quality of life through health interventions and related activities that build local capacity in areas worldwide. By offering training and health care to local populations and medical assistance to people at highest risk, and with the flexibility to espondr rapidly to emergency situations, International Medical Corps rehabilitates devastated health care systems and helps bring them back to self-reliance.

02 2010 ACTIVITIES MAP AMERICAS ST. LUCIA HAITI CHILE preparedness, disasterriskreduction and hygienepromotion, emergency care andawareness, water, sanitation sexual andgender-based violence to orphansandvulnerablechildren, nutritional support,protection, care strengthening, psychosocial services, secondary healthcare, health capacity Emergency response, primaryand Development Education/Continuing Professional strengthening, ContinuingMedical Emergency response, healthcapacity capacity strengthening Emergency response, health ASIA PAKISTAN KYRGYZSTAN INDONESIA AFGHANISTAN health care, emergency response violence care andawareness, mental assistance, sexualandgender-based promotion, refugee andIDP health, water, sanitationand hygiene economic livelihoods,reproductive strengthening, healtheducation, Primary healthcare, healthcapacity psychosocial services preparedness, mentalhealthand Primary healthcare, emergency psychosocial services preparedness, mentalhealthand Primary healthcare, emergency based violencecare and awareness mental health,sexualandgender- promotion, returneeassistance, water, sanitationandhygiene strengthening, healtheducation, nutritional support,healthcapacity reforms, healthcare, maternal/child Education, hospitaladministration medical training,ContinuingMedical Primary andsecondaryhealthcare, DR CONGO DARFUR CENTRAL AFRICANREPUBLIC CAMEROON BURUNDI AFRICA &THEMIDDLEEAST to returneesandthedisplaced psychosocial services,assistance livelihoods, healtheducation, hygiene promotion, agricultural awareness, water, sanitationand awareness, HIV/AIDScare and gender-based violencecare and capacity strengthening, sexualand nutritional support,health and secondaryhealthcare, Emergency response, primary and hygienepromotion awareness, water, sanitation nutritional support,HIV/AIDS health capacitystrengthening, Primary andsecondaryhealthcare, services, childprotection medical training,psychosocial and prevention, healtheducation, support, HIV/AIDSawareness strengthening, nutritional health care, healthcapacity Primary andsecondary health capacitystrengthening sexual andgender-based violence), awareness, protection (child, care, nutritionalsupport, HIV/AIDS Primary andsecondaryhealth response tocholeraoutbreak awareness, emergency based violencecare and support, sexualandgender- Primary healthcare, nutritional education, returneeassistance care andawareness, health sexual andgender-based violence strengthening, nutritionalsupport, Primary healthcare, healthcapacity ZIMBABWE UGANDA SOUTH SUDAN SOMALIA SIERRA LEONE LIBERIA promotion sanitation andhygiene Emergency response, water, outbreak, waterandsanitation Emergency response tocholera health care water andsanitation,mental prevention, care andtreatment, support, HIV/AIDSandTB Primary healthcare, nutritional support, mentalhealthcare hygiene promotion, nutritional treatment, water, sanitationand and TBprevention, care and Primary healthcare, HIV/AIDS returnee assistance and hygienepromotion, and awareness, water, sanitation strengthening, HIV/AIDScare education, healthcapacity care, medicaltrainingand Primary andsecondaryhealth and economiclivelihoods hygiene promotion, agricultural support, water, sanitationand Primary healthcare, nutritional mental healthcare nutrition andfoodsecurity, prevention andeducation, Primary healthcare, HIV/AIDS care andawareness and gender-based violence healthcare,maternal sexual promotion, reproductive and water, sanitationandhygiene Nutritional supportandtraining, SYRIA YEMEN JORDAN IRAQ GAZA RUSSIAN FEDERATION LEBANON assistance psychosocial assistance,refugee strengthening, mentalhealthand Primary healthcare andcapacity medical supplies Distribution ofrelief itemsand psychiatric support Mental healthandcommunity refugee assistance health capacitystrengthening, and psychosocialassistance, Primary healthcare, mental health Professional Development Medical Education/Continuing economic livelihoods,Continuing to returneesanddisplaced, psychosocial services,assistance promotion, mentalhealthand water, sanitationandhygiene strengthening ofMinistries, policy reforms, capacity capacity strengthening, health emergency medicine,health Medical education, vocational trainingforyouth based violencecare andawareness, development, sexualandgender- livelihoods training,community assistance, mentalhealthcare, Primary healthcare, psychosocial training, refugee assistance conflict resolution, vocational assistance, clinicconstruction, mental healthandpsychosocial health capacitystrengthening, Primary healthcare, 2010 ACTIVITIES MAP AMERICAS ST. LUCIA HAITI CHILE preparedness, disasterriskreduction and hygienepromotion, emergency care andawareness, water, sanitation sexual andgender-based violence to orphansandvulnerablechildren, nutritional support,protection, care strengthening, psychosocial services, secondary healthcare, health capacity Emergency response, primaryand Development Education/Continuing Professional strengthening, ContinuingMedical Emergency response, healthcapacity capacity strengthening Emergency response, health ASIA PAKISTAN KYRGYZSTAN INDONESIA AFGHANISTAN health care, emergency response violence care andawareness, mental assistance, sexualandgender-based promotion, refugee andIDP health, water, sanitationand hygiene economic livelihoods,reproductive strengthening, healtheducation, Primary healthcare, healthcapacity psychosocial services preparedness, mentalhealthand Primary healthcare, emergency psychosocial services preparedness, mentalhealthand Primary healthcare, emergency based violencecare and awareness mental health,sexualandgender- promotion, returneeassistance, water, sanitationandhygiene strengthening, healtheducation, nutritional support,healthcapacity reforms, healthcare, maternal/child Education, hospitaladministration medical training,ContinuingMedical Primary andsecondaryhealthcare, DR CONGO DARFUR CHAD CENTRAL AFRICANREPUBLIC CAMEROON BURUNDI AFRICA &THEMIDDLEEAST to returneesandthedisplaced psychosocial services,assistance livelihoods, healtheducation, hygiene promotion, agricultural awareness, water, sanitationand awareness, HIV/AIDScare and gender-based violencecare and capacity strengthening, sexualand nutritional support,health and secondaryhealthcare, Emergency response, primary and hygienepromotion awareness, water, sanitation nutritional support,HIV/AIDS health capacitystrengthening, Primary andsecondaryhealthcare, services, childprotection medical training,psychosocial and prevention, healtheducation, support, HIV/AIDSawareness strengthening, nutritional health care, healthcapacity Primary andsecondary health capacitystrengthening sexual andgender-based violence), awareness, protection (child, care, nutritionalsupport, HIV/AIDS Primary andsecondaryhealth response tocholeraoutbreak awareness, emergency based violencecare and support, sexualandgender- Primary healthcare, nutritional education, returneeassistance care andawareness, health sexual andgender-based violence strengthening, nutritionalsupport, Primary healthcare, healthcapacity ETHIOPIA SOUTH SUDAN SOMALIA SIERRA LEONE LIBERIA KENYA ZIMBABWE UGANDA promotion sanitation andhygiene Emergency response, water, outbreak, waterandsanitation Emergency response tocholera health care water andsanitation,mental prevention, care andtreatment, support, HIV/AIDSandTB Primary healthcare, nutritional support, mentalhealthcare hygiene promotion, nutritional treatment, water, sanitationand and TBprevention, care and Primary healthcare, HIV/AIDS returnee assistance and hygienepromotion, and awareness, water, sanitation strengthening, HIV/AIDScare education, healthcapacity care, medicaltrainingand Primary andsecondaryhealth and economiclivelihoods hygiene promotion, agricultural support, water, sanitationand Primary healthcare, nutritional mental healthcare nutrition andfoodsecurity, prevention andeducation, Primary healthcare, HIV/AIDS care andawareness and gender-based violence healthcare,maternal sexual promotion, reproductive and water, sanitationandhygiene Nutritional supportandtraining, SYRIA YEMEN JORDAN IRAQ GAZA RUSSIAN FEDERATION LEBANON assistance psychosocial assistance,refugee strengthening, mentalhealthand Primary healthcare andcapacity medical supplies Distribution ofrelief itemsand psychiatric support Mental healthandcommunity Professional Development Medical Education/Continuing economic livelihoods,Continuing to returneesanddisplaced, psychosocial services,assistance promotion, mentalhealthand water, sanitationandhygiene strengthening ofMinistries, policy reforms, capacity capacity strengthening, health emergency medicine,health Medical education, refugee assistance health capacitystrengthening, and psychosocialassistance, Primary healthcare, mental health vocational trainingforyouth based violencecare andawareness, development, sexualandgender- livelihoods training,community assistance, mentalhealthcare, Primary healthcare, psychosocial training, refugee assistance conflict resolution, vocational assistance, clinicconstruction, mental healthandpsychosocial health capacitystrengthening, Primary healthcare, INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL CORPS

WHAT WE DO We help people build a better, healthier future, wherever they are, whatever the conditions. In emergencies, we deploy immediately to assist victims of natural and man-made disasters. In fragile states and nations striving to recover and progress, we bring the tools and knowledge for long-term development. Whatever our task, we teach skills that empower local communities and promote self-reliance.

OUR PHILOSOPHY We believe self-reliance is only possible through lasting solutions anchored in local culture, affirmed by local decision-making and carried out by local residents trained with the necessary skills that then become a community asset. That is why we draw over 95 percent of our staff from local communities and place key decisions in local hands, offering a unique intensity of focus that lifts people to their fullest potential.








In 2010, International Medical Corps reaffirmed its role as one of the world’s most respected humanitarian relief organizations


In August, we were the first – and the skills for self-reliance – is the only – international humanitarian key component of this process. assistance organization on the Social protection, especially for scene to treat victims of one of a community’s most vulnerable the year’s worst human people, is also crucial. Progress rights crimes, the mass rape toward these goals comes from in the Walikale area of eastern a mutual respect and self-confi- Democratic Republic of Congo. dence that allow the human spirit and communities to thrive. That’s And in October, we quickly why training and education have mobilized again in Haiti to been at the heart of our work respond to a cholera outbreak. since we undertook our first By year’s end, we had scaled program more than a quarter up operations throughout Haiti century ago. It is why our focus to meet the ongoing needs, on women and children is a with a staff numbering approxi- priority – whether our work is in mately 1,100 – more than 95% the mountains of Southwest Asia, of them Haitian. the rainforest of Sub-Saharan Africa, or on an island in the The year was just 12 days old But with growing development North Atlantic. when we responded to the needs of the world’s poorest earthquake that struck Haiti, nations, deploying in emergencies Sharing knowledge and skills is leaving 316,000 dead and to save lives is just the start of an International Medical Corps much of the country’s capital, our work. We believe the greater hallmark; our programs carry Port-au-Prince, in ruins. challenge is to improve the qual- these ingredients, no matter how ity of those lives we’ve saved and challenging the environments. We Six months later and half a strengthen the societies we touch are especially proud that in 2010, world away in Pakistan, we for the long journey from disaster we continued our mission despite again responded; this time, to self-reliance. It is a challenging the demands of an increasingly our local staff of some 750 task that unfolds gradually, with difficult security environment. Pakistanis assisted those hard work, patience, our ability It was truly a test of all five of trapped by South Asia’s worst to build trust among local resi- our priority areas: Emergency monsoon flooding in memory. dents, and the wisdom born Response; Capacity strength- It was a disaster that claimed of our experience in complex ening: Women’s and Children’s nearly 2,000 lives, left one-fifth settings around the world. Health and Well-being; Mental of the country under water, and Health; Clean Water, Sanitation, destroyed vast swaths of the We believe strengthening and Hygiene. nation’s rich agricultural land. capacity – and training to acquire



Whatever the conditions, we quickly deploy around the world and immediately assist survivors of disaster and communities in peril. In 2010 we continued our well-respected legacy of working closely with local and national authorities to prevent and prepare for emergencies.


