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Founded as A Record of the Official News Organ Continuous News S ervice · of Technology for 41 Years

Vol. XLI No. 56 CAMBRIDGE, MASS., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1921 Price Five Cents __~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ II ii JUNIOR PROM COMMITTEE iiSTUDENT FRIENDSHIP BERT WEBER CHOSEN ELECTIONS ON FRIDAY ii ii DRIVE IS NOW ON SWIMMING CAPTAIN Nominations all Handed In at Information II Office Yesterday Has Been on the Team for Collection will Last Until Two Years-Stars in Long POLLING BOOTH ROOM 3-115 Saturday - Receiving Money in Lobby Distance Events Elections of the members of -,he Eill take ii Junior Prom Committee DRIVE IS NATIONAL AFFAIR WILL ELECT '25 CAPTAIN FRIDAY place December 9, from 9 o'clock to 5 o'clock, in room 3-115. The voter )vill I The drive for the Student Friend- '22, has been announced Bert Weber receive his ballot on entering the poll- ship Fund to aid the students of cen- the swimming captain for this season, ing room and will fill it out in the tral Europe has been in progress for as a result of the election which has polling booth. The voter on exiti ng two days and the results are fairly i on for the last ten days. been going should separate the two portions -of good. H. C. Gayley '22, chairman of of two years on I Weber is a veteran his ballot, dropping the upper portion the committee in charge, says that he starring in the the swimming team, in the ballot box and giving the !owel hopes the rest of the week shill be bet- swims. long distance portion containing his signature to the IIter in order that Technology may attendant at the exit. IImake a creditable showing. The drive Ballot Box Locked is to continue through Saturday and I iiany contributions will be received at The ballot box will be locked and IIthe desk in the lobby until that time. no votes will be counted until the The drive is a national affair. It is completion of the election. Counting ii present in nearly ill be done by members of the elec- being carried on at the colleges and universities in the tion committee only. None but vot- all I the general di ers and members of the election com- United States under Student Chris- mittee will be allowed in the room in rection of the 'World's is in di- which the election takes place. tian Federation. Each college IIrect charge of its own campaign. Here The rules governing the elections were laid down by the Institute Com- at Technology the drive is sponsored mittee and appear in Article XIII, by the Institute Committee which has Section 7, of the by-laws. appointed H. C. Gayley '22, W. M. The list of those eligible for vcting Thomson '22, and Schuyler Hazard '23, is posted on the main bulletin board. to handle it. There is to be no can- If any mistakes have been made in it, vassing for contributions other than it is requested that H. J. Horn, 4 that of maintaining a representative Ames Street, Cambridge, be notified. in the lobby, but Gayley says that this Five members are to be elected to does not mean that the need is any the Committee. The -nominations are less urgent. The quota assigned each as follows:- college is about twrso dollars a student E. A. Adams, T. M. Boyd, G. ziW. so that Technology's expected contri- Bricker, G. I. Carper, L. S. Champion, bution is about $7,000. r IL. C. Dearstyne, H. W. Dexter, Jr., H. $750,000 to be Raised T. Hayden, Schuyler Hazard, Jr., Har- The sum needed this year to carry Jr., W. S. II I ry Kalker, F. P. Knight, on all the work of the relief is estimat;- Marder, Jr., C. R. McCutcheon, B. -M. ed at $750,000. Most of this is for |MLrossman, J. A. Pennypacker; T. O. European relief but about $78,000 is A Richards, T. E. Rounds, G. A. Rowen, needed for refugee students coming to R. P. Shaw, A. D. Smith, Jr., A. R. America. The universities to which :.I I Stuckey, J. B. 'Willsea. the aid is being given are doing their best to help themselves and their students. No classes are held between MUSICAL CLUBS ELECT 9 o'clock and 3 o'clock, so universally are the students engaged in outside I NEW STAGE MANAGER employment. Co-operative societies for I securing lodgings and Food have been established by many of the men but i the general conditions are very bad BERTRAM A. WEBER '22 C. H. Brantingham '23 Chosen IIand much help is needed before they |After Lynn Concert II (Continued on Page 4.) He is from Evanston, Ill., where he first began his natatorium career as RETAIN THREE SOPHOMORES one of the stars on the high school MR. C. W.PIPKIN AWARDED team. Coming from Evanston he en- II tered Northw estern College, and re- After the Lynn Concert of the Coml- A RHODES SCHOLARSHIP mained there only long enough to be bineid Musical Clubs last Monday even- a member of the freshman team, -vl en ing an informal meeting of the Execu- he transfered to Technology as a Soph- Mr. C. "N'. Pipkin, an instructor in the stage omore. This will make his third year tive Committee was held, and the English and History Department, (Continued on Page 3.) manager's competition was formally has been signally honored. As a na- ended by the election of C. A. Branting- tive son of the state of Arkansas he II representative ham '23 to the position. Brantingham has been chosen as the of that state, to receive the Cecil the staging of has been in charge of Rhodes Scholarship. This brings with several of the recent concerts, notably it a three years' stayf at Oxford Uni- TRIUMPHANT CLASS ---Courtesy Boston Transcript the Trip Concert, and the concert at versity, and expense money of 350 GENERAL ARMANDO DIAZ about $1,400, a aear. Lynn. Ipcunds sterling, Mr. Pipkin has been a member of OF 1924 BANQUETS competitions were I The Sophlomore General Armando Diaz, commander of Naval Architecture. He w ill then the Institute for two years. He was also cut to three men. The men who in chief of the Italian armies, is sched- nspect the laboratories of the Mechan- born in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1S99. Engineering Department. His Sophomores Will Celebrate will be retained are H. L. Bailey '24, uled to visit the Institute tomorrow. ical His Alma Mater is Vanderbilt Univer- The General has been making a tour next visit will be to the President's of- G. E. Parker '24, and C. S. Stodter '24. sity, where he received a Master of Field Day Victory of the United States, and as the hero fice, where the Corporation and Ad- Arts degree, being the youngest per- B. A. Cushman These men along with of the he has been highly re- ministrative Committee will welcome son to obtain this honor in the history Tomorrow '24, A. S. Remfrew '24, and R. P. Ev- ceived everywhere. him. General Diaz will then go to of that institution. Mr. Pipkin has erett '24, constitute the staff of Sopho- Smith Hall, room 10-250, where a pub- His visit in Boston is in charge of completed all work necessary for a assistant managers, who will lic reception will be given. The Gen- NUMERALS WILL BE AWARDED more Lieutenant Governor A. T. Fuller. Due doctorate in economics and sociology compete for three Junior positions for eral will be asked to say a 'Lew words to the tremendous demand, by the Ital- at Harvard University. next year. to those present. Traveled in Europe Tomorrow evening at 6:30 o'clock, The next concert of the Clubs will ians in Boston, for the General's time, In accordance with the Institute's his visit to Technologynwill be ex- Europe assemble in the be Friday night at the, First Parish policies of not awarding honorary de- Mr. Pipkin made a trip to the Class of 1924 will late Church of Dorchester. Notice of this tremely short, and at a rather grees, none will be given the distin- this summer as special representative main hall of Walker Memorial to cele- day. concert with instructions where to re- time of guished visitor. of the "World Student Christian Fed- brate its famous victory on November At 5:45 o'clock he will drive up to iIeration, the organization now conduct- port will be posted in the main lobby Studen s Invited 4. The event is to be a class banquet. by the publicity manager. the door to the Pratt Memorial School Iing a drive for funds at the Institute. According to the sale of signups, the The committee in charge of his re- He worked one economic- surveys of all the students to at- and university life in Central the entire ception invites student affair has tie support of P tend the ceremonies. It further re- Europe, obtaining first hand informa- class. Signups- were redeemed all Should the Student Tax Be Raised quests that as many present as are tion of the finances of several institu- day yesterdaiy, and when the day was able to do so, wear uniforms. tions. This covers the work done by only half over, more than 150 paste- i WATCGH TEIS SPACE! General Armando Diaz was born in the Federation in Germany, Czecho- in 1861. He attended the Mili- Slovakia, Austria, Poland, and Hun- boards had been-redeemed. tary college in his home town, and al- gary, Mr. Pipkin having traveled," - -At the last meeting of the Institute Committee, the recommenda- while eol- Fine Program Arranged so the famous Military Academy at through all these countries tion was unanimously passed that the present Student Tax be in- (Continued on Page 4.) G. H. Cowan, chairman of the com- . He served with distinction in mittee in charge of arrangements, creased from $9 to $12 for the year 1922-23 and $15 for 1923-24. A says that a very special program has Student Tax Revision Committee, consisting of several activity and the Libyan war and in Abyssinia. been arranged. The following men non-activity men, was appointed to look into the need for such an in- During the former he was wounded in CALENDAR have consented to speak: Dean Talbot, gallant action. He served also as sec- of crease, to determine the' requirements of activities at the Institute, Charles Pipkin of the department retary to the staffs of Generals Salet- Wednesday, December 7 English and History, D. F. Carpenter and to sound the attitude of the student body toward such an increase. 6:3B0-ritish Empire Club, Faculty din- '22, president of the Senior class, and After having made these investigations, it will be the duty of the ta, Pollio, and Cadorna, and for a time ing room. of staff appointments. Thursday, December 8 Major Putney, who is well known by Student Tax Revision Committee to report its findings first, to the was in charge 5:30-Class of 1924 banquet, main hall. the members of the Sophomore, class On November 8, 1918, he was given 7:30--Civil Engineering Society smoker, Institute Committee and then to the Executive Committee of the north hall. for his characteristic stories. Besides supreme command of the ItWlian ar- the speakers, a program has been ar- Corporation. Friday, December 9. ranged which, in the opinion of the of THE TECH, realizing the importance of mies, replacing General Cadorna. Un- 8:30-Class of 1923 dance, main hall. The Managing Board Saturday, December 10 committee in charge, is the-best ever this work and its vital importance to the undergraduates, also-the der his brilliant leadership in October, 8:00-Dorm dance, main hall. at a class dinner. To use Club dance, north hall. Presented fair mindedness with which the Student Tax Revision Committee will 1918, the second battle of the Piave 8:00-Lutheran their words, "it is to bze a home-brew resulted in clearing northern of Thursday, December 15 affair." The music during the meal operate, has reserved this-space in succeeding issues for its use. The 6:30-Faculty Club dinner, Faculty dining enemy, the entrance into Trent room. Nvill be furnished by F. D. Gage '22. work.of the Committee, communications which will evolve from the the 7:45-American Institute of Electrical En- Some specialty song acts h av e been discussion of the proposition, and all other matters pertinent to the and Trieste, and finally, on November gineers, main hall. decided on and -the committee prom- sur- Saturday, December 17 Committee's work will be printed herein. Austria-Hungary's unconditional 6:30-B3ostonr Bacteriological Society, Fac ises a surpr)lise. Two movies, a Bus- render. ulty dining room. ( ontinued on IPage 4. i. · · . ·-- THE TECH VOL.XL1 a