PRA Puccinia Hemerocallidis
CSL Pest Risk Analysis for Puccinia hemerocallidis CSL copyright, 2005 Pest Risk Analysis For UK Interceptions of Puccinia hemerocallidis Question Answer 1. Name of fungal pest: Teleomorph: Genus, species, var., f.sp. Puccinia hemerocallidis Synonym(s): Genus, species, var., f.sp. Dicaeoma hemerocallidis, Aecidium patriniae, Puccinia funkiae, Uredo hostae, Puccinia hostae Anamorph: Genus, species, var., f.sp. Synonym(s): Genus, species, var., f.sp. Common name for disease Daylily rust Special notes on taxonomy or Transchel in 1913 (Hiratsuka, 1992) was nomenclature the first to prove the relation between the aecia on leaves of Patrinia rupestris and P. scabiosaefolia to the uredinia and telia on leaves of Hemerocallis minor. Hiratsuka in 1938 was the first to report successful inoculations between the aecial state of this species on Patrinia scabiosaefolia and the uredinial and telial states on leaves of Hemerocallis disticha (Hiratsuka, 1992). Hosta spp. have been reported as uredinal/telial hosts in Japan (Hiratsuka, 1992). However, Hosta has been found to be affected in the USA (Schubert and Leahy, 2001) and is now not thought to be a host in Japan (Yoshitaka, 2003). Primary pathogen (Y/N) Y Weak pathogen (Y/N) N Saprophyte (Y/N) N 1 CSL Pest Risk Analysis for Puccinia hemerocallidis CSL copyright, 2005 2. (ai) Does it occur in the UK? No (C. Lane, CSL, 2001, pers. comm.) (aii) Has it been intercepted before on this host in the UK ? The pathogen was intercepted in 2001 and 2002 on daylilies imported from the USA. (aiii) Has it been recorded before on this host in the UK? No (C.Lane, CSL, 2001, pers.
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