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Zs^V^ v v V V N Embroidery design for butterflies for use lines in on wo ist.B, lingerie, children's etc. the butterflies should clothes, ATI the METHOD OF TRANSFERRING. . bo outlined, or if n handsomer single with French stem or development is desired cover tlie lines D^solve a half of whipping stitch. On lingerie materials the dots in teaspoonful washing powder or a small piece of soap in tv/o-thirda of a glass of Ijc&vorked in the wings of the butterflies could "crater. To this a eyelet. If the butterflies axe embroidered in add tablespoonful of ammonia. Place the material on which the transfer is to be made SET*iuimJ should colors, shades that liunnonizp on a Uo wed. xyifch the biie^ hard, onrooth surface, Saturate the back of the design with the al>ove solution, pla^e the design f«co down on the material, laying a stieet of thick paper over the back of the hold with one and design; ?irm'.y &and with the bowl of a Bpoca pib, with pressure, fronl vou. By following these diregions barefulljf some years ago in Paris, and appears' in one when it suits her and Iier cos- place. Th* two tutne. Incidentally, she :;iys tl.e < .1- JOIN lift the brass platter from the table ored is to IN wis be regarded merely a.- OBSERVANCE ami inarch to the head the a of lino of matter of decoration, rather than a artitlcial women. They are followed by the hair. Just as fine changes the lord the HUbalinoner and II mi U f itnl. style of coiffure or high almoner, coiffure ornaments. OF their y<.retaries: the latter in court Artiiiicial hair should bo as THURSDAY Orange? Corn Flakes care¬ anil, aloitK the line, th« J .aeon i tareil for as I di»ss, passing a: f.'-'Ks; Hot Hulls fully one's own tresses doles of about i -'t Coffc? K'< ep it well brushed out for ventiIn- money, representinfij tion's sake and Celebration at Courts Will Iieen duly scrubbed, first by laun¬ in ta'tt lj Hi i111'1 silver, are handed l>v pehfectly clean. The Be' of tha l.unchron "foundation" or roll dresses, and then l y the lord high al¬ the lord liiuh almoner to each Lamb should never lie With moner. and Chops allowed to mat. It should be Considerable Pomp In fart. Quern Bess's wash- recipients in turn, in antique red link

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