re t h r e e f ££»«■»«■* “ 3 THE XJSHUU Î? ^ H R J ■ P i f ' * CEN ,,F s.r .: OF T.TNPFN # E 5 NT In OP • 1I i JOBOÏ OH ANO T«;vrv;H;?'f ! UNION COUNTY f Tstrc-? <2- -a--? arrs c-2'3«:r.«sss£»>..- tzzz- « LINDEN, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1924 PRICE THREE CENTS HISTORY O F G R E A T SENATE TO PASS ON Dirigi Ci\Vf n il i.TChr.D ::: f t g i i t , 1 -? IrmriJ BILL NO. 26 MONDAY j ULil. u v M l L. u i i ä_ V, (XTK!I FERE DEPT. U i1 WAR l'O BE SHOWN I S LlhU SCHOOL OFFICIALS Bill rEfittinG to thE con­ r . " 1 i i D r ' f- '■ £ & ! A Hi T r a m o prilli hcs until n u /* n n j k I I I II p| American LeHon Post Offers Pttblic h - - jii ' ! \ ! rij h i'4 K * solidation of thE BorouGh and 1 ! 4 COI 1 sinn«l no 1 Gc r on his U ä f i l l i U t \ m I i U il Opporiuiiiiy t<» SEE Offici. A Township into a city, has pas RETURNED TO POSTS ; juin ui. Dir.Ii i r.‘ : ■ ;ies F anniE. o f R o s E llE Vvsr Films. ♦ I f seti lliE A ssEm bly, but thE pulltEt himsElf up, : poi", brullE ♦ SEnatE hod alrEady adjournEd Ilm .dass io thè lirE ho al 'M»(< i*r«rlEst action-film EvEr tnicol Cranford Has SitE ChanGEd and MEssrs. BauEr, Martis and RothEry q .] r ; 'M p Vlnvud O* vrcoìnE . DisEasE Was Comf»EEl to NEGros and whEn thE bill rEachEd thErE Ri-EllE and Curtis strEEt ami Was REstrictEd by KiTicEnt ’ be at th Roxana Theatre : Then Eliminates Linden Chil­ lilts wEEk. Township AttornEy RE-ElEctEd.—Houston Unop­ bv C ’ ' anrf »>; }Yoiv.pt iis .it- ; ectn o * Monday and Tuesday. Marcì- \ al IrEady to scut! in an Work of IIEo.ltn DEpl. dren; Howell Intercedes. AlbErt I . BEndEr’s statEd this posEd as But 97 VotE- a la r m for hE 1 P i I’G;u ¡1*1 anf,j 11 undEr hiE au-mtrès c i : Captain m orninG. (i an Er i ml ins corps Di' ni)!c ll.iiolon Po-t in? of thE AmErfcati l " - 1 f , ;• ... V ■ h- ih.- To\. • P ■- Tmvi-'bin health off.-iidy believe WhEn thE SEnatE convEnEs George W. Bauer, Stephen Martis a -sist MItl.-i IV Iton i)ci r(*î ivE Spr­ ,, . , . , , , , y: op. The m menton epic is a eel‘it- : fonn.l li.-rt .» u ni * of John ?.T «< !.. «.! . ntfiUpox in l.iude.i has been stamped. 1 1111 1 ,u u ast m onth, thE annual .Monday thE ivill w ill bE prEsEn- and GEorG" RothEry wErE rE-ElEctEd sie-.mt DaniEl:•; hopp Eil out o f tni.l bls'ory of t l,o AYorld W ar - r, I C n u m a a r Sebo .1 i • £?: • rt, rf :*< Fay niGht. OnE out p « irt-i * peni * v No caaEs havE* bEEn , cakinG contEst | 1 Etl and as soon as it is pass,»! to thE Board of Education at thE an­ ' airi 1un* •dw-.l Ills U\p o n 1' film o f {tiE i-'rr-at co n fi ici rc.i!>orted this :n itb. Tiurlr.Er thE last ; was t ranxfErrcd to Cranford, tviio, it will bE turnEd ovEr to Gov. nual ElEction WEdnEsday EvEninG. ! v »* : *s ay, sa siili; î itE captain iv v:nrr been. ìnK' n Tv t lì * - W ar I »en-irt wEEk in Jaiiuinry two c;i'-v,s w ErE found; .) m ni '.oiEcd olijE. lions aGni list our SiizEr for his siGnaturE. Ha.rjry D. Houston, a form Er mEmbEr, 0\* : • ' I . !■ 1 fi’ I rEto.! '■! ; imi bis ErE« I rtp OH j . I .. A Al î niEnt. K’ovEu SiGnal >ì p- inni wE •< "h o d :, purl¡EilinlirtG in it. l'ltE rE­ wtis ElEctEd for a tErm of two yEars. t J !■ . pila! ¡ir.d ifischi-: s- I ’•I'd thE patiEnts rEmovEd to trie iso- • Mr. BEndEr is op tim istic in tuE slipippEry p Ery pai eiSlYts this ;tt- , , .. , , ,, nM in fnaning t Ho pi« tu«'-, * Pe.w*!. at ton ho ',a ¡ta! rn Eîr/.abeth. The sult nais that Sioc-visinG Principal rEGard to Early action on thE Fi/ty-isix votEr: wErE East at School aftEr. tEiiiooo about four o’i-toEli. • ornes .of tie 4 patients were gru arde i | 4 %l- ilo,vEil dEmandE* I fairnEss for i.io- ordEr of inEorprnlion. No. 1, n n 'l fo rty -o n E at S c h o o l N o 2. i/t-a-'" ut Arnold nErGEMiEn rE- ; by .-pfcio) jviijRpjnen. I “,>,,'V!'