The Senate Finance and Public Administration References Committee Regional Partnerships and Sustainable Regions programs October 2005 © Commonwealth of Australia 2005 ISBN 0 642 71580 7 This document is prepared by the Senate Finance and Public Administration References Committee and printed by the Senate Printing Unit, Parliament House, Canberra. Members of the Committee for the inquiry Senator Michael Forshaw (Chair) ALP, NSW Senator David Johnston (Deputy Chair) LP, WA (replaced Senator Mitchell Fifield) Senator Guy Barnett LP, TAS (replaced Senator John Watson) Senator Carol Brown ALP, TAS Senator Andrew Murray AD, WA Senator Kerry O'Brien ALP, TAS (replaced Senator Claire Moore) Senator Kim Carr ALP, VIC (replaced Senator George Campbell 2 December 2004 to 22 June 2005; Senator Ursula Stephens 1 July 2005 to 17 August 2005, except on 14-15 July, 18-19 July 2005) Senator Ursula Stephens ALP, NSW (replaced Senator George Campbell 22 June 2005 to 13 September 2005) Participating members Senators Abetz, Bartlett, Bishop, Boswell, Brandis, Bob Brown, Carr, Chapman, Colbeck, Conroy, Coonan, Crossin, Eggleston, Evans, Faulkner, Ferguson, Ferris, Fielding, Fierravanti-Wells, Ludwig, Lundy, Sandy Macdonald, Mason, McGauran, McLucas, Milne, Parry, Payne, Ray, Sherry, Siewert, Stephens, Trood and Webber. Secretariat Alistair Sands Committee Secretary Terry Brown Principal Research Officer Lisa Fenn Acting Principal Research Officer Melinda Noble Principal Research Officer Sophie Power Principal Research Officer (August 2005) Alex Hodgson Executive Assistant Committee address Senate Finance and Public Administration Committee SG.60 Parliament House CANBERRA ACT 2600 Tel: 02 6277 3530 Fax: 02 6277 5809 Email:
[email protected] Internet: iii iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Members of the Committee for the inquiry...................................................