tecf 6y^ IsS Zs^V^ v v V V N Embroidery design for butterflies for use lines in on wo ist.B, lingerie, children's etc. the butterflies should clothes, ATI the METHOD OF TRANSFERRING. bo outlined, or if n handsomer single with French stem or development is desired cover tlie lines D^solve a half of whipping stitch. On lingerie materials the dots in teaspoonful washing powder or a small piece of soap in tv/o-thirda of a glass of Ijc&vorked in the wings of the butterflies could "crater. To this a eyelet. If the butterflies axe embroidered in add tablespoonful of ammonia. Place the material on which the transfer is to be made SET*iuimJ should colors, shades that liunnonizp on a Uo wed. xyifch the biie^ hard, onrooth surface, Saturate the back of the design with the al>ove solution, pla^e the design f«co down on the material, laying a stieet of thick paper over the back of the hold with one and design; ?irm'.y &and with the bowl of a Bpoca pib, with pressure, fronl vou. By following these diregions barefulljf some years ago in Paris, and appears' in one when it suits her and Iier cos- place. Th* two tutne. Yeomen of the Guard Incidentally, she :;iys tl.e < .1- JOIN lift the brass platter from the table ored is to IN wis be regarded merely a.- OBSERVANCE ami inarch to the head the a of lino of matter of decoration, rather than a artitlcial women. They are followed by the hair. Just as fine changes the lord the HUbalinoner and II mi U f itnl. style of coiffure or high almoner, coiffure ornaments. OF MAUNDY their y<.retaries: the latter in court Artiiiicial hair should bo as THURSDAY Orange? Corn Flakes care¬ anil, aloitK the line, th« J .aeon i tareil for as I di»ss, passing a: f.'-'Ks; Hot Hulls fully one's own tresses doles of about i -'t Coffc? K'< ep it well brushed out for ventiIn- money, representinfij tion's sake and Celebration at Courts Will Iieen duly scrubbed, first by laun¬ in ta'tt lj Hi i111'1 silver, are handed l>v pehfectly clean. The Be' of tha l.unchron "foundation" or roll dresses, and then l y the lord high al¬ the lord liiuh almoner to each Lamb should never lie With moner. and Chops allowed to mat. It should be Considerable Pomp In fart. Quern Bess's wash- recipients in turn, in antique red link <M cleatueii was with Polit tors with attitnonia dr ing restrb'tod to pouring a drop white kid purses, embroidered J-li' i water, with water and d T1 .;[!.' toi s xv a Ceremony. of scented water on their the crown A third anthem Is r.-u:: i111 few drops of nnphth.a In it. at fi-et. which ro>al Cal.e least once a itv i.a nr. she thereupon touched wiili a sung, and then there is a second dlf- month, and It should be rovn:\oY. napkin, who I Mnnrr. liftfd from the head at intervals dur¬ crossed, and kissed tribution, this time to tho men, f:0!:¦- i will be observed to-day receive their with the V-'1. Chicken ing the day to relieve pressure on Nowadays the of feet has each purse by the courts of Austria. Spain, washing a f->r the Spinach actl the head and permit the air to circu¬ MAUNDY j boon done away with It. Thereupon, with prayer Kim: l\tiiditid MvmI Hrk HavaHa and England, with a: completely and Queen and for the royal family, Pom tors late through it and the halt it presses c nnsidei ;i>»Jamount of old-time Kngland, and the Maur.dy ceremony til'"". pomp and a benediction by tho Dean of Prult Salad and cei < !in.'?iy, vlnle the Kaiser and to-day will be restricted to the dis¬ Lenson Pic Coffee the j tribution of the Westminster, I he Maundy ceremony at other monar<hs and members of royal Maundy dole In an end. lli< J Westminster Abbey. The Westminster Abbey comes to reigning houses who belong to aged recip-i The first one hears of Maundy Macaroong .should n«»v«'r hr thrown ihc 'ierman, Dutch and J ients, carefully selected, correspond in] :.