The Ticker, October 13, 1987
':,.- ,~.. ~. - 1I'=o.J ........, •..•• • *1932* TIle Stu~tst Voice for Over 50 Years *1987. VoI.55 No.4 Baruch College, CUNY· October 13, 1987 DSSG Forced Students to Vote to Cut Personnel on Fee Increase Hours in Half -e e 1,200 Signatures Place z -e G' B" CAITLIN MOLLISON Referendum on Ballot -~ ~ The Treasurer's Office of the By JOHN RICARD • Day Session Student Government ~ has been forced to reduce the A student election will be held on students during registration eacn number of operation personnel Oct. 13-15 to decide whether a pro semester, will rise to $50.00. The hours by 50 percent compared to posed $13.65 increase in the student student activities fee is IftSeIldy last year, according to amemoran- activities fee will take effect. dum written by Edward Mills, According to DSSG president treasurer of the DSSG, to student .John Richards, who along with the clubs and organizations. entire OSSG is a major supporter of Mills said that the DSSG is cur- the increase, "SEGRC (the Student rently operating with 30 personnel Elections and Student Governance hours a week as compared to the 60 Review Committee) had requested It'...... _ ..,......... See ~ ..All. worked last year. Additionally, the that even though we only need 800 student government is utilizing the signatures,·we come up with a services of only two bursars, a 1,000. Because of widespread sup decrease of two from the four port we enjoy from the clubs, and Ex-Professor Alumni employed last year. Mills, in the the Helpline, in particular, and the memo attributes the reduction in vigorous efforts of people in Accuses Association both number of personnel and athletics, and of our own illustrious Student Vetoes Funding hours worked by personnel to-·and--tireIess goyemment, we came "budJZet cuts." up with over 1,200 signatures after ofAssault For Dr.
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