‘*r r' iv,*r" ineHido« »t-'H-it*. dEn’s childrEn ami socEE-dEti in hav­ ThE public quEstions, rElatinG to thE ,r/J w il r. V ìcK \v. - ri ni't <■ | of EvEry division tint saw actual fiGht inG thE contExt postponEd. budGEt, wErE approvEd ... .i v.. • <•■ • •! i f-'Oif'> f••••!.i (!•<• 1 The disease wa« conflnei! to colored! ini? in PrancE. CamEramEn dEfio-' TliE spEak:i n il t oni est \Y; i s to havE ThE votE for school commi- donErs ; .. Ho (I’ li ■ : Of. ¡ccr Ai ¡ il •'oahlentsL H ealth O-.'.icer W iiFam dEath to takE thE picturEs. NinE rt-t-F bEEn !hEld !as! li : liti t in :rv.dioo! No. was a.s follows: G. W. BauEr, 7 -: J. T. thè li-. a E Rt si-M. A : . n? i 'vraecier sahi very f. neyroes were ,!" liE*.--rais.'nG thrill ■. arE prEEdit'd 1. Ivi ,-ly in! thE \vEEk v>,a i •* i'on!! oh- m w m aWaì •'is be'l -d before, nn.l this probably Bor-Ey, 11; H. D. Houston (for two Wi: ‘1 ìI li" fi t foill'f!| iEotEd U) Inivi Hit il in y :ltd C■n. \ ■J ! by 1,F.on fEEt of cortfisEatEd OErinnF yEar tErm, unopposEd) 57; GEo. Roth­ •J , ■ >; - T ll.V $».•> -, 1 !>• '.'•.met for their susceptibility to -«.liti n ¡y t! H* ci.iuinitt EE in tdiiardE ubmarinc pi’-.turE.s which oiEarb. Ery, 72: S. FI. M artis, 69 and AlbErt l. ,.¡1 i.t | ; i ì :l (alt lin o <)!•• ..ir : ■ ■ • ' ■ir'iibn-,. Th y he*"eve that by vac­ (111 (Ot 1nEEd ( infortì as thE :-;eer:(* o f h w thE barbarous mEthod' usEd b; St rE bE, 21. n.ri ¡ed L i'-ton .m f Ji ry.'r.haa, wh.. cinal ing children and ad|u>ts and jso th.E Gormans tlirinj thEir submnrin, hE coun ty contEst. Th:at inn. nioi- •ating tite houses immediately, an eci ThE votE on thE currEnt ExpEnsE summomd ;in amhulaìK-o. iinlitv l iiv‘11 a -kEd thaï Li mbon Hi il- escH warfarE. account was 71 in favor and 2 opposEd. s ■ leniiti was averted. IrEn !vc Ex oit it lEd. ThE com ni i ilEo SpEcial mntinE»s ErE bE'm? nrrnnp- ThE buildinG rEpair account votE was os-t roi? fi* *• >'-T. !'r: etn !de.* O’î 'omieli Will .Speak ul Hi'. Houi'h saiti, lie never witnessed notifiEd of l in* Eiian t;E. i‘0 for thE Fwhool. childrEn. ThE lEGiEr BuildinG CommittEE and ArchitEct 70 in favor and 1 aGainst. ThE manual Next >fecti:igr because of IV-st- ••) mild a rorm of the disea-e. it has This, Iasi m inntE. dE i isi on st i rrEd nairEs who ¡in' brinGinG thE ErE:,* f Will REport on Bids at Ad­ traininG account was approvEd 68 - 4. ; ¡’li Ri --eohlana*, ' f I ’ ; i c< ‘ -!■■ •; t ‘ p(;iu nEnt l. v.;t N iGht. been referred: to as Cuban smalli.ox. hE Io( ■ : 11 supErvisor. j n iill ini rnEss "itip starv o f utir own homE boiv ip journEd SEssion FEb. 19. Appropriation for niGht tx'hool monEy |,.r; Tu.. .1 -, ni-! ¡■¡•■•r far C . ; » .;,t n-r t i :s. 1 t was not as p -netrating or as pain ,o Hie pupi Is -und [); ì rE nls DÌ’ LindEn ThE j-tEc!: nu o f thE V.’oo-;! avEiu't , ■ h-s: IT. 1!. Ha.edEii.l'tinr J r„ Joli' "*as 68 for and 5 aGainst. Authoriza­ -|. , ,• di [b" B: . 1 it'Vim v 1 i miti- i RT : ul as the ti'il tim e m alady and ncithe* Mr. Itow E 11 ProiEs i tu1 nnd Un.all.y in- RP-ry-t'vo bids wErE rEcEivEd bv thE tion for thE Board to sEll thE housE y v.- York. Mr:--. h o . nhtomo w< ili t<> ; ! m nmve ao-nl Association sehed uled ' ! » lie.” . John Mol- >n. StEnbEn Man I'd it leave the patient as disfigured, sit'd on a postponEm Ent. Board” of Education last niGht. Fifty- ! I ;-l n ,hl was post ;>on •<!. i- : • • uzzn and GarrEtt MatE. now locatEd on thE sitE for thE nEw t’ >• si,i‘ an io - co h >• ls ■ ; - !>;i n i o f f. | in nvaiii eases ¡1 was first thotijf* • onE t.f thE bids wErE for thE ErEction school, was 61 yEs and 2 no, and au­ yir. Ito < nh’ r'hE v ;■ *; on • tini • thè iiojdiw f h r n r N s (>*Domii»li vv:e i; ehiekeiypox.
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