re t h r e e f ££»«■»«■* “ 3 THE XJSHUU Î? ^ H R J ■ P i f ' * CEN ,,F s.r .: OF T.TNPFN # E 5 NT In OP • 1I i JOBOÏ OH ANO T«;vrv;H;?'f ! UNION COUNTY f Tstrc-? <2- -a--? arrs c-2'3«:r.«sss£»>..- tzzz- « LINDEN, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1924 PRICE THREE CENTS

HISTORY O F G R E A T SENATE TO PASS ON Dirigi Ci\Vf n il i.TChr.D ::: f t g i i t , 1 -? IrmriJ BILL NO. 26 MONDAY j ULil. u v M l L. u i i ä_ V, (XTK!I FERE DEPT. U i1 WAR l'O BE SHOWN I S LlhU SCHOOL OFFICIALS Bill refitting to the con­ r . " 1 i i D r ' f- '■ £ & ! A Hi T r a m o prilli hcs until n u /* n n j k I I I II p| American LeHon Post Offers Pttblic h - - jii ' ! \ ! rij h i'4 K * solidation of the Borough and 1 ! 4 COI 1 sinn«l no 1 gc r on his U ä f i l l i U t \ m I i U il Opporiuiiiiy t<» See Offici. A Township into a city, has pas RETURNED TO POSTS ; juin ui. Dir.Ii i r.‘ : ■ ;ies F annie. o f R o s e lle Vvsr Films. ♦ I f seti llie A ssem bly, but the pulltet himself up, : poi", brulle ♦ Senate hod already adjourned Ilm .dass io thè lire ho al 'M»(< i*r«rlest action-film ever tnicol Cranford Has Site Changed and Messrs. Bauer, Martis and Rothery q .] r ; 'M p Vlnvud O* vrcoìne . Disease Was Comf»eel to Negros and when the bill reached there Ri-elle and Curtis street ami Was Restricted by KiTicent ’ be at th Roxana Theatre : Then Eliminates Linden Chil­ lilts week. Township Attorney Re-Elected.—Houston Unop­ bv C ’ ' anrf »>; } iis .it- ; ectn o * Monday and Tuesday. Marcì- \ al Iready to scut! in an Work of IIeo.ltn Depl. dren; Howell Intercedes. Albert I . Bender’s stated this posed as But 97 Vote- a la r m for he 1 P i I’G;u ¡1*1 anf,j 11 under hie au-mtrès c i : Captain m orning. (i an er i ml ins corps Di' ni)!c ll.iiolon Po-t in? of the Amerfcati l " - 1 f , ;• ... V ■ h- ih.- To\. • P ■- Tmvi-'bin health off.-iidy believe When the Senate convenes George W. Bauer, Stephen Martis a -sist MItl.-i IV Iton i)ci r(*î ive Spr­ ,, . , . , , , , y: op. The m menton epic is a eel‘it- : fonn.l li.-rt .» u ni * of John ?.T «< !.. «.! . ntfiUpox in l.iude.i has been stamped. 1 1111 1 ,u u ast m onth, the annual .Monday the ivill w ill be presen- and Georg" Rothery were re-elected Daniel:•; hopp eil out o f tni.l bls'ory of t l,o AYorld W ar - r, I C n u m a a r Sebo .1 i • £?: • rt, rf :*< Fay night. One out p « irt-i * peni * v No caaes have* been , caking contest | 1 etl and as soon as it is pass,»! to the Board of Education at the an­ ' airi 1un* •dw-.l Ills U\p o n 1' film o f {tie i-'rr-at co n fi ici rc.i!>orted this :n itb. the last ; was t ranxferrcd to Cranford, tviio, it will be turned over to Gov. nual election Wednesday evening. ! v »* : *s ay, sa siili; î ite captain iv v:nrr been. ìnK' n Tv t lì * - W ar I »en-irt week in Jaiiuinry two c;i'-v,s w ere found; .) m ni '.oiecd olije. lions agni list our Siizer for his signature. Ha.rjry D. Houston, a form er member, 0\* : • ' I . !■ 1 fi’ I reto.! '■! ; imi bis ere« I rtp OH j . I .. . A Al î nient. K’oveu Signal >ì p- inni we •< "h o d :, purl¡eilinlirtg in it. l'lte re­ wtis elected for a term of two years. t J !■ . pila! ¡ir.d ifischi-: s- I ’•I'd the patients removed to trie iso- • Mr. Bender is op tim istic in tue slipippery p ery pai eiSlYts this ;tt- , , .. , , ,, nM in fnaning t Ho pi« tu«'-, * Pe.w*!. at ton ho ',a ¡ta! rn Eîr/.abeth. The sult nais that Sioc-vising Principal regard to early action on the Fi/ty-isix voter: were east at School after. teiiiooo about four o’i-toeli. • ornes .of tie 4 patients were gru arde i | 4 %l- ilo,veil demande* I fairness for order of ineorprnlion. No. 1, n n 'l fo rty -o n e at S c h o o l N o 2. i/t-a-'" ut Arnold nergeMien re- ; by .-pfcio) jviijRpjnen. I “,>,,'V!'‘*r r' iv,*r" ineHido« »t-'H-it*. den’s children ami socee-deti in hav­ The public questions, relating to the ,r/J w il r. V ìcK \v. - ri ni't <■ | of every division tint saw actual fight ing the context postponed. budget, were approved ... .i v.. • <•■ • •! i f-'Oif'> f••••!.i (!•<• 1 The disease wa« conflnei! to colored! ini? in Prance. Cameramen defio-' Tlie speak:i n il t oni est \Y; i s to have The vote for school commi- doners ; .. Ho (I’ li ■ : Of. ¡ccr Ai ¡ il •'oahlentsL H ealth O-.'.icer W iiFam death to take the pictures. Nine rt-t-F been !held !as! li : liti t in :rv.dioo! No. was a.s follows: G. W. Bauer, 7 -: J. T. thè li-. a e Rt si-M. A : . . n? i 'vraecier sahi very f. neyroes were ,!" lie*.--rais.'ng thrill ■. are preedit'd 1. Ivi ,-ly in! the \veek v>,a i •* i'on!! oh- m w m aWaì •'is be'l -d before, nn.l this probably Bor-ey, 11; H. D. Houston (for two Wi: ‘1 ìI li" fi t foill'f!| ieoted U) Inivi Hit il in y :ltd C■n. \ ■J ! by 1,F.on feet of cortfiseated OerinnF year term, unopposed) 57; Geo. Roth­ •J , ■ >; - T ll.V $».•> -, 1 !>• '.'•.met for their susceptibility to -«.liti n ¡y t! H* ci.iuinitt ee in tdiiarde ubmarinc pi’-.ture.s which oiearb. ery, 72: S. FI. M artis, 69 and Albert l. ,.¡1 i.t | ; i ì :l (alt lin o <)!•• : ■ ■ • ' ■ir'iibn-,. Th y he*"eve that by vac­ (111 (Ot 1need ( infortì as the :-;eer:(* o f h w the barbarous method' used b; St re be, 21. n.ri ¡ed L i'-ton .m f Ji ry.'r.haa, wh.. cinal ing children and ad|u>ts and jso th.e Gormans tlirinj their submnrin, he coun ty contest. Th:at inn. nioi- •ating tite houses immediately, an eci The vote on the current expense summomd ;in amhulaìK-o. iinlitv l iiv‘11 a -ked thaï Li mbon Hi il- escH warfare. account was 71 in favor and 2 opposed. s ■ leniiti was averted. Iren !vc ex oit it led. The com ni i ileo Special mntine»s ere be'm? nrrnnp- The building repair account vote was os-t roi? fi* *• >'-T. !'r: etn !de.* O’î 'omieli Will .Speak ul Hi'. Houi'h saiti, lie never witnessed notified of l in* eiian t;e. i‘0 for the Fwhool. children. The legier Building Committee and Architect 70 in favor and 1 against. The manual Next >fecti:igr because of IV-st- ••) mild a rorm of the disea-e. it has This, Iasi m innte. de i isi on st i rred naires who ¡in' bringing the ere:,* f Will Report on Bids at Ad­ training account was approved 68 - 4. ; ¡’li Ri --eohlana*, ' f I ’ ; i c< ‘ -!■■ •; t ‘ p(;iu nent l. v.;t N ight. been referred: to as Cuban smalli.ox. he Io( ■ : 11 supervisor. j n iill ini rness "itip starv o f utir own home boiv ip journed Session Feb. 19. Appropriation for night tx'hool money |,.r; Tu.. .1 -, ni-! ¡■¡•■•r far C . ; » .;,t n-r t i :s. 1 t was not as p -netrating or as pain ,o Hie pupi Is -und [); ì re nls DÌ’ Linden The j-tec!: nu o f the V.’oo-;! aveiu't , ■ h-s: IT. 1!. Ha.edeii.l'tinr J r„ Joli' "*as 68 for and 5 against. Authoriza­ -|. . , ,• di [b" B: . 1 it'Vim v 1 i miti- i RT : ul as the ti'il tim e m alady and ncithe* Mr. Itow e 11 Proies i tu1 nnd Un.all.y in- RP-ry-t'vo bids were received bv the tion for the Board to sell the house y v.- York. Mr:--. h o . nhtomo w< ili t<> ; ! m nmve ao-nl Association sehed uled ' ! » lie.” . John Mol- >n. Stenben Man I'd it leave the patient as disfigured, sit'd on a postponem ent. Board” of Education last night. Fifty- ! I ;-l n ,hl was post ;>on •• si,i‘ an io - co h >• ls ■ ; - !>;i n i o f f. | in nvaiii eases ¡1 was first thotijf* • one t.f the bids were for the erection school, was 61 yes and 2 no, and au­ yir. Ito < nh’ r'he v ;■ *; on • tini • thè iiojdiw f h r n r N s (>*Domii»li vv:e i; ehiekeiypox. T'eliets are now on sii.le ami can in BETTLE RETURNS :i ml'tion of the one-story and pi—dA'is or;hi-.T wi-'b Abiti, n.- i W ork-i d>ca on '!>'( s rd' ifUeri here, .-’ti from the legion m n. Poster lw»*-»n»!it sc.ho 'I in T.remU'y w hile thorization to transfer certain bal­ ances to the night school account was m. -in'o. AMinnee o f Amorir.-', bran dì No. pceielly Hie Onu.uty i-ola ion hosui -e also being distributed around tin MISSING CHILD tv, !v» competed for the job of sup- PALERMO HEADS approved 64 to 3. 36. cl, which he proposed to the Hoard "own. ; nlyin.g ( iuiipment and,1 furniture for The elected members will take of­ of i'n'v.iohiei's. ITALIAN SOCIETY What the boys did at Onntigny Soothes School No. 6, Morris Avenue. The Rotund Borough Officer fice at the re-organization meeting , ir (i ! I-,;.,,!- !! is s!r.:c. ly : !i favor Cha'teau Thierry, Rt. Mih 'l ami th* : bids '--ere referred to the buildinp RegiiM ican Club Feady Frantic Parent and Locates in April. of this <»>; c . .i! on' .in ;tn isola- Yrgonn.e w ill be known to all. Ti> comrnittre and architect for report or American-Italian Mutual Association Wandering Lassie. ------—— o ------For Washington Dance t.ou .i*t"!. During the ¡msl mont!i o.'Ver to h" sure of n ticket for om ; next 1 uesday evening. ______i Growing Fast, Evidenced at w hen smallpox eases were reported, ,f the perform ances th • boys advi«> I'!. :i- l'or to c i'irst :imutai u;a k Annual Election. “Chollv’- Bettle, rival of Itili Kluge Group bids on ¡tie mav >nn. carp- LINDEN MARINE the best means of combating the con­ -arly' pui chases. and ci vii ha il lo he given b.v thè nciv- for thè heavweight champiotiship of ,ritr.. ,,nj pafnting nere reeoiivd from IN WEST INDIES tagion would have been to place ¡hi ly ol iali zed Linclen Rcpubiiean Club 1 N. M. Palermo, prominent realtor, he Boroti-ih l’oliee Fo r t , made ex ; Dennis J. Flynn, $48,06«: Clins. A. viclims in a separate hospital as i ine., on Ilio e ve o f W usiti ngtoii’s was re-elected president of the Am- ecllent use of his iviuning sni'Ie and Griffin., 860.623: Carlton Co. N. Y., a* J. J. Bone Taking Part in Peace-time done with contagious diseases in YOUNG MEN’S CLUB birthday. are |>i ogres in;' rapidly. Ar- erican-ltnlian Mutual Asosciaition, (elective proclivities yesterday when ; 547.777; p. & c. Huerta. $53.603; an.l Maneuvers Far From Home Kizabc i h. nini.'mi'ats for a large erowd at thè of Limit'll, at their first annual meet­ MAKES GOOD START a mother, wringing her hands and , ;.p !lr, YVi!'ie’.ns, Sr., $50.376. Bach and Severe Winter. l.iiu'ten placed three patients in the Polìsli National Hall -Are boiut* inaile. ing Monday night. Mr. Palermo, id 'icwailing the loss ol In r young | of work wa« hid' on s •parateli', isolation hospital at the rate of Sab The ¡uivance sale of ticket:-: iadicates (lie instance of his friends, organized Charter for Jewish Club Closes With daugl'.ier, ¡»ppeidcd to the ¡,, ,-,v, .-. mine of the contractors fiv- Taking part in tlie greatest peace­ per wee's. the ball ivill tirnw one of thè biggest ilie association anti was forced to ac­ Thirty Members. Plan for ,i tlte peace ior aid in i:!»!:n ,4 Hu .¡¡.y-,, ()!i ;i lump sum for the whole time maneuvers ever held by the Freeholder O'Donnei! is on a com­ attendai ers ever recorded ai thè R o­ cept ils leadership. The financial Theatre Parti. missing lassie. : land, sen and air forces ol the Unit­ mit*!'» of the Comity Hoard to dis­ report ior the first year was very -“Cliolly”, us he is familiarly called ed States. Joseph Jackson Bone, fo r ­ solie Street dance hall. The following wore low on individ­ cuss 1 lie local man's suggestion. The merly of Linden. N. J., is now on The S xth Ward Republican Club gratifying to the members, .showing Witli admission of nine new mem­ Ay capitalist and peasant alike, linsr; ual work:- masonry, Eliott Co., a. co"! mil tee will meet this afternoon. ,nueh progress. tened to soothe the anxious parent duty with .a detachm ent o f U. S. Mar­ bave already answered Rie iovitation, bers, the Young Men’s Club, of Lin­ S21,U;ft; vtiiwiseatry, M, vB»*i>rses *BulM LviTfr’assiiranees that ne Would im- ines in the W est ThYlies. His nam e sai ilis llii'.v v. di com e strem i lo som - The oth er oiTieer.s elected M onday den, closed 'Its'charter MdV(Tay’~rn gh! h - C".: $22.086; painting, Zall and willi a membership of thirty. nu'dialcly comma-id all the dekvlm- appears on the official list of the prie for lite club tiri, e to thè o-gan- RECEPTION FOR PASTOR night were: Nataie Cameo, vice- :.. y t -,,-h friuO: plum bing Gouge T. .Marines with the maneuver forces in izalion having thè lari-est attendance. president: F’edile Viliam, correspond­ A committee o f five, comprising ial nhir.iy he possesses and wouid Tobin : :;70: heating, Fred A. Var Th muitlcrs of the official board return tiic lost ..t.e to tmr iamdy the Carribean. Promine ìt men are also to 1 ing see ret ary: James Maiinu/.za, iin- P r e sid e n t Reihel, William S c h o e n ­ dm-wee. (F.w on three heating an:, o f (.be !. ¡»It-it M. K. C hurch have pronto. he prese it. P ri/es ovili also he aivard- alie!¡:l secretary: James Lomiiardo, berg, Ben Friedman, dins. Kasper vi nlil-'ting systems)- $6,389, $7,019, The maneuvers began early in Jan­ planned a rec-.-plion for their pastor, When -’(".holly” concent rales in is od l'or iinliv :i-.;:d make-Up. treasurer . The trustees chosen were and George Goldstein, was appoint­ and $6.629: and r-leetriqal work. M«>r- uary and will not lie completed until Rev. H. 1. Peterson anil Mrs. usual!v successful and 111is case was the last battleship returns to its The o-ganization is growing fast. Stephen Mannuzza, Fred tzimburiio ed to serve three months as a degret rit and. Crane* S2.178.50. Fui. ivi ck n. ■>-> members ¡ire adiled !-Vlu-,r.ii lids evening in the Four new members were admitted. team and a theatre parly was piati- fio exception to the usual, with the home port in May or June. Certain Quotations were given by twelve to thè i'f ld. Joseph \V. K ugler is pres­ hym n, com m enced ¡it eight o ’ j ned for next Wednesday night. result th at an o th er fam ily will lone, problems in connection with the de­ clock. Adult members and friends school p om furniture concerns.These iti,mt of ihc eliti). rem em ber the Appollo of the ^ior- fense of the Panama Canal and reg­ EASTERN STAR SUPPER An informal supper party, with •• -re al ■> referred to the enm- of the congregation are invited. oiiith force with pDaitilude indeed. ular battle practise by the ships of ENJOYED BY CRAFTSMEN Benjamin Friedman ns toastmaster, mlfie - ar.d Architect Brady. l’ IIll-IJ !•'N"S PM iTY TR N fC H T . the Atlantic and Pacific Fleets are was enjoyed in Newark after Hu­ One of i.ho class, room s had to he being held. Many of the operations SCOUTS IN PAGEANT Saturday evening the members of m ecting. opeiu d io seat the bidders. After To: d ‘ thè IViconeh ‘’iro'm-n wi'l TWO COMEDIES TO are taking place in the vicinity of y- ■ 1 ■ • Fowler. Ijliilt King. the Craftsmen’s Club were dined b.v tiie bids iv -re received the Board re­ r- . . V et t'-i ai Culebra, one of a small group, of is­ I . I n• - Kh-U! and rga>et Spenci-i the Hmm;uis Chapter of the Eastern AID SCHOOL FUND turned to the regular meeting room. ■ .1 TV.i lidi I.rrr’th lands in the Carribean. ,! th,' li'-o., n t’iuisy Troop, ted! lake Star in a benefit for tile Craftsmen’s Local Educators To ______Upon receiving monthly reports from ami . cnosts ivill tic present. The U. S. Marines will remain in ; ....rl in ihc Ibdnvay pageant tonight. building fund. Attend Chicago M eet Holv Name Society Continues to Supervising Principal D. A. Howell Severa.I nembris of thè C“Dtral En- tlie West Indies l'or periods varying Other members of Mr-. .Mi ka's troo] The supper was very well enjoyed Raise Money for Parochial ; Clerk Baldwin, Custodian Blanche, (he < f th* 'r­ ein, h from live weeks to several months, ; will also be jire.seni. by the hundred who partook of the Supervising Principal I). A. Howell School Here. truant officer, school matron, school tii »a for the • h iv certain units of the Corps being as­ nv'rfe .n* meal, which, according to Mrs. Frank and Miss. L. M. Ebbert. principal of ______'ir-'e, a",I school physicians, the s imper. signed to a variety of duties ashore FiAV CALLS HERK FOR Willison, in charge of the publicity, School No. 1 will be in attendance al Two comedies “Valet Wanted"- and Board adjoined until next Tuesday \ • pec a! luis ha • heen Dir (1 to t 'ko or on ships of the navy during the ! REASURY CERTIF1CA1ES was entirely arranged and served un­ the annual convention of the Nation­ “Caught iv .'th the Goods", will be pro- evening. tì.F-’e Vì i c. are nor. go in g by private operations. der the auspices of the Eastern Star al Education Association to he held sentrd in St. Elizabeth's Church Hall, j ------— ° ' auto. ih n T,>n- •\ feiitti ring John Joseph, who is a nephew of Bar­ During the month of January only chapter. in Chicago the last week of Ferbary. Blanche street tomcrroiv evening mi- p JSSUES n e w Rirry. :- being gl y •n ; t !Miner's 'Phen- nette Bone, Rose Hill Cemetery, Lin­ three Treasury Certificates were is­ Following the supper, those pres­ Educators from nearly all parts of der the auspices of (lie Holy" tro ali t: -• week. The supper will b*. DESCRIPTIVE FOLDER den, joined the Marine Corps at New­ sued it the local post office, each of ent enjoyed dancing in the Crafts­ the country will he present anil Society. The pj-oi ceda will go to th* se-veti :i ' i ¡he S25 denomination nut Hiring in men's club rooms until a late hour. many important addresess will lie ark, last September. He is noiv with : hr. d building fund. The Passenger Department of the o------: the 13th Company, 10th Regt., in the j five years. Postmaster Spates states given. Tire cast for “Valet Warded” in- Ko-. ■ c s Ó K -J v Pcnnsyh ani Railroad System has just vicinity of Culebra, and will return i ! ' * J i- t ¡the governement securities are with­ DISBAND PARTNERSHIP. John W agon- j ¡ssuo RO'iS ho,tor, Louis Bobish and Matthew ! national piece of literature in the tèe reel ; ery at IT*-'-; Ya., when the maneuvers are over. »* ni.-11 ■. • • * j -e-a The holders receive four and one The firm of F. G. Blanche and Ma­ HEED AT LINDEN CEMETERY ! D aniels. The cast for “Caught W-th j |orm of a descriptive map folder h P-’**' •: fitatîTt» •f K *■» y th ‘ I8 iv !l h halt" percent interest, compounded thias Hauswald has been disbanded. the Goods” embraces Alexander Hoi-1 .,vliiol, is attracting favorable coin- l'i \ ;e .1 n'Yh!. re .•1 r, : r\ t. » : i* »'S in semi annually, if held to maturity Both Mr. Blanche and his former Funeral services for Ross etz and C. Chad,vick. Both of the ment. !• ' * Î1S. ami three and one half if cashed be­ partner will enter business separately son U' Treasurer and Mrs. Joseph Itois Chivalry. oasts are prepared to make the ball xiu. foltler is an artistic piece of o fore. The certificates are tree from now. As soon as quarters arc fitted of Gibbons street, were held at his A Maryland health official declares ring with laughter. j printing in four colors and contains that the safest place to kiss a girl is Th« Dark L-w3. taxation \ tin the exception of estate up Mr. Blanche will announce his re­ home Tuesday evening. Burial was Following the presentation of the ] ncw)y Pnfrraved maps of New York, on the nape of her neck. Not in this The !» ri. A .h.thiT ft mi t’-.1 ijivtisioc and inheritance taxes. opening. Mr. Hauswald is continuing ma-He in RosedaKe-Linden Cemeterj'. f Fr-p.-t» !-■- î ! . ; ill -nS. to !!:« sketchen. Mill's Orchestra will, 1 « ! Philadelphia, Washington, Chicago, country, for we Americans are much 6 Under the new plan Treasury Sav­ in his present quarters adjoining the Wednesday afternoon. ib’eecm in I!-'-, by t’hiirit'S vide music for diancing. Edward Me- amj si i.,niis. and a large map of the too honorable to steal up on 'em from ings certii ¡cates of $ 1,000, denomina- Roxana Theatre. Yin ,if !'r:lfi.*p ir-, roi .i.r. ,dy uuliod the Ilis was diagnosed os steep­ Grath is chaigman. cf the committee. United Stales in colors showing the the back. ; non seli for $800, $100 certificates ------o ------ing sickness. He died last Friday ------o ------INrt-k ;r S ■ r■ ■ ! »Ms wert* location of all National Parks and tttyhvt , T! 1 ’ ' - - ' ..... I':"' r ,\Vdiì. for $N(> anil $25 certificates for $20. NEW DECORATING Prevent Paint From Dripping. evening after having been ill a Tev.- LEGION HOME. Monuments, together with a mass of FIRM ORGANIZES When painting overhead, the drlp- daws. He was fifteen years of age and instructive data of exceptional inter­ Announcement is made of the or­ • ing of the paint from the brush may Girls Learn Shcemaking. MR. AN D MRS. SPATES attended Linden High. School, where For the purpose of interesting the ENTERTAIN BERMUDAN. ganization of the Linden Decorating est. •e prevented bv slipping one half of -Ml t1 r,• pupils, ciev.-n in nun.ber, at he was in his first year. Beside his Township Committee in adding to the This i hollow rubber hull over the handle *r. u • l -- in boot and .«liuema’o Postmaster and Mrs. L. S- Spates Company, with offices in tiie bunk ,i folder will he mailed free up- ¡mother and father he is survived by attractivcness of Linden's propose, i reqU(.sl t0 D_ N Bell, Passenger if the paint brush. The rubber cap i,! - M ' ■ lib»:.,' of High 11- ’ » :\h, building. wore visited by Mrs. Robert Fisher, three sisters, Lilly, Gladys, and Mabel, vill catch tlie paint. E..... ; nrr Riris. [>. Bafclson. for years with the park permitting the erection cf j Traffio Manager .Pennsylvania, Pe.m- of Brooklyn and Mrs. B. \\ . Hill, ol and two brothers, William, of R»h- the now leg' m home there a com­ Bermuda, during the early part of the well known Theodore Gerlach of -ylvania Railroad, Broad Street Sta- iHay, and Joseph. Jr. mittee from. Post 102 <)' the Am erican CARD OF TiTANXS •it. ue visitors are sisters of the Roselle, is the leading figure in the 1 ion, Philadelphia. And Much More Dangerous. week. 1 Legion interviewed the officials thi '•Ye wish to express our heartfelt Post master. Mrs. Hill was “making new enterprise. The maniac behind bars is « sad Harlequin Style. week. The committee was headed b j *' "'nits nd (hop appreciation to our the rounds” among her brothers and ------o------fight; but the one behind a steering Towards the close of the Eighteenth Post Commander John Mattar and in j Saying Illustrate». wheel is even more depressing.—Tlte 1 :’MV Iriondì and neighbors who sisters and relatives here preparatory Stagnant Spots in Ocean. entury furniture makers designed ‘‘Hard fines!” murmured the student The Sargasso sea is almost the rest- eluded II. B. Hardenburg, Jr., Car-1 Duluth Herald. c Mended to us their comforting to her departure for Hamilton. Ber­ ueces which might have a double or when he couldn’t translate a passage ng center of the whirl of the ocean rett Mayo and John Molson. v erds and tokt-.'s of syrniuithy tltir­ muda on the twentieth. riple use. This was tailed harlequin m Homer.—New Haven Evening Reg ■urrents in tne north Atlantic. The ing the illness of our son and bro- urninire. Beds of today that are Ister -onweed conies from distant shores, The Perfect Husband. iher. :. riri »! the of our bereave- nmsforrned into mantels or pianos, Want Indorsement. vhere it has been wrenched off by the Wife at Marylebone—“1 have no oooooooooooooooooooooooooo mont. People don't care much for your ables which 'become dressers, chairs j 3 9 c SALE force e* ‘die currents. There are four trouble with my husband. I put him to £ opinion unless you agree with them.— ¡hat are tsfepladders are surely ex- j Mi., & MRS. JOSEPH ROSS ither meat weed-hampered areas of bed before I go out and he is as good ° Boston Transcript. •impies o f harlequin style. IF YOU WANT AND KAMI ! -Y itftle rrv'tL'P th* sea. as ani thing until I come back.” ° FEBRUARY 15 TO 22. TO SELL OR DON’T FORGET THE ANNOUNCING BUY PROPERTY MONEY TO LOAN Visit the Store of Values r A S K AND Cl V I C BA L L the formation of the of the LINDEN REPUBLICAN CLUB, Inc. LINDEN DECORATING COMPANY First Mortgages, c-ccond Mortgages ° J. GALLER & CO. on WASHINGTON’S BIRTHDAY EVE., FEB. 21,1924 C. DANN INGER % Temporary Construction Loans , o o 10c up to $1 Dep’t. Store PAINTERS AND PAPERHANGERS 201t Wood Avenue. » at POLISH NATIONAL HALL. ROSELLE ST., and ZIEGLER AYE. o Linden National Bank Building- Adn ission, inc. wardrobe, 50c. Commiittee reserves all rights. Wm. E. Reibel ° Beware of Unlicensed Agents. S WOOD AYR, Cor. LINDEN AYE. o o Three Valuable Prizes Given. Music by Paul Casino and his Melody Boys P. Rafelson I. Schwartz I. Glotzer Law Office Wood Ave. oooooooooooooooooooooooooo Near Station PAGE TWO THE LINDEN OBSERVER, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1924

