SVE Exempted Products (13.11.2015)

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SVE Exempted Products (13.11.2015) Generation Date: 13.11.2015 List of Small Volume Exemption Products 已獲小量豁免產品名單 Total Number of SVE products: 16,035 (已獲小量豁免產品總數): Brand Name (in Product Name (in Chinese) Brand Name (in English) Product Name (in English) Exemption End Date Effective Date for Exemption No. Chinese) 產品名稱 (中文) 品牌名稱 (英文) 產品名稱 (英文) (豁免終止日期) Revocation of (豁免編號) 品牌名稱 (中文) Exemption (豁免撤銷生效日期) 香港賽馬會 佳節喜悅 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Seasonal Delights 2016/11/30 N/A 15-007657 香港賽馬會 節日環保健康之旅 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Healthy & Organic 2016/11/30 N/A 15-007628 香港賽馬會 溫馨暖意 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Joyous Surprise 2016/11/30 N/A 15-007627 香港賽馬會 華麗雅頌 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Noel Deluxe 2016/11/30 N/A 15-007626 LA FERME 斑戟及窩夫粉(楓樹黑森林味) - 500克 LA FERME MARTINETTE Pancake & Waffle Mix-MAPLE BLACK FORREST (500g) 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007625 MARTINETTE Nil 熊本熊鹽味糖 Kumamon KUMAMON SALT CANDY 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007624 Nil Nil Pierre Herme Paris ASSORTIMENT DE TRUFFES - 28 PIECES 2016/11/30 N/A 15-007591 Nil Nil Pierre Herme Paris ASSORTIMENT DE TRUFFES - 20 PIECES 2016/11/30 N/A 15-007590 Nil Nil Pierre Herme Paris ASSORTIMENT DE TRUFFES - 12 PIECES 2016/11/30 N/A 15-007589 Nil Nil Pierre Herme Paris CAKE PAIN D'EPICES AZUR 2016/11/30 N/A 15-007588 Nil Nil Pierre Herme Paris CAKE INFINIMENT CITRON 2016/11/30 N/A 15-007587 Nil Nil Pierre Herme Paris CAKE ISPAHAN 2016/11/30 N/A 15-007586 Nil Nil Pierre Herme Paris CAKE CHOCOLAT & PRALINE 2016/11/30 N/A 15-007585 Nil Nil Pierre Herme Paris ASSORTIMENT DE BONBONS CHOCOLAT 2016/11/30 N/A 15-007584 Nil Nil Pierre Herme Paris ASSORTIMENT DE BONBONS CHOCOLAT 2016/11/30 N/A 15-007583 Nil Nil Pierre Herme Paris ASSORTIMENT DE BONBONS CHOCOLAT 2016/11/30 N/A 15-007582 Nil Nil Pierre Herme Paris ASSORTIMENT DE BONBONS CHOCOLAT 2016/11/30 N/A 15-007581 Nil Nil Pierre Herme Paris ASSORTIMENT DE BONBON CHOCOLAT AU MACARON 2016/11/30 N/A 15-007580 (BOITE DE 20 PIECES) Nil Nil Pierre Herme Paris ASSORTIMENT DE BONBON CHOCOLAT AU MACARON 2016/11/30 N/A 15-007579 (BOITE DE 12 PIECES) Nil Nil Pierre Herme Paris ASSORTIMENT DE PH CUBES 2016/11/30 N/A 15-007578 Nil Nil Pierre Herme Paris PREPARATION POUR CHOCOLAT A BOIRE 2016/11/30 N/A 15-007577 Nil Nil Pierre Herme Paris ASSORTIMENT DE NOUGATINES ENROBEES 2016/11/30 N/A 15-007576 Nil Nil Pierre Herme Paris MENDIANTS CHOCOLAT NOIR 2016/11/30 N/A 15-007575 Nil Nil Pierre Herme Paris CARRES DE CHOCOLAT MADAGASCAR PLANTATION 2016/11/30 N/A 15-007574 MILLOT Nil Nil Pierre Herme Paris GRANOLA ISPAHAN 2016/11/30 N/A 15-007573 Nil Nil Pierre Herme Paris CARAMELS ISPAHAN 2016/11/30 N/A 15-007572 Nil Nil Pierre Herme Paris CARAMELS AU BEURRE SALE 2016/11/30 N/A 15-007571 Nil Nil Argal Lberico Chorizo 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007538 Nil Nil Argal Salchichon lberico 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007537 Nil 促孕雞泡腸湯包 Y's RECIPES Nil 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007528 Nil 白花膠冬蟲草螺頭紅棗湯包 Y's RECIPES Nil 