1988 Berrien County W6.T1.15 SAVE (1.30Onf Packauesi ^ Jeanne
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WE ASKED YOU... WHAT EVENT WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE ADDED TO THE THE GLAD-PEACH FESTIVAL? T* 4:' JOE AVILES COLOMA • 7 m . iif* - 4 "Mora thlnga (or tha III- ..ft, NOVOTNY -BHHL TRACY STUARD LORI HEAD MICHELLE WALL TOM LOPRESTI RUTH BORAH SOUTH HAVEN CLAY VANUNDER WATERVLIET COLOMA tla klda where they COLOMA WATERVLIET COLOMA "More activities (or the WATERVLIET MA Qlad-Peach softball don't have to apend a "A bigger dance area. "A peach pia eating atraat danca with think Ifa real nice younger klda, (Iva years Make Sunday more ax* People keep bumping tournament." lot of money but can contast." live DJ." participate." Juat the way It la." old and under." citing and longer" into each other." 25c THE TRI-CITY RECORD Vol. 104. - No. 32 RED ARROW EDITION OF THE WATERVLIET RECORD, COLOMA COURIER A HARTFORD NEWS August 10,1988 4-H puts 'youth' in County Youth Fair 51 weeks of preparation Bangor fourth-grader Danny for 1 week of |udging Stotler, can empathize with all makes 4-H competition the hard work the Hanks have APPLE QUEEN put Into their animals. Mark and an all-yearlong event CONTEST OPENS Danny, members of 4 Flags 4-H By Lynn Attlla Club, raise and show goats at The main purpose of the Ber- YOUTH FAIR the county fair. rien County Youth Fair Is to pro- Unlike the Hanks, Mark and PEACH TAC U-LAR SIGHT... vide a once-a-year showcase for SAT. NIGHT Danny raise their animals from 20,000 apectatora enjoyed the youth of Berrien County. The birth and do not auction them 14,400 worth o( aerial (Ireworka fair annually presents over 265 page 16 off at the end of the season. Ac- Saturday night. More than trophies to winners of various cording to the boys, the animals 63,000 people enjoyed thla classes. Not only are the top. year'a Glad-Peach Faatlval. For winners recognized, but each the complete atory turn to page and every youth that displays and shows at the Youth Fair is presented with a ribbon that in- INSIDE dicates his or her placing by the Watervliet Fly In judges. As an incentive for these ^ W ti STORIES young people, the fair gives HORSE SEN8E...KIm Conquest (behind horse) Instructs younger 4-H each exhibitor a week's pass to members on the proper way to groom a horse for the fair. (photo by Lynn Attlla) is this Sunday AMTRAK SEEKS enjoy the activities and also monetary rewards are presented By Bob Lohr a.m. and run to 1 p.m., with the MEETING FOR depending upon their respective Plans and last minute details arrival of the ' Care-Flite placing in the class that they this time, it will not be allowed walk properly, a smooth rolling are set for the 29th annual fly-in helicopter set for 10 a.m. TRAIN STOP IN entered. to be entered in the fair in gait; and have a nice, flat back this Sunday, August 14, at the The Lions Club will begin ser- in 1987, there were nearly August. In March, the steers are instead of an arch." Watervliet Airport. ving breakfast at 5 a.m. Also, as WATERVLIET 3,000 young people that taken to the fairgrounds to be The Hanks pointed out some According to Airport Manager in past years, showgoers can displayed more than 12,000 ex- weighed and tagged. Both Shan- of the qualifications a steer Robert Lohr, scheduled events participate In the Airport Board- page 5 hibits. in order to be an exhibitor non and Frank's steers sport a needs to meet Grand Champion will be the traditional blueberry sponsored door prize raffle at the Youth Fair, a young per- bright green tag in one ear, status could mostly be at- pancake breakfast served by the scheduled to take place upon son must be between the ages guaranteeing them admittance tributed to heredity while other Watervliet Lions Club; airplane the conclusion of the breakfast 7-DAY MANHUNT of 5-20, live in a township con- to the annual showcase. requirements, such as how well rides; the Bronson Hospital at noon, according to Airport tiguous to Berrien County or to the animal responds in the show 'Care-Fiite' helicopter; the Board members. Winners for the ENDS IN ARREST be an active member of a ring or how the animal stands, Mlchlana RC Choppers model drawing will be taken from the recognized youth club based Bm*" 'mm are attributed to how well the helicopter club; and the raffle of ticket stubs of breakfast pur- FOR WATERVLIET within Berrien County or be will- trainer worked with the animal. a 1988 Pontlac Sunbird by the chases. ing to put in lots of hard work Shannon and Frank use a "show Lions