Imprint Thank you

Publisher / Editor / Coordination The IBA process has to date been a collaborative Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung project. The Senate Department for Urban Develop- Werkstatt – Baukultur, Kommunikation, ment wishes to expressly thank all those colleagues Oberste Denkmalschutzbehörde in the administration, people from specialist circles Am Köllnischen Park 3 and the city community who contributed to this 10179 project with their suggestions, ideas and criticism. [email protected] Tel. 030 21403195

in cooperation with the Pre-IBA team: Dr. Sonja Beeck, Martin Heller, Markus Bader, An IBA in Berlin which we as (chamber of) Vanessa Miriam Carlow, Pamela Dorsch, architects would like to see requires a Dr. Thilo Lang, Dr. Fritz Reusswig thorough process of consideration without developing specific designs for the experi- Graphic design mental fields too quickly. However, since chezweitz & roseapple this is not a purely conceptual exhibition, Rose Epple, Natalia Göllner, Kay Kutschkau the ideas will be built sometime in the future. Christine Edmeier, vice-president, Photos Chamber of Architects, Berlin Theresa Becherer, Helena Giuffrida, Birte Kaufmann, Stefan Wolf Lucks (IBA Studio photos), Volker Kreidler (Spacious City model, Berlin photos), The IBA Berlin 2020 is being created in Frank-Heinrich Müller (IBA Studio group photo) dialogue Over recent months, the idea of a third IBA in Illustrations Berlin has generated an astonishing amount Thomas Rustemeyer of interest. Enthusiasm on the one hand, and doubts and criticism on the other, have Printers fuelled a debate which demonstrates one primeline print berlin GmbH principle above all others: the future of the city, the issue of how to constantly reinvent Date: July 2011 it and to build on what is already there is a topic that is worth discussing. Over three months, the “IBA Studio” opened its doors in the old Zollgarage at Tempelhof Airport. Here, several thousand Berliners met from an interested specialist public, discussed the prospects of an IBA with the IBA team, politi- cians and administrators, and made recom- mendations for further development. There is The IBA 2020 offers the opportunity to test no doubt that there is a great need among a new methods for developing the city. It large number of people to get involved in can and should be a laboratory in order to public in the issues surrounding the develop- test new formats of participation and ment of Berlin and their discussion. This dia- involvement, to gain new partners for city logue is the engine for the IBA Berlin 2020. development and find special forms for a International building exhibitions reflect the shared and equitable dialogue between challenges of their time. They mirror the stakeholders. debates on the tasks facing architecture and Ulrike Böhm, Federation of German urban development. They go beyond the Landscape Architects, known horizons and set accents and trends. Spokesperson for urban development This is the challenge which the IBA 2020 has and free space planning set for itself in Berlin.