ually accepted meaning. THE LINDEN OBSERVER Cornelius O’Donnell, known fbr his lack of what As People From Ail Walks of Life usually termed “ diplomacy” , and his bombastic method PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDA* IN AND FOR LINDEN BOROUGH AND TOWNSHIP. UNION COUNTY. NEW JERSEY of obtaining results, is proving that the quiet, persuas­ Purchase Commonwealth Stock ive tactics are not always as effective as more strenuous: E ber H. K e m p s o m ______Editor and Publisher The stile of ‘tin- Conimonneaith U ieiuof. methods. Linden is receiving much benefit from Mr. i The d ivhVnds mi this st..« Wrote oí What He Found Amcrg Water and Light Company’s Cuinu- four times a yea r. Under the prete ni ■ Publication Office: Craftsmen’s Building, 522 Elizabeth Ave. O’Donnell’s regular participation in the meetings of the dative l-’irst Preferred Stock is re- ■uv these uuv iitet us avo free •>* noi m e! j the Inc; es. Office Telephone—3498\v Night Telephone—3412r County Board; is receiving publicity in the daily press;ported » y « « 11"« popnlar ap­ loderai ¡rienoie tax. proval. i ms luci is ueing forcibly I :i addition to the .-to* k being- < >>’?> •.••«■d i throm h th.e securities department lo­ and will doubtless derive material benefit if “ Neil” demonstrated f‘ul by the ,K' mannner ” in SUBSCRIPTION. SI.SO PER YEAR. SINGLE COPIES. THREE CENTS cated in Irvington, .subscriptions may SIDELIGHTS Oil LODO VOYAGE Advertising Rates Upon Application. keeps up his present speed. which the stock is being subscribed also be 1»laced- th ro u g h an y o f the op- fur by purchasers representing ati ’rating’ offices located in Sam it. Vvt Ask your friends to name a few of Last year we saw the appropriation for the com­ • •-! . and Irvington. New •!•-J ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MAIL MATTER FEBRUARY 2. 1923. AT THE POST walks of life. Subscriptions are be­ the great travel writers of all tiin—< - — ------o — ------___OFFICE AT LINDEN. NEW JERSEY. UNDER THE ACT OF MARCH 3 1679. pletion of Edgar road turned over to another improve-|-ing received by the company from and you will get many naiii‘*s--M , meat and we are now confronted with the probable de- I’olo. Richard Hakluyt, Henry M ANOTHER EMANCIPATOR NEEDED 29,777 Miles! Stanley—probably note will mention lay of this highway, as well as the extension to Wood av - . ids engaged in practically every line Columbus. if tie did and yon Inquired “whiff, Teapot Dome, the Alaska Coal Fields, the shipping- of business and profession will have enue, providing a much-needed outlet to Cranford, \\ est-j Columbus?” he would conclude you scandal, and other lesser apparent breaches of trust by j joined the ranks of the company were asking a trick question. field and vicinity ¡stock owners before the sale is com high officials are the order of the day. Following the . . A -V^. . “ The fam e o f Christopher Columbus Much credit is due Mr. Decker for obtaining the j pit. ted. 'UiiA vrL v y .i . A as the discoverer if America many speeches and articles eulogizing’ the ‘ Great Eman­ - -W- .v •••*• i . ’ y l m m Board’s promise to make the Wood avenue and Edgar j 'I’he issue is being absorbed b> T ■ ''-S'.-' - Y A) M i both overshadowed his own remurkn cipator” , Abraham Lincoln, whose birthday was cele­ I corporation presidents, lawyers. s f ’Sff ■ 'U : bly observant account of what he A If road improvements, but promises are not sufficient, i ui ! medical doctors, nurses, school tca- found among the Ind es Hnd the ».: , rc-amA tptWAmu * v -L- y. brated Tuesday, one can not help but wish that some W are i eners, salesmen, farmers, merchants, W ! graphical narrative of bis son. I'• i- can’t drive a flivver on a roadbed of promises, mind Columbus.” says a bulletin from such great man might again arise as the second eman­ ; housewives, clerks, stenograpiiei>, paying for finished roads— and much more. Ihe National Geographic society. cipator— delivering us from the clutches of such as we land many others. And we think Mr. O Donnei is going’ to get them gbfl uU “Both documents are access!tile and In discussing this subject with dr. known to geographers and historians find in Washington -and we recall a poem written by Indeed, the latter’s authorship has and much more. ; O. i- Meyer, manager of the eom- ..*>... tor us a rou sed co n sid e ra b le con troversy, yet a Lindenite, Peter Lindsay, a year ago. We r e p r in t it: Ipany, he stated that the company Refrigeration. ’its ■■ they are not read so popularly as are "A BRa H A ,\l” Gains New Flower. j l ucogamed its moral responsibiliU i ■ ¡ :-'ration is seleni-*» rliitt finds j in accepting applications for >vb- 21777 MILES ON THIS TIRF— many other travel classics.’’ ¡1 Th!t some seed that has lodged ofi “Could he but rise and stand among the rulers of today, I script ions to this offer oi stock and 22,(uO before anything at all hap­ Trees “Stretching Up to Stars.” ;ws. In mining it overcomes ids lung tramp northward in the bool- I that such responsibility cannot be uv- pened in the way cf a puncture. Guy i An example of the descriptive style “ N o t v.-i -■ I difficulties : 'i he influx of: sole of a common soldier in \ espn- one could swerve him from the right—nor Ins opinion sway I erestlmated. He stated that the cotu- E. Van Deuser., chauffeur. Long Island , ; i i >. T in i »oro us formations and tho 1 of Columbus is quoted from his re simV. legion. The boot readies [lov­ j pane’s faithful and efficient opeiation. “Could he but speak, the Ship of Slate would then pass safely thru. o-u o! deep shafts. l\\ freezing the ¡ plant, department of the New York marks about Cuba, which he called er. p’oeis on, wears ort, is cast by the Iso \ itwl to the maintenance of lift- am: 'Hinoumiing earth, miners can carry Telephone Company, is here shown Juana, and at first believed to be ¡1 “The rocks and shoals, for Abraham would do asChrist would do. way. rots in a (litcl’ From it, nest sustenance of health in the eominuni- ihuit -hafts through wntiT-betirint; with the tire over which he drove so part of the China coast. Columbus sprJr -r. Britain has gained a now lh>W- ue i Served, had prepared it to meet far. Regretfully he admits that it is j “Could he repeal in foreign courts, or in the Council Hall, dìruta and by supplying themselves w ro te : er.—v.uiiler-Ooiidi. another obligation In safely guarding now “Time to retire” as far as that - “This island is surrounded by mam V. ii.i cool air they can pen etrate the llie saving's of those who reposed fur­ “Those words, ‘With malice toward none—and charity for alt— particular tire is concerned. very safe and wide harbors not ex ear : it to great depths. ther confidence in the company by plac­ celled by any others that I have evei “Ah, then, methinks, all nations would a peaceful course pursue ------— o------When tie’s Arrested. ing their savings with the company for “ You van'! put much dependence," investment. seen. Many great and salubrious riv-: ers flow through it. There are also “And war no more, for Abraham would do as Christ would do. Novelist's Pu.?* I i-« o Slrpmlure. said Uncle Kben, “on reformin' de kind -•The market offers many securities WESTERN TELEPHONE many very high mountains there. “Cord, send another Abraham born' of the common stock, Amelie Hives, the nove’ is -, one© o f sinner dat never gits rc-pentent for sale to the public.” lie says. “Some her signature to 44 Guo - edl- eeppiu’ when he's been arrested.” of these have beoen high-grade invest­ “ AH these islands are very beauti-l “One who will stand for riglu and truth, firm as Gibraltar s rock. :' t s on a w a g e r that nil cue id read it. ments and others have been such as WORKERS DISPLAY fill, and distinguished by various The nearest tour any one made it out to cause o ur people to hesitate when S’caV.tica; fe y are aeeeesilrie ana “ Chat all the nations of the earth might keep within their view was “American Rivers.” Test That Tell#. the mere mention of stock is made. nt a great variety of trees stretching “The humble faith of Abraham—and do as Christ would do." .o - A man,” observed Uncle Ezra, “cm Investors should learn to differentiate FIRST ÀIO CRAFT ui» to the stars, tiie leaves of which I t (limpin’ like di-> yere half-dollar—toes’ between a straight-line investment believe are never shed, for I saw them Gettinq Rid cf the Suitor. way to find out wlmt kind o’ metal In5 and a spent:fa lion. T he investm ent as green and flourishing as they are But to girls: If you get tired of bases Its statement upon the tried and eiu made of Is ter slam him dowr Western Division telephone work­ usually in Spain in the month of M ay; UNDERPAID POSTAL WORKERS ! proven past, while the speculative se­ having him around, the most effective hahd.”—Boston Evening Transcript. ers in the New York Telephone Com- j some of them were blossoming, some curity bases its statement upon th. No greater argument for the early consideration of way to mend matters is to marry him. I ______pany put the crowning touch of sue- were bearing fruit, som e were in other! —Baltimore Sun. I i possibility of future development.- ■ h any instances. cess on a year of first aid training in conditions; each one was thriving in the “ Edge-Kelly Bill” , which provides for a re-adjust­ ------———° ------j Treasure Trove. Unfortunately. in i these- rosy pnaspects seldom material- a thrilling tournament held recently ; its own way. The nightingale and Avoid Quarrels. j Born by the sea. small hoys lim ment and a fair in salaries of all postal employ­ Ize. It is. thf•refcire. ¡Oil which v. as inte?•pretocl by them final figures in the hands of the herbs and fruits do.” "WHEREAS'. The salaries paid to postal employees are inadequate as a vote o f cionridenct; not in tic judges showed that the winners oi Believed Visitors Celestial. LINDEN S FIRST LAUNDRY •e develop eomr any but in the futui the first three places finished almost Of the natives of the islands Colum­ ¡Titories serve« 1 by them.' to provide for the nccessitim of life and meet high rentals exac­ ment of the te; neck-and-nec-k. A team of plant men bus w ro te : ted for dwellings, nor commensurate with the important and Th!y bound up with the welfare a nei. heaven, and that I had come down recent report states that a minimum health budget for a family propriress o f th<• district s serv ed by then women of the Buffalo plant depart­ from ihence with these ships and sail­ of five must be not less than $201!) per annum, and the maximum with water. Its jm»porty is lined am. ment came out victorious. Second ors; and in this belief I was received cem ented in the ¿-round and u.e pro et As place was won by the Binghamton ; there after they had put aside fear. salary paid to letter carriers and postal clerks is $210 short of from the roesent stock sue will De Commercial department team. Nor are they slow or unskilled, but of; IVindshields, Plate and Auto Glass Our Specialty used largely to finance additions a no As a feature in the evening’s per- ! th s amount, and excellent and acute understanding; extensions to this property. formance five youngsters ranging in j and the men who have navigated that “ IY HERE AS: It is impossible to attract efficient and competent LINDEN GLASS AND DECORATING CO. Can you imagine what it would mean age from eight to four, hailing from j sea give an account of everything ini to the multiplicity of interests concern­ Oiean, and every cne of them the off- j nen to the postal service because of the inadequate compensa- GLASS, PAINTING. DECORATING, PAPERHANGING an admirable manner; bur they never; ed iti the progress and further devel­ spring of telephone folks, gave a first- | saw people clothed, nor this kind of; ,ion paid, and this branch of the Government Service is highlj of ihe Better Kind. opment of this lui ritoi v jj our water class demonstration of a real prob i ships.” Cl IN TON ST., between M UN SELL & STIMPSON ST. works were not in a position to meet lent in first aid. One island, which Columbus called1 essential and important to all busness and industry, as well as the ever increasing demands made upon Vail medals in bronze were presented Mateunin, probably Martinique, he be­ Piet ere Frames Made to Order and Glazing Done. it for water? Mr. Meyer asked. What by President H. F. Tburber, of the j i.o the very lives of our people; then lor. be it resolved that the would become of our realty develop­ lieved to be inhabited only by women.; A postal card will bring me. telephone company, to three Yv’estern j “These women,” he said, “perform ments if we could not supply these Division people for meritorious serv- : officers and members do petition and urge the members of the developments with water? IJo you re­ no kind o f work o f their sex. for they! ice perform ed in 1922. Tw o o f them j (>8th Congress of the United States to give early and favorable alize that practically every person en- use bows and darts; they protect; u’ligeti in every line o f business w ou ld were airs. Irene Crawford and Miss themselves with sheets of copper.- consideration to S. 1898 and 11. R. 4123, known as "The Edge THE NEW LAUNDRY IN LINDEN suffer a curtailment of their earning’s? Florence Fillingham, operators at j They tel! of another island, whose in-1 All business must progress, it cannot Wilson, Niagara County, who were re­ Nelly Bill” which provides for a reajustment anil fair increase habitants are without hulr. and which! stand stiii or recede if the future of warded for the part they played in abounds in gold above all others.” in the salaries of all postal employees to a mirmimum of $21)00 that business is to be assured. One of frustrating the activities of a bandit i Explorer's Commercial Report. the essentials to the success of a bus­ gang; and the third was Angelus A. I The explorer's summary of the com­ and a maximum of $2400 per annum. FIRST CLASS WORK iness in any community is the constant Kirwan. a Buffalo cable splicer, who increase in population to which mer­ gave first aid single-handed to the mercial advantages of the islands; Linden should get solidly behind this movement. Its said: "I promise this, that if I am sup-! 108 WOOD AVENUE chants can look for new patronage. victims of an automobile accident. service is all that Postmaster Spates and his able force Can the cities served by our <>. m- During the past year, about 1,200 tele­ ported by our most invincible sov­ Goods Called for and Delivered paay increase in area beyond the cap­ phone men and women cf the West­ ereigns with a little o f their help, as; can give. They, as well as all other carriers, are certainly acity of our water system to supply? ern Division have taken the first aid much gold can be supplied as they will; As soon as a new resident or business training courses in the evening and ! need, indeed as much of spices, of cot- entitled to a living wage. Every house holder should concern is established the first essen­ 1011, of chewing-gmn (which is only! tial requirement—-wile :s demanded. on their own time. Lost time acci­ write to their representatives as requested on the cards dents in the division have decreased j found in Chios) ; also as much of PORCHES ENCLOSED It is the company s dutv to furnish aioes-woml. and as many slaves for this requirement. On the .»ther ham!, from 6.1 per 100 em ployees in service : the navy as their majesties will wish recently distributed . cite only means the company has of in 1920 to per 100 employees in 1 WITH GLASS OR SCREENS to demand." raising money to *.qulo itself to 1 ord e r 1922. Reasonable Prices. Telephone Linden 3409W raw service is through the sale of se­ Interesting sidelights on the first! AN UNREASONABLE NEIGHBOR curities. it cannnot pay for these ex­ Rockville Center, L L, transatlantic voyage abound in the Graciously bowing to the wishes of the Cranford school tensions and enlargements from the net biography of Ferdinand Columbus, earnings for serve--. The rates lor Telephone Operators |based on his illustrious father’s log authorities by agreeing to transfer the holding of the service, in fact, should not be more Tins journal contained a surpris'u-j than sufficient to cover the cost of op­ amount of data telling what win * annual Grammar School speaking contest from Linden g Telephone 3594 Geo. L. Molson, Mgr. eration—fixed charges and reasonable Brave Fire Peril ______blew, how far he sailed with each ; r#*- dividend returns upon the company's to Cranford, Supervising Principal Howell and the local In the early morning a fire broke ticulnr wind, what currents were fo i 4. j capitalization, and no more. and “everything that was seen by LINDEN SUPPLY COMPANY Mr. Meyer stated it was the policy of out in a store two doors from the Bo ard of Education are righteously offended by the ad-1 wav. whether lords, fishes or any o ft? j the company to offer this stock to the building in which the Rockville Cen­ thing." ded request that Linden pupils be barred from partici­ BEST LEHIGH COAL * j public without bombast and without ter office of the New York Telephone ; overdrawing a single item. The oon- How Lobster Played Its Part. Company is located. The fire gained i pating in the event. SAND, BRICK, CEMENT AND j ft deuce of the public-is invited at every livery school child knows that tin Che reason given, that of the smallpox danger, due to j j step o f th e w ay . considerable headway before it was birds gave the mariners' their firs ALL KINDS OF MASON MATERIAL | A clear presentation of the company’s discovered and as a consequence inkling of their approach to land; Tin recent cases in Linden, is hardly sufficient. There is no! I ¡finances arid operation is obtainable at spread to the adjoining store threat­ lobster has scarcely had his due foi all tim es. It is with this in view that ening the YVidlitz Building housing confirming vi-e portent of the birds. danger of smallpox. All Linden pupils have been vaccin­ the company particularly invites in­ I Elizabeth Avenue the centra] office. In addition to the Ferdinand Columbus writes: quiry at its security department locat­ ated and there were no cases or suspected eases in Lin­ ed in the Irvington National Bank telephone office and a store there are “Next day (September 17) the sea-: den schools. The time limit whereby cases might have Building. Irvington. X. J. apartments in (he Widlitz Building weed was seen in much greater quan­ tity, and a small live lobster was ob­ § I He said that the* Commonwealth Wat­ As a precaution the firemen Cleared spiung up has expired and we have the word of our ca - j er & Light Company’s business was not the building of all except the tele­ served among the w eeds; from tills; 1 that of selling securities, and this sale circum stance many affirmed that they pable health department that all possible danger is past. phone operators, who. working in a J . CAROFF g I is a m ere incident in the co m p a n y ’s were certainly near the land.” Added to this .the fact that all the cases here and in Eliz­ | j corporate existence. It does, however, smoke-filled- room upder truly alarm ! In addition to his duties as mariner g j open a channel through which the coin- ing conditions, saw to it that there and his task of keeping a voluminous; abeth were among negroes, would seem to indicate that Decorator and Painting Contractor § pany expects to receive the co-operation j was no break in Rockville Center's Journal Columbus frequently bad to; | ; and good-will of the public through j telephone service during this truer keep his men from turning back by; there are no grounds for the Cranford school officials' I j their ownership of the company’s j gency. shrewd and ingenious appeals. Follow-! to object to Linden taking part in the annual event in Fresco Work of All Kinds. Imitation of Marbles, sliks, leathers B ; stock, and. as a certain step in this j 8 Flowers and Landscapes fj j desirable direction, the company has i ing the excitement of ids men over the1 wh ch Linden pupils have previously scored many tri­ | pi ac eel its first preferred stock (7 p e rl Thousands of Independents Can Con ' irregularities of the compass, the nar-| | I vent cumulative) on the market in such ! nect With Bell Lines. rator says that Columbus “alleged umphs. Perhaps this last fact may have more bearing jj 435 Brook Street, Linden. Phone 3414W | ] a manner as to be obtainable by all. I that it was occasioned by the polar It Is interesting to note that there j | The- stock is being- offered to the pub- | star making a circuit round the pole. on :he objection than is indicated on the surface. are approximately 9,200 independent i Please let me have an early opportunity to submit an estimate on I | He at par. which is one hundred dollars j yotir painting, decorating and paperhangjng, I am in a position to I [ ($100) per share, and may be xnbxcrib- 1 telephone companies in the United Ukrainians Fly German Planes. States, ihe lines of which are con- - take care of your requirements with the w rj best service, and at • led for either on a cash basis of one Several Dornier airplanes which DIPLOMACY ON TRIAL nected directly or indirectly with ! reasonable prices. j (hundred dollars ($100) per snare and were constructed at Friedrichshafen I | accrued dividends, or on a monthly in- those of the twenty-six Associated and taken to Russia have been operat­ Diplomacy, considered by many a necessary requisite ■ j vestment plan at the rate of S5 d> v n The season is now at hand, so hear me in mind on your next es­ Companies comprising the Bell Sys I ing since last summer in the Ukrain­ ■ for share and $5 per month per share. tern. There are also m ore than ; of office-holders, is on trial at the meetings of the Board timate, and let me show you figures that will sat e you money. ian air service, and are reported to | On the latter plan interest will bo ail- 27.000 rural line system s and assocla i have made an excellent record in com­ of Freholders in Elizabeth— that is, diplomacy in the us­ | owed at the rate of 7 per eent per an- tion3 which are connected with the > «num upon each payment from the date Bell System. > mercial work.



Gas and Electric Rate Reductions To Save Patrons $2,500,000 a Year Are Proposed by Public Service

Public Service Gas Company and Public Ser vice Electric Company are pleased to announce to their many customers that at a conference between officials of the two companies and members of the Board of Public Utility Commissioners held in Newark, February 7th, the companies, through their President, expressed a willingness to make voluntary reductions in gas and electric rates, which in magnitude, from the standpoint of the amount of money that will be saved annually to customers, exceeds anything of the kind heretofore offered at one time in the history of the public utility business in New Jersey.

The two companies have agreed to work out the details of the proposed reductions and submit the same to the Public Utility Board f or its consideration. If the Board approves it will mean:

$ 1,000,000 a Year Saving to Gas Customers $ 1,5 0 0 ,000a Year Saving toElectric Customers

As Gas and Electricity are And it must be remembered Only little more than a year ago household necessities, here is that all during the war, when Public Service Electric Com­ a clear-cut proposition to re­ prices for other necessities pany reduced its base rate to were soaring, the cost of elec­ duce the cost of living to the an extent that meant a sav­ tric light was not advanced by tune of Two Million Five Hun­ ing to customers of about Public Service and public util­ dred Thousand Dollars a year ity services generally showed $1,600,000 per year, and this for the five-sixths of the popu­ a smaller percentage of in­ proposed further cut in prices lation of the State served by crease than other items of will increase that sac ing to the Public Service Companies. living cost, including taxes. more than $3,000,000 annually.

Last year the Public Service gas and electric During the present year the Public Service companies each did a bigger business than operating companies expect to spend the ever before. More than 82,000 electric enormous sum of $34,000,000 for new plants, meters were added to the lines and upwards extensions and improvements to keep pace of 25,000 gas meters were installed. New with ever increasing demands for electric, meters mean new customers and new cus­ gas and transportation services in the terri­ tomers mean more business. The compan­ tory they serve, which territory, from a pub­ ies, taken tpgether, have passed the million lic utility business standpoint, is one mark in meters in service. And more are cf the fastest growing and most ad­ being added every working day. vantageously situated in the country.

More than twenty years of earnest effort has been put forth by the Public Service organi­ zation in serving the people of New Jersey. It is appreciative of the business patronage bestowed upon it during all that period and this announcement of a proposed reduction in rates is in keeping with its policy of showing appreciation by sharing its prosperity with those who made such prosperity possible, at the same time maintaining its record for good service at low rates.

