1 GEOMORPHOLOGY The quartz mining site of SLV Mines and Minerals is located near D.Cherlopalli village of Batahlapalli mandal in of . The mining site is located 4.50 km southwest of D.Cherlopalli village, 14.30 km east of Dharmavaram, and 40 km southeast of Anantapur (Figures 1 to 3). The area is as well shown in the Toposheet No. 57F/15 of the Survey of India, and is bounded within the latitudes of 14° 24'56.50" to 14° 25'10.70” and longitudes of 77° 50'30.40" to 77° 50'55.00".

Figure 1. Regional Map of Project Area

The area is regionally underlain by weathered and massive granite gneisses, and is distinguished by hilly topography, with gentle slope towards the Chitravathi River (Figure 1). The general elevation around the mining site area is around 364 m above mean sea level (amsl), with medium range hills of 500 - 625 m amsl occurring towards south. The area around the project site constitute dissected, undulating and rolling topography with erosional landscape covered by a layer of red loamy granitic soil of varied thickness. The undulating terrain is punctuated by granite hillocks, inselbergs, mounds, tors, dykes, etc.

The main mining area is located on a medium NWW-SEE ranging linear hill with an elevation of 360 to 490 m amsl with a radial slope. The low lying area around the hill is intervened by and drained by minor ephemeral streams and streamlets. Since it is a barren land it does not have any vegetation or trees except some scattered thorny scrub on the slopes of the area.

Figure 2. Enlarged Picture of Site Location

2 CLIMATE & RAINFALL The average annual rainfall of the Anantapur district is 535 mm, which ranges from nil rainfall in February and March to 129 mm in September. The months of September and October are the wettest months of the year. The mean seasonal rainfall distribution is 316 mm during southwest monsoon (June- September) 146 mm during northeast monsoon (Oct-Dec), 1 mm rainfall during winter (Jan-Feb) and 72 mm during summer (March-May). The percentage distribution of rainfall season wise is 58.7% in southwest monsoon, 27.6% in northeast monsoon, 0.21 percentages in winter and 13.5% in summer (CGWB, 2013).

Highest temperature of 44° C was recorded in this area during the month of May and the lowest temperature of 14°C was recorded in the month of January. During the year 2010-2011 the rainfall in this is about 664.4mm (Mining Plan, 2015). The annual average maximum, minimum and mean temperature of the area for the years from 1969 to 2004 was found to be 32.71°C, 21.63°C and 27.17°C respectively (CWC 1999).

In general, humidity is high during the monsoon period and moderate during non-monsoon period. The relative humidity in the catchment of Pennar ranges from 21% to 84%. Maximum relative humidity is observed during the month of October which is around 75%, and maximum wind velocity of 18.9 km/hour has been reported in the month of July. Due to arid climate, evapotranspiration takes place at a high rate with a value nearly of 200 mm at Anantapur district during May (CWC, 2014).

3 DRAINAGE The area forms part of the Chitravathi River Basin, and the Chitravathi River located 5.50 km north of the mining site (Figures 1 to 3). Major part of the pediplain in the Chitravathi catchment area is dissected by ephemeral streams and streamlets flowing in north and northeasterly directions. Some small and medium size lakes are situated along the topographic gradients, and most of which are connected by small ephemeral nallahs (streamlets). Other than these many small ponds and lakes are situated around the study area. These lakes receive seasonal flows, otherwise mostly remain dry.

The area is regionally characterised by dendritic pattern of drainage, with a general slope towards Chitravathi River. The percolation tanks and water bodies in the area are either dry or gradually getting reduced over the years with the slowing down of inflows, and erratic rain fall.

Figure 3. Topographical Map depicting 10 km Radius Area

4 GEOLOGY The area is underlain by various geological formations ranging in Age from Archaean to Recent, and underlain by the granites, gneisses and schists of Archaean and Dharwar Supergroup. Alluvium is restricted along the Chitravathi River and its stream courses. The geology of the study area is shown in the Anantapur District map (Figure 4).