An IBA for Berlin 2020

Kommunikation Am Köllnischen Park 3, 10179 Berlin [email protected] Stadtplanung Stadtplanung The IBA Berlin 2020 develops strategies for on, now or not until the longer-term future. how could such a functional mix be tested in Hauptstadt a mixed city A decision should be made at which sites the Gropiusstadt? For the first time in history, the majority of public space and green oases will react to The northern Frankfurter Allee could become people are living in cities, regard the city as the progressive climate change, and which an incubator for spatial and urban develop- their home, want to fulfil their life plans should therefore consistently be kept free ment mixtures, acting as an outstanding there and be able to do so as undisturbed as as forest, meadow, field or park. In this way, example of urbanity between the inner city Raumstadt possible, within the framework in which the IBA aims to test models for sustainable and the outlying districts. To the same degree their city is developing. Against this back- area management and to develop new Oberschöneweide, where the challenge is to ground, cities keep re-orienting themselves. forms of space appropriation. convert the area from an old industrial town City centres are again becoming attractive to a new suburb on the water. Parts of for everyone and act as magnets: for people Instant City northern Neukölln close to the Tempelhofer who can or wish to afford living here, for It‘s all about how to use available experi- The cultural strategy of the Instant City Freiheit are examples of how to handle the Sofortstadt service providers, for consumption, for ences and developing tools which are explicitly regards plans and buildings as a social mix in a city. entertainment and tourism, as well as for really of use to the local economy. process. The Instant City takes the long inter- A symbolic site of public democracy is the new business and production looking for Cornelia Roeckl, GLS Bank im status in many sites, resulting from often historic central district of with the urban networks. The return to the city began unavoidable and complex practical con- Humboldt, Marx-Engels and Rathaus Forum. as a success story: city centres were refur- straints, as an opportunity for using involve- How should public life be constituted here, bished, the public space was upgraded, and ment and cooperation in the design process in the centre of the German capital? new uses attracted an increasing number of of the city in a different way. These interim Ultimately, the focus is on the “white ele- people. This highly promising development states offer the chance of testing out the phants” – large buildings from the Steglitzer also has meanwhile shown its negative Designing the mixed city city. What qualities do public spaces in the The IBA Berlin 2020 is founded on new future. Berlin is the capital city of interim use, Kreisel to Tempelhof Airport to the museums aspects in many major cities, however: the The IBA Berlin 2020 aims to meet these democratic urban society have, and how strategies: Capital City, Spacious City, of temporary appropriation. Community- in Dahlem, which have lost their originally growing economic significance of the cen- requirements in special strategies, processes does the socially mixed city function as an Instant City based city creation should be made to hap- intended use. They should be considered in tres is accompanied by an increase in social and model solutions and in so doing, makes a “engine of cooperation and integration?” With the three strategies Capital City, Spa- pen in reality, with projects which have a the light of their architectural and functional discrepancy between city cores and outlying contribution to achieving this principle. It is a How are new and old locations in the city cious City and Instant City, the IBA Berlin clear time-frame, and which are joyful and potential for their future role. The challenge districts of the cities. laboratory for Berlin as an innovative, mixed treated in terms of their dynamic and how 2020 can meet these high standards. At the practical. The projects help sound out the ter- here is to create outstanding and exemplary city. are they newly produced? The aim of creat- same time, an IBA is no replacement for rain, to test it for certain forms of use, and to architectural re-interpretations and energy Positioning urban development ing a mixed city can only achieve success urban development planning, but a labora- form addresses. They qualify discussion proc- conversion. A city can only handle this contradiction What does the mixed city mean? when an IBA does not “proscribe” this mix- tory which acts as a showcase, and in which esses, span long planning periods, are inspi- All these recommendations are designed to when attitudes change. The city must be One challenge is to find new forms of urban ture, but develops this goal in a cooperative model and transferable projects and strate- rational and sometimes a distraction. The illustrate the concept. They do not yet repre- comprehensively thought through in eco- development and aesthetic dimensions process and puts it to the test. gies are created. Instant City principle is the starting point for sent a final decision. logical and democratic terms. It must create for the functional mix. For a long time, pro- all IBA projects. space for everyone and everything: for living ductive work was pushed out of the city, For me as a Berliner, the city is always Capital City An IBA for Berlin 2020 and working, for leisure and culture, for whereas now, an increasing number of indus- everything at once: recreational space and Berlin as capital city is the showcase for The IBA Berlin 2020 mobilises city capital to shopping, for young and old, for long-estab- try branches use the city and its networks as a challenge, international crossroads and Germany. Here, the social design for an urban create space for ideas and experimentation “Why an international building exhibition in Berlin in 2020? Berlin has the greatest urban potential in the German Federal Republic. Berlin lished residents and new arrivals. It must an important base. Basic functions