Public Service Gas Company Public Service Electric Company


Jolm Douelon. block 34 6. lots 24 6. AiiUieiv Za usa, block 4a 1, ii*t Antoiuis SlutKu*. blin k 1M*. lot ] K. K. Meai-lmm & »'on iilook « li, Public Notice is hereby given that I. ato. block 81. lots Aaron Kichman, Jos. Culer and , •» i» —----- (17.11-’ ! loi 21 ______62.31 Herbert D. Banta. Collector of the 740 tu H 4. 203.79 L ou is Cohen, block 236. lots 82. I Auui ew A n ton Matuiis. block 136. lot 763 67.02 E. R. Meaeham & Son b look 4 12. itonio Onci ato. block ~,7i~ lots 83 ______4 28.25 G eorg e Uuilanne, block ¿4**. lots 26 *». ______,______3.88 -•'**> * A dam ¿tiles, b lock 1 lor 7u i Township of Linden, in the County oi 745 to 74 7. 23.17 M ax Ivlins*, b lock *236. lots 74. I J luia.1 ir< «2-21 75. »4. 8 5 ______584-Xo Julius K aplan. block 24«. lots Aciam Wanes, b»ock 136. lot « *-» 6 7 .02 Win. A. Cocidingtom block 4 i 2, t nion. and State of New Jersey, pur- block 8 2, ioc 210. 9.6 5 __' 3,88 ■-gy J ulius Levine, block 2 3«. lot loi .1, 6 6.23 lot 4 4 *------|ph. block o5. lot. Bert lot Levine, block 238, lots 169 2 71 272 ______62.3J suant to the authority of tTie statute H arry S. A nderson. block 34». * ueui.ia JD» Ut AjCj , «. _ ii tl. Builders Investing Co., block 13*. 1 W m . a . Codding ton. block 4 12, 4 .82 to 1 7 1 ______1* 2.80 j J u'2.6 i such case made and provided, will, lots 321. 322 ______3.88 67.02 j lot 4 5 ------6 2.21 1 ». block 88, lot 395, 3.88 Jack Hoffman Brewing Co., block j Lou*» Ki ii, l»iwu.-»x 24», JUt t » X J y ~.u Stephen Moravicik, block 137, lot 239. lots 34 9 to 353 ------3.52.17 T h om as J. Giuty, block 34b. lots j Wm. A. Codding ton, block 4 12. on the third day of March, li'24, at Sophie Pinsmowski. block 89. lots 8vii»im»a x*a» . ail. M ili*. ÍV 2 4 », lot 5.78 ; John K rak . b lo ck 240. lot 173 — 80.95 34 7. 34 8 ______— 3.88 67.02, lot 4 6 ------«2.31 j Stephen M ora viel k. block 137. lot to o’clock in the forenoon of that day, Frank T. Sonkus, block 90. lots i Ruch üerezowsky. block 24 0. lots H. H ersh, block 366, b a «:h «s- 103.31 Mary V. Y an iel I. Jio**k 4 12. lot Reliance Realty & Imp. Co., block i puliuu, bioCiv -lu, JUl 67.02 «2,21 st the Town Hall in said Taxing Dis­ 4.35 19 2. 193 ______112.96 3 2.67 I E sth er Pearlm an, block 139. iot John VVenzell. block 90, lot 91, 3.37 Jos. Hudas. block 24 0, lots 2 HI lots 11 to 2 0 ------9.66 Jos. StankaStis. block 4 12. lot 78 66.7 j trict. expose for sale and sell the sev­ M apiehurst E states. b lock 312. t tniUüu. UiOC ix _ *» », tot 67.02 Jos. Siankaitis. block 4 12. iot 79 «6.79 E d w a rd Sc Caroline Beteher, j to 212 ------” *25 3 2.6 0 j Stanislaw M. wozaiea. biocfv j •» « eral tracts and parcels of land herein­ b lock 90. lots 94, 9 5 . ______6.75 J Ro se Avidon, block 240. lot 20— .97 lots 2 1. 22 ______1.94 Jos. Stàiikaitis», block 4 12. lot «0 «6.79 flit. Old l/«3i»OVf, lJlu>».*»x Ö. lot 1 ------Lot 1692. ------67.02 after specified to make the amount Joseph Derengowski. block 91. Airs. A. Cohen, block *240. lots Mapiehurst Estates. block 372. Annie Madden, block 4 12. lot >4 _ 66.73 *iots 29 to 4 0 ------2.30 F. Gras, btock 1«», iot ------Josephine Olekszy, block 139. iot Annie Madden, block 4 12, lot 55 - 66.1 9 properly chargeable against said lands lots 96. 97, ______9.65 \ to 6 ------4.82 rfui ill y. Mil» «. J y. iOi John Kocenua, block 91. lot 10*2, 3.37 M ary Shamas. b lock 240, lots 100. Lucy c . J. Standew ich. block 376. *c‘a 67.02 Bertie Randolph, block 4 15. Jot 7 « 6.7 5 respectively on the First day of July. lots 137 to 146 ------3.88 101.9 0 Anotliny ulawan.k, block 139. lot I Bert»© Randolph, block 413. Jot H 66.7*9 A brah am Sterigrold, block 91. lot 101. 10 2 ------7.71 bii»c a i» *, il» u 1923. as computed in the list on tile 3.37 Anton Voras. block 24 2, lots ü geni a Ramsin. block 3 76, loi ^ X-.0 Vi IS X* 109 7. ____ 66.34 Bertie Randolph, block 4 13. lot 9 66.79 ..{ill. 37.35 4 03 * iot 14. 62..»1 K arol Nadhazi. block 91, lots 124. 1955 to 1957 ------165.26 Louis Spiegel. block Bel tie Randolph. b iòidi ; 413, lot 10 66.79 ii my office, together with interest LUuifi Jt* leisnuiÄti, Uioca a*. tv»v Louis Spiegel. block 403 lot 1 5. 62.31 3.4.50 Chas Ziethick. b lock 24 4. lot 1845 68.50 VVldisiaw 4c Steve Krzoski. E. E. Meacham 6c So n block 413. ..A ...... » 7.35 LO UJS Spiegel, block 4 03 kit 62.31 ______cn such amounts from July 1. I»-". to Powell Molkowski, block 91. lots Peter Po v andò, block 24 4. lots block. 879. lots 22, 2 3 ------12.22 1«. lot 1 i ------62.31 .vi tò sija iidiclio, blue A. « U, iot Louis Spiegel, block 4 03 lot 17. 6 2.31 ock » ate of sale, and costs of sale. * 130, 131. ______5.78 1856, 1837 ______-p------151.17 Mapiehurst Estates. block, 379. E. E. Meacham <&. 8011 M 413. 2 3.09 Katrina Sherman, block 4 03. lot Jot 12 ______- ______;__ This sale is made under the Provis- j Benton G. Boileau. block 9 7, lots Nicholas Gotz, block 24 4. lots lot 1. ______104.12 62.31 John L. Bachman, block 3«0, lot ’Mission Ktíicnm, u toe iv a u , ii» L 1 6, ______6 2.31 E. E. .Meacham & Son block 4 1 3, 94 to 9 8, ______7.71 1863 to 1865 ______5.78 2*3.0^ ims of an act entitled. An Act Con-j 1.9 3 Jos. Destefans Sc Giuseppi Stef­ !_ 163.24 Katrina .Sherman, blocs 4 03. iot 62.31 T hom as DeMille. block 9 8, lot 73. iteicnoi. blOC'Ä oui. iv , L «erninsi unpaid taxes, assessments and j Minnie K. Peers, block 101, lots ans. block* 244. lots 1874, 1875 4.35 Frank Bachman Est., block 3»0. M ission E. E. M eacham & Son blo<:k 4 13. l «¿> 23.09 Katrina Sherman, block 4 03. iot lot 14 ------ether municipal charges on real Prop-| 5.78 Jennie Adler, block 24 4. lots 1837 lot 2 ______147.67 62.31 Jose Pereira, block 383. lots 1789. ^ Frank «fe Lucy Karchai i,y. u»<>cîv 26. ______111.39 E. K. -viu.acham Sc Son. block 415. B en ton G. Boileau. block 101, lot to L839. 1866, 1872 ------78.62 25.50 ertv. and providing for the collection, 3.88 H attie W elt, block 24 5. lots 1325 Jos K iem m er, bl«>ck 4 03. lot 11.— 1—5.59 62.21 thereof by the creation and enforce-j Boles!aw Czarwinski. block 107. to 1327 ______138.92 Antorías R aub, b lock 883, lot Mary Marks, mock ioc Lj '¿ — M ike BowbJes, block 403, lot 12, 62.31 E. E. M each am & Son block 4 13. .Mix* y marks. Uiock 3ov». iot i.»6 — 2.».0Î> Alike B ow bies, bio* k 403. lot J 3. 62.31 meat of liens thereon (Revision of 1J1 ) j lot 3 0 5 ,------7.25 Stephen Guzewich, block 24 5. lots lot 16 ______62.21 Michael Reborn, block 109, lots 134 9 to 3 3 5 1 ______209.36 «u v a n ö o , InucK 2 c». iot Carl Hoffacker, block 4 05. lot H, E. Meacham Sc Son block §13. Approved March 4. m * . and the supple- j B enjam in & Max Albert, block 23.0c 37A, ______757.04 141, 14 2. ______6.75 Charles & Abraham Handler, 383, lot 1796, ______174.01 62.31 sufeiiiilia u o v a i utSv.. 1>iul*a 2 a. lut Carl H oifaek er, block 405. lot nents and amendments thereto, an . M. H a d a, block 109. lots 10 if. block 24 6. lots 1304 to 130 7 ------26 2.03 Morris Lavine and Max Kaplan. E. E. M each am Sc Son block 4 13. 62.83 R ose B ergm an, block 247, lot 1257 2.91 23.0.6 3 i B ______89 0.6 3 6 2-21 t he general law s o f the State. block 384. lot 131» ------44.05 4 a .4 a F ra n k Knita. block 110, lots 185, John Kacik, block 24.8. lots 1201. Fi an.c bif’iua. mock o«>, 24 » I Carl Hoifaeker, block 405. lot. E. E. .Meacham . Lat*kowitz. block 24 8. lot 1227 2.91 George Brodesser. block 4o7, lot, 62.31 sale, between the hours of 1" a. in, 3.83 Max x'2ngoiau. bioctc 7 2, lot 2 3«»»- *4 JL.D*» 9 7.97 i J ucK zyn ski. bi »* k 4 i 3, iot 2.4 1 viichaet Allano, block 4 03, lots ! Alary Krivacs, block 115. lot 86 2. 5.78 H arry Gellin. b lock 24 »8. lot 1226 Xiax "hitfuran, block 7 2. lot 2‘ . u_ 4 i.o4 G eorge B rodesser, block 407. tot 62.21 and 4 p. m.. except S atu rda y, and o n ; Sam Schwartz, block 251. lot 704 69.41 28. 29 57.87 2 ! Rozalia Biszkanski, block 115. lot yioi em e Meehan, block 4 08. lots 80.16 i Jackzyriski, bi >ek 4 J 3~ lot Saturdays betw een 1» a. in. and 1 -. Philip K as low sky. block 251, lots Benjamin Storekheim, bhjck 14 6. George Brodesser. block 4 07, lot 48 to 52 ------316.37 60.57 32 62.31 3.8fe iot L> o 6 ------71.24 Frank Yoezis. block 4 13. l«_»t 33 „ i toon. ! Joseph Szarowski, block 117, lot Jharlie Atf'anu, block 408. lot 59 38.66 Peter w íuehincay. bloca, loo. i«»t 62.31 36.98 Michael Yvojinowski, block 251. George Brodesser. block 407, lot 9L9, ------j-harile Aliano, block 4o8, lots 60 59.4 f Frank Yoczis, block 4 13. lot 34 _ 62.31 ANY OF THE SAID TRACTS *>F 3 6.04 lot.- 7 2 2. 7 23 ______137.02 6 2.31 Ella Elijas, block 118. lot 933, to 6 3 ------«5.67 Paul M elisi, bioCk 106, i«»t 32« __ .»..4 0 W illiam Sisko. block 118. lot 94 4. 7 8.62 Wladislaw Ostrowski, block 255. G eorg e B njdesser. bi«»«:k 4 07. Jot Frank Yoczis. block 413. lot 25 _ 62.3J 1 AND MAY BE HtJ.EASED FROM iJts 326 to 3 2 8 ______7.71 rlathew M asta ns ka. b lock 4 10. c e ter oantsi. b lock 107. lot 2~»4 _ »».4u Wladyslaw Goralski. block 119. 379.64 62.31 E. E. Meacham & Son, block 4 12, ‘ Al.E BY THE PAYMENT BEFORE R ebecca Gerber, block 256. lot 4 33 1.92 lots 9 to 14 ------lames A. LaSalle, block 7ft. b»t Ge«.»ige B rodesser. b lo cs 4u7, iot lots 973. 974. ______4 .82 .Xathew M astanska. block 4 10. 6 2.31 T H E SAUK, O F T H E A MO l'N T S TATE D Joseph Shur Sc L. Ükum. block. Samuel Fei telson, block 260. lots 5 3.43 E. E. Meacham 4c Son, block 4 12, 583. 584 3.8t lots 36 to 39 ------253.12 M ichael ¿Nieolittie. m ock 7a, lot 119. lots 2657. o f 2658,------134.22 G eorge B rodesser, block 4 07. Jot l lot 4 3 ______62.31 H E R E IN AS D I E ON JU1.Y J, lifJH- ON T ednts K lack, block 261, lots 753 fony Mejanka, blockk 412. lots 4 7.02 F r a n k C h alak o w s k i, block 120. «2.31 j E. E. M each am & Son block 4 5 3, SAID TRACT, TOGETHER WITH IN­ to 756 220.2t 35 to 40 ------189.34 helice Fergione. block 7». iot 69« 4 7.02 lot 8. 107.15 G eorg e Brodesser. bi.»«;k 4 07, lot lot 44 _ 62.31 TEREST THEREON FROM JV1.Y E 7, Becky Rosnowsky, block 26 3. lot Jila A lfano, block 414., lots 3«, 37,. i humas ixieoliitte, bl<», lot 1, 6 6-79 lot 50 ______Ludwig Lewandrowsky. block 180-i tu 1807 ______6.75 23 ______184.4 6 Julia Gabi, b lock 249. lot 772 ------63.71 «2.31 126. lots 469 to 173 ------1 6.40 Henry Appermari. block 408. lot E. E. Meacham & Son block 4 13. THE TOTA I, AMOUNT DUE THEREON l Alex Poneba cs, block 271. lots George Schneider, block 4 25. lots Anna Lopueh. block 24 9. lot 770 _ 6 5.71 Michael Nahaika. Block 126. lot 34 4.4 2 «6.75 lot 51 ------62.3} AS COMPUTED TO .11 l.Y 1, 1»S3. 1.8*23 to 1 82 7 ______■¿'i ______J 08.79 Samu< Bromberg*, bioek 2 4». lot block 4 os. lot 2.91 Pe ter P o veda, bl oc k 274, lots 63.71 Hen r y A p pen n an. Benjamin Tamulonis. block 4 12, Peter T um aeo, block 426. lots 11, 7 69 «2.31 lot 62 ______To Whom Assessed, Description. Amount Josef Kopcynsky. block 130. lots 1177, 1178 ______1 37.96 24». i- » * 11, ______««.79 12 ______J 28.50 Sam ut Bromberg, block bio* k 4os. lot Eva Eitwinoff, Block 1 Gets. IMi. 9 9 7. 100 8. 1009 ______2 33.06 Jacob Siegel, block 276. lot 1074 50.2 1 1 6 2.45 Heury a.pperman. Ben iamin Ta melon is. block 413. Workmans Club Forward of Lin­ 7 6 S «2.21 lot «3 ______137. 23 I,oi enz iviviatkowski, block 131.. Francesco Paptalpa, block 2 7«. Ato rri. Kaslowsky, block 250. lot 66.7 9 lots 1111. 1115 ______63.12 den. b lock 426 lots 15 to 20. — 37.63 Henry Appermari, block 4 08. lot j Benjamin Tamuloiiis. block 4 13. W illiam U iollm an, B lock i Got. lots 1095. 1096 ______2.37 A. Deutetwio. block 4 32. lots 84. ,754 6 3.71 Ladislaw Maincz, block 132, lot Johanna Schwartz. hl«» k 277. lot 758- 6 3.71 6 2.31 lot 64 ______««.:? 85 138.35 Julius Hovrat. block 250. Henry Apperman, block 4 os. lot Atlantic Export Dumber Co, 71.86 1029. 1050 ______4 82 Benjamin T&nmionis. block 413, Joe Vena, block 4 32, lots 88 to J ulitis H o w at. b lock 250. lot 75»_ 63.71 6 2.31 lot 65 ______B lock 4. Dot» 215, 216. 2 1 7 .------DIO.Sfl Jakubas Stankifcwiez. block 133, Rudolph Frölich, block 27 8. lots 66.75 91 9.65 Louis Nica, biol 2.91 A nna Sheye, block 437. lots 3 6. Harry Katzuk, block *285. lor 2*> » 4 9.76 o f lots 27 1. 275, 2 78, ISO. 3II3. __ I 1 -7 Adam Kaminsky, block 137. lots Bertha HersKovitz «v B. Heine ioi lot 3 4 . ------«2.31 P etron eta Civiakoia, block 414. 1057 to 105» ______31.31 18. 20. 22, 2 4 . ______33 6.37 Harry Hatzuk. block 285, lot *207 4 9.76 E. E. M eacham »Sr Son. bl«*ck 4 '. j lot 2 ______3-sidor ( lohlljerg. Block 1. Dots. block 279, I i )T s . .»0. 591 ______4.82 Catherine Igappirt, tdock 4 35, lots 4 6.7 9 Christ a in W cberL block 137. lots Becky Meyerwitz. block 311 lot 35. ______62.31 | R ebecca D ash, block *14, lot 3 _ 66.79 213. 21». ______; r'-TS R ealty Trust, b’oek 275. lot h*>3 1.9 5 59. 61 ______1-91 ___ 4 9.77 Harold Depew, Block «. i’art of 1071. 1 0 7 5 .______139.8« Pauline Butler, block 279. lots E. E. Meat- 4c Son, block 4 05. j Rebecca Dash, block 414. lot 4 _ 66.79 Bowel Si nick i. block 1.7, lot 1 9 7« - 69.95 Freund Klisantz Est., block 439. Becky Meyerwitz. block 31 1. lot Dots X. 2, A------213.45 I 595. 596 ______137.9 6 lot 36, ______«2.31 R ebecca D ash, block * ¡4. lot 5 _ «6.79 lots 2. 4 ______128.50 4 9.7 7 Frank *>. Krasinski. block 4 0 a, P etron eta Civiakaia. block 414. Hattie Welt. Block 1",. Lots ». hi. 6.75 j Benny Kozikowski. block 137 . lot Bennie Levine, block 280. lot 554 68.52 A. B. K äufer, block 439. lots 22. 6*3.19 Jacob Lippner. block 57. lot 34 56 «2.31 lot 11 ______62.31 D avid Sadowitz, block 1», lot 31A. 18.53 j 1081 ______«9.95 A brah am P low s ky, block 281. lot 24 ______J 26.06 •Jacob Lippner, b lock 57, lot 34 57 6 8.11 Frank O. Kras inski. block 408, Wm. E. Hooper, block 4 14. lot 2 8 62.31 D. Kasain & J- Ginsberg, block Jacob R osezak, block.. 138. lot 500 3.86 Fred Schanz, block 4 39, lots 4 1. Paul Dzui ilio, block 58, lot 3341 6 8.20 21. lot 4 478. ------110.10 Stefan Shercan. block 283. lots lot 38, ______«2.31 W m . E. H ooper, b lock 414. lot 29. 6 2.31 4 3, 4 5. 4 7. 4 9 ------35.85 Amato DiDominico. block 58,- lot E. E. M eachem Sc Son. block 408, A dam Seidez, block 4 14. lot 30 __ David Frgnzman. block 21, lots K asm ir Indyk. block 139. lot 83« • ; 8.9 7 298B, 299.300 ______7.71 Edward A. J ingley, block 4 4 0, « 6 2.31 7.71 8.20 62.31 \dam Seidez. block 414. lot 31 __ 62.31 4 37«. 4 477. ------Michael Zolynas. block 13». lot John Lucas, block 285. lots 216. lots 3, 5 1.94 •Joseph Ploeser. block 58, lot 336 2 68.97 <»8.20 John E. James, Dock 4 03, iot 4 0. 62.33 Ma *y VT. Yarnell. b lock 416. lot Benjamin Rosenthal, block 22. 217 ------101.40 Benjamin Kosberg. Mock 4 19. Joseph Ploeser. block 58. lot 33 63 « 8.20 4.35 Antoni Pairkowski, block 139, lot Irene Strikovska, block 286, lot Joh n E. Jam es, b lock 408, lot 41, 6 2.3 i 15 ______66.79 lots 4 352. 4353, ------lots 10. 3 2, 14. 16 ------253.12 .Nettie d a ra n block 61. lot 2418 _ « 8.20 69.95 i’ c i i i d>uLOieiiOpsk i, block 4 0a, lot M ary V. Yarnell. b lock 416. lot Ella D. Hyde, block 22, lots 4357. 96 4 ______68.05 Jos. Eggertsberger, block 4 M». Nettie Garan. b lock 61. lot 2419 61.34 6.77» Ludwig* Kotlik, block 112, lots «6.79 A n ton R och n yak . block 286. lot lots 30, 32, 34. 36. 38, 40 ____ J73.64 •Samuel R osen blu m . b lock 58, lot , . A 1. Resnick, block 22, lots 1168. 116» ______9.65 965 ------' 6 8.05 Felix Butoiehopski, block 4 08 lot E. E. M each am oc k 14 2. lots .\ rn. J oh n son , block 4 09. lot 4. «2.31 30 ______«2.21 Celia Schlossberg, block 289. lots 37.4 6 1 20 2, 1203 ______9.65 1 I 8n. l lxi ______3 01.36 VVm. Johnson, block 4 09. lot. 5, «2.31 Michael P. Carey, block 417. lot eennie Adler, block 27. lots 112», Jennie Duncan, block 114, lots Anton Schaeffer. block 5 8. lot 4130. 4135. ------8.69 William Blaza. block 14 7. lot Celia Schloss berg, block 289, lot \vm. .Johnson, block 4 09. lot «, 6*2.31 3r ______62.21 1 29.99 52, 54.56. 58 ------3.80 37.4 6 win, Joh n son , bioek 4 09. lot 7. 62.31 Miohael P. Carey, b lock 4 17, lot J’aultne Urzechowskblock 2¡, T. M. Daly, b lock 445, lots 45. 17 100.63 i Harry Geller, block 384. lot J 84 2 3.37 Ze 1 d a. K a 1 u g* h in, l»lock 148. ” 17)1 72.54 Wm. Johnson, block 409, lot a. 6 2.31 32 ______lots 4.142, 4 143. ------Shaye Rosenberg*, block 29 1, hits Steve Toth, b lock 446. lots 8, 10. ‘ Michael Seaman, block 141. lot *24 4 9.8: 62.31 1303 ______7.71 9 2 6. Wm. Johnson, block 4 09, lot 9. 62.31 Michael P. Carey, block 4 17. lot Albert K. Bender, block 34. lots 3.86 12 ------191.28 j Michael Seaman, b lock 141. lot 25 4 9.83 1« to 25. ------19.42 A brah am Linzer, l»lo**k 1.4*s. lots Realty Trust, block 294. lot 1305 1.9 3 Wm. Johnson, block 4 09. lot 10, «2.31 1316. 1317 ______7.71 Win. E. Fleming Est,, block 4 4 7. Charles A. Bennett, block 4 53. lot vin. Johnson, block 409. lot II, 6 2.31 Vineefft G enevoss. b lo ck 418. lot American Union Realty Co, block Daniel Baba«*, blork 294. lots 1306. lot 1 ______3.88 ; 1988 ______4 9.S4 61.08 1307 ______vV'm. J oh n son , block 4 09. lot 12. 62.31 4 ______6 2.31 35. lots 30. 5«. 7*7, ------Gussie Moore, block 14 8. lot 1735 39.23 4.82 H arold D epew . block 447. lots 3. Peter Zanish. block 454. lot 2061 4 9.84 2.91 Alex Nechemin. block 294 lot 1316 Wm. Johnson, block 4 09, lot 13, 62.31 Vincent G enevoss. block 418. i«»t Albert F. Bender, block 33, lot on. Joseph Kitpa, block 150. lot 1919 179.4 4 .9 6 4. 5. ______204.66 Peter Zanish. block 454. lot 2060 4 9.84 Albert F. Bender, block 35. lots ...... Lukas Taras, block 295, lots 1015 l hoiii.'.s P. D ow n ey, block 4 10, iot 62.31* Isidor t'x David Brodotsky. block to !0 19 ______U. S. Fidelity Sc Guarantee Co.. (Benjamin Gisser. block 135, Jot 62.31 :30. 42 to 45. I«. 51. 32. «I to 04. !» UI.: 27 9.86 block 4 4 7, lot 20 ______5.7 8 1 1161 ______67.02 Vincent Genevoss. block 4 18. lot 152. lots J 3 20. 132 1 ______1.39.03 R ealty Trust, block 297. lot 1227 Fhomits P. Downey, block 410, lot Albert F. Bender, block 30 lots 1.9 3 Unknown, block 4 4 8. lot 2 ------5.7 8 N apoloan Pol. block 135. lot 1147 «5.65 62.31 371. G o f 37 2 . ------• — - ' •- 1 Owen Kenny, block 184. lots 57, Morris Reifowitz, block 297. lots «2.31 V in cen t G enevoss. b lock 418, lot 5 8. 59 ______4 .34 1 2 39. 124 0 ______F ra n k V an Pelt, block 4 49. lot 4. 29.16 K o k u s C ni tas. block 135. lot 114 6 «5.65 Albert F. Bender, block lots 5.78 Gertrude Gerson. block 4 53 .lot Alex Doskiewiez, block 158. lot , Charles Stamier. block 410. lot «2.31 370 to 381. 354 to 3»*. ------4 8.91 Giuseppi Cambici, block 1-88. lots John Sevosky. block 29 8, lots 2 2 A . ______6 2,31 G US Rol off. block 4 18. lot 2 4 _____ 62.31 349 to 351 ______4.34 1324. 1325 ______1990 ______95.26 124 9 ______65.65 A lbert F. Bender, block »7. part. 5.78 Paul Szeinun, block 4 54. lots 204 6 Im re Kubovie. block 138. lot Edward Burton Est.. block 41 o. G us R oloff. b lock 418. lot 2 5 _____ 62.31 o f lots 77. 78. ------59.18 Jam es Di Bella, block 190. mts George Bosnia k. block 299 lot 67 8 1.46 lot 23A , ______62.31 bus Roloff, block 4 18. lot 2 6 _____ 80.16 ITS to 187 ______10.63 Realty Trust, block 303, lot 160 1 2 A4 7 ______167.48 65.6;> Albert F. Bender, block .¡». lots 1.9 3 G eorge Krupa, block 454. lot 2052 124.45 Imre Kubovie, block 13 8. lot Edward Burton Est.. block 4 10. E. E. Meacham & Son. b lock 418, 397. 389, 390. 401. 4**2, ------64.50 He r m a 11 G ross ma n. block 191. Henry W eiss, block 303, lots 1610. lot 24 A. ______62.31 lot 10 ______:______62.31 lots 399, 400 ______2.41 1611 ______Michael Chisnjaji, block 455. lots «5.65 /.le x st a nera ki. block 42. lots 3».,7 8.69 2104. 2105 ______203.4 6 Philip Roshufski, block 138. lot E d w a rd B u rto n Est.. b lock 410. E. E. Meacham Sc Son. b lock 418. 9.6 6 Joseph Galante, block 19 3, lots Marianna Czebroska. block 304. 6 2.31 lot. Jl, ______to 3959. ------;------Joh n Gee za, block 455. lots 2111. 65.65 62.31 Joseph Josinsky, block 4 3. lots 5.7 8 lots 1553, 1554, 1572, 1576, 1577, 17.37 Jq.nas Krievtkins, block 4 10, lot E. E. M each am & Son. block 418, Michele Battaglia, block 193. lot 2112 ______254.06 Rose Weinberg. block 151. lot 4.8 2 John K ossuth. block 305. lot& 6 2.31 lot 12 ______3903. 3904. ------1.4 6 E ast Linden I>ev. Co., block 4 57. 6 «5.6 6 62.31 NRs Vedin, block 14. lots 366 >. 1010, 1011 ______4.82 Jonas Krievtkins. block 410. iot Enrico Maretti. block 4 I S, lot 13 62.31 4.82 Felice Di Bella, block 19 3, lots 227 W asil M urzika. block 306, lots Jot 14 ______» ______98.29 Hyman Fieidman. block 14 7. lot 3666, ------•Jon*i \ ogei, «»lock 4 57. lolot 28 ___ 3.37 1241B ______23.56 66.75 Enjieo Maretti. block 4 is, lot 14 62.31 2.91 9 38, 939 ______7.24 iAwrence Kovvopasek. block 4 4 Ge«u*ge W. R oll Bst., b bl« lock 457. Jonas Krievtkins, block 410. lot Enrico Maretti. block 418. lot 15 62.31 7.24 Patos Uteri, b lock 194, lots 4 59. Charles Haves, block 306. lot 946 4.3*5 H ym an F reidm an . block 147, lot lots 3672 to 3 6 7 4 .------2.91 3.37 «7.02 66.79 E n rico M aretti. bi/tek 418. lot 1« 62.31 George Hubert, block 4 5. lots Louis block 306. lots Jonas Krievtkins, block 410, lot Enrico Maretti. block 4 18. lot 17 62.31 9.66 Domenico Marina, block 194. lots 964 to 967 ______E con om y R eally Go, block 459. John Leonhart, block 14 8, lot 3924, 2925, ______1 1.57 lots 29, 30 ______7 71 6 6.79 E. E. Meacham & Son. block* 4 18. G eorge H ubert, block 45. lot 3933, 67.66 164. 4 65 ______1.93 Edward A Herie Poznanski, block 67.02 Giovani Ferrori, block 194. lots Philip Kam a«, block 55.S Tot” lot 337533 7 «I ft 7.54 J oh n L eonart, b lock 148. lot Jonas Krievtkins. block 4 10, lot lot 18 ______62.31 George Hubert, block 4.». lots 307, lots 914. 915 ______4 8.20 6 6.75 E. E. M each am 4c Son, block 4 IS, 66.12 166 to 4 68 ______2.91 Stephen Zellem & Win. U. Kash­ D aisy Kimball, block 58, lot 3339 1946 67.02 3921, H o f 3922. _ _ Jonas Krievtkins, block 4 10. lot lot 19 ______62.31 John Lee James, block 195. lot m a n k, block 307. lots 930 to Daisy Kimball, block 58, lot 334 0 19.46 L ou is Cheim, block 152, lot 1322 65.66 G eorge H ubert block 4o. lots Daisy Kimball, block 58. lot 3341 19.46 66.79 E. E. M each am Sc Son, block 418, 66.1 2 932. ______3 5.43 Stanley bioek 3 8?>, lot G o f 3922. ------Salveris Berillo, block 197, lo is B . Michels, block 58. lot 3336 ____ 19.4 6 186] ------Jonas Krit vtkins, block 410. lot lot 20 ______6 2.31 louts Bod ner. block 46. lots Herman Brown, block 308. lot 4 55 2.9 J 65.66 4.82 191 to 493 ______2.4 1 H. Michels, block 58. lot 3 3 2 7 ___ 19.46 Stenle^6* Jvrsnieski, block 385. lot 66.79 E. E. Meacham 4c Son. block 418. 3884. 3885, ------— —------Max Hronstein. block 15». }. _ 5 Stanislaw Yaniga. block 308. lots H. Michaels, block 5 8. lot 333* ----- 19.4 6 j 1862 ______«5.6 6 Jonas Krievtkins. block 410. lot lot 21 ______4 4.54 G eorg e And re. bloc k 4 6. lots ■>s 469 to 471 ______8.69 4 .8 2 6 8.53 F rances Sc A n ton io O boi-a io . Stanley Krsnieski. block 385. lot 6 6.75 Frank Sole, block 4 1». lot 8 _____ 62.31 B< rlant 1 >evelopinent * >».. :>Iock Philip Levine, block 3 os., lots b lock 65, lot 322 2 ______19.4 6 j J o.u as jviu.-v tains, b lock 410, lot Frank Sole, block 4 19. lot 9 _____ 62.31 473B. 474 ______6 5.66 pasquale Paimire. block 4 7. lot 199, lots 129, 130 ______4 6.33 104.21 Religious Brotherhood, block 14 8. 66.79 Frank Sole, block 41». lot,,, 1 0 ___ 62.31 2.4 1 John R uzicka, block 308, Jots Stanley Krsnieski. block 385, lot Berlant Developrnent Co., hi >ck *2.01 I ’ 1864 ______Jonas Krievtkins, block 4 10. lot Frank Sole, block 4 19. lot 1 1 ___ 62.31 J ob n Honyda, block 47. Lots 3641. 475 to 477 ______65.66 19 9. lots 135, 136 ______4 6.33 209.42 Wladisiaw Barniak, block 384, lot Stanley Krsnieski. block 385. lot 66.79 Frank Sole, block 419. lot 1 2 ___ «2.31 A nna K n ow lton , block 203, Part Max Rosenblum . block 309. lots 184 5 190.02 1865 ______Jonas Krievtkins. block 4 10, lot Frank Sole, block 4 19, lot 13 ___ 62.31 J >seph Boris, bl«»<•k 4 x. 1 ots 560 . 405. 406 ______65.66 8.69 o f lots 254, *255,______1.93 14 2.87 Wladjsla w Barnia k, block lo®, lot Stanley Krsnieski. block 385. lot 6 6.79 H. Paul Smolscky, block 4 20. lot to 3609. ------J. M. Gam nore, block 205. lots Jos. M. Brandwein, block 30 9. lots 1909 100.01 Charles J. Stamier, block 410, lot 4 2 «2.31 2.9 1 4 07. 408 ______3 4 1. «5.66 Joseph Gotch. block 4 9. lot ->**’• 3.88 Stanley Krsnieski. block 385, lot ) Cinerei li. bloc k 4 2 0, Isidore K amberg, block •'<>, lots Pasanka Mychilyszym. block 310. A n drew Sikora, block 141 lot .18- 115.66 MvGovern »*C- C bloc k 211, 1867 65.66 Charles J. Stamier, block 3 2 0. 62.31 2607. 2608. ------lot .160 ______2.91 A ndrew Sikora block 14 1, k>t 19- 312.90 2.91 Acrcs ______71.44 Stanley Krsnieski, block 385. lot 62.31 G io r ac k i Cinerelli, bloc k 4~2U~ J& nze Miller, block 50, lot Reliance Realty & Imp. Co., block He ! ì ry M a rk o w i t z. ”bl7>ek” hi oc k 213. A n d rew Sikora-, bio* k 141,lot 20- 114.58 1868 ______76.16 Charles J. Stamier, block 410. lot i lot 47 62.31 Alga Abels, block .*1. lots -•'«■'* 310. lots 365 to 367 ______3 1.57 3. s 8 2905, 2906 ______5.32 A n drew Sikora, block 141, lot 21- 91.40 Joseph Dugan, block 153. lot 1931 65.66 • Cinerelli. b lo ck 4 20, Mas Green, block 2 13. lots 2908, Frank Wish news ki. block 3 I o. Charles J. Stamier. block 410. lot lot 387 ______Stanley K aipes, block 383, iot Stanislaw Formal, block 121. lot «2.31 1 elagrino Seocza, block •>!. lot 2909 ______7.25 88.04 na. b lock 4 21 62.31* 1.9 3 Frank Sc Lucy Kucharsky. block 17*7 106.10 54 9 ------6 7.02 ». lot 4 9 __ Leon R o u in s k y . block 213, lots Stanislaw F orm al, block 121, lot Charles J. Stamier, block 4 10. lot Valentine, block 4 20. j )seph Bachmansky. block 311. lots 1a4. 155 ______4.8 2 Stanley K arpes, b lock 383. Jot 5.78 1783 106.10 550 67.02 20, ______62.31 : 62.31 lots 2543, 25 44. ------1 33.9 6 Sani Potkin. block 213, lots 2922. Terminal Investing* Co., block :U3. 1.93 Morris Goldstein, block 3*3, lot W . Philipkecz. block 122. lot 61 2 67.02 Charles J, Stamier, block 4 10, lot Valentine. bloc *: 4 2 O” J jseph Moser, block 53. lot 1«[ tt. 2 » 2 3 V ______lot 74 ______69.00 5.78 1731 106.10 W . Phiiipkecz. block 122, lot 61 3 67.02 62.31 ; 62.31 Realty Trust, block »6, lots » »! ■. Joseph Barnhuler, block 2 1 3, lot Jacob Siegel, block 312. lots 79. 3. -8 8 W . D w & rak ow sk i, block 122. lot Charles J. Stamier, block 4 10, lot Valentine, block 4 20, 295 1 5.7 8 80A ------105.65.67 Kathleen Meszaros, block 23w. lot 2.91 M orris La vine, block 312. lot 105 614 «7.02 6 2.31 6*2.31 Max Colomb, block 56. lots 3 »,3. Ha roltl Depew, block 214. lots 2.41 Edward Burton Est., block 4 10. 2.91 2 8 8 2 Ladislaw Snobozinski, block 312. K athleen M eszaros, bio«*k 2 3». lot Joseph K abilak. block 122. lot Valentine, block To, Jennie Adler, block 56. lot 3 * >7. to 2884 ______. 8.69 632 67.02 lot 23. ______62.31 lot 18 62.31 H arry Sass. block 214. lots 288«. lots 114. 115 ______4.82 Congergation Anshe Chesid. block James B. Stewart, block 313. lots Charles Zjviebacb. block 230. lot Kasim*i* Kueznski. block 12 2, lot E d w a rd B u rton Est.. b lock 410. lizabeth V alen tine. block 4 20. 28 S 7 5.32 624 67.02 lot. 24. ______62.31 j lot 1 9 __ 62.31 block 5 7. lots 34 71. 34 7 2 . ------7 4 .72 Sibilla R ealty Co.. block 214. lot I 2 to 9 ______1 5.4 3 2 3 34.31 Kasimer Kueznski. block 122. lot Edward Burton Est., block 4 10. James Fane!, block 4 21, lot 50 62:31 1'Ila Hyde* block 57. lot 34 86...... 2.4 1 2 S89 2.91 ! Barbara Labuda, block 3 13. lots Charles Ziviebach. block 23®, lot 62 3 67.02 lot 25. ______6 2.31 Elizabeth Farrell. block 4 21. lot Louis Schechter. block 57. lots Zoda k Mil Ine k. block’ 21L ~7«~.t j 28 to 29 ______5.7 8 ¿4 34.31 34 91. 3492, ______4.8 2 j G eorg «3 Dimkas, block 316, lots J acob Bass, block 232. lot 3 4 ______111.22 M athias K noup, block 132, iot 695 67.02 Mike Glluzuiores, block Tib” * lot 51 ___ 62.31 2.91 30. Anna Heckman, block 57 lot 34 9 6. 2.4! | 1403. 1404 ______4.82 J acob Bass, b lock 232 Jot 3 5 ______109.87 Herman Stankowski. block 132, 6 2• 31 Elizabeth Farrell, block 4 21. lot Viiina Izsak. block 214. lots 290AB Mike Giluzulores, block To” lot «2.31 Aaron Goldfinger, block .»7. lot 4.8 2 Andrew Kuzon. block 318. lots J acob Bass, b leck 232. lot 3 6 _____ 3 05.64 lot 714 ______6 7.02 41.24 1533. 1534 ______141.871.8 Herman Stankowsk*. block 132, 31. «2 .31 j Elizabeth Farrell, block 4 21. lot Ab rah am M as le r, block 215. 1 o t Jacob Bass, block 232. lot 3 7 _____ 105.64 . M i ke Gil u>. alores. ” block ”Tfo”T T 5 3 ___ *T i om as M < • K * ‘O n. b 1 oc k 5 S. lots 3.37 j Joseph Dozier, block 318. l«>t 1550 4.354 .3: lot 715 ______67.02 62.31 149.54 ; Term inal Investing* Co., block 320 Abraham * Ruben ChermatsKj. ! A n ton as Slatkis. block 132. lot •3*2. «2 .31 ! Wt n. A. C oddingtc »n, block 4 22. J<*e R achilew sky, block 215, lot block 232, lot 4 ® ______105.64 f 7 ON ------«7.02 Mi ke Giluzulores, block Esther Berger, block 6 5. lots 3 20 2. 2.91 | lot 1510 ______68.52 T fo . ” 1 T lot 13 62.31 116.33 ■Frank Messineo, block 32J. lot A brah am Sc Ruben Chermatsky. Louis Getlin. block 133. lot 75615 53.55 62.31 WiJ- A. C oddin gton . block 4 22. 3 203 A. ______— ...... Ha rry Each ileu s k.y. block 215, lot block 232. lot 41 ______195.64 John H. Molson, block 65. lots j 1566 ______Mike Gorbuosky, block 41». lot j lot 14 ______71.24 2.91 3.37 A brah am Sc Ruben Cheramtsky. L ouis Getlin, b lock 133. lot 787 _ 67.02 3219 to 3221. ______1,07.4 I H arold De pew. block 215. lots * Abraham J. Goldstein, block 321*. 62.31 j Ph*f*ip L itw inoff, block 423.17>t"29 62.31 ! lot: 156 9 ______block 232, lot 4 2 ______1®5.«4 Bronislaw Kueieski, block 133. Mike Gorbimiosky. block 4 10, lot «2.31 Sam Shi piro, block 66. loi 5 130, 2198 to 2201 ______3.37 lot 7,9.» ______«7.02 J Philip Litvvino'T. block 4 2 3. lot 30 A be J. ssl verst cm . bloc k 66. lots John Krak. block 32 1. lots 1591. A braham & Ruben cheraiatsky, «2.31 I A aron B au m , b lock 4 24, Jot 1» __ «2.31 Samuel lvrapafl'. block 215. lot block *2 3 2 1. lots *29 9 9. Samuel Kleinman, block 216. G Joh n W ai Hews ki. block 134. lot --- «2.31 i Ro z Hh Brorliik. block* 42-». lot 23 62.31 75«8. 759. 768, 769. John R um insky. block 86. lot 358 151.87 Jonas Krievtkins, block 41Ò. J«»t 3000. ______- o f lot 1524 ______4 2.49 4 4 .4 9 1029 67.02 ! Rozlia Prod ilk. block 4 24. lot 24 62.31. Irene Mirossay. block 32 2. lots •John Ruminsky. block 86, of 4 2. ______«2.31« 2.31 i r'n-orna Bastna, b lock 4 34. lot 2 5 62.3 1 lot 3021. 2.9 l Ren ja rain Brown, block 216. lots lot 359 ______75.99 ! H arry Geiler, block 134. lot 10^° 67.02 -| 783 to 787 ______15.43 62.31 M ock 7«. 15 4«. 1547 ______154.47 F rank Novae, block 1, lot 318 - 151.»?! Harry Geller, block 134, % o F iot Wm. Lindsay, bioek 4 11. lot ««.79«6.79 I Uamma Castna, block 4 24. lot 2« ‘ . Meyer Sinsky, block 324. lot S87> 7 0.9 4 u n a C asto a. b lock 4 24 lot 27 62 31 ot 2331. ------2.91 ■John Indish.. block *217. lots 2S4 4 Frank Novae, block 1®6, lot 319 - 151.97 ! 1031 33.55 Wm. Lindsay, block 411. lot «6, 6 «.79 a FI at enow , block lots to 284« ______1 } J^on Buchberg*. block 325. lots Wocenzo Povrilla. block 4 24. lot A n ton R om aninski, bl«>ck 106. lot I Frank R. Depew. block 124. iot R obert T aylor, block 411, iot >34 3 to 2345. ------1 1.09 ¡Sam Kleinman. block 21«. lot | 79 8. 799 A ______4.35 5 S3 — ------6 7.02 t 7, ««.79 28 ______«2.31 323 ______131.97 R obert T aylor, b lock 411, lott 8,8. 6G."9 »coma Mazztioeolo. block 70, 176.78 f A braham Fried berg, block 326, Frank R. bepew. block 124. lot 66.79 j Wocenzo Povrilla.. block 424. lot A n ton R om a ni ns ki. block 10 6. lot W m. K. Gourd.ine, b lock 411. lot 29 ______62.31 ots 234 6, to 2350. 17.85 Sn 1 o rn o it Fe Idstein. M oc k *218. lots 865 to 867 ______10.63 324 ______151.97 584 ------'------67.02 lots 2 2 _ . lots 279 0. 2791 ______6.75 A nna Taxaes, block 327. lots 931 29, ______«2.31 *'^enzo. Povrilla, b!o* k 4 24, lot Michael Duehiin, block 3»4, iot Julius Sraeshke, block 124. lot 589 67.02 Wm. E. Gourdine. block 411, l lot o t 15.43 Frank Kilonow-ski. block 219. lots | to 933 ______10.15 Ignacy Trzcinski. block 125, lot 30 ______62.31 1*36 ______39.2 30. ______62.31 int Wop iien k. block 71. lot-' 2 75 8. 2 7 39 _____ 4.82 Stephen Margo, block 329. lots Mi«:haei Duehiin, block 384. lot 62.31 IE. E . M each am Sc Son, block 4 24. 2 87. 2 288...... - - 5 2.2o • Pinkus S<1 h\veizer. block 2 21. lots : 145. 1 46 ______i ______3.86 Anne Zaumhowski. block 4 11, lot lot 31 ______62.31 1837 ______29.22 M artin K natek, lilock 125, lot 657 67.02 58, ______oline Kofta. block 72. lot 2 2»>5. 5.78 L. 4 A. Botka. block 330. lots M artin K natek. block 125. Sot 658 67.02 62.3162,31 E. E. M each am Sc Son. block 4 24. 3 3«; to 338 ______Samuel Miller, block 135. lot 1154 37.60 Annie Zaumhowski. block 411, l lot o t man Gorlwk. block 72. lots j Sam Katz, block 2*21. lots"11 6 3~ t < 8.69 sarnuel Miller, block 135. lot 11^5 37.60 K ran k G ot», block 125. lot 664 __ 67.02 lot 32 ______62.31 2 266. 2 267. ------7.71 John Zentik. block 331. lots 503. 59. ______6*2.31 E. E. Meacham 4c Son, block 4 24, Igna«-y Trzcienski. block 135. lot F rank Gotz. b lock 125, lot 665 __ «7.02 Annie Zaumhowski. block 4 11, l lot o t >nomy Realty Co., block 7 3. I.ukaes Ch remit sky. block 223. 5.78 ------Peter Komainowski. block 125. lot 33 ______62.31 9.65 lots 2051. 2 0 5 5 .______4.35 Charles I ubasz. 111 .50 lot 60. ______x ______ots 1692 to 1694. ------block 331. lots V ic to r ^ l letruzKa,. block 14 7. lot lot 669 ------67.02 62.31«2,31 i E. E. Meacham Sc Son. b lock 424. inees N. Basino. block 7 5. lot Realty Trust, block 2 2 3. lot 2066 3.46} 519. 520 ------5.78 Annie Zaumhowski, block 411, l lot o t j lot 34 ______1 Andrew Hritchevitch 112.50 John H orecty, b lock 125. I*t 674 _ 67.02 2.4 1 . G ussie Smolensky, block 225. lot block 332. Wm. Witkanskas, block 14 7. lot John H oretcy. block 125. lot 67^_ 67.02 62.31 Samuel Bandir, block 424. lot 37% 62.21 2.91 f lots 180 to 1*2 W m . A. Coddingrton, b lock 412T l :eph K. Pelosa. block 75. lot 4.82 123® ______W m . P oteris. block 126. iot 4 95 _ 67.02 Samuel Bandir, block 4 24. lot 38 62.31 2.91 i Philip Jiessnian. block 225. lot - Elizabeth Real Estate Loan and 104.21 lot 8. ______i Jar ob R ap kin. block 135. lot 1165 37.60 Jos. Pogoda. block 136, lot 7*27 _ ffti B oreck. block 7 6. lots 14 4. 2050 ______25.27 62.31 Jos. Cavalliere. block 4 24. lot 53 62.31 63.177 to 63. part of 64. 79 to 82 ___ 25.27 ! lot 740 ------67.02 A. B laekborn, b lock 412. lot 89.78 Industrial Development Co..' block j John Hornzowski. block 136. lot l o t Jos. Cavalliere. block * 24. lot 54 44.54 Mynz Urban, block 81, lots 7 32 -Jacob Siegel. block 22 lots Anthon P. Gey grot Is, block 34 k 62.31 62.31 _____ 103.7 4 j lots 154. 155 ______4 54. lot 2051 ______25.2/ 74 3 ------67JJ2 Cato Green, block 4 25, lot 1 8 __ 4.73. 1394 B. 1395 ------11.04 Jos. A. Blaekborn. block 412. lotlot 62.31 Andrew Za ns a, block 4 51. lot Jojnt H orn zow sk i. b lock 136, lot 17. ______i______Cato Green, block 4 25. lot 1 9 __ 1 ____ 62.31 Cato Green, block 4 25. lot 2® __ 6*2.31 A*H* Apr*li-©th, block 412. lot 2«, 2®, 6 2,31 Cate Green, block 4 25. let 2 1 __ 62.31 ■'S


