Lunch Supper

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Lunch Supper WAWRAWDRADRD ROROORMOOMOM WAWRAWDRADRD ROROORMOOMOM NANMANEMAEME NANMANEMAEME lluluunnnccchhh MMoMnodnoadnyady1ay2 1 MoMMndooannydda1ayy21 sssuuuppppppeeerrr FILFLILFILINLILNthINethethe FILFLILFILINLILNthINethethe bobxoebxsoelxsikelesiktleihkiteshit-shi-s - bobxoebxsoelxsikelesiktleihkiteshit-shi-s - STSATSRATTRAETRRETSRESRalSal lwal lwalrwadrsadrs-dcs-hc-ohcoohsooesoeosneoenoene STSATSRATTRAETRRETSRESRalSal lwal lwalrwadrsadrs-dcs-hc-ohcoohsooesoeosneoenoene LeCreamekLe&ekp ofo&t chickenaptotasotou pssoupoup DS D D V V OrOrangeanOgreanju gjuiceiecejuice S D DRS DR GRF V Spring vegetable soup S D V RedOrangeRed lentil lentil juicebroth broth D D D GVF V V MMAIMANIANCINOCUOCRUOSRUESRSESSaElSal lwal lwalrwadrsadrs-dcs-hc-ohcoohsooesoeosneoenoene BeefLancashireBeef sandwich sandwich hotpot - white - white bread bread D D D GF TunaFishcakesTuna mayo mayo sandwich & parsley sandwich - sauce brown - brown bread breadS D DS D CoCheesettCagotetap gomeletteie pie S DS DS D GF V TomTaotmo aptaostpaapstraovpernocvaelnecale S D S D V V TuRoastnaTusna aporklasdal asaladd D D D GF ChBeefeCesh eesandwiche&sem&usmh ronuoso hwhitemroom breadeolemtteelette S D DS DGF GF MMAIMANIANCINOCUOCRUOSRUESRSESSaElSal lwal lwalrwadrsadrs-dcs-hc-ohcoohsooesoeosneoenoene Tuna mayo s’wich on brown bread S D chcohcoohsooesoeosneoenoene StSausageeaSkte&akki&d hotpotnkeiydnpei ey pie DS D D SaShepherdslmSoanlm&onbr& opiecbcro olci cboalki ebake DS D D GF MSMSMS ACACAOCMOCMOPAMPNAPINAMINMEINMETNESTNSaTlSal lwal lwalrwadrsadrs-dcs-hc-ohcoohsooesoeosneoenoene VeCountrygeVteagbeleta vegetablecbhleillci hilli pie DS DR DR GFRV V V GrGarvGayrvayvy DS D D CottCagotetacgheeecsheee&sech&ivcehsivseaslasdalad R R RV V vevgevegeteagtbealtbealsbelscehscohcoohsooesoeosneoenoene HaCornedmH&amto &mbeefatotom saladsa’twoisc ’hw-icwhh-itwehbirteabdreadD DR D R R CaGreenuClifalouwl ibeansfelorwer S D GF V EggHam Eggmayonaise & mayonaise tomato s’wich s’wich s’wich - onbrown -white brown bread bread breadS D DS D V V PeBabyasPea scarrots S D GF V PlaEgginPl oamayomineolem s’wichtteelette on brown bread S DS DSR D GR F R G VF MSMSMS cacrabcroabhrobyhodyhrdayrtdaertsaetscehscohcoohsooesoeosneoenoene MaCreamedsMheadshpeod tpotatoesaptotato S D GF V BaRoastbByarbo ayPotatoessrtopaostaptotato D V ACACAOCMOCMOPAMPNAPINAMINMEINMETNESTNSaTlSal lwal lwalrwadrsadrs-dcs-hc-ohcoohsooesoeosneoenoene GrGarvGayrvayvy DS D D DEDSEDSSEESSRESTRESTRSaTlSal lwal lwalrwadrsadrs-dcs-hc-ohcoohsooesoeosneoenoene vevgevegeteagtbealtbealsbelscehscohcoohsooesoeosneoenoene RiPeachceRpicued anddpiundg dpearsing S DS GFGVFGVF V BrBroccoliusBsreulsssperlosuptrsouts S D GF V CrSyrupèmCreèmc spongeaeracmarealmel S S S V SliSwedeceSdlicceadrrcoatsrrots S D GF V w w FrCustardesFhrefrsuhit fruit