such as private island, unconventional and stand- democratic society is exhibited. In 2020, Where should the IBA raise this city capital, is the place where urban living redefines itself time and again. The special story of Berlin makes it possible to follow new, individual paths guarantee a healthy environment and create living, education, culture, leisure or local ardised. Like the people living here, Berlin Berliners and guests will be able to discover and where should it realise its projects? for urban development, while at the same time serving as an example for other major cities. Berlin is therefore the right city to experiment functional mobility for people and goods, it shops were conceived and planned separately. seems to be always in search of something. architecture and urban development projects, Müllerstrasse and the Campus Charlotten- with a new model for the European city within the scope of an IBA.” Regula Lüscher, Senate Director of Urban Development must be resource-efficient, as well as eco- However, modern societies demand a “hybrid An IBA 2020 should sketch architectural as well as landscape and art projects. These burg could stand as an exemplary mixture nomically successful, in order to secure the city”, which caters for all needs in equal meas- and urban development responses regard- should be models, and embody an aesthetic of living, working, learning and research, The IBA in Berlin – a success story Building Exhibition twice in the past. The incomes of its residents, and to see off com- ure. Even industry under the guise of modern ing the issue of a major city of the future which generates international attention. although large residential estates from the The last twenty years since the fall of the Wall “Interbau 1957” resulted in the construction of petition from other cities. Above all, it must production is in search of the urbane, with and its identity. Furthermore, these projects will show a post-war period would also be suitable have been characterised by a growing togeth- the Hansaviertel, where the architectural do these things together with the people liv- connections to urban communication, culture Dr. Martin Schirdewan, publicist democratic Berlin in the 21st century, which spaces for experimentation. For example, er for Berlin. During this time, much has been avantgarde realised as an example of the post- ing there, make them active partners, use and politics, knowledge and research. has been conceived in the IBA Berlin 2020 planned and built, and the results speak for war modern style the dream of a functional, their knowledge and at the same time ena- The IBA is a gift. We should value it and laboratory for over eight years in order to themselves: tourism is booming, the arts and green urban landscape. The IBA 84/87 led the ble them to benefit from knowledge and The second major issue is the design of the make it worth something! productively cultivate the image of a mixed the creative sector have become brand names, movement against “urban development with education opportunities. If these require- urban area for different usage requirements Heinrich Suhr, advisory board for urban European city as a social model. They will and young people from all over the world are the demolition ball” under the motto “critical ments are to be given equal priority, the city in the mixed city. Thanks to its wealth of free development show a Berlin in which cohesion and support coming to Berlin. At the same time, a similar reconstruction” and “sensitive urban renewal”. must be mixed, and urban cohesion must be sites, urban greenery and wide public spaces, is experienced beyond social and ethnic development to that in other major cities can Two success stories in Berlin to which now a organised across the entire city. Berlin offers excellent conditions for attrac- boundaries, and which replaces the large also be observed in recent years. The pressure third can be added. The IBA Berlin 2020 will tively designing city life for families, and old family with neighbourhood support, for on inner city areas – above all in the quarters not be the third chapter in a series, however. and young people, and to sustainably organ- example, as well as a Berlin which has dominated by Wilhelminian buildings from the With an IBA 2020, the city will position itself ise urban living. The new development or reduced its energy consumption in a socially turn of the 20th century – has risen, combined internationally as a prominent example of an re-utilisation of space must react to the compatible way, within its own building with a noticeable rise in property prices in urban project which not only places buildings, diversity of the city community and organise stock and together with its citizens. attractive fashionable quarters. A gap is form- but also stakeholders and processes in centre the urban cohesion of the entire city. Due to ing between the crystallisation points in the stage. the challenges presented by climate change, Spacious City inner city and the areas outside the centre. the issue of the mixed city has gained addi- The urban development strategy of the Against this background, and at this point in tional significance beyond urban develop- Spacious City now focuses on space as a time, at which Berlin is standing at the thresh- ment. Not only the socially compatible boost valuable resource in Berlin. This is certainly old of a new development, a third Internation- in energy efficiency of individual buildings, one of the assets for which Berlin is envied For further information on the IBA Berlin al Building Exhibition for Berlin is being recom- but also climate-sensitive organisation of by other cities. This space should be man- 2020 go to: mended which intends to focus on the chal- urban cohesion, mobility and the use of free aged in a restrictive and clever manner for lenges facing the city in the 21st century. spaces is on the agenda. Ultimately, new the good of all, and considerations should Berlin has already hosted an International forms of public life must be found in a mixed be made as to which sites should be built The Humboldt, Marx-Engels, and Rathaus Forums: The democratic centre