the ¡1 mendments thereof and sup­ plements thereto, and other laws ap­ TOWNSHIP OF^LINDEN^-^SALE OF LAND FOR UNPAID MUNICIPAL CHARGES plicable thereto. iiioe k «cea Steg* V KsL, 4 25 K; thenne Lappili, block 442, lot Section 2: The cost of said Imnrm- lie! ------62.3 i M argaret MeCandless, block 4 33. lot Jos. Fngelhardt, block 220. lot Vetta Goldstein, block 251 ment js hereby estimated to be Sixteen i»ioe k 425 lot O 3. V ! Charles Newman, block 823, lot lot jlelx'C fetëiK r K ath erin e Lapp in. hi k 44 2 lot 80.68 66.5 664 I hoixsand Doilars The said siim is Ala rgaret Atcbanulcsss, block 4 33. 53.25 lot .ii 62.31 lot o ía John Frei singer, bloc; 2 20. l o t j L ou is A orw a th . block 323, lot »84 2 G *». •> Yetta Goldstein. block 263, lot hereby appropriated to pay the cost fete ¡¿«-t r ” F-.-st., Ì i i OC K ~4 2~> FT.unk, block 442. 80.68 llebvcv lot 8!» G 2.81 M arga l et 27 15 j Louis JNorwath, b.ock -.28. iot 84 1 .6 6.5 53.25 of said improvement. For the purpose 6 2.31 p i a n k i « ot »e k i. b ux- k 4 4 2. M cCaiiuiess. block 4 •»3, lut J lot I l *>_.,» 1 lot 63a Joh n Fjpeisin biock 2 2*». tot • '4i >1 .8t. a vo. Corp., block Stephen G alich, biock 265. lot 666 53.25 of meet In tr such appropriation and Steuer bloc w 425 l i ink Hob-ski. block 4 4 2, 80.68 2716 ______lot 13 G 2.31 Ma rgaret 323, iot 84 0 ______66.59 Stephen Galich, block 2G3. lot 667 06.57 temporarily ilnancint; said Imi.rove- 6 2.31 u a. ilanvüer. oIock 4 12. Alt uanaiess, bioc* lot 3 ----- . lot 24 _ 0 2.31 iot U o.-v Cletno J. Brauy. block 220, u,t filli St. 1st Ave. Corp.. block Term inal Investing Co., b lock 263. merit temporary bonds or notes are V,ui. Ley mo Diot K 4 2a, lot 4 1 _ 0 2.-. l \v n. 1 lanci 1er. block 44 2 . iot 26 _ 27 20 ______hereby authorized to he issued from 62.31 M argaret Alev a mi less, , 3 2 3, lot 88:1 ______66.59 lot 800 ______53.25 block 4 2 5. lot 42 _ 02,3 t V\ m. 11 «imiler, biock 4 12. Jot 2ft _ b lock 4 34. i Ant hiny Mats chew-itch, block’ 223 time to time, in an amount not to ex­ Weo* ^ block 4 2a, lot 43 _ G 2.31 0 2.31 lot 1 00 A ______. 1. 0c A , e. Corp., block Michael Alavakek. bide k 266. lot Wm. v e y n h y t, VAnu l i a jkí !e r. biock 1 4 2.. Jot 38 _ 6 2.31 ------89.65 lot 2052 ______’ ceed the amount of said appropriation, i Alai garet Aleeaimless. ' 323, lot 838 ______83.25 680 ______t yct> 4 2 a, lot 4 4 \k .a. Jiaimiei'. biock 4 41 . lot 3U _ 0 2.31 block 4i4. • Anthiny AJatschewitcb. block ~>"3 pursuant to the provisions or Section Ashley. biucK 42G. lot lot IOTA ______: Terminal Investing Co. biock 324 Michael AlavekeK, block 266, lot Thomas A Hi. Banükr. biock 4 42 - lot 36 _ 0 2.31 ------83.67 lot 2053 _____ ------66.59 lot e ______13 o f C hapter 252 o f the L a w s o f 1916. 1 11.31* Margaret Alec aimless, biocK i 1. 6 2 __ 66.59 Í 681 ______V) - •los. sh e rry , biock 4 4 2. lot 44 __ 6 2.31 Benj Friedman. block 224 lo t ; the acts amendatory thereof and sup- IiloITT 4 2 6. lot -los. Sherry, block 4 4 2. lot 108A ______83.61 ; Terminal inv,:simg- Co. biocn a: I ; Terminal Investing Co., block 2c4, Thomas lot 1•. __ G 2.81 , 2030 ______lot 8 ft 8 ______j hit 235 ______- ! dlemental thereto wnich bonds or Margaret Met a ml less, block 1.1. jl — .Jos, Sherry, block 44 2. lot 4 8 G 2.31 1 Anthony Pilchane. block 224 tut ! notes shall bear interest at a rate not l-> , biock 4 2 G. lot iot 103a ___ ------88.67 Term inal Inve-stinti Co. m ock :i^i. I Terminal Investing Co., block 284. Thomas ■*o ,. K ussm an, L ock 140. io\ 2 31.21 »2039 ______' lot 8ft4 ______! iot 2 39 ______t__ 7 SI i exceedmfr six per centum per annum. •los. Kussman. block 4 10. lot 4 Ala rga iel Ai .aimless, biocu 4-.4. 62.31 lot 1 2 5 A ______! Anthony Pilchane. block 224 >t GotUTieu Fierm an. block 324. lot Max K a p io witz, block 284, lot 240 "Si Ail ,jtiiel matters in respect to such Asili ■3. block 4 26. lot AiaxrUli>rk-lit. block 4 , p>i us 2040 ______Thoma 10 G 2.31 AI a i g a ret Ai cUanuiexs 8 39 ______i Max K.apio witz, block 2 84, lot j temporary Ixinds or notes shall be d«— Aiex Ulbricht, block 4 4 0. lot 2 0 biOclv 4-i 4, j Benjamin i arnagel, blocg 221.. lut ,r. | termined liv resolution of tlie Toxvil- block 4 2fi. lot 62.31 lot 121) A ___ Goitlneu I'T uuau. block 82«. l.»t Thoinas A s tilo . Ai; X Ulliricht. biock 4 4 0. lot 22 6 2.8 L ------83.67 1 4 l _____ ------66.59 o o 8 ______• ship Committee. Ajax Ulbricht, block Margaret Alev aimless. block 4 31. Aaron M oison, block 284. lot 24 IB 4 4 0. lot 24 G 2.3 1 I Term inal Investing t o., b.ock ’ 'o JDavid Sadlock. block 325 lot 30 3 tu». A aron Alolson, block 284, lot 242 Thuiaas Asine:'. Al a X Ulbricht, block lot 1 2 7 A ______83.67 iot 14 o0 ______i_ 9 410. lot 2G 6 2. ,1 ------66.59 uaviu san look, biock lot 3 0 I 66. 9 ; John Zremanski. block 281. lot ‘",4 j Section 3: That so much of the cost G 2. i: Al a x Ulbricht, iaock M a r garet Ai eU a ml less. biock 48*4, B ariu m s A ia.cza ui. 4 4 0. lot 2 6 G 2.81 lot l 25A ______bioc, ivsilier stager, block 325. lot 80 5 66. ,, i and expenses incurred in the mskinu Anna CoJiaru^se, block lot G Ü.2..: T h om a s rot .on. 83.67 j lot 1388 ______b lock 4-i.i, 1 ------66.59 iSsther Stager, block 82 o. lot ftOG G 0.5 9 Fs liier B loom , block 285. iot 213 if the said improvement as can be Anna Cogìmnese, blot>k lot 7 G 2.1: Charles Urbaowitz. block 122. iot Stamslavv Kop »a. biock G 2.31 2 2 7 lot khiuei- ¿>iager. biock 3 2 5. iot ft07 G G. 5 9 E--.tlu.-r lilooin, b lock 285, lot 2 14 r's-i ’■ law»u*l>' assessed upon property spec — esô, block 4 27, lot 8 G2.0 L T h om a s F'er¿ -son, bioc: 65.09 14 00 ______^nr.a Co»:!a; lot Alary KasKy. block 133, lot t, 70 ------66.59 Mei minai Investing block 32 5. tv's 111 e r Bloom , block *235. lot 215 - s4 ! ally benefited shall be assessed aceord- Gusseppi Lori •a., blot: k 42 7. iot IS 6 2.31 8 ______65.09 Julius cc Benj. Slur, block 1!!■' to the valid provisions of an act •k 427, lot 19 G 2.31 Alary an na MazurkiexVicz, biock iots 126. 127A 99.83 J la it is Celi ko witz. block 2 85, Jot Giuseppi }>;rl a. blot 62.31 Thomas Lamb, block 4 80. lot" 1 x lot 1166 ______6 *».59 - | entitled “ A n ,.\ct C on cern in g M unlct- 2 7, lot 2 9 G 2.81 150. lot loi 4. ______Si* j.Mten ivozei a. b iock 825. Iots Guisepi>! l >ci i a. biocK 4 b 2. -> l thomas Lamb, block 180. lot 20 Julius »Sc Benj. Star, blo» k 227 327B. 128 ______" • panties." approved March 27th. 1917. block 4 2 7.. lot 2 7 _ 6 2.31 Alary arma Mazurkiewicz. bio*k 99.88 Harris Celikowitz, block 285. lot Aiex Sczezny. Solomon Storci), block 4 39. lot >G lot 1407 ______G G. 5 9 Stt j»nen K ozera, block 325. Iot 129 biock I 2 7.. UK 2ft _ DiO. ¡ut loi ______6 6.59 r.^3 u,e amen «-lo, k 4 2 7. lot 5 2. 6 2.31 Solom on Storch, 1 g navy Kiaz ihsky. block 112 lot P eter vu. î en, David D eutsch, block 280, lot 524 block 4 39. lot 36 119G, b lock 29, iot 2 9 3 ____ 6 6.59 shall be made and completed under the Tliumas .Mai ai, boss, block 42 8. s< ilomoti Storch. G5.09 424 2 _ Boleslaw Le wand rows ki, .block bloc k 4 89. lot 3s 6 2.31 Jos . e*' ------r_ 66.5b V ictor Ja. jiiiMZKy, blot • k 326. lot 280. lot 526 ______supervision of tiie Township Committee iot 23A. ------160.69 So 1003011 Storch. block 4 89. 14 2, lui i r;u>,__ P eter W. vv i en. block ll/L 29 2 ______lot 4 0 6 2.31 Jos Se i r, block 112 . lot GG.59 Julius Levvandrow ski. biock 280. and the Township Engineer and ac­ jllriiaBl bi s olom on Storch. b i oc k 4 3il. 1194, — 65.09 4 24 3 Aloe Bartos, bloca 3 2 6, lot 1 2 6 2.. 1 Vv i ktor (J li gas. block ~b,t~ 85 2 __ GG.59 lot 527 ______cording to the provisions of an act en­ •Solomon Storch. block 4 89. lot 4 1 14 2. lot Peter VV. ren. block lot -W«,e iiiu lus, bn.eiv 32 6. lot 853 __ GG.59 J. G 2.31 ^ 1 15 3. 65.09 Joseph Lelkord. block 2 80. l«»t titled "An Act Concerning Municipali­ jiichaei ala. Ob K a u f biock 4 >9. 1artos. block 32 o. lot 8 5 6 __ 66.59 5 29 A ______far as the same are applicable thereto. :it* biocK 4 2 *. lot" 11,1 oil ¡as Fei j u son. 217 9, ______65.09 ! Peter VV. vv ren. JoS al i'aaa bip k 4 8:». iot J. block 2.». iot .woe liarlos, block - 26. 1« »l 837 __ 83.25 jos Cara!.» ire, block 4 2..*. lot Bush, block 93. lot 117, ~_I 70.58) 4 24 6 M ax K ushner. block 280. Tot 529B G 2.31 J oil n Veronica Boti man. block 327. lot Al ax K u shn er. block 280. lot 530_ Section f>: This ordinance to take iv. Mock 4 29. 1V1 ¡ornas Kergns.m, jliavacK . blOcK 82U, loi i 5-,, «■• .- j 1 Peter \\7 Y Y'ren. bioc k 912 __ ¿aulii'» ìai-i block 4 lot •J ohn 2 lot Terminal Investing Co., block 281. effect immediately. ¿amile! Khi»-. let 11 k n a ck , block 320. lot 1508 66.59 I 4247 ------6 6.59 Terminal In vestin g Co., block 329 [idle k 4 2 5, Kudu :idi ijeca.ii, block 5 20. lot P eter lot 504 ______Thomas C. .vi« T h om as bio; 4 • V\7 vv ren. block 2 j . lot iot Dii _____ 66.59 Adopted 3 9 24. n. ___ 1511 ______6G.59 4 2 18 Tern 1 i n a. i 1 n vest i n g Co., bit >c k 2 s 1. lot* 63 A. - G 2.31 ------66.59 Terminal Investing Co., ¡»lock 8 29 lot 505 ______Vincent Geno 2 k 4 3 0, lot T h om as K lieo Pi) Lee,in. block 820, lot Peter \v7 vv i on. block 101 iti 5 l'8‘i*guson, blue 1512 ______iot A nnie Karj>rsia k. block 281. lot TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE OF THE G 2.5 il. ------33.60 4 249 — 66.59 Terminal Investing G 2.31 John Servas, block .>20, iot 1513 5J0 ______TOWNSHIP-OF LINDEN Vincent K 130. lot Alary A harkey. 8 3.2.J j P eter VV7 Yv ren. block Í 3. Jot lot 166 ______------4 7.S3 By bloe k B»:». •John Servas, biock 320. lot 1511 4 G.Gl Annie Karprsiak. block 2 ft 1. lot 02.3 lot 18 83.25 4 250 ------66.59 K< ally 1 n o i , bi 19.97 ■K 4 3 0. lot" 62.31 JJIeanor Supak, block 318. lot 1531 66.59 P eter W . 511 ______- - 4 7.83 AI ary Anne Sharkey, block 4 • j . VV ren. block 29, it it M ilton F’. liu ti. k 3 29. lot 179 6G,.59 A ttest: C hairm an. 62.3 > A n u iejca k , b lock 818. lot 4 251 _ Terminal lnvt dilli Co., block 5«1. lot 15 __ 6 2.31 sam Schwa, i .. b.oc k 330 lot . 2 5 fifi..5 -i ! lot 512 Vincent ‘ k 4 30. lot A lbert Alert z. biock 4 57 66.59 Mishalovlcz. block ~5L E. Bornstein. block 330. Jet 32 6 _ 4 7.83 'Township Clerk. ". lot 23 __ 6 2.31 Jo... jvl'Qnivit, b;u(jK . I 1, n,c 1 -■ «« 66. Samuel B askist. block 281. lot 513 _____ G 2.3 » 9 ______E. Hornstein. block 33 0, lot .2 7 _ • ».j,,5 J 59.79 Ill-lv ( Sena C. Clark, hi.>ck 4 <. jor 2 _ J K ronka. »»lock 318. lot 1537 Li.m inick W« Hows ki. block 276. Archie « 5 3.43 66.59 Elizabeth Mislialovicz. ibiock 51. FJ. Dürnstein. b iod i •qi9. lot 52 S ^ 1 •k 4; John Deck, block 137, Frank D. Koch. block 5 i s. lot 16, lot 1078 ______Henry t Dill, -t 1 !i lot G __ 6 2.51 lot 256 1 ______------66.59 Realty Trust. block •»30. lot 3i2. A 19. ----- 47.83 Dill. •k i A 2«, Joli n 15.¡8 ______66.59 Elizabeth 1 eim inal luv» !.. F. V i edenburg. block 276. lot Henry t H. Deck. blo •k 4 37. lot 4 _ G 2.81 Mishalovlcz. 1block ~5l~ sling » <».. i»locF 330. 1079 ______panel i a Ài bier. )io> ix 43) , it»t F rai/k 1>. K och. block 318. hit iot 2562 ______; 6 6.59 l«»t «Í2J ___ 4?.83 • GUARANTEED U m. J oh n son bit: ck 4 5 7. loi 8 _ 62.51 la K.stbi-r I-evine. block 277. lot 1047 Isabella Mb 1er. »lot- k 4 3 - «. tot .81 GG.59 Terminal Investing Co., block 5i K alm an Natilei . block 330. lot 230 4 7.83 WTn. J< * il nsoii, B'fttJc r Levine, block 27 7. lot 104 8 I EXTERMINATION Panel i a Müler, »io: • k 4 3; I. l«»t 2 3 : .3 I ino k 4 37, lot lu _ 6 2.51 j Ter,iibial Investing Co., block 3L7 Hot 2563 ______66.59 K aim an Na iler . bio« K 33 0. iot L. 1 47.83 \* LU. uh i ______, E sther Levine, block 277. !«»t 1019 Beüá S. Z-iika», bio ck 43. ». Iot -.3 J oil i ist j 11. hi oc 48 7 lot 12 _ Í.31 83.25 1H. Zlotnick. block 59. lot 249ft Win. Ziegler i st., block 32. lot 47.83 i J OF ALL VERMIN W ni. 6 6.5 5 Sam Kittei man. block 277, lot Bella S. Z.Jkay, i.'lock 4 301, lot 84 G 2.5 1 J oh n son, bloc 4 37 hit 14 _ 6 2 ... 1 Anna Slezsdka, block 313. lot Pi 6fi.59 j 19 3 ______------06. f Aia ry A H. Llotnick. block 59. lot 24 99 66.5 9 105 0 ______J Rats, Mice, Roaches, Ants, • Bella s. Za ¿Kay. bio •K 4 o*1. lot G 2.5 1 Srnit h. block 4 -7. lot 50 6 2.31 -Anna Slezsdka. block 313. lot 4 7 66.59 I W m. Ziegit r i'.ftt block ¿¿J., I«»t 47.83 e OM va ne. block 1 30. Alary A. Smith. 1 * ! oc k 4 37. lot 31 6 2.81 Anna Siezsdka. block 313. lot 4 8 66.59 I H. Ziotiiick. block 59. lot 2500 __ 66.5«.' I.«! ■ Sam R itte;m a n , block 277. lot » Moths, Pleas o»- any other form J Mai A. Siüit Terminal Investing Co., biock 318 Lavili ¿short, block 5 9.. lot 2525 6 6.59 105 1 ______47.83 In block lot 80A 6 2.31 Ai» ton Seh vvartz.. block 33 2, lot • o f Vermin can be quickly de- • Catherine D*Kan-3,, block 4 40. Ma i y .A. Surit 1 iv 1 iot 8 1 A 62.3 1 lot 19 ___ ------66.59 Louis iva*ion. biock 60. i<»t 2 4.2 6 6.5 9 19 8 I Pasquale & Jose Parise, block ì.ouis Faltón, block 60, lot 24 7 L 6 G. 5 9 j 27¿. lot 1052 ___ John Spino. 1>1 k -1..6. lot P i _____ C 2.., i Terminal Investing Co., block 818 > GG.59 A n ton fech vvartz. block ------47.83 • stroyed anywhere by my Sei- J lot 50 ______Andro ivovacsino. block 24a. lot 332, iot ■ r»r*k~4~n7T r John Spino, bl k 4 36. lot 21 _____ 6 2.5 1 66.59 1 9 9 6 G.59 Pasquale A3 Jose Parise, block J entifle Methods. My work is • M-k 43 1, lot .31 l‘asi.iunle Vila «». bio k 4 36, lot John Pencak, block 313. lot"56 II 0.59 GÓ.5- _'77. lot 1054 ___ ------47.83 ¡Sam Koü'efsulf. i o 6 A n d ro Al.t -11 Sch vva rtz. "bkmic“ 33 27 lo t Ralph Ktisso, b!« .t: k 1 3 L iot 5 .31 Mary Kanczn , block 313. lot 66 66.59 K ovacsin o. block 214. lot 201 Terminal Investing Co., block 277 • guaranteed and confidential. £ lft 5 4 GG.59 lot 1053 ______Kalph Kuftfto. bl« "•k 4 3 1. iot 6 .8 I -Pasiiuale Viiaruo, bka*k ..4 36, iot Ja r. ¡inai Investing Co., block 812 ------66.5!* A n ton Sell vvartz. block 332. iot 4 7.83 J Write or call. A consultation • . bit»«' i\ 4 .1. lot 73 ______133.18 A nur.» ivovacsino. bloca 24 4 Celia Cohen, b lock 277. lot 1058 I* 47.83 1 , A.îf fv. u Oc *' 1855 GG.59 13 ------A g n ess J as i li.inH' k, bioc.K L',fi. I6l Terminal investing* Co., block 312 ------66. Pauline Janek. block 136. lot 4 02 GG.59 Lug i D. Ai lesa miro, block 27 3. • involves no obligation. Z 20 lot 75 ______66.59 Eliz Mikalovics. blo«^k 244. lot lot 1718 ______Hattie K- lft 50 ______1 /a ui i ne J ane k, bloc k 136. iot 4 03 6 G. 5 9 I r . I.. DF. COSTA ; lot: H -- I A g i ¡es Jastrolieck. block 4 3 6. lot Db lor Kosenthal. biock ~2, it»t Pauline Janek. block ¿36. iot 404 6 G. 5 9 Paul F ow ly k , block 273, lot 1719 .18 . 7 G ______66.59 Michael Carlino. block 24 4. lot B erm an Jzav iHowitz, A n ton Yasik. block 273. lot 1720 Hattie K. 1851 ______block J Exterminating Engineer •. 15 A gnes J asti ohm: k, biock 436. lot Is h lor Ruspa t h;il. block .11 i«»t (> 6.59 lot 406 ______------66.59 Jos. Dulski. block 273. lot 1822. - ■■«rH K,ti”car biock ! !.. iot 1 G fi.2.31 ÎG 6 231 7 7 ______66.59 V ito C ontino, block 244. lot 1 ,>52 GG.59 Stephen Bernstein, bio 36, lot Dito Reino, b lock 273. lot 1723 _ • 401 Hussa St, Linden, N. J. • A n d rew Soya, block 271, lot LS29 c Jos. litis:. Block 131. lot i 7 53.43 F ran k A. Webt biock 4 33, lot 8 62.31 Aloetici F is -liier, block 312. lot ft 2 GG.59 6 6.5 9 4 08 ______------«i------66.5-9 Coorge Fritz, block 73. lot 1704 _ •••••••• .Jos. Fit «.st, 1 lock 4 3 1, lot 1 ft 5 3.43 F rank .v. Web« b ’uck 4 88. Ja ob Bernstein, block 312. lot 57 GG.59 Alary c. Green way, block 271. lot Sttpiien Bernstein, biock 3 G eorg e Fritz, b lock 73. lot 1705 47.83 lot 4 G 2.31 1821 ______lot Kussoiuan. iblock 4 31, Tot 1 9 4 4.34 F ran k -\. VV eb block 433. lot 5 G 2.31 Albert Kransuian. block 3 2. lot ------69.92 4 09 ______66.59 G eorge Fritz, block 73. lot 17o»> 47.83 lock 4 31 . lot 20 4 4.54 M ary .J. Vva i i i biock 4 9 1 ______66.59 Alary C. Green way. block 27 1. lot Alai tin Alava, block 333, lot 3» Peter Leek, block 61. lot 24<>4 _ 47.83 ;. 1 2 i. lot 1822 ______GG.59 HUSSnl.p'l '. 1it* k 431 . It »t 2 l 35.62 19 ______------6 2.31 V ito (íuiiant». block 310, lot 3 7 _ 83.25 66.59 Martin Maca, block 33 3. lot 3« 6 6.5 9 P eter Leek, block 61, lot 2405 47.83 K us . 4 81. lot Alo ry J. V ai nei dock 4 2.3. lut F ra n k B uch a, block 309. lot 409 83.25 M ax Samet. block 271. Jot 1830 I GG.59 Alar tin Maca, block 333. lot 36 4 6 G.59 Peter Leek, block 61, lot 24 06 _ 4 7.83 Max Samet. block 271, lot 1831 High Grade Rus 4 81. lot 2 0, A m elia Vinek. b lock 309. lot 4 12_ GG.59 GG.59 Martin Aiaca. biock 333. lot 6 Ii John D orn vaia, block 61. lot 2414 59.79 4 31. iot Alary Amena Vinek. block 309. lot 4 D_ 66.59 Michael Pud iva, block 27 1, lot M artin Maca, block 333. lot E sth er B loom , b lock 69, lot 2381 4 7.83 Rus ;»m< ■ arner. block 4 8:;. lot 1836 ______366 _ 6 G.59 Mary Furti 4 3 2. lot A m elia Vinek. b lock 309. lot 414_ GG.59 Joh n Strum . l>lock 3:»3. lot 367 66.59 Esther Bloom, block 69, lot 23,82 4 7.85 WINDOW SHADES Forti 4 8 2. lot M ar j' J. V.■ am e r , b lock 4 88. lot Jicolay Golenbeski. block 227 Max Rabinovvitz. block 21 ft. Jot John Strum, mock . 33, lot 3.»8 Joli n T elaho wicz. b lock 69, lot Mary 1198 ______23 ft ID Mary Fort 4 82. lut 6 2.31 lui 1.369 ______GG.59 66.59 Joh n Strum , b lock 333. lot 369 ------2 3.93 EDWARD THORN bit»* k 4 32. iot 58 G 2.31 O. K. Clark, block Nicolay Golenbeski. block 22 7. Max Rabinovvitz. block 24 s. lot John feti um. block : 33. lot ?o J oh n Telahowicz, b lock 69. lot Make Kamlroh, 4 B. It t 2 G 6 2.31 i 1199 ______Make Kamin n. 1 - ¡o« - k 43 2 loi 4 0 6 2.31 k Clark, biock 4 33. lot 62.31 ; lot 1370 ______------GG.59 66.59 Joh n Strum , block 333, lot 371 _ 66.59 : ------4 7.83 P hone 3476J 211 E. L inden A ve. F an n ie Snavv. block 24o. loi k m I Jos. Mikalajizak. I t armine uront.»/.:■ . block 4 3 2. lot < b !•:. Clark, block 4 3 3, lot 6 2.31 j Nicolay Golenbeski. block 2 27. 60.;» .1 Morris lierskovitz, block lot block 24 9. lot 6 2.31 O. FF Clark, block lot 1371 ______66.59 Harry Shaw, block 24 8. lot 12(»1_ GG.59 791 ______52.53 433. lot iiarry Shaw, block 248. lot 1 205- _ «(¡.ó« ! Agent for the famous Carmine G :ono zi r«. block 4.2. iot ; O. iù. Clark, biock 4 33, iot A n ton io P ollak. block 229. lot s22 GG.59 6 6.5 9 Theresa ri apiensky Kalmar, blockk J « >s. AI i kaîajizak, b lock 249, lot 30 6 2.81 A brah am Ski a r. block 24 8. 792 ______15 ------______62.31 O. FU Clark, block 4 33. lot 31 (2.31 i A n ton io Pollak. block 229. lot 823 66.59 lot 335, l«>t 2 — __ 66.59 52.53 Brenlin Window Shadings J acob J acobs, block 229. lot 835_ 1208 66.59 Theresa I’apiensky Kalmar, block Jos. Mikalajizak, block 24 9. Simon Mark, i»! «■• i - 2. iot 4 3 __ 6 2.31 T h om a s Mt*C amile SH. bloc k GG.59 A b i ah am lot G7. Y ______J acob Jacobs, block 229. lot 88G_ 66.59 Skla r. block 24 8, lot 3.¡5. lot 25G ______ftiinon Mack, •>!«.«•ft 13-2. iot 4 5 __ fi 2.31 : — ___ 124.71 1209 _ 66.59 52.53 John Burns. ! 82, lot L ___ T h om a s M eCamî block J acob J acobs, block 229. lot 837_ 66.59 66.59 Stephen B a einer, block 335. lot 240 66.59 Jos. Al ikala jiza k. b lock 24 9, lot Perfect Work | lot 114A Jacob Jacobs, block 229. lot 838_ 6G.59 Solom on D uchin. block 274 79 4 ______John Burns. 1 .2. lot 71 ___ 1179 _ Stephen Badner, block 335. lot : 11 G 6.59 5 2.53 Reasonable Prices 4 8 2. lot 7 3 Thomas AleCandless. Aiorris Florawitz, block 24 5. lot ------66.5!» Jos. Mikalajizak. block 24 9. Tôt Guiseppi Ru 4 24. S olom on D uchin, Stephen B, Badner. b iock 335, lot 2 4: Giuseppi Russ«., hlock 4 32. lot 75 lot 115 V ______1-4 ; ______------66.59 i block 274 , lot 66.5 9 52.53 ------124.71 llftO _ Samuel Mail and phone orders filled. Emiiy Noti lin, * « S ■ > k 4 32. lt>t 94 - j T h om a s Met undless, block 1-4. Morris Horawitz. block 24 5, lot 66.59 J ulius Ben ko. biock 5 ». lot 25 2 66.59 Berger, block 24 9. lot 52.53 «•k 4 2. lot 9 5 _ 1 lot J 16A ______134 ft ______GG.59 : Jos. Zborily. block 274. lot 1181 _ G G .5 9 Kealty Trust, biock 34 lot*292 _ 19.97 Samuel Berger, block 24 9. lot Kmiiy N" * » • ï s s i » -r. t«i« 8.90 Jos. Zborily. block 274. lot 1182 5 2.53 Jt«hn Gilesman. b ock 4 35. tot fi_ : O. E. Clark, block 42 1, lut Joh n K raycik. block 249, iot 801 6 0.5 9 6 6.59 Herman Eputui. biock -.U3, iot 2 ft I 66.59 B ennie Plot kin. block 245, 1 i 1» I > _ 11 1.89 •Jos. Zborily. block 274. lot lift:; 1 3 5 2 John Gilesman. 1» ock 4 35. lot 8_ 5 Thomas MeCandless. bi«( ■k 4 2 4. John Kraycik. block I«.*. lut 807 GG.59 66.59 Herman Epand. biock 31 3. lot 2 ft 2 GG.59 52.54 John Gilesman. b ock i. 5. lot 19 lot 117 A ______John Kraycik. block 24 9. iot 806 GG.59 Realty Trust, block 274. lot 1192 66.59 Herman Eparnl. biock 3 1 2. lot 2ft3 6 6.5 9 B ennie Piotkin. block 24 5, lot lot 1' 11 om ; cs Al c C and! e s s. Harry Werner, block 24 6. lot 1281 GG.59 ! Weke Tebman. biock 287. lot ;; 1 u 66.59 H erm an F.parid, bloci. 34 33. lot 2ft4 fifi. 5 9 ! 35 3 Linden Music Shop ,1'ihti ¿lin:«». block 4 84. Sam Lutzky, block 287. l«»t 911 52.54 John Spino. i ut: lot 118A ______Harry Werner, block 24 6. lot 1282 GG.59 i 6 6.59 John Pribila. biock 344 lot 442 _ GG.59 Annie Ber li un, b lock 224. lot 2016 5 2.54 M. STOPERA, Prof. ; >hn Spi •>. iot G 2.31 Thomas MeCandless. Ftarry \v ei ner, block 4 6. lut 1283 GG.59 j Terminal Investing Co., block 25ft. Stanislaw Fondziaski, block 224, block 431. lot .34 ______John Pribila. biock 5 44. lot 113 _ 6 6.59*" lot 6 2.2 1 Jos. Lassrovsky, block 250 lot j 66.59 I lot 2017 13 ELIZABETH AVENUE John Spino. lot 119 A ______------121.71 Realty Trust, biock 34 1. loi 1V3 _ 19.98 52.54 John Spino. lut T h om a s AleCn nd iess. 763 ______GG.59 I M eyer HofTmun. block 286. lot ò:»7 I St an i s 1 a \v F ondzi as ki. b lock 224, blovk 121. M eyer H offm an, block 286. lot 898 John S;in<». lot lot 12b A ______Jos. Lassrovsky, block biock 250. lot (iti.59 ! Mrs. F ran k D okos. biock 311. lot lot 2018 ______52.54 Fannie Trapp, block 288. lot 1U29 419 Violins ino. bit.« k 5.-5. loi ! 4 ___ T 11 om as Ai et a n»ttrss. bl Lek 421. 7 G 4 ______(il!.5 9 ! Leonard A lever, biock 224. lot Saxophones, Phonographs, Louis L Law rei ■, m ock 4..5. lot lot 130A ______Leib Hasenfritz, block 24 7, lot Fannie Trapp, biock 288. lut 103() 6 6.5:» Mrs. J lank B u k os , o 11 »c k 3 J 4. lot 20 20 ______Pianos ------111.89 4 50 52.54 ______6 2. Thomas AlcCatulless. 1241 ______J ira n - block 288. lot __ 6 6.59 ------GG.59 Michael Draypsias. b lock :220, iot block 4 24, • j Jos. Jiran. block 288. lot 1032 Mrs. I , Law rom « .' biock i 35. l«*t lot 12 L A ______Margaret Lickley. block 24 7. lot 6 6.59 rank B o kits. block 34 4. lot 2 G 9 ft ______65.68 SO 6 2.31 12 61. ______66.59 Saul Fredel. block 289. i«»t l D5G ',6.5. 451 GG.59 Jos. Kabkin. biock 236. "lot 78 . All string and blowing instrument s, Aiorris Fierman. block lot Saul Fredel. block 289. lot 1157 _ Airs, i 73.25 Chnstamri Hansen. block 1 ’.5. lot 2654 ______Alargaret Lickley, block 24 7. lot 66.59 ranh B ok as . 1» i oc k 314, lot J aeob Freedlander. block 238. also supplies for same N athan R osen , block 289. lot 1160 4 52 __ 6 2 31 Morris Fierman. block 12 6 2 ______66.59 98 ______1 19. lo t N athan R osen , b lock 289. lot 1161 Philip F ein bei gr. 73.25 Baltrun ~Lmkûs? í .o i;V .ft. 1« 3 37 6 2.3 L »5 ___ Alargaret Lickley, biock 24 lot 66.5!» block 2 2 G. iot J aeob Freedlander. block 23S7 14.14 Nathan Rosen, block 289. lot i l «« ’ 1 4 7 99 Full line of Sheet Music Bait rum Lir i 3 " li»t 4 l 6 2.31 Amanda Dittman. block 35, lot 12G3 ______66.59 6 6.59 74.23 73.25 27.65 V in cent Lebesz. block 314. lot Philip Fei nber sc block 2 2 G, l o t R ep a ir Baltrum Lir 4 8 s lut 1 8 6 2.81 K. li stanti JJeb-rovvski, block Al.i.x Siegel, block 251. lot 793 66.59 SteiJhen W ozar, biockck 238,238? lot loi 121: 73.25 work done on 111 instruments. 1358 ______66.59 1438 74.23 Ernil S'jiaei' lot 98 6 2.8 1 iot 55 ______----- 27.6 o Philip Orintz. block 251, lot 721 _ 6*i.59 Ludwika Sinokaska Ac Louis Vol- 3 3.21 Louis Lustig, block 25 1. lot 724 _ V in cen t Lebesz. block 314. lot Philip Fein berg'. block 2 2 G. lot ovit. biock 238. lot 130 ■•«••...«.i (•••••••••»a, Unii Se baci bh :• K -i Michael Dworensky, block 85. lot «,6.59 135y ______73.25 K. G ron ozi a. I I 1 lut 6 2.21 5s ______Louis Lustig, block 251. Jot 725 60.59 1439 74.23 Ludwika Sinokaska Ac Louis Vol- 6 2.3 1 A brah am Friedson. block 252. lot John Ropuk «& Thomas Hielan, Jos. Friedman, biock 226. lot 14 11 4 .25 «»vit. biock 238, lot 131 Tel. Linden 3541-3 Leader W ork F. Gronozio, 4 11. lot Michael Dworensky. block 35. lot block 314. lot 1 3 6 U ______73.25 F. Gronozio, ble 4 i 1 lut 6 2.31 7» 9 ______658 ______Jos. Friedman, biock 226, lot 144 2 74.2 3 Ludwika Sinokaska K-. L ouis V ol­ 5 John Ropuk Ac Thomas Bielan Bronislaw Uoldrewski, biock 2_fi, F. Gronozio, 4 11, I < 11 6 2.31 , A n d re w D ank a. block 27. lot 65_ Abraham Friedson. blocJk/25 2. lot ovit, biock 238. lot li 32 ______73.25 27.65 • block 314. lot 1------3 6 1 ____ - 66.59 lot 144 5 ______74.23 F. Gronozio, 4 1 I lot fi 2 mi« eu L a n k a . l»lo«-k 37, lot 66_ 27.65 66.59 Abraham Abramsky. b lock 24 0, A brah am Friedson. biock 252."Tot John Ropuk Ac Thomas Bielan. Bronislaw Goldrewski, biock 226, lot 184 ______F. Gronozio. b! 4 4 1. ;ï i John »k Josephine Levicki. block block 314. lot 73.25 F. Gronozio. bl 4 11. >t 6 9 660 1362 ------66.59 lot 114 G ______74 .23 Alax B erm an, b iock 24 0, lot 190 ■1 109. lot 174 ______28.04 »«.sting 73.25 JOHN CONTE Prospero Groin blu- 111. lot Samuel Bendoisky. block 252. lot * Co., b lock 315 L ou is Kalb, block 226. lot 14 5 G _ 74.23 AI a x B erm an, b iock 240. lot 191 Joseph Witner. block 110 . lot i«s2 28.04 lot 1144 ______H. Safran, b lock 225, iot 145 7 4.23 73.25 Joseph W itner. block J 10. lot Iftî 6G1 Kising Sun Brewing Co.. biock 28.04 Samuel Bendorsay. block 252. lot Terminal Investing Co., block 315 Bonis Broomberg, block 2 2 5. lot 240. lot I Prospero Grom blu« •k 111. lo Joh n W isievvski, b lock 110, lot Jot 1445 ______1168 ______549.34 PLUMBING, HEATING 73 ______- - ! 190 ______662 ______66.59 74 2 2 R isin g Sun Brewing £o., block 28.04 Terminal Investing Co., block 3 lI Louis Broomberg, block 2 25, " l o t 24 0, Markus I) rey fu oT-k 4 11. lot L'1 j Afiiry Bulat, block 4 28, lot 3 2 ___ Herman & Richard Dorosinsky, lot 2 AND GAS FITTING 83.6 7 blot lot 1452 ______1469 ______74.2 2 Markus Drey fu. ock 4 11. lot * 4 j Margaret McCandless, block 428, 274. lot 114 9 ______6 6.59 H efm an & HP hard Dorosinsky. T h om a s Schultz, block 315. Tot Zu kin Leveneta, block 22 5, " l o t Michael i li van. >lot* k 4 4 l J iot ------201.87 14 53 ______IL D. DANTA, Collector, G ... biock, 274. lot 1150 ------66.59 74.2 2 Low in Price, High in Quality -- 6-*31 Margaret MeCandless, block 4 28, Elizabeth K ulbak. blinde 31:7 Michael liivan. ) 4 4 1 lot H erm an Ac Richard Dorosinsky. lot esser. block 2-5. lot kTck lot 16A _ 83.6« 14 54 ______1 4 74 ______Township of Linden S6 ______62.31 j block 274, lot 1151 ------66.59 66.59 j 74.22 Alarga? et McCandless. block 4 28. Anthony Farrell, block 2~37 iot John Klish, block 2 2 2,. F t 2996 _ 74.22 •Lim T. White. (»It c k 4 11. Tot 6 B 81.2 1 I ìot 17A ; Nicholas Toeci, block 274. lot SH EK11*!' S SALE N ew Jersey Suprem e 84 Gilslirist Ave. Linden 83.67 1152 ______322 W in. O grodnik. blovk 22 2. h >12097 7 4.32 -Lhn T. Whit bi 2k 4 4 4. lot 7 _ 62.31 hAlargaret ------66.59 Court. Solomon Bernstein. Trading, Ai c( a mi less, block 4 28. ' N ich bias Tocei, Frederick Schwartz, block 26U Catherine Zlotkoska, block 222. Greate- Elizabeth John T. Whiti >h •k 4 4 1. jot 8 _ 62.31 j lot 18A block 2tT.~ "lo t ct»*.. vs. E dw ard P oznanski. et al.. de­ _ S3.67 115 3 ______lot G.1G ______— 66.59 iot 2098 ______74.22 Ardrew Jas it ki I » D *' k 444. lot AI. ¡.r garet M eCan 11 toss, b 1 < >ck 4 28. 66.59 fendants. Fi. fa. de. bo. et. ter. Action •*7 G 2.31 Ale X K am i e nos k i. block 2 74." Frederick Schwartz. biock 260 Catherine Zlotkoska. b lock 222, at Law. lot 22A lot lot 61" lot 2099 ______*3:3 ;w .1 a si« >\\ I 1173 ------GG.59 74.22 ...!, block 44 4. lot AI. i-gra ret Al - and less, block 4 2ft, 66.59 G e o ig e Dluby, block 260, Catherine Zlotkoska. By virtue of the above stated w r it o f 6 2.31 Alex Kamienoski, block 2745 l o t lot 618- GG.59W biock 222. lot 23A _____ 8 3.67 George Dluby. block 260, lot 2100 ______74.22 lieri facias to me directed I shall expose Andrew .faslow-skb "block 4 14. lot 1174 ______hit 619 _ 6 6.59 Alo r garet AIcCa mile ~7>77,7k~ TIftI Andrew Schlank. block 264. lot Louis Ac Aliehael Coliein. block 2 23, fo r sale by public vendue, at the Sher- n ______62.31 lot 24 A ______' Alex Kamienoski. block ~~274,'"lot* ift's office in the city o f Elizabeth, N J _ 83.67 700 ______66.59 Jot 2072 ______7 4.22 Jasiuw >!■lT i~ rn'k” Ilf- lot 33 62.31 M arg aret AicCa.nd.less, b lock 429 66.59 on John Hallick. block 278, lot G19_ Vincent Sijlatyckl, block 265. lot Emil Gavvel, block 2 2 3. lot 29 75 7 4.22 UNION Ada m J as low s Í-w. b-ock 4 4 4. lot 35 62.31 lot 69A ______53.67 6 6.59 536 ______WEDNESDAY. THE 5TH DAY OF 6 2.31 John Hallick. block 27S. lot 620 _ ------66.59 Fanil G awei, block 2 2 3» lot 2 97 G 74.22 Adam Jas low- \si, b : (*•• k 4 14. l«-*t .’.7 AI a rg aret AIcCa ndless.blo !k 4 29. 66.59 Vincent Sijiatycki. block” Win. Newman/ block 223.23. lot 2088 .MARCH. A. IX. 192 1. Gasser DiGiov ;« Morris Was sers tei 11, block 278. lot 265. iot 7 1.2 2 «. : :sa 1*1« roc 4 4 4. lot lot 73A 80.68 537 ______Win. Lipsehutz & Sol Yysutsky, at 2 o ’clo ck in the aftern oon . 62.31 6 39 ______66.59 CHAIR Ma rgaret MeCandless. block 4 28A Sarah Greenberg, block b lock 218. lot 2770 ______7 4 2 ° Known and designated by lot No. 914 Gasper 1 uGmv,- *0 r'h' !'* F ll edm an. block 278. lot G p f _ 26ft, l o t i’iiia oi«.«'.. 4 1 L lot lot 4 0A ______66.59 54 Mrs. Alary Novak, block 218, lot m Block No. 24, on map entitled “ Realty 6 2.81 80.6ft t ]. Friedman, block 278. lot 641 66.59 66.59 Ma a ret McCandless, b iock 4 28A M ichael D obos. b lock 269. lot 692 74.2 2 I rust Afap No. 27 of 4 400 lots situated at mi t ; 6 2.31 Anna Herrick Washer Reeschuts 66.59 16 •k 444. ! lot 4 1 Y ______80.68 ! Michael D obos. b lock 269. lot 693 Airs. Alary Novak, block 218. lot Linden, Union County, x. J., surveyed HOSPITAL lot 6 2.31 b lock 279. lot ______- - 66.59 66.59 Feb. 1. 1907 by J. L. Bauer. C. E. and Alargaret Al« ( amiless, block 4 28A Michael D obos. block 269. lot 694 66.59 74.22 •»«hm Jasluw-'k hi H'i. 4 f i. l«»t 36 6 2.31 Anna Herrick »x Washer Reeschuts Surveyor. Elizabeth. N. j.. and filed in lot 42A ______80.68 block 279, lot 598 ______M ichael D obos, b lock 269, lot 695 66.5 9 L en a Siebert. b lock 219, lot 27GO 74.2 2 ■SUstn .laaluwski, !.. M-k 4 44, lot 3 3 6 3.31 Ma rgaret McCandless. block 4 28A 66.59 l nion County Register’s Office, Eliza­ UPHOLSTERING AND 62.3 t Anna Herrick Ac Washer Reeschuts M ichael D obos. block 269. lot 696 GG.59 Lena feiebert, biock 219, lot 27G1 74.22 '«'.üün .!;is!invsk!. '.Í *ck 44 1. lot 4 3 80.6 8 beth. N Alar. 30. 1907 as Map No. 70A 6 2.31 b lock 279. lot 599 M ichael D obos. b lock 269, lot 697 6G.59 Lena Sichert, block 219. lot 2762 74.22 ■«'Iain, i.i H.*k 4 4 4. l«.t 59 Margaret AlcCandless, block 4 28A 66.59 E d w a rd Raeb. block 269. lot 698_ H arold D epew , block 219. lot 2763 74.22 A lso h»t No. 915 in B lock No. 24 on CHAIR CANING Y..!;,,-, l,:, >k 444. i-i t GO _ 6 2.31 Simon Davinak, block 276. lot GG.59 aforementioned map. lot 4 9 A ______7______80.68 1086 Edvvard Raeb. block 269, lot 699- GG.59 Julius Pollacher, block 219. lot ■I’seph Y..; i.. -, i.i,,,- : 4 4 4. k .i 62 _ 6 2.31 Margaret AlcCandless. block 4 28A 66.59 Judgment amounting approximately ►Simon D avinak. biock Edward Raeb. block 269, lot 700_ GG.59 »■ Rfiryskyn. hiu ck 4 44. !«.t fill 6 2.31 lot 50A 80.68 ! 2 76. lot E d w a rd Raeb. block 269. lot 701 _ Harry Aiarkowitz, block 2G3. lot >6*»0. 6 2.31 1087 GG.59 B ox 334, Linden, N. J. ITtryskvn. til,, c*k 4 44. lot 66 • Ma rgaret AJ .‘Landless, block 428A 66.59 T itus Taras, b lock 296. lots 112ft ltI,VPi HARRY SIMMONS, Sheriff. 6 2.31 Sim on D avin a k, block 276, 66.88 ;'«■ hetryskvn i. ,, • k 4 4 4. iot G ft lot 51 A 80,68 : l o t r to 1 1 3 1 ______A n ton io H er ties ki, block 265. lot MEN Hit M. SEAIEL. A tt’y. Perry 62.3 i 1 0 8 8 279.86 n, 44. lot Alarga ret MeCandless, block 4 28A 83.25 F'ees. $11.7G. E D J & L O fe8,4tM Joseph PÔ11 Ii 2.3 l Ida Ko plan. block 280, iot 537 Zii’ka No.sic, block 296, lot 1135 GG.59 66.88 4 44, iot iot 52A 80.68 ! GG.59 , Z ifk a Nosie, block 296. lot 1136 _ John Holson. block 2 66. lot 64 6 _ 6 2.31 1 Lia Kaplan, block 280, lot 538 6 G.59 83.58 Poilack] •k 44 4. lot. Alarga ret AlcCandless, block 4 28A GG.59 Z ifk a Nosie. block 296, lot 1137 _ J oh n Flolson. b lock 2 6 6, Jot 047 _ Gfi. ft ‘l^T Smith, i >!i G 2.31 ; Sarah H erm an, b lock 277. lots GG.59 8 4 1 iot 80 ____ lot 53A __SO.6 8 M orris & Sam Goldstein, block John Holson. block 26G, lot 64 8 — GG.88 TOWNSHIP OF LINDEN 5eier Smith, bi« G 2.31 1 024. J 025A ______144. Alarga rt AlcCandless. block 4 28A 99.88 299. lot 958. ______John Holson. block 266. lot 64 9 — 66.88 FRANK HUBERT, Prop. **n-ìueì Klein. I» 4 15 fi 2.31 lut 54A ______80.68 Paoli ne Miller, block 277^ lo ti 04 3 99.88 ^Äcuiel Klein. Cecilia fe top ban. b lock 277 lot Morris & Sam Goldstein. block Nathan Gerber. - block 217. lot 4 15 62*31 Ma rg a ret McCa ndless, block 4 28A. 299, lot 959 2823 XOTICB is hereby given that the fol- >Äui:ei Kien, 104 4 ______------59,93 *3.65 4 1 5 fi2.3 i lut 55A 8 6.6 6 66.59 M orris & Sam Goldstein, bio-k N athan Gerber. block 217. lot low-insr O rdinance w a s adopted bv the ^niuel K¡- m. Cecilia Stephan, block 2 77. lot 4 1 -5 M arga ru( M cCandless, block 4 28B. 299, lot 960 ______2822 B ------36.82 Township Committee of the Township LINDEN SHEET •;äLuel Klein, 31 104 5 ______------66.59 4 17» 6 2 lut Si A _____ 83.67 M orris & Sam Goldstein, block Joseph Zisivarek, block 218, l o t Of 1 in den. for its tlrtst and second j^finuel Klein. 4 1 5 6 2 C e cili1 Step han. b ! oc k 277. lot Alargaret AlcCandless. block 42sB, J a 4 6 ______299. lot 961 ______*______2808 ------92.06 readings and will be offered for its final METAL WORKS 1 i 7» 21 _ 6 2.31 83.67 83.25 Z.i«ivarek, b lock 218. i^ue! iviciii'. Paul Kuzreak. block 281, lot 4 97 Morris & Sam Goldstein. Joseph l o t passage at a meeting of said Township 4 1 5 23 _ 6 2.31 Margart t M«*< 'andless. block 4 28B. 66.59 299. lot 9 6 2 .______2 ft 07 73.G5 C om m ittee to lie hold on M on day Vei»- Contrctorg for rajah block 4 4 5. ; '» __ 62.31 Paul R u zicak , block 281. lot 4 98 6 6.59 Paul Ruzicak. block 281. lot 514 Harry Hornstein, block 299, Stefan Zöllner, block 21.*.. lot 2»06 73.65 r«a ry IS. 1924. at S o ’clo ck P. M„‘ at the Rajah block 4 1 5. 4 __ 6 2.31 66.59 i-inden Town Hall. Frarjnk i-vijah M ai garet. AlcCandless. block 4 2 SB. Ferini nal In v estin g C. block 305. 114 0B. 1141. Stefan Zöllner, block 218. lot 2805 73.65 Hot-Air Heating, Tinning, block 4 1 5. lot 3 2 __fi 2.31 lot 84 A ______H arry E va S. Zellner, b lock 218. lot 2804 •;Llot 1491l i .q j-j.uLG ■»5 iot 4 ___ 6 2.31 Ala ru a ret AlcCandless. block 4 28 B. r 1146 John Povvajski. b lock 2 25. lot BRANCHES AND OTHER A I'PURT- iÎ* Kein. OÍ,,,. Jos. Ojzeniowsly, block ~32 lot 39.95 TKXANCES. '"ristjijp U,,, lot 2 ______6 2.31 4 218 ______’ A n ton Danish, block ’299," 1500 ______83.25 " lo t AT.*. ‘ G-oce k 4 1 2 lot 2 F ; • 1 Margaret AlcCandless, block 428B. ~ 1147 33.29 Jos. R osen , b lock 210. lot 1507 - - ¿3.6 5 lo k 4 4 8. lot 1 ¡¡r—;-' i„t ;i3A ------Rosa Czotter, block 33. lot~4078 8 3.25 Bo it ordained by the Township Com­ -vietano >r < - Rosa Czotter, block 33. lot A n ton Danish. block 29 9,"" lo t Sadie Bloch, block 216. lot 1510 _ 73.65 li Pr • »•on«. bit: k 44 8. lot 3 4(»79 66.59 mittee of the Township of Linden as , ,Mar^ar'et .MfC'anil!t-ss.U^!ock 42.fl!. Rosa Czotter. block 1148 33.29 Pryia E tn sk on son , block 216. lot W 7 " timan. 113. lot 33. lot 4O80_ 66.59 follow s: « ï - :M Un: 1(4A ______Posa block 33. A n ton Danish, block 299," lot 73.65 14 3, lot lot 4081« 66.59 1149 »• pS * 0*"- Miirwaret McCandless, block 42SB. Rosa Czotter, block 33. 33.29 Harry Haiu»vvitz. block 2 21, lot . - 143. lot í!2.:il i,.! 95A ______lo t 4082- 66-59 I Seeti^i l: That a lateral sewer shall ß . hlnck Rosa Czotter. block 33. A n ton Danish. block 299.' lot he im ilr and co n stru cte d in M cCandless »v Al. S h y t -3 r, blo«* k 4 IL lot 4 083- 66.59 Margaret AlcCandless. block 4 28B. Terminal Investing Co,. 1150 - 33.29 H arry Fiaitowitz, block 221. lot i street from St. George Avenue to Eliz­ ? kS 35 6 2.31 lot 96 A ______b lock 33, A n ton Fail lot 4084 ______D anish. block 2 99," lot 2137 ______73.65 abeth Avenue, it total approximate lî>s & M. Sny t :T. block 4 L Margaret McCandless, block 4 2SB 83.25 1151 Edmund Nadrovvski, block 219, 33.29 F ra n k Beineor. block 221. lo t length of thirty-eight hundred lineal Jot 2726 ______A n ton Daniel}, block 2997~~177t 73.65 teet, of eight -o' twelve inch vitrified • k 4 4 2. lot 66.59 1152 AI Kinds of Chickens for Sale. M argaret AIcC a nd less, b lock 4 2 8B Annie Avankowsky. block r~iTT 39.95 H a rold D epew . block 221. lot 214 2 73.65 stoneware pipe, togeher with ail nec­ ''Mta IF. lot 9SA ______38.83 lot 2733 ______"* cranrora Ave. Rlty Co., block 240. Aliehael Kriptajrowicz. block 222. essary manholes, “ Y’ branches and other 19 " Couvl, block AlcCandless. block 4 3: 7------r ------66.59 lot 1.94 ______M a rg aret A nnie A van k o ws k\~" b lock 219, 133.18 lot 2123 7 3. G 5 appurtenances, as shown on a map or __ 62.31 lot 60A 80,68 lot 2734 ______T______Mary Krivany, block~323. lot" John Krocian. block 2 o l . iot 59 3 53.24 diag ram on tile in the office o f th e Martin Miller U Iie«1 F i r ; cowei,g n v g r block!r - - - 4 4 2. lot 66.59 817 83.25 Ala rg aret AlcCandless. block 4 33, Charlie Arenow. block ” 2lT»7~ lot Lena N ew m an, biock 323. lot 828 John Krocian. block 257, lot 594 53.24 Township Engineer, and according to 62.31 6G.59 lot Gl.Y 80.68 274 2 ______Etrud Herskowitz. block 323. lot John Krocian. block 257. lot 595 53.24 the specifications of said Engineer, un­ 73herme Lappi n. b oc~kTííITot M arg aret AlcCandless, .block 4 33, 83.25 Stimpson Avenue Jos. Engelhardt. b lock 220. lot 66.59 Joh n K rocian , b lock 257, lot 596 79.89 der and by virtue of the provisions of Near Wood Ave^ lot 62A ------80.68 2711 Charles Newman, block 323, iot A nnie K raem er. block 258. lot 738 53.25 66.59 832 ______an act entitled. “An Act Concerning ' 66.59 K. V. Plattis. block 260. lot 603 53.25 Municipalities.” approved March 27th,