\vav v. The Finest Resort Thursday in Kngland Is in the. reign I en not used, as th«-y may Hotel churches of i lie ProtestantScandinavian! number in the case of each sex, with i rvj!. '*': denomina¬ of King Alfred, who performed not ui f-d to flavor cum arris, In the tion. invariably make a of the age of King Oeorge, that is to say, j c!' mi: s- '. let; World point le-j only the washing' of the feet ceremony, n cam reiving Communion on this Thursday forty-nine, and both men and women! of the Has been built at Sunset before Easter. will be dressed in lilack. On tho toil also the distribution Maundy doors of the gifts at Arundel Castle, now tho An¬ N. At ih* abbey being: opened, they of Norfolk. Mountain, Asheville, C. Vienna aged Emperor, as¬ will be conducted to their cestral home of the Oultes sisted the a place by taken Absolutely Fireproof, Open All the Yesr by rub dukes and the lend¬ the vergers, and will till the Much controversy has place An u:4 f«:ii>lo!j>-U I»n--wnlta flvr f>c ing ecclesiastical and secular digni¬ row of in lowestj about the term Maundy. Some bellovo .f Ri«Oitr thlcH, taries of seats! the choir, forming two liouiilem. VVntxr from h'.oii»h o.' Austria-Hungary, will go columns, from the it to have its origin in the Latin "Dies tii|(iii:iit luoilDtain ee»t of UotfclCH; nil.* ntnl through the of reaching organ to when Christ broke bread cre.-.ui tiiippHrd rtcliiriidly by l)ii;;u>:« ceremony washing and the sacrarlum. < »n one side wo¬ mandati," 0*1 ifs on hissing the feet of the with his them catatf of Oeorj!- W. Vaiiileibllt; twelve poor men, at men will be seated and on disciples, commanding " .!o«-st ,-tilf .ink* in the SdKii uiljoiii lluitl. the Hofburg, who will be the other to do so in remembrance of Mlm. How art your bowels?" No tu -qulto*. Alr.njn cool sent back side the men. This b linked. enougt- *.^f at the close of the ceremonies to their To the Others insist that tho term Is derived Wllte for peals of the organ the pro- is generally the first question rstM t:A lltcrilttK, homes, In imperial court carriages, cession will j from the old Saxon word "maund," laden with appear, entering through a the gifts of money, of cloth- the nave to the choir. It which, originally denoting; basket, doctor asks. He knows CROVE PARK INN mg and of food. will bo tamo to or headed by the beadle of the signify any girt offering that Sunsci Mountain, Asheville, iN. C. At Madrid the will he abbey, made therein. This interpretation is headaches, bilious attacks, ceremony per¬ bearing the mace. Following him are formed with an eoual amount of me- the countenanced by Shakespeare, who dievnl royal scarlet-habited choristers, tr of her indigestion, impure blood, axe rlWptelte l<v Alfonso XIII. and grow n members ot which speaks "a thousand favors from i.uteon VJna. the latter are official-1 maund she drew." The poet Drayton often due to a liver. washing and ly termned th« "Oentlemen and Cliil- I sluggish hi;.sing the feel of twelve old wo- dren of the speaks of "a little maund being made Ask him if he men, and her Chapel Boyal." These fall of osieis small," while llerrlck refers approves of husband the feet of Into their regular places as the twelve old men. pro- to tho word as a basket, tn his lines: Pills King Ixnita of Ha- cession advances. Next come three j Ayer's varla will go through identically tho clergjmen "Dehold for us the naked (Jraces stay, ,U .1 same bearing bouquets, the colors' ceremony as those at Vienna and of which are With maunds of roses for to etrew invariably red, white the Madrid, while the Cardinal Vicar of yellow. Following them is and] way." Koine has. since the the gor- | In all tho pictures showing the the continemetjt of geot'sly apparelled sergeant-major of l'ope at the Vatican, been dele- the Yeomen of ihe Ciuard. j Kaiser with members of his suite, there THE rated by him to fulfil the All are invariably seen a couple of of¬ REINACH ceremony eyes are directed to the C0.,lnc. of feet washing in his next! ficers, each with si silver sash place. comers and their crossing At the court burden. These are the breast from tho shoulder to 107 E. .BROAD STREET. of ,st. .lames Ihe «c- two gigantic Yeomen of the tho .".lurjjcr.v IV «»:.!I cereinotiv of feet Guard, hip. These are his "flugel adjutants," to (.riTii AA" i washing by the carrying shoulder high an immense MILLIHERY.V/omen's and sovereign has been abandoned since brass from the that is to say, orderly olllcers In wait¬ the platter, edge of which and two of are Misses' Outer Apparel. uru ». i';i reign of .lames II., who was the. in a ing, them all the time li of pror>n a lid Fagfc Ifii last HriU;-h depend, perfect eir< le.
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