The future Humboldt Forum, the Marx-Engels Forum directly on the other side of the river Spree and the future Rathaus Forum will create the centre of the city, which has previously been re-shaped as a result of a number of his- torical interventions. Today, different ideas, requirements and possible uses superimpose Rathausforum this huge free space, and await the contouring and urban structuring which will link up the individual logic of each site.

How can the huge social potential of the three forums – Forum3 – be better recognised and used in Marx-Engels-Forum the way the space is designed?

The aim of the IBA is to demonstrate in this space how a building culture can successfully be developed democratically, which is expressed in high-quality international Humboldtforum debates, activities, processes and architec- tures. At the same time, the tensions between specific national historical backgrounds and future urban needs should be brought together to form an attractive end result. Different approaches are used: The Forum3 as an urban initiator: The IBA is creating a process for qualifying the Forum3 The Forum3 as a political site: The Forum3 surrounding area to extend through to the offers itself as a central site for the develop- Molkenmarkt and Petriplatz. ment and realisation of the wishes of Berlin residents, where issues relating to local politics A shared working format with the neigh- and development can be negotiated in public. bouring site owners for programming and City models and information materials will be curating the free spaces is being established. provided for this purpose at the site. The aim is to use sample search areas to Ultimately, the Forum3 will be a meeting point show what the IBA can achieve in terms of The Forum3 as a site for the building culture for the international urban community. its basic principle of a mixed city and its debate: The IBA needs a space in which the strategic approaches: Capital City, Spacious Berlin building culture debate can be conducted City and Instant City. Neither the areas nor and internationally connected. The Schinkel the project approaches should be regarded Building Academy, re-interpreted as the IBA as final. To a far greater extent, they are Academy, would be ideal for this purpose. intended as a starting point for the discus- sions in the IBA Studio with potential part- The Forum3 as a site for cultural exchange: ners and the city community as soon as the The IBA is initiating a curated programme which operative phase of the IBA begins. supports the social reflection process regarding The areas have in part been found in talks the meaning and future-oriented interpretation with local stakeholders and in workshops of the site. Excellent temporary architectures with specialists from the administration; in will serve as a container for this purpose. part, they are based on recommendations arising from the discussions and meetings Forum³ as a free space close to residential held in the IBA Studio. buildings: In the spirit of the Spacious City For further information on the IBA Berlin strategy, recreation areas and gardens could 2020 go to: be provided, as well as a new-old Spree swim- ming pool, which would also act as a meeting point for Berlin and world cultures – the United Nations Plaza of Berlin.

Kommunikation, Am Köllnischen Park 3, 10179 Berlin, [email protected], Gropiusstadt: From large-scale housing development to residential, education and working site

The Gropiusstadt was designed by the Bau- haus architect Walter Gropius according to the principles of modern urban development. However, due to the construction of the Berlin Wall, it had to be built higher and more dense- ly than was originally planned. Until now, the Gropiusstadt has remained primarily a residen- tial and dormitory town, has weak economic potential and a generally negative image for those who do not live there. There is a need for urbanity and a sense of community.

How can the large-scale housing development be converted into a versatile residential, education and working site?

The aim of the IBA is to develop model projects which will help turn the Gropiusstadt into a productive urban area through a strong- er social and functional mix. Different approaches are used: The socially sensitive energy rehabilitation will be conducted in an exemplary manner. The IBA is initiating the mobilisation of The electricity sector will be converted to under-used free spaces for both social and cul- renewable means in a form which will be out- tural purposes and for energy production. wardly visible in urban development terms.

Ground floor areas, which are mostly in private use and which are blocked from the street area, and also the multi-storey car parks, The aim is to use sample search areas to if appropriate, will be activated for urban use. show what the IBA can achieve in terms of its basic principle of a mixed city and its The existing flat roofs will be used for new strategic approaches: Capital City, Spacious and attractively designed residential and wor- City and Instant City. Neither the areas nor king units in order to improve the social mix the project approaches should be regarded and purchasing power of the quarter. as final. To a far greater extent, they are intended as a starting point for the discus- The underground stations will be further sions in the IBA Studio with potential part- developed as urban entryways and multifunc- ners and the city community as soon as the tional centres for the area surrounding the operative phase of the IBA begins. new BER airport. The areas have in part been found in talks with local stakeholders and in workshops In parallel, the IBA Academy will place one As a result, the Gropiusstadt as planned by the with specialists from the administration; in of its key activities here – urban agriculture, IBA could become what it was originally desi- part, they are based on recommendations climate research and peripheral studies – and gned to be: a well mixed ensemble of modern arising from the discussions and meetings anchor it in the urban community via the urban buildings. held in the IBA Studio. schools. For further information on the IBA Berlin 2020 go to: The planned new construction of the Lise Meitner secondary education centre offers an educational opportunity for the entire Gropiusstadt. The IBA will ensure an outstan- ding building in architectural and urban deve- lopment terms, and a high-quality, integrated surrounding area.

Kommunikation, Am Köllnischen Park 3, 10179 Berlin, [email protected], A new future for large buildings

Berlin is full of large buildings which are no longer in use. Some of them are sins of the past, while many are listed buildings or even archi- tectural icons of their time: airports, post offices, public swimming pools, hospitals, department stores, power stations, breweries, school build- ings and industrial kitchens, to name a few.

How can the large, empty buildings contribute to the social, climatic and economic improvement of their environment, while at the same time remaining anchored as witnesses to the building culture which is an inherent part of the city?

The aim of the IBA Berlin is to put some of the buildings back into operation, in order to put just this to the test: their talent for concentrat- ing local urban capital and their maintenance or revival as urban construction highlights with a high identity value. Here, experiment and cultural attraction play an important role, as well as energy improvement and conversion into modern living, working and commercial areas, as well as learning spaces. Different approaches are used:

The IBA acts as an agency which systemati- cally concentrates knowledge of empty build- ings and makes recommendations for devel- opment in relation to the multiplication of urban capital.