DS D DGF V G F V cacrabcroabhrobyhodyhrdayrtdaertsaetscehscohcoohsooesoeosneoenoene RaApplespRbaesr prbyerrirpyprleipmpleoumssoeusse S D DS D GF V MaCreamedsMheadshpeod tpotatoesaptotato S D GF V Fruit yoghurt S GF V WPotatohitWehriitc ewedgeserice S D GF V J1130/010911 ww J1130/010911 ww Ice cream S D V Cheese & biscuits D V DEDSEDSSEESSRESTRESTRSaTlSal lwal lwalrwadrsadrs-dcs-hc-ohcoohsooesoeosneoenoene CODCEOSD:ES: RhChocolateuRbahrubbacrbu mmoussecrbulemble S V V VMSMSMS S S oftSoft V V egVeetagreiatanrian wiRicethwCit upuddinghstCaurdstasraducseauce S DS S D GF V D D iabDeiatibcetic HeaHltheayltohpytiopntion CODES: GF GFlutGelnutferenefree FrOrangeuitFryuoigt hyuorgthurt D DR DGR F GFR G VF S Soft V Vegetarian Fruit yoghurt S GF V D Diabetic Healthy option FrIceesFh rcreamefrsuhitfruit DS DR D GR F R G VF GF Gluten free WWEWEKEKEK HaveHaveHave you you you missed missed missed a ameal? ameal? meal? WWEWEKEKEK OTWONOENE AreAreAre you you you still still still hungry? hungry? hungry? OTWONOENE InIn additionIn addition addition to to regular to regular regular meal meal meal service service service snack snack snack boxes boxes boxes and and and hot hot hotmeals meals meals are are arealso also also available. available. available. PleasePleasePlease ask ask askyour your your Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper or or Nursing or Nursing Nursing Staff Staff Staff who who who will will willbe be happybe happy happy to to assist. to assist. assist. WAWRAWDRADRD ROROORMOOMOM WAWRAWDRADRD ROROORMOOMOM NANMANEMAEME NANMANEMAEME lluluunnnccchhh MTuesdayoMndoanyd1a y2 1 MoMnTuesdaydoanyd1ay 1 2 sssuuuppppppeeerrr FILFLILFILINLILNthINethethe FILFLILFILINLILNthINethethe bobxoebxsoelxsikelesiktleihkiteshit-shi-s - bobxoebxsoelxsikelesiktleihkiteshit-shi-s - STSATSRATTRAETRRETSRESRalSal lwal lwalrwadrsadrs-dcs-hc-ohcoohsooesoeosneoenoene STSATSRATTRAETRRETSRESRalSal lwal lwalrwadrsadrs-dcs-hc-ohcoohsooesoeosneoenoene LeScotchekLe&ekp brotho&tapto tsoupasotoup soup DS D D V V OrOrangeanOgreanju gjuiceiecejuice S D DRS DR GRF V Leek & potato soup S D V RedOrangeRed lentil lentil juicebroth broth D D D GVF V V MMAIMANIANCINOCUOCRUOSRUESRSESSaElSal lwal lwalrwadrsadrs-dcs-hc-ohcoohsooesoeosneoenoene BeefChickenBeef sandwich sandwich & leek - pie white - white bread bread DS D D TunaBraisedTuna mayo mayoliver sandwich & sandwich onions - brown - brown bread breadS D DS D GF CoVegetablettCagotetapgie lasagnepie S DS DS D V TomTaotmo aptaostpaapstraovpernocvaelnecale S D S D V V TuTunanaTusn asaladalasdal ad D D D GF ChSaladeCeshee sandwiche&sem&usmhru oonsohm rwhiteoom ebreadolemtteelette S D DS D G F G VF MMAIMANIANCINOCUOCRUOSRUESRSESSaElSal lwal lwalrwadrsadrs-dcs-hc-ohcoohsooesoeosneoenoene Cheese savoury s’wich on brown bread S D chcohcoohsooesoeosneoenoene StMincedeaSkte&akk