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1922. OONGRESSIO.f. AL .RECORD-HOUSE. 12345 The message further announced that the mmse a~reed to PENNS"YI.VANI.A.. the report of tbe committee of conference on the disagreeing Lawrence G. Welle~, Becht-elsville. ote;" of the two Houses on the amen4ments of the Senate to AJ.·thnr R. Lovell, ·Blandburg. the bill (H. R. 10248) authorizing the sale of ~urplns pow-er E"Verett E. McBride, Dravosburg. <Jen'loped under the Salt. River reclamation pro1ect, Arizona. John Stephenson, .Elmor.a. Tbe -message also announced that the House agreed to the Charles W. Goss, Expedlt report of the committee of conference on tile ·disagreein·g votes Mary M . .Arrison, Mount Morris. of the two Houses en the amendments of the Senate to the bill Frank a McCully, Osceola Mills. (H. R. 9103) for the appointment of additional. district judges Horace H. Hammer, Read1ng. for certain courts of the United States, to provide for annual Henry Daugherty, Red Hill conferences of certain judges of the United States courts, to J runes S. Fennell, Sn.lina. authorize the designation, assignment, and appointment of Roy L. Kalbfus, Shohola. judges outside _their districts, and for .other purposes. Howard -0. Shenton, Slatington. The message fUJ.•ther announced that the Honse agreed to the amendments of the Senate to the bill (H. R. 10193) ex TENJ.\rES SEE. tending time for allotments· on the Orow Reservation ; protect Edward C. Roberts, Ha-rriman. ing certain members of the Flve CiVilized ':rribes ; i:etief of 'I'EXAS, Indians oacupying certain lands in Arizona, N-ew Me:nco.; and James E. Shelton, 'Bowie. Oalffornia · issuing patents in ~ertain cases, 'establishing 'a re William E. Bogle, Fort Davis. volving fund on the Rosebud Reservation; memorial to In Oscar B: Acton, Jasper. dian of the Rosebud Reservation killed In the Wodd War; conferring authority on the Secretary of the Interior ·as to alienation in cert.am Indian allotments; and.for other purposes. The me sage ·also announced that the House agreed to the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. amendment of the Senate to the joint r~solution (H. J. Res. &22) favoring the establishment in.Palestine of a national home ~lo:NDA.Y, Septembe1• 11, 1922. for tbe Jewish people. The House met at 12 o'clbck noon. The mes age further announced that the House had passed The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., offered w1thout amendment the joint resolution (S. J. Res. 169) au- the following prayer: tborizing the Secretary of the Navy to receive for instruction Thou art all in all, our heavenly Father, and each passing at the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis 1\Ir. Willem th 1 d d~ may it be a source of joy and strength to 1 ns. May we van Doorn, a subject of. the Ne er all. s. strive to serve Thee in our 'daily <luties by a high standard of nTIREMENT OF 'ClVIL-SEB.VICE ElIPLOYEES. thinking, feeling, and living, Give l'ich blessing and strength The PRESIDING OFFICER la.id before the Senate the action to our President as he waits in anxious silence above the of the House of Representatives disagreeing to the amendments stricken companion o.f his .rears. O God, in yonder chamber, of the Senate to the .bill (H. R. 11212) to amend an ac~ en:O~le~ press not the cup of death oo their breathless lips. O La.mp ot "An act for the ~etirement of employees in the classifi~ civil · Lire, shine forth and linger there and leave them not al-0ne. service, and for other purposes," approV'ed May 22, 1920, and From the gloom let come the morning's glow of hope and prom requesting a conference mth the Senate on the disagreeing ise. Tenderly, graciously, may Thy grace to bear, Thy spirit votes of the two Houses thereon. to bless, -and Thy power to heal never fail Give wisdom and Mr. STERLING. I move that the Senate insist on lts a:men~- skill to those who love to serve. Come to this assembly and ments, agree to the conference asked for 'by the House, ·and that gl\~ strength to thcrse who may be under burdens; hope to those the Presiding Officer appoint the conferees. · . who may be despondent, and pardon to all. Increase outr faith The motion was agreed to ; and the :Presiding Officer ap- and continue to sweeten the sang of life. Through Christ. pointed l\fr. STERLING, Mr. 0uM.MINS, and Mr-. RusDELL con- Amen. ferees on the part of the Sen-ate. -of read EXEClJTIVE sissro..