/ THE LINDEN OBSERVER, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1924 PAGE SIX The Perfect Husband. THIEF TAKEN BY PASTOR $500,000,000 LOSS BY privation. Wife at Mnr.vieboae— “I t,ave nV use of a nickel-plated pair of pliers on old and Cfumbled shingles on lire Saying Illustrated. which looked a pistol in the darkness, Minimize Damage. roof ; carelessness in the use o f kero­ “ Hard fines!” murmured the student Northern New Jersey has uncovered clues to a band of sene, gasoiine and mutches; Spon­ when lie couldn't translate a passage freight train robbers. Among the most serious drains on taneous combustion in hay stored be­ jn Homer.'—New Baser. Evening Reg fore properly cured, and lack of proper Stephenson, with his family, was our national resources is the appalling 1st er. motoring in the country when a truck and rapidly mounting tire waste, ac­ protection against lightning on build ran into his car. The preacher speeded cording to Secretary of Agriculture digs as well as on wire fences. Tile The Dark Ages. Ten years ago—and Today up, passed the truck and leveled his Wallase, who in a recent statement remedy involves a prompt and careful pliers, whereupon the driver climbed issued at Washington said that last examination and an equally prompt The period dating Tom the invasion out, while another man ran, escaping year it was in excess ot' $500,000,000. removal of all dangers where tiiis can of France by Clovis, in 458 to the descent on Italy, in 1458 by Charles In the darkness. Tlie big individual items in this sum lie done without undue expense. The VIII of France is commonly called the In the truck were 70 cases, each arise from large fires and conflagra­ most important improvements are in Dark ages. Len-ning and arts were containing 10,000 cigarettes. Recently tions in cities and towns. No com­ general cheap compared to fire. neglected. Tlie Renaissance followed. A picture of amazing growth. while a Southern railway freight train plete figures are available for the an "Alter all necessary and reasonable was standing over a trestle robbers nual loss of farm property fire, ac­ measures have been taken to prevent Captive Mocking Birds. From a few large centers and many small self- unloaded 80 cartons of cigarettes. cording to the secretary, but enough accidental fire, some thought should Thieves for months have been loot­ information is said to be on hand to be given to available means of fire Mocking birds, when taken from the contained communities, to.—• ing freight cars in this vicinity. show that it also is on the increase extinction. Tiiis is important even nest young readily become accustomed after precautionary measures have to cage life and may live for rnanv A great hustling, bustling, statewide neighbor­ and that the sum now materially ex­ YANKS HONORED BY FRANCE ceeds $50.000,000—the actual figures been taken, since the possibility of fire, years. They are easiij taught and often hood peopled by millions, and growing more may be nearer $100,000,000. while it can and should be greatly Improve greatly with careful traiuinjj "in reducing the fire hazard to fiis lessened, cannot lit; entirely removed- rapidly than ever before. French Dedicate Monument to Men Many a fire starting from tiie chimney property, as in many other matters, the A Wise Citizen. Stationed at St. Aignan-Noyere. o f a farm dwelling tias been put out A monument dedicated to the 500,- farmer must rely to a large extent upon Do as much as you can. as well before severe damage occurred by tiie 000 American troops stationed in the his own personal effort. With neg­ you can. as soon as you can. and you use of a ladder, and can be quenched You can see this growth in the development of ligible exceptions he has no fire de­ region of St. Aignan-Noyers, France, in by simple means if prompt action is need not lie afraid of being “ canned,” partment to respond to his call when Northern N ew Jersey’s telephone system, for this sys­ 1918 and 1919, more particularly the possible. Some equipment for combat­ is the sane advice o f n wise citizen.— S50 who died at the cantonments and fire does occur, but on the other hand ! Brookly n Standard Union, tem and its service have played and are playing an lie is rarely threatened by tlie trans­ ing a fire should be readily at hand in are burled in the cemeteries there, every farm house. Tlie farmer’s own I was unveiled recently. mitted fire hazard from property of important part in the broadening of New Jersey s careless neighbors, as is frequently the ingenuity will readily suggest the Harlequir Style. Myron T. Herrick. American ambas­ most necessary equipment within his case with the home and business house Towards the ciose of the Eighteenth business and social activities. sador, in an address expressed the means if he only git es tiie subject due tlinnks of America to the French for in tlie city. If every farmer,” the sec­ 1 -etitury furniture makers designed consideration.” this tribute to the men who "suffered retary says, “would make a special ceres which might have a double or Ten years ago you could call and be called from any more, merited as much and yet have effort to remove needless lire hazards ANCIENT BONES ARE FOUND riple use. This was called harlequin been honored less perbaps than their from tlie property lie owns or occu­ . 'urniture. Beds of today that are one o f 136,000 telephones in Northern N ew Jersey. pies. and henceforth would continue , .ransformed into mantels or pianos, more favored comrades who fell in the Remains of Men Who Lived 80,000 to exercise reasonable precaution, j tallies which become dressers, chairs full tide of battle.” Years Ago Dug Up. These telephones were used to make 514,000 calls time,'-fourths or more of o u r annual that are stepladders are surely ex- Bones and other relies of a race of each day. Butterflies Block Highway. destruction of farm property would ! unples of harlequin style. Millions of big brown butterflies mi­ •certs Tiie effort and cost required men who lived approximately 80,000 grating southward obscured the high­ to bring this about would lie a small years ago have been unearthed in Today you can reach any one of 325,000 telephones way south of Santa Barbara, Cal., re­ tiart of tin* <■ ist and labor required ti 1 southwest France by Dr. Henry U. English Girls Learn Shoemaking. cently, and made motoring difficult.. ' tlie p op, rty now binned each Hal! of the University of Pennsylvania All the pupils, eleven in number, at in Northern Newjersey’s system which you and thou­ Conntv Horticultural Commissioner year l-’lirtiii rtnore. thousands oi lives Museum. Dr Hall, who returned to tn evening class in hoot and shoemak­ Kellogg went to the scene to secure w o u l.| be . a I thousands 1 Philadelphia from Europe, said tie ing in the tiny village of High Beech, sands of others use to make 1,300,000 telephone calls i Essex. Enclend are girls. some specimens for examination won 1 be - ...... race was only a step above the animal. every day. By the end o f this year, as the result o f an expansion program even greater than that of 1923, more than 43,000 telephones will be added to Northern New Jersey’s system and will be within your call. Gas Is Now An Industrial As Every aI'\cw Telephone Makes Your Service More TJaluable Well As a Domestic Necessity NEW YORK TELEPHONE COMPANY

