Saint Patrick’s Church 23 South Road, Smith’s FL 05,  P. O. Box FL 267, Flatts FLBX Bermuda Office: 441-236-9866 E-mail: [email protected]

SCHEDULE OF MASSES Saturday Mass: 6:00 p.m.  Sunday Masses: 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Weekday Masses: Monday – Friday: 8:00 a.m.

Administered since 1953

under the guidance of the Congregation of the Resurrection SACRAMENT OF Rev. Vladimir Sobolewski, CR Pastor

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION DIOCESE OF HAMILTON IN BERMUDA Saturday at 5:00 - 5:30 p.m. or by appointment Most Reverend : Wieslaw (Wesley) Spiewak, CR DD BAPTISMS By appointment five weeks in advance

WEDDINGS PARISH PASTORAL TEAM By appointment one year in advance

Mr. Bruce Fox Mr. William DaCosta Music Director, Organist Chairperson BIBLE STUDY 236 -8196 232 -0086 Tuesday nights at 7:30 p.m. in Church hall

Mrs. Nelia Pimentel Mr. David Mutch PORTUGUESE MASS Parish Catechetical Leader Parish Finance Chairperson Tuesday nights at 7:30 p.m. 236-9481 293-5506 ADORATION OF THE BLESSED Rev. Dr. Matthew Arnold Mr. José Amaral SACRAMENT St. Vincent de Paul Soci ety Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m. 236 -3171 in St. Patrick’s Church

Mrs. Kimberley Gűntl CCD Office Administrator Stewardship Chairperson Every Saturday during the school year Hrs: Tues/ Wed/ Fri : 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. From 8:45 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. in Church hall

Brownies Frontier Girls MAMA th 25 October 2020 Tuesdays in hall Wednesdays in hall Fridays in hall 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:30 – 5:45 p.m. 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. Year A

Introduction Pastor’s Reflection Throughout Judeo-Christian history, people have In today’s Gospel we hear as Jesus answers a scholar of explored how to live as God’s people. Reflecting on our the law who asks which is the greatest commandment. bottom line as committed Christians could not be more Jesus does two things. First, he answers the question relevant in our current political and economic climate. forthrightly, showing his affirmation and respect for the Today’s readings reiterate that faithful living means Jewish law. Then, with authority, Jesus interprets the loving and caring for one another, especially the most most important law, love of God, uniting it to the love of vulnerable. This formula does not focus on what we must neighbour as ourselves. Jesus knew the importance of this not do, but rather on what we are called to do. It seems law, taken from Chapter 6 of the Book of Deuteronomy, simple, but it is the hardest of all to live out. and known as the Shema, the prayer that was recited twice each day by faithful Jews (Dt: 6:4-9). Jesus understood Mass Intentions that by doing his Father’s will and speaking with authority, many powerful religious leaders would oppose Sat. 24 6:00 p.m.  Frank Cabral him. However, this did not stop him from carrying out the Sun. 25 9:00 a.m.  Eugene Cabral Father’s will because of his great love for the Father and  Lorraine Cabral Olivieri  Deceased Members of the his great love for us. Jesus gives us an example to follow.

Piriquito Family Hearing this, someone may ask what is love? Each of us  José daConceição Melo 11:00 a.m. Parishioners of St. Patrick’s will have our own definition of love, as well as varying Mon. 26 8:00 a.m.  Mary & Manuel DeMello experiences of loving or being loved. Love, like the air we  Eddy DeMello breathe, is basic to the human experience. Is love an  William DeMello emotion, a virtue, is it chemistry or a psychological  John & Connie Correia commitment? As Catholics we will find the answer by Tues. 27 8:00 a.m.  James Kelly looking to our Judeo-Christian heritage. Saint Paul in his Wed. 28 8:00 a.m.  Fernanda Pacheco first letter to the Corinthians speaks of the characteristics  Cecile Goudreou of love. Love is patient, kind, not jealous or boastful, not Thur. 29 8:00 a.m.  Mary & Manuel DeMello arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way, is  Eddy DeMello not irritable or resentful, it does not rejoice at wrong,  William DeMello  John & Connie Correia rejoices in the right (1 Cor. 13:4-7; CCC 1825). Take a Fri. 30 8:00 a.m. Intentions of Theresa Medeiros moment to think about the question: what is love? Sat. 31 6:00 p.m.  Deacon Edward Outerbridge Sun. 1 9:00 a.m.  Mary DeSilva Happy Birthday, Fr. Vladimir!  Manuel Pacheco DeSilva On Tuesday, October 27, Fr. Vladimir will be  Germana DeSilva celebrating his 69th birthday. We pray for  Margaret Ray God’s continued blessing on his ministry and 11:00 a.m. Parishioners of St. Patrick’s may he enjoy good health and happiness for

the coming year. Stewardship Treasure

Sunday Offerings last weekend: $2,088.00 Thursday Night Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Sunday Offerings to date: $114,713.50 Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is held every Target Offerings (Week 42): $147,000.00 Thursday evening at 7 p.m. in St. Patrick’s Church. All Poor Box: $177.00 are invited to set aside some time out to experience this

quiet and grace-filled devotion.