Artistic projects and temporary architec- The aim is to use sample search areas to tural designs will be realised in order to deter- show what the IBA can achieve in terms of mine potential uses in a playful and imagina- its basic principle of a mixed city and its tive way – and in order to generate public strategic approaches: Capital City, Spacious awareness for potential action. City and Instant City. Neither the areas nor the project approaches should be regarded With Instant City means, the IBA will realise as final. To a far greater extent, they are sample models of networking between strate- The IBA, together with the IBA Academy intended as a starting point for the discus- gically important stakeholders (e.g. owners and the expertise available in the city, will sions in the IBA Studio with potential part- and future users) in order to put empty build- develop concepts for the energy re-design of ners and the city community as soon as the ings back into use. important key buildings which will explicitly operative phase of the IBA begins. take into account historic building protection The areas have in part been found in talks and urban construction requirements. with local stakeholders and in workshops with specialists from the administration; in Several buildings will then also be renovat- part, they are based on recommendations ed in an exemplary manner within the scope arising from the discussions and meetings of the IBA, while standards will be flexibly held in the IBA Studio. negotiated in relation to the buildings and For further information on the IBA Berlin their use, and not pre-determined in advance. 2020 go to: Ultimately, several of the buildings will once more be put to permanent use, and also made future-oriented in terms of energy use as crea- tive and cooperative institutional models.

Kommunikation, Am Köllnischen Park 3, 10179 Berlin, [email protected], Northern : from fragmented to mixed urban quarter on the water

In Luisenstadt, an area between the districts of Mitte and Kreuzberg which is very densely populated in some parts, architectural and urban development elements from different epochs jostle with each other. This creates an impression of severe fragmentation. At the same time, Luisenstadt is characterised by two distinct features: the open spaces and the water. The large number of derelict sites, open free spaces, green areas and the water, which surrounds this area of the city on three sides, have a low visibility profile in mental and How can a heterogeneous inner city area be qualified urban development terms. for the 21st century when the existing utilisation mix is taken as an excellent starting position which requires further development?

In the light of the distinctive green areas and water features, Luisenstadt has particular potential to adapt to climate change. The aim of the IBA is to investigate and re-negotiate opportunities in Luisenstadt for climate-sensi- tive redensification and transformation of the developed and public area together with local users and active players in the city. Different approaches are used:

The IBA, together with local stakeholders, will develop new forms of utilisation and main- tenance for public spaces.

This will include an examination of the potential use for energy production of these spaces as part of a new energy concept for this The aim is to use sample search areas to area of the city. show what the IBA can achieve in terms of its basic principle of a mixed city and its The many “voids” in Luisenstadt offer strategic approaches: Capital City, Spacious potential for creating building density. Here, City and Instant City. Neither the areas nor cost-effective forms for climate-sensitive archi- the project approaches should be regarded tecture will be tested. This also requires careful as final. To a far greater extent, they are curation and a participative approach in prac- intended as a starting point for the discus- tise by the IBA. sions in the IBA Studio with potential part- ners and the city community as soon as the A cooperative social and ground fund will operative phase of the IBA begins. be conceived in order to grant land plots in the The areas have in part been found in talks form of building leases to socially oriented ten- with local stakeholders and in workshops ants or owners, and thus to create affordable with specialists from the administration; in living space. part, they are based on recommendations arising from the discussions and meetings Ultimately, Luisenstadt will present an exciting, held in the IBA Studio. new image of climate-sensitive urbanity with For further information on the IBA Berlin intelligent use of the potential offered by free 2020 go to: spaces.

Kommunikation, Am Köllnischen Park 3, 10179 Berlin, [email protected], Müllerstrasse: a centre with tradition on the road to the future

Müllerstrasse offers much that makes life so worth living in the multifarious city: the street, in an area with excellent transport connec- tions, is home to people from many different cultures. It has a differentiated range of indi- vidual retail shops and various cultural institu- tions. Important companies and research insti- tutes are located in the neighbourhood. However, the level of unemployment is high here, the public space leaves much to be desired and there is a lack of facilities for edu- cation and sport.

How can the educational opportunities in the quarter be improved so that access to the professions in the knowledge

economy can be made easier, while at the same time strength- ening the local economy in the area through its diversification?