iBeef&dnkeiydnpeiey pie DS D D GF SaCheeselmSoanlm&o &nb rtomato&ocbcroolci c bomeletteoalki ebake DS D D GF V M S M SMS ACACAOCMOCMOPAMPNAPINAMINMEINMETNESTNSaTlSal lwal lwalrwadrsadrs-dcs-hc-ohcoohsooesoeosneoenoene VeChickengeVteagbeleta ccurrybhleillci h illi DS DR DR GFRV V GrGarvGayrvayvy DS D D CottCagotetacgheeecsheee&sech&ivcehsivseaslasdalad R R RV V vevgevegeteagtbealtbealsbelscehscohcoohsooesoeosneoenoene HaRoastmH&amt obeef&matot saladomsa’twoisc’hw-icwhh-itwehbirteabdreadD DR D GFR CaCabbageuClifalouwlifelorwer S D GF V EggTurkey Eggmayonaise mayonaise sandwich s’wich ons’wich white- brown - brownbread bread breadS D DS D V V PeMixedasPeas vegetables S D GF V PlaTunainPloa mimayoneolemt tes’wichelette on brown bread S DS DSR D GR F R G F MSMSMS cacrabcroabhrobyhodyhrdayrtdaertsaetscehscohcoohsooesoeosneoenoene MaCreamedsMheadshpeod tpotatoesaptotato S D GF V BaDicedbByarbo ayherbsrtopaos potatoestaptotato S D GF V ACACAOCMOCMOPAMPNAPINAMINMEINMETNESTNSaTlSal lwal lwalrwadrsadrs-dcs-hc-ohcoohsooesoeosneoenoene GrGarvGayrvayvy DS D D DEDSEDSSEESSRESTRESTRSaTlSal lwal lwalrwadrsadrs-dcs-hc-ohcoohsooesoeosneoenoene vevgevegeteagtbealtbealsbelscehscohcoohsooesoeosneoenoene RiPineappleceRpicueddpiund gpiecesding S DS GFGVFG VF V BrVegetableusBsreulsssperlo sfrieduptrsou ricets D GF V CrAppleèmCreèmc &aer rhubarbacmarealme lcrumble S S V SliBakedceSdliccea dbeansrrcoatsrrots D GF V w w FrCustardesFhrefrsuhit fruit DS D DGF V GVF V cacrabcroabhrobyhodyhrdayrtdaertsaetscehscohcoohsooesoeosneoenoene RaBananaspRbaesrprbyerrirpyprleipmpleoumssoeusse S DS DS D GF V MaCreamedsMheadshpeod tpotatoesaptotato S D GF V Fruit yoghurt S GF V WChipshitWehrii tceerice S D GF V J1130/010911 ww J1130/010911 ww Ice cream S D V Cheese & biscuits D V DEDSEDSSEESSRESTRESTRSaTlSal lwal lwalrwadrsadrs-dcs-hc-ohcoohsooesoeosneoenoene CODCEOSD:ES: RhPeachuRbahrubb condeacrbumcrb ulemble S GFV V VMSMSMS S S oftSoft V V egVeetagreiatanrian wiRicethwCit upuddinghstCaurdstasra d&uc snutmegeauce S DS S D GF V D D iabDeiatibcetic HeaHltheayltohpytiopntion CODES: GF GFlutGelnutferenefree FrAppleuitFryuoigt hyuorgthurt D DR DGR F GFR G VF S Soft V Vegetarian Fruit yoghurt S GF V D Diabetic Healthy option FrIceesFh rcreamefrsuhitfruit DS DR D GR F R G VF GF Gluten free WWEWEKEKEK HaveHaveHave you you you missed missed missed a ameal? ameal? meal? WWEWEKEKEK OTWONOENE AreAreAre you you you still still still hungry? hungry? hungry? OTWONOENE InIn additionIn addition addition to to regular to regular regular meal meal meal service service service snack snack snack boxes boxes boxes and and and hot hot hotmeals meals meals are are arealso also also available. available. available. PleasePleasePlease ask ask askyour your your Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper or or Nursing or Nursing Nursing Staff