©: Mahmoud Fadel-YPN for UN/OCHA 2020 ANNUAL MONITORING YEMEN HUMANITARIAN REPORT FUND THE YHF THANKS ITS DONORS FOR THEIR GENEROUS SUPPORT IN 2020 CREDITS This document was produced by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) Yemen. OCHA Yemen wishes to acknowledge the contributions of its committed staff in preparing this document. For additional information, please contact: [email protected] Twitter: @YHF_Yemen The designations employed and the presentation of material on this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. KEY MESSAGES Despite access constraints and COVID-19 restrictions, the Yemen Humanitarian Fund (YHF) conducted 65 field monitoring missions to 119 projects in 2020 thus fulfilling all its 2020 monitoring requirements. 56 per cent of monitoring missions assessed The YHF Beneficiary Feedback and Complaints YHF-funded projects as performing well and 35 per Mechanism was launched in February 2020 and 1,775 cent as underperforming but for reasons beyond the people provided feedback. partners’ control. The YHF made 914 recommendations from The YHF provided timely updates to cluster monitoring missions, shared them with implementing coordinators and hub managers with key monitoring partners, and followed up on the actions taken by findings upon review of monitoring reports to ensure partners to address them. that the findings of YHF monitoring can be used by the broader humanitarian community. 96 per cent of 12,302 people interviewed via Key challenges to monitoring of YHF-funded projects Beneficiary Verification Surveys indicated that they included travel restrictions, bureaucratic impediments were satisfied with services they received through and the poor quality of some monitoring reports. YHF-funded projects. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Ghassan Al-Ansi and Fahd Al-Dhabi, YHF Programme and Monitoring Officers, conduct project monitoring in Almahweet. © UNOCHA/YHF This report provides an overview of the Yemen supplemented selected monitoring missions. The Humanitarian Fund (YHF) monitoring activities from surveys were conducted by trained data collectors 1 January to 31 December 2020, analyses monitoring who administered structured questionnaires. The results and provides a summary of key recommendations respondents were randomly selected from distribution shared with partners. The report builds on earlier YHF lists and constituted a representative sample of project monitoring reports covering 2018 and 2019. beneficiaries. Out of the 12,508 interviewed people, 12,302 confirmed that they received assistance and 96 per cent Despite access challenges, COVID-19-related restrictions of them expressed satisfaction with the services they and other constraints, the YHF conducted 165 monitoring received. visits in 2020, thereby fulfilling all of its 2020 monitoring requirements. However, the YHF changed the modality of The YHF made 914 recommendations from 2020 many monitoring missions from the OCHA Humanitarian monitoring missions, shared them with implementing Financing Unit staff visits to monitoring by Third-Party partners, and followed up on the actions taken by partners Monitoring (TPM) companies. to address them to ensure efficient and effective project delivery. In addition, the Fund provided timely updates Fifty-six per cent of monitoring missions assessed to cluster coordinators and hub managers with key YHF-funded projects as performing well, 35 per cent as monitoring findings upon review of monitoring reports to underperforming but for reasons beyond the partners’ ensure that the findings of YHF monitoring can be used by control, and 8 per cent as underperforming, without an the broader humanitarian community. adequate justification. As part of its commitment to improve Accountability The YHF reached 12,508 people through remote to Affected Populations (AAP), the YHF launched a call Beneficiary Verification Surveys (BVS), which Beneficiary Feedback and Complaints Mechanism (BFCM) in February 2020. The mechanism enabled beneficiaries to Some of the key challenges for YHF monitoring in 2020 directly call or send a text message to a dedicated toll-free included travel restrictions; continued bureaucratic phone number and file complaints or feedback regarding impediments, such as the need for prolonged negotiations YHF-funded projects. Between February and December with national and sub-national authorities to secure travel 2020, feedback was received from 1,775 beneficiaries on permits for TPM contractors; inadequate technical skills 66 YHF-funded projects. The Fund shared the feedback among some field monitors; poor quality of some TPM received with implementing partners and tracked the reports; long delays