Menno Boys Double up Marion 2

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Menno Boys Double up Marion 2 PAGE 8 PRESS & DAKOTAN n TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 2012 YANKTON EVENTS COLLEGE EVENTS RADIO & TELEVISION Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Girls’ BB: Lennox at Vermillion KVTK-AM 7:30 p.m. Men’s BB: USD at NDSU KYBB-FM, Midco Sports Net JAN. 21 FRIDAY JAN. 20 THURSDAY SATURDAY JAN. 19 7:30 p.m. Girls’ BB: YHS at Brookings KVHT-FM Friday at East-West HURON MITCHELL at S.D. State at N.D. State IUPUI 7:30 p.m. Boys’ BB: Brookings at YHS KYNT-AM 7:30 p.m. Boys’ BB: YHS at Huron KYNT-AM, KVHT-FM Monday Duals, Pierre 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7 p.m. 7:45 p.m. Boys’ BB: Vermillion at Lennox KVTK-AM 7 p.m. Women’s BB: USD at S.D. StateKYBB-FM, Midco Sports Net 11 a.m. Wednesday BUCKS WRESTLING COYOTES MEN’S BASKETBALL / Tickets 605-677-5959 3:30 p.m. P&D Sports Chat Saturday 6 p.m. Women’s BB: Morningside at MMC KVHT-FM 2 p.m. Women’s BB: Doane at MMC KVTK-AM JAN. 21 8 p.m. Men’s BB: Morningside at MMC KVHT-FM 3:30 p.m. Girls’ BB: S.F. Lincoln at YHS KVHT-FM TODAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SATURDAY MONDAY 3:30 p.m. Boys’ BB: YHS at S.F. Lincoln KYNT-AM WESTERN BROOKINGS HURON at S.F. Lincoln at N.D. State at S.D. State Thursday 4 p.m. Men’s BB: Doane at MMC KVTK-AM ILLINOIS 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 5 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. Men’s BB: USD at S.D. State KYBB-FM, Midco Sports Net. 5 p.m. Women’s BB: USD at NDSU KYBB-FM, Midco Sports Net OTHER EVENTS 5 p.m. Hockey BUCKS BOYS’ BASKETBALL COYOTES WOMEN’S BASKETBALL / Tickets 605-677-5959 YANKTON BOYS: Friday, vs. Sioux Center, 8 p.m.; Sunday, at Watertown, 4 p.m. WEDNESDAY NEWS & NOTES MONDAY JAN. 19 JAN. 23 SATURDAY JAN. 18 YANKTON BOYS’ JV: Friday, vs. Sioux Center, 6 p.m.; Sunday, at Water- MORNING- town, 2 p.m. S.F. WASH. at Vermillion S.F. O’G DOANE at Dordt Cimpl has been with the Tigers for two seasons. Prior SIDE Cimpl Named DWU Football Coach YANKTON BANTAM: Saturday, ‘A’ at Aberdeen, 3 p.m.; Sunday, ‘A’ at Ab- 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 4 p.m. 8 p.m. to coming to Dakota Wesleyan, Cimpl spent three years as 8 p.m. MITCHELL (AP) — Dakota Wesleyan University has erdeen, 10 a.m.; ‘B’ at Mitchell, 4:30 p.m. named defensive coordinator Ross Cimpl as the Tigers’ an assistant coach at the University of Sioux Falls while YANKTON PEEWEE: Sunday, ‘A’ at Watertown, noon; ‘B’ at Watertown, 10 GAZELLES GYMNASTICS LANCERS MEN’S BASKETBALL new head football coach. pursuing a master’s degree in business administration, a.m. JAN. 17 WEDNESDAY A Wagner native, Cimpl had been acting head football which he received in February 2010. TODAY SATURDAY SATURDAY JAN. 18 Swimming S.F. MORNING- In a news release, Cimpl, a Wagner native, says he is at Brookings S.F. LINCOLN DOANE at Dordt coach after Brad Pole resigned from the position Dec. 8 YANKTON YOUTH: Saturday, at South Sioux City Sharks Meet ROOSEVELT SIDE excited for the opportunity to lead the Tigers. 7:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 2 p.m. 4 p.m. after leading the team to a 6-4 season. 7:30 p.m. 6 p.m. Athletic director Curt Hart announced Cimpl’s appoint- DWU president Bob Duffett says Cimpl will be able to Track & Field take the football program to the next level. USD: Saturday, Alumni Meet GAZELLES GIRLS’ BASKETBALL LANCERS WOMEN’S BASKETBALL ment Monday. MMC: Saturday, at Dordt Invitational ■ ■ Home Games Appear In White, Road / Neutral Site Games Appear In Gray Report a score: Call 605-665-7811, ext. 106 or 800-743-2968 after 4 p.m. Fax: 605-665-1721 E-mail: [email protected] SCOREBOARD AREA CALENDAR SWIMMING Lexie, Vermillion 2:36.85 Kinsley, Jenna Trail, Adrienne Kusek, Susanna SOUTH DAKOTA BOYS Tuesday, January 10 Parker; Hartington at Randolph; Lennox at Vermillion (7:30 BASKETBALL, BOYS’ 9TH YHS at S.F. Lincoln (DH, noon) BOYS’ 12-UNDER Kinsley) 2:10.66; 4, Yankton ‘B’ (Emily Buttolph, Ethan 61, Wessington Springs 41 BASKETBALL, BOYS’ Brookings at YHS (7:30 p.m., p.m., KVTK-AM); Marion at Freeman; Menno vs. Bridgewater- BASKETBALL, GIRLS’ S.F. Lincoln at YHS (3:30 p.m., YANKTON TRI-STATE INDOOR 50 BACKSTROKE: 2, Paulson, Jay, Yank- Kendra Hunhoff, Julie Dewitt, Brianna Geigle) Hanson 54, Parkston 40 KYNT-AM); Alcester-Hudson vs. Irene-Wakonda at Wakonda; Emery at Bridgewater; Parkston at Wagner KVHT-FM); Big Sioux Conf. at Beresford (Beresford, Dakota Saturday at Summit Center ton 36.09; 5, Sweeney, John, Vermillion 43.25; 2:35.17; 6, Yankton ‘C’ (Reid Hunhoff, Kelsey Lyman 62, Colome 43 Bloomfield at Newcastle; Canistota at Gayville-Volin; Chester WRESTLING, PREP Alcester-Hudson Quad (Alcester- Valley, Elk Point-Jefferson); Hanson Classic (Centerville, Free- BOYS’ 6-UNDER 9, Lavin, Hunter, Vermillion 47.75; 14, Harris, Keegan, Tara Richardson, Kathie Herrera) Madison 44, West Central 39 Area at Centerville; Dakota Valley at Beresford; Dell Rapids St. Hudson, Beresford); Creighton-Verdigre at Norfolk Catholic; man, Parkston, Scotland, Wagner); Rosebud Shootout at Mis- 50 FREESTYLE: 1, Sternadori, Raphael, Nic, Vermillion 54.94; 15, Merchen, Tim, Yank- 2:55.54 Menno 38, Marion 19 Mary at Parker; Elk Point-Jefferson at Lennox; Flandreau In- Hartington Cedar Catholic/West Holt at Crofton sion (Marty); Andes Central at Scotland; Bancroft-Rosalie at Vermillion 54.78 ton 59.33; 16, Wuestewald, Francisco, Yankton BOYS’ 15-16 dian at Marty; Freeman at Parkston; Laurel-Concord-Coleridge