Semi-Annual Program Performance Report Headquarters Information Field Contact Information Coy Isaacs Allan Havers Acting Director, Crisis Response Response Coordinator, FHI 360 Yemen 1825 Connecticut Avenue Khormaksar (Opposite Lotus Hotel) Washington, D.C. 20009 Aden, Yemen
[email protected] [email protected] Country/Region of Country: Yemen Submission Date: April 30, 2020 Program Title: Integrated Humanitarian Assistance to Yemen OFDA Award Number: 720FDA18CA00042 Award Period: July 2, 2018 – November 1, 2020 Reporting Period: October 1, 2019 – March 31, 2020 Al Ghaded deep clean and repair day, November 2019 CHV Training, Hudaydah Governorate, March 2020 Summary This report captures FHI 360’s progress against planned objectives, activities, and indicators from October 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020, for the “Integrated Humanitarian Assistance to Yemen” (IHAY) project, USAID/OFDA Award No. 720FDA18CA00042. FHI 360’s Health, Nutrition, WASH, and Humanitarian Coordination activities comprise an integrated package to promote comprehensive support to host communities and internally displaced persons (IDPs), thus reducing risks of morbidity and mortality and contributing to the improved well- being of displaced and conflict-affected individuals at the following sites along the Western Coast of Yemen: Al Ghaded Health Center (HC) in Dhubab district, Taiz Governorate; Al Mokha Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Center (through November 2019), Al Gharaffi HC, and Al Shatheliah HC in Mokha district, Taiz Governorate; and Al Khawkhah MCH and Al War’a Health Unit (HU) in Al Khawkhah district, Hudaydah Governorate. In this period, FHI 360 began support to additional facilities that were added as part of the cost modification of the award executed in July 2019.