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007527 Nil 紐西蘭花膠王燉螺頭杞子湯 Y's RECIPES Nil 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007526 Nil 清腸排毒去水腫豆齋湯 Y's RECIPES Nil 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007525 Nil 潤喉之寶[飛機外遊版] Y's RECIPES Nil 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007524 Nil 美顏燕窩糖水 Y's RECIPES Nil 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007523 Nil 養生滋補螺頭焗湯 Y's RECIPES Nil 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007522 Nil 即焗速效營養水 Y's RECIPES Nil 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007521 Nil 健脾去濕焗茶 Y's RECIPES Nil 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007520 Nil 補氣血三棗茶 Y's RECIPES Nil 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007519 Nil 排毒瘦身小玉米湯粥 Y's RECIPES Nil 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007518 Nil 去水腫修身代茶 Y's RECIPES Nil 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007517 Nil 山楂杞子圓肉消滯降脂茶 Y's RECIPES Nil 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007516 Nil Nil LE FOURNIL BOULANGERIE CUTE & FUN 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007462 ET PATISSERIE Nil Nil LE FOURNIL BOULANGERIE ELEGANCE 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007461 ET PATISSERIE Nil Nil LE FOURNIL BOULANGERIE UK 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007460 ET PATISSERIE Nil Nil LE FOURNIL BOULANGERIE LOVE 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007459 ET PATISSERIE Nil Nil Innate Response Formulas Inflama-Complete 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007458 山內 山內甜薯忌廉蛋卷 Yamauchi Yamauchi Sweet potato bean paste Roll Cake 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007448 山内 山內栗子忌廉蛋卷 Yamauchi Yamauchi Marron bean paste Roll Cake 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007447 甜心 甜心Rilakkuma裝飾 Heart Heart Rilakkuma Tyokinbako 2016/12/31 N/A 15-007446 甜心 甜心Rilakkuma 朱古力 Heart Heart Rilakkuma Tedukuri Choco 2016/12/31 N/A 15-007445 甜心 甜心Rilakkuma錢箱 Heart Heart Rilakkuma Kagi Tsuki Can 2016/12/31 N/A 15-007444 甜心 甜心Rilakkuma 金幣朱古力 Heart Heart Rilakkuma Can Badge & Coin Gift 2016/12/31 N/A 15-007443 甜心 甜心Rilakkuma包裝朱古力 Heart Heart Rilakkuma Kaogata Choco Pack 2016/12/31 N/A 15-007442 柏寧桂花馬蹄糕 桂花馬蹄糕 Park Lane Water Chestnut Water Chestnut Pudding with Osmanthus Flower 2016/11/30 N/A 15-007441 Pudding with Osmanthus Flower Nil 鹿兒島産調味炸豬扒 Maruha Nichiro KAGOSHIMA SAUCE FRIED PORK 2016/06/30 N/A 15-007440 Nil 雪印軟紅花半植物牛油 Megmilk snow brand NEO SOFT SAFFLOWER 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007439 重久盛 整腸黑醋 Marushige Gen-Kiss 2016/11/30 N/A 15-007438 小林農場黑大豆水煮 黑大豆水煮 Nil Nil 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007437 資生堂 Parlour 酒釀朱古力蛋糕 SHISEIDO Parlour CARREDOUX 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007436 資生堂 Parlour 吉士布甸 SHISEIDO Parlour Custard Pudding 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007435 資生堂 Parlour 花椿曲奇 SHISEIDO Parlour Hanatsubaki Biscuit 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007434 資生堂 Parlour 花椿曲奇 SHISEIDO Parlour Hanatsubaki Biscuit 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007433 資生堂 Parlour 聖誕限定甘脆朱古力禮盒 SHISEIDO Parlour Christmas Sweets 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007432 資生堂 Parlour 