-oq. The Journa\ of the proceedings Thursday last was and -approved. Mr. CURTIS. I move that the Senate proceed to .the con sideration of e:xecutive business. IMPEACHMENT OF A..TrORNEY GENERAL llA.UGHEBTY. Tbe motion was agreed to; and the Senate pr(}ceeded to the l\Ir. KELLER. Mr. Speaker-- . ('On ideration of executive business. After 'five minut-es spent lihe SPEAKER. F<>r what purpose does the ~ntleman from in executiye session the doors were reopened. Minnesota rise? JmCESS. Mr. KELLER. :r 1ise to a question of the highest privilege. I impeach Harry M. Daugherty-- :.Ur. CURTIS. I move that the Senate take a recess until 12 Mr. GARNER. Mr. Speak-er, a point of order. ·o clock noon to-morrow. The SPEAKER. The gentleman will state it. The motion was- agreed to; and (at 4 o'clock and 25 minutes Mr. GARNER. There are a great many important matters m.) p. the Senate took a recess nntn to-mon-ow, Tuesday, Sep to come up to-day, and the Senate has not yet messaged over tem~er 12, 1922, at 12 o'clock meridian. the coal bill. I think it would be a good idea to ha.Y-e ' a quormn pi:esent. I make the point that there is no quorum p-resent. CO:l\TFIIU(ATIONS. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Texas makes the point E :rec11tirn nonii11ations corifirtned by the Senate Septe?nber n, that no quorum is pres~nt. Evidently a quorum is not- present. 1922. l\Ir. MONDELL. Mr. Speaker, I mov.e a c:all of the m)Use. POSTMASTERS. The motion was agreed to. The Clerk called the roll, and the following Members failed to ARKA:N"SAS. answer to their names : Fred E. l\Ia.rble, Carlisle. Ackerman Cockran Focht James Harry L. Kelley, Holly Grove. Anderson Codd Frear Johnson, Ky. FLO&.IDA. Ansorge Collier Free .T ohnsan, S. Dak. Arenu Cannally, Tex. Freeman Jones, Ea. Fannie P. Ree~es, Avon Park. Barkley Connell• Frothingham Kelley, Mich. KANSAS. Beedy Connoll;y, Pa. Fulmer Kennedy Begg Cooper, Ohio Funk Kiess Ro"a M. Harmon, Oil Hill. Bell Copley Galli\ta.n Kirkpatrick LOUISIANA.. Brand Cramton Garrett, Tenn. Kitchin .Brenrran Criep Gensman KJ.ine, N. Y. \Yilliam L. ·Galloway, .Arcatfia. B1·itten Dallinger Gel'Derd Knight David Dunn, Columbia. Bro"(}ket, Ill. Dea1 Gilbert Kreider Arthur J. Richard, Lafom'che. · Brook, Pa. Dempsey Goldsborough Kunz Browne, Wis. Dickinson G.ould ~ley Wilson Ardoin, l\1eTidia1l. Bulwinkle 'Dominick Graham, P.a. Larsen, -Oa. 1\."'Dna M. Shadow, Sibley. Burr<rughs Doughfun Green, Iowa Larson, Minn. Burton Drew.cy Gxiffin Layton NOB'l!H CAROLINA. Byrnes1.....S. C. Dunbar Hammer Lee, Ga. Byrns, Term. Dunn Hawes Lee, N.Y. Ella E . .lie-shaw, Council. Can trill Du pr~ Henry Lineberi:er John G. Frazier, jr.~ Guilford College,. Cartm llldmondB Herrick Linthicum Fred H. :Mon:is, Kerner '""ille. Chand.Jex, Okla. Fess Hersey Little Clark, Fla. Fie.Ids Hook.er Logan John L. Dixon, Oriental. Classon Fisher Humplir~ys L11ce 12346 CONGRESSIONAL REOORH-HOUSE. SEPTEMBER 11, Luhring Nolan Rouse Ten Eyck Lyon O'Brien Rucker . Thompson Seventh. He has failed to prosecute defendants legally in McArthur Old.field Saba th Tincher dicted for crimes against the people. McDuffie Olpp Sanders, N. Y. Tinkham l\!r. Speaker, from all prece.dent in impeachment cases, the McLaughlin, Pa. Overstreet Schall Underh111 McPherson Paige Scott, Mich. Upshaw House can not refuse to consider an impeachment brought Mcswain Parker, N. ¥.1 Sears Vare publicly and seriously on the floor of this Chamber against a MacGregor Patterson, -~. J. Shaw · Volk public official. Maloney Perkins Shelton Walters Mann Perlman Sisson Ward, N. Y. I offer, therefore, the following resolution and am prepared Mapes Petersen Slemp Ward, N. C, to appear before a committee of the House, there to produce Mead Porter Smith, Mich, Wason evidence and witnesses in proof of my charges. Michaelson l>ou Snell Webster Michener Pringey Stafford White, Kans. .Mr. Speaker, I offer this resolution, and I would like to have l\Iiller Radcl.lft'.e Steenerson White, Me. the Clerk read it. Mills Rainey, Ala. Stevenson WUllamson Montague Rainey, Ill. Stlness Wise The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Minnesota offers a Mon toy a Raker Stoll Wood, Ind. resolution which the Clerk will report. Morin Ransley Strong, Pa. Woodrun: The Clerk read as follows: Mott Reber Suillvan Woods, Ya. Mudd Rhodes Summers, Wash. Woodyard House Resolution 425. Nelson, Me. Riordan Sweet Wright Whereas impeac.hment of Harry M. Daugherty, .Attorney General Nelson, A. P. Robertson · Tague Wurzbach of the United States, has been made on the tloor of the House by Nelson, J. M. Rogers Taylor, N. J. Zihlman the Representative from the fourth district of Minnesota: Be it Newton, Mo. Rossdale Temple Resowe<l, That the Committee on the Judiciary be, and they hereby are, authorized and directed to inquire into the official conduct of The SPEAKER. Two hundred and thirty-two .Members have Harry M. Daugherty, Attorney General of the United State!? and to answered to their names.