Arty's Significance Is a Reflection of Hodges, Tiie 11Th Annual Recipient
25C Volume IS, Issue 12 Serving Lowell Area Readers Since 1893 Wednesday, January 29,1992 Arty's significance is a reflection of Hodges, tiie 11th annual recipient The Lowell Area Arts Council (LAAC) honored Chris Hodges with its prestigious "Arty," Award given each year to one volunteer who, through the years, has supported and worked for the arts in the Lowell area. Hodges, who works as a part-time paraprofessional, playground supervisor and crossing guard at Runciman- Riverside Elementary, has been an active Lowell Area Arts Council volunteer for many years. She and her husband, Jim, have both worked long hours on a variety of projects. In her six years as a member of the Board of Directors, 1985-1991, Hodges accepted many challenges and responsibilities. These responsibilities included two terms as vice-president lourtflrrj/moiinl and personnel manager of the art center staff, charged with staff supervision and review. As hf IK feMhl vice-president she also attended board development workshops, participated in reorganization flimHMiK.. of committee and officer structure and responsibility and contributed significantly to long range planning and budget development. As a member of the nominating conunittee, Hodges helped the LAAC maintain its strength and leadership through re-election of board candidates. She also assisted in the development, preparation and annual updating of a board of directors notebook system. Above and beyond her board of directors responsibilities, Hodges has supported the Council through Winter Play committees, box office, costumes, and program ads to name a few. She found her niche more than once in the Fallasburg Fall Festival information booth and Lori Ingraham, right, presents Lowell's Chris Hodges with the Lowell brochure preparation.
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