Friday, January 13 Allen; Bloomfield vs. Irene-Wakonda at Wakonda; Creighton at GIRLS’ 6-UNDER 1:10.76; 17, Trail, Ryan, Yankton 1:17.77 100 BACKSTROKE: 1, Krier, Jacob, Vermil- at Wayne; Marion at Freeman Academy; Platte-Geddes vs. BASKETBALL, BOYS’ YHS at Huron (7:30 p.m., KYNT- Laurel-Concord-Coleridge; Crofton at Neligh-Oakdale; Free- 50 FREESTYLE: 1, Kolberg, Bryn, Yankton 50 BREASTSTROKE: 6, Lavin, Hunter, Ver- lion 1:05.00 SOUTH DAKOTA GIRLS Tripp-Delmont-Armour at Armour; Randolph at West Holt; San- AM, KVHT-FM); Andes Central at Scotland; Bancroft-Rosalie man Academy at Dakota Christian; Hartington at Osmond; Hart- 1:20.77 million 48.49; 8, Bunnis, Layne, Yankton 49.46; 100 BREASTSTROKE: 1, Kelly, Joseph, Avon 77, Mt. Vernon 26 tee at Winside; South Central at Wagner; Vermillion at Bon at Allen; Bridgewater-Emery at Menno; Creighton at Laurel- ington Cedar Catholic at Pierce; Newcastle at Homer; BOYS’ 7-8 10, Hunhoff, Walker, Yankton 52.68; 11, Yankton 1:11.08; 3, Krier, Jacob, Vermillion Beresford 56, Tri-Valley 41 Homme; Wakefield at Ponca; Wynot at Niobrara-Verdigre Concord-Coleridge; Crofton at Neligh-Oakdale; Freeman at Niobrara-Verdigre at Lynch; Platte-Geddes vs. Tripp-Delmont- 100 FREESTYLE: 1, Stredde, Reilly, Yank- Sweeney, John, Vermillion 53.90; 16, Harris, Nic, 1:21.91 Castlewood 55, Elkton-Lake Benton 47 BASKETBALL, BOYS’ JV Brookings at YHS (4 p.m.) Marion; Hartington at Osmond; Hartington Cedar Catholic at Armour at Armour; Ponca at Emerson-Hubbard; Santee at St. ton 1:47.71 Vermillion 1:05.04; 18, Trail, Ryan, Yankton 100 BUTTERFLY: 1, Krier, Jacob, Vermillion Corsica/Stickney 48, Platte-Geddes 40 BASKETBALL, BOYS’ SOPH Brookings at YHS (5:45 Pierce; Newcastle at Homer; Niobrara-Verdigre at Lynch; San- Edward; Wausa at Randolph; Winnebago at Wynot GIRLS’ 7-8 1:11.97 1:10.80 Ethan 74, Wessington Springs 37 p.m.) tee at St. Edward; Vermillion at Lennox (7:45 p.m., KVTK-AM); BASKETBALL, GIRLS’ JV S.F. Lincoln at YHS (noon) 50 FREESTYLE: 1, Allison, Tally, Vermillion 50 BUTTERFLY: 4, Bunnis, Layne, Yankton 50 FREESTYLE: 1, Krier, Jacob, Vermillion Freeman 50, Bon Homme 35 BASKETBALL, BOYS’ 9TH Brookings at YHS (4 p.m.) Wausa at Randolph; Winnebago at Wynot BASKETBALL, GIRLS’ SOPH S.F. Lincoln at YHS (1:45 43.48; 2, Paulson, Audrey, Yankton 45.43; 3, 43.25; 8, Hunhoff, Walker, Yankton 57.43 25.51 Gettysburg 54, Stanley County 46 BASKETBALL, GIRLS’ YHS at Brookings (7:30 p.m., BASKETBALL, BOYS’ JV YHS at Huron (4 p.m.) p.m.) Schott, Emma, Yankton 45.90; 4 Granaas, An- 200 FREESTYLE RELAY: 2, Yankton (Ryan 100 FREESTYLE: 1, Krier, Jacob, Vermillion Lake Preston 62, Iroquois 28 KVHT-FM); Bloomfield at Newcastle; Bon Homme vs. South BASKETBALL, BOYS’ SOPH YHS at Huron (5:45 p.m.) BASKETBALL, GIRLS’ 9TH