Mining Site

Figure 4. Geological Map of the Anantapur District

4.1 STRATIGRAPHY The broad geological classification of the study area is given below:

Table 1. Archaean Stratigraphic Succession of the area Geological Formation Lithology Age Archaean Younger Intrusive Rocks Quartz reefs, basic dykes of dolerites, pegmatites, and quartz veins, pink granite and other ultra-basics. Dharwar Super Group Granites, granodiorites, Sericite, chlorite, and hornblende schists and granulites. Peninsular Gneissic Complex Grey granite, gneisses, and migmatite. Older Metamorphic Rocks Biotite schist, pyroxenite, and Amphibolite.

4.2 LITHOLOGY The major lithological units in the region are: 1). Grey series: coarse porphyritic grey granites, biotite granites and pyroxene granite. 2). Pink series: coarse porphyritic pink granite, fine to medium grained pink granite, coarse porphyritic pink alaskite, fine grained pink alaskite, white alaskite. 3). Dykes and veins: Dolerite dykes (both fine and coarse grained), Quartz veins and epidote veins 4). Enclaves: Fine grained 5). Migmatite zones: Inter mingling zones of pink and grey granites.

Granitic rocks of the area form part of the Peninsular Gneissic Complex. Pink and Grey granites are the major rock types occurring in the area. Basic enclaves, aplite, pegmatite, epidote and quartz veins and dolerite dykes frequently traverse the area. The mining site is located about 21 km southwest of the southwestern arc of the Cuddapah Tectonic Basin situated near Parnapalli (Figure 1).

Granites are intruded by quartz and dolerite dykes of several generations and are well exposed. These dykes form important structural feature controlling the movement of groundwater in the region. Joints are most commonly observed in the study area. Vertical joints act as conduits for transfer of water whereas as horizontal joints help to maintain the lateral continuity of the aquifer.

The Peninsular rocks occurring as Pink and Grey granites covers the major part of the area. The variations in pink and grey granites are mainly due to mineralogical composition textural difference, coarse to medium grained, fabric, and enclosures. The difference in the colour of the two granites could be due to the difference is the parental material, which was subjected to process of granitization. Some petrologists opined that both grey and pink granites are metasomatic in origin. The grey granites were formed by granitization of parental metasediments like quartz mica schists and related rocks. The pink granites were supposed to have formed along shear zones in grey granites by potash metasomatism. The major contrast is found that the grey granites are generally prone to weathering while pink masses are less resistant.

Local Geology The granite hill range around the mining site is having general trend of NE-SW (northeast – southwest) with low to moderate southeast (SE) dip. These granites are traversed by thick fracture fillings of quartz veins traversing over few meters to kilometers in length, with 50 to 70 m width, and having shape in a tabular to lensoloidal form. The quartz of the subject area is a tabular body within the granitic terrain. The quartz vein is trending NWW-SEE almost occupying the north and central part of the applied area. The length of quartz vein is about 536 m. The width of the vein is about 55-68 m. The quartz is exposed to a maximum thickness of 2-3 m or to an average thickness of 2.5 m above the ground level along the strike direction. The country rock (granite) is exposed at lower reaches in the area. Quartz occurs in this area is a semi glassy variety. It is fine grained material. It shows white and light yellow colour. At some places it appears in honey colour due to impurities (Mining Plan, 2015).

5 HYDROGEOLOGY Ground water occurrence, movement and recharge to aquifers are controlled by degree of weathering, fracture pattern, geomorphological setup and rainfall. Granites and Gneisses of peninsular gneissic group constitute major aquifers in the area. Ground water occurs in phreatic conditions in the weathered zone and under semi confined to confined conditions in fractured and jointed rock formations. The ground water yields generally range from < 1.0 lps to 3.0 lps (liters per second), with some instances of up to 5.0 lps.