in providing required monitoring actions taken by partners until complaints were resolved. documents by some YHF partners; and poor mobile Most complaints received were in relation to minor network coverage limiting the ability to reach some dissatisfaction with the assistance received. beneficiaries with phone interviews. Young girl at a women and girls’ safe space in Darwan camp, Amran © UNFPA TABLE OF CONTENTS 07 INTRODUCTION 09 PART I: SUMMARY OF MONITORING UNDERTAKEN BY YHF IN 2020 10 ABOUT YHF MONITORING MODALITIES 11 FIELD SITE MONITORING 16 REMOTE CALL BENEFICIARY VERIFICATION SURVEYS 18 BENEFICIARY FEEDBACK AND COMPLAINTS MECHANISM 20 USE OF MONITORING FINDINGS 21 PART II: SUMMARY OF KEY MONITORING FINDINGS IN 2020 22 OVERVIEW OF FINDINGS ACROSS CLUSTERS 24 Water, Sanitation and Hygiene 25 Health 26 Shelter, Non-Food Items and Camp Coordination and Camp Management 27 Food Security and Agriculture 28 Education 29 Nutrition 30 Protection 31 PART III: ANNEXES 32 ANNEX I: LIST OF 2020 YHF FIELD MONITORING MISSIONS 42 ANNEX II: BFCM COMPLAINTS/FEEDBACK CATEGORIES INTRODUCTION Beneficiaries of cash assistance project in Al Haymah Ad Dakhiliyah © War Child UK In 2020, Yemen continued to be the world’s worst In 2020, 22 donors contributed $98 million to the Fund, humanitarian crisis, driven by conflict, economic collapse with 72 per cent of the funding coming from the top 5 and the continuous breakdown of public institutions donors: Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden and and services. An estimated 24.3 million people, 80 per the United Kingdom. These generous contributions, and cent of the entire population, required some form of the balance from 2019, allowed the YHF to allocate $98.6 humanitarian assistance. The situation in 2020 has been million to 62 top-priority projects throughout Yemen in further exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and severe 2020. underfunding of the humanitarian response. The Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan (YHRP) was only 57 per cent Project monitoring is a critical part of the management funded, with US$ 1.9 billion1 received out of the required of the YHF programme cycle and a key component of the $3.4 billion. Fund’s accountability framework. It enables the Fund to systematically assess progress made towards achieving The YHF makes funding directly available to humanitarian the targets of YHF-funded projects, physically verify the partners operating in Yemen so they can deliver timely and accuracy of results reported by partners and provide effective life-saving assistance to those who need it most. assurance to stakeholders on the delivery of YHF-funded Donor contributions to the Fund are unearmarked and assistance to affected communities. YHF monitoring and are allocated by the YHF to eligible partners through an reporting activities have the following key objectives: inclusive and transparent process in support of prioritized interventions set out in the YHRP. • Verifying partners’ progress in delivering project outputs and activities. 1 Figures as per OCHA Financial Tracking Service on 6 March 2021. 7 2020 YHF ANNUAL MONITORING REPORT • Reviewing the use of resources as per the projects’ • Verifying the beneficiary targeting process. budget. • Using findings and recommendations for risk mitigation • Verifying the projects’ adherence to cluster standards and reviewing partner risk levels. and codes of conduct. • Strengthening partnership and coordination between • Reviewing the accuracy of partners’ monitoring and OCHA, implementing partners, clusters, local authorities reporting. and affected communities. • Verifying the quality of implementation including the • Using the collected information for public information. consideration of cross-cutting issues. • Seeking feedback from beneficiaries on their needs and the assistance they receive. Rania Abulraheem conducts an assessment mission at Al Sha’ab IDPs collective center in Aden. © UNOCHA/YHF 8 2020 YHF ANNUAL MONITORING REPORT Part 1: SUMMARY OF MONITORING UNDERTAKEN BY YHF IN 2020 A child getting clean water from a water distribution point in Dar Saad IDP site in Aden governorate, 22 February 2020. ©YPN for UNOCHA 9 2020 YHF ANNUAL MONITORING REPORT ABOUT YHF MONITORING MODALITIES Given the challenging operating environment in Yemen, YHF uses three monitoring modalities for comprehensive NOTE ON METHODOLOGY USED IN THIS monitoring of the projects it funds. The modalities are: REPORT • Field site monitoring Field site monitoring missions included in this report • Beneficiary Verification Surveys are missions that took place in 2020 regardless if the monitored projects
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