Scientific Program Table of Contents

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Scientific Program Table of Contents Scientific Program Table of Contents Scheduling and locations are subject to change without notice. Please check the onsite newsletter each morning for changes Sunday, July 15 SYMPOSIA AND ORAL SESSIONS ASN-ADSA-ASAS Preconference: Regulation of Nutritional Intake and Metabolism ................................................................49 Triennial Reproduction Symposium: Impediments to Fertility in Domestic Animals ...............................................................49 Monday, July 16 POSTER PRESENTATIONS Animal Health I ...................................................................................................................................................................................................51 Breeding and Genetics: Fertility and Early-Life Traits ............................................................................................................................52 Companion Animals .........................................................................................................................................................................................53 Dairy Foods ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................54 Forages and Pastures I ......................................................................................................................................................................................55 Graduate Student Competition: ADSA Dairy Foods Division Graduate Poster Competition .................................................57 Graduate Student Competition: ADSA Production Division Poster Competition, MS Division .............................................57 Graduate Student Competition: ADSA Production Division Poster Competition, PhD Division ...........................................58 Growth and Development I ...........................................................................................................................................................................59 Lactation Biology I .............................................................................................................................................................................................60 Meat Science and Muscle Biology I .............................................................................................................................................................60 Scientific TOC Nonruminant Nutrition: Amino Acids and Energy .................................................................................................................................62 Nonruminant Nutrition: Enzymes ................................................................................................................................................................62 Nonruminant Nutrition: Weanling Pig ........................................................................................................................................................63 Physiology and Endocrinology I ...................................................................................................................................................................64 Production, Management and the Environment: Dairy I .....................................................................................................................66 Ruminant Nutrition: Beef I ..............................................................................................................................................................................68 Ruminant Nutrition: Dairy I .............................................................................................................................................................................70 Ruminant Nutrition: Dairy: Calves and Heifers ........................................................................................................................................70 Ruminant Nutrition: Dairy: Feed Additives I .............................................................................................................................................72 Ruminant Nutrition: General I ........................................................................................................................................................................73 Ruminant Nutrition: Rumen Function and Digestion ...........................................................................................................................75 Small Ruminant: Nutrition...............................................................................................................................................................................76 Swine Species I ....................................................................................................................................................................................................78 43 SYMPOSIA AND ORAL SESSIONS Graduate Student Competition: ASAS Western Section Graduate Student Paper Competition ..........................................79 Animal Health I ...................................................................................................................................................................................................81 Breeding and Genetics Symposium: Systems Biology in Animal Breeding: Identifying relationships among markers, genes, and phenotypes ............................................................................................................................................................82 Companion Animals Symposium: Nutrition Special Needs—The relationship between novel ingredients, environment and gene expression ........................................................................................................................................................82 Dairy Foods: Cheese and Products Processing ........................................................................................................................................83 Forages and Pastures Symposium: Impact of Fungal-Endophytes on Pasture and Environmental Sustainability ........83 Graduate Student Competition: ADSA Dairy Foods Oral Competition ..........................................................................................84 Graduate Student Competition: ADSA Production Division Graduate Oral Competition—PhD Students ......................84 Graduate Student Competition: ADSA/ASAS Northeast Graduate Paper Competition ...........................................................85 Graduate Student Competition: CSAS Student Competition I ..........................................................................................................86 Growth and Development ..............................................................................................................................................................................87 International Animal Agriculture Symposium: Increasing Undergraduate and Graduate Student Training in International Animal Agriculture ............................................................................................................................................................88 Lactation Biology I .............................................................................................................................................................................................88 Nonruminant Nutrition: Minerals and Vitamins ......................................................................................................................................89 Ruminant Nutrition: Beef Production I .......................................................................................................................................................90 Ruminant Nutrition: Dairy Production I .....................................................................................................................................................91 Ruminant Nutrition I .........................................................................................................................................................................................91 ADSA-SAD Undergraduate Competition: Dairy Foods .........................................................................................................................92 Physiology and Endocrinology: Estrous Cycle Manipulation - Dairy ...............................................................................................92 Graduate Student Competition: ADSA Southern Section (Graduate) ............................................................................................93 ADSA-SAD Undergraduate Competition: Dairy Production ...............................................................................................................93 ADSA Southern Section Symposium: Meeting the Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle During Heat Stress .............94 ADSA-SAD Undergraduate Competition: Original Research ..............................................................................................................94 Animal Behavior and Well-Being: Use of Animal Behavior to Assess Animal Welfare ...............................................................95 Animal Health II ..................................................................................................................................................................................................96
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