Supporting communities to meet their own needs is our central goal. It is how our work began 26 years ago and is where our present and future successes lie. As both a training organization and an emergency relief and development group, we continued this tradition in 2010 in some of the world’s most challenging environments. WOMEN & CHILDREN

In emergencies, 80 percent of those who bear the burden caused by conflict and disaster are women and children. Yet they are the key stakeholders in promoting good health and building stable, self-reliant communities. We believe focusing programs on the well-being of mothers and children – as well as strengthening the roles of men and boys – is both the right thing and the smart thing to do. In 2010, we again delivered important maternal/child health services, providing: lifesaving antenatal and postnatal care; improved child-feeding and immunization programs; income-generating job programs that enable mothers to earn money by working from home; and programs to heal and comfort survivors of sexual and gender-based violence.

EMERGENCY RESPONSE & MENTAL HEALTH PREPAREDNESS Although mental illness draws less public attention and donor awareness than widely feared communicable diseases, it quietly saps the strength of developing societies. We train local staff to recognize and treat those with symptoms of this often-over- looked disease, in order to build strong, stable communities.


Because clean water, adequate sanitation and good hygiene practices are essential components to good public health, we assist households, communities and local governments in water projects large and small – from building and maintaining wells and latrines, to establishing water and waste management systems. We also prioritize hygiene promotion and education so that communities have the knowledge they need to better protect themselves from the threat of waterborne illness. 2010 ACTIVITY HIGHLIGHTS HAITI

There is no doubt that it is easier and faster as experts to treat people ourselves, but while that may be easier, Following the January 12 earth- quake and throughout 2010, we it is not sustainable.” - Nora Hellman, Volunteer Nurse, Haiti expanded our resources to help survivors begin the painful task of recovery. While maintaining our focus on emergency treat- capital of Port-au-Prince, we enormous dislocation and ment needs, we also turned to conducted a course on the loss of loved ones and the longer term goal of helping emergency obstetrics for both livelihoods. Haiti build a more reliant health physicians and midwives. We care system. In a nation that has also conducted trainings on Later in the year, as cases so little, it is a task of decades. Disaster Risk Reduction to emerged of acute watery As we so often do, we began help the Haitian health diarrhea in the northern area our recovery work with training. care infrastructure better of Artibonite, our medical teams prepare and respond to future immediately recognized it as a In rural areas around Petit emergencies. We addressed the nascent and virulent outbreak Goave, west of Port-au-Prince, pressing need for mental health of cholera and mobilized, setting and in Jacmel to the south, services on several fronts. In up clinics in and around the epi- we trained Ministry of Health eight of our primary health care center, and quickly extending to workers in emergency trauma clinics, we trained general prac- other affected areas throughout care – skills that will strengthen tice physicians to identify and Haiti. We also trained physicians the first-response system to offer initial treatment for mental and nurses how to treat and save lives both in future natural health issues, while at a more manage the deadly infectious disasters or in more isolated advanced level, we offered disease, unknown in Haiti for emergencies such as fires and training to staff at the Mars over a century. We concurrently traffic accidents. The program and Kline Psychiatric Hospital launched a massive outreach draws on the initial portions of in Port-au-Prince. At a national campaign to educate local an Emergency Medical Care level, we worked with Haitian communities about treatment Development program that we authorities to develop a country- and prevention of the disease, have successfully implemented wide mental health strategy. All as well as the importance in low- and middle-income are important steps in a country of clean water, hygiene countries elsewhere. In the whose population has suffered and sanitation.



Our health care teams were the first to reach — and treat — survivors of an attack involving mass rape.

For more than a decade, international outcry that extend- International Medical Corps ed to UN Secretary-General has braved challenging security Ban Ki-Moon and Secretary conditions to provide emergency of State Hillary Clinton. health care to nearly 2 million civilian victims trapped in The incident served to deepen ongoing violence in the Demo- our commitment to alleviating cratic Republic of Congo – a the widespread suffering, conflict that has contributed including launching two multi- to more than 5 million deaths year programs to assist and and is considered the bloodiest protect survivors of the country’s since World War II. epidemic of gender-based violence (SGBV). We began In 2010, the violence reached work on a five-year, $16 million help those affected by it regain disturbing new levels. In August, cooperative grant that will help their livelihoods. In conjunction our health care teams were the us reach survivors of SGBV with this, we began a $10 mil- first to reach – and treat – survi- and improve the quality of lion program, also for five years. vors of an attack involving 250 medical and psychosocial ser- Entitled Beinvenue aux Change- mass rapes carried out by rebel vices provided to them. Under ments dans la Communaute soldiers over a four-day period in the Care, Access, Safety and (BCC), the program focuses the Walikale area west of Goma. Empowerment (CASE) project, on countering SGBV in commu- As the only humanitarian group funded by the US Agency for nities through behavior change working in the area, it was left International Development, we communication. to our staff to report the carnage work with community-based to a shocked world, sparking an groups to prevent SGBV and


THE DEMOCRATIC SIERRA LEONE REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO Our work targets more than Our health care teams were 50,000 mothers to block the the first to reach — and treat onset of malnutrition in a — survivors of an attack country plagued with involving mass rape. endemic food insecurity.

Our work in Sierra Leone ment work there between 1999- began in 1999, and after a brief 2008, and relies on the mother absence, we returned in 2010 to care groups for the essentials take a lead role in an ambitious of nutrition, hygiene and healthy five-year program that takes a recipes for a sustainable, sup- holistic approach to preventing portive community environment. malnutrition in children under To supplement nutrient-rich two. Our work targets more foods distributed to mothers than 50,000 mothers, from and babies during the program, pregnancy through birth up to participating households also the child’s 24th month, to block receive rations of oil, bulgur and the onset of malnutrition in a lentils for other family members. country plagued with endemic The program’s training com- food insecurity. One-third of ponents include teaching “lead Sierra Leone’s children under mothers” to conduct household five suffer chronic symptoms sessions on nutrition and other of the disease. health-related issues for groups of up to ten mothers. We also Our work leverages strong instruct Health and Sanitation relationships with local Ministry health service staff community and district-level in growth monitoring and health management staff integrated management of developed over our decade childhood illness. of emergency relief and develop-


I was worried about my children suffering, but I’m relieved they’ve received treatment today.” - Munawar, 25, Sindh Province

Following monsoon rains that Because we integrate mental Since many health facilities in unleashed the worst flooding in health care in many of our Pakistan were damaged by the Pakistan in over 80 years, we emergency relief efforts, we floods and lack medicines, basic immediately deployed mobile are providing psychosocial medical equipment and supplies, medical teams, comprised support including teaching International Medical Corps is entirely of local Pakistanis, to local coping mechanisms to undertaking a long-term plan to provide emergency health care help those whose lives have assess needs, rehabilitate health and deliver critical supplies. As been devastated by the floods. facilities and train local staff in floodwaters began to recede collaboration with government and the more than 20 million In addition to medical and men- health officials. In addition to affected began to return to their tal health services, International providing required equipment communities, we expanded our Medical Corps deployed hygiene per needs assessed, we also outreach throughout Khyber promoters to address needs in will repair damaged facilities, Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab and Sindh the worst-affected districts as including water and sanitation provinces where a real danger well as deliver hygiene kits and infrastructure, to bring them to remained of a second wave of clean water. Today, our local a functional state. True to our death from severe shortages of teams continue to provide mission, International Medical clean drinking water and water- health care and education on Corps also will provide training borne diseases including acute hygiene & sanitation, as well as to government health care staff respiratory infection (ARI), acute implement critical nutrition and in these facilities so that they can diarrhea and skin disease. livelihoods programs. provide quality health care ser- vices to the affected population.


I was worried about my children suffering, but I’m relieved they’ve received treatment today.”

When I first came six years ago, there was no training for doctors. Today, I am one of 15 trainers here.” - Dr. Sediqi , Rabia Balkhi Hospital Kabul, Afghanistan

In 2010, we continued a assurance mechanisms, helped In other fields, we conducted commitment first made over improve communications within midwifery training programs in 25 years ago to help Afghans the hospital, and established a Paktika and Khost provinces, deliver better health care to sustainable procurement system where skilled health care for their people. A key goal: helping for medicines and other hospital mothers-to-be is scarce. In the the Afghan government reduce supplies. A few miles away, at remote northeastern province some of the world’s highest the Wazir Akbar Khan Hospital, of Nuristan, where security con- maternal and infant mortality the country’s largest teaching ditions are especially unsettled, rates. This year our work hospital, our staff conducted we were the only international focused on improving the training for both physicians health care group to provide capacity of the country’s leading and nurses and taught lab basic primary health care. hospitals. We helped strengthen technicians how to operate so- senior management at the phisticated equipment. We also Rabia Balkhi Hospital in Kabul, worked to improve basic hospital the country’s premier women’s maintenance. In Paktika Province hospital and the largest referral near the border with Pakistan, center for maternal and neonatal we also continued to operate health. We conducted staff the main provincial hospital as training, implemented quality well as smaller outlying facilities.

16 2010 ACTIVITY HIGHLIGHTS 2010 ACTIVITY HIGHLIGHTS 2010 ACTIVITY HIGHLIGHTS THE MIDDLE EAST For the first time in my life I feel that I am a good mother. I have learned how to be independent and how to deal with my children’s challenges.” - An Iraqi refugee living in Syria

International Medical Corps in radiation oncology for train- refugees can gather in a safe began operations in the Middle ees from the Basra Children’s and healthy environment. In East in 2003, as one of the first Hospital as well as a short-term addition, through high-quality international NGOs to enter Iraq oncology training program for and accredited Continuing following the outbreak of war. nurses. We also operated a large Medical Education courses, Since then, we have expanded and successful advanced training we’re strengthening the skills our presence in the region, program for physicians, nurses, of Jordanian and displaced Iraqi implementing comprehensive and medics in emergency medi- medical specialists. In Lebanon, programs in Syria, Jordan and cal care. we provided PHC services at Lebanon that range from relief, 7 clinics, including prenatal to community development, to In Syria, Jordan and Lebanon, and postnatal care, as well government capacity strength- International Medical Corps con- as immunizations for children. ening. With support from the tinued to provide medical care, And on land donated by the US Office of Foreign Disaster training, mental health and psy- municipality in the impoverished Assistance, as well as the chosocial services, and critical and underserved neighborhood Bureau of Population, Refugees, resources for Iraqi refugees and of Qubbeh in Tripoli, Northern and Migration, International host populations overwhelmed Lebanon, we reconstructed, Medical Corps works in these with the additional burden on furnished, and equipped a countries to address the unique existing public services. In Syria, polyclinic to provide quality, challenges and needs of people International Medical Corps pro- low-cost services to the com- displaced in an urban context, vided Primary Health Care (PHC) munity. Additionally, we provided an ever-increasing global trend. services and trained 24 primary theoretical and on-the-job train- care physicians in psychosocial ing to over 100 PHC providers In our eighth year in Iraq, care and recognition of mental on recognition, treatment, and we continued our work to illness. In Zarqa, one of Jordan’s management of common men- strengthen health care through largest and poorest urban cen- tal health disorders – and we professional development and ters, we established the Bayt are working with the Lebanese continuing medical education Alkol (Home for All) community Psychiatric Society on institution- initiatives. We provided an inten- center to serve as a place where alizing our training curriculum at sive hands-on teaching program community members and Iraqi a national level. 18 2010 ACTIVITY HIGHLIGHTS


International Medical Corps is taking the lead in a three-year project to strengthen capacity of countries to prepare for outbreaks with pandemic potential.