The aim of the IBA is to demonstrate how an old “working district” can be turned into a mixed working area for the multi-ethnic community. For this purpose, the IBA will support the diver- sification of educational offers and learning sites and stronger networking in the quarter between companies and institutions on site. Different approaches are used: At the same time, the IBA will initiate a process of opening up the large institutional The profile of Müllerstrasse will be succes- neighbours and companies in the area for the sively enhanced: from the “longest shopping benefit of improved networking with the quar- street in Berlin” to a “qualification mile” with ter. This will also be spatially visible. Learning special architectural designs. Empty buildings, and working processes will thus be closely building gaps and highly visible, under-used interlinked. New forms of learning and work- plots form a pool of easily accessible sites ing will be tested in cooperation with the large which will be occupied by qualification and stakeholders, a wide range of educational facil- The aim is to use sample search areas to learning facilities. Here, good architectural ities and the local economy. show what the IBA can achieve in terms of designs will act as magnets. its basic principle of a mixed city and its The IBA will instigate a local education and strategic approaches: Capital City, Spacious A healthy mind requires a healthy body: training initiative on themes relating to climate City and Instant City. Neither the areas nor in parallel to the learning sites, the provision of change, renewable energies, energy and the project approaches should be regarded robust sports facilities and recreational areas resource efficiency and Green Event logistics, as final. To a far greater extent, they are will be increased. The numerous existing green in cooperation with local research and educa- intended as a starting point for the discus- spaces which are under-used and untended tional institutions (e.g. Beuth University of sions in the IBA Studio with potential part- provide rich potential for this purpose. Applied Sciences). The office for this initiative ners and the city community as soon as the will be located at a suitable site in the quarter operative phase of the IBA begins. In order to maintain these new facilities, and will be attractive and low-threshold. The areas have in part been found in talks and to support the establishment and mainte- with local stakeholders and in workshops nance of the new qualification and learning The establishment of a business founda- with specialists from the administration; in sites, a CSR method (Corporate Social Respon- tion centre will give residents the supporting part, they are based on recommendations sibility) will be brought into being with the infrastructure to help them set up their own arising from the discussions and meetings surrounding companies, institutes and social business. At the same time, local needs can be held in the IBA Studio. stakeholders, which will then act as “sponsors” taken into account and the local economy For further information on the IBA Berlin to the institutions and facilities. strengthened. 2020 go to: The Instant City initiates 1:1 cooperation Ultimately, this excellently connected, mixed between different stakeholders (companies, quarter will make use of its opportunities authorities, civil society organisations) for through its diversity and international nature, specific projects. Thus, education and further by expanding the outstanding utility services training will not be bound to one institution, currently available with new educational insti- but will be offered as part of an interactive, tutions, around which new, small local compa- project-related process. nies will be established.

Kommunikation, Am Köllnischen Park 3, 10179 Berlin, [email protected], Northern Frankfurter Allee: urbanity in the interim city

Due to its proximity to and to the city centre, the area along the Frankfurter Allee between the S-Bahn ring and the tracks of Lichtenberg station has enormous potential. Since the fall of the Wall, it has lost many of its former “capital city functions”. It is still domi- nated by voids today, including the empty buildings of the GDR Ministry for State Security (the Stasi) or the former Reichsbahn railway administration. Despite its excellent accessibil- ity, the area lacks stimuli. There are few recrea- tion opportunities for children and young peo- ple, few small shopping facilities or an urban utilisation mix. How can the huge number of empty buildings and derelict land plots be used as transformation potential for re-urbanising the area to create a consistently mixed city? The aim of the IBA project is to re-urbanise the area. Here, for the development of the infra- structure and the buildings, the demographic trends play a particularly important role. The area also needs stimuli from the younger and more creative sections of the urban communi- ty. Here, its proximity to Mitte and Friedrich- shain could be of value. Different approaches are used: New, participative organisation and fund- ing instruments will be tested, in order to cre- The free spaces provided by the former ate affordable living space and to strengthen Stasi buildings will become an incubator envi- the local economy. The establishment of a ronment for new small businesses and will local economy centre (LEC) will form the supplement current utilisation (local authority nucleus and will secure longevity through administration, employment agency, health local based business funding models. providers). In order to improve the situation regarding The aim is to use sample search areas to green spaces and local recreation, within show what the IBA can achieve in terms of the scope of the IBA, an economically viable its basic principle of a mixed city and its model will be developed for re-dedicating strategic approaches: Capital City, Spacious potential building sites to productive free City and Instant City. Neither the areas nor spaces which are open for public use (e.g. for the project approaches should be regarded urban agriculture). as final. To a far greater extent, they are intended as a starting point for the discus- The public thoroughfares will be re- sions in the IBA Studio with potential part- designed in accordance with environment ners and the city community as soon as the association principles, and will be barrier-free. operative phase of the IBA begins. Here, as an experiment, “super cycle paths” or The areas have in part been found in talks “super walking frame paths” will be created. with local stakeholders and in workshops with specialists from the administration; in Ultimately, the gradual “internal” suburbanisa- part, they are based on recommendations tion will be halted, and the area will become a arising from the discussions and meetings Large, empty buildings such as the former mixed, attractive city quarter, appropriate to its held in the IBA Studio. Reichsbahn building will be gradually re-colo- central position. For further information on the IBA Berlin nised and filled with new use. A flexible and 2020 go to: learning strategy will be used in order to develop each individual building according to the changing needs of the users.