Club. Tentatively scheduled for the JUVENILE and long hours preparing for the stick," a long, metal rod. to The car raffle, which will show will be the Re/Max hot air annual event. direct their animals into the pro- climax this year's event, will balloon that will lift off at 7 a.m. page 3 per position for showing and a take place at 2 p.m. and tickets Besides the pancake break- special "show halter." are still available through any fast, there will be concessions MONTHS OF PLANNING Bright and early on Monday Lions Club member for a dona- of hot dogs, sponsored by E.A.A. morning of fair week the Hanks tion of $20. Chapter 585 of Benton Harbor, MUSEUM MARKS Shannon and Frank Hanks, will take their animals to the Also, according to Lohr, soft drinks, and ice cream. 8259 Hagar Shore Road, Water- Berrien County Fairgrounds. airplane rides will begin at 9 ANNIVERSARY vliet, are well-acquainted with Once there, the animals will be the months of preparation in- weighed and their tags will be OF BATTLE FOR volved before their animals ever checked. A veterinarian will ed a previous interest in pur- are born around January or « set foot on fair soil. The process check every animal that enters chasing animals at the auction. February and are about nine Sometimes the businessmen GUADALCANAL begins around October when the fairgrounds. months old at fair time. page 13 the Hanks purchase their steers Once the animals have been will make a purchase, even Sharon Little, the boys' mom from a breeder in the Qallen granted access to the fair- though they do not personally and a 4-H Leader, said a similar area. Penny Hanks, mother of grounds, they will be put in know the owners, just because care and grooming routine that the brother and sister duo and a pens. Their trainers will secure of the letters. Mrs. Hanks is used with the steers is used HARTFORD CNCL 4 Flags 4-H Leader, said her food, water and bedding for the pointed out a couple of Shan- with the goats. She said the children picked different breeds animals and make sure they are non's steers were sold in this animals are dehorned, fed, QUESTIONS JOB so they would not be In competi- comfortable for their time at the manner. watered, cleaned and groomed tion against each other. This annual event. Hartford High School junior See 4-H on page 16 CORPS WORK year Shannon has raised a Every day, around 6:00 a.m., Mark Little and his brother, Hereford while Frank is in the Hanks arrive at the fair- CANCELLATION charge of a Shorthorn. grounds to clean out stalls and The animals are castrated, CHAMPIONSHIP ANIMAL.. feed and water their animals. page 5 dehorned bulls, five to six mon- Caehena, owned by Mark Little, Fair regulations require this is ths old and halter broke, accor- has won first place In Obe- to be done by 10:00 a.m. each ding to Mrs. Hanks. She pointed dience Claea for three yean In a morning, according to Mrs. COLOMA CITY out when buying the steers, the row. (photo by Lynn Attlla) Hanks. 4-H klda try to keep the pur- Frank Hanks said, "It takes chase price In the $400 range. A about two hours to do the job OKAYS 4-WAY Between March and August 4-H'er will will then invest every day." After the work is the real work begins. The little another $400 or so Into the feed done, the young people prepare AT MCDONALD'S 300-pound steers Shannon and and care of his or her 300-pound to show their animals or par- Frank purchased In the fail will page 16 babies before fair time the next ticipate in other activities weigh between 1000 and 1200 summer. they're scheduled to be Involved pounds by August. The young Some of the cost of raising with. steers, pigs, sheep, rabbits, people will have spent hours INDEX chickens and sometimes goats walking and training their Bwtaew Directory.... Pg. 12 are recouped when the young animals to perform under show- GRAND CHAMPION Cotamnbti Pg.2 people sell their animals during manship conditions. The Editorial Page Pg.2 the fair auction. Usually, the animals will be trimmed and 18 THE GOAL Letten Pg.2 youngsters break even, or close shaved, hooves neatened, tail fluffed and coat brushed to a Obituaries Pg.4 to even, Mrs. Hanks said. On Friday of fair week the shiny gloss. Oatdoon w/Gordie... Pg. U Market Animal Auction is held. Frank Hanks said the 4-H,ers Presi Box Pg.15 This auction is an excellent way PREREQISTRATION were always aspiring toward Pabtic Notices Pg.14 for the 4-H'ers to recoup some of IN JANUARY Grand Champion status, the the cost of raising their animals, Sportf Pg-W highest honor awarded at the according to Mrs.