Federal Communications Commission (As of June 30, 1957)
FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 23rd Annual Report For Fiscal Year 1957 With introductory summary and'niltllthllls" \1 of later important developments UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE· WASHINGTON For .ar. by the Superlntenden' of Documents, U. s. Govem.,.n' PrInting 0fR~ Wadlington 25, D. C. • Prlce.so centI COMMISSIONERS Members of 'he Federal Communications Commission (As of June 30, 1957) GEORGE C. MCCONNAUGHEY. Chairman 1 (Term expires June SO, 1957) ROSEL H. HYDE (Term expires June SO, 1959) ROBERT T. BARTLEY (Term expires June 30, J958) JOHN C. DOERFER (Term expires June 30, 1961) ROBERT E. LEE (Tenn eJ:pirea JUD.. 30, 1960) RICHARD A. MACK (Tetm ezpir.. June SOl 1962) T. A. M. CRAVEN (Term expIres June 30, 1963) A list of present and past Commissioners appears in the appendix to this report. 1 Suceceded .. Chairman by '<Ibn C. Doerfel OD July I, 1957, and u Comm.l181oner by Fredulck W. Ford n,.,A.aJU"29.1!167. II LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION, W IUhington 25, D. C. 1'0 the Congres8 01 the United States: Herewith is transmitted the 23rd annual report of the Federal Communications Commission. It contains information and data required to be reported to the Congress by section 4 (k) of the Com munications Act of 1934, as amended. Though this compilation covers, primarily, the fiscal year ending June 30, 1957, notations of subsequent important developments are included to make the information more current. Biographies of employees joining the Commission during the year, as well as a list of those leaving during that period, are being reported in a nonprinted supplement.
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