Kommunikation, Am Köllnischen Park 3, 10179 Berlin, [email protected], Northern Neukölln: a social mix in the sustainable city

Northern Neukölln is a district in upheaval, with a high proportion of the population from migrant backgrounds, which has experienced a rapid development dynamic in recent years. Here, the compact city is located immediately next to a large potential for recreational space, particularly the Tempelhofer Feld. This com- plex starting position – social weak points with the beginnings of upward pressure, a dense urban landscape and heterogeneous open spaces – is the urban development challenge facing the IBA. Which strategies and projects can be used to create development in such a way that the residents actively participate in the upwards dynamic, and polarisation is avoided?

The aim of the IBA is to create a socially mixed city. For this purpose, educational and ecologi- cal stimuli will be used in cooperative, integra- tive processes in order to initiate the mobilisa- tion of endogenous potential. Here, the IBA will take the spatial, social and ethnic diversity of the quarter as a basis, as well as the fact that creative urban pioneers have now “discovered” northern Neukölln for themselves. The aim is to use sample search areas to show what the IBA can achieve in terms of its basic principle of a mixed city and its strategic approaches: Capital City, Spacious City and Instant City. Neither the areas nor the project approaches should be regarded as final. To a far greater extent, they are Different approaches are used: als, associations, housing management) in intended as a starting point for the discus- model interface projects. sions in the IBA Studio with potential part- The IBA is supporting networking and ners and the city community as soon as the economic emancipation by establishing a The IBA, together with local initiatives, the operative phase of the IBA begins. centre for the local and social economy local neighbourhood management programme The areas have in part been found in talks offering premises and advisory services. and other stakeholders will establish a “test with local stakeholders and in workshops construction site for the Neukölln of the future” with specialists from the administration; in The socially sensitive measures to boost on the Tempelhofer Feld. part, they are based on recommendations climate efficiency (energy efficient renovation arising from the discussions and meetings plus climate adaptation) of existing Wilhelminian The IBA is developing a new developer held in the IBA Studio. buildings will be conducted as a showcase model (“get involved in building”) in which For further information on the IBA Berlin project. larger sections of the population can become 2020 go to: building owners and property developers as A new Schiller campus will interpret the private individuals or in the form of associations. entire quarter as a learning site. Good educa- tion opportunities for all social strata and age Ultimately, northern Neukölln will then become groups will enable improved integration and an exemplary model of a mixed city, which through participation among the population. Schools cooperative-integrative, business and education and educational institutions will cooperate initiatives will divert the transformation dynamic with local “urban activists” (creative individu- into cooperative upgrading processes.

Kommunikation, Am Köllnischen Park 3, 10179 Berlin, [email protected], Oberschöneweide: from old industrial town to new suburb on the water

Oberschöneweide lies outside the S-Bahn train ring, but is only 10 km from Alexanderplatz. After the fall of the Wall, the majority of the industry located there collapsed, taking with it the functional mix. Today, it is primarily a resi- dential area. At the same time, derelict sites have been created, many of which are contam- inated. Particularly the numerous disused factory buildings directly on the river Spree reflect the challenges facing this district. The opening of the site for the University of Applied Sciences, the Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Technik (HTW), as well as the good location on the water between the city centre and the new BER airport, act as a positive stimulus.