World Mission Collection Thank you for answering, “Here I Weekly Stewardship Thought Am, Send Me” to your baptismal call Giving of our time involves being with God in prayer and to witness for mission on World worship and volunteering our time in the church and Mission Sunday. Our parish has community activities that help others. raised $2,989.00 to date for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith for the missionary work of the Sunday/Special Offerings Online Church. Special donation envelopes remain at the Please make direct payments to St. Patrick’s Church at the entrance to the church or you can make an online donation Butterfield Bank A/C #20006060102074100 and include (see account details left). Thank you for your stewardship. “Sunday Offering” or “Missions” in the memo field.

QR Code for This Weekend St. Patrick’s Facebook & Diocesan Website Please scan this code to download the Have you ‘liked’ us on Facebook yet? Also check hymns for this weekend, visit St. Patrick’s out for up-to- Facebook page or ask Bruce to borrow a date Diocesan information and Bishop Wes’ reflections. Hymnbook to use each week. First Holy Communion This Weekend – Caritas House of Prayer (236-5877) October 24 & 25 ♦ “Quiet Wednesday”: On October 28, begins with the We are happy to welcome these eighteen recitation of the Rosary at 10:30 a.m. followed by youngsters who will be celebrating the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Join the Sisters of Eucharist for the very first time at all three Charity as they pray for our diocese and the world. Social Masses this weekend: distancing and sanitization are observed. ♦ Remember Your Baptismal Commitment: To be a Lucas Amaral Briella Nicolau witness and care for others is part of that commitment. Miguel Bolarinho Daniela Pimentel Check on people you know who have not returned to Nathan Campbell Charlie Press Sunday worship and let them know it is quite safe to be Briana Daniel Ryan Renaud together, provided that they follow the rules. Luca DeSilva Leandro Rovoredo ♦ Kitchen Items Available: The Sisters have various Miguel Leite Isla Smith kitchen items (offered for free or with a donation) waiting Ryu Lima Chelsea Sta. Maria for new homes. Call them if you are interested and please Arianna Pacheco Medeiros Ayden Todd remember to keep the Sisters in your prayers. Isabella Neururer Eva Vieira ♦ Reflection: Once again in today’s Gospel the Pharisees Please remember these children and their families in your attempt to entrap Jesus by asking Him a question about prayers and may they continue to grow in love for God the Law. Jesus responds with the dual law of loving God and for all God’s people. and neighbor. The interesting statement that we must love our neighbor as ourselves demands that we ask ourselves Virtual Information Session for what does that mean. Each of us is a son/daughter of a Middle and High School loving God who has created us in His image and likeness. MSA will be having a Virtual God is love. Love is God shining through you! This week Information Session for Middle and try to be aware how lovable you are and let that light be a High School on Thursday, November 12 at 5:30 p.m. beacon of hope for any and every one you meet. Join them online to find out more about the world-class --Sisters Judith and Dolores Canadian Alberta Curriculum with a live on-line Good-Bye Drive-By to the Sisters of Charity – Nov. 8 presentation and a Q&A session. RSVP by e-mail to: After more than 70 combined years of service to the [email protected] or 292-4134 to receive the Zoom Bermuda community, Sisters Judith and Dolores will be Link or to arrange an individual session. leaving the Island shortly to reside at the Sisters of Charity

Retirement Home in the Boston area. Are You a Catholic Interested in being Confirmed? Because of the pandemic and the inability to say You are invited to join preparation classes ‘goodbye’ in person, a Goodbye Drive-By has been starting November 4, 2020, from 6 – 7:30 organized for Sunday, November 8, from 2 - 4 p.m. p.m. at St. Patrick’s Church with Mr. Gather your family and, while practicing social Nelson Pimentel or at St. Theresa’s distancing, say ‘goodbye’ from your car as you drive by with Ms. Maura Almeida. the Sisters in the St. Joseph’s courtyard at MSA on Elliott Street. A drop-off basket will be available for anyone Complete the Confirmation registration form found under wishing to leave them a card or letter. the “Ministries – Religious Education (CCD)” tab at: and scan to Annual All Souls’ Day Mass – Nov. 7 [email protected] or drop off to Mrs. Essie Hans The annual All Souls’ Day Mass celebrating the lives of at the Religious Education Office, before October 30. deceased loved ones will be held Saturday, November 7, For more information, contact Mrs. Hans at 292-1981. at 11 a.m. at St. Theresa’s Cathedral.

