Christ Church Magazine Serving the Community In the Parish of Christ Church Ashton-under-Lyne

March 2020 Price 50p

CONTACTS Ministers: The whole congregation Administration and Church Maintenance: Church Wardens: Adrian Roberts Stenton Withnall 07761822922 Deputy Warden: Barbara Gaskin 07484611191 Electoral Roll Officer: Andrea McGowan Flower Arranging: Audrey Jones 0161 330 5606 PCC Secretary: Andrea McGowan Verger: Chris Cunday 0161 343 5819 Children: Ministries and Uniformed Organisations: Canon Johnson Sunday School: Elizabeth Travis 0161 339 3681 Child Protection Co-ordinator: Janet Perry 0161 344 0195 Church Lads & Girls Brigade: Janet & Pete Davies 0161 370 2638 Mobile: 07957 333994 Email: [email protected] Rainbows: Jackie Buckley 0161 612 0746 Brownies: Colline Holness 07917633723 Guides: Colleen Roberts 0161 336 2922 or 07538769815 Email: [email protected] Scouts: Chris Wilson 0161 308 2231 Mobile: 07714 457478 (eve) Clergy Serving at Christ Church: Rev’d Dr David Jacks 0161 330 1601 Email: [email protected] Rev’d Alan Hills 0161 432 2964 Email: [email protected] Neil Craine Reader Emeritus 0161 301 2693 Finance: PCC Treasurer: Tony Hoskins 0161 330 5815 [email protected] FOCC Giving Scheme: Philip Blanchard 01457 874513 Gift Aid Secretary: Joanne Moores 01457 765302 Mothers’ Union: Bernice Howarth 0161 330 2002


‘The Office Hour’ for booking weddings and baptisms is held in church on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month between 12 noon and 1pm. (Volunteers welcome; full training given) Pastoral Care: Co-ordinator: Audrey Jones 0161 330 5606 Baptism Enquiries: Elizabeth Travis 0161 339 3681 Home Communion: Audrey Jones 0161 330 5606 Wedding Enquiries: Janet Perry 0161 344 0195 Prayer Ministries: Co-ordinator/Prayer Circle/Prayer Groups: Katrina Deakin 0161 370 7918 Publicity: Church Magazine: [email protected] Pew Sheets: [email protected] Church website: Social Events: Co-ordinator: Julie Shaw 0161 330 9991 07840 724182 Day Schools: Canon Burrows: Head teacher: Miss S Fildes 0161 330 4755 Chair of Governors: Mrs D Whiteley Canon Johnson: Head teacher: Mr M Bidgood 0161 330 3169 Chair of Governors: Nathan Davies Items for inclusion in the APRIL 2020 Magazine Last date Friday 20th March 2020 in church or ring/text Tracy Temple on 07871974895 Email: [email protected]


Is Spring on it’s way??

Welcome to the March magazine, I really do hope Spring is on it’s way, I love the golden daffodils and the blossom of the orchards, the new born lambs and the beautiful singing birds. A bit of sunshine in the morning and evening really does lift my mood. I hope this month you enjoy the articles I have sourced and take note of the important dates coming up as Easter is just around the corner.

Have a wonderful month. Thanks Tracy (Editor)

Dear Pauline A huge thank you would like to be given to you for your wonderful time dedicated to Christ Church, your services to church as an ALM and through prayer have touched and supported so many people. We wish you so much love and pray for strength and guidance for your challenges ahead. All at Christ Church.

Pauline Ward has had to step back due to ill health.



An amazing £610 was raised at Rose Queen Violet’s At Home on Sunday 9th February 2020 She hosted a wonderful after- noon at Canon Johnson School with 8 visiting queens who all looked stunningly beautiful. WELL DONE VIOLET!!

The next event is; QUIZ AND RETIREMENT PARTY SATURDAY 4TH APRIL 2020 7.00PM TIL LATE Hurst Cross Community Centre, Kings Road, A-U-L. OL6 8EZ £7 adults £2 children Family (2 adults 2 children) £15 TICKETS INCLUDE POTATO PIE SUPPER



Huge Congratulations to Mr. Tom Wragg who has been invited to receive the Royal Money from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II at the Service at St. George’s Windsor on 2020. Tom was selected for his recognition of his dedication to the service of God through the .

What is Maundy Money??? The Royal Maundy is an ancient ceremony, inspired by The Bible. On the day before , washed the feet of his disciples and commanded them to ‘Love one another’. By the thirteenth century the Royal Family was taking part in similar ceremonies. By washing the feet of the poor and giving money and gifts, they were showing humility and compassion. When Henry IV became king, he introduced a new tradition, deciding to give the same number of gifts as his age. So, for instance, when the monarch was forty, he gave forty of his subjects Maundy gifts. It became the custom for the to perform the ceremony, and the event became known as the Royal Maundy.