colors, site said, and to play the piano Buglers Give Concerts and the ukulele. Slie is an attractive From Spires of Churches CHARITY PATIENT. blonde, 5 feet 6 inches tall and weighs 132 pounds. Her father is a Buglers who give Sunday concerts bookkeeper for John C. Mehl, 124 on church spires attract large crowds I LEFT FORTUNE Webster avenue, Jersey City. jn Germany, and in fact tlie practice is Miss Wurthmann was made Leh- extending throughout central Europe. meyer’s residuary legatee, besides Trinity church, which stands near for having $15.000 left in trust for her un­ the American embassy in Berlin, fre­ Kin of Pair He “ Stood Up’ til she is thirty-five. quently has such concerts on religious Gets Wealth. holidays. A quartet of buglers play re- j RADIO “ FADING” EXPLAINED ligious tunes on a balcony about tiie spire of the church at least 100 feet ; Tests Show Relation to Surface of Air above«Kavo the»the smrrnnrtriinsrsurrounding Streets.streets. SIZE OF ESTATE SURPRISES Sixty Miles Above Earth. Four Dresden clergymen, who are Variation tn the conducting surface expert buglers, but found it difficult to Market Street Gas Works, Public Service Gas Company Three-quarters of a century ago in of the air about sixty miles above the earn a living preaching because of the Mainz, Germany, Louis T. Lehmeyer earth probably causes the phenomenon financial depression, are making a "stood up” as best man at tlie wedding known as “fading” in radio transmis­ great success of bugle concerts in In 1905, a year and one half after Public Service was organized, 4,COO cubic feet of his closest friend. sion, the bureau of standards an­ Czechoslovakia. They are given on Recently he died in Metropolitan nounced at Washington. Scientists church steeples, in tlie auditoriums of of gas was sold for each person living in the municipalities served. Ey 1910, sales in­ hospital on Welfare Island, New York, have been working several years to churches, in market places and even creased to 5,000 cubic feet per inhabitant; in 1915, to 6,000, and last year they exceeded a charity patient, at ninety-two, and, find the reason why concerts, speeches on street corners, and tlie contribu­ neighbors of the aged bachelor, who and tlie like broadcast through the air tions of the listeners maintain the 7,000. The use of gas for domestic purposes is now nearly universal, while its applica­ had lived alone on the top lloor of the grow stronger and weaker to the lis­ clergymen, who play only sacred tion to industrial processes is being rapidly extended and continually increases demand. brown-stone front house he owned, tener. The bureau tells of tests car­ music. 805 East Fifty-fifth street, gasped in ried on by it and the American Radio unbelief when they learned he had left Relay league during 1920 and 1921. Its Scientists Get $1,200,000 a fortune to charity and another for­ statement says: tune to a girl of twenty-one. “ In these tests from five to ten Fund for Research Work The girl, Miss Elizabeth Rosalie | radio stations transmitted signals In Scientific research work in many Wurthmann. a teacher in Public succession on certain nights, accord­ fields, including excavations in the School No. 6, West New York, X. J„ ing to prearranged schedules. The holy city of tlie ancient Maya people In CUMULATIVE was still pinching herself to make signals were received simultaneously Mexico, were provided for by the Car­ sure the sudden wealth front her fairy by about 100 receiving stations whose negie institute, which appropriated $1,- grand-godfather wasn't nil a dream. operators were provided with forms 200,pd some time to have a a column of water 140 feet into the tinued for 15 minutes until the rat | \own that I have planned Ask Any Public Service Employe sir, the explosion being heard for dropped dead. The cat went mad, i x somebody else can do many miles. later dying from exhaustion and in­ juries. i dabble with srater — (•