12:10 Lunchtime Mass at St. Theresa’s Cathedral Book of Names of the Dead Mass is celebrated each Wednesday, Thursday and Friday The Book of Names of the Dead will be stationed at the at 12:10 p.m. at St. Theresa’s. Please wear a mask. entrance to the church next weekend for names of deceased loved ones to be remembered at Masses during St. Patrick’s Mass Intentions for 2021 the month of November. Bookings are now being made for 2021 Masses. If you would like to request a Mass for a deceased loved one, a Daylight Saving Time Ends Next Weekend – Oct. 31 special anniversary or birthday, or for your personal Remember to turn your clocks back one hour next intentions or those of someone else, please contact the Saturday night as Daylight Saving Time comes to an end. Rectory office (236-9866) and leave a message for the secretary or e-mail your request to [email protected]. The Smile for the Day! Bishop has suggested a stipend of $15 per Mass be offered Q: What do you call a witch’s garage? to the Pastor. A: A broom closet. Happy Halloween!

The Bishop’s Corner – Interfaith Appeal for Peace My Dear Fellow-Catholics:

Representatives of various religions gathered, under the support of Pope Francis, at Capitoline Hill in Rome on the 20th of October, and made an appeal for peace to the leaders of states and citizens of the world, stressing that peace is possible and necessary. They unanimously repeated: "No more war!" They also recalled the pain of mankind, and noted that the COVID -19 pandemic has confused many people, increased inequality and anxiety. Religious leaders emphatically stressed that "no one can save himself at this time, no nation, no one!"

The appeal draws attention to the fact that in a world full of connections, there is often a loss of the sense of fraternity, and therefore invites us to pray that there are no more "others", but one great "we", rich in diversity. The time has come to make humanity's great dream of peace and a world without war a reality. They admitted that for many people, war still seems to be a possible way of solving international conflicts, and in fact it is always a failure of politics and humanity and leaves the world in a worse state.

Religious leaders urged rulers to reject the language of division, which is often reinforced by fear and distrust, and to look at the victims of war. They emphasized the need to work together on a new architecture for peace and to join forces for life, health, education and peace. The appeal also contains an urgent call to allocate funds spent on armaments to be spent instead on activities aimed at defending the weakest and caring for a common home. The first task to be achieved is to contain the virus until a suitable vaccine is available to all.

The authors of the appeal pointed out that the pandemic reminds us of the brotherhood of blood of all people. They encourage believers and people of good will to be creative builders of peace and social friendship, and to assimilate the culture of dialogue. “Honest, persistent and courageous dialogue is an antidote to distrust, division and violence. Dialogue radically puts an end to the causes of wars that destroy the project of brotherhood inherent in the vocation of the human family.” Everyone is called to share responsibility and participation, and to be open to forgiveness. The way to heal the injustices of the world and history is dialogue and forgiveness. Together, everyone should become messengers of peace.

Have a peaceful Sunday and a great week!

Bishop Wes

Marriage Banns Announcement

On this day, the 25th October 2020, the second banns of marriage are announced between Okeny Kenneth Roy Onen of this

Parish born in Mulago, Uganda, son of Okeny Francis and Achieng Hellen, and Sarah Kabacunguzi, of the Parish of Mulago, Kampala in Uganda. The marriage is to take place at St. James Catholic Parish Bbiina, Uganda, on December 20, 2020. If anyone knows cause or just impediment why these persons should not be jointed together in Holy Matrimony, please inform

Fr. Vladimir immediately.

Emmaus Journey – St. Michael’s Church - Tuesday, November 3 You are invited to join in a bible study of the upcoming Sunday readings at St. Michael’s Church Hall beginning Tuesday, November 3, from 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. facilitated by Fr. Joe Morley. Physical distancing, sanitization and ‘track and trace’ sign-in sheets will be used. Wear a mask and invite a friend to join you on your journey of faith.

Rosary, Adoration, Benediction at St. Michael’s Church Join Fr. Joe for these weekly devotions after the 5:45 p.m. Mass at St. Michael’s starting Saturday, November 7, from 7 – 8 p.m.

Safety Requirements at Church The safety protocol mandated by the Bermuda Government requires you to: • Wear a mask at all times • Space yourselves at least 3 ft apart in the pews (unless you are members of the same family) and when you walk down the aisle • When you approach the Pastor, Deacon or Communion Minister, stretch out your arms to receive the Eucharist in your hands and keep as much social distance as possible • If you use the bathroom, please sanitize the toilet handle and tap handles before leaving. Use a hand towel to open the bathroom door. Thank you • Please don’t congregate after Mass

Next Weekend’s Ministry Schedule 31st October & 1st November 2020 All Saints’ Day 6:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Lector(s) S. Sousa N. daSilva C. Frias P. Lowry Mass Server(s) S. DaPonte Z. daSilva C. Easton Hospitality Mins. R. Simas M. Simas N. daSilva L. Thompson C. Faria C. Veloso