International Medical Corps tests of national, regional The project brings together is taking the lead in a three- and local pandemic prepared- national governments, health year project funded by the ness plans to ensure that our sectors, the private sector, civil US Agency for International globe’s least-resourced coun- society groups, communities, Development (USAID) Bureau tries of Africa and Asia have individuals and families to for Global Health to strengthen the capacity to implement plan and test preparedness the human capacity of countries response plans effectively capabilities, then develop a to prepare in a timely and sus- during pandemic events, while “preparedness toolkit” and tainable manner for outbreaks aiming at the integration of training scheme to maintain with pandemic potential. The pandemic preparedness into the capacity needed to deal project, called PREPARE, focus- wider disaster management with a pandemic. es on the provision of technical and preparedness initiatives. support for simulations and field


PREPARING FOR PANDEMIC THREATS MILESTONES OF 2010 Jason Biggs discuss future plansforHaiti. Medical Corpsto meet withInternational Presidents Geroge W. BushandBillClinton In theirvisittoPort-au-Prince,former MARCH 22nd to imagine.” that are hard in conditions up, working their sleevesrolled the front lineswith Medical Corpsrighton our work,saying“I’veseenInternational Anderson Cooperlendshissupportto JANUARY 20th Macy Gray Jessica Capshaw Josh Malina health sciencemission. toward theuniversity’s outstanding contributions San FranciscoMedalfor University ofCalifornia Aossey isawarded the President &CEONancy APRIL 29th dollars toward relief efforts forsurvivors. the majormedia, theUScommitsmillions of cial UNinvestigationand coveragebyallof DRC.Followingaspe- one villageineastern to anincidentofmassrape of250womenin MedicalCorpsalertstheworld International AUGUST &SEPTEMBER hosted byOscar-winning efforts inHaitiatanevent PSAs aboutourrelief timeandtalent,torecord Celebrities donatetheir JANUARY 29th Dule Hill composer Hans Zimmer. MILESTONES OF 2010 Leadership Center Business Civic Stephen Jordan emergencies. members during tens ofmillions online coupongiant’s Groupon toreach the Corps partnerswith Medical International OCTOBER 1st SEPTEMBER 28th Thanks tothegenerous support of theEdgertonFoundation, Najeeb Ghauri Netsol International MedicalCorps International partners firstwithThe Geffen Playhouseand OCTOBER 29th President &CEONancy Aossey ringstheNASDAQ Stock MarketClosingBell our workintheCongo. to raiseawareness of in LaJollaandBerkeley later withplayhouses to promote awareness of our workinPakistan Nancy Aossey for survivorsof the floods.

Terry Riordan Founder’s Award. Citizen Award; andDr. ShamailAzimiwiththe Management anditsPartnerswiththeGlobal with theHumanitarianAward; Oaktree Capital event inLosAngeles,presenting Dr. SabrinaKay of lifesavingworkaround the worldwithagala MedicalCorpsmarks25years International NOVEMBER 9th International MedicalCorps. International Esquire Housecharityevent,whichbenefits celebration ofEsquire Magazine’s 8thannual Global Ambassador, hoststheopeningnight Sienna , MedicalCorps’ International OCTOBER 15th Sienna Miller Bob Simon Board Members Henry Hood Felicity Huffman Bill Robinson PARTNERSHIPS & LEADERSHIP


COLLECTIVE HUMANITARIAN ADVOCACY International Medical Corps works with NGO coalitions, networks and alliances to achieve common humanitarian objectives. Within InterAction, the largest alliance of US-based relief and development agencies working around the world, International Medical Corps holds leadership positions through service on the board of directors and as co-chair of its Humanitarian Policy and Practice Committee. Our membership in the International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA), a global association of NGOs, provides a voice to promote human rights and to advocate in support of a humanitarian perspective in global debates together with our international NGO partners. As co-chair of the Humanitarian Health Caucus of the Global Health Council, the world’s largest alliance of organizations dedicated to improving health throughout the world, we work to highlight specific health issues, challenges, and concerns that surface in humanitarian emergency settings. We also continue to be an active participant in the NGO Leaders Forum convened by the Hauser Center for Nonprofit Organizations at Harvard University. This semi-annual gathering of chief execu- tives of US-based international relief and development NGOs provides an opportunity to explore challenges and consider collective action around the most pressing issues facing our community.

Another critical component of collective humanitarian advocacy is directed toward policy- makers in Congress and the Administration. We strive to support and promote public policies that improve the effectiveness of US humanitarian and development programs, as well as the need for necessary resources. Through briefings by our key field-based representatives with members of Congress and their staff in Washington and overseas, International Medical Corps is able to provide first-hand accounts of the needs and issues around humanitarian response. International Medical Corps contributed its best ideas to the US Global Development Policy, announced by President Obama at the United Nations in September. We also participated with many other international stakeholders in the process around the first-ever Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review by the State Department and USAID. The QDDR’s purpose is to strengthen and elevate diplomacy and development as key pillars of US foreign policy.


GLOBAL HEALTH CONFERENCE SPOTLIGHT As co-chair of the Global Health Council Humanitarian Health Caucus, International Medical Corps co-sponsored an event with AmeriCares at the annual Global Health Conference in Washington, DC, that brought together partners from the Haitian government, PAHO/WHO, and the US military to share perspectives on the humanitarian health response to the devastating earthquake in Haiti. The session, entitled, “The First 30 days: Emergency health response in the aftermath of the earthquake in Haiti”, featured a panel that included Dr. Neil Joyce, who led International Medicals Corps’ health response in the immediate aftermath of the disaster. The Humanitarian Health Caucus is a professional forum where practitioners of public health in complex emergencies can meet to exchange experiences and compare methods and results.

A FOCUS ON GENDER EQUALITY AND GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE Building upon its strong foundation in emergency response and women’s and children’s health and well-being, International Medical Corps took leadership roles in inter-agency working groups within the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC). As co-chair, together with UNICEF and UNFPA, of the Gender-Based Violence Area of Responsibility working group, International Medical Corps collabo- rates with UN agencies and other NGOs to facilitate a more predictable, accountable, and effective protection response to gender-based violence in complex emergencies. International Medical Corps has also assumed a leadership position as co-chair of the IASC sub-working group on Gender and Humanitarian Action. The group works to achieve gender equality, ensuring that the human rights of women, girls, boys, and men are equally promoted and protected in humanitarian action, and ensuring that they have equitable and safe access to services provided.

CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVE (CGI) COMMITMENT TO ADOLESCENT GIRLS IN HAITI International Medical Corps, together with national and international NGO partners, is actively working under the auspices of the Clinton Global Initiative to bring attention to and meet the needs of adolescent girls in Haiti. The organizations comprise the Haiti Adolescent Girls Network, which commits to empower the most vulnerable Haitian girls, ages 10-19, in the wake of the devastating earthquake through a program of social, health, and economic asset building in protective girl-only spaces.

STRENGTHENING ACCOUNTABILITY TO AFFECTED COMMUNITIES International Medical Corps has become a member of the Humanitarian Accountability Partnership (HAP). HAP provides a framework for addressing principles of accountability and standards, and helps organizations design, implement, assess and recognize programs accountable to – and delivering quality for – communities affected by disasters, conflict, poverty and other crises.

IMPROVING THE ABILITY TO DELIVER CRITICAL MEDICINES AND SUPPLIES International Medical Corps forged new, and strengthened existing, partnerships in 2010, all aimed at improving our ability to deliver essential medical equipment and supplies quickly to needy recipients in times of emergency. We received tens of millions of dollars in Gift-in-Kind donations of medicines, supplies and equipment from AmeriCares, Bridge Foundation, Child First Meds, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Heart to Heart International, Henry Schein Cares, Interchurch Medical Assistance, International Health Partners, International Relief Teams, Luftfahrt ohne Grenzen/Aviation without Borders, Medicines for Humanity, and Operation USA.



International Medical Corps Worldwide is a global humanitarian alliance that comprises the resources and capabilities of two independent affiliate organizations, International Medical Corps and International Medical Corps UK. Together, their mission is to save lives and relieve suffering through the provision of health care through training. With headquarters in the United States and the United Kingdom respectively, they collaborate to maximize resources for the delivery of appropriate relief and development activities.


Founder and Chairman Drew E. Altman, Ph.D. William Robinson, M.D. Robert R. Simon, M.D., FAAEM President & CEO Chief Medical Officer Professor Kaiser Family Foundation Bozeman Deaconess Hospital Department of Emergency Menlo Park, California Bozeman, Montana Medicine, Rush University, Stroger-Cook County Hospital Lori B. Bookstein Nancy E. Shelmon, CPA Chicago, Illinois Lori Bookstein Fine Art Retired Senior Partner New York, New York PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Associate Chairman Rancho Santa Fe, California Henry H. Hood, Jr., M.D. Linda N. Cappello Orthopaedic Surgeon , California Jolie Stahl Lancaster, Ohio New York, New York Edward J. Carpenter Secretary of the Board Chairman & CEO Christine J. Toretti Mrs. William F. Riordan Carpenter & Company Chairman Salisbury, Maryland Irvine, California Palladio, LLC Indiana, Pennsylvania Treasurer of the Board Paul Dean, M.D., M.P.H. William B. Moore, M.D. Public Health Specialist Orthopaedic Surgeon and Dermatologist Directors Emeriti Santa Fe, New Mexico San Diego, California Nancy Kassebaum Baker President & CEO Betty J. Pope Former United States Senator Nancy A. Aossey Newport Beach, California Burdick, Kansas International Medical Corps Santa Monica, California Richard J. Riordan Former Mayor of Los Angeles Los Angeles, California

INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL CORPS (UK) BOARD OF TRUSTEES Chairman Susan J. Corder Timothy Kirk Andrew W. Géczy Middlesex London London Hendrik Cornelis Treasurer London Nancy A. Aossey



J.J. Abrams Debbie Fisher Pamela Mohn Los Angeles, California Malibu, California Los Angeles, California

Andrew F. Barth Jonathan M. Glaser Barry A. Porter President Managing Partner Managing General Partner Capital Guardian Trust Co. JMG Capital Management, LLC Clarity Partners, LP Los Angeles, California Los Angeles, California Beverly Hills, California

Brook Byers Andrew G. Hauptman Carol Sharer Founding Partner Chairman Vail, Colorado Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers Andell Holdings Menlo Park, California Los Angeles, California Vivian Soren-Myers Management Consultant Alex L. Cappello Sabrina Kay Newport Beach, California Chairman and CEO Chancellor and CEO Cappello Capital Corp. Fremont College Hans Zimmer Santa Monica, California Los Angeles, California Santa Monica, California

Victor J. Coleman Katie McGrath Managing Director, Los Angeles, California Hudson Capital, LLC Los Angeles, California


Jerrold D. Green Sienna Miller Stacy Twilley President & CEO Actress and Activist Founder & CEO Pacific Council on United Kingdom iVolunteer.org International Policy Los Angeles, California Los Angeles, California



The following is International Medical Corps’ Statement of Financial Position and Activities for the years ended June 30, 2010 and 2009.


2010 2009 Assets Cash and cash equivalents $9,088,008 $8,323,100 Grants receivable 10,115,523 5,233,141 Other receivables 2,124,066 1,826,117 Investments in equity securities 440,129 360,030 Prepaid expenses 1,161,141 1,384,530 Deposits 203,904 135,394 Inventory of supplies and commodities 6,008,974 360,986 Equipment, net 1,803,044 1,183,682 Total assets $30,944,789 $18,806,980

Liabilities and net assets Accounts payable $1,965,211 $1,955,079 Accrued liabilities 5,530,523 4,404,282 Deferred revenue (refundable advances) 8,862,554 7,807,491 Deferred rent 386,164 432,645 Notes payable 180,801 -- Obligation under capital leases 865,725 144,809 Total liabilities 17,790,978 14,744,306 Total net assets 13,153,811 4,062,674 Total liabilities and net assets $30,944,789 $18,806,980



2010 2009 Public support and revenue Public support Contract and grant support $81,153,786 $60,716,065 Contributions 7,547,428 3,092,327 Donated medical supplies 42,011,498 51,274,707 Donated medical services 1,865,366 287,087 Total public support 132,578,078 115,370,186

Revenue Interest and dividend income 5,990 12,697 Realized and unrealized gain on investments 41,749 (137,740) Other 447,596 -- Total revenue 495,335 (125,043)

Total public support and revenue 133,073,413 115,245,143

Expenses Program services Africa 50,111,361 46,162,015 Asia 12,874,082 10,874,671 Caucasus 1,290,416 890,377 Middle East 31,033,242 54,599,610 South/Central America and the Caribbean 14,669,741 6,634 United States 27,842 158,557 Total program services 110,006,684 112,691,864

Program management and evaluation 4,282,070 3,542,778

Supporting services Management and general 8,898,908 7,365,950 Fundraising 794,614 722,076 Total expenses 123,982,276 124,322,668

Change in net assets 9,091,137 (9,077,525)

Net assets at beginning of the year 4,062,674 13,140,199 Net assets at end of this period $13,153,811 $4,062,674

KPMG LLP audited financial statements are available on request from International Medical Corps. 28 2010 FINANCIALS


The following is International Medical Corps-UK’s Statement of Financial Activities and Balance Sheet for the years ended June 30, 2010 and 2009.