S.F. Lincoln at YHS (DH, nika, Vermillion 52.77 Trail, Walker Hunhoff, Layne Bunnis, Jay Paul- 55.09 Parker 64, Irene-Wakonda 51 Central at Bonesteel; Canistota at Gayville-Volin; Elk Point-Jef- BASKETBALL, BOYS’ 9TH YHS at Huron (DH, 4 p.m.) noon) 100 FREESTYLE: 1, Paulson, Audrey, son) 2:44.80 GIRLS’ 15-16 Rapid City Christian 54, Oelrichs 41 ferson at Harrisburg; Flandreau Indian at Marty; Laurel-Con- BASKETBALL, GIRLS’ Big Sioux Conf. at Colton and Dell GYMNASTICS, PREP Madison Tourn. (Wagner) Yankton 1:49.90 100 INDIVIDUAL MEDLEY: 4, Lavin, 100 BACKSTROKE: 3, Kinsley, Susanna, Rosholt 67, Florence/Henry 61 cord-Coleridge at Wayne; Madison at Vermillion (7:30 p.m., Rapids (Beresford, Dakota Valley, Elk Point-Jefferson); Andes HOCKEY, BANTAM Yankton A at Aberdeen (3 p.m.) BOYS’ 8-UNDER Hunter, Vermillion 1:37.62; 10, Harris, Nic, Ver- Yankton 1:14.59; 6, Keegan, Kelsey, Yankton Sioux Falls Christian 68, Tea Area 28 KVTK-AM); Marion at Freeman Academy; Randolph at West Central at Scotland; Bancroft-Rosalie at Allen; Bloomfield vs.
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    TABLE OF CONTENTS VANCOUVER CANUCKS TABLE OF CONTENTS Company Directory . 2 Vancouver Canucks Playoff Schedule. .3 Rogers Arena Media Information. .4 800 Griffiths Way CANUCKS HOCKEY OPS EXECUTIVE Vancouver, British Columbia Mike Gillis, Victor de Bonis, Laurence Gilman Canada V6B 6G1 Lorne Henning . .5 Tel: 604.899.4600 Stan Smyl, Dave Gagner, Eric Crawford, Fax: 604.899.4640 Jonathan Wall, Ron Delorme, Thomas Gradin. .6 Website: COACHING STAFF Alain Vigneault. .7 Media Relations Secured Site: Rick Bowness, Newell Brown, Rink Dimensions. 200 Feet by 85 Feet Darryl Williams, Roland Melanson, Club Colours. Blue, White & Green Roger Takahashi, Glenn Carnegie. .8 Seating Capacity. 18,860 CANUCKS PlaYOFF ROster. .9 Minor League Affiliation. Manitoba Moose (AHL), Victoria Salmon Kings (ECHL) Radio Affiliation. .Team 1040 CANUCKS SEASON IN REVIEW 2010.11 Final Team Scoring. 10 Media Relations Hotline. 604.899.4995 2010.11 Injury/Transactions. 11 Media Relations Fax. .604.899.4640 2010.11 Game Notes. 12 Ticket Info & Customer Service. .604.899.4625 2010.11 Schedule & Results. 14 Automated Information Line . .604.899.4600 2010.11 Cumulative Game Stats. 16 2010.11 Final Team Notes. 18 2010.11 Highs & Lows . 19 THE PLAYERS WISER’S CENTRE ICE GRILL RESTAURANT VIEW SEAT S Andrew Alberts. 20 Keith Ballard. 22 Kevin Bieksa. 24 Alex Burrows . .26 Alex Edler. 28 Christian Ehrhoff. 30 Tanner Glass. 32 Dan Hamuis. .34 Jannik Hansen. .36 Chris Higgins. 38 Ryan Kesler . 40 Maxim Lapierre. .42 Roberto Luongo . 44 Manny Malhotra. 46 Mason Raymond. 48 Aaron Rome. 50 Sami Salo. .52 Mikael Samuelsson . .54 Cory Schneider.
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