

Marked with RED V-boards

Well, our distances are creeping up! Your new terrain on this 7.6 km course will be the Teardrop and two new hills on the Fingers and Night Rider.

Starting from the stadium, head west up the hill behind the technical building and then hang a right at Piccadilly Circus. Keep right onto the Teardrop which loops around and then leads you down the BIG Hill at the beginning of Fingers. FUN!!!

Relax and cruise the rolling terrain of Fingers. With your fitter, stronger body this will be easier than last time!

At Thumbs-Up Junction sweep onto the Iceman cut off. You'll get some respite from the ups and downs of Fingers until you cross at the Yeti Junction and up the winding hill to the Cranbrook Corner. From here it is a good steep uphill.

Using your offset, diagonal stride or herringbone make your way up the Cranbrook Climb to Northern Crossing Junction. More climbing will take you to the highest point at the top of Northern Lights. Continuing on Northern Lights you will head back down the super fun and curvaceous downhill, through the bottom of Race Maze and the Hub.

You will end up on Night Rider, where this time you will take the BLACK DIAMOND downhill. Keep your weight forward, your ankles flexed and your hands on the steering wheel as you drive down this winding corner on Night Rider. No rest yet! Back up, down and around Homecoming to the finish.

Another week DOWN!! Feeling STRONG?

Hearing theme music from ? ? Super Mario? ….Emergency?