芝士蛋糕 SHISEIDO Parlour Cheese Cake 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007431 資生堂 Parlour 白蘭地蛋糕 SHISEIDO Parlour Brandy Cake 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007430 健康工房 姬松茸靈芝栗子烏雞湯 Healthworks Brazil Mushroom, Ganoderma, Chestnut & Silky Chicken Soup 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007429 Tega Organic Teas 有機南非國寶茶 馬薩拉柴18包 Tega Organic Teas Organic Tega Masala Chai Rooibos 18 Tea Bags 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007428 Tega Organic Teas 有機南非國寶茶 野莓綠茶18包 Tega Organic Teas Organic Tega Wildberry Green Rooibos 18 Tea Bags 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007427 Tega Organic Teas 有機南非國寶茶 檸檬洛神花綠茶18 Tega Organic Teas Organic Tega Lemon Hibiscus Green Rooibos 18 Tea Bags 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007426 包 Tega Organic Teas 有機南非國寶茶 橙味辣茶18包 Tega Organic Teas Organic Tega Orange Spice Rooibos 16 Tea Bags 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007425 Tega Organic Teas 有機南非國寶茶 巧克力薄荷18包 Tega Organic Teas Organic Tega Chocolate Mint Rooibos 18 Tea Bags 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007424 Tega Organic Teas 有機南非國寶茶 格雷伯爵茶18包 Tega Organic Teas Organic Tega Earl Grey Rooibos 18 Tea Bags 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007423 Tega Organic Teas 有機南非國寶茶 綠茶18包 Tega Organic Teas Organic Tega Pure Green Rooibos 18 Tea Bags 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007422 Tega Organic Teas 有機南非國寶茶 紅茶18包 Tega Organic Teas Organic Tega Pure Red Rooibos 18 Tea Bags 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007421 甜心 甜心Hello Kitty 朱古力盒 Heart Heart Chocola Hello Kitty Can 2016/12/31 N/A 15-007420 甜心 甜心Hello Kitty 金幣朱古力 Heart Heart Chocola Hello Kitty Can Badge & Coin 2016/12/31 N/A 15-007419 甜心 甜心Hello Kitty 包裝朱古力 Heart Heart Hello Kitty Kaogata Choco Pack 2016/12/31 N/A 15-007418 甜心 甜心玩具杯 Heart Heart Cute Tororin Parfait 2016/11/30 N/A 15-007417 柏寧櫻花蝦臘味芋頭糕 櫻花蝦臘味芋頭糕 Park Lane Savory Taro with Savory Taro with Preserved Meat & Dried Sakura Shrimps 2016/11/30 N/A 15-007398 Preserved Meat & Dried Sakura Pudding Shrimps Pudding 柏寧沖繩黑糖年糕 沖繩黑糖年糕 Park Lane Okinawa Brown Sugar Okinawa Brown Sugar Pudding 2016/11/30 N/A 15-007397 Pudding 隨意咖啡 創新冰釀 - 美食探險家 (咖啡粉) SIMPLII COFFEE Snow Mountain - Food Explorer (Grounds) 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007381 隨意咖啡 創新冰釀 - 原味 (咖啡粉) SIMPLII COFFEE Snow Mountain - Original (Grounds) 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007380 隨意咖啡 經典口味 - 棕式系列 (咖啡粉) SIMPLII COFFEE The Classics - The Brown (Grounds) 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007379 隨意咖啡 經典口味 - 綠式系列 (咖啡粉) SIMPLII COFFEE The Classics - The Green (Grounds) 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007378 有機天下 即食堅果枸杞燕麥杯 ORGANIC FOOD Instant Nuts Goji Berries Oat Cup 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007377 有機天下 即食红棗枸杞燕麥杯 ORGANIC FOOD Instant Red Jujubes Goji Berries Oat Cup 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007376 阿蘇澤西 阿蘇澤西朱古力醬餅(小) Aso jersey KUMAMOTO CHOCOLATE COOKIE (S) 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007375 Nil 自家製禮籃 Butterfield's Butterfield's Hamper 2016/11/30 N/A 15-007374 Nil 行政禮籃 Butterfield's The Executive Hamper 2016/11/30 