Values of Religious Moderation in Ansor Youth Movementin Pekalongan District

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Values of Religious Moderation in Ansor Youth Movementin Pekalongan District VALUES OF RELIGIOUS MODERATION IN ANSOR YOUTH MOVEMENTIN PEKALONGAN DISTRICT Aris Priyanto IAIN Pekalongan [email protected] ABSTRAK Moderasi beragama menjadi salah satu bagian terpenting dalam Gerakan Pemuda (GP) Ansor. GP Ansor selalu mengajarkan tentang tawasuth, tawazun, ta’adul dantasamuh sebagai landasan dalam gerakan organisasi kepemudaan dan keagamaan ini. Keempat hal tersebut menjadi salah satu pondasi kebangsaan bagi para kader GP Ansor untuk senantiasa menjaga perbedaan antara pemeluk agama demi menjaga kedaulatan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI). Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kualitatif yang berusaha menjelaskan tentang praktek moderasi beragama yang terjadi pada kader GP Ansor di Kabupaten Pekalongan dengan memakai metode metasintesis. Metode ini mengidentifikasi, mengevalusasi dan menginterpretasikan terhadap perilaku moderasi beragama yang terjadi pada kader GP Ansor. Melalui metode tersebut ditemukan tentang berbagai nilai-nilai moderasi beragama dalam hal; (1) Kesadaran beragama secara moderat, (2) Sikap toleransi antar pemeluk agama, (3) Pentingnya rasa cinta tanah air (4) Pemahaman beragama secara kaffah (sempurna). Kata kunci: Nilai-nilai moderasi beragama, Ansor ABSTRACT Religious moderation is one of the most important parts of the Ansor Youth Movement (GP Ansor). GP Ansoralways teaches about tawasuth, tawazun, ta'adul and tasamuh as foundation in youth and religious organization movement.These four things are national foundations for the GP Ansor’s cadres to care and maintain differences among religions in order to protect the sovereignty of the Unitary State Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). This research is a qualitative research which attempts to explain the practice of religious moderation that occurs in GP Ansor’s cadres in Pekalongan Regency by using the metasynthesis method.This method identifies, evaluates and interprets religious moderation behavior that occurs in GP Ansor cadres.Through this method, various values ​ ​ of religious moderation were found in terms; (1) Moderate religious awareness, (2) Tolerance among religions, (3) The importance of love for the country (4) Kaffah (perfect) understanding of religion. Keywords: Values of religious moderation, Ansor 23 INTRODUCTION modern religious context which The Ansor Youth Movement or cannot be denied. Modern society is commonly known as GP Ansor is a very fanatical, intolerant, and youth and religious organization that exclusive to be the cause of the birth has cadres scattered throughout of religious radicalism. Moreover, the Indonesia and even throughout the phenomenon of life in Indonesia is world. The cadres of GP Ansor come always associated by religious from various backgrounds They are radicalism, which is getting stronger from alumnus of Islamic Boarding now at the level of action and Schools, academics, political understanding of religious issues. practitioners, entrepreneurs, laborers, Often in the community, there are acts and so on. This organization was born of violence committed by a group of in Banyuwangi on April 24, 1934. people who always act in the name of The role and contribution of GP religion (Dwijayanto, 2019). It makes Ansor for this nation has been GP Ansor try to instill the values numerous and cannot be doubted. ​ ​ of religious moderation in the Many cadres are always loyal, ready community. According to GP Ansor, and sincere to protect the sovereignty religious moderation includes the and integrity of the Republic of moderate attitude of cadres in Indonesia with all their power and responding to various problems, even efforts. GP Ansor was born through the characteristics of Islam in the existence of a basic spirit of responding to all problems.GP nationalism, struggle, epics of Ansor's view on moderation is an heroism and a liberation. GP Ansor important side in the effort to identify since the beginning of its birth has and fight radicalism movements that had religious spirit, spirit of are developing in society (Ahmad nationalism, populism, and youth Subakir, 2020). pioneering post-oath of youth The moderate attitude carried (, 2021). out by GP Ansor cannot be separated The presence of youth from the existence of Indonesian organization is one of the youth Islam which always provides organizations that tries to stem the alternatives to various problems 24 related to radicalism through dialogue training on instilling moderate and world peace.Indonesian Islam is religious values ​ ​ for the nation's expected to become a rahmatal lil young generation (Dwijayanto, 2019). 