T o W Y -m n * o f i i v n i : \ , m -:w .»kp. skv SIIEKIFF’S SABE New -Jersey Su- }'.\SSKD ORDINANCE Pi«*m<‘ Court. Satmiei Klein man vs. T o k n o w r> o U adesiave Kszyszfnvsky. et ah. defen­ dants. J*’i fa. ue. bo. et. ter. On I ^*o w S5£i? a cigarette Telephone 3532-R 0 L iru ie a 3 î>6 ii;■«»»;»:t i 'ois t i i k v i :.\w r..2i v m > < is.iii* \ Docketed J utlgemoit. j realîy can fee : ; 0 *• Uii ii 'i iti; lt-.AK lit-::. by virtue «>f the above-stated writ of lu í : famas t-» me Uiiect- tl i ,! ea p o sc ycu m usi try a- i n :« >n a i .s o » x»>:s t i t u t r t i i k t a x u k d l n ’a x c k . :o r sale by jHiblic \ endue, at the Slu*r- ns on ice in t he city of Elizabeth. N. WEIDL & BATZ It. J OTHhNXKLL 0 ,i. Tv) T A X ICS i a .,: ; m : t r; v it xi>c-4.-- 1.. on .1 • i ; > the T’ovs'usb.ip < oiam i i ice o f Use T o w n sh ip u f Bfrnle» \ n E í > X KSJ >A V, T H E 1 2 T l f DA Y i ) F 0 . . . th .; th re si.;;ll be asses sou. raided, by tax ation , and e«*i- At.YRCll. 1».. 1.(2 1. BUILDING CONTRACTORS ■ • • l a h Hi su m i-f > >ne H undred and Ninety-Six Thousand «it two o dock in the afternoon of said Furerai Director •• ‘ i • nine Cents (1196.024.49), for the pmpose oi day. l i*i :;>t h.»ns - et v e il) in Hie tollow in g s ta te m e n t ol resource-4 -\li that certain tract or parcel of land ¡ . lor the J'e-Ccd Vi a r 1924. .md premises, hereinafter particularly OFFICE ANI* RESIDENCE: Sum m it Street and St. G eorge Ave. ..escribed, situate, Jymgr and being in Linden 0 s r \ V A2 : HN T <;K s U ííF i .US 1 i icv »•:.\ l k a u Ct>UN 1 ’ 'ue Towns hip of Eluden, in the Coumv Estuaüte-J i'uLti ¡..a ¡a uce a t I ------$34.000.0. >{ l moil and State of New Jersey. i-eing litoiv particularly described as } Elizabeth avenue Elizabeth , ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ,, ,.i t K.-tirn« I»e available for Transfer to the U Hud are. L - - $2', .500.01 billows: Bcgiunping at a point in the i * « orty At Too feet to a point; tl-ence ‘ •at Fui 3 38.24 >'l)'Jhi 6 3 -cgiOtCs 30 m inutes East 75; u ° Anse* 1,000.00 I.OOO.Ot vet to a point; thence North 23 d< gi ees f Architectural posi ' ndiP t; Nn 1 2 2 1 .90 f< « t to a point; D . MESZAROS t/llAè I. A a*-S 1 ..u 00.00 0 i W o o d W o r k e ranci 2 0.0 00.0 . hence North 62 degrees 52 mi mites F O R SALE tiru^. . -«s Kecuints -a. - a; 0. 01.’T.i'O4.0 * .0• 0 !° 4» 00.00 J .«»Ot'.U ^e. t .Io6 ¡e l to a j» - ill; thence ,\orlh a Specialty Carpenter and Builder Cabinet Wort denii'cs is ininuus East 4 5.09 fi-i t K .c. taimm.-nt i \ ru »0U..-0 2 Family Houses 0 o — òOO.Oo) «- a Point: there.* South 66 degrees 52 j n i ° Bui' minutes East 1.44 feet to a point:* orín 21» 0.0«* ) tioo.o« i: 0J All Improvements G! Office: 225 PRICE STREET, Linden, N. J. i : b ! 2.000. 1; J 3 . d.Ot ihence iNortli 23 <*esixes s m inutes h.'asi 1 1.000. 00) •’ "6 lei t to i point in the Southerly? 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 irte: .¿t ami ,P‘e;tr..¡t:e-> ? ? ? ? ? af iiiï i > 1 ¡ i ' 1 ■ • 1. »9 0.0 0 ) 2.0 0o.ft ira* of the i orly Acre lioad; theide W ith Heat - $8500 Litri ».ll lkjl! along said Forty Acre it--ad Ninth 63 1 Why Worry About Coal G 00.00 500.0: decrees 3 0 minutes Vest 75 foet t<> thei P 2. ‘»ou.oo point and place of Beginning’. Without Heat $7700 Auto** ..1 . • j . 1 1.uses conveyed * ? ? ? ? ? i n í es $3 6.9 3 s. 2 4 $.i0,tiÖi d>- So the said Frank It. Depeu by . ecu of 0 1 PIANO and ARTSTUDIO Total M iceli t (saa.c * . toil, w ido.ver, b<*aring d ate! One Family Houses n tion $196.024.40 $ 14t».4 tío.ti I Sept. 19. 19 10 recorded in the Register's 1 »mount to Iw l i ; >ffiee o f Union C ounty in Hook 557 o f : SEÑORITA DAGNINO $259,562.73 $1^5,760.til Meeds ior said Bounty on pa.ges 23 etc... Six Rooms - $5500 |j T.«l K - , ...... ' excepting and 1 ©serving- therefrom and! COKE Graduate of Musical schools in Paris and Rome Ai\UKi.>UUl.s YiUX.S thereout however, the following d«s- ÀCCotilit 1024 1 í* 2 3 ‘rd..-d land and prem ises. (See (U scrip- : Carbon Coke $11 a Ton Delivered 417 Wood Avenue Township t < loto:. '¡ì Karies $ 3. H. 0.1*0 tion p age 1). J ’ ó: IJ i i■•alio n s ------l.OOü.OO) 3>iiing the same premises convoyed by j Small First Pay- Gene, ai --ii ' ' * l, _ ' "j Tutor in Spanish or Trench. Terms Reasonable. ;t i» sea òvO.i ) die sa.u pait-cs «.1 the i>aiiy o f till*' ¡0 34: Miller’s Exoress UUIltîU ai 3 •» jO.uO ) rst part to the said party of the se- j metns will be ac i ...... *» SIMPSON AVE. puniti: 2, Ou 0.00) •ond part by tw o ecu tain fitted s. o n e ' Ulli i .Xi.--:»¡»es ------rn-ship 1 ft i . oft 0.00 ) recorded in the Register's Office of Union Telephone Ii47h-R cepted with easy 2. OU U. 00 ) om .ty in B ook 791 o f ! >1 eds i>age .-77 > II 2.00Ü.00J $ 13.0O0.0t mil thence bearing date May 2 1. 19 17. J 200.00 ) luugemeni amounting approximately ! 0 Monthly terms 1,500.00) < 175.00 Vrantenau ration of T o w n H«ill 2,500.0o; IIAitKY SIMMONS. Sheriff. See HaiiU-vaü' ; 11 all iviufioaent — 2 00.00) AMUKL R. Ivl-EiNMAN. Atty. ti o 0.00 ) e.s, Jc.9 1. EiHiNcBO fol5.4 tm j COKE MONEY TO LOAN île. lit al -it 300.00) 0 SAMUEL MOPSICK 3.2UO.UU) HOKOl'OH OF LINDEN 0 5.000. uö) 7.3UO.H« Wood Avenue, Between Returnable in Weekly Installments lino.ou H- .S.A ! : E' ’It ST REET LIGHTING ¡ 3.000. 00 12th & 13th Sts. 8.00*).o» •'■otad ju op os'ils 1 of iigimng the pub- • st loots of the Borough of Binden foi­ for sale Watet Mipao 25ft.tie be term of live (5) -ears from Manli Linden Provident Loan Association Cöhsouaatiuu 2.000. 00 1st. 132 1 with the following number 3,5 00.00 3 .ft00.ft Election Bxik •.ue lypi- «o lamps: Coiitmsent B> 2.«) 0 0.0 0 2.000.0 69 i .«*. I nrandescent I .amps M. LEPORIEKE You May Ee Great. 1202 Wood av.-Samuel Mopsick Realty Office pulire Court 1.000.00) 1 —600 B.1*. T ype “ C” .Mazda amps 4 7.500.0t 1 179 Jefferson Avenue, poi ire .Départi 4 Í.UOO.OO) • i * 1*1 T11 asked for and will be lv- The lives of the trulv great are made : ó. o ou.0 o 3 i.aon.Ot F: re Depart in. 1‘ivod by the l'.oroiigb Couiu-d at t ¡ • LINDEN, up ‘-.f. little thlnca well itone. 12.000.00 Water for Fir -e • 11-, o f saul Ctnui'Ml to be lid i t V -0.00 800. d? Ir ’-«• iioronuh ¡mil. A\ernie. B or­ ;ioc. .0 FiÜiLOiíL. ilrSpi.1'! 11 )I1 ough oi IJrukn. N. -J.. on Ti •-.n uv e« - ; liiiîiundmc' and i ispi oí iio y s 300.00 300.01 eiiing. M arch 4 th. 1 *» j ;. a t s ti I U f t?H > clock. ! th ti.OOU.O* • i • B oron g li Co a n« d n-s« :\es the 0[p3[5]0{l][äliä](ö30iä]0[53[^[g^[^0[5]00®[Hlä][ä][D][ö][5][ä][5][giä|[D3[g][ä][ä][ö]I5][5][ä|[ä|[ö|[ä][p|{g u ai nten.a nee of -Hont 1 >< Se ivo r ■ > nc 0 750.01 300.00 irla i « » rejet t any or ad bids ManH-naure oí L: toral 500.01 >at I I Vio i.a; y 5t9. 1 . 24. (jr. f b;¿ g o líe ai ov a l ------4.1 CO.00 1 3 00.01 m 4 0.UÓ0.0O T. 11. SUBBI V A 22. am i it 'Mir 35.000.0i ______Borough Clci ic. jlefurds o n s . ■ V. e ■ Con etion Permits 2 0 0 .0 0 200.01 *tìVOt Li a ht i on ------1 2. lOu.Oti J 0.000.0't- thaï i ties î ’Opart:! a-nt *.000.H0 7.3ft ).06 0 Maintenance of U: : ; ml Pin y gro u n d s $1 0,000.00 ‘W ater is the mother of the vine, 0 Redemption ot Sei...... *’ m i s ______“ANYWHERE—ANYTIME" iws: A mo o.nt _ t ht redeemed from The nurse and fountain of fecundity, 0 8,000.00 Capital Forni The adorner and refresher of the world.” 2.000.00 l 0.ftW0 .ftt 0 \'i Ponds ______DRAKE’S Chas. Mackey Sui [dus A i »p lie d _____ L, a 07.4 0 in 0 3,807.4 I 3.SOT.4 ’ In i j .ú . ;.;,o lm 2*2.1 : STORAGE 0 Tor Tem iV ri Loans;...3 % o f T o w n - Finkiiiíf T Í LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE Ship'S P rimo. (Pin.s.O ) Of A s s es s i ie n t lui- 0 {iravemeiit Lo; Interest on i ov i t ion <■• i Asse; .simenc MOVING 0 liuproveiaeiH i 3 1.(14 2.00 0 1: U :tT Oil Tax 1.0 a 2. Ó 0 0.0 0 2.00O.H® Ttnv ash ip's Prop»»; 1 .on n>r c o s t o f A ssess ¡ne ì t io I 601 Elizabeth Avenue West 0 movements Not Lvov idit d for {.y 1ìonel I s s u e s ------4d><2.38 j Linden, New Jersey Assessment Fun-a Pit»- it:QU IIrei ; en ts i-.x -ess 3 ti.0 4 2.0$ “ I.f i iter*: st ITisL .rsemc i er Interest Re e;pus { P h o n e C.eiliJ y Storage lìmi«: ne; 5.000.Of INVEST YOUR FUNDS IN Bala ¡»re in:« mi r .me S -iUsl sSystem 27 7.5« .‘»»l'iiers Ivie u'd i Munì’.. ent 2,0 0 0.00 1, out). 01 Policemen ami Fin•ineu’s Pt1 iì s fo H i- 'ti n u ------2.0 0.00 2.4 7 5.01 Appropriation «-vr -e a pei li tu res-—Fiala riee IT -i ------i V . Î i Aivropriaii-di Ove: -« xpe; iit. . r*. s— B ala n ce l o 2 2 ------3 5 ti, 15 3S.53 First Class Delicatessen speli- d Fire I >< pt. 1 9 2 3 ______l 3.4 0 of every variety THIS FUNDAMENTAL Auvo-Lus i n ' i ) » ■ ■ ■ i < ■ i Salary a mi Expenses ------2.000.0 o i üroiis’vt t » >, r • Taxe- and AivottiHs iiecei vable tí 0 2.07 Moderate Lunches Served At Lowest Prices lu Tula! A]*i• í a í in :is ------$2 30. .73 $105.700.61 )>. T E P P E J L M .P f 0 This orti;na v e si:;;:! l a k e eHV -.-t as p ro v id ed by la w. iii? Wtiuii A v e n u e In’rmlui • \ n no ■ ¡ n - a t : Jn il Un rr 21. 1 U 2 i . Water is the most common of life’s commodities, so taken idm-ii .cul A'.nd-u i i-Vdruaiy 4, 1 02 4. as a matter of course that few ever stop to realize how precious T< )\VXSi I IP C O M M IT T E E O F T H E T O W N SH IP O F BIN DEN. By CARBONIC WATERS it really is. Close your eyes for a moment and let Fancy paint Attest : CEC/lUiE McGIU.VKA Y, 0 FHA.NK It. ANi C hairm an. SELTZER AND VICHY e a picture of what a world this would be without it. Only those Cd. rk. oila water in all flavors made from Sanitary Distilled Water 0 who have lived through the tortures of thirst on the sea or the GENERAL M I N E R A L WATER CO. 0 JiOHOLCIi OF IJXUE.V Sahara can tell how gladly they’d have exchanged a peck of lit E. Elizabeth Avenue 0 0 PA SS HO O K 1 ) 1X AN C F 0 diamonds for a pint of cold, crystal water. It is the very basis of life. 0 AN OK >. ' X t ' j ; FKl-A'iTXCÎ TO TANKS FOR THE YEAR 1924. 0 0 0 BE IT OKI »L. HI) BY THE COUNCIL OF’ THE BOROUGH OF BIN DEN 10 CREATE TWO AS 1-5 lows:- 0 Ail of which leads up to the great importance of the service There shall be assess.vl and raised by the taxation and collected for the • : • ^ 1. _ 4 uuntn« the a .mint for Stvond C lass Raiiroad T axes) the 0 rendered by this Company in this part of the State of New Jer­ -sua uf Thirty-piv • Thousand Six Hundred Seventy-one Hollars and Xinetv- fu’.v (' nis (.(55,1 VI .75,. m e\*rss of the .surplus revenue appropriated am. ROYAL DIMES 0 sey to more than 65,009 folks— a service restricted to no one 0 pie 1 hi’H’ous , ere enumerated in the following’ local budget for i f I. un'ch si,ah also ctu,.>titute the T .-x Oi-dinan-’e fo r said year. v»>::- 0 status of society, but whose ramifications reach into the homes 0