The origins of Maundy money The first Maundy money ceremony took place in the reign of Charles II, when the king gave people undated hammered coins in 1662. The coins were a four , three penny, two penny and one penny piece. By 1670 the king started giving out a dated set of all four coins.


The tradition of the king or queen washing the feet of the poor faded out in the eighteenth century, but the monarch still gave people food and clothing. By the nineteenth century the tradition had changed again, and the monarch simply gave people the Maundy money.

Maundy money today Maundy money has traditionally been made of sterling silver, apart from the brief interruptions of Henry VIII’s debasement of the coinage and the general change to 50% silver coins in 1020. The use of sterling silver resumed following the Coinage Act of 1971 and after decimalisation in 1971, the face values of the coins were increased from old to new pence.

During Her Majesty The Queen’s reign, her portrait on ordinary circulating coinage has been updated four times. However, Maundy money still bears the same portrait of Her Majesty created by Mary Gillick that appeared on the first coins of her reign in 1953.

Today’s recipients of Royal Maundy are elderly men and women, chosen because of the Christian service they have given to the Church and the community. The ceremony takes place every Maundy Thursday. There are as many recipients as there are years in the sovereign’s age. At the ceremony, the monarch hands each recipient two small leather string purses. A red purse contains ordinary coins, while a white one contains silver Maundy coins, amounting to the same number of pence as the years of the sovereign’s age.

This information was sourced from



We welcome into God’s family, the Church:

BAPTISMS FEBRUARY 2020 2nd February Ava Rose Kenyon




The Train of Life Life is like a journey on a train…. With its stations….. With changes of routes… And with accidents! At birth we boarded the train and met our parents, and we believe they will always travel on our side. However, at some station our parents will step down from the train, leaving us on this journey alone. As time goes by other people will board the train; and they will be significant. I.e. Our siblings, friends, children, and even the love of our life. Many will step down and leave a permanent vacuum. Others will go so unnoticed that we don’t realize that they vacated their seats! Which is very sad when you think about it. This train ride will be full of joy, sorrow, fantasy, expectations, hellos, goodbyes, and farewells. Success consists of having a good relationship with all the passengers….. requiring that we give the best of ourselves. The mystery to everyone is: We do not know at which station we ourselves will step down. So, we must live the best way— love, forgive, and offer the best of who we are. It is important to do this because when the time comes for us to step down and leave our seat empty—we should leave behind beautiful memories for those who will continue to travel on the train of life. I wish you a joyful journey this year on the train of life. Reap success and give lots of love. More importantly, give thanks for the journey! Matthew Manning (UK Healer)


March Diary 2019

Sunday 1st 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Holy Communion 12.30pm Baptism

Wednesday 4th 10.00 am Holy Communion

Saturday 7th 10.00am COFFEE MORNING

Sunday 8th 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Family Communion Coffee after service 12.00pm Office hour

Tuesday 10th 7.30pm PCC

Wednesday 11th 10.00am Holy Communion

Sunday 15th 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Service of the Word 12.30pm Baptism

Wednesday 18th 10.00am Service of the Word

Sunday 22nd 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Holy Communion 12.30pm Baptism

Wednesday 24th 9.30am Holy Communion

Sunday 29th 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Family Communion Coffee after service


April Diary 2019

Wednesday 1st 10.00am Holy Communion

Sunday 5th 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Holy Communion

HOLY WEEK ALL WELCOME TO OUR HOLY WEEK SERVICES Monday 6th 6.00pm APCM Tuesday 7th 6.00pm Taize Wednesday 8th 10.00am Holy Communion Thursday 9th 6.00pm Service Friday 10th 10.00am Holy Communion

Saturday 11th 10.00am Coffee morning

Sunday 12th 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Holy Communion

Wednesday 15th 10.00am Service of the word

Sunday 19th 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Service of the word

Wednesday 22nd 10.00am Holy Communion

Sunday 26th 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Holy Communion

Wednesday 29th 10.00am Holy Communion



Book of Remembrance:

In loving memory of John Morrell; a Father, Grandfather and Great-grandfather. From all his family.

FIRST HOLY COMMUNION 2020 Preparation classes: if you child is aged 9 or above and they wish to receive their First Holy Communion on Easter Sunday 12th April 2020, preparation classes will commence at 9am on Sunday 1st March (1hr) in Church. The classes will be for the five Sunday’s leading up to Easter (except Mothering Sunday). Details, together with a sign-up form, are at the back of Church. If your child has not been baptised, or they cannot at- tend the service on Easter Sunday, please let us know as we can help you make the necessary arrangements for your child to be Baptised during the Easter Sunday Service itself or to receive their First Holy Commun- ion at a later date. Any questions, please speak to Caroline Newton, Katrina Deakin or Jane Mellor. If not in Church, they can be contacted via the Facebook page.