Central Ground Water Board has carried out ground water exploration in the district to depths ranging from 38 to 305 m bgl (below ground level). The exploratory drilling data reveals that fracture zones were encountered at various depths. Deep fractures were also encountered down to 200 m. However, the potential fractures were encountered between 40 and 100 m depths. The cumulative yield of fracture zones vary from 0.4 to 15.7 lps. However, the yield of bore wells were found to be between 1 to 3 lps. The E-W, N-S and NNW-SSE fractures are tensile fractures and the bore wells drilled close to these fractures yielded 1 to 5 lps. The NE-SW, NNE-SSW fractures are shallow in nature and yield between 0.2 to 6.0 lps. Transmissivity generally ranges from 10 to < 100 m2/day and storativity varies from 2.8*10-3 to 8.4*10-4 (CGWB, 2013).

As the mining site is located on a hill area underlain by massive granite gneisses, there is little possibility for the occurrence of ground water. There are few ground water bodies like open wells or bore wells around the area. Some bore wells located in adjacent villages have depth ranges of 200 to 300 m with poor yields of <1 to < 3 lps (liters per second), and ground water levels occurring deeper than 40m bgl.

Ground Water Levels Behaviour of ground water level is essentially controlled by physiography, lithology and rainfall. There is general decline and rise of water during pre- and post-monsoon season. The rises are due to the general buildup of water levels in response to rains, and declines are due to erratic monsoon, less recharge (due to urbanization), and exploitation of groundwater resources.

The depth to water levels in the mining area generally varies from 25 to >40 m bgl. The dug wells usually show phreatic, and the borewells indicate semi-confined conditions.

Well inventory of representative wells were undertaken around the study area. Based on the water level data a depth to water level map of the study area was prepared, and shown in Figure 5. The study indicates that depth to water levels closer to the quartz mine area is more than 25 m bgl. The general ground water flow direction (gradient) is northerly towards the Chitravathi River. The ground water levels are low towards east and north directions (i.e. towards the Chitravathi River and its tributaries), and deeper in other directions. With the prevalence of dug-cum-bore and borewells, most of the open dug wells in the area are getting dry and even becoming obsolete.

1610000 15 10 Bathalapalli


1600000 15 15 20 10

Dharmavaram 20 1595000 Mining Site Errakuntapalli

5 1590000 Mudig 25

1585000 15 15 20 10

Pamudurti 1580000hapalli 785000 790000 795000 800000 805000 810000 815000 820000

Figure 5. Depth to Water Levels in the Study Area

The study of long term water level fluctuations in the Anantapur district (years 1996-2016) indicate an overall rise in water levels from pre-monsoon to post-monsoon in the range of 0.014 to 0.65 m/yr, and pre-monsoon decline in the range of 0.15 to 0.65 m/year (CGWB, 2013).

The long term fluctuation data of four representative Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) monitoring stations situated near to the project site were analysed. These are located at Dharmavaram, Bathalapalli, Errakuntapalli and Mudigubba areas (Figures 1and 2), and the analysed plots are shown in Figures 6 to 9.

Ground Water Levels of Dharmavaram, Anantapur District, Andhra Pradesh. (Dug Well, 14.30 km west of Site, Based on Central Ground Water Board Data, Gaps indicate no data) 0,0



6,0 Depth to Water, mbgl.

RisingTrend of 0.05 m/annum


10,0 96 97 98 99 00 07 08 09 10 11 12 01 02 03 04 05 06 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 00 01 02 03 04 05 96 97 98 99 00 13 14 15 16 17 ------Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov May May May May May May

Figure 6. Ground Water Levels and Fluctuations at Dharmavaram.