Staff Staff who who who will will willbe be happybe happy happy to to assist. to assist. assist. WAWRAWDRADRD ROROORMOOMOM WAWRAWDRADRD ROROORMOOMOM NANMANEMAEME NANMANEMAEME lluluunnnccchhh WednesdayMoMndoa n y2d1ay 1 MoMnWednesdaydoanyd1ay 1 2 sssuuuppppppeeerrr FILFLILFILINLILNthINethethe FILFLILFILINLILNthINethethe bobxoebxsoelxsikelesiktleihkiteshit-shi-s - bobxoebxsoelxsikelesiktleihkiteshit-shi-s - STSATSRATTRAETRRETSRESRalSal lwal lwalrwadrsadrs-dcs-hc-ohcoohsooesoeosneoenoene STSATSRATTRAETRRETSRESRalSal lwal lwalrwadrsadrs-dcs-hc-ohcoohsooesoeosneoenoene LeMushroomekLe&ekpo&tap tsoupotasotoupsoup DS D D V V V OrOrangeanOgreanju gjuiceiecejuice S D DRS DR GRF V Minestrone soup S D V RedOrangeRed lentil lentil juicebroth broth D D D GVF V V MMAIMANIANCINOCUOCRUOSRUESRSESSaElSal lwal lwalrwadrsadrs-dcs-hc-ohcoohsooesoeosneoenoene BeefRoastBeef sandwich turkey sandwich & - stuffing white - white bread bread DS D D TunaTunaTuna mayo pasta mayo sandwich bake sandwich - brown - brown bread breadS DS DS D CoVegetablettCagotetapgie Currypie & Rice S DS DS D GF V TomTaotmo aptaostpaapstraovpernocvaelnecale S D S D V
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    BBC Learning English – Ask About Britain About this script Please note that this is not a word for word transcript of the programme as broadcast. In the recording and editing process, changes may have been made which may not be reflected here. 关于台词的备注: 请注意这不是广播节目的逐字稿件。本文稿可能没有体现录制、编辑过程中对节 目做出的改变。 Lancashire Hotpot 兰开夏郡火锅 Helen: Hello, welcome to another BBC Learning English Ask About Britain programme, where we answer your questions about British life and culture. I'm Helen. Jean: And I'm Jean. 那 Helen, 今天我们要为大家解答的是个什么问题呢? Helen: Well we've received an email from Junbo and he’s interested in British food. Jean: 我们收到了来自黑龙江蒋俊博同学的 email. 他对英国食品有兴趣,不过他有一个要 求。 Helen: Yes, he does. Junbo says he’d like to find out about some British food other than fish and chips. Jean: 是啊,英国除了炸鱼薯条还有什么菜呢? Helen: Today I’d like to tell you about Lancashire Hotpot. Jean: Hotpot, 其实中文翻译有“火锅”的意思。难道这和我们中国的火锅有得一拼吗? Please tell us more. Helen: Well, the Lancashire Hotpot is a traditional dish. It’s generally believed that it was developed nearly 200 years ago in Lancashire, that’s in north England. Jean: I see, 这道菜的历史已经有 200 年了,最早是从英国北部的兰开夏郡起源的。这道 菜到底是拿什么做的呢? Helen: It’s a casserole dish. Jean: OK. 这是一道用砂锅 casserole 做的菜,那就是把肉和蔬菜放在一个锅里炖出来的 菜喽? Helen: It is. And I was lucky to find a food programme from the BBC which showed us how a Lancashire Hotpot is made. Jean: 那让我们跟随两位英国的美食家 Simon King 和 David Myers 一起,亲自下厨来 做一做这道英国的传统菜肴吧。 1 Helen: The ingredients are all prepared and ready to go. It’s time to put everything together. Insert Now for the good bit - the meat - we’ll put some olive oil in a pan.
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