2010 2009 Income and expenditures Incoming resources Incoming resources from generated funds Voluntary income £3,406,768 £3,100,527 Incoming resources from charitable activities 21,120,537 16,293,634 Total incoming resources 24,527,305 19,394,161

Resources expended Cost of generating funds Cost of generating voluntary income 34,068 78,145 Charitable activities Africa 11,425,299 10,780,161 Asia 6,325,952 3,116,609 Caucasus 598,367 604,651 Middle East 2,436,375 3,689,839 South/Central America and the Caribbean 2,535,964 -- Total charitable activites 23,321,957 18,191,260 Governance cost 19,878 27,504 Total resources expended 23,375,903 18,296,909

Net movement in funds 1,151,402 1,097,252 Fund balance brought forward at July 1, 2009 2,351,581 1,254,329 Fund balance carried forward at June 30, 2010 £3,502,983 £2,351,581



2010 2009 Fixed assets Tangible assets £4,063 £5,191

Current assets Debtors 3,208,482 2,569,349 Cash at bank and in hand 2,160,031 1,415,564 5,368,513 3,984,913 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (1,869,593) (1,638,523) Net current assets 3,498,920 2,346,390

Total net assets £3,502,983 £2,351,581

Funds and reserves Income funds Restricted funds 3,471,650 2,258,537 Unrestricted funds: general fund 31,333 93,044 Total funds and reserves £3,502,983 £2,351,581

The above statement of financial activities and balance sheet have been adapted from the full financial statements of International Medical Corps-UK. For a full understanding of the charity’s finances, the full International Medical Corps – UK Annual Report and Accounts are available on request from International Medical Corps-UK. The full financial statements were prepared in accordance with applicable law and United Kingdom Accounting Standards and were audited by Buzzacott LLP, who issued a clean audit report.



The resources of International Medical Corps Worldwide global operations – consisting of government and UN grants, private funds, and donated products and services – totaled more than $166 million in fiscal year 2010. Approximately 93% of these resources went directly to program activities, reflecting International Medical Corps’ deep and enduring commitment to fiscal responsibility and efficiency. In addition, as a result of International Medical Corps’ longstanding emphasis on leveraging resources, every dollar in private contributions helped generate $30 in additional cash and in-kind resources.

COMBINED STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES, INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL CORPS AND INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL CORPS-UK* 2010 2009 Support and revenue International Medical Corps-UK $30,289,741 $25,183,066 International Medical Corps 88,413,808 63,340,999 Total contract and grant support 118,703,549 88,524,065

International Medical Corps-UK 4,071,726 4,601,454 International Medical Corps 43,876,864 51,561,794 Total donated services and supplies 47,948,590 56,163,248

Total support and revenue 166,652,139 144,687,313

Expenses International Medical Corps-UK program services 32,908,633 28,454,108 International Medical Corps program services 113,506,013 115,892,292 Total program expenses 146,414,646 92.9% 144,346,400 93.9%

International Medical Corps-UK management and general 1,477,453 1,202,222 International Medical Corps-UK fundraising 46,217 116,514 International Medical Corps management and general 8,898,908 7,365,950 International Medical Corps fundraising 794,614 722,076 Total supporting services 11,217,192 7.1% 9,406,762 6.1%

Total expenses 157,631,838 100.0% 153,753,162 100.0%

Change in net assets 9,020,301 (9,065,849)

Net assets at beginning of the year 4,360,811 13,426,660

Net assets at the end of the year $13,381,112 $4,360,811

* The combined statement of activities for International Medical Corps and International Medical Corps-UK are based on US accounting principles and presented in US dollars.


KPMG LLP audited financial statements for International Medical Corps and Buzzacott LLP audited financial statements for International Medical Corps-UK are available upon request. International Medical Corps is governed by accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. International Medical Corps-UK is governed by relevant legal and regulatory requirements of the United Kingdom in accordance with the Companies Act of 1985. ANNUAL SUPPORT


Your generosity is truly making a difference in the lives of millions

International Medical Corps would like to thank the following institutions, individuals, and organizations for their support and partnership throughout 2010. This year we were inspired by your unprecedented support for people suffering the effects of war, disease, and disaster – your generosity is truly making a difference in the lives of millions. We also would like to thank our donors who wish to remain anonymous, as well as those who have volunteered their time and expertise to help us achieve our mission. Additionally, we give special thanks to the donors we were not able to list due to space limitations. International Medical Corps also would like to acknowledge those organizations with whom we have partnered during 2010.

Every donor is important to us. If your name is not listed correctly, please accept our apologies and notify the Resource Development Department at 310-826-7800.


Australian Agency for United Nations Development Program International Development United Nations Office for Centers for Disease Control Project Services and Prevention United Nations Office for the Coordination of Department for International Development Humanitarian Affairs European Commission United Nations Population Fund Humanitarian Aid Department of the United States Agency for International European Union Development Jersey Overseas Aid Commission United States Agency for International Ministry of Public Health, Islamic Republic of Development/Office of U.S. Foreign Afghanistan Disaster Assistance Office of the United Nations High United States Department of Health and Commissioner for Refugees Human Services Stichting Vluchteling United States Department of State Swiss Agency for Development and United States Department of State’s Bureau Cooperation of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor USA/US Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan/ United States Department of State’s Bureau DOS/TAFT Fund of Population, Refugees and Migration United Nations Children’s Fund United States Institute of Peace United Nations Development Fund World Food Program for Women World Health Organization



140 Hours of Fame Columbia University International Relief Teams Afghan Help and Training Program Cooperazione Internazionale International Research & Exchanges Board Africa Humanitarian Action Creative Photography Workshops IntraHealth International Inc. Agility - PWC Global Logistics Crossroads School for Arts and Sciences Iraq Ministry of Education Holdings Ltd. Direct Action Resource Center DARC Jersey Overseas Aid Commission ACDI/VOCA Dokument Films JewelMint American Academy of Family Physicians Eastern Massachusetts Bill Koch Youth JHPIEGO Corporation American Bar Association Rule of Ski League John H. Stroger Cook County Hospital, Law Institute EDO Health - D.I. Khan Emergency Department American Red Cross Emory University, Amnesty Johns Hopkins University - Bloomberg American Refugee Committee International Club School of Public Health Arists & Athletes Alliance Enough Violence & Exploitation Joint Aid Management Asher Luzzatto Esquire Magazine Jordan Breast Cancer Program Australian Agency for European Commission Jordan Health Aid Society International Development Extra Lives Jordan River Foundation Authentic Agency Fernando Pullum Performing Arts School Kids Play Int’l. Bar Marmont Gallup Senior High School La Jolla Playhouse Basic Education for Awareness Reforms Gaza Community Mental Health Program Laser Plus Imaging, LLC and Empowerment Geffen Playhouse Learning Through Play Haiti Baylake Pines School Global Deterrence Alternatives, LLC Legal Resource Foundation Be the Change GlobalGiving Leverage Management Blue Veins (Women Welfare and Google Los Angeles County Museum of Art Relief Services) Great Nonprofits Management Sciences for Health BMB Mott MacDonald Ltd. Groupon, Inc. Marshall Area Peace Seekers Brentwood School Harvard Humanitarian Initiative MD Buyline Inc. Brooklyn Museum Hawthorne School MedPrep Consulting Group, LLC Creative Artists Agency Foundation Helping Hand for Relief and Development The Medtronic Foundation Cars4Causes Hennessy Mercy Corps International Catholic Relief Services Highland Hospital, Oakland, CA Metropolitan Water District Causecast Hilltop Community Church Ministry for the Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Hopital de l’universite d’etat d’Haiti Population - Haiti Centre for Research on the Epidemiology Humanitarian Assistance & Ministry of Health and Child of Disasters Development Association Welfare - Zimbabwe Choral Society of Durham Humanitarian Medical Relief Body Ministry of Medical Services - Kenya Church World Services IdealPhilanthropy, LLC Ministry of Public Health and Climb Take Action Impact 4 Good Sanitation - Kenya


Ministry of Public Health, Islamic Republic of Search for Common Ground United Nations Office for Afghanistan Service Employees International Union Project Services Mira Costa High School Associated Student Shade Hotel United Nations Office for the Coordination of Body Slate PR Humanitarian Affairs Mirror Media South Asia Partnership - Pakistan United Nations Population Fund MissionFish Stanford University United States Agency for International Development Mobile Cause StatAid United States Agency for International National Geographic Society Stichting Vluchteling NIKE, Inc. Development/Office of U.S. Foreign Swiss Agency for Development Disaster Assistance Nile Hope Development Forum and Cooperation United States Department of Health and Northwestern University Syrian Arab Red Crescent Human Services Office of the United Nations High TakePart United States Department of State Commissioner for Refugees Texas A & M University United States Department of State’s Bureau Olympic High School The Exterior Relations Department of the of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor Oromia Bureau of Finance and Economic President and the Government of the United States Department of State’s Bureau Development Chechen Republic of Population, Refugees and Migration Oromia Health Bureau The Government of Saint Lucia United States Institute of Peace Oromia Region Disaster Prevention, The Government of the Republic United Talent Agency Foundation Preparedness and Food Security of Zimbabwe United Way of King County Commission The Western Equatoria State Minister University of California Los Angeles Participant Media of Health University of Chicago People Helping People The World Internet Resources for Education Polytechnic High School & Development University of Connecticut Presbyterian Relief and Theo’s Java Club University of Illinois Development Agency TriMed, Inc. Urban Sports Organization President and Fellows of USA/US Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan/ Viceroy Hotel, Santa Monica Harvard College DOS/TAFT Fund Vision Workshops Ralph’s Market United Nations Children’s Fund Visual Purple, LLC & Affiliates RAND Corporation United Nations Development Fund Waxploitation Company RecycleBank for Women William Morris Endeavor Foundation Remote Control Productions, Inc. United Nations Development Program World Food Program RUSH University Medical Center, United Nations Humanitarian World Health Organization Emergency Department Aid Service World Vision


$10,000,000 - $19,999,999 $100,000 - $499,999 Interchurch Medical Assistance, Inc. (IMA World Health) Bridge Foundation United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) GlaxoSmithKline Pakistan Limited United Nations World Food World Health Organization (WHO) Programme (UNWFP) Nike, Inc. $5,000,000 - $9,999,999 United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) International Relief Teams (IRT) Ministry of Health, Sudan AmeriCares Foundation Health Partners International-Canada (HPIC) $2,500 - $4,999 National Aids Control Program (NACP) $1,000,000 - $4,999,999 $25,000 - $99,999 IMRES B.V. Direct Relief International (DRI) Medicines for Humanity (MFH) Aesculap Luftfahrt ohne Grenzen e.V. Under $1,000 Heart to Heart International $5,000 - $24,999 Mercy Corps Programme National de Nutrition Sud-Kivu Child First Meds - Lucress Watson and Dick International Health Partners (UK) Centrale Humanitaire Médico- Watson Children’s Foundation Limited (IHP) Pharmaceutique (CHMP) ABBOT GmbH & Co. KG Boehringer Ingelheim Ellas A.E. United Nations High Commissioner $500,000 - $999,999 for Refugees (UNHCR) Operation USA