TOT\ !. AX 5T CPATED KI-IVENU ES OR tESOURCES 0 of rich and poor; into mills and shops; offices and stores. It 0 1924 King George to Make Duchies 0 Actual amount of surplus in the surplus revenue 0 is truly a universal service. $12.634.27 $1 6.633.12 f o r S o n s . 0 Hl‘Wh.u> K’.-vemte a -prop: ialed 9.00 0.00 0 The $3,000,000 property assets of the Company are indica­ 0 2\X I S( ' K ! .BA X KO US R K VEN l T ES 0 Poil Tax ______500.00 4 50.00 tive of its solidity and permanence and the confidence it enjoys 0 - dt :.ts of , ti xiad ______50.00 350.00 i'5vv.-e aim t ,»sts ______1,000.00 800.00 ONLY THREE HOLD RANK NOW among its patrons is the result of many years of honorable hilen;,-;t on Ba tk B a la n c e s ______130.0U 150.00 2 75.0 0 300.00 King George of will shortly endeavor. House sewer i < i units 200.00 200.00 Tax st.-uvlies . 200.00 3 7 5.00 create two more royal duke* in the 150.00 Buiijiioig and : :lu t iij J. v nu its I 50.00* person of liis younger sons, Prince m es ;t!!.i Fell 17 5.00 250.00 To men who have made money and want to keep it, we ex­ 0 D lllich ; '( a xi 7.000. 00 7.000. 00Henry" and Prince George, it is stated 275.00 0 bug es 350.00 l*y some of the court intimates who tend an invitation to become partners in this NECESSARY Gross Ite OHKs 3.250.00 1, 200.00 claim to have inside knowledge. In 0 Amount t o In raise-i by taxes (including- the 0 public utility by the purchase of the First Preferred Stock (7 amount for S* '¡o » Class R a ilroa d T a xes) ------35,671.93 31,150.00 the ease ol Prince Henry the an­ per cent Cumulative) which we are offering investors who seek 0 $55.071.9 3 $51.450.00 nouncement may be expected soon. 0 A ! * i M IOP I 11A TJ ON S This step has been urged upon his to couple maximum income yeild with absolute safety. 1924 1923 majesty for some time, as the royal 0 ;;nrorgh Sop, • i ______$0.570.00 $5.600.00 ¿ward1 o ' -’ Health‘ i u v ■ .elmg salai y o f Child H yg ien e Nui so 500.00 509.00 dukes of England have been conspic­ This stock is $100 per share. The dividend is $7 per share 0 irirll-;'--iug i- onrs and supplies ------8.500.00 7.300.00 uous for their smallness of numbers 5 cww 3.000. 00 1.500.00 since the days of Georg« III, whose per year, payable quarterly. It is non-assessable. It is an ideal ■JL of Heeurder and v ) V exp.Mises ^ . ____ J 00.00 100.00 of dukedoms. The numbers of this ‘lions 3 00.0o 4 50.00 ship creates an estate that is-as stable as the commodity it re­ ' U Wl|-U;.V!lt 1.709.00 1,9 00.00 rank gradually dwindled until the lat­ 0 V,;u:** «JUÌ Hy,Irani n 1. a si Q u arter i'.‘ 22 ------79b.25 ter part of Queen Victoria's reign they 0 presents. For further details we invite inquiry by mail, tel­ •‘9’ ciati H y drill u s-—-B 7 SO.85 0 •‘¡am i l:y lira n is ] :‘U 3.200.15 2,701.75 were confined to her three sons, and ephone or in person at any of our offices below. ■ Mn-min are 1 )r at*.*r and Hydrants mut Street at the coronation of George V there 0 S t l ï l i î r ^ 6,346.50 4.80 0.00 were only two—the Prince of Wales 0 Maintenance 9.000. 00 12,500.00 as the Duke of Cornwall, and the Ufc,j 3.000. 00 tjj„, h-r maintain ng Streets and E qu ip tue) i t ------2, h 00.00 Duke of Connaught. 0 >.F l5'*y a!;u .'.-¡i Callee rio a ______1.500.00 1,4 00.00 , K- -'»auitenan.-e ______2UÖ.00 35 0.00 Only Three Dukes Now. 0 ; use 1 )ispx»>.M I Of ] )u:;s ______1 50.00 1 50.00 At the present time this number 1.590.00 1,500.00 0 t a vr y f * ' ’ ' ------has only heeu supplemented by the i\ê v ¡-Tt>M iliVOil!i c o f notes fo r T ru n k S e w e r ------1 .000. 00 3.000.00 COMMONWEALTH WATER & LIGHT CO. 750.00 7 50.00 0 *r>F.,J‘MIU sr dent fst’vv' ’ ' r cou un issioii. sh are o f rnaintenanee creation of Prince Albert in 1920 as a en huid a« join in g lio ro u g h Hall 500.00 500.00 isment Duke of York, and the existing num­ 0 8 d ______500.00 ' n F u: y i ; y » ; i n d ______300.00 ber is barely sufficient to officiate at Securities Department 350.00 0 P«,, 0 cm 300.00 300.00 the opening of bazaars and the un­ 0 Klua y u,,t 7 00.0 ÍJ veiling of monuments and to attend to ■'Ot ih h,-:,. IRVINGTON NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, IRVING TON,N. J. 1 ' > ; i Th pst Account— 1 a2 3 ------0 01.32 the other duties which fal1 upon royal 0 «- "f i nproverneiits confirmed lt*25 ------*i 2 5.5 6 ^ , sewer OiyiiK u ______1.000.90 shoulders. Telephone Waverly 5064 0 “• Cromiti ■Mutpu ent and supplies ______500.90 The current rumors have opened up 0 $55.071.93 $51.4 50.00' speculation as to the titles which will !,,t Khali 'also constitute the tax ordinance, he chosen from the list of those which OPERATING OFFICES: -’‘dvv,. ,lu an'-‘ approved -January 2. 1921. have heeu connected generally with adopted i'ebriia 1 y 5. 1924. 0 Approved: the royal family. The title Duke ol 20 Northficld Road, West Orange 9 Mvrtle Ave., Irvington 431 Springfield Ave., Summit Tel. Waverlv 0769 JUBES CERNER, Edinburgh is a concession to Scot­ 0 Tel. Orange 668 Tel. Summit 0448 -— L-I-IV.VX. Borough Clerk. tish pride and probably will be 0 chosen for Prince Henry. It wag last 0 (ip A Teuton Tso. I Sfjesd.sst and S'owest. borne by the second son of Queen Vic­ i . S:*’Tit o r sav or •thing that is Electricity navels ISfl.iKIO feet a see- toria and discarded when he assumed "eiter tfoan sììeit e Ptorerb. - fd>ss a Herman onc¡ nuc¡ the huiuan thuuih grows only the German title of his father, th* -Coston Transci-ipt. Duke of Saxe-Cohurg-Gotha. two billionths oí u >ard a second. Elisi is]000000000000iD [a][pi[m 0000P 0


P u b l i s h e d b y Of Centuries of Changing Styles REDUCE FARM TAXES Health Talk No. 4 SERVICE-* By D r . C. O. Collins. Ancient Art of Knitting Still Popular, Although Garment» its Adoption Would Make Un­ . . ’f t a m a c V Are Subject to Fashion’s Rule. necessary the Disproportion­ WHAT »?. IMJWSÏiiLEj- ” I 4 5 0 XOOC?& AOE. ate Levies on Rural Sections. (Copyright) i p h o n e t o . The.... Inlpt/.iMiililr , ics -ii o f ví­ tenla. are Uie re«!. I ties !>! Rnluy. lin mi 1,10,1 to fly [jiro;, . KaJtljng hu cover bee* % last art [ first knitting .machine was invented,— the air in maeh,;ir> wMghii , sévirai tons I , „ W E M O CHECK MOVE TO CITIES m Century after century needle3 have ’s stocking frame. It wa* // ii is bombain;1.; 1-; done. [ione. lmpA-sA-eI ;, 1. ; r ... , it c m ,! be For at least five hundred years wo­ The term "jersey” originated from done c prom IBlRTKWl ÎÛâckward interrupted by somebody fkú.r i . men have filled In the stray minutes the that was spun in Jersey, the man Enterprise. Í it. I I by picking up their "knitting" as they largest of the channel islands. It was a fine wool used primarily for stock­ i •at before the fire in a com fortable Why the Site-Value Committee of jyYVT fail to renew your rocker or "got a breath of air” in the ings. "She doth flit and stockings CHIROPRACTIC SUCCESSE i knit of Jersey woolens.” It was later New Jersey Opposes Suppressive fire insurance policy. The I; used for other garments and finally Taxes on the Thrift and Property devil knows that it has laps­ the name attached itself to the “closer ed and may send one of his I T IKK the father of our of Farmers and Manufacturers ■*“' country we cannot lei I .1 iitting, knitted undershhirt used Is imps to touch a flame to your Every sufferer wont; health; be wants to get well, il matters nos I fib—we cut down the ill- athletico. An early account of the Who, by Their Industry, Are Build­ house. Get busy, brother. ¡ y HOW or in what method, Because oi the fa Burn of drugs and r,> I health tree with our little axe. French attack on the Channel Island» ing Up th* State. Pure drugs will help you to contains the epigrammatic couplet: orations in their own case« is why so ny people are turning to I regain your vim and vigor "In vain the haughty Gaul for cob I and this drug store will as- quest thirsted. A site-tax for state revenue, instead •^J,rione5575 Chiropractic. Eventually thoy conic to praise it because spinai sit. you in getting back your Our men were Jersey men while his of increased taxes on all property, to I Adjustments removí- the cause of iF-: as.-, gctiiiig down to faith in money’s worth mer­ wore worsted.” s' very I chandising. pay increasing interest charges on the ü ~N .7-fiP âler~m o It is safe to say that the use of Jer­ 583,000,000 bonds authorized by the root of the trouble. I Establish a Bond of Service seys dates back to almost the b-egin- people of New Jersey during the past ^ lOood-Sauding Between This Store and 1 iugs of modern athletics, about 1812 G I three years, and for increased school ynmoüMi MX Y our Home ü There is evidence all about you, probably I expenses and repair of institutional HEALTH FOLLOWS » mam CK3 «as* ta&i «a» «* mao 20» «£» «£» i______right in your own neighborhood. Wily not trv onsopMcuc aaaecis . __ ■ — e!i i ropract ic? PRESSURE Spifoy NERVES IH DISEASES OF CAST PICKED FOR A spinal anal-sis will enable me to state THE FCLiX>V/iSG0iS8$ whether Chiropractic ran ii-» as much for y ou a - /Hi 43 SENIOR COMEDY it lias done for others with similar roubles. Do U >'-.<1?; A lves jpy/sim delav. but investigate ibis wonderful new science. "The Professor's Daughter" to be Given by Senior Class on Cení a Wordi \kX~Am CAAtUNGS February 16th. Minimum Charge, 25c O liver =£? v stomach CWC8EA3 “The Professor's Daughter", a com­ ' srtti» edy well worth seeing, will be pre­ STENOGRAPHER WANTED. Fe­ DR. C. O. COLLINS sented tomorrow evening in the high male. Reply stating age and ex­ ” KKyV w w « NVvauvoH school auditorium by the senior claw. The high hat and wasp waist places perience. Box 313, Linden Obser­ Spiral ^ this sweater as the latest thing The following seniors are in the buildings, is recommended by the ver Office, Linden. twenty years ago. Site-Value Committee of New Jersey. Elizabeth Ave., bet. Chandler and Cranford Aves, east: Frances Permody, Adeline TO LET—Furnished Room near Stoll, Mildred Anderson, Louis Squir- •hade of some tree on a hot summer's A bill introduced in the New Jersey Linden, New Jersey day. Oar grest-grandmoihers and Assembly by Mr. Osborne provides School No. 1 to-let. 111! Feast Elm er, George Marashcfsky, Sam Hirsch- OFFICE HOURS: great - great- grandmothers fashion' d that the voters of any taxing district street. man, Durand Rogers, Isidore with their own hands all the stock­ in the state may by vote repeal taxes Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Elizabeth Ave. Bus Schwartz and Isidore Siminoff. ings, socks, mittens and caps for the in personal property, which includes FOR RENT—First flat. New two fam­ 2 p. in. to 7:30 will slop at door. Tickets for tiie performance are entire family. live stock, implements, machinery, ily house. Five rooms and bath. on sale now, and attractive posters During the war knitting came to a merchandise, wagons, furniture, etc. Steam heat. All improvements. w ill soon be on display in the show- high peak—the time when we knitted Another bill by Mr. Osborne pro­ Rent $45.00 E. C. Marsland, HOI -OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO&OOOOOOO 0.1 windows about the town. mufflers and helmets even when walk­ vides that the voters may likewise re­ E. B lancke street. ing on the street, leaving a khaki- Several committees have also been The loose straight lines of the duce taxes on improvements 10 per ______„ 1 colored trail when the ball slipped out cent per anuum for ten years until FOR SALE: — $40.00 Boy’s AUTO. tteui wtsiiat appointed. The publicity committee newest sweaters show the trend of '3 of our pocket or a car window. The the recent fashions. fully exempt. Has radiator and ball bearings. SI5. is composed of: Marie Franke, Helen O PHOTOPLAYS OF DISTINCTION proficiency of the knitters was not al­ These bills contemplate that the A Schreck. 509 W. Elm street, o Matinee Saturdays and Holidays at. 2:30 P. M. McManus, Dora Herman. Dorothy ways of the greatest, as evidenced by When sweaters came in to take ttu loss in revenue would be made up by den, N. J. o Walters and Mildred Decker, chair­ tho well-known limerick written by place previously held by Jerseys can a tax on site-value. o \1! Children Sc Wednesday Matinee. Evening Performances 7 & 9. WIDOW with children desires home­ man. Abe Weinstein, the business the soldier recipient of a woolen offer- net be ascertained, but it was about The committee issues the following o Special Childrens Matinee Wednesdays at 3:30 P. M. J 1385. The earliest sweaters were of work. Mrs, W ilhus, 1009 W ood manager will be assisted by Minnie taut: statement emphasizing that site- the turtle-neck variety. avenue, near Eleventh street. I.adenson. Margaret Katona, and Sad­ "Received the socks, some fit! alue is in and about centers of popu­ "Used one for a hammock, other for a The most valuable period in the lation only, and not in rural farms. FOR SALE: — Thoroughbred Rose ie Hirschman. The stage manager mit. »hole history of knit goods has been W hen the e a rly settlers came to Comb Rhode Island Red II ns. E X T R A ADDED ATTRACTION Frederick Schoonmaker. will be as­ “*ee you again when I’ve done my in the last thirty years, when sweaters New Jersey there was no site-value Webb Wallace, Stiles street. sisted by Ethel Augustine, Frederick» bit. and fancy knit good3 hare developed whatever and the present enormous in conjunction with regular show Blancke, Edna Leonard, Cordelia “W here in thunder did you learn to miraculously. The sweater coat has site-value is due solely to increase in FOR SALE; T w o lots— '25x10'» and knit.” become an article of wearing apparel 25x150. Linden near station. Apply Banta, and Nathan Silverman. population and social services. It, The impetus the war gave to knit­ oi genteel utility and it has been pro­ During the intermission music will therefore, is a community value be­ Roda, 158 Rowan avenue, Princes; ting has not died out In the succeed­ duced in such a great variety ( f yarn, be furnished by the High School Or­ Bay, Staten island. Telephone 'tot- ing years, but finds its expression in s'itch and design that it can be made cause it was created and is maintained Tuesday, February 19th by the community and by all rights of chestra directed by Benjamin Sha­ rsmarkable creations for milady her­ to serve almost any purpose, athletics, tenviile 842-R. piro. uniform, street coat, house jacket, fan­ justice and equity should be collected ONE DAY ONLY ONE DAY ONLY! self. ROOMS TO LET: .j room s and be In It Is believed that the peasants of cy blouse and whatnot. by the public treasury to pay the cost of government. However, instead of All improvements. $30 a monili MONSTER SMOKER the Scottish lowlands were the first to A brushed wool has lately beoom« S The Greatest of All Scientists collecting the site-value for the ex rent. Ready io move in. Apply A monster smoker is to be given pick up stitches on the needle and very popular and the autumn and win­ ter fashion in sweaters will ba a tight penses of government legislators con 537 East P rice street, Linden. ill Turn Hall, 725 High street, Eliza­ make themselves woolen garments. It is uncertain when “knitting” as a do­ goif jacket or coat model with turn tinue to levy suppressive taxes 011 the beth, on the evening of Friday, mestic are was knows, but In 1659 the over collar made with this Dew: wool. industry, thrift and property of chi- FOR SALE: Lauter upright piano February 291 h. under the auspices zens who, by their industry, are build I Dr. William Wilson in good condition. Exceptionally of the Recreation Athletic Associa­ ing up the state. good. Price $100. 12 Luftbury St. from their forerunners many of the The rural sections after taxing I ( THE MIRACLE MAN ) tion. The talent to appear is of the Rahway , T eleph on e -I20-J. OWES SUCCESS IN things that amazed Europeans. themselves to pay for the education oi highest type obtainable in the met­ The Aztec migration into Mexico their young people have them enticed o He has made cripples walk, he has cured ropolitan district, and those attend­ LIFE TO MÜSKMELONS came from the Northwest. Their war­ away to the cities. The last census HOUSES FOR SALE 0 all ailments, lie relieves pain instantly ing will be assured of an evening oi riors battered anti hacked their way shows that in one-third of all the enjoyment rarely equalled anywhere. into possession of the central plateau counties of New Jersey the rural pop Four large rooms and bath. ° without the aid of medicine. The proceeds of the entertainment Financial Misfortunes Send City of Mexico through more civilized ulation had decreased during the pre­ Driveway in rear. are to go toward defraying the ex­ Dweller Back to Soii—Spent tribes. The vague hut by no means ceding ten years— gone to the cities- Row of Twelve Houses, each one 1 BRING YOUR FRIENDS pense of the bowling team to the untrustworthy native records of Mex­ and thereby further increased the site- separated by partitions. o All Treatments Free. No Change in Prices Years Experimenting. ico run back two or three hundred value in those cities. o , American Bowling Congress now be­ Will be completed within a lew weeks O I years before the white man’s arrival Federal taxes in many forms are ing held in Chicago. The seating oococooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo##e#*6*** The success of many men has been and reveal the migrations into Mexico being levied on the people in New AIL Improvements. capacity of Turn Hall is ample to attributed to various strange things, of seven more or less related nations. Jersey to build highways and maintain Electric, gas and iiot air. Combin- Franklin t .ayea u.-.c. assure all lovers of a real night’s but few, it is believed, have been in­ These conquered the pacific and in schools in western and southern states eoal and ga.s stoi c Benjamin I-r.mklin was a devoti-e of fun that they will be admitted on I spired by the musk melon as was A. dr.strions peoples who had built huge where population is sparse and site- Stiles St., Opposite Knopf chess. When In France on fl.e mis- | LINDEN BURIAL the evening of the 2!itii, so be sure II. Craig, seventy-six, postmaster at pyramids and other important archi­ value low. shm front the t.’onrineuial congress he i . __ to resorse that date. Mukwouago, Vdis. He asserts that the tectural works, peoples whose folk­ if this principle of federal taxation, Alexander Anion made himself p.-pinar amo;;;: the four- ESTABLISHMENT whole fabric of his life and achieve­ lore contained a well-developed story which is now accepted without oppo tiers by his unusual skl-i at the game. : T T , , , ,, , , ments was built up through Inspira­ of the Creation and who used picture Mis: tr-g l inks. sition, is justifiable why should not c | u n d e rta k e r - Embaliuer tion furnished by the melon. wciLing. Aztec picture writing and the same principle be applied by each P.ronv The owner o f :i «-uc-uuut p! ¡iniettar, j Flowers for Funerals—W eddiBi Craig became identified with the the Aztec calendar with its eyries •jnknowt U. has trained n irmi - . to cl hub the state within itself so that the less fa W asn’t Informed. melon industry after a series of finan­ named after various animals point ira vored sections of the state where pop '•nî of hr:i?' Ellen—’Tin to blame, ma'am. ' DAY AND NIGHT AUTO SERVICE ns a young man he invested his sav­ origin of Mexicans has received offl- more favored sections of the state able f• o on: v done he:ie.r tin n [lu, a • •ntcry auo : I've only just discovered thug ings. That failure compelled him to eial recognition. There is no reason where site-value is high? for tlier** i hoy had he. ■n truiiiÉMÎ io ■uTe lint in tin- s. rial icgister.'’ mortgage his Como to pay his obliga­ to doubt that the North American In­ The site-value In the center of New pull rh-.i1m rh and gat her In v c .t i ou Hiëyri Rugs. State Highway Commi-sicn at TV' tions. dian and the Mexican come from the ark (at Broad and Market streets! is ------o — Abyssinia they ÏÎ-ÜÎ Shui:« n torch-l’P.-ir- Versus frtur; ;Ike i>Lira:. ;til'! otlier ton on February i;i. 14, and 15** "I wrote to a New York publisher same root. $5,000,000 an acre, assessed value, but ers fur s;j I'pnr iîtrrtus, hat the station passages «•orjsid ered Sa -red g< n SI NOILS IS OF MINUTES OF I referred to the R o id Committee. for u job and got one," he explained. Moved Faster in Old World. the tax rate on it is less than half master at Chet \ à : -. ii erally sm ’O’.pod «*n ii¡e lab•ríes used BO.'.RD OF 1 l!i,l.)lft| ,l)K H S .: T h e road Com mittee reported tbs It was to write a book of 450 pages Here arises one of the most inter­ what it should be to collect for the station in CiSi-H* Union y - i: i t "tu V ilk,! as pray el­ l ups }>y ílo- Molía mined ans. “ | they opposed tiie proposed on the subject of debate. The result ns ing speculations in history. If the public treasury the annual rental on trained a bubo. •n to ant iis and it is eriiniii1 a i in orient al li regidar meeting of the Union J through Unior County ns laid Banta Barbara man is true Cro-Mag­ the community value which increasing 3iw lo and work the .viffhps was Craig's ‘Bros and Cons’—an out­ export su« •lì pie» *es. County Board of Freeholders wn« D f the Highway Commission a® line of school debate. Asked to name non lie was a member of a gifted race population alone has created. held pt the Court House Ett*itheth. i recommended another which tW the compensation for writing this that bad a rich and spacious continent It is contended that the enormous Th» Fastes; Ac mat. >n Thursday, January 17th, 102!, at thought better. book. I gave the publisher the figure at its disposal for more than 25,000 site-value which exists by mere rea A W;se Citizen. N ¡iFRii alily the p' m' The report of the Sinking -F» The speediest anlmai i represented by the mortgage indebt­ years. Yet things did not move here son of concentration of populatior Pn as much a< yen ear,, as well ,r.u! at more Ro’l e. 'll bowed 1 (| rt-ierahe'-r ! C »• fastest present, 7 absent. The minute? o f'reecivt-f! and filed, than forty miles an him; ' L' '1 raying off the homestead mortgage Egypt or China or India, for that centers where it happens to exist, bin new! cut he ufjaiil i»f i. h ,; “ canne!; t ! t‘ 31 ;¡ than the meeting of January *>nd -md „„ ,j human runner does n lb with a now widely used book left an matter. The difference between Aztec that all site-value should be taxed foi is the sane a d vice-of a were arv-v-an.n„ --ed 3 - u ‘ ’ ,J i The Finance Committee report« rint race. -vise citizen.— twenty miles an hour in empty pockerbook. Casting about for and Spaniard when they faced each the welfare of the entire state. This Brooklyn Slumlord Fn!< AT.I ' bills' pro-ented were rm,,, 1 dfvKhm of the si25.ono.0(> to# nage lie­ and the racehorse • . vt itui: substance and health took him into other at Mexico City 400 years aco would provide increased state revenue on roll>11 end! ordered m M j i’ fnr< *° 1 hi1ST,itaN tween thirty and forty. rSn-u;ti! a few ...... Same committee the outdoors and growing things and may measure the failure of the Cro- for the growing interest charges on • ■ i' •>' 'n i iTWjtiti tit hi nn.ssw nv t .... ,-coinptish P-dlooris. e-., .... - i reported increrses in the salaries »- horses have been kn.i.m lo Ul melon culture suggested itself. Magnon in America. bonds and for more and better high th« Tmvmbio of Tim little whistling balloons being even faster speeds At that time the article was a lux­ ways with sufficient maintenance ing to pay thr-ir"share Y "A U ! 'r,mf of the employee?, in the CO«» Furthermore there are indications sold on the streets or given aivay with ury In the markets of the Fust. Craig that the whole level of American ab­ fund throughout the state and foi provcinent of East Front street IZ r! more and better schools and better purchases o* candy give two greai referred to the Rond Committee. I Elizabeth. Drawbridge Commwr Shipping S-iolls by Ah pi decided to grow a melon that would original life was declining rather than ane. paid teachers. thrills to the young folks— when A copy of a resolution passed hv was authorized to make repair* So great is the demand f«>r stuffed stand above all others by intelligent rising when the white man arrived. Site-value taxation will check move­ they expand grandly and once when the Council of the C:tv of Eiiznbcth j First street bridge at cost6 snails, a popular dain, y in and scientific production. He sent to The Xnr-s empire already had passed , ment of rural population to cities and they burst. d jecting to the proposed route ^ 000.00 that consignment are France. Spain and Persia for seed. lie its zenith of magnificence before Pi- sbipp ed daily through Hits e'ty of the Etnt" Htgh- neis first strew melons with some success zarro came; the Mexican confederacy will encourage the use of idle and in­ The folio .-ing reîolutiuns from France by one of' the airplane W.v Department from the pew an even more aovam < J civaizuiies v.-hen Cortez appeared was not what adequately used land now held ai Captive Mocking Rrrits, adopted: Designating newspaper? lines. vehicular tiinpet was referred to the the countv to publish minutes of# They had temples and priests, kings It had been. Old civilizations had speculative prices in both town and Mocking birds, when taken from th, Road Committee. j meeting? of the hoard; emploj'i1 and slaves, arts and "ur.-hiioot are. an passed away, leaving ruins grander country, thereby increasing employ­ oest young readily become necnMomed Communications from the Sheriffs ; Emory Mills as auditor for year 1)¡1 Meaning Clear. arlstoi rm y. a e<■!... -ier.ioy of states than the living could achieve. ment, increasing housing and reduc to Cage hie and may liv e f,„. ing rents. The mass of the people office requesting a new auto for i at a compensation o f S4.ORO.O0. Richard had been Ili. iand although a nd a rey uk■v dus, nt r..r the c;r*>v. n. years. They ere easily tough, find oft",, Vfhy this failure of a talented race throughout the state will then have use o f 111? office was referred to the! F inance Com m ittee authorized * hotter now, was still In tied and re- Even !nore SITm»*S; »VO of an ar• t i t * :i r improve greatly with careful tralaJn* to progress as swiftly in the Now more money to buy the products ol F’nance Committee, also one in re-1 purchase a sedan automobile for ^ quired constant amusing He called Old V oriti <*r'. i ! I t!. like 1 i it Of World as in the Old? Was it because, factory and farm. Thl3 Is why a rap to salaries of employees of the of SherifFs office, to his mother, but sh;e tui ppe; ied to lie Egypt. \v:ts tk e In* t m * n- Killymocn Castle. though gifted in many ways, it lacked idly increasing number of farmers and prison farm, and one from the) A resolution recommending busy «ml could not come, wlhereupon quered by I•iz:u t «i i.-.\ ! ir- foli. ■ ..ers political sense? The answer may som< KlUymmm ens;!c. in Tyrone. Ireland, Snpermiendert of Schools requesting the Rotaries of the employees of •** the lad began to so! on the w es r o;t>; <»f Si.:r ¡i A- business men are advocating site- 1 HS if 1iis heart c day lie wrung from the earth and in­ value taxation. ouilt about a ii-mm-.v ago from de­ the County to pay his expenses to Chi- \ countv farm for month of Ja”**; would break, «aiiin ? ov in win t is nt>\v i*< 1 and li ergo to attend, the annual meeting was returned to the committee. Bo** er amd over terpreted by the wise men to ns, or to Enactment of the site-tax would signs by Nash, the celebrated archi­ oeain. "Nobody loves But both Aztecs a:. ! in, a- inii;»«•¿tfii o.f the superintendents of schools, j adjoined to meet Thursday. FeR0, me but m yself; our descendants. For this business of mean less taxes on improvements and tect, at a reputed cost of $400,000, has An invitation to attend the fourth ] ary 7th, 1924, at. 2.20 p. m. nobody ¡ores me but elf.” i personal property. been sold to u farmer for $5o0. i annual merging of the New Jersey j BENJ. KING.