Canon Johnson CofE Primary School On reading the news on the new school website I came across some information I wanted to share, it is about the emotional health and well-being of the children and what the year 4 class do each day.

EMOTIONAL HEALTH AND WELL-BEING In Year 4, we enter the classroom each day to the aroma of incense burning because it stimulates our brain with a sense of calm. The aro- ma of incense smoke is capable of reducing heart rates and soothing nerve pathways within the brain to make you feel completely relaxed and at peace. We complete daily mindfulness, every day after lunch, using the Calm App. We are learning how to meditate to calm our- selves down and to focus our brain ready for learning. We use Yoga Pretzels to develop our spiritual and physical skills. Yoga uses breath- ing techniques, exercises and meditation. We also have our own Grati- tude Journal, which are personal to us and we keep these in our trays. At the end of every day we think about the positive things that have happened to us that day and choose one that we are grateful for, to write down in our journal. This helps us to end the day on a positive note and to focus on the ‘good’ in each day. We have found that these daily practices help to improve our health and happiness.

I think this is amazing! On the next page are some pictures of the children with their Yoga Pretzels, dancing, meditating and stretching. Tracy (editor)


Yoga Pretzels are vibrant and colourful illustrated cards that teach all the yoga basics to help your head and heart. The cards provide a healthy dose of fun and education to practice bending, twisting, breathing, relaxing and more.


The following have generously contributed to the church flowers:

MARCH 1 Doreen Armitt 8 Barbara Grafton 15 VACANT 22 Katrina Deakin 29 Bekki Vaughan APRIL 5 Margaret Medland 12 Jean Nield 19 Carol Hatton 26 VACANT

My thanks to all who have topped up the flower fund. We can now keep the 2 pedestals going!! If you would like to contribute on a regular basis, the list is on the board at the back of church, just add your name. It doesn’t matter how many names are against the date you want. Many thanks Audrey


I would like to draw your attention to our new prayer tree situated in the “The Prayer Corner”. It is there for you to place your personal praise, thanks- giving and concerns before God. Would you please put the date on placement on the back of the card. After one month, I, or a member of the Prayer Team Ministry will place them on the alter for blessing and then they will be dealt with in a discreet and appropriate manner. Katrina



Come nearer now, come look and see, The goods I have, for you from me. Cups and saucers, all size plates, Tea pots, milk jugs, here to take At prices everyone can pay, Upon this bright and sunny day. So many stalls, what shall we choose? A bargain gained, what can we lose. That jaunty hat bought for a song, It looks so good it can’t be wrong. As passing on to pastures new, I see my favourite colour Blue. Some large size knickers could be mine, I’d never hang them on the line. Time waits for no one, this we know. As hunger makes our steps real slow. What shall we have, some pie and peas? Then find a seat to rest our knee’s. Refreshed and full we’re on our way.. So much to see this busy day. The crowds are moving very slow. Chatting loudly as they go. Filling bags up to the top, With loads of treats and fizzy pop. The muffin stall attracts the crowd, Because a man calls out aloud Come buy my muffins plump and round.


Cheap today and just for you To buy a lot, not just a few. Our bags are filling, slow but sure But still there’s room for one thing more. That special thing our eyes can’t see, It must be near it’s calling me. Its perfume fills my senses deep, I dream of it when I’m asleep At last it’s here, my eyes they shine, Black Pudding and it’s mine all mine. Our bags are full, it’s time to go, We haven’t seen it all, we know. Making a vow, we have to say! We will come back another day. So many stalls we didn’t see, They went on till eternity. We didn’t seem to see it all, But we’ll return: as night time falls. The day is done, and so are we, The clock strikes 4. It’s time for tea.

Christos May Foreman 15-2-20



Following on from last month’s magazine article about Canon Burrows becoming a plastic free school some of the Year 6 children wrote to our local MP Angela Rayner to inform her of the school’s efforts. They received a wonderful response, here is what she said -

“Dear Miss Fildes, I am writing to thank your wonderful pupils for the letters they sent to me detailing their efforts to reduce plastic use and to be more eco-friendly. It is encouraging to hear that children are so aware of the need for action when it comes to tackling climate change. The steps you have taken to reduce your use of bottles and bags during plastic-free week will make a real difference so please keep up the good work. I will certainly be telling my fellow MPs in Parliament about your efforts and I hope that they will take your environmen- tally friendly habits on board at the House of Commons! I would love to visit your school again soon to see for myself how you are doing your bit to save the planet! Thank you once again for the lovely letters—you make me very proud to be your local MP. Best wishes Angela Rayner MP”

Well done everyone, Tracy (editor)


Well Polished

Home, Office and Commercial Cleaning. Ironing also in your own home.

£13.45/ hour. Minimum 2 hours per week.