The depths of the water levels of these four monitoring stations, along with seasonal water level fluctuations, widely vary from 2 to > 50 m bgl. Based on the monitoring analysis, the stations at Dharmavaram and Errakuntapalli indicate long term rises due of their nearness to the Chitravathi and other stream courses. The plots of Bathalapalli and Mudigubba register declining trends because of their occurrence in hard rocks and being away from drainage course. Further analysis and calculation of water level fluctuation data indicate sharp response of the water levels to the seasonal changes. Ground Water Levels of Errakuntapalli, Anantapur District, A.P. (Observation Well, 6.50 km of west of Mining Site, Based on Central Ground Water Board Data, Gaps indicate no data) 0,0




20,0 Deep Water levels, Rising Trend. 25,0

30,0 Depth to Water, mbgl.




50,0 07 08 09 10 11 12 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 13 14 15 16 17 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 00 01 02 03 04 05 96 97 98 99 00 ------Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov May May May May May May

Figure 7. Ground Water Levels and Fluctuations at Errakuntapalli. Ground Water Levels of Bathalapalli, Anantapur District, Andhra Pradesh. (Dug Well, 14.80 km northwest of the Site; Based on Central Ground Water Board Data, Gaps indicate no data) 0,0





10,0 Declining Trend 12,0 Depth to Water, mbgl. 14,0




22,0 97 96 98 99 00 07 08 09 10 11 12 01 02 03 04 05 06 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 00 01 02 03 04 05 96 97 98 99 00 13 14 15 16 17 ------Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov May May May May May May

Figure 8. Ground Water Levels and Fluctuations at Bathalapalli. Ground Water Levels of Mudigubba, Anantapur District, Andhra Pradesh. (Dug Well, 17.20 km southeast of Site; Based on Central Ground Water Board Data, Gaps indicate no data) 0,0





10,0Depth to Water, mbgl.


Decline Trend of 0.05 m/annum 14,0

16,0 96 97 98 99 00 07 08 09 10 11 12 01 02 03 04 05 06 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 00 01 02 03 04 05 96 97 98 99 00 14 13 15 16 17 ------Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov May May May May May May Figure 9. Ground Water Levels and Fluctuations at Mudigubba.

6 GROUND WATER RESOURCES ESTIMATION In collaboration with the state departments, Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) carried out ground water resource estimation and categorization studies for the Bathalapalli Mandal of Anantapur District for the year 2008-09. The CGWB has categorized the area as ‘over exploited’ with the stage of ground water utilization of 116%, indicating little scope for further ground water development. These details are applicable to the study area also, as it forms part of this Mandal.

7 WATER QUALITY The ground water in the study area occurs under moderate and deep water level conditions, and quality- wise is generally suitable for domestic, irrigation, and industrial purposes. The quality of ground water in and around the project site is potable.

The quality of ground water in and around the project site is potable. Surface and ground water samples were collected from the ‘representative’ areas around 5 km radius of the mining site, and some important physical and chemical parameters were estimated as given in Tables 1 and 2. The samples were analysed in the Chemical Laboratory at the KIWIS Echo Laboratories Pvt Ltd, Near Pragathi Nagar, Hyderabad.

Table 1. Hydrochemical Details of Ground Water Samples S.No. Permissible Chinna- D.Cherlo- Patte- Parameter Desirable Limits Units Kothakota Limits kuntapalli palli puram 1 Color 5 15 CU <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 2 pH @ 25.3oC 6.5-8.5 No relaxation - 7,59 7,38 7,67 7,58 3 Turbidity 1 5 NTU <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 Electrical 4 Not Specified Not Specified μMho/cm 1269 965 931 574 Conductivity Total Dissolved 5 500 2000 mg/L 774 627 605 378 Solids Total Suspended 6 Not Specified Not Specified mg/L <10 <10 <10 <10 Solids

7 Alkalinity as CaCO3 200 600 mg/L 312 200 256 204

8 Hardness as CaCO3 200 600 mg/L 400 350 320 200 9 Calcium as Ca 75 200 mg/L 80,16 84,16 76,15 48,09 10 M agnesium as M g 30 100 mg/L 48,6 34,02 31,59 19,44 11 Chlorides as Cl- 250 1000 mg/L 118,26 122,2 59,13 19,71