How can the former industrial town as a new Berlin suburb become an attractive residential, living, learning and working site with very special qualities? The aim of the IBA is to re-activate Oberschöne- weide as an attractive residential and working site. The empty factory buildings already offer wonderful climate shells for new forms of living and working which have large spatial require- ments. Examples such as the Factory 798 in Beijing, the London Docklands or the Nord- havnen in Copenhagen show that this can work. The aim is to use sample search areas to show what the IBA can achieve in terms of its basic principle of a mixed city and its strategic approaches: Capital City, Spacious City and Instant City. Neither the areas nor the project approaches should be regarded as final. To a far greater extent, they are Different approaches are used: funding bodies – will set cultural accents in Ober- intended as a starting point for the discus- schöneweide. Supplementary and extended sions in the IBA Studio with potential part- With the new landing stage, a start has buildings will act as modern architectural stimuli. ners and the city community as soon as the already been made for connecting this future operative phase of the IBA begins. suburb via the water. A fast water connection A high-standard energy concept will incor- The areas have in part been found in talks to inner city sites on the river Spree will be porate the many derelict areas for biomass pro- with local stakeholders and in workshops created and integrated into the public trans- duction, which will help to rehabilitate contam- with specialists from the administration; in port network. inated plots in the long term, as well as slowing part, they are based on recommendations down the rise in costs of running the buildings. arising from the discussions and meetings The favourable position of the district will held in the IBA Studio. be used in such a way that future development Together with the HTW and companies For further information on the IBA Berlin of the quarter will be planned in closer rela- based in the area, the IBA will establish an acti- 2020 go to: tionship to the water. vation centre which will strengthen the oppor- tunities in the quarter, together with the entre- As an example, empty factory buildings preneurial potential of local residents. will be brought to life by special uses which will benefit from the proximity of the water, Ultimately, Oberschöneweide will become will use the potential created by the establish- established as a modern, remixed living, learn- ment of the HTW, will use the water as a work- ing and working district on the water between ing and living site, or – organised by special the inner city and the airport.

Kommunikation, Am Köllnischen Park 3, 10179 Berlin, [email protected], Campus Charlottenburg: from university campus to knowledge city

The campus shared by the Technical University and the University of the Arts (UdK) in Berlin forms an island in the popular Charlottenburg district of the city. Its size and spatial configu- ration make it an enclosed environment. There is almost no communication between the campus and the adjacent district. Due to its monofunctional nature, the campus is not an attractive site for the adjacent residential areas.

How could improved and accelerated integration between “city” and “universities” contribute towards the long-term development of Berlin in the knowledge-based economy?

The aim of the IBA is to support the successful City West model process and to connect the TU/UdK campus with the surrounding areas in such a way that the knowledge and creativ- ity they offer benefits local living, working and leisure quality. Conversely, the aim is to open up the campus for urban use, which will in turn also benefit the study and research conditions. Different approaches are used: Instant City workshops, in which university administrations, students, the local authority, In the spirit of the Spacious City strategy, residents and companies will participate, will the residential and living potential of the discuss the potential for expansion and con- campus itself will be examined, with the aim nection between the campus and the city, and of breaking down the divide between working will seek to find suitable forms of support and and living and bringing new life to the campus. funding models.

As a supplement to this, the living environ- There is a need to find a new use for the The aim is to use sample search areas to ment on the campus will be expanded (e.g. outstanding building of the water engineering show what the IBA can achieve in terms of sports facilities, green spaces, water locations, testing facility designed by Ludwig Leo. its basic principle of a mixed city and its shops, cafés). They will be designed as attrac- Together with partners such as the UdK, the strategic approaches: Capital City, Spacious tive and inviting sites, and as communicative Wüstenrot Foundation and the TU Berlin, the City and Instant City. Neither the areas nor meeting points for the academic community. IBA is creating a transformation process in the the project approaches should be regarded spirit of the Instant City. as final. To a far greater extent, they are In connection with the NAVI-BC project, intended as a starting point for the discus- the requirement and space potential for start- As a result, Charlottenburg will be given an sions in the IBA Studio with potential part- ups and spin-offs will be calculated together inner city campus with a high learning, work- ners and the city community as soon as the with companies located in the area. ing, leisure and living quality, which at the operative phase of the IBA begins. same time will act as a model quarter for The areas have in part been found in talks In terms of energy, the Charlottenburg cam- knowledge-based societies of the future. with local stakeholders and in workshops pus will be further developed as a low carbon with specialists from the administration; in quarter. For this purpose, the construction of a part, they are based on recommendations decentralised, networked energy supply system arising from the discussions and meetings based on renewable energy will be examined. held in the IBA Studio. For further information on the IBA Berlin In order to improve the accessibility of the 2020 go to: campus site, the large car park areas which separate the campus on both sides of the main road, the Strasse des 17. Juni, will be reduced using suitable measures.

Kommunikation, Am Köllnischen Park 3, 10179 Berlin, [email protected],