$1,000,000 and Above $50,000 - $99,999 $10,000 - $24,999 Hess Corporation Anonymous (2) Anonymous (5) Agility The Aidmatrix Foundation $500,000 - $ 999,999 Amgen Foundation Drew Altman Association of Physicians of Pakistan- American Academy of Amgen Descent of North America Orthopaedic Surgeons Clinton Bush Haiti Fund Aramex International, Ltd. Gregory and Robin Anderson The ELMA Philanthropies Services (U.S.) Arlene Foundation Frederic M. Ayres Inc. Andrew and Avery Barth Nathaniel A. Back Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Scott Cook and Signe Ostby Bank of America Merrill Lynch Oaktree Capital Management, L.P. Gruber Family Foundation Bingham Family Foundation Norman David Kay 2000 Revocable Living Davis Bongo-Okili $250,000 - $499,999 Trust John and Lisa Brady Sabrina Kay Canyon Partners, LLC Anonymous (1) The Medtronic Foundation Margaret A. Cargill Foundation California Community Foundation Carol H. Sharer Causecast Foundation GlobalGiving Foundation Christine J. Toretti Aubrey and Joyce Chernick Zahid Group Consolidated Health Plans $100,000 - $249,999 Zaman International Kathleen and Paul D’Addario Linda Daly Charitable Foundation American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee $25,000 - $49,999 Lew and Pilar Davies AmeriCares Foundation Debevoise & Plimpton LLP Anonymous (4) Conrad N. Hilton Foundation James and Judith Deitch Robert J. Abernethy Jewish World Watch Alexis Deutsch-Adler and Robert Adler American Academy of Family Physicians Gina Deutsch Joseph Drown Foundation Foundation Thea Duell The Earth Council - Geneva Douglas and Sandra Bergeron Ernst & Young U.S. LLP Edgerton Foundation The Brinson Foundation Inter-American Development Bank Debbie, Damon, Colten and Edward J. Carpenter Jaden Fisher MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger Center for the Study of Democratic Mark A. Fishman The Kenneth T. and Eileen L. Norris Institutions, Inc. Josh and Beth Friedman Foundation Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund Fadi, Rula, Fares and Bassel Ghandour Union for Reform Judaism Jon and Nancy Glaser Global Impact Daniel M. Wheeler The John and Marcia Goldman Foundation Carol Hall and Leonard Majzlin James and Susan Hart IBM Employee Services Center The Hauptman Family Foundation International Relief Teams Hess Foundation, Inc Islamic Association of Greater Detroit Martha and David Ho Islamic Center of America Innogive Foundation Islamic Shura Council of Michigan Bruce and Martha Karsh The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation Kathleen McGrath and Jeffrey J. Abrams Bernard H. Kastory Jarl and Pamela Mohn Leander and Alex Krueger James and Annabel Montgomery Latter-day Saints Humanitarian Emergency Steven and Vivian Myers Response Barry and Lea Porter Leon Lowenstein Foundation Elizabeth Romney David and Susan Martin Foundation in William and Janet Ryan honor of Dollyie Martin and Skoll Global Threats Fund Madilyn Wolber Mucki Tan and Yulies Irawan Daniel and Susan Marus Jeffrey Minh Tran Mason Hirst Foundation, Inc. Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Caroline and Guy Merison Alexandra Wenger Willem and Lisa Mesdag Sienna R. Miller


Mobile Giving Foundation, Inc. CNMK Texas Properties, LLC Mako Foundation Network for Good The Angela Collier Foundation Chris and Mary Martin Northern Trust Samantha and John Colodny Erica and Brian McLoughlin Eugene and Catherine Ohr Margaret Conklin Tom Meyer and Julie Stevenson Robert O’Leary John and Mary Conlin Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Ed and Betty Pope Crossroads School for Arts Shayle Miller and Jin-Soo Kim Anthony Pritzker Family Foundation and Sciences Mindspeed Technologies, Inc. The Lisa and John Pritzker Family Fund Hassen Dakroub Mira Costa High School Associated Richard J. Riordan Gregory and Sandy DeSisto Student Body George and Cindy Rusu Do Unto Others Katrina Mohn and Jason Graber Sheryl Sandberg and David Goldberg Evy of California, Inc. Morgan Stanley & Co. Inc. Lisa J. Scheller Alisa Freundlich Munger, Tolles and Olson, LLP The Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving The Friedland Foundation Musaed Nuri Al-Saleh Management Sid and Lorraine Sheinberg The Global Bridge Foundation Advisory Co. LLC Robert and Marilynn Simon Goldman Sachs & Co. Joanie Nasher Bruce and Stacy Simon William and Gillian Gover O’Melveny and Myers LLP Michael C. and Pauline L. Smith Robert J. Harr Shahin A. Orci Todd Spector Ben and Sheila Plotkin Jolie Stahl and Robert M. Dannin John and Melinda Powell C. William Sundblad The Ernest Prete Jr. Foundation Mark and Victoria Sutherland PricewaterhouseCoopers The Three Sisters Foundation Providence Baptist Church Gustavo Uribe The Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts Program Mr. and Mrs. Archbold D. van Beuren William and Fay Rea van Beuren Charitable Foundation, Inc. Remote Control Productions, Inc. D. Michael and Claire Van Konynenburg Jeremy and Anna Richmon Teresa Jane Riordan $5,000 - $9,999 Bruce Rogers Anonymous (5) Dr. Ken Rosenfeld Musaed N. Al-Saleh Santa Monica Rotary Club and Foundation Nancy A. Aossey in honor of David and Sandra L. Sewell Eileen Aossey Louis Shepard Henry Schein Cares Foundation Inc. American Medical Systems, Inc. William E.B. and Laura Siart Patricia Herson Timothy D. Armour Todd and Betiana Simon Hilltop Community Church of Christ David and Lisa Auerbach Eric and Susan Smidt Henry H. and Eleanor Hood Baker Botts L.L.P. Brian and Stephanie Spector Hamilton and Amie James in honor of Ambassador Frank and Kathy Baxter James M. Sutter Kathleen Breen D’Addario Sandra Berg Kathy Taggares Neil Joyce, M.D. and Kristin Brown Berliner and Hammerman Families Michael Trent and Angela Telerski JustGive John Berookhim Stacy Twilley and Michael Kong Deborah Kahn and Harris Miller Bingham Kearns Charitable Fund Paul and Betsy Von Kuster Alice M. Karoub Bloomberg L.P. Thomas and Katharine Waldmann Kayne Foundation, Ric & Suzanne Kayne, David and Helena Watts Daniel and Esther Brabec Jenni, Maggie and Saree Employees of Wayne County, MI Janice Brandt Wendy and Tad Kelly Wells Fargo Bank Brentwood School Jena and Michael King Western Colorado Community Foundation Gerald Breslauer David and Sharon Kirchheimer Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson Greg Broughton The Kirshenbaum Family Fund The Joan M. Wismer Foundation Kim and Virginia Caldwell KPMG The Wonsowicz Family A Corporate Matching Gift From “The Lamonica’s New York Pizza Capital Group Companies Charitable Hilaire D. Lanaux Jr. Foundation” The Larch Foundation Capital Guardian Trust Company $2,500 - $4,999 Lifeplus Foundation Laurie and Gerard Cappello Anonymous (11) John and Heather Little CB Richard Ellis Cy and Donna Abraham Dickson M. Lupo CCS Fundraising Fred and Elizabeth Adkins Marc L. Luzzatto in honor of Asher Luzzatto Ken and Mary Cirillo AKC Fund, Inc.


Kirk Alexander Marianna and David Fisher Lila Ishie Ally John and Laura Foster Ira Almeas Garrison Forest School American Eagle Outfitters Foundation Maureen Gevlin and Charles Roh, Jr. Robert F. Anderson Ossama Ghebrial Annenberg Foundation Google Matching Gifts Program Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. Wm. Christopher Gorog Kevin and Essie Asher Grantors Foundation Janet J. Assi Kate M. Greenacre Association of Private Sector Colleges Marc Gurvitz and Julianne Phillips and Universities Hugh Gwynn James Avedikian Ronald S. Haft The Barmore Fund William W. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Bay Mary R. Hearty in memory of Beecher Carlson Holdings, Inc. Richard J. Hearty Thilo and Elizabeth Best J.C. and Susan Henry Wardens and Vestry of Saint John’s Church Sheri and Les Biller in honor of Linda David and Mary Anne Heyman San Marino High School Cappello and Sabrina Kay Gary and Jane Hibler Cynthia and Edward Santos Stanley Black Highland Emergency International John R. Schaefer Jason J. Bonanca Michael P. Hoopis in honor of Sabrina Kay Ambassador Rockwell and Marna Schnabel Booth Heritage Foundation, Inc. Lawrence D. Jaeger Robert and Jeanne Segal Bridget Bourgon Michael and Barbara Kadoura Senn Delaney Chris and Kim Brothers Gary Kaplan Joel and Lisa Shine Deborah Burdett Kayne Anderson Capital Advisors, LP Beverly K. Shulman Richard and Margaret Byess John and Nancy Kennedy Allie and Tani Simon Linda and Alex Cappello Lisa V. Koenig South Side Bank Chambersburg Area Senior High School Daniel Lahoda Mandy Steinmetz Lewis Cheney Gordon Lamb Kimberly and Joshua Stokes Visnja Cipcic Karen and John Lanigan Superior Grocers John and Nicki Conti David Lanning Susan and Misbah Tahir Jack B. Corwin Mark Larrimore Tenth Gate Center for Yoga and Meditation Anthony G. and Kathleen A. Coughlan Laser Plus Imaging, LLC Laura Timm Alison Bryan and Richard R. Crowell Scott Livingston Trystan Upstill Margo Day Lloyd Family Foundation Utopia Systems, Inc. Paul and Nelly Dean Lloyd Inc. Thadius R. VanLandingham The Earl Family Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Lochead L. Kerry Vickar Charitable Foundation Kathie and Robert Eckert Maine Township High School South Renee Vogel Scott Emerman Pam Merrill Tine Ward Joan R. Estrem Richard and M. Kathleen Merrill Barbara Ann Watkins and Jerry Wayne The F & L Greenberg Investment Ltd. LLP Meghan and Satish Mohe The Winter Family Fund Farmer John Prashant and Renae Murti Fred and Susan Wintermantel Lelani J. and Bradley C. Fauvre Claudia Neuhauser Robin P. Wolaner Nancy Fish Augie and Lynne Nieto Mark Wolfendale Adam J. Ockman Ihor Zakaluzny Talmadge O’Neill Mary and Jeffrey Zients Erika Paulson William E. Pechstein $1,000 - $2,499 Denise Peterson Anonymous (43) Gordon and June Pickett Nellie R. Abraham William and Eva Price Jonathan I. Abrahams RAND Acores International, Inc. Arthur D. Riggs Mary and Harold Adams William and Deborah Robinson Peter and Elaine Adams Robert and Debbie Rodin Robert and Julie Adams Roth Family Foundation Eric L. Affeldt The Sager Family Traveling Foundation and Roadshow Sona Aggarwal