'alamin Islam that always supports the Second, a research/learning creation of a society that is advanced, entitled "Islamic Moderation peaceful, just, safe, sovereign and Movement in Early Detection prosperous (Mahfud et al., 2018). It Perspective: A Study of the Ansor has led GP Ansor instill a moderate Youth Movement in Kediri City ". attitude always prioritizing the values This research explains the existence ​ ​ of religious moderation so that of GP Ansor, who always performs all levels of society can enter into it. early detection and fights against Of course this is what makes the radicalism movements in Kediri. This existence of GP Ansor in maintaining research also explains that GP Ansor Islamic brotherhood and world peace is able to make public facilities and increasingly favored by the people. crowded places as a medium for There are several learning spreading the Islamic idea of related to the research entitled Ahlussunnah Wal Jama'ah An "Values ​ ​ of Religious Moderation Nahdliyah.In addition, GP Ansor has in the Ansor Youth Movement in become a youth organization that is Pekalongan Regency" are able to ward off the spread of numerous.First, Arik Dwijayanto's radicalism with recitation in various research entitled "The Role of the modern learning places and periodic Multipurpose Ansor Front (Banser) in studies through the media "Kopi Counteracting Religious Radicalism Cengkir". in Indonesia". It explains that Banser Third, Nur Syam and Nawawi's has a big role to always maintain research entitled Islam Nusantara public order and security, monitor and progressing as the basis for Islamic study various individual or group moderation in Indonesia. They movements that always spread radical explain the existence of NU and ideas that have been circulating in Muhammadiyah in making an real life and through social media. So extraordinary contribution to the there is needed education and practice and understanding of religion 25 in Indonesia. NU, through Islamic correctly. Jihad is not an act which Nusantara ideas, and Muhammadiyah teaches violence in the name of progressive Islam, present religious religion. However, jihad is an effort practices and understandings by made by someone who is studying friendly to each other, and working to fulfill his family, accommodating to local wisdom, and tolerance, accepting, pluralism, and cooperative with the existence of the I’tidal, being inclusive, and behaving state. Moreover, NU succeeded rationally(Masnur, 2017). bringing people to understand the Previous studies have generally relationship between Islamic made moderation limited to solutions teachings, NKRI, Pancasila, and to various issues of radicalism by Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Meanwhile, name of religion. However, in this Muhammadiyah succeeded making study, the author tries to explain and people put Islam elegantly by provide a new discourse, that progress and development of the era. religious moderation actually Nusantara Islam is an Islam that provides values ​ ​ of religious always friendly and actively behavior properly, correctly, and participates in national and kaffah (perfect). The values ​ ​ of international political problems. It has religious moderation emerge from the sensitivity to contemporary issues gradual and continuous efforts made related to human rights (HAM), by GP Ansor in instilling religious caliphate, gender, and becomes a moderation in the community, counter-discourse against especially the cadres of GP Ansor. fundamentalism, terrorism, and METHODS radicalism (Nur Syam, 2019). This research is a qualitative Fourth, the research entitled research that describes the behavior of "Study of the Implementation of religious moderation carried out by Moderate Islamic Education in GP Ansor cadres in Pekalongan Preventing the Threat of Radicalism Regency using the metasynthetic in Sungai Penuh City". This research method. This method seeks to identify, contains about the importance to evaluate and interpret the behavior of understand the meaning of jihad religious moderation carried out by 26 GP Ansor cadres. Some of the data daily life. Through their social life, found in the field were collected, they will understand that the religious identified, studied and analyzed so as problems that occur in Pekalongan to be able to interpret the behavior of include social problems that require religious moderation carried out by solutions and alternatives. Thus, the GP Ansor cadres in Pekalongan various problems that occur in society Regency. are appropriate for them to actively participate in providing alternatives DISCUSSION and solutions that are able to get them Moderate Religious Behavior of GP out of their individual shackles. Ansor Cadres in Pekalongan The cadres are expected to be Regency role models (examples) for all By nature, humans are creatures elements of society to practicing that have double dimensions. So that religious teachings in a moderately in humans are actually a spiritual
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