N/A 15-007373 Nil 香草味糖 Kumamon HERBAL CANDY 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007372 Nil 黑糖 Kumamon KOKUTO CANDY 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007371 Nil 熊本什錦糖 Kumamon KUMAMOTO ASSORTED CANDY 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007370 Nil 小熊獸草莓曲奇 Kumamon KUMAMON STRAWBERRY COOKIE 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007369 阿蘇 阿蘇小国牛奶糖 ASO ASO OGUNI MILK CANDY 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007368 阿蘇 阿蘇小国澤西乳牛糖豆 ASO ASO OGUNI JERSEY DROP 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007367 童星 童星脆片柚子胡椒炸雞味 Baby Star Baby Star Fried Chicken Snack Citron Pepper Mayonnaise Flavour 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007366 童星 童星脆片醬油炸雞味 Baby Star Baby Star Fried Chicken Snack Soy Sauce Flavour 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007365 童星 童星點心麵闊條麵雜錦8包 Baby Star Baby Star Assorted Bag 8P 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007364 奧艾雪 奧艾雪法式脆麵包煙燻雞肉味 Oyatsu Oyatsu French Bread Smoked Chicken Tartar Flavour 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007363 奧艾雪 奧艾雪法式脆麵包洋蔥忌廉湯味 Oyatsu Oyatsu French Bread Onion Gratin Soup Flavour 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007362 日本Pokka 日本Pokka青提子汁 Pokka Sapporo Pokka Sapporo Sonomama Zukuri Chardonnay 500ml PET 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007361 日本Pokka 日本Pokka提子汁 Pokka Sapporo Pokka Sapporo Sonomama Zukuri Red Grape 280ml PET 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007360 日本Pokka 日本Pokka煎茶 Pokka Sapporo Pokka Sapporo Kaga Bo Roasted Tea 500ml PET 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007359 日本Pokka 日本Pokka蜜柑味忌廉梳打 Pokka Sapporo Pokka Sapporo Gabunomi Tangerine Float 500ml PET 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007358 日本Pokka 日本Pokka 蜜瓜忌廉梳打 Pokka Sapporo Pokka Sapporo Gabunomi Melon Cream Soda 500ml PET 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007357 Nil 紅燒魚柳 Nil Nil 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007347 Nil 風琴魷魚 Nil Nil 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007346 Nil 豬肉干 Nil Nil 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007345 Nil 九制陳皮 Nil Nil 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007344 Nil 辣金針魚 Nil Nil 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007343 Nil 齋雞粒 Nil Nil 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007342 Nil 菲律賓超甜芒果乾 Nil Philippine Dried Mango 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007341 Nil 話梅黃皮 Nil Nil 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007340 資生堂 Parlour 朱古力曲奇脆 SHISEIDO Parlour Chocolavion 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007338 Nil 味之素迷你免治吉列 AjinomotoF RENJI DE JYUCY MINI MENCHIKATSU 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007335 Nil Nil Innate Response Formulas Complete Multi Powder 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007329 Nil Nil Innate Response Formula C Complete Powder 2016/10/31 N/A 15-007328 甜心 甜心Rilakkuma 朱古力盒 Heart Heart Rilakkuma Sweet Heart Can 2016/12/31 N/A 15-007327 甜心 甜心Rilakkuma裝飾連朱古力 Heart Heart Rilakkuma Sweet Kmono Case 2016/12/31 N/A 15-007326 甜心 甜心貓貓朱古力盒 Heart Heart C.C.
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