Imprint Thank you Publisher / Editor / Coordination The IBA process has to date been a collaborative Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung project. The Senate Department for Urban Develop- Werkstatt – Baukultur, Kommunikation, ment wishes to expressly thank all those colleagues Oberste Denkmalschutzbehörde in the administration, people from specialist circles Am Köllnischen Park 3 and the city community who contributed to this 10179 Berlin project with their suggestions, ideas and criticism.
[email protected] Tel. 030 21403195 in cooperation with the Pre-IBA team: Dr. Sonja Beeck, Martin Heller, Markus Bader, An IBA in Berlin which we as (chamber of) Vanessa Miriam Carlow, Pamela Dorsch, architects would like to see requires a Dr. Thilo Lang, Dr. Fritz Reusswig thorough process of consideration without developing specific designs for the experi- Graphic design mental fields too quickly. However, since chezweitz & roseapple this is not a purely conceptual exhibition, Rose Epple, Natalia Göllner, Kay Kutschkau the ideas will be built sometime in the future. Christine Edmeier, vice-president, Photos Chamber of Architects, Berlin Theresa Becherer, Helena Giuffrida, Birte Kaufmann, Stefan Wolf Lucks (IBA Studio photos), Volker Kreidler (Spacious City model, Berlin photos), The IBA Berlin 2020 is being created in Frank-Heinrich Müller (IBA Studio group photo) dialogue Over recent months, the idea of a third IBA in Illustrations Berlin has generated an astonishing amount Thomas Rustemeyer of interest. Enthusiasm on the one hand, and doubts and criticism on the other, have Printers fuelled a debate which demonstrates one primeline print berlin GmbH principle above all others: the future of the city, the issue of how to constantly reinvent Date: July 2011 it and to build on what is already there is a topic that is worth discussing.