Agron Inc. Ninita Brown Gina M. Divenuti Priscilla A. Ahern Bobby Bryant Margaret Doig Saad Ahmad John Bryson and Louise Henry Bryson Rick Donovan Paul Ahola Diana Buckhantz Drs. Alan and Joanna Douglass David Alarcon Chuck Buie Stephen A. Driscoll Dr. Martin G. Allen Matt Bunker Mike and Hannah Ducey Alan, Sophie and Linda Alpert Keisha and Matthew Burdick Ann Dugan Nancy Alpert Lee and Judy Bycel in honor of Duke Doctor of Physical Therapy Program David Ansell and Paula Grabler Nancy Aossey East West Bank Mona Maria Aossey in honor of Sean B. Byrne Eastern Green Elementary School Eileen Aossey Cape Fear Academy Steve and Jean Edwards Lisa Arenson and Ian Schapiro Ramona L. Cappello Michael J. and Elise L. Egan Dr. Laura J. Arigo Suzette Ramirez-Carr and Robin Carr David and Jean Ehnebuske Joseph and Elizabeth Armao Cars 4 Causes Charles and Diane Eilers Laura Aryeh Murawczyk Francis B. Carter Gary Elden and Phyllis Mandler Steven and Susanne Assante in honor of Jane H. Caulfield Kathleen Eldergill Flora B. Assante Kelly Chapman Meyer Rossana S. Eltanal Astoria Federal Savings Kathryn Chen and Jason Bonanca Moise and Carol Ann Emquies Oshiomogho Atogwe Sailesh Chittipeddi EOS Foundation William H. Ayres Henry Y. Choi John and Kristin Epstein Dr. Peter Baciewicz Thomas Christian Phyllis Epstein Bain & Company Annie Chuang and Matthew Beltramo Thomas and Suzanne Ball Clarendon Memorial Hospital Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth H. Bancroft Katherine Clark Bank of America Foundation Cynthia and Paul Cleveland Edward Barnoski William and Dexanne Clohan Matt and Kathy Barrett Victor and Wendy Coleman Susan Barrett in memory of Jeff and Ruth Colyer Vernon J. Roden, M.D. Consumer Health Technologies, Inc. Evan Bash Gretchen and Peter Corbell Barbara Bataillon Dorothy Corbett Sally Batz Brent and Pam Cousino Willow Bay and Robert Iger Joe and Debbie Cowal Lynn W. Bayer Aileen Adams and Geoffrey Cowan Ronald and Cynthia Beck David Craig Bennington Public School Craig Jenkins Charitable Foundation Melissa and Daniel Berger Elaine Crocker Mr. H. Allen Evans in honor of Pansy Evans Jason Berv Michael Cunney Bryan and Quinn Ezralow A.D. Bicak Jessica Cushman and Paul Schulz Peter J. Fadde Robert A. and Krista G. Binnie Chip and Tammy Cushman Jean Farmer Alan and Renee Birman Shirley Cutaia Vic Fasolino Mark and Cathy Bissell Barbara D. Davis Russell Faucett William G. Bixler Davis Family Trust Cece and Bill Feiler Phyllis M. Blake in honor of Linda Gutmann Sandra Davis Robert Feldman David T. Blankenhorn Pam Dawber Albert and Yasmine Ferris in memory of Donald and Shawna Bliss Jelmar de Jong James Ferris Alfred Boeckli Marta G. de Zapata John Fields Christian Boissonnas Deacon Chartiable Foundation Fife Family Foundation, Inc. in honor of Lori Bookstein and Steven Potolsky Theresa Dear Will Cragin Robert Borchardt Richard A. Deem Michael Finn Thomas B. Bracken Dale and Lisa Dellacqua First Unity Church of St. Petersburg Gary Brant Del Mar M.E.D. Arnold and Judy Fishman Brayco, Inc. Dennis Deloria and Suzanne Thouvenelle Pam Fleischer Jay Brecker and Eileen Cowin Susan J. DeLuca Richard and Barbara Flowers in honor of John and Sirpa Brock Department of Neurology, University of William E. Flowers Erica Broido New Mexico Ford & Harrison LLP Ellen and William Brown Deschutes Investments Advisors Natalie Forrest and Douglas Sprague


Eric Haab Kathleen Kalil Adolf Haasen Morton and Merle Kane Matthew Hagen Jaejoon Kang Robert and Elizabeth Hamel Ian M. Kaplan Clare Hamlet Michael and Cindy Kaplan Rebecca L. Hammon Roy Kaufmann April Handel Jonathan Kaye Walid and Norma Harb James Keach Laurie Harbert Andrea Keating Andre Harnanto On behalf of the Kelly families Robert F. Hartmann Sami Khouri Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation Kids Play Int’l Kathleen Hassen Kindred Spirits Peter Hawkins King Phillip Middle School in honor of Dr. Mark and Cherylana Foss Lawrence Hayes Robert Fuller Laura Fox Richard L. Heath Todd B. Kirshner Marc Freeman Gregory Heinzinger and Kerstin Pfann Ronald H. Kisner Edward Friedmann and Elizabeth Coyte Janet Henderson Amy Williams Kitt Dan Fung Joanne Henning Joyce Klein Elizabeth C. Funk Herst Family Foundation of the Jewish Edwin C. Knapp Sarah Gadd Community Endowment Fund Cathy Konrad and James Mangold Cristin Gaffney Robert W. Hewitt George Kramer Ellen Gaimari Jacob Heydemann Susan and Stan Krcmar The Galanos Foundation Leonard Hill in honor of Boryana Zeitz Nathan Kriege Ms. M. Caroline Gamble Gregory Hoblit and Debrah Farentino Doris and Daniel Krimgold Suzanne Gauntlett Laura A. Hoganson in memory of Naomi and Edward Kritzer Gary Paul Hoganson GE Foundation Ruby S. Krouwer Sunny and Josh Holden Norbert Gehr Michael Krulfeld Monica Holguin Barry Gertz Jennifer Lafferty Frank and Jolene Hollingshead Jane Gilday Peter Lamberson M. Quincy and Mary Sherwood Holt Rick and Lynn Giovinazzo in honor of Lang Foundation George Clinton Michael Hooshmand Harry W. Lange Sue B. Glasscock Debby and Paul Hopper Barbara and Nicholas Lardy in honor of Cynthia Glazar in memory of Paul Manning Mr. Mike Horansky Dr. Diana Lardy Marsha Gleeman Jean Horner Thomas and Karon Larmore The Glickenhaus Foundation James and Bethany Hornthal Sidonia Lax Gary and Kristin Godfrey Dr. Ihab A. Hosny George Lee Pradeep Goel Dennis Hotchkiss Gregory Lee Stan and Abbie Golden David and Elizabeth Howland Joan and Roger Lee Richard Goldstein Sherry and Clark Hsu Pei-Ling Lee Esteban Gomez Nadal Edwin A. Huston Carl Lehner Kirk Gorden The Hyman Levine Family Foundation Stephen G. Leider Brand Gould and Jinx Garza Dominica Iannitti Robert Levy Glenn Gould IASIS Healthcare Cynthia S. Graff Independent Charities of America Robert V. Graziano Bill Ingram Kristine and Henry Grazioso Gabriella and Edward Isaacson Greater Grace Apostolic Assembly Islamic Center of Cedar Rapids Jerrold and Madelyne Green in honor of Jack Travis Enterprises, LLP Judy Fishman Grace and Tom Jackamo Douglas Greenfield Denise Jacob Greenlight Capital Inc. James and Denise Jacob Alan Griffin Beth Jameson The Grosby Group Jigsaw London Connie Groves and Jonathan Witt Brett Matthew Johnson Helen and David Gustavson Kevin Johnson Kahn Foundation


Lighthouse Christian Fellowship in honor of Thuan Nguyen Chris Rose Jeffrey Goodman Alexandru Nitu Jonathan and Lynn Rosenthal Jane Lloyd Northeastern Scaffolding Services The Rotary Club of Hanalei Bay in honor of Lumina Foundation for Education James T. Nystrom Charlotte Hunter Steven and Gayle Lund Janet O’Brien Rovi Solutions Corporation Barbara Luzzatto Carrie O’Dell Diane Rowland The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Drake Ogilvie Gary and Cathy Rozek Foundation Richard and Harriet Orkand Linda and Tony Rubin in honor of Adelheid J. Mager Charles Osborne Regina Miller Eileen Magruder JoAnn Ottman RuffaloCODY William L. Malone Parnia Pajand Stephanie A. Rumold Daniel Maloney Elsie C. Pan Nancy L. Ryan Mamaroneck High School - Students Taking Shaun Park Philip K. Ryan Action Now For Darfur John and Helen Pavlak Sabre Value Management Dennis G. and Marilyn G. Martin Christy L. Payne Bill and Ann Sacher Arthur Matas Henry C. Peeples Richard B. Salmon Martin A. Mattingly Alexs E. Pena Vargas Samuels Family Fund Louise S. Mazerov Stephanie and John Perenchio Sandia Preparatory School Jerilyn C. McAniff John K. Perkins Eugene and Roberta Saunders Elizabeth L. McAuliffe Todd Peterson Ismay and David Savoy Ladl Mary E. McClymont The Pfizer Foundation Matching B.J. and Mark Schaffer Carol McCully Gifts Program Reed and Hilary Schaper Elspeth M. McDougall Vicky Schiff Carol McGrew Hope Schroy McNary High School Regan Scott Marjorie and Ernest Meadows Laurie and Charles Scudder MECM Limited Victor and Judy Sears Michael D. Melnick Ramona Seibert Members Give Steve Seitz Roger Mennillo Glenn Shaikun Geneve E. Menscher Robert and Elizabeth Sharf Dawn Mercereau Sheila Gold Foundation Kenneth S. Merriman, M.D. Robert D. Shipp Elizabeth H. Michelson Richard M. Shor Gregg McWilliams and Mary Mikowski Arshi Siddiqui C. L. Miller Yousuf Siddiqui Jeff Miller Margaret and Thomas Simms Nicole Miller Kathleen and Tom Pickett Fatme Simon William Miller Mike Post Patty and Dick Simon Rebecca and Troy Plair Katherine Pryde Ray and Kathreen Simon in memory of Michael Moise Eddie and Julia Simon Nanette Pugsley William and Lynne Moore William and Cindy Simon Larry and Donna Purcey Mary Lou Moore-Estes Mohamed and Hadieh Sion and their QUALCOMM Matching Gift Program Greg and Ester Moran daughters Haifa and Shadden Sion Margaret A. Quinn Sarah and Neal Moritz David and Dana Smith Mel and Dee Raff Kathleen and William Mudd Stewart Smith and Robin Ferracone Petar Raketic Dr. Karl Tracey and Mark Smolin Linda and Hunt Ramsbottom Louis J. Murphy Dianne Snedaker Vivekanand Rau Nancy Murphy Lorelei G. Snyder RecycleBank, LLC David and Melanie Mustone Mark and Carolyn Snyder Gilbert M. Reel Dawn and Gene Nakagawa Daniel and Tracy Soiseth Gail and Boyd Reeves Jarlath Nally Ihab Soliman Kristin Rehberg and Benjamin Endres Napa Valley Lutheran Church Donald and Giuliana Songster Matthew Reidy Angella and David Nazarian James Loftus and Cecilia Soto-Loftus Lianna and Elnatan Reisner Scott and Lisa Nelson Andy Spahn and Jennifer Perry Betty Resley Gail Newel Alan and Page Spain Lyne A. Richardson Catherine Newton James and Virginia Spellman Todd Rio