12 Sulphates as SO4 200 400 mg/L 135,82 142,41 144,06 86,43

13 Nitrate as NO3 45 No relaxation mg/L 23,52 19,08 22,92 14,52 14 Sodium as Na Not Specified Not Specified mg/L 128,4 69,5 79,1 54,5 15 Potassium as K Not Specified Not Specified mg/L 4,9 4,4 4,7 4,5 16 Fluoride as F 1 1,5 mg/L 0,67 0,49 0,52 0,56 17 Iron as Fe 0,3 No relaxation mg/L 0,14 0,26 0,13 0,15 Residual Chlorine as 18 0,2 1 mg/L <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 Cl 19 Boron as B 0,5 1 mg/L <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 20 Zinc as Zn 5 15 mg/L <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 21 Odour Agreeable Agreeable - Agreeable Agreeable Agreeable Agreeable 22 Lead as Pb 0,01 No relaxation mg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 23 M anganese as M n 0,1 0,3 mg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 24 Cadmium as Cd 0,003 No relaxation mg/L <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 25 Copper as Cu 0,05 1,5 mg/L <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 26 Chromium as Cr 0,05 No relaxation mg/L <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 27 Cyanide as CN- 0,05 No relaxation mg/L <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 28 Total arsenic (as As) 0,01 0,05 mg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 29 Mercury (as Hg) 0,001 No relaxation mg/L <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001

Phenolic Compounds 30 0,001 0,002 mg/L <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 as Phenols

31 M ineral oil 0,5 No relaxation mg/L <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

Shall not be Shall not be detectable in detectable in MPN/ 32 Total Coliform Absent Absent Absent Absent any 100 ml any 100 ml s ample s ample 100ml

Shall not be Shall not be detectable in detectable in MPN/ 33 E-Coli Absent Absent Absent Absent any 100 ml any 100 ml s ample s ample 100ml

Table 2. Hydrochemical Details of Surface Water Sample IS 10500 IS 10500 Kothakota S .No Parameter Unit Village Acceptable Permissible Limits Limits 1 pH @ 25.3oC - 8,07 6.5-8.5 No relaxation 2 Turbidity NTU <1.0 1 5 3 Color CU <5.0 5 15 Electrical Not 4 μMho/cm 987 Not Specified Conductivity Specified Total Dissolved 5 mg/L 621 500 2000 solids Total Suspended Not 6 mg/L <10 Not Specified Solids Specified 7 Oil & Grease mg/L <2.0 - -

8 Alkalinity as CaCO3 mg/L 296 200 600

9 Hardness as CaCO3 mg/L 200 200 600 10 Calcium as Ca mg/L 34,46 75 200 11 Magnesium as Mg mg/L 27,7 30 100 12 Chlorides as Cl- mg/L 78,84 250 1000

13 Sulphates as SO4 mg/L 116,07 200 400

14 Nitrate as NO3 mg/L 4,11 45 No relaxation Not 15 Sodium as Na mg/L 146,2 Not Specified Specified Not 16 Potassium as K mg/L 5,4 Not Specified Specified 17 Fluoride as F mg/L 0,41 1 1,5 18 Iron as Fe mg/L 0,22 0,3 No relaxation 19 Chromium as Cr+6 mg/L <0.05 -- -- 20 Zinc as Zn mg/L <0.2 5 15 21 Chromium as Cr mg/L <0.05 0,05 No relaxation Chemical Oxygen 22 mg/L 14 -- -- Demand Biochemical Oxygen 23 Demand(3 Days at mg/L 3,5 -- -- 27OC) 24 Dissolved Oxygen mg/L 5,2 -- -- 25 Copper as Cu mg/L <0.05 0,05 1,5 26 Cyanide as CN- mg/L <0.05 0,05 No relaxation Phenolic Compounds 27 mg/L <0.001 0,001 0,002 as Phenols 28 Mercury (as Hg) mg/L <0.001 0,001 No relaxation 29 Lead as Pb mg/L <0.01 0,01 No relaxation 30 Manganese as Mn mg/L <0.1 0,1 0,3 31 Cadmium as Cd mg/L <0.003 0,003 No relaxation IS 10500 IS 10500 Kothakota S .No Parameter Unit Village Acceptable Permissible Limits Limits 32 Total arsenic (as As) mg/L <0.01 0,01 0,05 Shall not be Shall not be detectable in detectable in 33 Total Coliform MPN/100ml 32 any 100 ml any 100 ml sample sample Shall not be Shall not be detectable in detectable in 34 E-Coli MPN/100ml Absent any 100 ml any 100 ml sample sample