Contact Angela Robbins (choir) or ring 0161 408 0200 or 07713921676. All cleaners are fully checked.


Services and Readings for 10.30am Services March 2020

1st Holy Communion 1st Sunday of Lent Genesis 2.15-17;3.1-7 Romans 5.12-19 Gospel: Matthew 4.1-11

8th Family Communion 2nd Sunday of Lent Genesis 12.1-4 Romans 4.1-5,13-17 Gospel: John 3.1-17

15th Service of the Word 3rd Sunday of Lent Exodus 17.1-7 Romans 5.1-11 Gospel: John 4.5-42

22nd Holy Communion Mothering Sunday Exodus 2.1-10 or 1 Samuel1.20-end 2 Corinthians 1.3-7 or Colossians 3. Gospel: 12-17 Luke 2.33-35 or John 19.25-27

29th Family Communion 5th Sunday of Lent Ezekiel 37.1-14 Romans 8.6-11


Services and Readings for 10.30am Services March 2020

5th Holy Communion Palm Sunday Matthew 2,1-11 Philippians 2.5-11 Gospel: Matthew 26.14-end of 27

12th Holy Communion Easter Day Acts 0.34-43 Colossians 3.1-4 Gospel: John 20.1-18

19th Service of the word 2nd Sunday of Easter Acts 2.14,22-32 1 Peter 1.3-9 Gospel: John 20.19-end

26th Holy Communion 3rd Sunday of Easter Acts 2.14.36-41 1 Peter 1.17-23 Gospel: Luke 24.13-35


6th Ashton Scouts Meeting nights Working together to support our young people All meetings at the Scout Hut, Cranbourne Road

Beaver Scouts Ages 6 to 8yrs Tuesday 6.30pm- 8pm

Cub Scouts Ages 8 to 10 ½yrs Monday 7pm - 8.30pm Thursday 6.15pm-7.45pm

Scouts Ages 10 ½ to 14yrs Wednesday 7pm - 9pm Leader: Mark Fish: 07931 765121

Explorer Scouts Ages 14 - 18yrs Friday 7pm - 9pm

Group Scout Leader: Mark Lomas Tel 07747127226


Canon Johnson Sunday School Elizabeth Travis 0161 339 3681 Sunday School meet every Sunday 10.30am -11.45am except the second Sunday of the month and school holidays. Everyone welcome


7th Ashton Guide Unit

All meetings at Canon Burrows School on Monday Night Rainbows 5.30pm 5 to 7yrs Jackie Buckley 0161 612 0746

Brownies 6.30pm 7 to 10yrs Rachel Hindle 0161 330 7789

Guides 7.30pm 10 to 14yrs

Young Leaders 14 to 18yrs

Female and Male Adult Helpers/Leaders 18 to 65 years Contact Colleen 0161 336 2922 [email protected]

Church Lads & Girls Brigade Meeting Night: All Sections Canon Burrows school Thursday evening 6.30pm-9pm

Martins & Y Team Ages 5 to 9yrs JTC & Seniors - 10yrs upwards Band Practice Contact: Janet & Pete Davies 370 2638 Mob: 07957 333994 Email: [email protected]


Money saving/making tips from Tracy

My moto is “look after the and the pounds come rolling in”, I think I got this from one of my Nana’s. My tip this month is to log everything you spend and then you can see where you may be over spending and where you could save some money. It could be that you didn’t realise how many times you went to the local coffee shop each week, or the amount it adds up to!! By looking at your weekly or monthly outgoings you can analyse and see what you have to pay out, I.e. gas, electric, phone etc, but you can also see where you could be wasting money. Spreadsheets are great for this as you can sort the rows into alphabetical order and then see where you go the most. If not a piece of paper and a pencil works just as well. There is a bank account with TSB called “Save the Pennies” How it works—Register for Save the Pennies and every time you make a purchase with your TSB Visa debit card, they round up the amount you spent to the nearest pound. They then transfer the difference into your nominated TSB savings account the next working day. You can cancel or change the nominated savings account online or by visiting your local TSB branch. Tracy (Editor)



I’m going on holiday, soon she said, To laze and sleep and drink for free. Sunshine is my only goal, Gives succour to the weary soul. I won’t walking all the while, Not for me that endless mile. A daily walk around the shops, And many, many coffee stops. I’ll maybe read a page or two, From that new book I got from you. I’m not inclined to use my phone, It’s out of sight, and all alone. I have no time to keep in touch, The time I have, is not enough. A slow stroll to the beach each day, My coffee stop, along the way. It’s all of twenty yards, says she, A bit too far for little me. This lazy person you may say, Who has no thought what other say? Mossing along at no great speed, Of those around, she takes no heed. Alone and full of self is she, Excuse me now, IT’S TIME FOR ME.

Christos 7-11-19 May Foreman