Stephen W. Spellman Muriel and Steve Varga Jack Attia Shawn and Richard Sperber Viceroy Hotel Guerdelyne Augustin Sprinkles Cupcakes Isabell von Alvensleben Avon Products Foundation, Inc. John Squires Diana and Robert Walker AXA Foundation Andrew Stamos Sharon Walter Serge Azor Staples Center Foundation Louise J. Wannier Safwan Badr Brenda Stein Julie Waxman and Seth Freeman Suzanne Baeza Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Stibel Jenifer and Peter Weigand Adriana Balaban in honor of Linda and Terry Story Lawrence and Kimberly Weinberg Fund Alex Cappello Michael E. Strickler Steven L. Weinberg Tatiana Balasanian Jerry and Clare Strochlic Joseph Weir Nancy E. Baldwin Jim and Mary Jo Stuart Daniel and Dena Weis David and Diana Balise Student Services, Inc. Wells Fargo Sharon and Sharyar Baradaran Anahid Sultanian Wells Fargo Community Sandy and Glenn Barger Linda Sumsion Support Campaign Lisa A. Barkett Yael Swerdlow Scott Wilson Jeffrey Barnes William Taft in honor of Julie Taft Robert C. Wilson Earl L. Barnett Maria Taft Clemow Todd B. Withers Barney and the Dinosaurs Peter Taub Pafica Wong in memory of My Mother, Cathleen Bassetti A. R. Taylor Mrs. Wong Harold and Lynn Baumert Bernard C. and Serenea G. Taylor Family Worldwide Associates of Willis Richard I. Baybutt in honor of Foundation, Inc. Group Holdings Trevor Baybutt Vanessa Taylor Victoria Wright, Esq. Theo Beck James L. Wuerch Simon Beets June S. Wynn Christine and Doug Belgrad Jeffrey Yip Dominick Benedetto Julie R. Yukimura The Arthur E. Benjamin Foundation Jeffrey Zahka Rona Bennett Joan and John Zambetti Larry Berkowitz Erik and Karen Zea Ana Berman Andrea and Mark Zukor Barbara Bernstein Christine Berry $500 - $999 Beth Galton, Inc. Ashish Bhambhani Anonymous (64) Sudha Bidani Mr. and Mrs. Keith H. Abouaf Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Matching Christine Abrams Gift Program Suzanne T. Acosta Lisa Zwerling and Ron Birnbaum Scott and Josephine Adair John W. Blackburn Maureen L. Temkin Raeanna Adams Donald S. Blank in memory of Mary Lauretta Testa Dan B. Adams Julia Blank Melissa Todd in honor of Ralph Finkelmeier Johnni Aguirre Martha Blau-Baranec and and Laura Hruska Mark Agulnik James Baranec Samuel and Martha Todd Sabreen Akhter Leslie Blow Rabih and Josephine Torbay Paige Alexander Cardinal Biggy Biggles Pedram and Soheila Toussi Benjamin and Pat Allen David Bodoff Jean and Alex Trebek Stephen and Tina Allen Employee Community Fund of the James Henry Trexler AllianceBernstein Boeing Company Linda Tucciarone American Groove, Inc. Pamela Bowen R. Scott Turner P. Elizabeth Amini John Box Molly and Mary Twohy Angeles Girl Scout Council Troop 8235 Lee and Barbara Bradley in honor of Miss Ariana Giddens United Management Corporation Maurice and Serena Anthony Jonathon and Elizabeth Brauer Ronald and Nancy Usher Vera Appleyard Wade Breisch Jason Valdetero Raymond A. Assel Pam and Kurt Brendlinger Diane van Boxel Scott Atkinson Sandra Bresnick Prerna and Jelle van de Vall Atlantis Research Foundation Inc. Gordon Brodfuehrer Van Dyke Family Tara Atta


Robin and Elliott Broidy Sandy Elliot David R. Brown Phillip and Janet Elliott Garth Brown Gerard W. Elverum Mark Brown, M.D. Emergency Medical Associates Martha Brown Ender Family Fund of Triangle Lisa Broyles Community Foundation Laura J. Brumbaugh David and Sandra Enman Barbara and James Brusstar Patricia Enright Barbara Buchanan The Episcopal Church of Saint Mary Robert and Marilyn Buchholz in memory of the Virgin Rick Guerrero James and Cheryl Eskilson Chris Buckles Haley Lucia P. Ewing Clifton Bullard Gayle and Marc Ezralow June Buono Benjamin Fader-Rattner Adrienne Fairhall Harold Burke Ellyn M. Corey David Goodman and Wendy Felson Mark Bushnell Jack Corey First Baptist Christian Academy Raymond Butters Daniel M. Courtney First United Methodist Church CA, Inc. Matching Gift Program Carina Courtright Christopher L. Fisher Sandy M. Cademartori Robert and Regina Cowell James and Penny Fitzgerald Patricia and Gregory Calhoun Erika Cox John and Kathleen Fitzgerald Mark Cammack Jean M. Cronin Gary M. Flashner M.D. Patricia and John Campbell in memory of Teresa Cronin Cherry Simmons Marc Fletcher Thérèse Cronin Christina M. Carroll Susan Flora David and Annetta Crook Anthony and Roline Carstens Barbara L. Fodor Joanne E. Cross Gloria Casey Bridget Fonda and Danny Elfman Martha Crowley Paul Cassidy Alicia C. Foster Caroline Curran Nathalie Cassis Germaine V. Franco Kerry Daley Desiree Catalina Christopher Freeberg and Serdar Dalkir Jim Caviglia Katherine O’Malley Christy Dane Cedar Canyon Elementary School Freeport-McMoRan Foundation Emily and William Danner Janus Cercone and Michael Manheim Fremont Group Foundation Matching Frank Darabont Renate W. Chapman Gifts Program Paul Deitch Dian Chen Michael Friedrich Israel and Patricia Del Pino Steve Chen Naoaki Fujii Thomas A. D’Eletto Chevron Humankind Robert Fuller Russell DeLuca Kishore and Suguna Chivukula Rohina Furmuly Dr. and Mrs. Jan DeWitt Choral Society of Durham Jim and Lila Gage Rayburn and Joan Dezember Mariam and Dr. Bilal Choudry M. Adelise Gallion and Anne E. Murray Robert Dier John Christensen Renee Gaskill Hillarie and Steven Dietz Cynthia Chvatal-Keane and John Keane Sabrina Gerber Katherine and David Dietz Vincent Cirilli Drew Gershenson Paul and Michelle Diniakos Thomas Cirillo Amal Ghandour John K. Dipaolo James Clapsaddle Fares Ghandour Lynne M. Doll Jon C. Clark Ann and Jim Gianopulos Beverly A. Downs Clark & Green Associates Jerome and Dolores Gianotti Jan Drange Sol Coffino Boyd and Gayetta Gibbons Cornelis Dullemond Kelley and Arie Cohen Millee and Jack Goldberg Ashley Dunham Marialice M. Cohen Mary Goulazian Jason Dunn Myles and Cita Cohen Steven Gourley Yarrow Durbin Lucy And Rick Coleman Warren and Randi Grant Dale J. Dutton James A. Collins Robert and Shannon Graulich Patricia A. Dwight Nina Collins Joan and Richard Graybill Lauri Ebel Charles M. Colwin Jerome and Randi Greenberg Richard Edwards Robert and Ann Connor Theodore Griffin Douglas K. Eldred Christopher and Betty Conyers Dr. Stephen P. Griffith Adnan & Zerifie Elkadri Marc Cooper Marie Grimsley


Katie Holthouse Diana and Karl Kramer Richard Homier Daniel and Laura Kramer Stacy Hood Randall Krause Tamara Hoover Janet L. La Rosa Judge and Mrs. David M. Horwitz Ladera Ranch Middle School Susan and James Hosek Susilpa Lakireddy Blaine Houmes and Nancy and John Lancy Nancy Pfutzenreuter Diana Starr Langley Christopher House Alexander and Mariel Langowski Brett M. Merfish Philanthropic Fund of the Larchmont Temple Houston Jewish Community Foundation Amy J. Larimer William Hrycyna Mary Larson Peter M. Hudelson James S. Lasovage Gary and Judith Hultman Michael Lazare Karen L. Ikins Robert and Claire Lazebnik Raymond Groble Alan R. Irvine Jonathan Lebowitz Andrew Gross Eliane Irvine Shiu Man and Bette Yu Lee Byron Gross and Ricky Tovim Ruth A. Isaacs Clare and Geoffrey Leek Kevin and Vivian Gysler J.J.C.T.M. Foundation Jacquelyn J. Legg Memorial Trust Daniel Hackett Lindsay and Bryan Jackson Jack and Mary Lentfer David Haffenreffer and Lara Spencer Andrea Jacobs Javier and Elsie Leon Virginia Jaye Haiden Drs. Dilip and Chandrika Jain Barry R. Lerman Robert G. Hall Srinivas and Mythri Janardan David J. Lesser Virginia M. Hall Roger W. Janeway David Letchford Nez Hallett Mike and Denise Jeffries J. P. and N. A. Leveille John Hancock Sally Jenkins David Levin Emily Handler Teresa Jennings Larry Levin James A. Hantske Victor Jih Myra B. Levine Harris Cynthia Hardy-Gayle Julia A. Johns Patricia Lewis Rosemary H. Harrell Daniel C. Johnson Shirley Lewis Dorothy Harris Todd Johnson William C. and Mary T. Lewis Daniel R. Hawkins, Jr. Gregory Johnston Jenny Li Kenneth Head Emily and Blake Jones Arthur Lin The Hearty Boys Caterers Michael H. Jones Hubert Ling Warren A. Hein Judith Gregory J. Liposky Cristina Henry Asha Jyothi Jeff and Laura Lipson Mark Herbick Susan and Hayward Kaiser Laurie Liskin Mr. Nathan Herring and James and Sue Kandell Ms. Miller H. Sherling Lael M. Locke Nadeem Kattangere Susan L. Hertz David Loew F. John Kavak Henry G. Herzing Cheryl L. Loewe Carol and Francis Kearns Lysa and Grant Heslov Ana and Steven Loftus Carlotta B. Keely Kathryn and Matthew Hess in memory of Lone Mountain Elementary School Susan Hess and Marilyn Welker John Kelley Mr. Rafael Lopes De Melo Farshid Hessari Laurie Kelley Rosalino Lopez Susan Heyman Mary Kelley Jocelyne Louis-Jacques Samuel and Karen Hill Lisa Kenyon Susan Lowin Stephen and Carolyn Hiller Brent Kessel and Britta Bushnell Julia and Stephen Luerman Eric Hoag Keyes Toyota Conor Lynch and Christina Rumore Molly Hobin Sarah Khan Grant Maddock James G. Hoffman Michael Kiedel Madison Tyler Holdings Jeanne Hoffman Sylvia Kihara and Roger Neill Rajkumar Makam Scott Hofland Lory Kirby Lauren Makeyenko and Josh Wilson Elizabeth Hogan The Karl Kirchgessner Foundation Kris Malmquist Metz and Mary Holder Jill Knapp Frederick Manaster Taquima Holguino Cirilo Theodore Knappen Michael Marino and Mary Wright Michael and Laura Holt John and Cynthia Kondon Laura and Kevin Marks David M. Kopay