Compared to the ground water samples the surface water samples are less mineralized as indicated in the lesser concentration of total dissolved solids (TDS), chloride, and other parameters.

The results of the hydrochemical sampling data indicate that the quality of ground water is good, potable, alkaline with a pH of over 7, total dissolved solids (TDS) generally below 800 mg/l, and chloride concentrations less than 122 mg/l. The salient features found in the ground water samples of the project site are as follows:

• In chemistry Hydrogen Ion Concentration (pH) is a measure of the acidity or basicity of an aqueous solution. Solutions with a pH less than 7 are said to be acidic and solutions with a pH greater than 7 are basic or alkaline. Pure water has a pH very close to 7. The pH concentration of the water samples collected from the study area varies from 7.38 to 7.67, and is within acceptable limits. • The totals dissolved solids (TDS) ranges from 378 to 774 mg/l, and are within permissible limits of 2000 mg/l indicating its suitability for drinking, domestic, and industrial use. High concentrations of TDS create gastro-intestinal problems, and even may not suitable for certain industrial applications. • Chloride concentrations are within the desirable limits (250 mg/l) of 20 to 122 mg/l. Higher concentrations (>1000 mg/l) can affect taste and palatability, and industrial corrosion of pipes.

• The dominant cation is Na, and the dominant anions are HCO3 and SO4. • The sodium concentrations range from 54 to 128 mg/l. • Sulphates concentrations vary from 86 to 144 mg/l, which is within the acceptable limits of 200 mg/l. • Health hazards of high hardness are insignificant. But high hardness (Ca + Mg) can cause scaling of pipes and hot water appliances. The hardness of samples collected in the area varies 200 to 400 mg/l. These samples are within the permissible limits of 600 mg/l. • There is wide variation in the Fluoride concentrations of the Anantapur district. But the Fluorides in the study area is within the desirable limits of 1.00 mg/l, indicating its healthy concentration (< 0.67 mg/l), and thus leaving no scope for the spread of water-borne diseases like fluorosis, osteosclerosis, etc. • Nitrate concentrations are in the range of 14 to 24 mg/l indicating the area is not affected with the activities of local pollution. • High concentration over 45 mg/l nitrates can be related to the anthropogenic sources (point and diffused) pollution from septic tanks, sewerage waste, application of nitrogen-rich fertilizers, and agricultural processes. • Metallic ionic concentrations like iron and manganese are within the acceptable limits of less than 0.30 and 0.10 mg/l. • Total Coliform and E-Coli are considered to be present specifically in the gut and feces of warm- blooded animals. These are considered to be the best indicator of fecal pollution and the possible presence of pathogens. These are completely absent in samples collected in the area.


1. Ground Water Brochure, Anantapur District, Andhra Pradesh., published by the Southern Region, Central Ground Water Board (CGWB), Hyderabad, September 2013. 2. Ground Water Monitoring and other Reports of Ground Water Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh. 3. Reassessment of Water Resources Potential of India, Central Water Commission (CWC) 1999. 4. Mining Plan for Quartz for M/s SLV Mines & Minerals, Kovur Nagar, Anantapur District, AP,. prepared by Mr. G. Eswar Reddy, RQP/Geologist, Shirdi Nagar, Anantapur, AP,. March, 2015.