Michelle Marocco Adrian Ng Joy and Richard Prendergast Shannon Martin Georgina North The Presbyterian Church of Upper Montclair Esther Martinez Donn B. Norton and Montclair State University Brass Choir Scott and DoQuyen Masel Jane Oakes Roger Priem Stacey Matthews Dan Obrien Therese Pritchard Linda May Michael O’Callaghan Larry Purcey Robby B. Mazza Maria Ohanian Anna Marie Queen Dr. Irene McAleer Paula Oldeg Wayne C. Raabe J. R. McCartan Sulayman Oloritun The Rackman Foundation Inc. Kevin McCreadie Cindy Omiya A grant from the Jay Allan Edwards Family Kathleen Mcnamara Carla A. Ondrasik Fund at the Rancho Santa Fe Foundation Helen Stuart McQueen Orchard Lake Middle School Eileen and Charles Read Gail Mcquilkin Patrick O’Rourke Vance and Susan Redfield Dr. William and Mimi Meffert Jessica Ortner Julie D. Rees Mark Peter & Christy Palmisano Larry W. Reeves Javaid K. Memon Janet Papkin Dee Renfrow Ruth J. Mendez Debra Parrish Honorable Vicki Reynolds Pepper and Murray Pepper Mary L. Mercado Raj Patel Richard and Ruth Rice Kathryn M. Mershon in honor of Ann E. Pauley Aileen Richards Dorothy H. Mershon Jeanne M. Payne Diana Richman Ivri Messinger and Mark Rumple Lawrence Payne Michelle and Lawrence Richman Alan Meyerson and Joie Gallo Meyerson Joanne C. Peckarsky Richmond Avenue School and New Jersery Bob Miller and Jude Wilber The Pegasus School Avenue School Steve and Rhonda Miller Dr. Alan O. Perantoni Walter Richter Trevor Miller Paula Perlis James and Alicia Rieger Noah G. Millman Cynthia Perry The G. & J. Ringstad Family Charitable Fund Lisa Mills Ivana Petkovic Kimberly Rodrigues Mills Automotive Group Loanne Pham Maria Rodriguez Mary Miner Anh Phan The Roedig Family Danny Ming Michael W. Pierce Mark Rogers Shannon and Halsey Minor Betty and Lee Pike in honor of Hosts for William and Sandra Roork Alexander Miric Sarah and Leo’s Party Richard and Robyn Ross Cherri P. Mohler Mr. Ronald C. Poirier Rouda-Loncke Charitable Fund Mary C. Montague Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Julie Pokorny RSUI Group, Inc. Priscila Montana Elon and Phyllis Pollack in honor of Allen and Cynthia Ruby Charles Moore Myles J. Cohen, M.D. Margaret Rust Karen E. Morano Sherrise Pond Viktor and Mary Beth Rzeteljski Jason Moreau Pamela Popovich Melissa Salten Rothman in honor of The Cheri Morgan Foundation Yair Porat Lori Bookstein Jeanette A. Morrison Andrea Porter Day School William and Mary Morton Don and Katie Porter Esther B. Sanchez in honor of Julia and Steven Prado George B. Moseley III Connie Abeyta Kenneth D. Mosley Sophia Sandoval Josephine Mudjitaba Mahvash Sanii Mulligan Family Trust Sanofi-aventis Matching Gifts Program Mark A. Munneke SAP Matching Gift Program Edward H. Murphy and Barbara A. Murphy Denise C. Savonne in honor of Dustin Rebecca L. Murphy Gabriel Sanchez and Bonnie Nash and Donald Wing Denise Chavez Savonne Tamer Nassar Jeffrey Schaider & Anna Chavez Schaider National Aviation Services Manuela Schenkel NCCPA Foundation Fred Schirmer Marilee Neale Evander Schley Dane and Megan Nelson Kathryn Schloessman and Terry Wachsner Nicholas and Laura Neuhausel Lauren E. Schmidt Charles and Susan Newirth Donna Scholl


Rolf Scholtz Jeanne and Walter Thomas Weiland, Golden, Smiley, Wang, Ekvall & Gerald and Connie Schroeder Ryan J. Thomas Strok, LLP James and Mary Anne Schuett Stephen J. Thomas Jane and Joseph Weintrop Dr. Lora Schulwitz Brenda Tiernan Daniel Weiss Rick and Marie Schuster Suzanne Torgeson Candace Weitz Arthur Schwartz John and Kathleen Trage Bobby Wells Madeleine Scott Margaret Treadwell Denise and Michael Wells Scotts Valley Middle School Cheerleaders Yair Treister Janelle Welsh Robert Seekins Rhonda Trotter Dr. Andre Weltman Colin J. Seftor James H. Trowell Peter B. Wendel Francine Selim Edwin Truman Annoesjka West Larry and Bernadette Senn Turilli’s Rodney and Winifred West Michael C. Sergeant Deborah Turski and Patrick Turski West Genesee Middle School Cynthia Sexton UBS Wealth Management Dr. Robert J. Westlake Michael and Elaine Shady Patrick Uhles Catherine Whiteside FaceDouble.com Mauricio S. Umansky Carole Wightman Brenda L. Shanks United Way of King County David Wilcox Mary and K. C. Shaw Unity Church of Prescott Albert Wilkerson, Jr. Nancy E. Shelmon David Vaccaro Tom J. Willard Elizabeth and John Shepard Daniel van Starrenburg Christa Williams M.D. Anshu Sheth Mark C. Vappi Ward Williams Cassandra Shivers and Anthony Rayburn Marshall and Karen Varon Gerald Wilson Stacey Siegel Michael Vartan Grant F. Wilson Mindy and Adam Silverstein Paul and Randye Winfield Jeffrey Simon Kimberly Winick Tina and John Simon Gerald and Susan Witt Mary Sinclair Warner and Mimi Wolfen Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom, LLP Marv Wolpa in honor of Melissa Tiarks S.T. Woodall Christine Skold Mark and Linda Worley Christopher Smith and Ronnie Shumate H. Wright Wade and Muriel Smith Banting Wu Samuel Smythe Joanne Wuerker Daniel and Jennie Sniegowski Anita Yarossi SOAR for Haiti Sandra Yarrington Nancy J. Sobelson Sandra G. Yavitz Dr. Robert S. Solow Douglas Yoshida and Jennifer Huang Enedine Soto Dr. Jonathan Young Keith Stamler Giovanni Yuja Veronis Suhler Stevenson Ronald and Harriet Steinberg Mr. & Mrs. Jennifer Yunk Mark and Nancy Viets Maria and David Stejkowski Mohammad J. Virani Susan R. Stockel Jean R. Vlamynck The Michael and Karen Stone Family Foundation Inc. Jerry Wacker Faizan Subhani Lee, Barbara and Rebecca Wagman Sandra J. Sucher Catherina Walker Christopher Sullivan Ronald Wall and Ciella Gordon-Wall Jaymie Sullivan and Joseph Kramar Charlene Wallace and Linda Wittenberg in honor of Rob Fuller Sunnyside Elementary School Sela Ward Anne and Jay Sures Janice A. Washington Bruce and Margaret Sutherland Sheila and Bill Wasserman Lucy Sutherland Brian J. Waters Synopsys Dina and Mark Waters Aleksy Tarasenko-Struc William Weathers Dawn Tarin Bruce and Georgia Weeter Linda Terhaar Richard Hollander and Peggy E. Weil Wararat Thanakiet


A special thanks to the following individuals who have raised critically needed funds on our behalf

Bonnie Abaunza 25th Anniversary Celebration Jonathan and Lynn Rosenthal Jeff Antebi Committee Robert Ruth Edward Atterton Kathy Schloessman and Terry Wachsner Robert Abernethy Mark Bass Ambassador Rockwell and Marna Schnabel Andrew and Avery Barth Gary Brant Carol Sharer John and Cathi Bendheim Lee Bycel Joel and Lisa Shine Sandy Berg Kelley Cohen Bill and Laura Siart Suzanne Deal Booth and David G. Booth Sara Garthe Robert Simon Pam and Kurt Brendlinger Barney Greer Vivian Soren-Myers Christopher and Kimberly Brothers Betsy Hall Sheldon Stone Linda and Alex Cappello Kristin Irving Dominic Surprenant and Jennifer Kell Laurie and Gerard Cappello Stephen Jacoby Victoria and Mark Sutherland Ramona Cappello Kathy Jones Kathy Taggares Ed Carpenter Asher Luzzatto Leslie Thurman Victor and Wendy Coleman Rachel McDonald Christine Toretti Richard Crowell and Alison Bryan Crowell Scott Melrose Stacy Twilley and Michael Kong Kathleen and Paul D’Addario Georgina Miranda Michael and Claire Van Konynenburg Linda Daly and Mike Alexander Jacqueline Peha Wendy Wachtell Alexis Deutsch-Adler and Robert Adler Jon Reed Daniel Wheeler Bradford and Louise Edgerton Magda Rivera Alison Winter Robin Ferracone and Stewart Smith Edward Robinson Erica Wertheim Zohar Debbie and Damon Fisher Larry Safady Alisa Freundlich Robert Simon Joshua and Beth Friedman Peter Thum Jonathan and Nancy Glaser Lianne Tucker Cynthia Graff Tine Ward Robert Graziano Hans Zimmer Jerrold and Madelyne Green James and Susan Hart Women to Women Andrew and Ellen Hauptman Luncheon Committee Barry and Christy Hilton Pam Brendlinger Molly Hobin Laurie Cappello Ric and Suzanne Kayne Linda Cappello Diana Starr Langley Kathleen D’Addario Loren and Steve Levine Alexis Deutsch-Adler Mel Levine Debbie Fisher Marc Luzzatto Loren Levine David and Susan Martin Susan Martin Linda May Erica McLoughlin Allan Mayer and Renee Vogel Regina Miller Erica and Brian McLoughlin Pamela Mohn Leslie and Beth Michelson Christine Toretti Pamela and Jarl Mohn Stacy Twilley James and Annabel Montgomery David and Angella Nazarian Erika Paulson Julianne Phillips and Marc Gurvitz Betty and Ed Pope Barry and Lea Porter Hunt and Linda Ramsbottom Richard J. Riordan



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Your donation to International Medical Corps will provide assistance to vulnerable people in humanitarian emergencies, and restore their devastated communities to self-reliance. International Medical Corps’ training activities have a multiplier effect, spreading vital knowledge to regions that need it most, and putting local communities in charge of their own recovery. Your donation will also be leveraged to secure additional resources, such as corporate and government grants, and products and services from in-kind donors.

The Multiplier Effect. As a result of International Medical Corps’ longstanding emphasis on leveraging resources, every dollar in private contributions helps generate $30 in additional grants from public donors and in-kind resources.

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LEAVE A LEGACY Make a planned gift through bequests, annuities, or trusts which allow you to support International Medical Corps while enjoying favorable tax considerations or life income. Take an initial step by naming International Medical Corps as a beneficiary of your will, life insurance policy, or retirement plan. This way you can help ensure that underserved families around the world will continue to receive support for years to come. Please contact the Resource Development Department to discuss your options at 310-826-7800.

HAVE AN EVENT Run a marathon, hold a book drive, set up a lemonade stand, or organize your own special event raising funds and awareness for International Medical Corps.

BE A VIRTUAL VOLUNTEER Follow us on Facebook and Twitter (@IMC_Worldwide). Create your own fundraising page online.

To learn more about any of these giving options, please call our Resource Development Department at 310-826-7800.

International Medical Corps is governed by an all-volunteer Board of Directors and qualifies as a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code and under Section 23701(d) of the California Revenue and Taxation Code. International Medical Corps’ Tax Identification Number is 95-3949646. All contributions are tax deductible to the extent provided by law. 50 INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL CORPS


Inside Cover: Hadia Yousaf Page 19: Liviu Vedrasco Page 02: Crystal Wells Page 20: Miel Hendrickson Page 05: Malika Mirkhanova Page 23: Jaya Vadlamudi (left) Page 06: from top to bottom on left: Margaret Aguirre (right) Guy Calaf Page 26: Margaret Aguirre Nadir Ali Page 32: Gaele Chojnowicz Paula Allen Page 33: Gaele Chojnowicz Miel Hendrickson Page 34: Paula Allen from top to bottom on right: Page 36: Jaya Vadlamudi Jonathan Saruk Page 37: Jaya Vadlamudi Jonathan Saruk Page 38: Holly Pickett Margaret Aguirre Page 39: Meil Hendrickson (top) Page 07: Margaret Aguirre David Alarcon (bottom) Page 08: Kate Holt Page 40: Margaret Aguirre Page 09: from top to bottom: Page 41: Jaya Vadlamudi (top) Claire Orengo Holly Pickett (bottom) Margaret Aguirre Page 42: Jaya Vadlamudi Vidya Mahadevan Page 43: Holly Pickett Page 10: Vidya Mahadevan Page 44: Jaya Vadlamudi Nadir Ali Page 45: Crystal Wells Margaret Aguirre Page 46: Margaret Aguirre Page 11: Paula Allen Page 47: Crystal Wells (middle) Page 12: Paula Allen Jaya Vadlamudi (bottom) Page 13: Margaret Aguirre (both) Page 48: Vicki Francis (top) Page 14: Sara Terry (both) Margaret Aguirre (bottom) Page 15: Sajid Ali Back Cover: Rachel Flynn Page 16: Holly Pickett (both) Page 17: Aosama Jaleel Nahey Page 18: Zainam Hussein Report Design & Layout: Judy Bartek


(tel) 310-826-7800 (fax) 310-442-6622 toll-free donor hotline: 1-800-481-4462 www.InternationalMedicalCorps.org

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(tel) +44(0)207 253 0001 (fax) +44(0)207 250 3269 www.InternationalMedicalCorps.org.uk

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